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Miniatures Adventure => Colonial Adventures => Topic started by: giorgio on June 04, 2021, 08:59:32 AM

Title: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 04, 2021, 08:59:32 AM
Hereafter I'm posting the campaign I'm having with Piero "Umra Khan" about my Waziri revolt. I'm attaching the previous messages/letters/pictures up to date!

April 1890. The quiet life on the North West Frontier was broken by the malicious Wazir Mulehead el Komiss Khan.
This bandit has sent a letter to His Excellency The Viceroy The Marquis of Lansdowne Governor General of India manifesting all the bad intentions he has to overcome the powerful Umra Khan , Khan of the Khans , Ruler of Bajaur and Khyber pass, Lord of the Afridis
The letter was attached as a recent photo of Mulehead Khan.
" I Mulehead el Komiss,
Khan of Shawal, Lord of Wana and Maizar, ruler of Largha and Barga Sherani, future king of all Afghanistan, declare Umra Khan  rejected from Punjab and must be banished  from all the land south of Peshawar and I release your Pashtun  from their oath of loyalty to him to accept them, repentant, under my holy flags before marching and burning  Tirah Fortress. I'm waiting anxiously the arrival of new ordered lancers and then I shall unleash hell in Afghanistan!!!😡👳‍♂️"
The Governor of India will take certainly a resolute action against this rebel Khan.
Title: Re: Never trust anyone in the Frontier
Post by: giorgio on June 04, 2021, 09:04:29 AM
Kolkata May the 23rd 1890
From the Residency of His Excellency The Viceroy of India The Marquis of Lansdowne
From the Governor General of India to Brig.Gen. Bindon Blood in Rawalpindi.
Dispatch N 123456
 "With reference of the disturbance caused in Waziristan and other regions of the North West Frontier I instruct Brig. Gen. Bindon Blood to send a military force to Waziristan to quell the revolt attempts of the local khan Mulehead el Komiss Khan and restore the Raj rule over the region .
Signed by His Excellency The Governor General of India
The Viceroy The Marquis of  Lansdowne
Now story is up to  the Military.
Title: Re: Never trust anyone in the Frontier
Post by: giorgio on June 04, 2021, 09:07:54 AM
Mogala May 1890
Letter from Umra Khan to Brig.Gen. Bindon Blood
Hosoor General Blood Great Commander of the British Raj may Allah protect you,
I have received in my poor  Palace messengers from the Wazir Mulehead el Komiss Khan with the prayer  to follow him in a Jihad.
This is the letter I gave them for their Khan:
" Mulehead el komiss Khan my dear friend, what you have done with your hands you must now carry on your own backs.
I have nothing to do with you.
You are the best judge of your affairs.
Now that you have got into trouble you want me to help you.
You have allowed the time when matters might have ameliorated to slip by.
Now I cannot say or do anything.
I have sent back from my poor Palace in Mogala the Maliks you had deputed to me.
I gave them each a lungi and 5 Rupees for their road expenses.
Umra Khan "
So now Hosoor ( General Blood ) you know my attitude on this matter .
Is time Hosoor that you loose the dogs and start the game, punishing the malicious Wazir for his behaviour.
I issued order to my own people not to join the Wazirs gatherings and directed that no refugee within his dominion should be accorded to armed bodies of tribesmen fleeting before the advance of your troops.
I pray Allah to have you again at  my Palace , may you not be tired.
Umra Khan
Title: Re: Never trust anyone in the Frontier
Post by: giorgio on June 04, 2021, 09:12:42 AM
May 1890 in a fortified tower in Waziristan
I Wazir Mulehead El Komiss Khan, Union of Light and Faith, only and true King of Islam, order to you my faithful servants Growly Khan and ELQuartah Khan to strictly follow my orders. Feringhies are entering into the trap and now we are ready to snap the spring with the vily Umra, actually on our side. My great powerness Mulehead el Komiss order that immediately after destroying the feringhi's columns one by one, you collect all the mules and baggage camels and bring them under my tower, the unexpugnable one, and then you'll recover under my holy flags and we will march together to Kyber Pass to defeat the thugs under Umra Khan. Nobody will kill him, that will be my privilege before burning his fort in front of his astonished eyes...but today let him trust on us against our common enemies.
Sir I respectfully send to you the summary of the conversations that the bandit Mulehead had with 2 Khans of his and a couple of sketches of his fortified tower and that were  reported by a well payed spy hidden in the roof of his tower. Humble servant   Tanas Singh, Subedar 2 Sikh company of Guides PFF.
Title: Re: Never trust anyone in the Frontier
Post by: giorgio on June 04, 2021, 09:18:30 AM
Rawalpindi 29th May 1890
From Lt. General Bindon Blood to Gen. Simmons in Dera Ismail Khan and to Gen. Davenport in Kohat.
The British Government has determined to despatch a force under my command to march through the country of the Waziris, capture the Mulehead Khan and bring his tribe to a Jirgha to submit the terms of the British Sirkar.
The force was officially styled the Waziristan Field Force ( WFF), it will be composed of two mixed brigades.
The first brigade under command of Gen. Simmons will move from Dera Ismail Khan and reach Wana via Tank and Jandola.
The second brigade under the command of Gen. Davenport will move from Kohat and reach Bannu, stationing there as a movable column ready to intercept Mulehead Khan and his followers in the case he will like to move north looking to join  Umra Khan.
The composition of the WFF is given below:
2nd Brigade Gen.Simmons
1st battalion East Kent Regiment
2nd battalion Gordon H. Regiment
2nd battalion 1st Sikh PFF
1st  battalion 6th Punjabi PFF
1st battalion 5th Gurkha Regiment
N.2 Derajat mtn.battery 1st and 2nd secrion
N.3 coy Bombay sappers & miners
N.5 British field hospital
N. 34 Native field hospital
Title: Re: Never trust anyone in the Frontier
Post by: giorgio on June 04, 2021, 09:20:42 AM
Kohat  31th May 1890
From  General Davenport to Col. Fullerton in Hangu.
The order is  to march to Bannu, then we size the position and eventually will proceed to Idak to get full control of Tochi Valley. You will proceed at maximum speed towards Thal and from there thru Spirwam in order to join my column in Bannu where I'm going directly from Kohat. You will bring to Bannu all the force  under  your command and specifically a mobile  column consisting of 2 companies of Guides (Punjabi and Sikh), 1 squadroon of Guide and in support 1 squadroon of 10th Bengal lancers.
The order is than to patrol the area to  prevent any possible escape of Mulehead versus North.
We will decide there if stop in Bannu or march directly towards Wana and get the head of Mulehead before the first brigade leave his forts out of Waziristan. Due the need of confidentiality and speed, no mercy will be provided to civilians which do not cooperate or create troubles.
In case  you see opportunities don't lose the possibility to burn rebels' towers and submit villages to prevent their aid to rebels.
Attached the map with planned movements of 2nd Brigade and some sketches of Fullerton's Guides flying column and Captain Attenborough's Lancers squadroon.
To Bannu !!!
Title: Re: Never trust anyone in the Frontier
Post by: giorgio on June 04, 2021, 10:02:18 AM
In the meantime in Bajaur Umra Khan has arranged a pig hunt for his friends, Capt. Mainwaring the Political Officer and Lt. Manners-Smith of the 5th Gurkhas ...the first pig is for Manners-Smith
Title: Re: Never trust anyone in the Frontier
Post by: Umra Khan on June 04, 2021, 06:02:55 PM
Great work Giorgio...👏👏
but never trust a waziri and don't forget the arithmetic on the Frontier 😁
Title: Re: Never trust anyone in the Frontier
Post by: Umra Khan on June 04, 2021, 06:27:59 PM
1st arithmetic problem:
how to empty a tower with 10 Waziris inside and be left with 4 Afridis and the  mule of Mulehead Khan...
Umra Khan has the solution.
Title: Re: Never trust anyone on the Frontier
Post by: Umra Khan on June 05, 2021, 10:23:32 AM
Gen.Simmons and his staff on reconnaissance on the road to Jandola
Title: Re: Never trust anyone on the Frontier
Post by: Umra Khan on June 05, 2021, 10:37:47 AM
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on June 07, 2021, 03:22:45 AM
Trust me, I find myself on pins and needles, awaiting what's to come.  Everything looks impressive, but I am especially struck by the over-the-horizon view of Waziristan!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 07, 2021, 03:12:21 PM
Mad Guru, thanks for your photos, they completely change my mind about Old Glory artillery set.
they are good and your paint is beautiful.
Mad Guru try, for your personal well-being, to avoid the friendship with such Wazir, he isn't so bad but
he has strange beliefs about the course of life, is convinced to defeat Feringhi  and the powerful Umra.
I tried to teach him something but it turned out to be just a waste of time.
the malicious poor wazir is not sailed like us who have fought for so many years.
he has no mule, neither warriors , he's just a poor man.
He'll end up hiding inside his tower as soon as he hears the first shot of rifle ; and I kindly, after kicking him in the back ,bring the Wazir ,Oh Great Mad Guru , to you as my personal gift.
your always friendly Umra Khan

bhang ka puda lakdi naheen ho sakta kyunke wazir adami naheen ho sakta
a cannabis plant cannot be wood as a Wazir  cannot be a man .
Afridi's sentence

PS hoping there is not a real Wazir here, is just a joke  lol lol

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 07, 2021, 03:20:48 PM
Unfortunately the desert voices are reporting that Umra has collected other figures and scenery and it will be thougher than planned but, with the Mightful help, the pet of Kafiri will be in chains and all his masters defeated.
Most honourable Mad, please be so generous to consider the possibility to attend my incoronation cerimony which will be held in the fort, Umra's past owner, just after his jump in the horrid ravine he is collecting... Unfortunately before I have to handle with some stupid Feringhi who believe they can overcome the Almighty will.
I prostrate myself at your feet and I rely on your wise suggestions to eradicate Umra's contagious pestilence...
In my new flag is written in Urdu "Death to Feringhi"...
But to increase my youths morale I should complete the bases ...

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 07, 2021, 08:13:28 PM
This is a plea that the Malicious Wazir sent to me Umra Khan for fear of being severeley beaten.

" Oh Powerful among the Powerful Oh Noble among the Nobles, the poets will sing the generosity of the Great Umra, Khan of all Afridis ".

The messenger was sent back to the Malicious Wazir
with 3 rupees for travel expenses and with the promises to put him as khan of the Waziris when the Malicious will be destituite ,....and without a tower and followers forced to wander between mountains and gullys....until the Malicious Wazir will reaches Kafiristan where he will end up blinded by  the glare of snow and ice.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 07, 2021, 08:27:11 PM
Generous Umra, light of believers, I'm sending you back the head of your messanger . The remaining parts unfortunately have already been eaten by my dogs.
I have now mules and camels! My waziris are bringing back them from Kabyr pass were they were stolen. Their arrival will depend by Post efficiency... It is ridiculous the story that to have them I had to give you a village of mine.
The village was a present from my munificent generosity, Spinwam.
You will find very soon that the prodigality of a Wazir can be bitter than a snake bite...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 07, 2021, 08:55:41 PM
Your courier will end up in the clutches of my Afridis who are waiting for him at Dolo Pass.....

you can always complain about the bad service at the post office in Ambala
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Forays on June 08, 2021, 01:27:20 AM
Lovely Old School Adventure

Well done gentlemen! Seriously thinking of starting one myself soon.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on June 08, 2021, 03:11:33 AM
Giorgio, I’m loving this narrative, very exciting! I’m looking forward to some after action reports from the battles that develop in your campaign.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 08, 2021, 01:15:47 PM
Giorgio, I’m loving this narrative, very exciting! I’m looking forward to some after action reports from the battles that develop in your campaign.

by the way , you have a very nice blog  :-*
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 09, 2021, 01:48:12 PM
My loyal Khans, my beloved sons, faithful to me as their Khan and above all to our true religion: TMWWBK, the almighty rule which controls and decides all the miniatures battles.
The corruption spread out by Feringhis is contaminating more and more and deserves a quick and drastic solution. But our Ruler is wise and patient, wait in the shadow of the rock to harass the stupid Kafiri.
The Almighty Ruler wants to test our faith and we will overcome, from Peshawar to Memphis my holy flags will certificate that there is only one rule for wargaming colonial and I’m its invincible Master.
Grey shadows are all over our beloved Waziristan but good news are also coming. Just now courier brought, some holy kakhi colours and I will be able to paint more highlander to storm Umra’s fort.
The situation seems complicated but it is all under my full control, the stupid Kafiris acting according my planned designs.
My bluff with Umra succeeded: I pretended not being able to steeling his mules/camels and offered for his carovans the village of Spinwam to be attraversed by a column of Guides. Unfortunately for Umra and his followers I forgot to inform about the exchange some snipers of mine.
As the guides approach they will be fired upon, so they will look for revenge and stupid Umra will attack them to vindicate the burnt village.
In the meantime, some troubles generated in Kajuri Kach will oblige the south column to detach some troops to manage them but they will find the death. Probably the impetuous Davenport from Bannu will deviate north to be destroyed by Umra’s jackals and we will handle Simmons without any help and we will destroy him. At that point we will march towards Tirah to burn Umra’s fort and towers.
But I will have a terrible revenge also on his new followers, specifically Italwars and Mad Guru, believers of the False Rules. TSATF followers  are much more unfaithful than followers of Black Powder, even more than Warhammer fanatics, they have create much more damages to the colonial wargamer community . For the ignorant wargamers they pretend to be historically accurate even they don’t believe in Kipling and the 3 lancers. Whenever it is possible they attack TMWWBK followers, are the worst among the true believers’ enemies… War and punishment according the TMWWBK law are some of the  greatest actions and most important duties.
The worst among these Kafiris is Mad Guru, once light of the faith but now reduced to humble Umra’s puppet.
Now the next actions: El Quartah with his Perry’s snipers will unleash the hell in the North and Growly Khan with his Foundry Ghazis prepare to snap the trap for the Feringhis’reinforcements…
Many other Khans are already embracing the new Rule faith, I have heard that Sergeant Guinnes is changing his blog to remove all the pictures showing regiments numbered according the false rule and replacing with new one with 12 feringhi and 16 pashtan each. If confirmed it will be another proof that wargames Gods are with us. Great glory to the only Rule and great glory to the true followers …😉
Very soon pictures from the road to Kajuri Kach...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 09, 2021, 02:07:52 PM
The Malicious Wazir is completely illiterate, rumors are circulating that he is also blind in one eye, burned for punishment by his grandfather for stealing a samosa cake,
he barely understands the figures ... we will play TSATF making him believe it is TMWWBK.

Probably ,having the Waziro little sense of orientation , he will not arrive in time for the battle and will get lost , as usually,  between the mountains, ravines and gullys.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 09, 2021, 02:10:18 PM
 "who dismays doughed horses who kneeling camels,
  who loads and unloads bales and bassokes,
  who draws water for the evening meal,
  who pays for camels and who hires new servants,
  who screams, discusses, sells and bargains....
  and in the midst of all this confusion prowls the poor desperate Wazir, telling everyone that he was a powerful khan and asking for his stories
  in exchange for little food and a sip of water. "

reinterpretation of a RK poem in a sad story , enclosed in the book " The Wazir and his missed Mules" available in every decent bookstore in Wana and Miranshah.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: italwars on June 09, 2021, 05:18:00 PM
Bellissimo ! Beautiful better than Hugo Prat 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: italwars on June 09, 2021, 05:41:48 PM
BUT! My friends  in the villages from the other side of the pass told me that a Khan which had been brided with ammo boxes and even a modern Enfield rifle by the government,  accepted, contrary to the wish of his people , that he ll not only anymore purchase slaves and steal goats , not to mention avoid killing the infidel Hindu Employees  and postmasters from Bombay,  but, above  all, he ll avoid and burn the sacred book TSATF …that s not a man decision but a nemsaab  one…I’ll probably  experiment some troubles in keeping calm and peaceful my young warriors ..maybe a Jirga is required to talk about rules choices 😄😄…the great book from Larry Brom no more allowed and replaced by something modern texts is really an evil idea.tribal .traditions  cannot be deleted 😄
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on June 09, 2021, 07:09:30 PM
Holy camel dung! All I can say is that I want to game with you guys. NO matter what rules we use it will surely be BIG FUN!!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 09, 2021, 07:39:00 PM
My brother from different mother I knew you are a follower of the true Rule. Very good your tactic to show no preference to betray at the last second. in the meantime continue to change pictures in your blog and please cut off any image reproducing the perfidous traitor the Mad of Shat. When I will be king you will play polo with his head, But before follow strictly my instructions, I received ammo not by bribing but because the Feringhi fear me. now all material is going to Kajuri Kach, Italwars traitor and Kafiri puppet is speaking too loudly and risks to ruin my trap...he deserves a special reward, after....be patient and wait the news with my triumphs
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 09, 2021, 08:55:13 PM
From Gen Simmons in Tank Waziristan to HQ Gen. Bindon Blood

" I received information from our ally Umra Khan that a caravan of camels and mules with rifles and ammunition , intended to the rebel Mulehead Khan , will reach Manzai before the final destination to Wana.
I'm sending a strong detachment under the command of Capt. J.K.Carruthers  to intercept the column, seize the weapons and impose taxes to local Malik and Headmen  for the  help to the rebel.
News of the mission will be sent soon.
In the meantime I'm entrenching in Tank with the Brigade, ready to support Carruthers in case has to face unexpected problems
Yours faithfully
Gen. Simmons "
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on June 10, 2021, 08:59:02 AM
At times like these I find it best to slaughter a neighbor's prize lamb... and pause for a kebab -- otherwise I might rush pell-mell to condemn my venerable blood-brother-in-arms Sgt. Guinness (his nom de guerre comes from a prize taken off the corpse of a Farangi commander he bested in battle), for having fallen under the sway of a confessed heretic and lover of infidels, AKA: Il Giorgio False Fakir of Waziristan.

This brazen apostate declares his love for a text called, "The Men Who Would be Kings" -- while all True Faithful who reside between the Hindu Kush and the River Indus need not reminding that they, their fathers, their fathers' fathers, and so on and such like back to the days when our ancestors were pagans and idolators have never called any man "KING"!  Emir... Khan... Malik... Mirza... Sardar... Nawab... perhaps, but never "King".

Then, like a heretical Sahir, this puppet of the Infidels and their idol-worshipping lackeys even resorts to the bewitchment of numbers: "20 vs. 12... 20 vs. 16," in direct opposition to the famous words of the great and wise Imam Abū ʿĪsā Muḥammad ibn ʿĪsā as-Sulamī aḍ-Ḍarīr al-Būghī at-Tirmidhī -- mercy and blessings be upon him -- to wit: "The penalty for the magician is death by the sword."

So I submit that this same sentence ought apply to he who turns his back on the path of the devout in favor of petty selfish ambition to defeat his neighbor -- the devout and righteous Umra Khan -- under the banner of a book of foreign Kings.  For what has become of those foreign Kings who seek sovereignty over us... be they Greek, Mongol, Hindu, Persian, or English?  Let us add the name of Il Giorgio the False Fakir of Waziristan to the list, for as he embraces Farangi scripture, so a Farangi he becomes.  Scratch him and you will find an English, or mayhaps a Russ.  O Faithful I beseech thee, rid the land of this son of a water carrier, and we will all eat lamb in paradise!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 11, 2021, 08:21:25 AM
Dear Khans, the day of true believer triumph is coming.
Some devoted sons in true faith informed that the Kafiri’s khan General Simmons is as scary as a pasthan rabbit, he is trenching in Tank and sent few ferenghis to patrol the country toward west.
The ammo boxes brought by our Parsi brothers are arriving into Kajuri Karg and from there through Manzai will reach Jandola to provide new rifles to our devotees.
Multiple scenarios possible according also what will happen north of Bannu and Davenport decisions.
We are the blessed by the dice, because we follow the true Rules and the WIse El Ospreyy as-Distributor ad-Producer  has blessed us with two new gifts: we will be untouchable by feringhi bullets  (or at lesast they will get a minus 2… :o) and by the great miracle of “skirmish mode” we will be able to deploy our tribesmen with half number of warriors, so our tribes will be automatically doubled. o_o
May Almighty Ruler give you war against infidels, abundant blessings to your dice, wisdom to chose the right faith, everlasting joy when all traitors will be executed.
My mind blessed by El Ospreyy gives me internal peace but externally I’m fury, now I’m laughing thinking the surprise of Kafiri when will discover we have new rifles and that Umra is not the reliable ally they believe…
Our enemies have ridiculous names such as Italwars who has not even the courage of use his real khan name and we will remember it the day of executions. No Kabuli will be spared if they do not return to the true Law.
Serg.Guinnes, my noble friend, I see that not yet all pictures have been converted to the true Laws, I’ve heard the the Mad of Swat is conspiring to kill you, anticipate his moves and join the True cause, brother in Faith and sword of the Ruler. Today you will be honored as a true follower, after my triumphs your absence might be read as coward… but I know your fierce courage and I’m looking to fight with your warriors against all the traitors.
Now let’s wait impatiently for the new rifles and death to all Kafiris! >:D
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 11, 2021, 02:37:22 PM
Somewhere between Sambaza and Manzai on the dusty path that crosses Mughai Kot, a caravan moves slowly meandering between mountains and ravines, it is a long line of mules and camels, the bearers and men of the mountain that accompany it are nervous,  perhaps the contents of the crates are valuable and very important...and also dangerous....
Pattern 1853 Enfield, Lebel model 1886, Gras model 1874, Remington rolling block, Berdan and ammunitions, and a special present for Mulehead  Khan ( aka  the False Fakir of Waziristan ) a Colt Walker with ivory grip.
may Allah the Merciful protect these men from the fury of the Feringhi and make his faithful find their way to Manzai.


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 12, 2021, 09:39:04 AM
June 12th 1890 Sir I respectfully send to you the summary of the conversations that the bandit Mulehead had with few messengers from  Khirgi and three sketches of the meeting not far from his  fortified tower and that were  reported by our spy still hidden in the roof of his tower.
Humble servant   Tanas Singh, Subedar 2 Sikh company of Guides PFF.
in a fortified tower in Waziristan:
Mighty Mulehead, Light of Waziris, true Khan of all the lands between Delhi and Kabul, protector of widows and orphans, Defenser of True Rule, Light of Faith, a messenger is just arrived with news from El Growly. He has heard news about a column of few Guides moving towards Manzai. In order to prevent any unlikely meeting with the reinforcements coming from Kajuri Karg he has left the safe fort in Kirghi and is moving towards Manzai to intercept the column and if possible steel the Guides’ horses and collect some new heads for the next Polo tournament. Then rifles will be escorted back to Jandala to provide new weapons to your invincible Army, Khan of the followers of True justice, and we’ll follow your instructions: “peace is just an apostrophe between the words I’ll kill you and a pause for the warriors to allow reloading”
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on June 12, 2021, 04:16:06 PM
Great looking tower and supply column.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 13, 2021, 09:03:14 PM
From the Tank base a quick column under the orders of the vigilant and slouching Capt. Carruthers, made up of 300 rifles of the 5th Gurkhas and 200 rifles of the 6th Punjabis, climbing the hills in the direction of Manzai.
The information received from the faithful Tanas Singh
speaks of Waziris gathering in anticipation of receiving
 a load of weapons intended for the impostor Mulehead Khan .
The task of the smart Capt. Carruthers is to intercept the weapons dealer, capture the evil  El Growly and impose taxes on the village for providing assistance to the rioter.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 14, 2021, 02:00:12 PM
Battle of Manzai 14th June 1890.
On approaching the Manzai village the troops under the command of Capt. Carruthers are under fire from a waziri lashkar; Carruthers orders alt and deploys two wings of Gurkhas in front of the enemy and keeps the other companies of the 6th Punjabis in reserve.

the Gurkhas with attached Leader Capt. Carruthers  open fire causing several hits, but despite this  a lashkar attempts to charge  but stops a few meters ( bad dice result not closing ) from the Gurkhas that shoot them precisely. and are forced to retreat.


Another wazir unit under the command of El Growly run to contact with the 2nd Gurkhas wing , the melee is very violent with heavy losses on both sides, ( but one waziri pushed back ) tipping the battle in favour of the Nepal's little men.


The battle of Manzai ended with El Growly on rout as many other Waziri's units.
What was a victory on the field for the Raj turns into a defeat because the caravan with the weapons managed to pass.

What remains vivid in gallant Carruthers' eyes was the speed with which El growly escaped.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 14, 2021, 02:13:19 PM
Rumors are circulating throughout the Frontier, from Zhob Valley to Chitral and then up to the land of the Kanjutes, that the False Fakir  the Malicious Wazir has embraced the true faith and participated in a battle using the True Word "THE TSATF". ... after the battle , (which is the first World or Italy  TSATF online game )the Malicious Wazir literally said "nice, very funny".
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: italwars on June 14, 2021, 03:49:11 PM
Rumors are circulating throughout the Frontier, from Zhob Valley to Chitral and then up to the land of the Kanjutes, that the False Fakir  the Malicious Wazir has embraced the true faith and participated in a battle using the True Word "THE TSATF". ... after the battle , (which is the first World or Italy  TSATF online game )the Malicious Wazir literally said "nice, very funny".

It has already been used between Italy (Rome) and Philadelphia for depicting a holy clash between our brothers the Berbers and the infidel French colonizers supported by the traitors of their own people the Tirailleurs Algeriens ..at least it was a game between real men driven by TSATF and not mensaab and slaves or Haratin who use TMTWBK 😄
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 15, 2021, 10:50:22 AM
June 15th 1890 Sir I respectfully send to you the summary of the conversations that the bandit Mulehead had with few messengers from  Manzai and his following speech,  that were  reported by our spy still hidden in the roof of his tower, with a couple of sketches of the meeting.
Humble servant   Tanas Singh, Subedar 2 Sikh company of Guides PFF.
in a fortified tower in Waziristan:
Noble Waziris, the Almighty Ruler gave his powerful blessing to me, his faithful and loyal humble servant, me the Mighty Mulehead, Light of Waziris, true Khan of all the lands between Delhi and Kabul, protector of widows and orphans, Defensor of True Rule, Light of Faith.
Messengers are just arrived with news from El Growly. One and only one was the important and significative result: getting rifles to Jandola and we succeeded. El Growly has been punished to have deviated from the True Path and the dice gave him an heavy warning message: you’ll never betray TMWWBK.
His tribesman are already rallying around his flag to harass the Gen Simmons kafiris if they will dare to go out from Tank.
But now my beloved sons let us raise the eyes to North: there my trap is snapping and Umra infidels and Feringhis will destroy each other.
And then with new rifles : TO TIRAHHH
Italwars, son of a blind jackall reveal your true name, accept the new Rules and march under my flags to destroy the Swat and his renegated khan the Mad Guru!
Sergt Guinnes declare your faith and bring me the Mad’s head with or without the rest of his body and I will nominate you Khan of all the Swat.
To the North brothers,to Bannu sons,  to the North!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 16, 2021, 06:02:23 PM
In the meantime Umra Khan The Legend , who is a rich and wise man, having learned of a caravan of weapons and ammunitions moving on the Frontier, hired the caravan leader and bought all the cargo at double the market price.
After paid the weapons dealer Umra instructs his henchmen to cut his throat and recover the money.
Now the weapons are in the Umra's stronghold!
The scribes will write down this  story and the poets will  tell about this robbery  in the long winter evenings , they will cheer the fires of the Afridis and of The Sage among the Wise , the Mighty among the Mighty ... Umra the Legendary .
So be it written, so be it done!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 16, 2021, 06:33:52 PM
But the wise Mulehead had given the right dispositions and rifle shutters were in a different caravan...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on June 16, 2021, 07:34:53 PM
Well done, Umra, my son!

Meanwhilst, RE: these "rifle shutters" broached by HIM WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED (aka: Il False Fakir of Waziristan)... might that be a  damp-minded, palaver-challenged allusion to... triggers? barrels? breeches? bolts?  Fear not, pertaineth the wise, nor allow these minor complicados to get thy turban in a twist, as the threat from he who knows not the proper terms for rifle parts is of middling to trifle quantitative reasoning at best unhinged!  So quote the Faithful from Mecca to Karbala and back to Medina via the Memphis roundabout.

Hear me now, listen to me tomorrow and forget me not under yesterday's bloodshot moon rise: this disturbance in the force of the true texts of the Blessed and promotion of false Infidel texts here in the Land of the Faithful has ECHOED ACROSS THESE HARSH WASTES WE CALL HOME!  You have sown the wind, Il Giorgio False Fakir of Waziris... so shall you REAP THE WHIRLWIND!  Look to the mountains and hilltops that surround the petit squat valley your tiny troops call home... and let your evil eyes grow ever wider and wider still with shock and awe.  So I predict... so I edict.

YES -- from across the horizons of the distant 'stans, our metal minions are coming for you, Fakiri!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 16, 2021, 08:09:33 PM
Mad Guru forgive him, he's not used to guns ... he had ordered guns they sent him lids...
The rifles with their bolts are all in my hands.
In the powerful  hands of The Mighty Umra the Great Lord of Darra .
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 17, 2021, 09:15:08 AM
El Quartah my son, The Almighty Ruler is blessing your actions, the trap is working! My messages have been intercepted by spies of infedels and I’m still laughing if I think to them trying to understand the fake words I included. They will discover what is missing in their rifles when they will try to use them!
I have heard of your valorous action against the Feringhis, you fired on them and they did not spare the village I gave to Umra. So now I have his carovans and he has nothing.
This is the destiny for the one who follows the wrong Ruler, devoted to a Mad who is just able to shout “Bid ah” against any innovation, but the Almighty Ruler provided us new rules to get the same pleasure using less figures, and He said is only with good Dice that you can succeed. The wheel of the History is turning over the Mad of fools and his devotees, people without a name of Khan or, like Umra, thief and perjury.
Umra’s kafiris will try to revenge on Feringhi and we will harvest the fruits of our strategy: you will attack the Umra’s jackals when they are depleted and tired , so  Spinwam will be mine again and than we’ll march to Darra to burn the new house built by Umra, he is a coward and unable to fight but damn’d good with forts and houses building.  Umra is a thief and it is written in the Holy Rules that for crime of theft  "to the thief,  cut off his hands": a punishment by way of example for his crime: which is generated by the false lessons by the Mad of Shat.
When I will be the Khan of all Tirah we will go to Swat where I have some credits to collect, specifically one head of the Guru of Infidels!
Keep high morale and be loyal to your Khan, I got messages that the brothers in faith of our beloved friend Sgt Guinness are already marching to join us in the triumphal campaign, he is hidden in the shadow , will hit sudden like a tiger and all Swat will be under his wise governance under the shield of my Army. Italwars choose a name worthy of a Khan and complete the encirclement of the Infidels. Great glory is promised to the Ruler for the One who follows the right Rules, aka TMWWBK.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 17, 2021, 09:57:50 AM
Spinwam June 17th
From Col Fullerton to Gen Davenport
Sir, my best respects to you. I am happy to inform you that following your order I am directing towards Bannu. We have been attacked near the village of Spinwam where I am actually and we had to react , As you well know here there are  only rough hills to be penetrated, robber fastnesses to be scaled, and dwellings containing people, all of them to a man concerned in hostilities.

