My copy arrived today, huzzah!
Having acquired a variety of figures at Salute to start throwing together a company, (actually, two, but I think I'll concentrate on one at a time), I shall now be able to start work on a tea-related company which I have currently given the highly original name of the Empire Tea Company (or ETC for short).
So far I have an idea of a man-portable steam-throwing device which I'll be getting the greenstuff out for, (known as Steam Throwing Ordinance for Military Personnel, or STOMP) - flicking through the rules I envisage it being some sort of flamethrower-like device but, well, steam. I'm also thinking of some sort of tea-dispensing device as akin to a medic. It's all a work in progress.
Anyway, I shall probably reinvent my defunct blog when I get going with this, and shall post updates and photos and so forth should anyone care to peruse, as well as a company list thingy, though being rather slow at painting and time limited (painting is what I do when I'm not writing my PhD thesis...) then I can't guarantee the regularity of such updates!