I'm slightly disappointed by this release,when the kickstarter was announced I had high hopes of an up to date range which would have replaced the Perry twins original foray into this period,their figures,in my opinion,are the benchmark for future additions/releases in this period.
The Sikh lancer miniatures do look like weak sculpts,perhaps it's the camera angle,also are the British lancers lances correct,seems like a medieval boar spear head on them,again perhaps it's the angle the photo was taken.All in all I think these figures are some of the weakest sculpts I've seen in a long time,the faces look soft and the poses of the rank and file just don't look right.
Sorry for what seems a negative post it's just that I'm feeling a little let down by what I had hoped was going to be the go to range for this period.
Just my twopenneth of course and I'm sure the range will do well as their kickstarter was well subscribed.