To spare this village would be about as reasonable as to spare the commissariat supplies  of a civilized enemy. Operation included the destruction of Pashtun village, crops, concealed provisions, and supplies of water.
I can proudly say that we have created the maximum inconvenience and total bankruptcy for these uncivilized bandits.
Now we can safely proceed towards Bannu to re-join with your brigade main column.
It is important to underline that the village was one of Umra's new acquisitions, so we have to utterly disbelieve this bandit self proclaiming our friend.
Col Fullerton
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 17, 2021, 11:09:44 AM
I Samir Dad third cousin of Umra's (may his name always be remembered ) maternal grandfather's brother's uncle, inform you  Omar the Beautiful ,Sword of Believers , that a column of Feringhi from Spinwam is going to cross  by the pass of Gulla Jan Kot.
Can the Feringhi taste the cold steel of the blades of the Afridis, and the bullets that Umra (may his name always be remembered ) has stolen to the Malicious Wazir, and will kill the Feringhi  for the right Faith ,aka TSATF .
Fullerton Sahib and his Feringhi will be defeated by their own Creed, the infernal TMWWBK will open the doors of their hell where they will burn forever for their sins.
So be it written, so be it done!

Umra The Immense , Father of all the Afridis, is too "faithful " to the English and cannot give this order of attack, which I do , His humble servant
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on June 17, 2021, 11:24:32 AM
Preach, brother Dad!!!!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an...epic NWF Campaign.TF&TS or TMWWBK?
Post by: giorgio on June 17, 2021, 04:01:29 PM
June 17th 1890 Sir I respectfully send to you the summary of the speech that the bandit Mulehead had with his followers,  that were  reported by our spy still hidden in the roof of his tower . I attach also the order of battle and some gossip on involved officers and khans as described by Mulehead himself in an internal meeting with his Khans.
Humble servant   Tanas Singh, Subedar 2 Sikh company of Guides PFF.

Almighty and most Merciful Ruler, we remember before you all poor and neglected tribesmen whom it would be easy for us to forget: the homeless and the destitute, the old and the sick, and all who have none to care for them and get only 1 with their dice. Help us to heal those who are broken in body or spirit, to rally them when pinned and to turn their sorrow into joy. Grant this, Ruler, for the love of your followers , who for Your glory and the True Book are ready to fight and to die for your Glory.
Leadership values have been calculated and I know that Umra’s followers are as coward as he.is. It is immediately evident to the pilgrims how this Rules are funnier and a lot of Pashtuns are already deserting Umra’s army to fight under my holy flags.
But to keep us humble You wisely decided that there's no pink without plug or, as we say on the Frontier, no mule without Afridis. When I was younger I trusted the infidel Mad, and Italwars by the way (but for the latter's responsibility it depends if he will join our Army from Kabul). The False Mad of Shat, this renegade, false Rule follower, convinced me to divert my efforts from painting Afghan cavalry and Umra convinced me with appropriate and tempting prints to go for Poona horses.
Now Feringhi could destroy Tribesmen cavalry but only foot warriors are available and they are not so polite to come down in the flat to fight Bengal lancers.
Oh well whatever it will happen El Quartah will dispose with the survived ones.
For the Glory of TMWWBK and El Ospreyy il Distributor:  back to Spinwam again!!! 

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on June 17, 2021, 04:34:16 PM

An evil wind blows through this putrid valley. False words drop like the bodies of our enemies. Sgt Guinness is a faithful servant of the one and only true text, the holy TSATF! Heretical lies abound about formation changes and documents being altered. The formations and OOB’s are as it ever was, and will continue to be so. Though true text units can be, have been, and will be scaled down to have just as much fun with less figures, as heretical texts allow.


As we speak Sgt Guinness has sent his messenger / runner, Corporal Mado to reach his superior with the discouraging words of the falsehoods leveled upon him and the one true text. Whisper not my name lest it be an invite for dark stout or strong drink!

[/img] https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-koMFW0vT8WA/YMpzTzZ3AyI/AAAAAAAAiuo/q7ED6vxuoyINj2UM4CP30TgOqx_2yFSUwCLcBGAsYHQ/s2048/81A6B1A0-E560-40FF-A53A-B4DB2BF45645.jpeg[/img]

Sgt Guinness himself has traveled to the territory of Mad Guru, defender of the one true text, mullah and Khan of the Afridi , seeking his alliance and willingness to join as comrades in arms to fight for the one true text. May the late honorable Sgt Brom creator of the one true text smile down upon us from Valhalla!


Even now Captain Lucas is mustering the troops for battle. The 1st & 2nd Gurkhas, the 77th Lancers, the 40th Pathans, and the Dunn Murray Highlanders, are already being provisioned for a deployment to valley of Umra Khan.

The false profit, the Fakir of Wazir, the not so mighty Mulehead,  El Growley, and the despicable Waziri’s must be taught the truth, by tongue or by might!


March my brother, March!!!!!

[/img] https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-OjLlo_XtoqI/YMtGL2rvOcI/AAAAAAAAivI/I7KTuFSVfUoZ0MA_FMfJxzvyb_BuLB9wQCLcBGAsYHQ/s2048/AE6E7032-B3E1-44D9-A519-838972487131.jpeg[/img]


Having formed an alliance against the evil Fakir of the Wazri, the sultan of the false text, Mad Guru and Sgt Guinness ride off to muster their forces to defend the one true text and all that is holy. HUZZAH!


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on June 17, 2021, 04:36:03 PM
Sgt Guinness & Mad Guru discuss the plan!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Hu Rhu on June 17, 2021, 05:18:04 PM
Lovely painting and great photo compostions.   :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on June 17, 2021, 09:41:26 PM
Oh ye gracious Hu Rhu -- I reply for my brother from another mother, Sgt. Guinness, appreciation and gratitude, and multitude of blessings for bloody victory upon your home compound & all who garrison it!

From the mountains, the valleys, the deserts, the rocky scrub -- from the four corners of the world -- the Faithful rise to the call! Stout-hearted, iron-willed followers of the true faith, ready to fight & die for those most righteous rules, to uphold the honor and reverence of the kingdom of the true Prophet, Sgt. Larry Brom (Blessed be his hallowed name) against the Farangi -- the Evil Empire who shall not be named (for in truth they do also publish many good and useful reference texts and have done so since the dim ages of our misbegotten youth)!!!













Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: SHARPE52 on June 18, 2021, 08:44:57 AM
Even if speaking from a far region from Afghanistan and lost in the middle of flat lands of China where Boxer rebellion rages and Western troops try to hold their impetus  I rise my voice and take a stand in favour of the TMWWBK faith.
I must admit I have been a faithful servant of TS&TF in my youth and sometimes I fall into temptation for that. Nevertheless I have been fascinated by Osprey "truth" and the simplicity of their revealed "rules".
So my loyalty lies to Mulehead  ;)
Marco :)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 18, 2021, 08:58:37 AM
June 17th 1890
 Sir I respectfully send to you the summary of the message that the bandit Mulehead has received from Spinwam by one khan of his, specifically theWaziri  bandit El Quartah,  that were  reported by our spy still hidden in the roof of his tower
Humble servant   Tanas Singh, Subedar 2 Sikh company of Guides PFF.
My humble respects to you, Defender of True Book. Excellent no matter the point of view. You condensed and presented the ideas of your strategy so well. You are really good at encouraging people, by showing developing True Rule is not only killing, struggling, and tolerating condescending patronizing and vindictive acts. I’ve just got encouraged with what you’ve written. Keep up the good Faith!
Sgt Guinness has showed his true evil feelings, as you told since the first day! And the Mad we cannot say the false name has confirmed his renegade evil nature, he is friend of infidels, probably drinks good ooops bad stouts with Sgt Guinness, their warriors are very beautiful and well painted but their hearth are weak and their spirit is coward and vily rotten swamp putrid garbage.
I’m going to attend the butcher destructive fight between Infidels and Kafiris. No one will survive at the end , I can assure you, I shall personally manage it.
I am humbling requesting your direction for Hu Rhu. His comments on Sgt Evil’s miniatures are formally acceptable. The beauty of his pictures and Mad’s ones have shaken my warriors morale, but it was easy to explain that evil hides behind beautiful faces and nice painting and lives in cowards hearts. Look at Umra’s khan: he is Omar the beautiful, he rotten son of a jackal!

We expect to understand if brother Hu will join the True Faith and will help to spread the True Rule all over Pasthan villages. El Growly failed because he accepted to use the False Book, even if tempting with its fake funny development.
Here in the North it will never happen, here is the country of the True followers, the holy pilgrims, the invincible Waziris of North. So please despatch immediately the traitor and bless my sword before cutting Omar’s and Fullerton’s heads.
So it is written in the Book and so it will happen!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Hu Rhu on June 18, 2021, 10:22:49 AM

We expect to understand if brother Hu will join the True Faith and will help to spread the True Rule all over Pasthan villages. El Growly failed because he accepted to use the False Book, even if tempting with its fake funny development.
Here in the North it will never happen, here is the country of the True followers, the holy pilgrims, the invincible Waziris of North. So please despatch immediately the traitor and bless my sword before cutting Omar’s and Fullerton’s heads.
So it is written in the Book and so it will happen!

I humbly accept the task to spread the true Aqidah of TMWWBK. Death to the false prophets of TSATF >:D >:D >:D
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 18, 2021, 11:21:33 AM
El Growly the one who runs faster than the Leopard has been running away for days and has now reached the Pamir.
in his eyes the terror of seeing Carruthers' Gurkhas again ... in his hand a copy of the false TMWWBK laws.
El Growly is looking for a Saint who can cleanse him of his sins and convert him to the True Faith of TSATF.
The new pupil of the Malicious Wazir, the disbeliever El Quartah, will be punished by me, Omar The Beautiful, I will strike him with the Sword of the Righteous.
The False Fakir will receive its head served on a TSATF 40th anniversary commemorative copy.
So be it written , so be it done !

Omar The Beautiful

Omar's Lashkar

Ready to sniping on Fullerton's column
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 18, 2021, 01:31:15 PM
Omar The Beautiful Afridis shooting on unfortunate Fullerton's column (https://i.postimg.cc/7hD0nstx/20210618-142503.jpg)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 19, 2021, 04:48:53 PM
Dear Hu Rhu, I the great and only Mulehead, true Follower of El Ospreyy il Distributor, Hope of the saint pilgrims, send to you a copy of the Holy Rule to spread its words among your villages. Where are you located now? Soon we'll be together eating Mad's goats and burning Umra's towers until all Pashtan will follow the Only Rule.
Sharpe 52 is coming from China, you will join him and together march to destroy Sgt Guinness feringhis and the king of traitors, the Mad of Kafiri, our true final enemy.
I want both of you for the final grandma of all battles; that against Umra the Infidel.
I will update you soon about the triumph of El Quartah against the survivors of the battle of Gulla Jan Kot between Omar and Col. Fullerton, that will fight early next week, this time using the True Book!!!
Sharp  tulwars or modern rifles... whoever will avoid to be killed in the pass will diel for El Quartah's sword, two battle to bring me back all the territory from Spinwam to Kohat. So it is written so it will be!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 19, 2021, 06:17:05 PM
Fullerton I'm waiting for you at Gulla Jan Kot,
that will be your grave.

Fullerton you will be defeated by false faith in TMWWBK this devil's writing will be your sentence, no one can challenge the might of the Afridis without paying the price
So be it written , so be it done!

Omar The Bright
Nephew of The Master Umra Khan
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on June 20, 2021, 12:05:09 AM
Et tu, Hu Rhu???  As we await word of mouth (and hoof) from Gulla Jan Kot regarding results of the pending conflagration and the inevitable victory of the Blessed Omar, beloved nephew of the Devout Umra, by the light of the silvery moon the Faithful pray for a showing of Tawbah -- a correct and sincere Repentance -- by the False Fakir and his godforsaken and misbegotten Waziri tribesmen -- as well as any/all myriad groupies, stay puffs, wannabes, hangers-on, spongers-off, fawners and sycophants who attempt to raise their own standing in the land by embracing a passing fad, despite its inherent iconoclastic and heretical nature.  How sad for we True Believers to see former brothers-in-arms lost to the ranks of the true Holy Warriors and gone to serve the Word of an Idol, a False G-d (despite its admittedly powerful corporate sponsorship).  For this sin only one penance is acceptable: CATASTROPHIC DEFEAT & ANNIHILATION... followed by banishment to the Gobi Desert for the few survivors, where they shall reside with SHARPE52 under the oppressive suzerainty of the Manchus, and spend their days (and nights) choking General Tso's Chicken!

But in the meantime... on a related thread the dreadful Fakir Il Giorgio -- prior to revealing his true colors as an apostate traitor to the True Faith of TSATF and declaring himself a camp-follower and henchman of TMWWBK -- posed a question to your humble servant of the Faithful, to wit: "Is the construction of such impressive rocks described anywhere?"

Now gaze Today and ponder Tomorrow and reflect in the Weeks to Come upon the utter Mercy and Beneficence of the followers of the True Faith, who even while gathering and preparing for the aforementioned GRANDMA OF ALL BATTLES with their woebegone foes, do not hesitate to grant a reply to their query, an antidote for their fevered dreams of self-improvement and terrain betterment -- forthwith, CLICK the provided LINK and gaze thine eyes upon the step-by-step tutorial buried deep in the winding Karez that houses the accounts of the wise and glorious past:

http://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2012/01/afghannwf-rocky-hill-goes-vertical-back.html (http://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2012/01/afghannwf-rocky-hill-goes-vertical-back.html)




But misconstrue not our high regard for learning and wisdom of the past to be tolerance for apostasy in the present!  Omar The Bright has the gathered might and will of the MAHALLAH at his back, against which no enemy -- be they born Farangi or fallen Zindiq -- may stand!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 20, 2021, 10:05:06 AM
Before reporting Mulehead's message, as Giorgio out of the saga I want to thanks you Mad, this is absolutely fantastic because it is both very beautiful and wargaming designed, your blog is full of hidden treasures! Your Blog and Umra aka "Peter Lesley" pictures and patience are the reasons of my descovering how interesting is the Frontier. Unfortunately for both of you  lol .Anyway you both treacherous snakes are responsible of my delay in creating Afghan cavalry... But now let Mulehead takes the lead:

June 20th 1890
 Sir I respectfully send to you the summary of the message that the bandit Mulehead has sent to Spinwam to one khan of his, specifically the Waziri  bandit El Quartah,  that was  reported by our spy still hidden in the roof of his tower
Humble servant   Tanas Singh, Subedar 2 Sikh company of Guides PFF.

Dear son El Quartah, first fruits ore coming from the seed of True and Justice. Mad of renegades is trying to beg and pledge my mercyful forgiveness to him and his kafiris. Fool traitor, no mercy for the one who refuses the Book and prosecutes his followers.
Holy pilgrims are gathering under your flags, now be ready and expect the return of survived from Gulla Jam Kot to despatch them and bring the Book as the only One  from Tochi Valley to Kohat. Mighty Allies are coming to reinforce our invincible tribesmen and soon our Polo teams will have new heads to play. Go son and let the Almighty dice will be always "6" for your brothers! TMWWBK akbar!!![/i][/i]
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on June 21, 2021, 08:37:21 AM
Giorgio, I will reply "out of the saga" as you so neatly put it.  Here's a LINK to a related post RE: making more modest "Rocky Terrain" rather than the large rocky hills or mountains:

https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2012/11/rocky-terrain.html (https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2012/11/rocky-terrain.html)




Also, previously on the aforementioned related thread, you eloquently declared -- and I quote:

I prostrate myself at your feet and I rely on your wise suggestions to eradicate Umra's contagious pestilence...
In my new flag is written in Urdu "Death to Feringhi"...
But to increase my youths morale I should complete the bases ...

I strongly agree about your bases... but of course I can't help you with them!  But your Tribal Flags are a different matter.  I don't know if you are aware but a little under a year ago I posted an article on "AFGHAN MILITARY FLAGS" on a new website.  My older daughter built the site for me when she was stuck at home for a while during the pandemic lockdown.  I had dreams of doing a lot of cool stuff on that new site but after she went back to school in the middle of last Summer it turned out I was unable to post anything new on it or even edit any of the content she had transferred there.  However, the Afghan Flag article is still there and easy to access via this LINK:

https://maiwandday.com/2020/07/27/afghan-military-flags/ (https://maiwandday.com/2020/07/27/afghan-military-flags/)



It has written and visual information from a variety of 19th Century contemporary sources.  In the year since I first wrote it I've managed to gather a few more c.1897 tribal flag photos.  She just came home for a few weeks and hopefully can help me crack the code for editing material on that website, so I can update/improve the article in question.

The Mad Guru still hopes and prays that the flags of the False Fakir of Waziristan and all those who pledge allegiance to his Heretical Writ -- such as Mulehead the Defiled -- are trampled and burned in defeat... but they still should be the nicest flags possible!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on June 21, 2021, 08:48:01 AM
...also, just to pile on the "RULE BOOK PHOTOS" bandwagon/mule-train that's rumbled through this thread:



Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 21, 2021, 10:54:00 AM
...also, just to pile on the "RULE BOOK PHOTOS" bandwagon/mule-train that's rumbled through this thread:




You know my friend Mad Guru  that I completely agree with you, what you shown here are only the official Rule sets, but don't forget the authorized amandements and the home grown modifications done in these years.
Certainly the BEST rule set for Colonial battle by far.

The fate will be on our side because we are right !
( old Afrid proverb )
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 21, 2021, 12:01:52 PM
Mad of Fools, once you were the light of Holy followers, for my flags of course I used your article, what else??? Only the messages on the flags are free translations in Urdu... I'm wondering: as EVERY item 'bout NWF refers to you, whatever the web site I started from, it will be very difficult to eradicate the memory of your name among the old Pashtans. So I have 2 choices: 1st, my preferite, to kill all Afridis over 6, otherwise I will accept to just kill who pronounces your name instead than that of Mad of Traitors. Anyway your impressive scenario suggestions  and wargaming ideas are precious and do deserve an award. When I'll get you I will provide a quick death, without all the sufferences reserved for Umra the Untrue and the other innominable followers of the false books.
(thanks really for the big amount of material and ideas your blog provides).
I Mulehead, Azeer of all Punjab say: One is the Book, He was He is and He shall be. Your false rule is already degenerated with many expansions, amendaments, home rules: bid ah!
If you renegade your false idols books, El Ospreyy will forgive you and you 'll pass the rest of your life in penitence and hard work, to build me rocks as nice as yours by the way, in the crude caves where Umra will ask  for death to stop his terrible sufferences.
The destiny of Infidels is arriving in Gulla Jan Kot pass ! One is the Book!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 21, 2021, 12:47:52 PM
In the sacred scriptures it is reported that the infidel who betrays the laws of his fathers and grandfathers   grandparents great-grandparents great-great-grandparents cousins ​​and collaterals up to the seventh grade will pay their sins by repeating 1000 times ... there is only one verb and it is TSATF.

Fullerton will be defeated at Gulla  Jan Kot  by false faith in TMWWBK this devil's writing will be his sentence, no one can challenge the might of the Afridis and TSATF without paying the price
So be it written , so be it done

Omar The Bright
grandson of the Generous , Supreme , Maximus  Umra The Great , Father of all Believers. Master of the Sacred Faith in the Holy Book TSATF.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 21, 2021, 04:10:42 PM
Attention to Gen Davenport
Sir I'm just entering into Gulla Jan Kot. After this pass the road to Bannu lies without  further main obstacles. No Pathans in site, they are still running after the defeat got in Spinwam. I'm looking forward to meeting you soon and march together to Wana to get the head of the bandit Mulehead. The presence of Capt "Lucky" Attenborough and his gallant lancers is a further boost for the morale of my guides, even if it is perhaps too bold to get 50% of my troops in cavalry, but after this last pass it will be a dramatic plus for my fighting force.
Tomorrow we cross the pass and soon we'll join the forces. Yours Faithfully Col Fullerton
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 22, 2021, 08:50:50 AM
June 22nd 1890
 Sir I respectfully send to you the summary of the message that the bandit Mulehead has received from Spinwam by one khan of his, specifically theWaziri  bandit El Quartah,  that were  reported by our spy still hidden in the roof of his tower. The relevant message speaks about a skirmish happened at Gulla Jan Kot involving Col Fullerton flying column , for your due information and necessary actions.
Humble servant   Tanas Singh, Subedar 2 Sikh company of Guides PFF.

My humble respects to you, Mighty among the Mightiest, Defender of True Book, Torch in the darkness of heresy, Fire in the ice of sins.
We have witnessed a great battle at Gulla Jan Kot which was a further demostration of the Power and True of the Right Rule.
It is written: "you will not have more than 1 squadroon" but the Feringhis ignored the True Word and entered the pass with 50 % of cavalry:
Fullerton and his guide in advance and the infamous capt Attenborough in the rear with his lancers with ridiculous decorated pennants, in the middle marched 2 companies of Guides (devoted Muslim Punjabi and much hated Sikh).
The Coward Omar directed his hundreds vily warriors divided in 5 units, hindered like jackall behind high rocks , ready to kill like snakes and to give no quarter to any defeated.
Infantry guides were shot by Samad’s boys with an unbelievable number of 6; I wonder where they have taken such formidable rifles.
Fullerton charged uphill on the right of Afridis’deployment but was repulsed, on the left Attenborough conducted a gallant charge and repulsed Musa Din rabble but they retreated uphill and he could not follow up. Samad cowards quit but no other was impressed by that and devasting fire destroyed all the lancers.
At that point Fullerton wisely decided to retreat towards Bannu and Omar the coward, whose unit didn’t shot a single bullet, fall back to Spinwam.
I was not impressed by they new rifle fire power, but more wisely decided to avoid to  attack his renegades and looted the territory around Thal where blessed by Almighty Rule we collected a lot of mules and camels and with the rich booty we are heading back to Idak to receive your new order, I attach also some sketches of the fight, Mighty Light of True Rule followers! Your faithful son El Quartah Khan.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 22, 2021, 11:04:50 AM
June 22nd 1890
Infantry guides were shot by Samad’s boys with an unbelievable number of 6; I wonder where they have taken such formidable rifles.

Is The Frontier .....where everyone has their truth.
Omar The Shining must thanks his formidable uncle, The Mighty among The Mighty , the Immense Umra Khan for the weapons provided to him.

Now the Malicious Wazir the False Fakir knows where his weapons went !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 22, 2021, 02:55:09 PM
Attention to Gen Davenport
Sir I inform you that we have been attacked at Gulla Jan Kot pass by thousands of well armed pathans. My Guides opposed an heroic defense but were repulsed by huge numbers of bandits. Our troops retreated in good order and dispersed a whole unit of well armed bandits. Unfortunately Capt Attenborough who was in charge to patrol the ridge was surprised by Pathans and all his squadron dispersed and killed. The lost of my right wing put in serious risk my counter offensive which was starting to produce its fruits and I had to stop my attack. Now we are marching very quickly to Bannu and i beg you to immediately send some troops to cover our safe arrival.
Yours Faithfully Col Fullerton
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 23, 2021, 04:47:28 PM
I Omar the Handsome grandson of the Great Umra defeated the Feringhi Fullerton using the TSATF Book of Faith.
His unfaithful dogs were attacked in Gulla Jan Kot, which will now be renamed "the Kot of the Slain" by constantly keeping me out of the line of fire, thus being able to better direct operations.
His lancers have been wiped out with my new rifles and ... with the 6 on my personal magical die.
Now the Feringhi Fullerton escapes like a madman in the plain looking for safety, he will bring to his leaders the news of the defeat and the power of the Afridis.
So be it written, so be it done.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on June 24, 2021, 01:20:07 AM
All praise to Omar, grandson of Umra and new Lion of Allah!  See him roar yesterday, hear his words today and ponder his echo tomorrow -- the echo of praise for the True Book of Rules, Almulaqab: TSATF!  Behold his victories, won with blood, sweat and steel -- and the torn pages of the Unbelievers, Almulaqab: TMWWBK!  From this day forth shall Omar be counted by the Mad Guru amongst The Black of My Eyes!  Let a pomegranate tree be planted to commemorate his deeds, and a date tree to ferment the date!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 25, 2021, 12:51:47 PM
The situation on the Frontier seems currently static. in the south the Simmons column is entrenched in Tank, in the north Davenport is close to Bannu to lick his wounds. he asked Gen Blood for a new brigade to replenish the losses suffered in Gulla Jan Kot, and prays every day that no more Lancers  arrive.... even if Col.Fullerton says that with another few squadrons he would have been the winner....the Frontier Mulehead's Waziris, in typical Pashtun style, proclaim themselves the winner and are celebrating the rich looty in the raids of El Quartah Khan....., the Afridis celebrate the victory over Fullerton and the new rifles...,. It is therefore time for the Waziris and Afridis to kick off the Pashtun national sport "Pashtunwali" with the application of "Badal" the retalation !
So for Omar The Beauty and his Afridis it is time to present the bill to El Quartah ... an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a mule for a mule, a camel for a camel...this is life Frontier style!
Few pictures of our... heroes!😆 will follow....
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 25, 2021, 01:06:36 PM
Camels and mules take the road to Waziristan...the El Quartah looty .

Omar the Marvelous and his Afridis are a " little bit annoyed" to discovered the mules and camels gone...

few hours later.....it is a well known mathematical rule:
if 2 camels and 1 mule go to Waziristan, then 2 camels and 2 mules come back to Tirah...
the Omar's theorem.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 27, 2021, 08:48:21 AM
June 27th 1890
 Sir I respectfully report to you the voices which are spread around the firecamp in the pashtan caravans and where collected by our spy. Voices claim that Umra has sent to a Waziri bandit nicknamed “The Scavenger” a rich caravan consisting of the camels raided by Omar the Beautiful to El Quartah Khan  in their never ending border raids in the North of Waziristan. 
In this camps, during the cold and dark hours which anticipate the night, old Pashtans tell that the rich caravan is a prize for the head of an enemy of Umra’s, but it seems that nobody knows who will be the victim of this ruthless killer, the right hand of the infamous bandit El Growly Khan.
In the meantime some messages arrived to the bandit Mulehead from South (summary of the message that the bandit Mulehead has received by one khan related t0 him, specifically his nephew, the Waziri  bandit The Scavenger, are attached. They were  reported by our spy still hidden in the roof of his tower with some sketches about the reconstruction of the incident involving The Scavenger and his boss El Growly and about Mulehead receiving the message. What is impossible to understand are: who is/will be the victim of the scavenger? How could El Growly fall from a rock into a knife if all around his body terrain is flat? The relevant message deals also about a change of power in the area close to Kajuri Kach; for your due information and necessary actions.
Humble servant   Tanas Singh, Subedar 2 Sikh company of Guides PFF.

Dear Uncle Mulehead, Azeer of alI Waziris, defensor of True Book, future king of all Afghanistan, I Muhammad Ali Jarryd the Scavenger, new khan of all Waziris leaving south of Kajuri Kack, I cry the death of El Growly Khan unfortunately fallen from the top of a rock just over an afridis knife left on the ground, strangely very similar to my old one lost in a ravine, I took the responsibility to rally all his followers and start a new Jihad to repel all the kafiris and establish the law of the True Rule. Gomal river will be the grave of the feringhis and next step I'll relieve Tank! Be the light of True Rule brilliant light like a torch in a cave to show the path of Justice to the holy believers! Your humble nephew Muhammad the Scavenger

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 28, 2021, 09:35:26 AM
While Simmons' Brigade is still entrenched in Tank, news arrives of a local Malik who in Khajuri Khak is poking men against the Raj.
He talks about a new rule  that would stop the bullets of the Feringhi.
He is said to be Zarin Khan , a Zakka Khels Afridi, a former Subedar of the 40th Pathans who deserted taking some soldiers with him.
Gen Simmons instructs Capt. Forsyth to go to Khajuri K and arrest the self-styled Malik.
Capt. R.F. Forsyth will bring with him 2 platoons of the Corps of Guides, newly arrived in Tank  .

Capt. Forsyth and his Guides

Tribesmen ready to battle

The Guides attacking


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 28, 2021, 10:14:54 AM
Zarin Khan and his cutthroats,

Zarin Khan was a former subedar of the 40th Pathans.  The reputation of the Pathans and their regimental number earned them the inevitable nickname of the Forty Thieves and their British Colonel - Ali Baba.

The Zarin Khan  plan is to convince Mulehead the  False Fakir that he is a  mercenary and earn his trust ,actually he is a spy of Umra Khan , and wants to steal the fake rule TMWWBK (God protect me for blaspheming by naming the cursed text ) from the hands of the Malicious Wazir.

He swore on his IZZAT (honor) to burn the sacrilegious text that allows you to deploy 2 units of cavalry and none of the artillery.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 28, 2021, 11:13:05 AM
Meanwhile, the 1st Skinner's Horse, just arrived at  Tank with the  Guides, are carrying out advanced reconnaissance towards Jandola, in preparation for the advance of Simmons' brigade towards the Malicious Wazir stronghold of Wana.


With the squadron is the political agent Maj. F.G. Haldane who wants to establish contact with the Mahsuds tribe and prevent them from joining  the Waziri of Mulehead in a Jihad. 


The envoys of Maj. Haldane summoned the Khans , Maliks and Elders  of the Mahsuds to a Jirga in Jandola.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 29, 2021, 09:17:01 AM
At great demand (well my brother and Umra…) a little summary to recover the steps of this epic saga between the ruthless waziri Mulehead and the foxy afridis  Umra.
The unplanned development of the story has involved many other mighty Khans (Mad Guru, Sgt Guinness, Italwars, Hu Rhu), a fight between two Rules faiths, many right hand ready to change alliance or faithful to their Rule up to the end… Yes, now it is time to make a summary to better understand next important developments.
All started with the fight between Mulehad and Umra , Mulehead El Kommiss Khan is very jelaous of Umra’s rich carovans and mighty fortress and of his good relations with Raj troops and with the charismatic Mad of Swat.
The Raj has sent two brigades (Gen Davenport from Koath down to Bannu and then to Idak and the Tochi valley, Gen Simmons from Dera Ismail Khan up to Tank and from there to Jandola and then to Wana to capture Mulehead).
Both the Khans try to gather allies and friends under their control, radicalizing the fight due to religion involvement between followers of the old TS&TF and the new TMWWBK.
Among the first Mad Guru khan of Swat, or Mad of Fools and Traitors for his enemies, and his friend the feringhi Sgt Guinness, and the kabuli Italwars. The latter include China border warriors of Sharpe52 and the pasthuns of Hu Rhu.
Gen Davenport has a detached column in Hangu under Col Fulllerton and ask him to join his brigade in Bannu. Mulehead sees the possibility for a trap: he gives Spinwam to Umra in exchange of rich caravans, but his troop under the faithful El Quartah harass Fullerton’s column around Spinwam, to sprinkle a fight with Afridis and ready to deal with the survivals.  Fullerton destroy the village but at that point Afridis under Omar the beautiful get their revenge with an unexpected victory over Fullerton. The Colonel reach Davenport and they ask for reinforcement before proceeding.
In the South the Wazir El Growly creates troubles in Kajuri Karg and Simmons’ intelligence (an oxymoron, isn’t it?) reports that a caravan of camels and mules with rifles and ammunition , intended to the rebel Mulehead Khan , will reach Manzai before the final destination to Wana.
Simmons sends a strong detachment under the command of Capt. J.K.Carruthers  to intercept the column, seize the weapons and impose taxes to local Malik and Headmen  for the  help to the rebel.
El Growly try to ambush Carruthers but is defeated, anyway his bold action allows the caravan to pass. Unfortunately for the waziris the caravan is than a prey of Umra’s and the new rifles are used by Omar to defeat Fullerton’s column in Spinwam.
While at North situation seems static with Davenport entrenched in Bannu and Omar and El Quartah raiding each other, at South 2 new actors are taking a prominent postion: Muhammad Alì Jarryd “The Scavenger” has despatched his past boss El Growly and now is the khan of Waziris under Kajuri Kach where a deserter of 40th Punjabi, Zarin Khan, an Umra’s man, try to get the confidence of The Scavenger and creates some troubles which require the arrival of Capt. R.F. Forsyth who brings with him 2 platoons of the Corps of Guides. The Guides are encircled by Scavenger’s warriors and requires for reinforcement.
The Zarin Khan  plan is to convince Mulehead that he is a  faithful of new Rule and earn his trust but he wants to steal the rule TMWWBK.
A new emerging character is the political agent Maj. F.G. Haldane who wants to establish contact with the Mahsuds tribe and prevent them from joining  the Waziri of Mulehead in a Jihad.

