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Author Topic: Desert Game Matt  (Read 2023 times)

Offline Alfrik

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Desert Game Matt
« on: February 21, 2009, 08:06:43 PM »
I worked up a desert or arid game matt that is 4 feet by 6 feet. Info and pictures here:


And there you have it.

Painting Pledge for 2014 Cthulhu Wars and all expansions figures to paint! Arrrgh!

Offline Dewbakuk

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Re: Desert Game Matt
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2009, 09:08:36 PM »
Impressive result. No damage from rolling it up? Never heard of Kel Seal, what's it used for?
So many projects..... so little time.......

Offline Hitman

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Re: Desert Game Matt
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2009, 10:05:31 PM »
What is Kel Seal? Where is it available from? Do you have to work with it outside? You indicated that it took about an hour to flatten out after it was rolled...does it crack after being rolled? Will heat or cold affect it? I probably have other questions, but can't think of them right now. The reason is that I have 2 very large green felt pieces...6' x 16', and I wouldn't mind trying it out on one of them. If it worked for a desert setting, I would probably try it out for a snow-scape setting as well. The local material store has dark brown felt and white felt in 6' wide sizes....
Victory is guaranteed to the last man standing, but always remember those whom you stepped on to get there!!

Offline Alfrik

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Re: Desert Game Matt
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2009, 11:30:13 PM »
Kel Seal , Elastomeric Patch come is brushable or trowlable 1 gallon bucket from Kelly Moore paints, retails for approximately 28$. You might find it in 1 quart containers at some paint stores, other paint stores carry their own brand of brushable caulking. There is Textured and Smooth, textured being for outdoor Stucco repair of cracks.I used probably 3/4 of a gallon for the 4'x6'. Felt is very pourous and took the first coat smearing with a slightly curved wooden ruler that I warped, the KS is basicly caulking you would squeeze out of a tube but the 1 gallon tub allows easier access and spreads like butter on bread.  I left it to dry under a ceiling fan for about 2 hours, until the surface is dry to the touch. As it was drying any lines left in the KS from the "knife" I was using to spread it could be tapped out with my finger. When I finished the second coat and it was dry after a day, I went back and filled in spots that still appeared thin by simply spreading in that area and feathering it out and away, left dry to the next day and then painted. Proably left it for another day as I was working on my endless pine tree project, the goal is to hit 90 to 100 trees , and am at about 25 now.

There is no damage from rolling it up. Being a latex caulking material designed to fill over cracks in outdoor stucco its advertising indicates that it exspands in heat and then can contract in cold weather. I roll it up as I would have some definet Fold edges if I were to fold it up. Probably smooth back out in a couple of hours after being unfolded for a game, but the roll up method really works better in my opinion.  Skrapwelder and I will be working on a canvas sheet he has that is to be reworked from Paint and Flock method. On my second matt which is made the same but with Smooth KS instead of textured I spread the first coat the same, then on the second coat I would spread about 3 or 4 square feet and Heap flocking on and then use a Stone Rolling Pin to smash the flocking into the KS and let be for a couple hours. Knock of the excess and start the next section, feathering it back over the flock edge. I'll add Get Photos of the Grass matt to my to-do list and put them up soon.

I'm sure the snow setting would work great being white :)

Offline Dewbakuk

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Re: Desert Game Matt
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2009, 09:51:09 AM »
Ah, so it's a big tub of caulk. Might need to give this a go, thanks!

With regards to the snow board, if available, go for a pale blue felt. Would look quite realistic with that showing through any small cracks.

Offline Hitman

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Re: Desert Game Matt
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2009, 02:56:59 AM »
Very interesting. What country are you in as I am not familiar with the store you listed. Another question. Would the method you describe work on both sides of the felt or would it be too think to roll up? I look forward to your next report with additional pictures. Thanks a lot.

Offline Alfrik

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Re: Desert Game Matt
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2009, 04:16:18 AM »
I live in California, united states. Check with any real paint store, not a box hardware store. I am going to try a double sided matt soon.


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