At this point a new dangerous heresy is spreading and the fire is brooding under the ashes: the revolutionary green turbans sect...
A new enemy in this land of all against all: well folks welcome to the Frontier…
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 01, 2021, 11:25:18 AM
28th June 1890
Jirga in Jandola NWF
Maj F.G. Haldane and his escort of 1st Skinner's Horse  meets with Mahsuds Chiefs and Elders to dictate the terms of an agreement.




In exchange for the promise not to build forts in Mahsuds territory and an annual recognition of 100 rupees the commitment of Mahsuds leaders not to go to war together with the Waziris and to throw into flames all copies of the cursed book TMWWBK, as also requested by the supreme Mad Guru, the recognized Voice of the Frontier to whom everyone must respect.
The Malik and Elders are very helpful, especially in burning the book of sin, also stating that currently his sheets were used for household chores.
Maj Haldane after the usual very long handshakes with the Maliks , leaves Jandola to return to Tank and report on his positive mission.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 03, 2021, 09:36:59 AM
June 29th 1890
 Sir I respectfully send to you the summary of the message that the bandit Mulehead has received from the fords over Gomal River. Thanks to the dirty job done by the deserter Zarin Khan,   two Indian platoons were circled around Kajuri Kach by the bandit called The Scavenger. As he heard about a reinforcement column, he run to the river to stop their advance. The feringhi lead by Col Frederick were composed by 3 British companies (81th A & D and 67th) and a Poona squadron. The Waziris were less mighty but in a strong position. Hereafter some sketches and a letter to the bandit obtained by our spy activities, although still hidden in the roof of his tower. The relevant message speaks about a skirmish happened at Gomal River  for your due information and necessary actions.
Humble servant   Tanas Singh, Subedar 2 Sikh company of Guides PFF.

My humble respects to you, Defender of True Book, Punisher of heretics, Fire in the ice of sins.
We have witnessed a great battle at Gomal River which was a further demonstration of the Power and True of the Right Rule. It is written: Who will kill his brother in Faith will receive the same treatment! That was the infamous destiny of the Scavenger.
The Raj advanced with 2 companies in line supported by one of 67th and in reserve the cavalry (Poona).
In front 5 tribesman units, very poorly directed. as most of the best Khan deserted to north, not accepting a killer for replacing El Growly. At the beginning it seemed a good day for the Defenders of the True Book, the coward Lt.  Kemsley retreated and Col Frederick suffered heavy losses, but in front of him there were the warrior of the Brutal Yazid Khan and his men refused to fight for a Khan so cruel and suspected to be involved in the plot of the Scavenger.
A dash attack by the Ghazi of Gundar Khan repulsed the Lt Kemsey’s company but they were killed to the last man by a terrific volley short range by the 67th company in their new-painted blue trousers.
At that point Scavenger moved down from the top of the hill to replace Gundar Khan and it seemed a stalemate when green Poonas guys made a quick action on the left to envelope Yazid with the infantry support of Frederick rifles.
Then the Capt Fletcher’s Poonas attack Scavenger supported by fire of 67th who Killed Scavenger himself.
The Waziris retreated leaving 36 men included their leader. Frederick lost 5 horses and 13 men of 81th.
Now they say new Feringhi are arriving and they will continue to harass the brothers running to the hills.
Oh Mighty Mulehead, Anchor of hope for the holy pilgrims, may the Holy Rule provide you of every blessing and success!

Your faithful son Zarin Khan
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 04, 2021, 10:03:12 AM
29 June 1890
at dawn a company of the 40th Pathans ( nicknamed the 40th Thieves )arrives in Khajuri Khak to give support to the Guides of Capt. Forsyth who have been locked under fire for 24 hours.
the 40th Pathans led by Capt Hunter disrupts the resistance of the Waziri and occupies the village.
However, Zarin Khan has already disappeared.
Capt Hunter finds a message lost from the fugitive Zarin Khan :
"Exalted Mad Guru Lord of Swat and Buner, Holy Voice of the True Word, I humble Zarin Khan bear a plea from my Khan, the Immense Umra.
He asks for Your Blessing and Yours help to fight sinners who profess their faith in the new verb, the sacrilegious text TMWWBK.
The leader of the Kabuli, the Prophet's favorite, Italwars has also promised his help, but is currently engaged in selling some of his fortified towers to a group of Russian Ferenghi who have entered his territory from the Dorah Pass, and his dear friends Don The Scot Khan of the Kohistan Highlands is in  holiday in some Rajastan desert resorts.
The heretics pitted Umra against the Feringhi but the Holy Text helped him to defeat the kafiris.
Oh Great Mad Guru take the other Believers with you into the TSATF Holy Text and with the strength of True Faith we will win this war against sacrileges "

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 06, 2021, 09:14:49 AM
Like all the tales of the Thousand and One Nights ... Many years ago when the Faith was one and everyone recognized Holy Scripture as the Word, Three Sergeants wrote a set of rules "The Sun Never Sets" to play the Colonial Campaigns of the British Empire. The Great Umra as a child played it twice. Then with the help of his grandfather Surat Khan and his uncle Mohammed Khan (and the old Colonials know who these two characters are) he decided to write a set of rules for playing colonial campaigns on the North West Frontier of British India. "The Warriors of the Mountain Passes or The Grim". These simple rules allow you to manage random events, disposition and mood of the various Khans and push the "English" player to calm the khans with the political maneuvers of skilled Political Agents or send military expeditions against the tribes or rebel Khans. Some ideas were taken from another very old regulation, published I believe in The Nugget, which provided the Roman player with simple rules to face the uprisings of the barbarians on the borders of Hadrian's Wall, whose name was (?) Punitive Expeditions.
All seasoned with a lot of imagination and a bit of historical knowledge of the NWF.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 07, 2021, 06:36:37 AM
Dear son, faithful El Quartah, blessed by the true rules, I have appreciated the kind present with afridis mules that were "lost" wandering for the hills and that you rescued and give them a new master. Almighty Rule protected you because you are always devoted to True and Justice. You see: heretics say in their blaspheme books that The Sun Never Set, but also a little boy knows that every day sun sets and than rises again and again to light up the world with the words of the True Book.Very soon we will have a new triumph, I gave specific instruction to our brother Zarin to control  the Feringhees in Tank and exploit any opportunity should occur. You continue to monitor Afridis and Feringhees in Bannu and let they destroy each other for a major glory of our Faith. Continue offering your loot for the triumph of the True Book and remember that a mule may be yours, two mules may be Umra's but all three eventually will belong to Mulehead, Torch of Light, Khan of all Pathans!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on July 07, 2021, 11:13:54 AM
Umra Khan and Giorgio Il False Fakir of Waziristan... each time you blow your words like the wind for good and ill (obviously Umra for GOOD and Il False Waziri for ILL) you kick up the sand into the face of the lion -- AKA: the Mad Guru AKA: my one and only selfhood!  Like the lion my throat is parched and I roar in defiance... but what will come of it?  For in the end, I, like the Lion, am condemned to remain in my place... while you, like the good and ill winds you blow... will never know yours! (tho the GOOD Umra Khan no doubt WILL know his better than the Ill Waziri -- sad but true)

So let it be written, so let it be done, bang the gong, get it on!


Ghazis are living after midnight, rockin' (& sangar-in) 'til the dawn
Lovin' the One True Book of Rules (AKA: TSATF) 'til the morning,
Then they're gone, they're gone...

Ghazis took the city jezails in hand,
Loaded, loaded
Ghazis all geared up to score again,
Loaded, loaded
Ghazis come alive in the dark of night
That's when they make their move and strike


Read my words today, ponder them tomorrow, and reflect upon them yesteryear while sipping the nectar of the pomegranate...

For those mighty few and proud who possess a copy of said true tome of COLONIAL CAMPAIGN RULES (whose title the False Waziri mocks with his limited knowledge of the sun, the same sun which NEVER SETS ON THE FAITHFUL who are spread across the Earth from the sub-continent to Sumatra to China and all the way to Memphis, any more than it ever sets on the Empire of the red and khaki coated Anglo Farangi!), known to the Elder Elect of the Loya Jirga to have FIRST BEEN PUBLISHED IN THE PAGES OF "THE COURIER" even before they became a book under their own cover... check those pages of the magazine (but not the Lee Metford variety, as that is a decade-and-a-half too late for my own 1880-centric wanderings, tho I suppose it might apply to this current unpleasantness betwixt the Noble Afridi Umra and the False Wazir Il Giorgio) or the volume later published by TVAG (so many initialisms starting with "TEA" -- is it no wonder so many colonial gamers deploy British forces???)... and you shall see inscribed there as in the book of hosts, the given name of the Mad Guru himself, as he was one of the original players the first time ever those rules were used by a host of gamers, all of whom needless to say were loyal devotees of that same ONE AND ONLY TRUE BOOK OF RULES whose name need not even be mentioned again by me at this time and place in currency!

In those yonder days the Guru was lesser in years (and perhaps greater in brain cells) but already the Baraka was with him as he led his tiny warriors (they were 15mm Mike's Models Ottoman Azabs converted to Afghan Tribesmen) to overwhelm the Farangi (this was even before "Ferengi" existed) garrison of Kabul and even captured their artillery intact!  Those were the days... tho the mighty Ghazis stood barely taller than the thumbnail of the youthful Mad Guru himself.

Last and most likely least, I suggest to Muttonchop & Jaffar AKA Umra & Giorgio, that you share with we of the Loya Jirga any and all manner of charts and/or devices you are now employing (in addition to the results of your most picturesque tabletop dust-ups) to determine the fates of your Tribes... be it "RUN TO THE HILLS" or "INTO GLORY RIDE" -- if it's not too much trouble, of course.

Some pics of the locals waiting to see who shall emerge victorious from Giorgio & Umra's current intra-tribal unpleasantries...




Might the ultimate winner be none other than.......


......the humble Shepherd Azeem & his trusty herding dog Kuch... with their flock in tow??????
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 08, 2021, 10:54:05 AM
A few hints on how our campaign is conducted;
We have a general map of the Frontier where we have a complete view of the tribes and villages included in the game

When a war is declared ( caused by Warlike index ) we choose an appropriate map of the area.
In this case Waziristan and region below Peshawar.

Just for wargames purpose in this case We have an help for more villages names we used an addition detailed map.

In ordedr to give you an idea how the Warlike level of the Tribes are handled attached some tables we use to run the campaign.
There is of course a Table of random events that we currently want to leave secret.....

Giorgio and I (my name is Piero) hope you appreciate our campaign, what is not included in the tables are our twisted minds for revenge and betrayal; on the figures and characters of the two Khans Mulehead and Umra we built part of the game, Mulehead wants to oust Umra as a key element and his prestige on the Frontier in relations with the Raj; Umra of traitorous disposition declares himself loyal to the Raj but wants to be free to enlarge his domains .
The insults and trash  that you read on this post (always polite anyway) are nothing compared to those that daily we send myself and Giorgio via messages. ;D ;D

That's all for now folks, and let the Sacred Book of the of true believers wins !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 08, 2021, 11:10:30 AM
Umra Khan and Giorgio Il False Fakir of Waziristan... each time you blow your words like the wind for good and ill (obviously Umra for GOOD and Il False Waziri for ILL) you kick up the sand into the face of the lion -- AKA: the Mad Guru AKA: my one and only selfhood!  Like the lion my throat is parched and I roar in defiance... but what will come of it?  For in the end, I, like the Lion, am condemned to remain in my place... while you, like the good and ill winds you blow... will never know yours! (tho the GOOD Umra Khan no doubt WILL know his better than the Ill Waziri -- sad but true)

So let it be written, so let it be done, bang the gong, get it on!

Thanks Mad Guru Protector of all true Believers...is a pity that you live so far away , it would be a great pleasure and honor to be able to play together campaigns and battles of this level.
With Giorgio the Infidel we play via message as we live in two different cities.... but we are joined by the mules and camels that Umra regularly steals from him.
I have attached some hints on our campaign, hope you like it.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 08, 2021, 11:42:48 AM
In order to give more spice to the war, and to not offend real religious feelings, we have invented a fight between the faithful of different rules as if they are real religion (of course only TMWWBK is...). So anyone is free to enter in this topic and post his Khan name and religion/rule preference. If one or two  buddies wants to be more helpful, we can provide them the scenario and involved units (according also to what you have available) and the battle results wth pictures and description will be included in the campaign which could also enlarge covering more area.
But be careful and think that on one side there are empious Umra, Mad of Traitors, Sgt Guinness heretic and Italwars Kabuli fachiri. On the other side with Mighty Mulehead there are the Chinese unvinciblr boys of Sharpe52 and Hu Rhu  faithful devoted blessed pilgrims. At you the choice between Good and evil...
SO please enter the topic with your name, such as Ibrahim Khan of xxx in yyy area, devote faithful of the Only Rule (xxx) . Optional: I'd like to participate to campaign with my army/armies as solo or with my friend R.Kypling. I include some pictures of available units. Battles request RAJ/English and Pathans.
Don't be shy and fight for True Rule!!! It needs YOU! lol
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 08, 2021, 01:07:51 PM
Following the Giorgio False Fakir and Malicious Wazir here there are roles available for the campaign, you should choose a supreme khan and a deputy Khan.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: italwars on July 08, 2021, 03:27:36 PM
In order to give more spice to the war, and to not offend real religious feelings, we have invented a fight between the faithful of different rules as if they are real religion (of course only TMWWBK is...).
ehm..there is absolutly no need to "invent" anything cause THERE IS actually a REAL fight between the gamers, true warriors  and readers of the only and true wargame/way of life book that is TSATF  ;) and those serfs of the hindus, Inglish, memsahibs, "trhee lions cheating mob at el Wembley  ;) ;)" that instead of behave like warriors and men ..drink only memsahib Pim's n. 1 and read TMWWBK and other El Osprey toxic stuff :D
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 08, 2021, 03:32:11 PM
 o_o lol
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: OSHIROmodels on July 08, 2021, 03:36:03 PM
Great thread chaps  :)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 08, 2021, 04:15:11 PM
ehm..there is absolutly no need to "invent" anything cause THERE IS actually a REAL fight between the gamers, true warriors  and readers of the only and true wargame/way of life book that is TSATF  ;) and those serfs of the hindus, Inglish, memsahibs, "trhee lions cheating mob at el Wembley  ;) ;)" that instead of behave like warriors and men ..drink only memsahib Pim's n. 1 and read TMWWBK and other El Osprey toxic stuff :D

Italwars, scum of the worst useless heretics, filthy refusal, the kafilas bringing goods to Peshawar refuse to travel close to Kabul to avoid your heretic  smell, thief of mules, traitor of True Rule!
I ask to this forum: Is there one khan in the Kabul area who embraces the jihad to bring the True Rule TMWWBK to all Kabuli and send to me the head of this foolish liar before the starting of the Polo season?
Oshido, from the deep far east, will you be the predestined? The Osprey Champion to stabilize the situation ? 190 mile is the journey from Peshawar to Kabul, 190 heretic warriors will be killed in the treacherous passes, 190 will be the mules you send to Waziristan, 190 the times you will read the True Rule to convert all kabuli and than march with them to Swat and report me the head of the Mad of the traitors. Kabul will be your award!
I Mulehead torch of faithfull devoted pilgrims, promise Kabul to whom will take this quest and True rule wil assure a +2 to all dice!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 08, 2021, 04:40:42 PM
False Prophet of False Faith your book is full of false statements ... the distance from Kabul to Peshawar is 142 miles (there is a new motorway) ... for every mile your caravan travels a mule you will lose and when you will arrive at your destination you will be naked of all possessions and ready to accept the One Faith.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: italwars on July 08, 2021, 05:11:55 PM
Giorgio i could try to do the impossible and even accept your good faith in sticking with the book (TMTWB) favourite by your ferenghi  masters ...and i would even be ready, MAYBE, to accept it and even adotp it...but in exchange you ll have to show us, once for all, whose side you're...so for example  try to call a jiirga with the  11 ferenghi imperialists at El  Wembley and let them drink, mixed with their usual  gin tonic,  a potion that your withch doctor had prepared and let us see if they ll be overwelmed, in the following 90 mns  by a well deserved diarrhea..If so you could trust me and in  that case and only in that very  case i'll adopt and read every morning and teach to all my men your bloody TMTWB. >:D
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: sjwalker51 on July 08, 2021, 06:12:47 PM
In the words of Brother Belcher

“They’re all quite mad, you know”
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 10, 2021, 09:42:52 AM
Sunday a great jirga is called in the British fort in Wembleystan. Eleven Khans are convocated to discuss the power preminence in all Afghanistan. Together they decide to fight  eleven imperialist units: Pathan Brothers, Punjab awakes, the turban of Derruti crowns its head, where is the victory? give her your turbans, she is slave of Kabul all Afghans cry! Wembleystan will be green like the Peshawar grass white like the Pamir snow and red for the blood of feringhees!
Umra, Italwars, all feringhees enemies, get your jezail, draw your tulwar from its sheath: to Wembleystan to Wembleystan my brothers and Sunday all the Continent will be ours!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Major Blunder on July 10, 2021, 03:00:39 PM
Hi, new to this Forum... Great pics , terrain, and minis. Here's some of mine, for what it's worth..
Nepalese swarming like ants over rough terrain..
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Major Blunder on July 10, 2021, 03:03:15 PM
...a few Highlanders run like the devil from swarms of angry flying red ants..
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Major Blunder on July 10, 2021, 03:06:00 PM
A plastic elephant 🐘 gun train melting in the heat...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Major Blunder on July 10, 2021, 03:11:06 PM
Indian infantry under the able direction of Lt. Guptee..
Plus some British infantry skirmishing for beer... they haven't seen a pub since last Saturday
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: italwars on July 10, 2021, 03:17:03 PM
Did you see those ferenghi leaded by this newcomer officer of the raj ..you  didn’t believed me, Giorgio and other followers , when I said that the English had raised a brand new  force , even if small and recruited among Minifigs soldiers from old good times, and they are training and manoeuvring in the plain of Peshawar …if they ll then match toward my recently acquired  lands and village as a spy told me ..while in tank and behond kyber all of you are spenting time drinking black tea and reading your toilet paper book called TMTWB my warriors are observing those imperialist becoming every day bigger and even parading with a big strange monster animal recruited among the Hindus 😮..what I could  do without the promised modern rifles and left only with your garbage el Osprey book instead of  ammos if they decide to leave their base ?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 10, 2021, 07:27:16 PM
Italwars your faith is weak as a jackal pet, if you convert to True Rule with a pure heart you do not need any new rifle 'cause all your warriors will be invulnerabile to feringhee bullets!
But to avoid Almighty Rules punishment use correct acronyms: TMWWBK!!!
Now prepare your proud kabuli, assist tomorrow the massacre of feringhee in Wembleystan and be ready to receive their punitive expedition: no fear any harm if you'll fight with True Rule on your side!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: italwars on July 11, 2021, 11:40:03 PM
Wargame is coming Rome..sorry home :) :)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 13, 2021, 12:04:31 PM
After the horrible and disgusting conversion of Italwars to the new False Faith ... due to a wrong penalty kick  >:D >:D >:D
Umra Khan in his fortress of Mogala is planning new actions... with him are his trusty cutthroats to which Zarin khan has been added ;
Zarin informs Umra that he has managed to ingratiate himself with the Malicious Wazir and that his mission in Waziristan is progressing well
(Zarin knows that his mission to enter the graces of Malicuious Wazir is very dangerous and risks his life if he fails).

Zarin tells Umra that he oversized the Pass of Jandol Kot and when he saw the column of Gen. SImmons advancing towards the pass gave news to the Malicious Wazir.
Who commissioned El Quartah to organize a Lashkar and attack the Ferenghi rearguard.

Now for Umra there is  another problem, an old friend whos has taken the path of perdition...just for a Ferenghi game called  football...
He has only an option...the elimination of the sinner... and with a heavy heart he has  called Zamud Khan SASS ( Special Afridi Sniper Service )  of the Peshawar Agency "The Cleansing"

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: italwars on July 13, 2021, 12:21:34 PM
A given word is a given word!
Even in the frontier ?😏😆
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 13, 2021, 12:29:17 PM
A given word is a given word!
Even in the frontier ?😏😆

Not ...on the Frontier is highly recommended, indeed mandatory not to respect neither the word given nor the promises made.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 14, 2021, 11:01:53 AM
Gen. Daniel Simmons gives orders to his officers for the tomorrow morning  movement towards the Jandol pass.
In his mind return the voices of political agents who report secret negotiations between Khans of different tribes ' ... this does not bode well; he is a military expert on the Frontier and knows that these rumors are harbingers of bad news.
New Khans are about to declare themselves and this could lead to a general uprising on the Frontier. but He is a soldier, he will carry out orders, he leaves these things to the Politicians.

The Peshawar mountain battery is already arrived, and now everything is ready for tomorrow's march.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 14, 2021, 12:55:49 PM
Umra the Magnificent knows that other tribes are preparing for war against the Ferenghi, the guns are running along the Frontier transported and hidden in the caravans that periodically travel the most difficult and inaccessible paths.
A new Khan is about to appear on the horizon, a certain  Nadir Khan , another follower of the False Word, of the New Religion of the Perjurers. Allah sees everything and will punish these heretics by taking away all their mules.
Mules are the most beautiful animals and are suitable for walking the steep paths of the Frontier, Allah created them just for the pleasure  of the Afridis to steal them.


Umra screams in the wind of the mountains ... " where are my friends, my fellow faith Mad Guru and Jbaumal ? Why don't they come with their flags to fight with me the Infidels? the Malicious Wazir  is increasing his followers but fortunately he is always taken to count his mules for fear that they will be stolen from him , my friends Italwars and Major Blunder are hidden like fleas on a camel...I'm alone to fight  against the heretics and the Ferenghi,..... but the sword of the Mighty Umra is still  bloodthirsty, no mercy on my enemies and all the mules to me ,... those of the Malicious Wazir are the finest  :P :P! "


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 14, 2021, 12:57:55 PM
July 12nd 1890
 Sir I respectfully send to you the summary of the message that the bandit Mulehead has sent from his impregnable tower to his supposed right hand the bandit Zarin, desertor and killer. The relevant message speaks about disorders and risks of tribes raising in the North.
Humble servant   Tanas Singh, Subedar 2 Sikh company of Guides PFF.

My son Zarin blessed by the Almighty rules, pride of El Osprey and essence of faithfulness and devotion, you that walk in the path of True and Justice be happy! Great news come from North and very soon my plots will produce the planned results, because the Word of the Book is true and who follows It will be in happiness for ever.
A new mighty Khan, Nadir the pious, will declare his faith and join us in the Jihad to repulse ferenghees and destroy all the heretics, starting from the Mad of Swat and his ferenghee traitor Sgt Guinness.
Brother El Quartah is still monitoring Omar and Ferenghees in the Tochi valley, ready to rally all Afridis mules as their previous owners will be fully involved with Kafiri.
I was fooled by Umra the jackal and he showed me the unmentionable heretic rule, ridiculous agglomerate of black and withe silly notions. Not even the colours accepted to remain deposited on that infamous book. Trust in the only glorious Rule, full of flamboyant pictures , hilarious anecdotes and wise instructions! While I’m waiting news from Narid the blessed, may Almighty TMWWBK give you peace, abundant blessings, wisdom, internal peace of mind, joy and everlasting happiness.
Your Father in rule, Mulehead
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 14, 2021, 02:08:09 PM
Maliciuos Wazir may you have the fleas of 1000 camels... and arms so short that they can't scratch you !
(typical Afridi wish )

For the Prophet's beard.....

you said : " ridiculous agglomerate of black and withe silly notions. Not even the colours accepted to remain deposited on that infamous book. Trust in the only glorious Rule, full of flamboyant pictures , hilarious anecdotes and wise instructions ".

the black and white drawings were made when the man of the Frontier lit the fire  with lightning, and there was not today's technology of the white man, the color drawings and the precious information only serve to paint the turbans in the wrong colors, the Sacred Book reported for all brothers of the Frontier the color of the turban "OFF WHITE".  lol lol
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on July 15, 2021, 01:20:27 AM
Umra Khan has got it goin' on

Umra, can I come over after Masjid?
We can hang around & watch the foes of the TSATFL bleed
Did the Malicious Wazir launch another attack?
Is he still alive or did you shoot him in the back?
    (The proper price to pay for all Infidels like that)
The Malicious Wazir, that False Fakir
Tell him truth a thousand times & yet he will not hear
He can worship his False God & pray to Osprey
Yet the Faithful refuse to follow, including you & me
    (But still we honor their many books for colorizing history)

Umra Khan has got it goin' on!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 15, 2021, 07:31:30 PM
12th July 1890
from General Bindon Blood ,Rawalpindi:
Dear McGuinness, the situation in Chitral has precipitated quickly, old friend Shuja Dad has been murdered by the rebel Ali Razah  Khan who stirred up the Chitralis against us.
Two English civilians residing there were also killed, Mr and Mrs Stevenson, the Chitral garrison made up of a company from the 40th Pathans and one from the Gordon Highlanders , Bombay Artillery under the command of the oldest officer, Col. Dano McGurule  closed in the fort , I don't know how long it will last.
You must immediately organize 2 brigades plus divisional troops and move quickly from Nowshera to Chitral.
Bring a good political officer with you as you will have to cross territories populated by warrior tribes and you may encounter further difficulties.
good luck my friend
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 16, 2021, 02:46:03 PM
From the July 12, 1890 issue of the Peshawar Tribune from our correspondent Reginal Winkie:
Dear Reader, I’m just arrived in the romantic regions of North West Frontier and I find myself completely overcome by so many facts, intrigues, lies that I feel the urgency to summarize what happened to guess next developments. 

All started with the fight between Mulehad and Umra , Mulehead El Kommiss Khan is very jealous of Umra’s rich caravans and mighty fortress and of his good relations with Raj troops and with the charismatic Mad of Swat.
Our brilliant General Bindon Blood from Rawalpindi  sent two brigades , under Gen Simmons (from Dera Ismail Khan up to Tank and from there to Jandola and then to Wana to capture Mulehead) and Gen Davenport (from Koath down to Bannu and then to Idak and the Tochi valley).

Both the Khans try to gather allies and friends under their control, radicalizing the fight due to religion involvement between followers of the old TF&TS and the new TMWWBK.
Among the first Mad Guru khan of Swat, or Mad of Fools and Traitors for his enemies,  the kabuli Italwars and recently from Chitral the mighty  bloodthirsty Alì Razah Khan, who was recently appointed and proclaimed himself as Mehtar of Chitral replacing the old Khan Shuja suddenly dead for a bad cold complicated by  Alì’s tulwar in his chest.  . The latter include China border warriors of Sharpe52 and the pasthuns of Hu Rhu but now they have been reinforced by the foxy Hashim Alì Khan from the black mountain tribes, with his pesty cavalry and formidable warriors..

Gen Davenport had a detached column in Hangu under Col Fulllerton and asked him to join his brigade in Bannu. Mulehead sniffed the possibility for a trap: he gave Spinwam to Umra in exchange of rich caravans, but his troop under the faithful El Quartah harassed Fullerton’s column around Spinwam, to sprinkle a fight with Afridis and ready to deal with the survivals.  Fullerton destroyed the village but at that point Afridis under Omar the beautiful get their revenge with an unexpected victory over Fullerton (famous for his words “my barracks for another lancers squadron” and for his unlucky tactic of charging with cavalry up the rocky hills). The Colonel reached Davenport and they asked for reinforcement before proceeding.

In the South the Wazir El Growly created troubles in Kajuri Karg and Simmons’ intelligence (an oxymoron, isn’t it?) reports that a caravan of camels and mules with rifles and ammunition , intended to the rebel Mulehead Khan , was supposed to reach Manzai before the final destination to Wana.
Simmons sent a strong detachment under the command of Capt. J.K.Carruthers  to intercept the column, seize the weapons and impose taxes to local Malik and Headmen  for the  help to the rebel.
El Growly tried to ambush Carruthers but was defeated, anyway his bold action allows the caravan to pass. Unfortunately for the waziris the caravan was than a prey of Umra’s and the new rifles were used by Omar to defeat Fullerton’s column in Spinwam.

While at North situation seems static with Davenport entrenched in Bannu and Omar and El Quartah raiding each other, at South 2 new actors were taking a prominent position: Muhammad Alì Jarryd “The Scavenger” who despatched his past boss El Growly and now declared himself the khan of all Waziris south of Kajuri Kach, where a deserter of 40th Punjabi, Zarin Khan, an Umra’s man, tried to get the confidence of The Scavenger creating some troubles which require the arrival of Capt. R.F. Forsyth who brought with him 2 platoons of the Corps of Guides. The Guides were encircled by Scavenger’s warriors and required for reinforcement from Gen Simmons.
The Zarin Khan  plan was to convince Mulehead that he is a  faithful of new Rule and earn his trust but he wants to steal the original rule TMWWBK.

A new emerging character was the political agent Maj. F.G. Haldane who wanted to establish contact with the Mahsuds tribe to prevent them from joining  the Waziri of Mulehead in a Jihad.
His success in bribing the elders was doubled by a sound victory obtained by the column under Col Frederick sent to help Capt Forsyth and in the fighting El Scavenger himself was shot dead. A good opportunity for Zarin Khan to take the control of the local tribes, under the shield of Mulehead.

A dispatch has already reached Gen. Mc Guinness ( yes the heroic highlander officer!) in Nowshera to mobilize two brigades and their divisional troops and move quickly from Nowshera to Chitral facing a long journey full of pitfalls and dangers due to warrior tribes that he will find in his path.

In the deep North, Black Mountain Hashim Alì Khan ‘s  has taken the power with the help of his brother, the perfidious ruthless Sikander Khan.
BgGen Channer VC with few regulars is coming for controlling the ambitious new Khan, TMWWBK fanatic.

B Gen. Daniel Simmons ordered to his officers to leave the safe entrenchments in Tank and start   movement towards the Jandol pass.
In his mind return the voices of political agents who report secret negotiations between Khans of different tribes ' ... it does not sound good; he is a military expert on the Frontier and knows that these rumours are harbingers of bad news.
New Khans are about to declare themselves and this could lead to a general uprising on the Frontier. but he is a soldier, he will carry out orders also if contrary to his thought, facilitated by not having usually any thought at all. But that could be just another trap ready to spring , prepared by the infidous bandit Mulehead ready to exploit any opportunity that the long march started by Gen Simmons will offer. Especially those beautiful mules which are loaded with artillery pieces. Both precious loot to be used against heretics in Tirah, Swat and now Chitral. Kabuli are still in an unclear position wavering between the old and the new Rules Books.

For the Sports page, polemics don’t stop after the big match in Peshawar Polo stadium between Wana Camels and Kyhber Jezails. After few minutes from beginning all five referee mules were stolen. Referee has been disqualified due to the ancient Pashtun rule: if you cannot control your mule you cannot rule a Polo match. After skirmishing between the teams Waziri won the matches steeling 3 mules against 2 mules and 1 wounded Afridis.

Now everything stopped in the valleys, no sounds, no rumors, not even birds singing; what is the Mighty malicious Mulehead plotting? What hès next step? Which instructions has provided to Zarin? What is there (if anything) in Gen Simmons’head while he’s marching towards Jandola?

Jezails locks are well oiled, tulwars are sharpened, new battle smell is in the air, surrounding Gen Simmons’column rearguard as vultures flying around next victims.

I hope to bring very soon news from the four scenarios: Jandola Pass, Tochi Valley, Chitral and Black Mountain. Foundries are full time working to produce enough Raj troops to manage all these troubles!
I will update you soon from the very first line, and I include a sketch with our forces disposition up to date.

Yours faithfully
Reginald Winkie
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 17, 2021, 09:04:51 AM
13th July 1890
the column of Gen.Simmons leaves Tank's camp and heads to Jandol Pass to the sound of mule harnesses and soldiers' footsteps.
Simmons detached the Guides to crown the heights and protect the advance of the column; has put Maj. Williamson in command of the rearguard ... but he has already repented ... remember that a few days ago the Major had a fight with a Pathan and that he is a vengeful man ... Simmons is afraid that 2000 pounds of education can be cut off by  a 10 rupee jezail ....
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Major Blunder on July 18, 2021, 01:53:42 PM
If I have to have a khan name, I shall be known as "Beer Khan".  :P
Fighting on the frontier will be new but my troops learn quickly. Major Blunder is a past master at survival. Sounding the Retreat ( but forgetting to tell anyone else), he discovered a safe cavern with protective rocks outside. His troops rushed to follow him and were thus saved. Major Blunder is them awarded the queen's defence medal for running away to find cover from the scourge of many Hillman's rifles. Unfortunately, Peter Sellers wasn't present to sound the bugle of warning... lol
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 18, 2021, 02:08:56 PM
From a high rock Zarin looks in the valley where vultures are banqueting with the rest of Gen Simmons ’rearguard while feeble pipes sounds are warning about Simmon’s highlander coming with the rest of Brigade, but it is too late.
Before the perfect trap springs the gallant guides detected Rashid’s waziris. Lt Hastings was already drunkard but is havildar managed well to repulse the waziris until Zarin arrived on their flank and destroyed all.
This brilliant fight allowed Maj Williamson with his Sikh artillery to prepare to face the attack.
Hassan’s Ghazi charged supported by the hapless  Hamid and not supported by the idiot Nadir Khan, whose men anyway advanced to the ridge of the hill.
While Maj Williamson    well supported by Cpt Reid ìs artillery manged to repulse the Pashtuns Zarin Khan attacked and almost destroyed the Sikhs. It seemed that Williamson could repulse the waziris when Nadir men remembered they are irregulars well armed and refused his orders to fire on routed Hadam’s tribesmen and with a fantastic row of dices decimated the remaining British , that were butchered by Rashid’s four last tribesmen which than despatched also Cpt Reid while Zarin’s men, pinned, were busy collecting the train mules.

Zarin looks the valley and think, in the topic moment he asked the new Rule to assist him and It did. Perhaps the new Rule are the Trust One, and he his the predestined to conquer all Punjabi, nor Mulehead neither Umra, he must act carefully and let they think he is trustful, than nothing will be impossible, starting from conquering all the Swat and replacing the old naif Mad, It is time for a new Khan to drive the Jihad against all ferenghees…
Now he will send the message of victory with rescued mules and sketches of it to Mulehead assuring him about his devoted fidelity and giving high praise to TMWWBK Rule for the victory.
And a similar letter will be sent to Umra Khan giving glory to TS&TF...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 18, 2021, 02:13:50 PM
Zarin is suddenly interrupted in his dreams by the cries of his Waziris celebrating that complete idiot of Nadir and his irregulars. Well perhaps that stupid Khan will be useful again and not only in the battlefield. Now it is time to get the submission by these Khans, only Rashid demonstred real value, perhaps an incident could eliminate any future problems.
A punjabi lesson teaches: the snake head must be crushed when young...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 19, 2021, 01:06:10 PM
It is night ... the battle of the Jandol Pass is now a thing of the past ... Zarin Khan is sitting by the fire with the grim and truculent Wazirs cheering for victory nearby, he needs peace , he moves up the mount, as it climbs it looks at the bright moon in the cold starry night. He stands  on a rock and with his eyes fixed on the Moon ...
monologue by Zarin Khan former subedar of the 40th Pathans
 "I have seen things that you Ferenghi could not imagine, screaming Waziris leaping from Spin Baldak's tower, Kabuli cavalry charging Green Turbans outside the walls of Dhaka, and I have seen Afghanis in pinstriped angarka come out of the sanghars in Khandahar. throwing away the book of the Heretic, and I saw Punjabis Lovers die for a distant Queen and today I won a battle where Ferenghi were slaughtered by Wazirs with their faces like mules ....and was used  the rules of Sin, the false book, the Creed of the heretics ..... this has been my life. ..and all those moments will be lost forever like tears in the rain ... It's time to burn the False Book by throwing it into the cauldron where time gurgles.
But now  when all seemed lost I invoked the Supreme help , even Nadir the idiot obtained a row of 6 and 5. Where is the True? What is my destiny?
...and there is the honor of the Regiment the most important thing, which goes beyond tribal kins and blood ties...it' s time to return to  the 40th to clean up my Honor ? "
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 19, 2021, 01:31:33 PM
14th July 1890
from Rawalpindi Lt. Gen. Bindon Blood to Maj. General Mc Guinness in Nowshera.

"cause rumors coming from the area of Malakand , my dear friend , you may find complications, organize 2 brigades by appointing two Colonels of your staff with the rank of brigadier generals for the need. Good luck "
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on July 20, 2021, 07:10:33 AM
Despatches from Abbottabad:
Two officers and five sepoys of the 5th Gurkha from the Oghi Fort Garrison have been killed by tribes in the Black Mountains. Assemble a field force and conduct a punitive operation against the Hassanzais and Akazais within the Agror Valley and along the Indus Valley from Durban to That. Our best information indicate that Hashim Ali Khan supported by his "unstable" brother Sikander Khan are responsible for the cross border agitation and the deaths.
BG Channer establish the Hazara Field Force reestablish the control of the Agror Valley and submit the local tribes to the fines imposed.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on July 20, 2021, 07:50:35 AM
Despatches Abbottabad:
Dispatch political officers forward to Darband and the villages of the Agror valley to establish a jirga in Oghi and to impress upon them their promises of peaceful alignment at the risk of losing their khanates.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 20, 2021, 11:54:15 AM
With the entry into play of CPT SHANKS we have expanded the number of players and scenarios. CPT SHANKS will run the Black Mountain tribes (Tor Ghar or Kala Dhaka), he  has 2 Khans, Ali Hasim Khan of Darband (main khan) he is an old and peaceful man, his younger brother Sikander khan (deputy khan ) of Thakot is a rude and warrior man with warlike intentions.
The base of operations of Raj troops in the Hazara region is Abbottabad with the outpost of Oghi.
The region it is a remote area and the only roads passable by military columns are the Abbottabad-Oghi via Mansehra, Oghi-Darband the old Camel Road and Oghi-Thakot .
More news later.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 20, 2021, 02:07:01 PM
Gene. Simmons re-crosses Jandol's pass and finds only corpses in front of him,
they are all dead .
his escort of Gordon Highlanders with the help of the Medical Corps arranges the recovery of the bodies.
In front of him passes the litter where the body of Lt. Hastings is lying ... "What will I tell  to his Father Gen. Hastings?" Simmons thinks ... this little drunkard and woman-wasteer always ready for a fight, a fiery head was looking for it, he had to protect and warn the column under the pass, instead he charge  with his Guides thinking only of his honor .... and this is the result.
I will propose him for the Vittoria Cross or for a DSO so the father will be happy and when I see him again he will offer me a strawberry cake of which I am greedy.
I also have to make a complaint to the HQ and even higher up, the absence of my personal umpire (he was on vacation at the Marine Yatch Club 😡) damaged me significantly,
the umpire  that I was assigned a certain George Tete de Mule  of french origins was strongly disliked to me, then when I saw him with that 4-penny regulation with illustrations suitable for the illiterate I understood everything ... lastly, this squirry umpire also had the courage to want to see the screen of the roll of my dice, not trusting the word of a General of Her British Sovereign.....I was trying in every way to get the best dice and this French sly put me in a hurry ... lol lol
Well let's go back to Tank and lock ourselves in,  waiting for reinforcements, let's hope to be quick I don't want to miss tea time with biscuits.

The body of Lieutenant Hastings of The Guides , may he Rest in Peace with his Gin and women.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 21, 2021, 08:42:19 AM
Kotkai, Black Mountain 15th July 1890
A British delegation meets in Kotkai the elders and the chiefs of the Black Mountain tribes. The British delegation consists of Political Officer Mr. Christohpor Cullingame and Advisor Sir Archibald Cumberpatch, accompanied by a mysterious character named Ashmany Sheen Raj.
The Jirga is attended by several Khans and Maliks from the villages of Kotkai, Shingri, Towara, Kanar, and Darband.
Ali Hashim Khan, Supreme Chief of the Black Mountain Tribes, speaks: "welcome Hosoor , that peace is always with you, and  the True Book can guide your actions, as you see in this Jirga there are many Elders and Khans  respectful of the agreements made with your Government, unfortunately my young brother Sikander Khan of Thakot did not want to participate.He refused to come and sent back my gifts and messengers. I am old and I know, as you too will have understood, that often the tiger must be hunted in its territories, you should loose your dogs and start the game . I'm no longer ready for wars. "
Christohpor Cullingame take the speech: "that you may never be tired Great Khan, the Raj  Government cares a lot about your person and renews the friendship that binds you for years to the Raj. I had received news about your brother but I was hoping that there was still room for treat. Sikander Khan is following the new fashion and has become a follower of the New False Verb preached by a Malicious Southern Wazir.
I will return to Oghi and telegraph the news in Abbottabad, surely the Generals will take the hand, you Great Khan must be careful of betrayals and watch your back."
Ali Hashim Khan replay "may fate be with you my friend".

The British delegation left Kotkai to return to Oghi in the heads of Cullingame and Cumberpatch is clear the message of the old Khan, my brother is a great danger and I am afraid for my person. From Abbottabad they must quickly send a punitive expedition to Thakot to bring Sikander Khan to milder attitudes.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on July 21, 2021, 01:34:13 PM
14 July 1890

General BBlood, yes indeed sir, the warnings are certainly dire. We have mustered our forces and are moving post haste to the disturbances in the Chitral district. As ordered we have formed (2) Brigades with the required attached auxiliary troops. Our troops morale is high, they are certainly itching for a fight!  Cavalry scouts have already been sent out along our proposed march route. The dreaded Ali Razah Kahn, defender of the faithful text must be stopped at all costs, captured dead or alive, for Queen and country. His lands and village will be scorched. Huzzah!!!!

With upmost respect,
General McGuinness

Foot note: We have attached a most experienced and skillful Political Officer, LT Reginald Lowell. His extensive service and experience on the Grim will most certainly tip the advantage in our favor sir.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 21, 2021, 02:47:01 PM
July the 14th 1890 Chitral outpost,
from Colonel Dano McGurule , Commander of the Chitral garrison.
to Gen. McGuinness in Nowshera:
"we reinforced the guards and a wall that was unsafe. The Chitralis fire a few shots every now and then at our sentinels. Morale is high but I think we will be attacked soon, we plan to resist as much as possible, food and water are not a problem at the moment.
Our spies inform us that the Chitralis are looking for allies in Kohistan and in the lands of the Chilasis, one of their emissary has reached the tribes of the Mamunds in the Bajaur in an attempt to convince them to enter the war, so the road between Chakdara and the Lowarai pass could be dangerous, unfortunately it is the only possible way  to get here."


Inside Chitral Outpost

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on July 21, 2021, 03:11:55 PM
Information from the jirga has revealed that Sikander Khan is gathering an army of hill tribesman under the banner of TMWWBK in the vicinity of Takot. Sikander Khan failed to attend the jirga so his full intentions are unknown, though his brother feels he will do something rash. We have dispatched one troop of Bengal Lancers to scout the passes enroute to Takot. These northern tribes must be brought to heel if we are ensure the security of the North West Frontier.
Sending a two brigade column forward to stage at Oghi Fort consisting of the following regiments.
1st Brigade:
2nd Fusiliers
3rd Sikhs
1 Battery No 4 Hazara
3rd Coy Sappers and Miners

2nd Brigade:
1st/5th Gurkhas
40th Bengal Infantry

Oghi Fort Garrison:
2nd Highlanders
5th Gurkha
1 Battery Royal Artillery
BG Channers

Of note the intelligence gathered from our political officer Mr C. Cumberbatch and his mysterious guide Asmani Raj
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on July 22, 2021, 01:31:54 AM
My humble respect to the Mighty Mulehead, Light of Waziris, true Khan of all the lands between Delhi and Kabul, protector of widows and orphans, Defender of the one True Rule, Light of Disix, Mighty among the Mightiest, Defender of True Book, Torch in the darkness of heresy, mullah of El Osprey. My brother Hashim Ali Khan has turned from the way of jihad and makes peace with the Feringhis of Orgor Valley and Abbottabad. I have sent emissaries to the Allai and Nandihar to join us in jihad and drive the Feringhis from TorGhar. The Hassanzai and Akazai ride under the true flag of TMWWBK.  May your dice roll true. Your humblest of servants Sikander Khan
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 22, 2021, 09:27:07 AM
Wana July 14th1890
 Sir I respectfully send to you the summary of the jirga  that the bandit Mulehead had with his Khans ,The relevant speech was about the victory stolen at Jandola pass by the ruthless Zarin and nextdisorders and risks of tribes raising in the North.
Hereafter some sketches and the speech of the bandit obtained by our spy activities, although still hidden in the roof of Mulehead’s  tower. The relevant speech deals also  about a skirmish happened at Jandola and a new emerging bandit in the Black Mountain;  for your due information and necessary actions.
Humble servant   Tanas Singh, Subedar 2 Sikh company of Guides PFF.

Mi dear sons, blessed by the True Rule, faithful to Justice, devotees of the Almighty Book, followers of me, Mulehead, torch of Light, dread of ferenghees, revenger on the heretics, nightmare of kafiris, I can bring to you great wonderful news.

From the deep ravines in the North, further than Black Mountain, up to Chinese borders, with Hu Rhu and Sharpe52,  coming down to Baluchistan all the Frontier is boiling and ready to Holy Jihad.
Really the Book is true.
At Jandola pass the army of ferenghees has been destroyed by the holy pilgrims, faithful to TMWWBK words. The Wise Ruler wanted to test our faith, many times he left our brothers biting the dust but not this time! Such as a wooden spoon they throw me hither and thither, but I was never hurt. And now the network of my hidden designed actions is sprung out: Zarin Khan, beloved son, pure like spring water, attacked the ferenghees crying that we have only One Rule, death to kafiris. 
East of Indus river in the Black Mountain we have  two devoted brothers:  Hashim Alì Khan is a beloved friend but his brother Sikander khan  is a  tiger under sheep semblance (I said him that I strongly hope that his brother doesn’t have any incident such as getting a tulwar in his back while walking in front of Sikander) and soon the latter destroys all feringhees and will size all the Swat replacing the inept Malak Mansur Khan as khan of all Ysufzai.
El Quartah, devoted since the beginning, will size and take Umra’s fort in Tirah.
Then we’ll get the head of Alì Razah Khan scum of Pashtuns, servant and puppet of the Mad Malak, and also Chitral will be colonized and converted to True Rule, all glory and honour always to It.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 22, 2021, 12:03:47 PM
At Rawalpindi at Bindon Blood Headquarters, a confidential meeting is taking place between Bindon and General Sir Archibald Simonds de Brett and Aide-de-Camp Colonel Mortimer Jonathan Bunny on the current situation on the Frontier , as there is a risk of a general uprising .
Bindon speech:
" Gentlemen , we'll have to suppress this uprising with the utmost tact and diplomacy...we'll string up 'alf a dozen of 'em for a start ,
.....that's all for now ".

 from left to right :Sir Archibald Simonds de Brett , Lt. General Bindon Blood , Colonel Mortimer Jonathan Bunny 

the speech is inside the bungalow to avoid spies  given the reservateness of the topics touched on.....but a spy is hidden somewhere...


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 23, 2021, 01:06:31 PM
From the July 14th, 1890 issue of the Peshawar Tribune our correspondent Reginal Winkie:
Dear Reader, I’m arrived in this pacified  region of North West Frontier since two days and I already find myself completely overcome by so many news. 

The bandit Zarin has completed a raid close to Jandola steeling some mules and killing few guides and british regulars, including three officers. Among these Lt Hastings, son of the famous General, was killed leading his guides in an heroic attack which caused many victims among the bandits. More details in the special insert.

In the Black Mountain a jirga has been conducted and  Hashim Ali Khan devoted to TMWWWBK assured his alliance and help to control his fanatic brother Sikander Khan.
In Chitral Ali Razza Khan is preparing troubles rallying fanatics of TS&TF and a drastic action by our forces will be driven by Br Gen Mc Guinness
In Swat Yusufzais led by Malak Mansur Khan are ready to establish the faith in TS&TF all over Pashtuns and Malak is the spiritual leader reference for all his devotees, first of all Umra Khan and his afridis controlling Tirah and wavering between alley with us and banditism.

In the South the Waziris under Mulehead remain a center of riot and troubles, confirmed by last fighting in Jandola pass. Mulehead proclaiming himself the predestined by the Book is the mullah reference for all TMWWBK devotees.

Now everything stopped in the valleys, no sounds, no rumors, not even birds singing; what is the Mighty treacherous Umra plotting? What his next step? Which instructions has provided to Omar? Which heretic Khan’s bed is going to drag under its slumbering owner to take a nap on it?What is Fullerton saying to  Gen Davenport to convince him to send Fullerton back to Spinwam to revenge his defeat with some good charges uphill  while they’re  trenched in Bannu?

Jezails locks are well oiled, tulwars are sharpened, new battle smell is in the air, a brother is going to kill his elder one, a devote Khan is going to set up an ambush, Mulehead…who knows his terrible bloodlust dreams?

I hope to bring very soon news from the fourth scenarios: Bannu, Tank, Chitral and Black Mountain.
I will update you soon from the very first line, including also last whist Peshawar Royal Club tournament results
yours faithfully
Reginald Winkie
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on July 23, 2021, 08:35:43 PM
Dispatches Nowshera 15 July 1890
Good day my dear General Blood,

We have departed Nowshera with the 1st Brigade and are well enroute to Chitral. We are currently on the move with patrols of the 77th Bengal Lancers scouting to the flanks and front of our column. Close behind them the 2nd Gurkhas have taken to the heights and scrub to flush out any possible ambushers. Our Political Officer LT Reginald Ethan has ridden ahead with a detachment of the 77th Bengal Lancers to make contact with friendly tribes on our route of march in order secure safe passage and possible allies. The Queens Shilling is still worth it's weight in gold on the Grim, to some....

Your humble servant,
General McGuinness

1st Brigade
Col. Robert Hall
Capt. "no boats for me" Lucas
Sgt Major Lawrence Brom
(1) Batt 2nd Gurkhas
(1) Batt Corp of Guides
(1) Batt 66th KRRC
(1) Batt 72nd Highlanders
(1) Squadron 77th Bengal Lancers
(1) Battery Bengal Artillery Mountain Guns - mule born

Attached Political Officer:
LT Reginald Ethan
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on July 24, 2021, 02:17:43 AM
FROM: Maj. Gnl. Basil "Smokey" Whitsend, CO Peshawar
TO:     Lt. Gnl. Sir Bindon Blood, CO Rawalpindi & the Whole Bloody Frontier
RE:     Commencement of Operations in Peshawar Region
DATE: 16 July 1890

My Dear General Blood,

In accord with instructions from your HQ, I have dispatched my 1st Brigade North-East to Dargai, in order to better ascertain the temperature of the Yusufzais RE: recent aggression perpetrated by their Waziri and Afridi neighbors.

Dargai will put 1st Brigade within reach of the outpost at Chakdara, which guards the key bridge over the River Swat, across which we have good access to Dir to the North -- which as you know is a vital seat of power here in Swat.  The seat of Dir and the surrounding region is currently ruled by Malar Mansur Khan, who fancies himself "Wali of Swat" and "Nawab of Dir," and is generally friendly to the Raj.  No doubt the presence of a full Brigade on his southern veranda will remind Malar Mansur Khan which side his naan is buttered on.

Meanwhile my Political Officer, Captain Alexander "Sikander" Crane, is trying to ascertain the current whereabouts of Mala Mansur Khan's deputy, Sarban Khan, known to be of more disputatious disposition.  Captain Crane informs me that this Sarban Khan rascal is said to carry a Martini-Henry rifle he claims to have taken off the body of a dead soldier of the 66th Berkshires a decade ago at the Battle of Maiwand.  No doubt this is empty bombast, but at the very least it points to a very bad attitude indeed.  I will keep you posted if and when we learn more on the current whereabouts of this rogue, and how many Yusufzai Tribesmen seem currently inclined to share his perspective.

I am keeping my 2nd Brigade here at Peshawar, together with my Divisional Troops, ready to respond to further developments.

I have doubled the guard at all sentry posts, given orders to halt musketry instruction so to conserve ammunition stocks, and evicted all local native servants & camp-followers from my post in order to preserve the security of our troops, weapons & supplies -- as well as information.  Captain Crane the Political was against this last move, predicting it will do more to antagonize the locals than improve our security, but I overruled him, declaring better safe than sorry!

Below you will find current rosters for both of my mixed Brigades, as well my Divisional troops and the aforementioned garrison of the Chakdara Outpost...


Commanding Officer:   Major General Basil “Smokey” Whitsend
Political Officer:   Captain Alexander “Teetotaler” Crane


Major Carey’s Signalers                           ... 3 x Heliographs w/4 crew EA
Aide de camp couriers                           ... 3 x detached Cav. figs.
No. 7 Company Bengal Sappers & Miners     ... 10 figs.
E/B Battery RHA                                   ... 3 x 9pdr Field Guns w/4 crew EA
Army Hospital Corps detachment                ... Dhoolie Teams, Bearers, Attendants & Medical Officers

1st BRIGADE   (CO: Brigadier Stewart Ruff-Husband)

1st Batt. 9th Gurkha Rifles.     …   … 20 figs.
1st Batt. 17th Punjabis   …   …   … 20 figs.
2nd Batt. 23rd Sikh Pioneers   …   … 20 figs.
1st Batt. 92nd Gordon Highlanders   … 20 figs.
Sq. 12th Bengal Cav.      …   …   … 12 figs.
No. 2 (Dejarat) Mt. Battery    …   … 3 x guns w/4 crew EA
Brigade Supply Train           …      …    … assorted pack mules, camels & baggage wallahs

2nd BRIGADE    (CO: Brigadier Padraic “Magpie” McGilligan)

1st Batt 2nd Gurkha Rifles   …   … 20 figs.
1st Batt 2nd Sikhs (PFF)   ...   … 20 figs.
1st Batt York & Lancaster Regt.   … 20 figs.
Corps of Guides (PFF) Inf.   …   … 20 figs.
Sq. 9th Queen’s Royal Lancers   … 12 figs.
No. 3 (Peshawar) Mt. Battery   … 3 x guns w/4 crew EA
Brigade Supply Train   …   …   … assorted pack mules, camels & baggage wallahs


Right Wing of the York & Lancs   … 10 figs. (CO Lt. Fitzroy, NCO Sgt. Crood)

With Kind Regards from Your Humble Servant,

B.S. Whitsend

PS. I regret to inform the General that I have just received the following dispatch from the garrison at Chakdara:

To Higher Echelons Concerned,

Sorry to say that I, Sergeant Oliver Crood, senior NCO presently accounted for, had to take charge of the Chakdara garrison on the occasion of young Subaltern Fitzroy having eaten some olives straight off the tree and falling into a convulsive stupor immediately thereafter, turned green and what's been puking his guts out since.  To the best of my 'umble abilities I will endeavor to maintain this post and keep watch over the bridge until the Lt. regains his bearings or -- as seems more likely -- a new officer arrives to replace him.

Yours Truly,

Sgt. O. Crood Regt. # 201
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on July 24, 2021, 05:59:03 AM
FROM: Brig. Gnl. Ruff-Husband, 1st Brigade, Peshawar Field Force
TO:     Lt. Gnl. Bindon Blood, HQ Rawalpindi
RE:     Non-combatants in tow
DATE: 17 July, 1890

General, Sir:

While en route from Peshawar to our destination at Dargai, I have come across a pair of British civilian females traveling with a small escort of Frontier Scouts and a guide from -- appropriately enough -- the Queen's Own Corps of Guides.  Their names are Lorelai and Christine Brom, a pair of sisters on their way to visit their father, Sgt. Major Lawrence Brom, who is currently serving as Senior NCO in Colonel Hall's 1st Brigade of Gnl. McGuinness's Division.  I advised the sisters that in light of recent developments on the frontier, it would be most unwise for them to continue on their proposed route accompanied by a handful of Pathan Militia types and one Sepoy of the Guides, and instructed them to immediately turn around and head back to Attock, and thence to Rawalpindi.  Unfortunately they did not see the wisdom of my advice and told me in no uncertain terms that they would either continue along their proposed route with their present escort, or accompany me to Dargai, from whence they plan to head further North until they reach their father, whose own Brigade is currently en route to Chitral.  I told them this was an insane idea which would most certainly lead to their ruin or death, possibly both.  However, as I did not feel it appropriate to lay hands on them or order the troops under my command to do so, as of now they are traveling North with us.  It is my hope that tonight while they sleep, a handful of my men will manage to lash them to their camp beds so I can send them back with their own escort reinforced with a section of 92nd Highlanders for safe-keeping.  Please advise your sentries on the road to Rawalpindi to be on the lookout for this strange convoy, which with some luck should reach your area in the next 8 to 10 days.

Apologies for the drawn-out nature of this despatch, but women were never my forte!

Most Dutifully Yours,


PS For your edification I have attached a sketch of the Brom Sisters made by ace correspondent and illustrator for the Peshawar Tribune, Reginald Winkie:


PPS. Unfortunately last night they took the precaution of sleeping in individual shifts, whilst the other sister stayed awake to stand guard, so my well-laid plan has come to nought.  It seems they will be accompanying my Brigade to Dargai, and who knows what after that.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on July 24, 2021, 06:04:25 AM
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on July 24, 2021, 06:28:47 AM
Despatches Abbottabad (Forward) 17 July 1890
Oghi Fort, Agror Valley
Marched two days from Abbottabad without incident and established cantonment north of Oghi Fort.  Garrison commander COL Smyth-Jones Abbsent, 5th Ghurkas, reports pashtuns north of the border at Takot and Mazrai and along the Nandahar River have been conducting shuras. His reports from khans in Argror valley state Sikander Khan has declared jihad on the Britishers and has sworn to drive us from Torghar, the Black Mountains.
We will embark to the north, establish a staging area at Dilbori. From there I will split field force into two columns, by brigade, and conduct recces of the passes to cross the border and conduct punitive actions against villages found to be supporting Sikander Khan.  We will also establish heliograph stations to increase our ability to signal throughout the Black Mountains and back to Abbottabad.
BG Channers
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 24, 2021, 03:06:30 PM
Wana July 17th
Sir I respectfully send to you the summary of the letter  that the bandit Mulehead sent to Sikander Khan to Black Mountain.The relevant message was about risks of tribes raising in the North.
Hereafter the summary of the letter of the bandit obtained by our spy activities, bribing some waziris in the night caravan campfire. This new emerging bandit in the Black Mountain seems to be very ruthless and blood-lust;  for your due information and necessary actions.
Humble servant   Tanas Singh, Subedar 2 Sikh company of Guides PFF

Sikander Khan delighted son, follower of the True Book, you are not a treacherous jackall ready to bow to Ferignhi like the heretic followers of the corrupted rule that once gave its poisoned lessons all over from Peshawar to Tennessee. Now I, humble mullah of El Osprey, declare that only one is THE TRUE BOOK, coloured and full of humour. Dead to Kafiri, get your jezail, sharp your tulwar, destroy all Angrez armies, march to Swat and call a shura to convert all tribes in the Swat, starting from Yusufzais of the treacherous villain Malar Mansur Khan. After killing the Mad of Swat all his puppets like Umra and Ali Razza will come wagging their tail like little dogs and my tulwar will be ready to receive them. All glory and blessing to the only Rule, and to his mullah the invincible Mulehead true khan from Kabul to Dheli!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 24, 2021, 03:41:38 PM
there is an old tradition in Umra's family ... Umra's grandfather stole Jezails from Mulehead's grandfather ......(https://i.postimg.cc/zG7y7R9r/20210723-223636.png)

....Umra's father stole Jezails from Mulehead' father....(https://i.postimg.cc/sxJzz5Pf/FB-IMG-1627046498493.jpg)

And Umra steal Jeazils from Mulehead, just to keep alive the tradition....
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 24, 2021, 05:43:39 PM
Waziri tradition...
Grandpa camels, Father mule train, my future acquisitions... 100% from Afridis,,, with Umra's compliments!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 24, 2021, 09:23:29 PM
On the evening of the 17th July at the HQ of Gen. Bindon Blood in Rawalpindi  a strange message arrives from the outpost of Chitral, rebounded by the fort of Chakdara .... "I'm Colonel Dano McGurule we are under a ......"   then the message stops ...
Gen. Blood does not see clearly and summons his intelligence specialists, who after a long meeting come to the conclusion that at the moment of the interruption of the message Col McGurule wanted to write a word that began with the letter A ....now the problem is ... what word did McGurule want to write?

"Apple "shout the General. That stupid Dano disturb me to inform that he is under an apple tree, damn stupid!

Sir if you allw me I  think he is meaning is under...a constant invitation to some jirgas says his chef de etat major......

No no says  the Colonel Durrie , he meant is under something more dangerous .....a blazing sun...I'm sure it is !

Seriously ... after  the parody of Carry Up On the Khyber...
Chitral garrison is under attack !
...says Colour Sergeant Victor "Scar"  Plumbers
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on July 25, 2021, 11:36:15 PM
We present a series of Colored Lithographs from the sketches of Peshawar Tribune Special Correspondent & War Artist Extradorinaire, Reginald Winkie -- dated JULY 16, 1890 -- portraying the departure of 1st Brigade of the Peshawar Division for Dargai, under command of Brigadier Stewart Ruff-Husband...

View from the parapets of the walled city, with advance pickets of 9th Gurkhas, followed by column of 2/23rd Sikh Pioneers, 12th Bengal Cavalry, 17th Punjabis, No. 2. (Dejarat) Mt. Battery, and baggage train exiting through the Kabuli Darwaza (Kabul Gate):



NOTE TO READERS: Amongst the devoted adherents to TSATF observing departure of 1st Brigade is Captain Alexander "Teetotaler" Crane, Political Officer for the Peshawar Division, rumored to be not so happy with some of General Whitsend's recent decisions...


Brigadier Ruff-Husband observes the advance of his brigade, accompanied by his Adjutant, Brevet Major Tom:




9th Gurkhas "crown the heights" ahead of 2/23rd Sikh Pioneers:



Containing the ruckus on the road:






No. 2 (Dejarat) Mt. Battery packed up on its trusty (Old Glorious) mules...


Streaming out the Kabul Gate:





Major General Basil "Smokey" Whitsend himself huzzahs his 1st Brigade as they march off to Dargai...


92nd Highlanders bring up the rear AKA: "Our Steadfast Skirted Anchors":



Godspeed brothers & fare-thee-well:



Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on July 26, 2021, 12:10:12 AM
FROM: Captain A. Crane, Political Officer, Peshawar Division
TO:     Maj. Gnl. Whitsend, CO, Peshawar Division
CC:     Lt. Gnl. Sir Bindon Blood, C-in-C Rawalpindi


As you will see from the attached materials, the advance of Peshawar's 1st Brigade is being closely monitored by Tribal lookouts. If said lookouts are loyal to Malak Mansur Khan, ruler of the Yusufzais, who pledges loyalty to the Queen Empress -- or followers of Sarban Khan, Mansur's deputy, who is more aggressively inclined with regard to the Raj, I regret I cannot as yet say.  But I strongly recommend proceeding with utmost caution.

Respectfully Yours,

A. Crane, Capt, P.D.







Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on July 26, 2021, 12:40:23 AM
FROM: Mayank Jan, True Son & Loyal Devotee of Sarban Khan
TO:     Sarban Khan, Light of the Yusufzais, Defender of the Faithful, Enemy of Infidels
DATE: July 17, 1890   Dhu al-Qadah 28, 1307 per the Calendar of the Faithful

After half their army marched off to Dargai, the British kicked all the merchants, tradesmen, servants & beggars out of Peshawar!  I stayed behind and hid to see what developed.  Indeed, it did cause some disputation, and one fellow did refused to depart.  I was ready to draw the tulwar hidden in my pajamas, leap down and support him -- but then he succumbed to the harangue of the British and sadly no blood was spilt.  It seems even if they are Pashtun by blood, a brief time spent here in the big city reduces a man's Baraka to the barest of minimums, less than that of a eunuch.  Still, it has left a bad taste in the mouths of the locals, most of whom have relocated to one of the surrounding villages, where I have begun to parlay with them.  Needless to say, they are all followers of the True Faith and Loyal to the One True Book of Rules, TSATF, which is surely a sign pointing to victory...





Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on July 26, 2021, 11:48:45 AM
FROM: Sgt. Oliver Crood, York & Lancs, Acting Commander Chakdara Outpost
TO:     Higher Echelons Concerned
RE:     Status Report

DATE: July 17, 1890

I am sad to report Lt. Fitzroy's sufferings continue unabated.  He remains laid up, but the men and I are trying our best to keep him from expiring.  I have assigned Corporal Golightly, who prior to an attempted desertion during his first enlistment served as a stretcher-bearer with the Hospital Corps, to take the lead in caring for him, which he has done despite suffering from a severe tooth abscess himself.  When it rains it pours, even in this dry dusty mercilessly hot country.

Around midday today something odd happened that I had not seen during my prior six months manning this post: a shepherd drove his flock across the bridge.  It is my understanding that as a rule the locals have avoided using this bridge since our outpost was stood up.  But this shepherd drove on by.  Along the way his dog moved precipitously towards us, and Private Hudson -- who hates all animals -- raised his rifle and nearly shot it dead.  Luckily I was able to prevent him from firing, as trained herding dogs are reckoned to be worth their weight in gold or gunpowder hereabouts.  The shepherd called himself Azeem & professed true devotion to TSATF, but I sent him on his way in no uncertain terms nonetheless.  I then was much surprised at his amiable demeanor.  In fact he walked off most cheerfully, professing endless blessings upon us and our sickly young headman (how the bloody hell did he know about that?!), which I confess has left me with a sense of dire dread and foreboding -- a grand term I once heard from our Chaplain, when it became known that the Colonel-in-Chief of the regiment was keeping a second wife and family in Mysore.  I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but I have given orders for the entire garrison to stand to tonight, as I don't want us caught with our trousers down.  Pray for us & we shall do the same for our subaltern.

Yours Truly,

Sgt. O. Crood Regt. # 201



Lt. Fitzroy attended to by Corporal Golightly



The Bridge over the Swat River


The coming of the Sheep



Shepherd Azeem & his hound, Kuch





A conflagration averted



Pvt. Hudson reprimanded


No sleep for the weary at Chakdara

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 26, 2021, 01:42:32 PM
Rawalpindi 18th July 1890
In the  HQ of Lt. Gen. Bindon Blood a meeting with his Staff is underway,

someone tries to join the meeting.....

the situation in the North is this, says the General:

Gen McGuinness and his brigades arrived in Jalala then he will proceed to Dargai, Malakand, Chackdara , further in his route Janbatai pass, Dir , Lowarai pass , Kila Drosh and finally Chitral. is a long and difficult road, speed is essential, hoping that the tribes along the way do not create problems, this long journey could take between 20 to 30 days. His duty to relief the garrison in Chitral fort ,  overule the Khans Ali Razah Khan and Jhaba Khan.
With the Gen. McGuinness is a talented and experienced political officer , LT Reginald Ethan; his task is to depose the regent khan and appoint in his place the son of the previous Amir , Shuija Ul Mulk, a young boy who studied in India and of open and modern mentality.

Gen. Whitsend has arrived in Nowshera with his brigades and will depart soon north to Chakdara via Mardan, Jalala, Dargai and final step Malakand and then crossing the river to Chakdara ; his duty to establish a belt between Chakdara, Dir and the Bajaur, both to protect the road and the return of McGuinness's brigades, and to keep under control the tribes of the Mamunds, Yusufzais and Swatis, against whom he will be able to carry out punitive expeditions if he deems it appropriate.;

Yesterday we received the broken message from Chitral, and now we know that the garrison is under seige.
We though that the garrison has supplies for about 20 days, and enough ammunition to repulse a couple of assaults from the tribesmen.

Gen. Channer who was in Oghi yesterday, should continue to the north towards Thakot; I'm waiting some communications from him at any time.

Our friend Umra Khan is informing us of the various movements and conspiracies of khans , he is a reliable and honest person and a safe and faithful ally in the common belief TSATF.

Furthermore in the south Waziristan the truculent Malicious Wazir El Giorgio is traveling by mule to one of his residences in Al Tuscan in the El Chianj hills....probably to conclude some shady mule traffic.

Well Sirs, in the cabinet there is some good cognac of monsieur  Etienne Gasqueton which I brought from my last trip to England , it's time to have some rest .
God Save The Queen !

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 26, 2021, 02:24:18 PM
Umra Khan in his stronghold  of Mogala is in conversation with Percival Donald Mc Duck , Scottish representative of Guns and Guns of  Edinburgh ... in his hand he has a brochure of the company with the prices of some free consumption items ... 1 Maxim machine gun at 3,700 rupees and revolvers at 34 rupees each., rifles at 100 rupees each...
Now is the problem... where to fix all that money ?
Umra has 2 options... rob as usual the unwary Waziro of mules and camels and sell everything at the market of Ambala, or kidnap some rich Hindu down in Peshawar ... then he has another idea... return to his native village of Munda on the Jandol River in his green and fertile Bajaur and talk to his friend Malak Mansur Khan the champion of the true faith , the Nawab of Dir , the Wali  of  SWAT , the man who could change the 1 in 6 ....
 ...Umra has a proposal  that Malak Mansur  will not be able to refuse.

Umra , with its continuous change of appearance for not being recognized,.... spoke with Mr Percival Donald Mc Duck and his escort of gurkha mercenary.

I'll buy 1 maxim with enough ammunition to shoot all the stars , 200 revolvers,,,and 1000 Lee Metford in the .303 brit. caliber that I have seen kill a foe at 1.000 yards...says Umra...within 1 month I 'll have the money.
Came here confident Mr Mc Duck....and in the meantime he touch the hilt of his chora.
and with a deep smile greets the Scotsman ... Umra laughs thinking that the first target of his new Maxim will be the waziro  lol lol lol

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on July 26, 2021, 11:00:38 PM
Despatches Abbottabad (Forward) 19 July 1890
Dilbori Cantonment, Agror Valley
To: General BBlood
From: Tako Field Force
Established cantonment area in the vicinity of Dilbori. The local Agror tribes are congenial enough and have already established a bazaar and the commissariat has purchased enough goats and naan to feed the force for two weeks.
I ordered COL Sym to establish a route via the Chitabat heights. This route proved untenable for the pack mules so he returned them to Dilbori while advancing on to Kopra.   COL O'Grady has taken them over the Jal Pass and through the Tikari Valley with orders to reconsolidate the column at Maidan. We will advance on Takot once the brigade has been reconstituted with all guns and supplies.
Heliograph station at Pailam has reported locals have been approaching the block house asking for water and demanding tributes for use of the land.
BG Channers
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 27, 2021, 06:14:25 PM
Wana July 19th
Sir I respectfully send to you the summary of the letter  that the bandit Mulehead sent to Sikander Khan to Black Mountain.The relevant message was about attacking our columns.
Hereafter the summary of the letter of the bandit obtained by our spy activities, although still hidden in the roof of Mulehead’s  tower; for your due information and necessary actions.
Humble servant   Tanas Singh, Subedar 2 Sikh company of Guides PFF

Sikander Khan delighted son, follower of the True Book, I, humble mullah of El Osprey have been informed that a feringhee column has been detached from the main army. I order that you  get your jezail, sharp your tulwar, destroy all Angrez  and destroy all the block houses they are setting in the area. Use this important information to loot mules and rifles. All glory and blessing to the only Rule, and to his mullah the invincible Mulehead true khan from Indus to Lahore!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on July 27, 2021, 10:00:35 PM
To the Mighty Mulehead from whom wisdom flows like life from the Indus, Gem of the mountains from Delhi to Herat, provider for widows and orphans, Defender of the One True Rule The Book of Truths TMWWBK, Light in the valley of the forsaken, annointed leader of the sixteen.
The Angrez have foolishly divided their meager army as you foretold and now walk straight into the traps set for them. My ghazis will swarm down on them like lions set upon jackals  My jezzail are primed to smite the kafir as a hawk swoops down the valley on a dove. As to those kafir in the west that follow the old ways, the Yusufzais and their Bunerwhal allies, my scouts tell me even now a Britisher column moves to subjugate them after which my horsemen will ride down the valley and put to the tulwar all the TSATF kafirs who bow to the infidels. May your light continue to shine on sixes. Your humblest of followers, Sikander Khan. 17 Dhul Hijjah 1442
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on July 28, 2021, 04:07:43 AM
FROM: The Mad Guru of Swat
TO: Sikander Khan of Agror Valley
VIA: Hard Rock Courier

Oh yea of little faith -- that is to say, yea whose faith squeezes the wrong treatise.

When your words are read to me (long ago as a youngin I was blinded fighting the Infidels, so the written word must be read to me by my trusty khadim) I am torn like the people of Mecca in the early days of the Prophet, Peace And Blessings Be Upon Him -- when the dwellers of that city were split in two, with True Believers suffering persecution at the hands of former friends and relations who scoffed and attacked them.

Unlike them I am not torn between True Faith and False Idolatry, but between joy and hate.

I confess, Sikander Khan, when I hear these words of yours, a smile creeps across my leather face, for your words hold enormous entertainment value, such as gamers like you and I are given the chance to enjoy in this life for only fleeting moments in time.  Are these fleeting moments not joyful indeed?!?!

...but then I recall the Heathen nature of the False Word you swear your twisted devotion to, the Book of Lies sent to invade and conquer our small corner of the world by the Hegemonic Bird Book Publisher who already reigns supreme over the Earth (and who I alone have made rich via my purchase of dozens unto hundreds of their wares from childhood to this very day)... then my smile fades and I set my old blind face in stone.  The stone of hate.  The stone of WAR.  War for truth... war for tradition... war for the power of the simple word in black & white, not glossy full-color... and war against the dreaded MR. BABBAGE!

I pledge not to fall prey to the sweet mutterings, diverting as they may be, of you and those like you!

I shall redouble my efforts, I shall take the Green Standard of Mecca, that which Ayub Khan used to rally the Faithful, I shall take it from its cave of safe-keeping and carry it to Gilgit, to Chitral, to Jellalabad, to Peshawar, and raise the Mahallah!

Hear me now, ponder my words later, and forget me not tomorrow: in the name of the Mad Guru the Tribes shall rise, the Ghazis shall gather!

Will they fight the Farangi and their idol-worshipping lackeys from the South... or will they fight poor foolish neighbors like you, who fall prey to the siren song of the Mulehead, from whom darkness, lies, and perversion flow like honey from the beehive or money from the purses of the Memsahibs in Simla?

I am a Guru, not a soothsayer, but I predict this much: lead will be pushed, dice will be rolled, cards will be flipped, and victory gained -- all in the name of THE SWORD AND THE FLAME!

So let it be written, so let it be done, bang the gong, get it on!

With Blind Perseverance,


* * * * *


HAMID: "Hey, Abdullah, do you know who that is?"


ABDULLAH: "The Mad Guru himself!"


HAMID: "And do you see what he carries in his hand...???"


ABDULLAH: "Can it be...???"


HAMID: "Yes it is -- the Green Standard of Mecca, which led the Faithful to victory ten years ago at Maiwand!"

ABDULLAH: "And then to defeat a month later at Kandahar AKA Baba Wali, no?"

HAMID: "Of course not!!!  The banner was gone long before that."

ABDULLAH "Okay, so... it leads to Victory every time?  Sweet!  Who does the Sainted Guru plan to defeat with it this time?"

HAMID: "That my friend is a question a child like the one guiding the blind Mad Guru's mule might ask, but not a childish question."

ABDULLAH: "So... no clue?"

HAMID: "It will be as God wills."
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 28, 2021, 01:15:56 PM
Gen Simmons decides to punish the Waziri for all the disturbances caused in the last few days, and on the morning of the 20th July a fast column of Gordon Highlanders and the 2nd Sikhs (right wing) under the command of Maj. Spencer climbs the mountains of Manzai and burns Wazir's viallge of Bangai Tor  without encountering resistance as it  was  abandoned by the tribesmen . the punishment of the Raj will be 'inflexible !
While another column of 2nd Sikhs (left wing )  and 40th Pathans under the command of Capt. O'Sullivan heads in to the other village of Chaisan in the same  Valley.
Simmons wants to see if using the heavy hand the Waziri decide to face his brigade.....otherwise he  will proceed to Wana and destroy all the villages on its way.
Simmons  knows that the fundamental of Small Wars is to bring the native foe to a battle where the greatest number of casualties can be inflicted, the only " frontier arithmetic "  that tribesmen understand !

here the village of Bangai Tor is burned
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 29, 2021, 09:06:26 AM
Rawalpindi 21st July 1890
HQ of Lt. General Bindon Blood
A meeting with his Staff in progress .


" Sirs, these are the last news that we received from our tropps ,

Gen. Mc Guinness reached Malakand, his Political Officer Lt Reginald Ethan is exploring the land ahead and is establishing meetings with Local Maliks in order to test their intentions;

Gen. Whitsend reached Jalala and is moving towards Dargai;

Gen. Channer has sent various detachments to Jal and Chitabad in order to find a way to Thakot;

To date they are 5 days that Chitral garrison is besieged but we have not any news from them;

Gen. Simmons detached two columns to burn villages in the Manzai valley;

Gen. Davenport sent tropps to burn villages in the Tochi valley;

...someone brought some cognac ? mine is sadly over "

but 4 eyes and 4 ears are listening to speeches
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 29, 2021, 11:17:24 AM
July 21st, a crossroads west of Bannu, Col Fullerton speaking to Major Hugo William Stockfish: .
“Well Willie organize the column we go North”.
“But Sir the orders of Gen Davenport are to burn villages in the Tochi Valley”.
“Yes indeed, but he didn't say according which route. That is exactly what we'll do after burning all the villages between Bannu and Spinwam than we come back to Idak.”
“But Sir General Davenport..”.
“Stop it Major. General said to destroy villages in Tochi valley and not the road to follow. That is under my judgement and I feel that a diversion will allow to arrive on Waziris from where we are not expected.”
“But Sir Umra is an alley...”
“Major open your ears and listen good: there are only 2 kinds of Pathans, bad bandits and dead, that is exactly what I will do with Omar's Afridis before and El Quartah's Waziris immediately after. Are you discussing my orders WIllie?”
“No sir, sure not.... Risaldar Maruti Jadhav order the Squadron to advance in direction towards the North”
“Sir yes Sir! Squadroooon march direction NooooRTHH!”
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on July 30, 2021, 10:32:28 PM
Dispatches from Malakand
18 July 1890
FROM: General McGuinness, Commander Chitral Field Force
TO: Lt. General. Sir Bindon Blood, C-in-C Rawalpindi
Dear General Blood. 1st Brigade has reached Malakand unmolested and have set up a cantonment in the vicinity. Thus far our Political Officer Regilad Lowell has done sterling work with the tribes on our route of March as we have remained unscathed. We eagerly await the arrival of our 2nd Brigade which has departed Jalala and are marching to Dargai. We must relieve the garrison of Fort Chitral and Colonel Dano MacGurule!

Our scouts report much activity in the surrounding hills, especially behind us. I fear General Hall may be in for some sticky business. We have sent a messenger towards Jalala to warn General Hall. In addition we have left a picket behind of Guides with a Heliograph to assist his advance. They will catch up with 1st Brigade when relived.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on July 30, 2021, 11:43:15 PM
FROM: Sgt. Oliver Crood, Yorks & Lancs, Acting Commander Chakdara Outpost

TO: Higher Echelons Concerned

RE: Night Attack at Chakdara

DATE: July 18, 1890

I regret to inform you that the Outpost at Chakdara is no longer in our hands.  Last night under cover of darkness a force of Ghazis crossed the bridge and launched a surprise attack on us. 

Despite my orders for the entire garrison (8 of our 10 men, with former Hospital Corps Stretcher Bearer Cpl. Golightly inside the Outpost Bldg. tending to the sick Lt. Fitzroy) to stand to throughout the night, at the time of the attack (owing to a bad die roll) only one man -- Pvt. Wilkes -- was still awake standing his post in the courtyard. Pvt. Hudson was sleeping in the Bldg. and the other 5 men and myself were in our tents (I believe the others were all asleep but I was comparing rule-books for TSATF & TMWWBK... which as things turned out might not have been the best use of my faculties at that time). Of equal misfortune (and owing to yet more bad die rolling) Pvt. Wilkes did not manage to spot the approaching attackers until they were virtually upon the Outpost wall. At that point he opened fire, rousing the rest of us.

The ensuing action was fought by very dim moonlight, which proved a challenge for our musketry.  At first it appeared that with Pvts. Wilkes & Hudson defending the wall and myself and 3 other men enfilading from the enemy's right while Pvts. McGurkin and Lampert moved to reinforce the Outpost, we would keep the enemy at bay. The first round of melee at the wall resulted in the DEATH of the Ghazi Leader, which I hoped might lead his followers to turn tail, despite their fanaticism. Unfortunately their fanaticism won out.  Even at pointblank range our "in the dark" musketry (-1 modifier) continued to prove wanting, and in the next round of melee the half-naked hostiles redoubled their efforts and KILLED Pvts.  Wilkes and Hudson both.

This is when the wheels really came off the penny-farthing as the Ghazis got the jump on us (BLACK CARD FLIP to start new turn), allowing them to swarm over the now undefended wall and into the building. In several ensuing melees we lost one more KIA.

From within the Outpost Building we heard Cpl. Golightly putting up a desperate fight, first with Lt. Fitzroy's pistol and then hand-to-hand.  By the sounds of it he was not successful in either endeavor and it is my considered opinion, despite not seeing the evidence with my own eyes, that the fight inside the building resulted in him being KIA. But in regards to our Subaltern, the infirmed Lt. Fitzroy, I have no hint of any idea what became of him.

At this point I gave orders for the remaining effectives to withdraw to the South, along the road to the Malakand Pass and then Dargai.  Including myself, FIVE of us remain present & accounted for.  We loosed a last volley in hopes of giving the shaggy-bearded b@astards something to remember us by... but sadly our musketry fared no better than before.

Regretfully Yours,


Sgt. O. Crood, Yorks & Lancs, Regt. # 201

PS. By the numbers, I tabulate the results of the action as follows:

BRITISH: 8 engaged + Cpl. Golightly engaged at very end inside the bldg. to defend the out-of-condition Lt. Fitzroy.

KIA: 4

WIA: 0


MIA: 1 (Lt. Hampton Fitzroy)

GHAZIS: 20 engaged

KIA: 3 (including their Leader)

WIA: 3



*Following the battle these Stragglers & Fallbacks rejoined their unit in good order.

* * * * *

By dark of night uninvited guests cross the bridge over the Swat River...


Pvt. Wilkes stands his lonely sentry  post. The entire
unit was supposed to stay awake and on guard
all night but the dice told a different story...


Target visible atop the low sandy hill in the distance...


The uninvited guests approach, sadly for
Pvt. Wilkes, he still has yet to notice them...


Finally, the jig is up! Wilkes espies the guests and instantly knows they ain't there to sell pomegranates! Wilkes OPENS FIRE but misses.



But the shots ROUSE the rest of the garrison, & led by Sgt. Crood they move at once to engage the enemy...






Ghazi leader Mullah Khamsin takes point & ascends the Outpost wall with one of his Faithful followers...


Both are KIA!

Surely he belongs to Allah,
and to Him he shall return...


The fight goes on without him...




Pvts. McGurkin & Lampert climb the South
wall, en route to reinforce the Outpost...


The Garrison keeps pouring on the fire...



But even at their CLASS I TARGETS, in the dark of night it has little effect (consistently bad die-rolling)...



The melee at the gate goes to the Ghazis...


And it's the beginning of the end...



Faithful Ghazi Mirza Hamid charges into the Outpost bldg...




Corporal Golightly uses the indisposed
Lt. Fitzroy's sidearm to defend them both...



But fails...


Back outside, Sgt. Crood weighs his options, gives the order to withdraw...



Sgt. Crood & co. prepare to loose a farewell volley...


Which does not disturb the Ghazi stragglers and fallbacks, nor anyone else...


As the sun rises in the East...


Sgt. Crood turns and leads his four remaining
men South along the road to the Malakand Pass
and then -- if they're lucky -- Dargai...


To the victors go the spoils -- and the rooftop celebration...


When the sun sets tonight there will be no Farangi Ingleesh in Chakdara.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on July 31, 2021, 05:31:23 AM
Letter From Jahaba Kahn to Umra Khan,  July 17 1890
Oh great and merciful Umru Khan, beholder of the one true and faithful text, purveyor of all before him, defender of women and children, let it be known that we have risen up against the hated English and their lackey allies. Join us as we honor the one true text and defeat the ferenghi. As you read this we are sieging the English fort in Chitral on the banks of the Chitral River.

Mines are being dug and sangers built. We have cut off the infidels from their water supply. We shall take this fort in the name of Umra khan and the one true text. Death to the infidels and death to Mulehead Khan. So it is written, so it shall me done. 

A  fortnight ago a jirga was held in the village of the Amir Ali Razah Kahn. He called for a jihad and many of the Chitrali chiefs attended. All were in agreement that we must join together to oust the ferenghi. However, Ali Razah is an old, weak, and feeble man. Though he is devout, and a true believer of the one true text, he will not be the future leader of my tribe!
Your faithful servant Jahaba Khan

Jahaba Kahn

Ali Razah Kahn


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on August 01, 2021, 09:59:04 AM

Portrait of young Kodak Effendi just prior to embarking on his epic "Impressions of the Faithful" tour in early June 1889, following the end of Ramadan:


Kodak's itinerary took him all the way from Istanbul to Kashgar, but the highlight of his trek was when he secretly crossed the border from Afghanistan to the North-West Frontier of British India to capture these images of Islamic victory...

The first is believed to show Mullah Sadullah -- later dubbed by the British as "The Mad Fakir" -- posing with the remains of the 4 men of the Yorks & Lancs KIA in the July 17th 1890 Ghazi attack on Chakdara Outpost:


The second shows 3 Ghazis with the sole prisoner taken during their attack, the outpost's commander, Lieutenant Hampton Fitzroy:


The third and final photo is a wider shot with a large group of Ghazis, the British dead, the Mullah, and the Sad Lieutenant all together:

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 02, 2021, 09:07:05 AM
Wana July 21st
Sir I respectfully send to you the summary of the letter  that the bandit Mulehead sent to Sikander Khan to Black Mountain.The relevant bandit’s message was obtained by our spy activities, although still hidden in the roof of Mulehead’s  tower; for your due information and necessary actions.
Humble servant   Tanas Singh, Subedar 2 Sikh company of Guides PFF

Sikander, light of my eyes, I charge you of a big responsibility: many armies had marched towards Black Mountain since the days of the great Sikander but always were kicked out. You have the same name of the great conqueror and that is not just a coincidence. Drive your tribesmen and free all your country from Ferenghees swampy poisoned smell and enter in the Swat and bring there the True Word. The head of the foolish heretic Malak Mansur Khan will be used for the next buzkashi game in Wana!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on August 02, 2021, 11:03:54 AM
Letter from Umra Khan to Jahaba Kahn

Hosoor, light of the North, faithful servant of the true Faith, the time is ripe to drive away all the Ferenghees and crush the head of the heretical infidels of the new creed.
I am leaving with my retinue to come to the north and fight the Ferenghees with you, and with the help of Allah , always be thanked, victory will smile at our  trusty warriors.
On the way to Chitral I will stop by our Great Friend, the Magnificent Malak Mansur Khan, and with his help we would be stronger.
When we would have cleaned our land of Ferenghees we will think about punishing the heretics Mulehead and Sikander .
So it's written, so it's done !

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: MaleGriffin on August 02, 2021, 08:15:32 PM
Brilliant! Inspirational! Thank you so much for this AAR!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 03, 2021, 07:33:53 AM
Dear all, this topic has overcome the 8000 views in two months and thank you all for your supporting. As you may want to remember all started with a fight between my Waziris and Umra’s Afridis, under the flags of two Rules, and now involves many new friends who actively contribute and enlarge the campaign and the scenarios.
The best pictures and stories come from the Swat and so a special thanks to Mad Guru for his inspirational pictures and friendly support provided for scenery, flags etc.
Anyway, the gorgeous magnificent of his posts scared a little some friends and they tod me they are a little bit shy to post anything because incomparable with such beauties. Well I say those pictures are an inspirational target to aim but absolutely it doesn’t mean that few soldiers average painted cannot have their room in this topic, because the goal is having fun trying to live the NWF atmosphere; so stories, facts, traitors, bloodlust are much more important.
It is as when you read WI or WSS or other wargame magazines: you get ideas, inspiration, you enjoy looking at wonderful scenarios and miniatures; I know I will never get such levels but that doesn’t mean I stop to paint my Baluchis 😊.
When you admire what our friend are able to build and feel a little bit uneasy just have a look at my posts: if I had the insane bravery to publish such rubbish sometime even without completing bases you just organize your battle , get pictures and post them! 😊
I remember to viewers that if you have 2 armies, or 1 army and a friend with the other, you can participate and provide your support to the True Book. Just PM to Umra or to me to enter in the game.
Furthermore, remember that only the faithful devotees to TMWWBK will play in the Heaven wargaming and, if he will not convert, Malak Mansur Khan ‘s destiny will be the hell of Science Fantasy, due to his not nominable heretic belief, no matter how beautiful  his posts are 😉.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: LordSpode1879 on August 03, 2021, 08:42:55 AM
Really enjoying this fun and inspirational thread! In particular I must applaud the contributions made by all the participants.... A simple but extremely clever and effective twist on more traditional campaigns!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on August 03, 2021, 08:59:08 AM
Despatches Abbottabad (Forward) 21 July 1890
Tikari Valley
To: General BBlindon
From: Hazara Field Force
COL O'Grady has secured Jal Pass defeating a significant Pathan force defending same and burning the village of Trand and now moving against the villages of Bilankot and  Kopra in order to pacify the Tikari Valley. We will advance to Maidan and reconstitute the brigade with all guns and supplies. We believe we have engaged Sikander Khan's vanguard and count the heathen among the dead. Am forwarding photograph for confirmation and currently transporting body of said same on to Maidan for further transport on to Abbottabad for full confirmation of remains.
Intend to consolidate force at Maidan and send politicals forward to engage tribes given consequence of leaders death.

Of particular mention was Major Geoffrey Marks of the 2nd Fusiliers who engaged personally in melee with the pathan devil and bested him.

BG Channers
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on August 03, 2021, 10:08:38 PM
Giorgio, agreed sir 1000%!!!!! Every contribution is awesome!!! I think every post adds to the adventure and the story. Do not be dismayed or intimidated by Mad Guru’s posts. He is the exception, not the rule. He raises the bar that I believe we would all aspire our collections to be. There’s always one that is the most grand, But that does not mean anyone else’s are less in any way. This campaign is his personal passion and he’s been researching, building, collecting, and writing about it for many, many years. I for one find all of the collections, pictures, and stories posted by everyone motivating and extremely enjoyable. ….
8000 posts, HUZZAH!!!! Congrats Umra Kahn and Mulehead Kahn, well done gentlemen.

Now throw those other rules away and let’s roll some dice and drink some Guinness. Cheers!!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on August 04, 2021, 05:22:59 AM
Despatches Abbottabad (Forward) 21 July 1890
Tikari Valley
To: General BBlindon
From: Hazara Field Force
Being a report of actions in securing Jal Pass and the Tikara Valley.
Number 2 Column approached Jal Pass, the 3rd Sikhs well in advance with orders to assault the village of Trand. The main column followed with 2nd Highlanders prepared to support the Sikhs. The 1st/5th Gurkhas provided flank security for the pack trains including guns and supplies. The 40th Bengal Infantry provided rear security for the pack trains and the 2nd Fusiliers overall rear security. Brigadier Channers VC, was located with the 2nd Fusiliers.
Sikander Khan arranged his pathan clans strategically throughout the valley, hidden in the heights and across the river in an effort to affect an ambuscade against the column after allowing it to cross Jal Pass. It appears he did not anticipate the punitive nature of our column and failed to account for the attack on Trand, thus disrupting his plan and causing him to commit forces piecemeal where they were readily defeated.
The Sikhs crossed the river and were decisively engaged and driven back by the Trand khel pathans.  The highlanders formed close order and laid down murderous fire into the village. The Sikhs followed up with their rifle barrage, then cleared the village with bayonet, setting it alight.
Seeing the village burning the Chirmang khel charged down from their positions in the rocks into the highlanders only to be repelled by fire, cold steel, and nerve. Retreating to the rocks they then came under fire from the 2nd Fusliers. Reduced to a quarter of their initial strength they retired to the East.
Further down the valley the Gurkha came under withering jezzail fire from the pathan sharpshooter. This in turn was met by return volley fire from the highlanders and then from the 2nd Fusiliers. The surviving heathens fell under the kukri of the remaining Gurkhas.
Seeing his plans to lure the column into the valley and destroy it rapidly disintegrate, Sikander ordered his Ghazi to assault the pack train and capture the guns and mules. This they did handily. The 40th Bengal counter-attacked but were cut down by the fanatics and driven back. Before the ruffians could make away with their prize they came under withering fire from the 2nd Fusiliers, which unfortunately also killed a third of the pack mules but drove the devils and their leader back through the millet fields. This was followed by a cold steel charge in which their commander Major Geoffrey Marks personally despatched Sikander Khan in harried personal melee.
Bilandkot khel under Gul Akbar finally committed and fording the river overwhelmed the supply and sapper mules and their drivers, but then came under scathing fire from the highlanders and retreated without the mules to their village. No mules were lost in this action.
The attack thwarted and the villages abandoned, the column continued down the valley without further incident putting to flame the villages of Trand, Bilandkot, Chimrang, and Kopra. We are currently bivouaced vicinity of Kopra awaiting the advance of Number 1 Column and will reconsolidate and await further orders given the death of Sikander Khan. Have despatched the political officer forward to Maidan to arrange shura for capitulation of remaining northern clans.

Worth mention are; Major Geoffrey Marks for ridding us of the foul heathen Sikander Khan, Subedar John Tyler 5th Gurkhas for leading a charge into hail of jezzail fire and breaking the pathan firing line, and MAJ Patrick of the 2nd Highlanders for maintaining a cool head and providing an aegis of rifle fire without which we surely would have suffered.

BG Channers
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on August 04, 2021, 06:48:47 AM
FROM: MGnl. Whitsend, CO Peshawar Div.
TO: BG Channers, CO No. 2 Column, Hazara Field Force

RE: Recent action in Tikara Valley

DATE: 22 July, 1890

Channers old bean,

Just received word of your No. 2 column’s brilliant showing versus the foe yesterday.  In fact you've done so well they may have to rename you “No. 1 column”, eh, what?  Sincere compliments to you & your men and the first round’s on me when our paths cross in any mess!

Sincerely Yours,

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 04, 2021, 03:04:14 PM
Wana July 23rd
Sir I respectfully send to you the summary of the speech  that the bandit Mulehead told to his Khans in a Jirga not far from Jondala  to commemorate the death of Sikander Khan of Black Mountain.The relevant bandit’s speech was obtained by our spy activities, camouflaged as a camel driver,  for your due information and necessary actions.
Humble servant   Tanas Singh, Subedar 2 Sikh company of Guides PFF

My Khans I have sad news: Sikander the Lion of the North has been martyred, blessing be upon him. My heart is ripped from my breast  and my body is numb with grief for Sikander martiryum. But now my grief is turned into anger. His example must enlight our next steps. A jirga will be assembled in the Black Mountain to determine who will be the leader of the war host and be the avenger of Sikander.
A new heroic warrior, faithful to the only Book, will drive all black Mountains tribes to destroy ferenghees first and heretics immediately after and his name is Gul Akbar Khan.
El Growly, El Scavenger, Sikander, how many khans will be killed before the True Rule lights will enlight all Punjabi? I’m not a prophet, I’m not a faqir, I’m not a mullah but tonight El Osprey appeared through His voice in my dreams and said; you Mulehead, son of Mulebrain, you have a son , Muletail, that you sent to Kabul to Italwars to learn how hammering feringhees bullets to fit our jezails. Now he had to escape, not being sure about Italwars' faith. Order to arrive was sent today to the deep North and in few weeks he will be here , ready to be painted with war colours, El Muletail will  take on the tulwar of command and will drive your Khans to kick out all feringhees that will escape before being butchered. He will drive Waziris up to Peshawar and then to have the heads of all heretics’ khans. This was said in the dream, this will happen because the Rule wants it!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on August 04, 2021, 11:42:29 PM
Dispatches from Malakand
18 July 1890

FROM: General McGuinness, Commander Chitral Field Force
TO: Lt. Gnl. Sir Bindon Blood, C-in-C Rawalpindi

Dear General Blood. 1st Brigade has reached Malakand unmolested and have set up a cantonment in the vicinity.  We eagerly await the arrival of our 2nd Brigade commanded by newly promoted General Hall.
They have left Jalala and are marching to Dargai.

Our scouts report much activity in the surrounding hills, especially behind us. I fear General Hall may be in for some sticky business.


A scout from the Corp of Guides.
Pathans in the hills watching 1st Brigade set up the Malakand cantonment.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on August 05, 2021, 06:45:35 AM
Mulehead, son of Mulebrain, sire of Muletrain, purveyor of the Word. Following the martyrdom of the great Sikander, Lion of the North the Torghar tribes have convened a jirga in the tradition of TMWWBK, guided by the six sided oracle a new leader has been chosen. Though Hashim Ali Khan's blood runs hot for vengeance against the farenghee, he has shown that once sated he will be as meek as a mouse and not continue the fight to the end and despite the influence of his wazir, Asmani Khan, it has been decided . I, Gul Akbar will lead the jihad to drive Channers Sahib and his devils out of Tor Ghar and then take the true word to the west until there is only one Rule.
Sirdar Gul Akbar
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on August 05, 2021, 10:39:00 AM
Rawalpindi 23rd July 1890
Residence of Lt. Gen. Bindon Blood
Staff meeting, General Blood speaks:
"Sirs the latest news from the Frontier tells us of the successes of Gen. Channer's troops in Black Mountain. In a fight the evil Sikander Khan died, I am confident that now the old and faithful Ali Hashim will summon a Jirga and peace will be restored.

Gen. McGuinness has passed Malakand with the first Brigade and has arrived in Chakdara, the outpost has fallen and the Yusufzais are in arms blocking the Uch Pass that leads to Panjkora and from there to the Bajaur valley. The second brigade commanded by Gen. Hall is in Malakand and will act in support.

Unfortunately we have no news from Chitral where the garrison has been under siege for 7 days.

Gen. Whitsend is in Dargai and will have to deal with the riots caused by the Bunerwals in Rustum, where Hindu traders were killed. The Bunerwals deserve exemplary punishment and good Smokey is the man to give it to them. The Bunerwals are blocking the Shakot Pass the access to Buner .

In Bannu Gen.Davenport has detached a flying column under the orders of Col. Fullerton to intercept a transport of weapons by Omar's Afridis.

Gen. Simmons has moved the whole brigade from Tank via Manzai and is about to attack Zarin Khan' s Lashkar Wazir.
God Save The Queen "
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 05, 2021, 11:32:03 AM
My dearest Readers, for all subscribers today a special insert to ride with Gen Mc Guinness to pacify Chitral area. No news from other area. Col Fullerton is punishing the Waziris in Tochi Valley, but no evidences of any form of resistance. The death of the bandit Sikander has stopped any rebel activity in Black Mountain. Next step will be the conquer of Wana and the head of the vicious bandit Mulehead.
yours faithfully
Reginald Winkie
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on August 06, 2021, 04:38:44 AM
A communique just arrived from the frontier ……

Dispatches from Chitral
18 July 1890

FROM: Colonel Dano MacGurule, Commander Chitral Garrison
TO: General McGuinness, Commander Chitral Field Force
CC: Lt. General. Sir Bindon Blood, C-in-C Rawalpindi

General McGuinness, the siege of our garrison continues old boy. We'd received sporadic musketry fire from the environs early on with minimal casualties, our beloved doctor Capt Stevens had kept us all healthy and patched up, there are no mortal wounds thus far. However, Johnny Pathan has become emboldened and has taken up positions along the gardens walls and within several structures close by the fort. The sporadic musketry has turned into a rather hot fire all throughout the day and long into the night to try to keep us on edge. We believe they are also digging tunnels as we can hear the scraping at night as well as building sangers within effective range to bring more accurate fire to bear. We caught one bloke poking around our tower guarding our water supply, I do fear they will try and cut us off from the river water supply shortly. I'm organizing a sortie for the evening of the morrow to clear the nearby structures and destroy any discovered mines. Please continue on with most haste sir. See you in the mess old boy!

Yours respectfully,
Colonel Dano MacGurule, Commander Chitral Garrison



Pathan tribesmen snipe the Anglo-Indian defenders manning the ramparts of Chitral Fort.


More Pathan tribesmen occupy the structures close to the fort and use the walls surrounding the gardens and fields as hard cover.


More pictures on my blog: https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/2021/08/dispatches-from-chitral-18-july-1890.html?m=1
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on August 06, 2021, 07:19:27 AM
FROM: Brig. Gnl. Ruff-Husband, CO 1st Brigade, Peshawar Field Force
TO:  M. Gnl. Whistsend, CO Peshawar Field Force
CC: Lt. Gnl. Blood, C-in-C Rawalpindi & Whole Bloody Frontier
DATE: 22nd July, 1890

RE: 1st Brigade arrival at Dargai

General Sir,

Pleased to inform you 1st Brigade has arrived at Dargai and encamped thereabouts.  We lost no one on the trek up here and the entire Brigade remains present and accounted for.  Upon first arriving hereabouts I instructed Col. Trevelyan to lead a reconnaissance in force by 9th Gurkhas which crowned the heights of the Pass and reported no signs of tribesmen, either hostile or friendly.  He posted piquets and in addition I am keeping keen eyes on the pass via sentry towers lashed together in our cantonments.

As yet we have had no further word from the survivors of the night attack on Chakdara Outpost, and I sadly rate the chance of us seeing any of them alive again as fifty-percent at best.  Neither have I received any word re: fate of Lieutenant Fitzroy, the outpost's commander who had fallen ill prior to the attack & may have survived as a prisoner.   I will of course keep you appraised any/all developments pertaining to these matters.

The locals have made themselves extremely scarce but between transported supplies and local forage my commissariat officer is confident he can keep the Brigade fed and hydrated for the foreseeable future.

RE: the surrounding tribes and their current disposition towards the recent disturbances in Waziristan, the Black Mountains, and nearby Chakdara... we have so far been unable to track down any representatives of the local leadership, which does not bode well.  Rest assured I have doubled the sentry watches and we are keeping our powder dry.

Unfortunately the sisters Lorelai and Christine Brom remain in my camp, set as they are upon reuniting with their father, Sgt. Maj. Lawrence Brom, who is currently serving with the 1st Brigade out of Nowshera.  As explained in prior dispatches, I did not feel comfortable sending them South with only their private escort to keep them safe -- not to mention they refused to do so.  While marching from Mardan to Dargai they proved themselves rather shockingly handy with the Martini-Henry carbines they carry, bagging a pair of long-horned rams who came trotting round our camp.  Should events conspire to take 1st Brigade across the Malakand Pass, my plan is to leave them entrenched in Dargai with a substantial enough escort to preserve their safety until we return.

Most Dutifully Yours,


PS. Word has just arrived of trouble in Rustum, where reports say some Hindu traders have been murdered by unruly Bunerwal tribesmen.  I reckon Rustum as 2 days march to the East of my current position, which should make me the one to respond.  If I do not receive contravening orders I will attempt to gather further intelligence from Buner and set out to enact satisfaction for these heinous crimes.


The Brom Sisters:

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on August 06, 2021, 08:01:34 AM
FROM: M. Gnl. Whistend, CO Peshawar Division
TO: Lt. Gnl. Bindon Blood, C-in-C Rawalpindi & the Whole Bloody Frontier
DATE: 23rd, July 1890

RE: Responding to Bunerwal provocation in Rustum


I appreciate your instruction to send Brig. Gnl. Ruff-Husband and his Brigade East to make the Bunerwals pay, but I think it prudent for us to pause this movement until the 2nd Brigade of Major General McGuinness's Chitral Field Force has arrived in Dargai.  At present Dargai is an important link in our chain of communications and defense and I think it best not to leave it unoccupied by a significant force of arms.  By my calculations this will only require a one or two day delay before Ruff-Husband sets off for Rustum.  I look forward to your response, which will of course be put into action immediately.

Your Most Obedient Servant,

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on August 06, 2021, 08:59:17 AM
Rawalpindi 24th July 1890
From Lt. GEN Bindon Blood
To :
M. Gnl. Whistend, CO Peshawar Division

Dear Smokey
From the information in my possession the 2nd McGuinness Brigade should have already passed Dargai and arrived in Malakand, good Lord did we miss a brigade?
get in touch with McGuinness and let's make sure that' bloody brigade is  in Malakand.


Ps: I agree with your decision concerning the Brom's sisters.

PS 2:
Did you have some Cognac ? Unfortunately here it is all over !

PS 3
latest news from Bannu reported that Col. Fullerton disappear somewhere south the  Kurram River...By God ...we 're loosing pieces ! Davenport  must give me a good reason why he keep giving commands to that unreliable Colonel!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on August 07, 2021, 07:10:31 AM
FROM M. Gnl. Whitsend, CO Peshawar
TO: Lt. Genl. Bindon Blood, CO Rawalpindi & Whole Bloody Frontier
DATE: 24th July, 1890

RE: 2nd Brigade, Chitral Field Force

Dear General,

I may certainly be mistaken, but the 1st Brigade Chitral Field Force has already moved across the Malakand Pass, putting well out of immediate reach of Dargai, while the latest correspond posted from the 2nd Brigade says "...they have left Jalala and are marching to Dargai." Needless to say, being en route to Dargai and being at Dargai -- as Brigadier Ruff-Husband and his Brigade are at the moment -- are slightly different categories.  Nonetheless, with the reported rising in Rustum/Buner, and 2nd Brigade Chitral FF destined to cross the Pass into Malakand, it seems the only way to keep someone "minding the store" at Dargai will be for me to send my own 2nd Brigade there, rather than continue too keep it holding down fort here at Peshawar.  I will proceed in expectation you will concur with this decision, but if you think this further thinning of our reserves unwise, tell me so and I will immediately countermand the order.  Meanwhile, I shall instruct Brigadier Ruff-Husband to pull up stakes and make for Rustum at once, leaving behind the ably entrenched cantonment garrisoned by a detached Wing of 23rd Sikh Pioneers.

Respectfully Yours,


PS. Sadly the Cognac is all out here at Peshawar as well, but we still have decent stock of Scotch and -- for the less discerning -- IPA.  Cheers!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on August 07, 2021, 09:21:41 AM
From Bindon Blood , Rawalpindi
To : M. Gnl. Whitsend, CO Peshawar

Smokey, old chap
You had a clever idea, ....why didn't  come to me? :(
anyway, send the 2nd brigade of  Brigadier Ruff-Husband to the Shakot pass, the Bunerwals need a punishment  once for all,  these ignoble cutthroats have plagued the region for too long with impunity.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 07, 2021, 09:57:51 AM
July 24th, a hill 10 miles north of Mir Alì,, Col Fullerton speaking to his right hand  Major Hugo William Stockfish .
“you see Willie, those damn bandits are down in the valley completely unaware of our surprise. This time I will have my, how do they say? Ah yes my badal and for my return I couldn’t ask for a better badragga than my guides. Unfortunately, Davenport didn’t allow me to get other 2 lancers squadrons because today we’ll ride over those dummies”
“yes Sir but let me underline that they are not completely unaware, they are preparing obstacle, covers and sangars, I see also a field gun they are moving among the barricades…”
“Willie don’t be fool, they cannot use it, are just few bandits and I will be the avenger of Capt Attenborough and his gallant lancers. A charge and all is finished before they understand what is happening”
“ Sir the other time cavalry didn’t prove to be so reliable among rocks”
“Oh stop it that was due to poor guides infantry performance. This time we will be the surprise ! Look that flags, someone important is there, perhaps we will have important prisoner for tiffin time! Now give the order for attacking and we’ll relieve also that gun, a nice present for Davenport , Old Richie, he will be happy like a cadet at his first aiming to real targets!”
“But Sir it could be a trap…”
“Oh Willie you have always an excuse to avoid meeting glory, but I want my VC and today I’ll bring the first step of the stairs to climb to get it! Order to attack!”
“yes Sir as you order. Risaldar Maruti Jadhav give the order to move the column! We attack those pesty scum”
“Sir yes Sir, Squadroooon march direction NooooRTHH!”
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 07, 2021, 12:13:38 PM
July 25th 15 miles south of Spinwam, campfire of Fullerton’s “pacifiers”, two young officers are talking whispering close to night fire before entering in their tents, They were in command of 2 units during Mir Ali famous clash, nominally Lt Richard Dawes of British Yorkshire and Lt Andrew Best, the veteran survivor of Gulla Jan Kot. of Sikh guides.
“Andrew I m so excited, Old Fully was a Greek God hammering the pagans that fled like rats. Now all this area is bandit free, we have punished Spinwam afridis and they will think twice before raising their head again. What a charge my buddy, I’m still shivering if I think to it!”
“Oh stop it Richie, I know the old foolish, he caused the death of Attenborough and many other gallants friends of mine. “
“But the gallant charge, that is something heroic!”
“Something foolish you mean. It succeded only because Afridis are fooler than him if possible.
It succeeded only by sheer luck. The Afridis had field gun but were given the wrong ammunition by accident and ignorance, and therefore could not mow down old Fully and his men.”
“But that was heroic…” “No that was stupid, charging he just got some arillery men but jeopardize the possibility to kill all of them by Poona’s carbines. The only positive fact is that Gunni Din Khan survived so I hope that when another stolen gun will aim to me, he will be in charge for ammo replenishment”
“Andrew you are too cynical, we have pacified all Spinwam country and destroyed many towers like this, now they are submitted and definitely pacified”
“Oh no Richie, now they are really upset and according to Pashtunwali they will search for badar, revenge. My guides told me that their Khan, Omar the winner of Gulla Jan Kot, swore on his nang to have full blood payment for any pathan killed. It is worse than a blood feud. Let’s hope to be back in Bannu before it starts.”
“But we are not directed to Bannu, look at the map, we are going to Miran Shah,,,”
“Miran Shah?!? Old fool crazy woodhead, we are going towards Mahsuds lands, if we arrive there, and I underline if, we will regret not be shot by Gunni’s artillery ….”
“’evening tenants”
“oh Major, we didn’t notice you”
“Please stay no issue what are you talking about, if I can ask?”
“Sure Sir, I was telling Andrew, ehm Lt Best, that I’m excited thinking to next issue of Peshawar Tibune and I will be able to write to my mother and tell her that I’m part of Fullerrton’s flying devils, Sir”.
“I see, I would like to be a bird and fly to Tirah to understand how the battle tactics and future strategy will be reported to Umra… I fear we have awakened a nasty dog… Well gentlemen good night, tomorrow will be a very busy day!”
“ Sir good night Sir”
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 08, 2021, 03:15:16 PM
Peshawar.25th July
Dearest Readers we have received news about a gallant victory got by the brave Col. Fullerton, striking terror in all Afridis'hearths.
As soon as he saw a large concentration of Afridis bandits he consulted with his right hand Major Stockfish who before the battle said:
“My Colonel ,those pesty bandits are Afridis, the most avaricious race who transfer their obedience and support according the liberality of donation. Today let us give them enough steel to stop for ever their rifles trading and let us free them from the burden of that gun”
“Ok major,I approve,  now all ready in attack column, follow me, galop!”
The vily Afridis seeing the brave cavalry charging them on both flanks of infantry units advancing fiercely in the valley, they  shot once with the stolen gun and fled after spiking it. Continuing his charge Col Fullerton (may we call him already Br.Gen Fullerton 😉?) reached them and made a big killing  sending them away and freeing the road towards Spinwam. Then he burnt all towers and villages up to Spinwam to give appropriate memory for Capt Attenbourgh and all the dead of Gulla Jan Kot.
Then our genius of strategy changed directions towards Tochi valley where Waziris are already trying to escape renegading their Khan the infamous bandit El Mulehead and his henchman El Quartah.
Mashuds are sending messengers to assure about their loyal alliance signed with Major Haldane weeks ago.
In the attached special edition you can see some pictures of the battle that allowed Fullerton to clean the road towards North, a map with his triumphal cavalcade  and a special interview to his brilliant staff officer Maj Stockfish of Poona regiment.
yours faithfully
Reginald Winkie
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 08, 2021, 07:24:56 PM
Tank, 25th July 
a letter by Br Gen R. Davenport is just arrived from Bannu for Br Gen D.W. Simmons.

David, my respect. I’m in big troubles and I need your help. That fool blockhead, Fullerton, is combining another of his. Under big pressure by you know who, I accepted to put him in charge of another expedition, this way towards Tochi Valley but this fanatic returned to Spim Wam to revenge past battle and now is marching towards Tochi valley from North, That means that he will pass thru Mahsuds lands and I need that you send Major Haldane to negotiate a safe passing, assuring them that he will not remain in their land one second more.
His insignificant skirmish are painted by local press as a second Waterloo and he has become the idealized hero of all the good society in Peshawar. I cannot think what would happen if he will be victim of any incident. We have to act quickly to prevent any further problem, at least if he can return safe from Spinwam. Really the true result of his battle I got by safe sources and are 1 cavalry lost against 2 afghans and only real success, the gun was spiked, but unfortunately not relieved, Anyway…
I take the opportunity to send to you a box of cigars just arrived from Caribbean and thanks in advance
Faithfully Yours
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on August 08, 2021, 11:35:17 PM
25th July 1890
From Tank
Br. Gen. D.W. Simmons
To Gen. R. Davenport in Bannu

Dear Ritchie
your Fullerton is a big problem.
When the Maj. Haldane made the Jirga with the Mahsuds in exchange for the peace he promised that no fort will be built on their lands and that no British troops will penetrate in their territory.
If I send Haldane to ask for a ride to that crazy Fullerton I risk he won't come back either.
You have to stop it anyway!
David Wally Simmons
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on August 09, 2021, 02:00:43 AM
Channers Sahib, blessings be upon you. It is with the greatest humility I ask you to join me in a jirga to discuss peace terms. The loss of life and villages in the Tikari Valley have left us no alternative but to meet your demands. If it pleases you meet us at Serai in three days with your political envoys and requisite terms.
Your humble servant
Sardar Gul Akbar
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on August 09, 2021, 06:26:30 AM

FROM: BG Channers VC, CO Hazara Field Force
TO: MGnl. Whitsend, CO Peshawar Div.
RE: fire and steel

DATE: 27 July, 1890


Capital!  Seems a little steel and fire is all it takes to sort out these hooligans. Received envoys today requesting a jirga to discuss terms for compliance of the entire Black Mountain tribal region. Sounds like this chap Gul Akbar has more brains than he does fight about him.  In that case the brandy is on me sir. Once we've reconstituted our force and returned to Abbottabad I'll send some "relief" post haste from my private stalk.
Yes sir, the steel and the fire, judiciously applied.


BG Channers VC
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on August 09, 2021, 08:25:02 AM
FROM: MGnl. Whitsend, CO Peshawar Div.
TO: BG Channers, CO Hazara Field Force
RE: Triumph & Tragedy

DATE: 28 July, 1890


Sterling progress, old bean, and if all goes as you demarcate I won't hesitate to help reduce your private stalk, or stash!  Not to be a croaker or the squeaky wheel on the limber, but I respectfully suggest you refrain from trusting the alleged entreaties of devious fiends such as Gul Akbar.  When you attend his Jirga be sure to take at bare minimum a company size escort, and a full battalion would be better.  Not to be soppy but it would not do to lose you in the lurch, so to speak.


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on August 09, 2021, 09:28:04 AM

In his previous despatch, following the fall of Chakdara Outpost, Sgt. Crood (Yorks & Lancs, Regt. #201) neglected to mention one vital member of the garrison: the Detachment's Bhisti, DIRKA GRIM...


After the fall of the Outpost, Dirka Grim joined Sgt. Crood and his 4 surviving men on their desperate bid to make it back to British lines by following the road along the Swat River...



They did their best to stay out of sight whenever any locals were about, but failed once and were spotted by some children at play across the river...



They took the fork in the road and headed South towards the Malakand Pass...


Dirka Grim took care to refill his water supply before his path parted ways with the river...


To reach their destination they had to move through the small town of Kabal...


They waited for dusk, then silently slipped down the deserted street, Sgt. Crood sending Dirka to scout ahead, seeing how his appearance -- though slightly out of place -- would attract far less attention than the rest of them...


They made it through Kabal safe and sound, then struck into the mountains proper, keeping to the shadows and moving after dark in an effort to remain hidden from any prying eyes...




Next morning they came to the last stretch of Rocky Mountain before the Malakand Pass itself, at which time Sgt. Crood once again called on Dirka Grim to do a bit of reconnoiterin'...




As it turned out, despite his one step above Untouchable status, Dirka Grim had always fancied himself a soldier, so he did not hesitate to solo climb the mountainside and ascertain if the coast was clear...




Which as it turned out it was not.

There was a Tribal loiterer of unknown disposition athwart the path...


This Johnny Pathan fellow turned 'round...


To confront Dirka Grim...


Accused him of being an idol-worshipping Infidel...


And signaled an attack...


In keeping with the hallowed ways of the ONE TRUE TEXT -- AKA: The Sword And The Flame -- a MOVEMENT CARD was flipped...


RED = British, which in this case was Dirka Grim.

Dirka Grim had been secretly hoping and praying for this moment to come for the past decade at least, since he first began earning his salt from the Great White Queen...

But Johnny Pathan was a skilled combat veteran, so...

It was deemed an equal fight, MELEE DIE vs. MELEE DIE...

(Keep It Simple Sahib)

High rolls wins, low roll determines combat result for the loser...


Dirka Grimm was victorious.
Barely so, but sweet victory nonetheless.
With his losing result of "1" Johnny Pathan was dead.
And May Allah Have Mercy on His Soul.


Dirka Grim climbed the last stretch of mountain...


To see what he could see...





You're a better than I am, Dirka Grim...


You was spotted by Trevelyan of the 9th Gurkhas
When he'd just crowned the heights of Malakand Pass
Johnny Pathan for sure is who and what he thought you
'Til you whipped out your bugle and blew it fast.


LINK to audio of Royal Engineers Bugler playing "Tattoo":

http://www.royalengineers.ca/39_Tattoo%20(1st%20Post).mp3 (http://www.royalengineers.ca/39_Tattoo%20(1st%20Post).mp3)



After hearing Dirka Grim's bugle call, Col. Trevelyan ordered the Gurkhas deployed atop Malakand Pass to advance & provide force protection for the men he now expected to be returning to "barracks" as per the bugle call.  And right he was as Dirka Grim retraced his steps to the spot where he'd left Sgt. Crood and Co., joined them, and together all six made for the Pass...

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 09, 2021, 12:16:18 PM
“Pack up your money pull up your tent Sgt Crood,
Dirka Grim's bugle call goes over rocks and wood,

Truly he is a better man that we had understood!”

From “Peshawar barracks ballads” by Reginald Winkie
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on August 09, 2021, 12:42:05 PM
Mad Guru 👏👏👏👏👏
great for the use of the True Text !

Giorgio malicious Wazir your  rhyme is worthy of Dante
excellent  👏👏👏
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 09, 2021, 02:05:54 PM
In the makeshift field of Poona's Horse everyone sleeps ... even the Risaldar Maruti Jadhav ... then in the middle of the night the Risaldar wakes up sweating, had a terrible nightmare and must communicate it to Col. Fullerton. He grasps his pistol and goes out of the tent. He see him close a campfire.
"Colonel Sahib I had a terrible dream ... the Black Death had taken the form of a Mahsud, then the Mahsud changed into Her .. but it was dirty with blood, your uniform was on the ground and you were naked full of blood and wounds in every part of the body. Colonel Sahib we must not enter the territory of the Mahsuds, or you will die "
“Risaldar Maruti Jadhav you believe these non-senses? I do not! I'm an Officer of Her Majesty Queen Victoria and I don't care about your premonitions. Order the squadron to prepare!”
A little later the squadron is ready to march, Fullerton is ahead of everyone ...
"towards Miranshah towards glory"
He hits the belly of the horse with the heels of his boots ... and the horse escapes him from under ... someone he has cut the girth, Fullerton falls to the ground, gets up and is furious ... then he remembers that another twin saddle was left back in Bannu. He cannot charge without his lucky saddles.  And he orders his column to turn around and set off again towards Bannu. The Risaldar breathes a sigh of relief and thinks ... in my dream someone had rolled a D6 and the result was 4 ... "Fully understands that it is risky to enter the territory of the Mahsuds and goes back to Bannu" Fullerton…understands…in the same sentence???.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: MaleGriffin on August 10, 2021, 03:22:34 PM
I love this storyline! Great job!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 11, 2021, 01:11:34 PM
From the July 26th, 1890 issue of the Peshawar Tribune our correspondent Reginal Winkie:
Dear Reader, this issue includes a totally free digest of my famous “Who’s who in Punjab”. The today summary deals with Pashtun Khans and is already a must in all the decent clubs east of Indus valley.
In the North there are the Chitralis driven by Alì Raza Khan from his fort in Chitral and his henchman Jahaba in Kila Drosh. They are faithful to old Rules and very friends of Swat tribes.
Moving to East you can meet the infamous Black Mountain tribes. Nominal leader is Hashim Ali Khan whose brother and heir was the bandit Sikander, recently killed by our forces. Raising star is now the ambiguous Gul Akbar Khan. They are quite fanatically devoted to new Rule and allied with Waziris.
Immediately south of Chitralis there is the Swat, where Malak Manur dominates the Yusufzeis with the help of his right hand Sarban Khan. Here is the deepest religiously faith for Old Rule. Malak is the spiritual leader for all the believers. Their enemies say that Swat was meant to give Kings’ gladness but the Yusufzais have made of it a desolate hostel.
A little bit more South you find Tirah where Umra Khan has his lands. He is the leader of reference for all devoted pilgrims for old Book, helped by his henchman Omar. He is always wavering between friendship and banditism with our soldiers and is deeply involved in a feud with Mulehead Khan of all Waziris.
The bordering north Waziris in the Tochi valley are Utmanzai and their leader is El Quartah, very foxy in gaining from enemies feuds. Ahmedzai are the Wana Waziris under direct control by El Komiss el Mulehead who has delegated south foces to an emerging renegade, Zarin Khan, very skilled in fighting and…
Attached in the insert you will find a map with main Khans positions and a copy of my Peshawar Barrack Ballad together with a new inquiry about Fullerton’s campaign: “Stopped because too successful?”.
All these and much more in the internal pages.
yours faithfully
Reginald Winkie
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 12, 2021, 02:55:23 PM
The warm breeze of a hot July evening is spreading over Kabul. In the late evening two dark shadows are talking behind the column of a bungalow.
“You see brother Muletail, the air is becoming harder and harder, we cannot trust in Italwars and people faithful to old Book are becoming more aggressive every day”
“you are right my good Abdul Kareem, we cannot trust him. Tomorrow at dawn we’ll go out with the caravan which goes to Altimur pass. The first night we’ll escape thru north with some camels that will remain accidentally with us”
“All this only we two ? You are the mighty Ghaazi Muletail El Komiss but even you cannot resist caravan tribesmen if they notice the missing camels!
“Abdul we will not be alone”
“You mean that Mighty Ruler will be with us?”
“Not exactly, will have our new friends, the converted Bunerwals, they also are feeling not safe and has agreed to escape with u to escort us to their land. From there we’ll go south to Wana. Actually one of them is exactly behind that building, looking for spies and protecting us.”

“Very easy yes indeed, but unfortunately to go to Buner lands we’ll have to cross the Afridi’s lands and that mean that Umra will be happy to pay a great reward for our heads…live or death”
“c’mon Abdul you see perils everywhere, if we are loyal to our Ruler. He will protect us from Afridis”
“ok but if we escape from caravan, cross Tirah valley, are not killed by Bundersvails, how we arrive to Wana?”
“Abdul do not be irrational; how can I know now?”
“Irrational’ Me? Ooh you are a fakir, sometime as mad as Swat fakir… anyway I swore to feud my father killing and I will help you”
“Abdul I told you 300 times, Your father was killed by Muhammad the Scavenger but he is dead now.”
“Yes but he had sons and cousins and uncles, I will repair the feud!”
“Well now go and rally all our Bunerwals friend, we’ll start tomorrow morning. Speak loudly with them about going to South, to cross Altimur pass and arrive in Waziristan avoiding to be intercepted by Mashuds wolves packs. We have to cheat Umra’s spies and after leaving the caravan avoid to call each other with our true name”
“Ok Ghaazi Muletail, oops I mean ok. Ok what?”

“Hussein, I will be Hussein and you my good friend, you will be Mustafa”
“ok Hussein, we meet here tomorrow at 4 am to join the caravan, I will pay the caravan bashi and no issue to go with them!”
Suddenly two long whistles sound in the air and the two shadows disappear swiftly as they had appeared.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 13, 2021, 09:01:48 AM
Sunset of a weary day, the caravan slowly is ending its march directed southwards, towards Altimur pass and the lands of Mashuds, where sentinels are patrolling the area to detect the intruders. But hidden by some dunes a little group is walking North wards, few guys dressed like merchants but with their tunics hidden in bags on stolen camels. Their leader is a well-known guy:
“Abdul from now on you are Mustafa and I am Hussein. Open your eyes and ears because Umra’s spies are everywhere and we are going into their lands: direction Jalalabad. Our badragga will be composed by our brothers in faith Bunerwals. When we will be far enough from the kafilah with our new mules and camels with their kujavas full inside with our  new tunics and turbans. We have stolen some water too and we have to make it enough.
We have a long march up to Jalalabad, as we see a new kafilah we’ll join it to enter into the Tirah valley as simple merchants and then we’ll dress with the new tunics to simulate we are all Bunerwals.”
“Muletail, oops Hussein, let’s pray the Ruler that overviews our steps in this terrible path.”
“Mustafa, we teach his Words and He will assure His merciful protection! Now stop talking, we have a long sand chocked ride thru the stifling heat of these July nights clattering out onto this rocky  dusty desert to arrive to stony glacis hills crowning Jalalabad. Now we must camouflage during days and take advantage of the nights to move.”-
“But Hussein we have marched all the day…”
“Yes Mustafa but in the wrong direction, now we have to recover and very quickly. Soon Umra’s killers understand our trick and will alert all the caravans around Jalalabad. We cannot waste a single minute, c’mon we’ll rest during the day!”
“If we’ll survive this night and the crossing of Khurd Kabul pass …”
“Nothing, I said we will survive!”
“Good, this is the right spirit! Let’s go!”
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on August 13, 2021, 09:24:49 AM
Rawalpindi 27th July 1890
from Lt. Gen. Bindon Blood
to Gen. David Simmons in Tank;
copy to Gen. Sir John Percival "Mandrake" Aubrey-Smith in Lahore.

It is with great regret that I am forced to replace the current Commander Gen. Simmons with the new Commander Gen. Mandrake Aubrey-Smith in command of the Waziristan Field Force.
I thank Gen. Simmons for the work done.
signed Bindon Blood "

thoughts aloud of Blood
"damn work, the problems with these stinking Pashtun cutthroats and all the coordination of the brigades in the field were not enough ... Lord Berwick of the Admiralty had to get in the way too ...
"you know Bindon I have received many requests from Lady Fullerton (and you know that a beautiful woman can move mountains) she says that her son Col. Fullerton is not highly regarded by Gen. Simmons, who does not want to give him space ... you know how  it is.. I would therefore ask you to replace Gen. Simmons with another commander.
Lady Fullerton comes every day to my office ... I don't know what to answer and how to get rid of her"
 .....it all seems easy for them ... move a General put another ...
damn job

General Sir John Percival "Mandrake" Aubrey-Smith
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on August 13, 2021, 01:14:40 PM
Excellent stories, very intriguing!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on August 14, 2021, 01:36:15 AM

We pick up the story of Sgt. Crood, Dirka Grim, & the other Chakdara Outpost survivors where it left off, with Detachmental Bhisti Dirka Grim having just alerted the nearby 9th Gurkhas to their presence on the far side of Malakand Pass...


Sgt. Crood & his 4 men move towards the Pass, Dirka Grim moving to rejoin them en route…


9th Gurkhas advance through the Pass to secure the route for the returning Yorks & Lancs...


Suddenly Sgt. Crood & Co. are CHARGED from the rear by a clan of sword-&-shield-armed Ghazis (20 figs) who were hiding in the rocks at the North end of the Pass…


At the start of the FIRE PHASE a BLACK CARD is drawn and a clan of Pathan Tribesmen (20 figs, 10 w/rifles) pop out of hiding in the scrub-brush along the East bank of the Swat River and FIRE at them from across the river…


The 10 Pathan rifles inflict 1 WIA on their Class II “Open Order” targets...


The 4 remaining British rifles fire back at their Class III “Rough Terrain” targets and also inflict 1 WIA...



The Gurkhas atop Malakand Pass pepper the charging Ghazis with FIRE, scoring 1 WIA + 1 KIA (total 2 casualties)...



The Ghazis roll to “Close Into Combat” & pass their morale check...

The Brits roll to “Stand & Fight” & also pass...

Melee is joined -- 5 Brits vs. 18 Ghazis...



Brits suffer 2 WIA, 1 KIA, 3 Fall Backs - incl. Sgt. Crood + Dirka Grim (running total 4 casualties)

Ghazis suffer 2 WIA, 1 KIA (running total 5 casualties)

British LOSE the melee and retreat 6”...

Ghazis WIN the melee and occupy enemy’s former position...


RED MOVEMENT CARD is flipped first.  Gurkhas atop Malakand Pass CHARGE down at the Ghazis.  Gurkhas roll 4 movement dice & resulting 19 pips/inches allows 12 of them to reach the Ghazis & potentially engage them in melee.

Ghazis attempt to countercharge -- to do so they must first pass Critical Morale check using 2 x D6.  As per the Holy Text (aka: TSATF) low morale die-rolls are good, but the Ghazis roll 12 -- an utter fail which forces them to remain in place.


The Pathans across the river fire at the Gurkhas as they charge thru the pass down at the Ghazis and score 2 HITS: 2 x WIA...


In the D6 roll-offs "Charing Gurkhas" get the "Win Ties" modifier; for the FIRST ROUND OF MELEE ONLY they also get +1 modifier for being on higher ground...



The Gurkhas carve up the Ghazis and WIN the melee, suffering 1 WIA, 1 KIA (running total 4 casualties), while the Ghazis LOSE, suffering 4 WIA, 6 KIA, (running total of 15 casualties).


The surviving Ghazi "Fall Backs" now ROUTE 6" to their rear…


British RED MOVEMENT CARD flipped first, GURKHAS move to take up a firing position on the routing Ghazis who are headed for cover in the rocky rough terrain.  The Routing GHAZIS move 16” into the rocky ROUGH TERRAIN (In the One True Text AKA: TSATF,  Native forces suffer no movement penalty in Rough Terrain)...


The Gurkhas fire at routing Ghazis – land 5 hits on 1-4 CLASS III Rough Terrain targets, 2 WIA, 3 KIA, wiping out remaining Ghazis (final total 20 casualties)...



Gurkhas move to take a firing position on the Pathan Tribesmen across the river; the Pathans remain in place in the scrub-brush Rough Terrain...

RED card drawn first (on this day the cards seemed to favor the Farangis); Gurkhas FIRE on Pathans, score 1 x Rifleman WIA; 3 x Swordsmen WIA; the remaining 8 Pathan Rifles FIRE back at the Gurkhas: score 2 x hits - Gurkha LDR WIA, 1 x Gurkha rifleman WIA (running total 6 casualties)...



BLACK Pathan movement card flipped first (FINALLY the Baraka swings to the Faithful!) -- the Pathans decide discretion is the better part of valor, DISAPPEAR INTO THE SCRUB-BRUSH & move off the table, ending the fight...


After the Pathans withdraw, the Gurkhas stand fast as Sgt. Crood, Dirka Grim & Co. head over the Pass...



At the crest it's not just the village of Dargai visible below, but also the newly-erected cantonments of 1st Brigade Peshawar Field Force...





Sgt. Crood & Co. are met by a detachment of 23rd Sikh Pioneers, Dhoolies for the wounded, and a Troop of 12th Bengal Cavalry, who escort them to the Cantonments...




All of this is keenly watched by an Officer & NCO of 92nd Gordon Highlanders on watch atop one of the Guard Towers as the Union Jack snaps in the wind behind them...



...And also by a sharp pair of eyes beneath a familiar BLUE TURBAN belonging to none other than MAYANK JAN, "True Son  & Loyal Devotee of Sarban Khan the Light of the Yusufzais, Defender of the Faithful, Enemy of Infidels" -- who appears to have decamped from Peshawar city & followed in the wake of 1st Brigade, Peshawar Field Force...


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 14, 2021, 07:52:04 AM
Dear Reader, today you can find the Saturday illustrated insert with main gossip from the Frontier. The military situation is  in a stalemate. Davenport is happy that Fullerton returned with almost all the column, Simmons is packing his goods ready to give a warm welcome to the new General  Sir John Percival "Mandrake" Aubrey-Smith,  Chitralis are still sieging our boys in the fort, Black Mountain is pacified after the death of Sikander khan and from Swat columns are ready to support Gen Mc Guinness to recover Chitral.
But today it is time to enjoy our Week end illustrated insert with numerous interesting articles of fashion, culture, sport… and gossip of course. In this issue you’ll find all this and much more!
yours faithfully
Reginald Winkie
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on August 14, 2021, 11:54:34 AM

Unlikely as it seems, we have learned that one of the most faithful readers of Reginald Winkie and the Peshawar Tribune is none other than the Mad Guru himself!

In this brief series of Silver Prints from the studio of Kodak Effendi (one of Turkey's first Itinerant Photographers) the legendary or notorious (depending on your point of view) spiritual figure is pictured having the latest edition of said periodical read aloud to him at one of his favorite spots: the "Garden of Martyrs Cemetery" near Chakdara.

In tumultuous times such as our late 19th Century, we hope these images will serve to remind us that while matters such as conquest and rebellion (or wargame rules preference) may kindle harsh conflict, other things can bring us together -- if only for long enough to enjoy a diverting gossip column or a piece of bold sporting news...




Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: MaleGriffin on August 14, 2021, 04:19:07 PM
This keeps getting better and better! I'm inspired to work on my NWF stuff~
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: LordSpode1879 on August 14, 2021, 04:22:57 PM
I am just loving this thread.... . All the contributions are top notch and so inspirational!

My thanks to all involved!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 16, 2021, 11:03:16 AM
Dawn of a new day, Khurd Kabul pass is dominating the rocky dusty landscape; a long caravan is approaching from Kabul.
“ Mustafa now is the moment, follow me”
“Muletail, ooohm I mean Hussein, are you crazy? Half a dozen against all those Pashtuns?”
“Not against, my friend, hide your tulwars and look”
The old caravan bashi is leading the long row of animals and afghans.
“The Old Rule blessing upon you, young boys. We are going in peace and in peace we want remain, but we will not hesitate to show you that we can be as dangerous as wolfs”
Muletail thought “yes but if you can be wolfs, I can be as lethal as a waziri panther or as foxy like a snake”
“The old Ruler be with you, wise Bashi, we are just Bunelwars pilgrims returning to our homes. In peace we came and in peace we go”
“Good, I heard that many Bunewairs were accepting the false rules, abominable ones” said the old Afridis spitting aside.
“you are right my brother, many have deviated and we devoted to the True Words must be very careful, they are even starting to prosecute us”
“yes bad time, but it is not wise to walk alone, join our caravan and we’ll give you a good company up to Jalalabad.”
“thank you brother, may the Merciful Ruler give you joy and happiness and accept you in his Paradise!” yes the Paradise of the heretics… thought Muletail and then loudly:
“Well friends let’s accept the generous offer and join these brothers in faith”, then whispered
“See Mustafa, mixed with these well known merchants nobody investigate when we will arrive to cross the pass, you see the panther can be a fox!”
“A snake my friend, a snake”
At the pass some Afridis sentinels are patrolling the entry.
“Muhammad old Kabuli, where are you going with all these goods?”
“Rashim, young jackall, you want to kid me. These goods are just poor things of an old poor man. Since the Ferenghees looting and destroying all Spinwam lands, my business is ruined. I will end my days asking for a sip of water and a spoon of chickpeas to merciful pilgrims”-
“Old snake, every time you have an excuse for not paying for our protection. But this time you could do me a greater present. We are looking for some khafiris who are trying to return to Waziristan. They were going Southward and you may have known something about them”
“No we are all good faithful Afridis plus a bunch of Bunerwals who have remained loyal to the True Rule and are returning to their land”
“Ok but keep your eyes and ears ready to detect any information. You know Umra can be very generous. Or very ruthless!
“Thank you, if I hear something I’ll report, I promise”
“Now go with the Ruler and may your camels have a +2 in difficult terrains”
“May the Almighty Ruler give you eagle eyes to detect the heretics and get the retribution for them”
Hidden among the camels Muletail aka Hussein and his friend Abdul Kareem aka Mustafa with their Bunerwals friends go on towards Jalalabad.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Tom Dulski on August 16, 2021, 11:29:37 AM
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on August 16, 2021, 05:12:54 PM
Peshawar, a maze of squares, alleys, courtyards, palaces, temples where an immense mass of people move ... Pashtuns, Sikhs, Punjabi, Arabs, Muslims, Bengalis, Hindus, Afghans ... among many busy people screaming they bargain...

... Zibbib Khan also moves, trader of horses, mules, camels ... weapons. Zibbib Khan wants to go unnoticed, he moves through the alleys in the shadows, his goal is the carpet shop of Ibrahim Dast ...
"Ibrahim may Allah protect you ... I need information from you who know everything that happens on the Frontier"

"Hosoor that Allah has mercy on your enemies, your visit worries me, you are the bringer of death ... what does Zibbib Khan want to know from a poor old man that he does not already know?"

"Ibrahim I heard that there is a caravan that left Kabul with a particular load, two young panthers, my clients will pay me very well ... 50,000 Rupees for the Red Panther and 25,000 for the other ... You surely know something about it ... "

"Zibbib Khan what are you going to do to these two young panthers?"

"Ibrahim old flea do not ask questions ... I do not ask my clients, what do you know about these two travelers?"

"Allah protect me from your anger Zibbib ... I have heard from some Bashi who passed here in recent days that two young men are traveling in a caravan with some pestiferous Bunerwals ... followers of the False Rule, look for the black men and you will find your prey"

"Thank you Ibrahim may Allah make you find another young wife and money to feed her "

"Go Hosoor, go your own way and don't say you saw me ... here in Peshawar even the walls have ears, the believers in the False Rule Book are everywhere."

Zibbib Khan walks away from the carpet shop and dives back into the dark alleys of the City of Flowers ... now he has some information to provide to his Clients ... this is the Great Game, on the Frontier there is not a single truth and he knows how to tell them all ....."

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 17, 2021, 08:21:38 AM
The last lights of the day shows Jalalabad in all its beauty, down in the valley, few walking hours only.
“Mustafa look our journey to Jalalabad is ending. Thank you old Bisha, we have to thank you again for your hospitality. “said Muletail aka Hussein. 
Mustafa “Yes Hussein, and especially for those delicious tamarind pancakes”
“ahah it is a duty of the pious devotee to help pilgrims like you. I’m sorry that our caravan will deviate towards SpimWam while you aim to Khyber Pass and from there to Peshawar and then to Buner. May the Holy Ruler bless your path and provide a plus one to your tulwars. Unfortunately, where I go we’ll find destruction and bankruptcy, but with the help of the Ruler I hope to arrange some little business to provide a warm dinner to my old bones”.
“Thank you old Muhammad- said Hussein - may the Ruler help your business and double your profits. You have no idea how much you were precious for us”
Mustafa. “can we have a last dinner before leaving the caravan? It is not for the tamarind pancakes, I liked also rice and dry fish…”
“Don’t worry my friend Mustafa, Jalalabad is home to a large number of fruits. Various types of citrus fruits like orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lemon, lime. The orange narindj has yellow skin and its taste is a combination of orange and grapefruit. And the grapefruits grown here have a diameter up to nine inches. We’ll buy these fruits in local markets with a local variety of sugarcane, the vatani , full of sugar. We’ll made a big supply to last up to Peshawar”
“yes, but before leaving we’ll celebrate the safe end of this journey with a great party and exhibitions of our tribal dance and all of you are invited to attend or to dance if you like. And by the way there will be a large distribution of tamarind pancakes” said Muhammad blinking to Mustafa.
“I’m volunteering for dancing!” exploded Abdul Kareem aka Mustafa in a cascade of laughter.
Few hours later in the astonishing Jalalabad.
“Mustafa stop to indicate every attraction, or we’ll be noticed, is the fourth time you want to pass in front of these shops and every time you buy more fruits”
“ ’Cause I’m provident and I don’t want surprise before arriving into Peshawar”
“Now stop it and let’s prepare to go to Buner. We will change our tunics to have a look more “Bunerwals” like and include also some tulwars under the clothes.
“It is late, hurry up”
“I can’t hide my scimitar, Hussein”
 “I told you only tulwars, now let’s go. We must leave the town before evening”
Follow me and try to mix with other merchants, Mustafa the city gates are in that direction, stop eating oranges!”
Few hours late, leaving Jalalabad
“My friends we have to march all night following the banks of the river Kabul , tomorrow we’ll be in sight of Khyber pass, march and be silent”
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on August 18, 2021, 05:22:00 AM
Emergency Dispatch Hazara Field Force
Captain L. Gie Signal Corps
Village of Serai
BG Channers and his Political Officers taken hostage during jirga BREAK

Protection force and one signaled killed BREAK

Tower is currently burning BREAK

Pathans falling back BREAK
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 18, 2021, 08:50:53 AM
Gentlemen, this topic was opened on June 4th and in less than 2 months and half we have overcome 10.000 views with more than 200 replies.
We have constituted a bunch of friends, 5 are actual players, 10 have provided occasionally some hints, many others have provided positive feedbacks privately, all messages to encourage and push the development of stories and AARs.
I want to remind everyone that this club is open to new players, provided they want to actively participate with the right attitude, and there are many interesting tribes still waiting for their Khans to fight for the True Rule, whatever you will decide is the right one.
Only limit is an yearly subscription to Peshawar Tribune that you can manage directly with Mr Reginald Winkie. The subscription will provide different benefits: not only you can have a direct and trusty view of what is happening at the Frontier with different point of views and interviews to multiple characters, but also you will gain many discount by our Sponsors, who made all this possible.
At this point I want to thanks all of them:
•   Guns and guns – Edinborough - the rifles for the discerning khan;
•   Tulwar Rizah and you know what you are knifing;
•   Stop buying new ammo: with Alì Hussein’s hammers reshape the stolen cartridges;
•   Hashad’s camels: new and used sale. The best carrier in town;
•   Amindullah's the mules for all ground;
•   The reign of the carpet: in Peshawar carpets are only at Ibrahim Dast's, fly safe with Ibrahim's carpets;
•   Anglez fired your house? No issue: Sikander Brothers building materials are available at discounted prices;
•   Parties, ceremonies, processions? to remember the best moment ... Kodak Effendi, Photograph shop;
•   Mustafa's Food & Beverage the best mutton on earth;
•   Ali Murtaz and Ali Yussuf’s: Pistols, Guns and Grenades splendid reproductions. Darra Adam Khel Kohat Road n. 145;
•   For your daughter’s best day only the best: give her an extraordinary wedding In Rajasthan with Ahmed’s travel and rifles, the event not for all the tribes!
Last but not least I would get the chance to get your feedback, please post your opinion if you’d prefer more battles or characters histories, preferred heroes (but I have to warn you that answers not including Muletail will be erased), summary maps, more summary of armies situation , new characters you’d like to meet, more/less Peshawar Tribune articles, inserts etc and all you want to add, included congrats Mulehead you deserve to became Khan of all Punjab! (especially this last one… lol).
That's all folks and looking forward to meeting you at next posts!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on August 18, 2021, 10:52:23 AM

Early morning August 1st, 1890...


The sun rises over the Malakand Pass, and Captain Carey's Signal Section stationed on the tallest peak thereof...



They spot a FLASHING GLINT from a distant heliograph and receive the following MESSAGE:


Captain L. Gie, Signal Corps

Village of Serai

BG Channers and his Political Officers taken hostage during Jirga


Protection force and one signaler killed


Tower is currently burning


Pathans falling back



Captain Carey rapidly relays the message to Brigadier Gnl. Ruff-Husband, Commander 1st Brigade, Peshawar Field Force, at their Cantonments on the South side of the pass...




The Brigadier quickly consults with his staff, who cross-check their map with Google Sahib and confirm that Serai Village lies 22 miles distant on foot (as opposed to via one of those newfangled Horseless Carriages) from their present position alongside Dargai Village, as seen here...


The Brigadier dashes off his reply, entrusts it to the fastest rider in his Brigade -- Daffadar Ishar Singh, 12th Bengal Cavalry...


...who rides through the pass at whirlwind speed...


...and hands the message to Capt. Carey...


...who uses the Heliograph to send it to his counterpart at Hazara Field Force, Capt. L. Gie...


FROM: BGnl Ruff-Husband, Commander 1st Brigade Peshawar Field Force
TO: Current Commander Hazara Field Force

My brigade is 1 day's forced march from your position at Serai


Request you advise immediately if you require relief


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 19, 2021, 02:28:59 PM
Dawn is rising and in the landscape Khyber Pass is emerging, terrible and full of dangerous promises.
Landi Kotal, few miles west of Khyber pass, the Sun is celebrating its triumph in this hot August 1st.
Few shadows are moving cautiously among the bushes which surround the dusty road. Some words are whispered, but in the solid silence explode like gun shots.
“Hussein please, another orange, I swear the last one”.
“Mustafa you have depleted all our reserves, we have only few fruits and we must spare them up to Peshawar…”.
“Oh oh what we have got here” said suddenly a voice from top of some rocks “Naik Amir Alì I got some fishes who was proceeding hiding behind bushes in a very suspect mood”.
“Well done Omar, another bunch of smart Pashtuns, too intelligent to pay the entry ticket, isn’t it?”said a nasty voice belonging to the pride Naik, walking in the center of the road, as if he was the Khan of all Landi Kotal surroundings.
“No most honorable Naik Sir” said Muletail aka Hussein “we are not trying to avoid paying for crossing the Khyber pass.”
“No? you seem Bunerwals, so to go home you have to cross the pass, don’t you?”said the triumphing Naik “We don’t like lairs” continued changing the mood.
In the meantime, a company of Khyber Rifles appear from nothing all around our friends looking at them with malevolent sights. Khyber rifles are halfway between real soldiers and policemen, usually hired among Afridis.
“Better get free of these gentlemen as soon as possible” thought Muletail. And remembered what told him the old bashi about the atrocities made by the feringhees.
You see brother Naik, we are Bunerwals coming from a pilgrimage to Kabul. We are followers of the True Rule and we swore to spend one season of penitence fighting for Omar the beautiful to vindicate the atrocities made by Anglez in Spimwam and there we go. You see we do not need to cross the pass and we do not want to evade the right fee”
“Mmmmh pilgrims or Bunerwals you have to pay”
“Excuse me Naik” said the first private, uneasy “It is not good taking money from pilgrims fulfilling their holy votes”
Naik knows his soldier is right but cannot admit he was wrong in front of all his men, atmosphere is becoming electrical “Well let me see inside your camels panniers.”
Inside the panniers there is also the holy flag sewed during the long nights in Kabul. It is written One True Rule, and as t is good for every faithful they obtained the help of some pious women, believing it was for the Old Rule. This time Mustafa has a smart solution
“Well brothers, no issues. We will give you the money not for the pass entry but because we want to have a good lunch with our friends. And as we cannot eat chicken and mutton until vote fulfillment, we’ll give you the money and you will eat and toast to our health!”
A second of silence than Naik smiles and all the soldiers dismiss and smile thinking how to spend the easy money.
“This is a change of program” Muletail thought“ now we cannot cross the Khyber pass and must direct southwards in direction of Bara river, we are entering deeply in Afridis lands, but it is funny: Umra is searching us from Khost to Buner while we are marching straight on within his own territory!”
Private “Naik something is strange”
Naik “What, eating free chicken and dry fish with a bowl full of free rice?” ahahah
“No I mean, do you remember my sister Anisa?”
“Ah the second one, married to an old merchant in Peshawar?”
“No not Amina, Anisa, the one who was married with our uncle Hamman, in Torwarsak”.
“Ah yes, I remember the big wedding party…”
“Naik I had a lot of cousins and friends among Bunerwals until they started to leave the True Faith, and I know very well their peculiar dialect; well those two guys, the ones in front of the group, they spoke with a strange accent, was like Bunerwals but a little bit forced and exaggerated.”
“mmmh better we speak of this with the Havildar”
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on August 19, 2021, 09:57:18 PM
Bebe Sahib, blessings be upon you. By now I'm sure you know of my treasured guests Channers Sahib and his envoys, alas Asmani Raja declined our invitation preferring his own company in the TorGhars perhaps he will find the lions he seeks.  As agreed to during our jirga Channers Sahib will remain my guest until such time all of the Anglez have left the TorGhar and returned to Abbottabad allowing the Hassanzais and Akazais to rule our people according to the one book TMWWBK.
Channers Sahib had these odd papers on him, at first my warriors wanted to use them for toilet paper or jezzail ball wadding but brought them to our learned scholars to interpret their true meaning. Fortunate that Channers Sahib is my honored guest for the punishment of possessing such heretical texts is blinding of the eyes. Is it the position of the Queen in Engleez to not only tell us how we should live but also how we should fight?
I await the word from my scouts telling me the last of the farenghee have left the TorGhar so I may allow my guests to return unsullied to their cantonment.
Your humble servant
Sardar Gul Akbar
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on August 20, 2021, 02:50:14 AM
Who is this "Bebe Sahib" you speak of...?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on August 20, 2021, 06:24:03 AM
FROM: BGnl McQueen J., Force Commander Black Mountain Expedition
TO: BGnl Ruff-Husband, Commander 1st Brigade Peshawar Field Force


Currently my only position at Serai is nervous subaltern who managed to lock himself in a tower and not get shot b'gawd.
I've two columns in the field as well as a force at Oghi to contend with this upstart Gul Akbar, not mention some rogue agent running about the Black Mountains on some damnable lion hunt? Wot,wot.Doesn't this fool realize there is a punitive expedition on! Damnable says I. Damnable.
No sir, I appreciate your offer but I've two highly capable colonels combing the valleys for any information with a brigade to strike with when the whereabouts of this insolent imp are ascertained. I'll have Channers and his boys back before tea on Tuesday, I'm certain of it.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on August 20, 2021, 12:09:05 PM
Riposte To An Effrontery

FROM: The voice of Civilization AKA: B.Gnl. Ruff-Husband, CO 1st Brigade Peshawar FF

TO: Sardar Gul Akbar

RE: Your latest Vile Effrontery of a Mockery of a Sham

Your recent crime against humanity and the manner in which you communicate it are of such monumental scale that they demand immediate response, which I have taken forthwith.  Please see attached photographs (a perk of the aforementioned Civilization) showing the burning of Dargai in retribution for your kidnapping of General Channers as well as for the egregious tone you take towards the ONE TRUE TEXT, aka: The Sword And The Flame.  You seem to find such impudent mockery of the sacred amusing.  I assure you, the residents of Dargai Village -- INCLUDING YOUR SISTER FARAH AKBAR, WIFE OF THE HEADMAN NAZIM GUL, and their three sons, your nephews RAZA MUHAMMAD, BABA MUHAMMAD, AND GAZA MUHAMMED -- are not currently amused, nor shall they be any time soon -- unless or until you release Brigadier Channers and all of his compatriots unharmed and with those weapons and other possessions which they had on their persons when you first compelled them to become your "guests."  Today it was not "papers" I ordered burned, but an entire village where your close relatives reside.  If Channers & company are not immediately released, it will be the residents -- including those same relations of yours -- who burn next.

Indomitably Yours,

BG SRH, CO 1B Pesh FF -- Loyal Devotee of the True Text, AKA: TSATF






Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Anderson Collection on August 20, 2021, 04:07:03 PM
Wonderful thread :-* :-*
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: MaleGriffin on August 20, 2021, 05:41:42 PM
One of the best threads ever!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 21, 2021, 10:09:16 AM
Ali Mashid surroundings: Naik walks towards Havildar Gul Mast, followed by Omar: "Havildar we've something you could be interested knowing..."
"Bet it’s better for you if it is worth of disturbing me while working" answers the havildar waking up from the ground where he was resting under the shadow of a control tower.
"Sepoy Omar noticed something wrong in a group of Bulewars going southwards to join Omar Khan army. He says they had a strange accent." Said the Naik underscoring that all the responsibility was over sepoy Omar.
"mmh why didn't you stop them?"
"Sir because this stupid saddle goose told me only after they departed" said Naik nervously.
Havildar thought mmmmh that is really suspicious. I will forward the information to Umra's spies, I know he is looking after some panthers trying to return to Waziristan...
Wait, and if he questions me why we let them slip away? We had his enemies and we didn't care to give them to him...nooo too dangerous, I have to take time to decide...
"You fools stupid whiffle whaffle, you drunk too much tamarind syrup and it fulfilled your head. Different accent you say? Omar could not recognize a Buner mule from a camel and now he recognizes the accents! And you stupid Naik encourage him!"Shouted angrily the Havildar "Now you both will stay 2 days without resting to learn how properly controlling caravans and it is better that you'll bring to me enough rupees to calm me down or I will be really very nasty, you can bet it.”
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on August 21, 2021, 10:43:31 AM


The Arg-e-Shahi, or "Citadel of the King" -- commonly known in the Kabul vernacular simply as the "Arg"...



Built by the current King, Abdur Rahman Khan, known as THE IRON AMIR...


On this warm August day a visitor from Afghanistan's South-East Frontier (AKA: India's North-West Frontier) stands waiting for his audience with His Royal Highness The Protector of the Faithful, Despoiler of the Kaffiri Unbelievers, Suppressor of Rebellious Ghilzais, Uzbeks, Tajiks, and Hazaras, and Beautifier of the Land...


ROYAL ADJUTANT: "Mullah Sadullah?"

MULLAH: "As-Salam-u-Alaikum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh, my son.  I am he."


ROYAL ADJUTANT: "Walaikum a-salam.  His Royal Highness the Amir will see you now."



MULLAH: "Peace be upon you, oh Great King from over the Mountains.
Truly it is as the Faithful say: the light of the Prophet
does shine brightly from your eyes."

ABDUR RAHMAN KHAN: "And also upon you.
Peace that is, not the light of the Prophet from your
ass-kissing mouth.  They tell me you have something to trade.
I am a busy Amir, so tell me quick.
What is it exactly?"


MULLAH: "Your retainers speak true, Great King. I come as
the humble emissary of the rising devout Malik
of the tribal belt between your Kingdom and
that of the Great White Queen's Heathen slaves.
Sarban Khan is his name and his word is law
from Dir to the Malakand Pass."


ADBUR RAHMAN KHAN: "Don't try to impress me.
Surely you know I have been known to take dumps
which cover more territory than that.  What does
this half-a-loaf of naan offer to the man who
built this Palace and from its throne rules more
men and more mountains than the grains of sand
he will trod on if you add up all the
footsteps of his lifetime?"







PALACE SAHN (courtyard)...



MULLAH: "I shall tell you now, oh Great King..."

*  *  *  *  *


As seen here in another set of Silver Prints --


-- also taken during his 1889-1890 "Impressions of the Faithful" tour:






Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on August 21, 2021, 04:23:44 PM
Zibbib Khan at the Khyber Pass



Arrived at the Khyber Pass Zibbib Khan goes in search of an old friend of his, the Havildar Gul Mast who serves in the Khyber Rifles. Zibbib Khan knows that Gul Mast is stationed with his company of Malikdin Khel Afridis in the Alì Masjid fortress, but entering there is not easy and can arise suspicion. He also knows that Gul Mast controls the caravans crossing the pass at Sultan Khel, a village a few miles from Ali Masjid. And there  Zibbib is waiting for him, hidden in a corner of the Main Caravan Road ...

"Old cutthroat, haven't your enemies killed you yet?"
"Who is it that addresses the Malikdin Khel Havildar Gul Mast with this tone? ......     for the Prophet's beard.... Zibbib Khan I didn't recognize you ... but the smell of women parfum you carry around is unmistakable ... usually you run behind the prostitutes in the seedy alleys of Lahore ... what do you want from me? I'm on duty and I don't have much time to dedicate to you ... "

"Gul Mast you stinking old goat did you forget about the adventures we had together in the Bara Valley when you and I ransacked the caravans to Kohat ..? Your griffin expression hasn't changed even under this uniform ... you are always a thief ... Allah has never deprived you of the pleasure of theft ... "
"Zibbib we were young and robbing the caravans was a noble and profitable business ... now the controls of the Ferenghees have increased the controls  and to get around I had to enlist with other brothers in this Regiment. Why are you here what do you want from me? ... "
"Gul Mast I'm looking for 2 people ... they are 2 young men  ... they travel in a caravan with some unbelievers Bunerwals ... you have surely seen them,  are men in black, the color of clothes that most followers of the False Creed use. .. "

"Zibbib I haven't seen anyone who looks like the description you gave me ... How much is there to gain from this story for your poor friend Gul?

"Old goat do you forget our friendship for a fistful of rupees?, May Allah make you have short arms so that you cannot collect the coins from the ground ... I offer you 20 rupees for this  information"
"Hahaha 20 rupees, old Gul Mast is not a fool ... if you offer me 20 rupees it means that the information is worth at least 100 ..."

"I'll give you 50 rupees which is the equivalent to a year of Ferenghees' pay for your services"
"Thank you my friend ... Gul Mast takes the bag of rupees and slips it into the inside pocket of his jacket ..... no one has passed here who matches who you are looking for ... but listen to the advice of an old man friend ... if I wanted to move in these lands, without being seen or found, I would take the pass of Bori and leave this caravan road  full of prying eyes ... "
Zibbib Khan thinks to himself ... true ,how stupid ... the Bori pass ... from there to the Bazar Valley and then down to the south ...
"Thank you old friend, may Allah protect you from your enemies ... I'm going south"
"Goodbye Zibbib Khan may you never be poor"

Gul Mast joins his platoon and continues to control the passage of the caravans in the Khyber pass ... now he is more peaceful he has 50 rupees ... well I got anyway my rupees without risking Umra's vengeance. Now better dropping  something in the pockets of my guys, just to keep their mouths well sealed....that stupid Naik and his sepoy...at this time I could have been rich and famous, if those met by the Naik down  at the pass were the prey that Umra is looking for ... but now better keep quiet or Umra will cut my throat ...

Zibbib Khan sits in the shadows in the same place ehere he was at the beginning ... he is in no hurry ... he knows very well where to intercept his prey ... he relaxes and takes a metal box from the kummerbund, inside there are some Ferenghees cigarettes ... I  deserve one ... even if it costs me 50 rupees ...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 22, 2021, 09:22:14 AM
From Br  Gen Davenport in Bannu to Lt Gen Bindon Blood in Rawalpindi

Sir, my best respects to you. I am happy to inform you that following your explicit order I have reinstalled Col Fullerton in charge of his flying column, that I have reconstituted with same units of his last campaign. Actually, he’s directing towards Spinwam where he will finish the operations started last month, what you have generously defined a brilliant successfully campaign.
We have been informed that near the village of Spinwam, where he is actually directed, many Afridis tribesmen and volunteers are rallying under Omar the Beauty’s flags and we had to anticipate they moves before too many tribesmen are rallied.  It seems that previous operations to pacify the area just brought revenge desire by this violent ruthless bandits.
Col Fullerton has enough experience in this kind of creating inconveniences to this uncivilized rebels and my intention is also to give an indirect message to Umra Khan to submit without further violence.
It was reported to me by our Guides that great ferment is provided among the followers of the new rule due to the news, probably fake, of the return from Kabul of Mulehead's son who will lead them to unify all Punjab under the new rule laws. They speak about an alliance between Waziris and Bunewals.
I can reasonably say that Fullerton will create the maximum inconvenience and total bankruptcy for these uncivilized bandits.

Yours Faithfully
Br Gen Davenport
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 22, 2021, 11:45:54 AM
August 2nd, few miles south of Nadar river:
“Abdul Kareem you are the most saddle goose of all Waziristan! What had you in your heads! How could you be so stupid to load all the food in only one camel. Now that it is drawn in the river crossing, we have nothing to eat.!
“Oh please Muletail I’m enough desperate for that, but don’t be angry, the Ruler who leads our steps will help us one time more!” Said Abdul Kareem aka Mustafa.
“you know what , I will unwrap the holy flag we prepared and Saddam will bear it in front of us”
“what you foolish whiffle-whaffle, and why not also  a trumpet parade to announce to every Pashtun we are arriving?”grumbled Ghaazi Muletail El Komiss aka Hussein
“Oh Hussein you are so grumbletonian! It was sewed with an ambiguous sentence “One Rule” so we can be misrecognized as good pilgrims of not nominable faith. But look! You see Hussein, the holy flag works! Look that good fellows, they are likely good merchants, not ready to fight so inland in the Umra’s dominions. Saddam wave high our flag! They will see we are devoted pilgrims!
The band arrives close to the pashtuns and Mustafa greeted them:
“The Peace of the True Ruler be with you, we are coming to fulfil a vote and fight under Omar the Beautiful invincible flags; peace to the noble Afridis, nightmare of Ferenghees”
The pathans do not move
Mulehead interrupted his friend:
“Mustafa stop it these are not Afridis”
“Exactly, we are the true owners of these lands , we are Orakzai, we are ally of Umra, but this land are ours”
“sure my friends we did not intend to offend you”
“But your friend did. We are nor the Afridis puppets neither we are mercenaries like you, we fight for our own land”
“Well friends I didn’t mean to offend anybody” said Mustafa “Please Muletail explain, I mean Hussein…”
Mustafa stops and a second of complete silence covers all the pathans. The Orakzai simulate did not notice anything but Muletail was ready to catch an exchange of glances and winks among them.
“Now” he shouted and as a single man all the bunewals was over the Orakzai using their tulwars killing three of them.
The others could not get their jezails and tried in vain to defend themselves but no injuries were done and other 2 Orakzai fell death.
The last one failed again to get the jezail and missed his hit with the tulwar and was eventually killed.
“Well done my friends” said Muletail when they were walking towards Spinwam “Mustafa how many times I told you to call me always Hussein, just to avoid this kind of mistakes and their consequences…”
“Well we fixed the issue” replied Mustafa “and without consequences” we are lucky no one could shoot his jezail”
“Oh let the True Ruler blesses EDNA and SCRUD for that…”said Saddam waving the flag and Mustafa continued:
“in this way it was quick and noiseless, nobody heard it… ”
 “Not really, and not so quickly” said a nasty voice from top of the rocks over our friends”now put gently all your weapons on the ground, fellas”
Muletail had a quick view over there, there were many Afridis but engulfed in a  tiny space, perhaps a volley could decimate them and then a good tulwar job, like with Orazkai, could solve also this situation”
The bunerwals see they are under sight by more than a dozen of jezails and one after the other drop all their weapons. At the end only Muletail and Abdul Kareem keep their guns.
“It seems that yur leaders are deaf, so what doja prefer, fellas? Drop or die, yours is the choice”and all the guns aim to our heroes. Muletail gives a signal to Mustafa to stop it and both drop their weapons.
“Well done my friends. You have dispatched a band of Orazkai, that is not disturbing me, but Umra won’t be happy to know this butchering happened on his lands. You are not the first desperados to try to loot and steal north of Thal and Bannu, but f’sure u’ll be the last one.
“We will bring you to Thal where u’ll be execut’d as example for the other bandits friends of yours.”
“Oh well“said Mustafa smiling “at least we are going to the right direction, Hussein; now I remembered to tell your fake name properly, didn’t I?”
Muletail incinerated him with his eyes. Only relief the flag was wrapped and put back inside the panniers. Mustafa at least on this was right: the ambiguous misunderstanding text was read as a tribute for the Old Book and so the holy flag was preserved and they believed as righteous faithful. More and more warriors are joining them.
“But we are not bandits” replied Muletail “we are pilgrims coming from Kabul to fight under the glorious Omar’s flag, we belong to him now and you cannot touch us” Muletail continues proudly.
“mmmh well we are going to that direction, he will decide! The Ruler has already written in his Book if you will die for a Feringhee’s bullet or Afridis’scimitar. Anglez were scouted returning but this time they won’t find only women and children. And the group moves towards Spimwam while more warriors are still joining them.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on August 23, 2021, 01:34:17 AM
The Rifle Or The Rug

August 1890, the city of Peshawar, bastion of British rule on India's North-West Frontier...


The city is administered by Major General Basil Whistsend, ably advised by his Political Officer, Captain Alexander "Teetotaler" Crane.  The two do not always see eye-to-eye -- such as when Gnl. Whistsend went against Capt. Crane's advice and ordered the entire civilian population of 50,000 men, women & children expelled before dispatching the 1st Brigade of his Divisional Garrison to maneuver in response to Tribal unrest in Tirah and the Black Mountains...



However, following a brief "cooling off" period, Captain Crane was able to convince his commander to let women, children, beggars, and business owners back into the Walled City.

Beggars in particular were allowed back because most of them are on Captain Crane's payroll, serving as "eyes and ears" of the Raj.  It's true, much of the information they deliver is of little or no value, and some of it is completely false -- but from time to time the beggars pluck needles out of haystacks.

Amongst the beggars allowed back in is one who goes by the monicker HARI HOODEEN...


And amongst the business owners allowed back in was a certain rug merchant named Ibrahim Dast, located in the bustling Qissa Khawani Bazaar...



Where the carpets are very colorful indeed...



Earlier today Hari Hoodeen passed on a tidbit of info he'd recently overheard at the aforementioned Carpet Shop.  This exchange was spoken between said proprietor Ibrahim Dast and a visitor to his shop who examined no carpets... did no haggling... and left without purchasing so much as a thread of wool.  Instead he inquired about...

"A caravan that recently left Kabul with two young panthers worth 50,000 Rupees and 25,000 Rupees."

To which Ibrahim Dast replied...

"I have heard from some Bashi that two young men are traveling in a caravan with some pestiferous Bunerwals, followers of the False Rule, look for the black men and you will find your prey."

In light of the unrest currently spreading across the Frontier, this report is enough to warrant further inquiry.  So Capt. Crane dispatches Capt. Gadsen of the 127th Baluchis with a Section of Riflemen to bring the Rug Merchant in question in for questioning...









Ibrahim Dast is deposited in an empty room at the Peshawar High Fort (British HQ) and left to ruminate...




Then taken to see Capt. Crane, the Political...


Who offers him a choice...


CAPT. CRANE: "Ibrahim Dast, I am Crane Sahib, known to your people as
Tshaai Askar.*  You and I both know you recently participated in a
conversation plotting rebellious treason at your place of business.
I will come quickly to the point, as these matters are by nature
very time sensitive and I have no time to waste on pleasantries,
be they of British or Pesharawi nature.  As you can see,
 I am flanked on one side by a rifle, and on the other by a rug.
It is time for you to make your move, cast your die,
pick your card.  After which myself, Johnny Goorka
and Scot the Scot will do the same in response.
Either way, Ibrahim, one thing is certain...
You will leave here draped in red."

(*"Tea Soldier" in Peshawar Pashto parlance)







And so a Webley Mk I 1887 Revolver, a Martini-Henry and a new-fangled magazine-fed Lee-Metford Rifle made their influence known without a trigger being pulled, and following some further conversation, Ibrahim Dast made his way back to his shop in the Qissa Khawani Bazaar with his life intact and enriched by one beautifully plush Turcoman-made Persian Rug...



Shortly thereafter, Capt. Crane calls on
Major General Whitsend...

CAPT. CRANE: "Sorry to interrupt, General, but I have some news."


M.GNL. WHITSEND: "Come in, Alex.  This is Captain Elliot Hardigan,
Commander of the Royal Horse Artillery Battery that just arrived from Simla.
Captain Hardigan, this is Captain Crane, my Political Officer --
everyone calls him Teetotaler, for reasons you can see."


CAPT. CRANE: "Pleased to meet you, Hardigan."

CAPT. HARDIGAN: "Same here, Tito."


CAPT. CRANE: "General, I'm afraid we may need
Hardigan's galloping guns sooner than later..."


CAPT.  CRANE (Cont'd): "I have just learned that as we speak,
somewhere out there a pair of rabble-rousers going by the
nom de guerres 'Mule-Head' and 'Horse-Tail' are crisscrossing
the Frontier on a mission to forge an alliance between
the Afridis and Waziris for purposes of violent rebellion."


M.GNL. WHITSEND: "Are you deftly certain of all this, Teetotaler?"

CAPT. CRANE: "Beyond any shadow of a doubt.  As anyone in the
Political Service will tell you: the 'Rifle or the Rug' ploy never fails."


NOTE: All decision-points were resolved in accordance with
as set forth in The 20th Anniversary Edition (1979-1999)
of Larry V. Brom's Wargaming Classic
Specifically, Section E: "Torturing Prisoners"...

Ibrahim Dast could just as well have fled the coop
as the 127th Beluchis approached,
or barricaded himself inside his shop
and fought to the death, but the
DIE ROLL chose otherwise.

The same applies to his questioning:
he could have said nothing or
tried to lie -- but again, the DIE ROLL
said he "answers question."

Less dramatic perhaps, but on occasion
such is fate!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on August 23, 2021, 04:23:27 AM
Ruff-Husband Sahib, blessings be upon you.
Regretfully I must decline your invitation to join you in Dargai. Alas, my sister is still so angry with me for marrying her to a man with so few mules and only one goat, that her whelps would certainly bury their churas deep in my back as soon as they set eyes upon me.  The loss of their village, as you have already stated, will only raise their anger against me, please do hold them until their ire has slackened and I may once again walk freely west of the Indus.
Also I and my tribal elders are observing as the Abbottabad garrison is retreating from my beloved TorGhar. I assure you not a hair on Channers Sahib's head will be shorn as long as your ferenghee brothers continue to withdraw to their cantonment in Abbottabad.  As a sign of good faith I have released Cunningame Sahib on a sturdy mule to deliver a message to McQueen Sahib in Abbottabad.  I do not wish to further fight the Anglez nor do I want them descending upon my home like locust on the fields. I only ask that they all peace the beautiful flower of TorGhar.

Your humble host
Sardar Gul Akbar
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 23, 2021, 10:52:12 AM
In the last Muletail’s episode Saddam, his standard bearer, commenting the fight with Orazkais refer to EDNA and SCRUB.
Some viewers asked me for more explaining, hereafter in few words brief explanation (the concepts has been worked out into more sophisticated alghoritms):

•   EDNA (Ever Decreasing Number Allocation) was created by Graham Hockley, and demonstrated at COW1990. Essentially, EDNA is a numerical value which represents an individual or unit's current willingness to do something (e.g. move forward under fire, but also, as in our episode, grabbing the jezails to propagate alarm). When you want to check  if they will do as requested, an EDNA test takes place, you check if the value is under your EDNA value, if minus ok otherwise the level is decreased by the difference and so on up to EDNA reaches zero. E.g.
A unit with a starting EDNA of 8 wishes to do something. It throws 2D6 and scores 5. The total dice score is less than the current EDNA, so the unit does as requested.The unit wishes to move forward again. It throws 2D6 and scores 10. The total dice score is more than the current EDNA, so the unit's EDNA is reduced by the difference to 6. (10 - 8 = 2; 8 - 2 = 6)The unit wishes to try again. It throws 2D6 and scores 7. The total dice score is more than the current EDNA, so the unit's EDNA is reduced by the difference to 5. (7 - 6 = 1; 6 - 1 = 5) and so on up to EDNA reaches 0 or, as in our episode, all Orazkais are despatched. 

•   SCRUD (Simple Combat Resolution Using Dice) was devised by Tim Price, and was first outlined in THE NUGGET N80 in 1991. Tim Price described SCRUD as follows:

These rules are intended to be used as a simple method of resolving the combats that take place within the larger framework of a game. They are meant for those battles that take place in the boarding actions of Naval Games, the Open Battles that are encountered when playing Matrix Games, and the confrontations that appear during back-to-back Map Games. In short, those small, but vital, elements that are part of the whole that makes up a wargame, that have to be resolved quickly or the Game itself grinds to a halt.

The mechanism works as follows:
Roll 1D6 for each unit (both friendly and enemy) taking part in the combatThe resulting dice for each side are lined up opposite each other, highest first. (If one side has more dice than the other, any dice that are extra, and score less than the lowest dice of the side with the fewer dice, are ignored)Compare the paired off diceThe higher dice beats the lower dice (Equal scores are ignored)Each dice defeated represents a push-back in large combats, or a death in smaller combats. Three such defeats eliminate one of the opponent's unitsAn example of SCRUD in operation
Two opposing forces (Red with three units and Blue with five units) come into combat.
Red throws three D6s and scores 6, 5, 2; Blue throws five D6s and scores 5, 4, 3, 2, 2. The dice are lined up, highest first and paired off. Red's 6 is paired up against Blue's 5; therefore, Red wins Red's 5 is paired up against Blue's 4; therefore, Red wins. Red's 2 is paired up against Blue's 3; therefore, Blue wins.Although Red is the weaker of the two opposing forces, it has inflicted twice as many casualties on Blue than Blue has inflicted on Red.

This is a very simple and fast combat resolution mechanism to use, very useful in little fights which are not core to our stories involving larger fights but can be valuable input for them.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on August 23, 2021, 09:00:44 PM
Despatches Abbottabad 3 August 1890
From: Brigadier McQueen
To: Brigadier Ruff-Husband

One of our politicals thought to be dead, Usmani Raja, stumbled into a forward post half starved and ravaged by thirst, claiming he alone had escaped a trap set by Gul Akbar that had netted BG Channers et al. He followed them for a few nights until they crossed the Indus and then he move by night to the south until he found our outpost. The man was nearly shot looking like a heathen with stained skin and blue turban. But in his fevered report he claims there is a lashkar assembling under the banner of Gul Akbar. He claimed they crossed the Indus and have been gathering clans in Baio, some talk of his sister's honor, if there is such a thing, or some sort. Sound like nonsense to my intelligence men, perhaps you can make something of it.
Anyway seemed to be pushing a bit too close to your operational area for me not to inform you.

Brigadier MacQueen
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 24, 2021, 12:01:44 PM
August 2nd,Mir Alì a village south of Spinwam, Col Fullerton speaking to Major Hugo William Stockfish .
“Well Willie you see? The evidences of our previous visit are still valid. This morning  I asked in the jirga to collect all rifles stolen in the ambush made to poor Attenborough. But I have a nice surprise for them . They have time up to this evening to give back everything and of couse these liars won’t.
We will split our force, you with your Poona will bypass that towers going for this deviation and fording somewhere there and going north of Spinwam;  at evening we’ll hit simultaneously from opposite directions, so we’ll fire the buildings in half time and tomorrow we’ll celebrate our campaign with a cool beer in Bannu”
“But splitting the forces, you know your guides have reported voices of bandits rallying…”
“Stop it Willie, we will not be scared by 5 bandits ready to run away at the first shot, like last time. It is awfully quiet here and you are a master in forecasting problems when there are not at all.”
“But Sir tribesmen shouldn’t be underestimated...”
 “Stop it Major. General said to destroy villages around Spinwam and we’ll do it in the shortest time.
Are you ok Willie?”
“Yes sir, sure yes.... Risaldar Maruti Jadhav order the Poona Squadron to advance in direction towards North East”
“Sir yes Sir! Squadroooon march direction Nooorth EasTTT!”
In the meantime, few miles Northwards, Omar is reviewing his volunteers parading in front of him ready for marching south of Spimwam…
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on August 25, 2021, 10:32:47 AM
On the heights above Chakdara, Tribal Watchmen keep their eyes peeled not for caravans to rob or enemies to ambush, but for the DAK (postal delivery).  Their master awaits the new edition of the Peshawar Tribune...


The faithful deliverer is spotted...


With rolled-up English language periodical in hand...



He shortly arrives at the Garden of Martyrs Cemetery, to be greeted by watchful Ghazi bodyguards, and the Mad Guru himself, who calls out in Pashto, which we translate here for your benefit:

MAD GURU: Dak, dismount and read to me what my blind eyes cannot -- starting of course with the latest column by that veritable Tennyson of the Frontier, Reginald Winkie...


DAK: At once, my Guru -- but all due respect, in my humble opinion, this Winkie fellow you speak of is no Rahman Baba.*

(*Legendary c.17th Pashtun Poet, also hailing from Peshawar)


MAD GURU: Keep your opinions to yourself and get to reading -- and translating!


DAK: Hmmmm.  It seems there is a very large headline whose story takes up the entire front-page.

MAD GURU: So what are you waiting for?  I'm not getting any younger -- only madder!


DAK: Forgive me, oh great Guru, and Kindly attend the words of that most magnificent and distinguished writer, Mister Reginald Winkie as I quote them to you word for word...

MAD GURU: That's more like it.  Proceed...


DAK: "Forces of the Queen Battle Tribal Rebels!  Word has reached Peshawar of a recent clash between Fully's Flying Devils** and Omar Khan's Lashkar.***  This bloody conflagration is reported to have taken place somewhere between Mir Ali and Spinwam..."

(**Colonel Fullerton's Flying Column)

(***Omar Sharifo's Afridi War Party, augmented
by a small number of Orakzai Tribesmen)


DAK: Winkie goes on, "And now dear readers, I must respectfully advise you to sit down before proceeding to read the next paragraph, as its contents are of such shocking nature, they may result in apoplexy or a conniption fit..."

MAD GURU: Come on, Reg, I'm already sitting -- well, squatting.  Get on with it, Dak -- don't leave me hanging, flapping like a martyr's flag in the wind!


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on August 25, 2021, 09:52:09 PM

A new series of brilliant Colour Lithographs
courtesy of celebrated war illustrator
Reginald Winkie...











***The viewer will please note that B.Gnl. Ruff-Husband's official dispatch on this incident categorically states that no residents were harmed during the punitive operation in question, so it is presumed that the presence of indigenous persons in some of these artful images are fictional additions affected by the artist.***
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on August 25, 2021, 10:03:30 PM
WE BRIEFLY INTERRUPT THE CAMPAIGN NARRATIVE to share info on the gaming accessories featured in the above post...

I got the "Blast Markers" from -- naturally enough -- BUD'S BLAST MARKERS, located in Castle Rock, Colorado, USA.  I have no connection to them other than as a very satisfied customer.  The light-up markers seen above and a variety of other variations are available at:

https://www.budsblastmarkers.com (https://www.budsblastmarkers.com)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on August 26, 2021, 06:16:28 PM
Afghanistan near the village of Chinar just across the Afghan border established by the Gandamak Treaty of 1879.

Captain Strogoleff nice to meet you again, it's been more than three months since our meeting in Bokhara, had you a good trip from Herat?

Da Zibbib Khan, a long journey, sadly devoid of the pleasures of a man ... beautiful vomen and spirits ... do you have any nevs of the tvo young men ? My Czar cares particularly for these guys ....

Captain what are these dirty Sheranis raiders from the Zhob Valkey  doing with you? I see Ahmad Shah among them, he is wanted throughout the Frontier ...

Zibbib Khan they are my guides , Ahmed Shah is my advisor , and I have the utmost confidence in them

Captain I'm on their trail, the young guys are closer than you think. Our agreements included a payment before the "delivery" ... I have incurred in various expenses ...

Zibbib Khan my Czar alvays respects the agreements made, here is 30,000 Rupees ... the balance vhen I have the tvo boys in my hands.

Captain Strogoleff  it escapes me why you care so much for these guys that you pay such a high reward ...

Zibbib Khan my great country Svyataya Rus' has alvays been a good ally of the Emir of Afghanistan ... but the agreements made between the current Emir and the Britianskly government have ... hov to say ... cut us off.
Ve think the tvo boys knov vhere the El Osprey printing house is ... one of them is the son of El Osprey... ve vant to save him from the clutches of the English and Umra Khan,  and get him safely to his father  , also  the Emir of Afghanistan will be happy and this will be a good  sign of friendship between my Czar and the  Emir.
My Intelligence has confirmed that the tvo boys and a Bunervals escort left Kabul last veek joining a caravan headed north ... I vould like to follov them by myself but my government is afraid ....of diplomatic incidents, so ve are addressed to you.
Mutual friends have assured us that you are the best people hunter on the Frontier.

Captain Strogoleff I am a merchant and I am not interested in politics, Russia ... Afghanistan ... Raj ... 
I only think about my business and enjoying the money I will earn from this business ...and spent my time and money in the arms of beautiful girls in Lahore. The two boys will be yours ...my men are on the trail of a caravan heading north and I will join them soon    ...
I'll contact you when I'll have news about...
Do svidaniya Zibbib Khan ... be punctual and don't think you're joking vith me ... I'm Captain Igor Strogoleff of the 5th Alexandryski Hussars Regiment no one has ever made fun of me!

Zibbib greets the Captain with a wave of his hand and resumes his way .... Think ... he  wants to play the Great Game with me ... ahahahah ..
😡...seems I'm following the wrong boys...😡😡
so Ibrahim Dast's information was wrong? or was it right? maybe I didn't understand ...
I thought I was looking for someone going  south instead they were  going north ... strange though ...
Two caravans left Kabul on the same day ... both with 2 boys and an escort of Bunerwals ... one points to the south and one to the north ...

....And who are these 2 nasty kids going south?

There is always a double truth on the Frontier...
For this task I need the help of a new character a unique companion...Percival Flash Dunbar...

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 27, 2021, 12:32:17 PM
Dear viewers, directly from the internal pages of Peshawar Tribune an extract of R.Winkie’s article.
To emphasize some aspects of the fight we have included also some rhymes from R.Winkie’s “the Guides Squadron charge”, from his “Ballads from Peshawar Barracks” that you can have for free with your next subscription to the Tribune. The poet’s verses are in italics to highlight and give the right tribute to our poet.

The long tired dusty column is marching towards Spinwam. In front Fullerton’s Guides, then the units of 2 well known friends: Lt Richard Dawes of British Yorkshire and Lt Andrew Best of Sikh Guides. As per Fullerton’s order Major Stockfish’s Poona are somewhere directed to north of Spinwam.
At the end of the valley on the left some movements, a little group of tribesmen are detected, and many others are appearing filling all the landscape.
“Damn bandits” thought Fullerton “well more enemies more opportunities to get my VC, Stockfish should be damn’d useful now” Then shouted loudly “Guides with me” and started an incredible charge at the double against the little group on the left, half a league, half a league, half a league onward rode Fully leading his Guides...
The infantry units, left alone, started to be ready for the Pashtuns’ charge. While the 2 infantry units flanked each other Richard said “Andrew, this charge is ..is…magnificent!” “Yes buddy…but it is not war, it is madness”.
The Pathan were surprised by the reaction of Fullerton and stopped unsure how to proceed, not even firing a single shot, leaving alone a small group of Orazkais that, unenthusiastically, covered the far right of their line.
Pathans to right of them, Pathans to left of them, Pathans in front of them, Boldly they rode and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of hell. Rode Fully’s Guides
Guides cavalry killed 2 orazkais
and then follow up and killed others 3 pinning the unit.
 Abdullah, the Orazkai leader,  lost his nerves and diserted and the 2 last men routed.
While the rest of Afridis entered in field the units close to Fullerton stopped and allowed him the time to send a volley.
“Duffadar Muhammad, you pretend to be the best carbine in the Army, don’t you?”
“Sir Yes Sir”
“Well now it is time to demonstrate it. You see that little point under the flag? He is the leader of those bandits. They will soon close on us but we have still one possibility, but only one possibility left. Take the aim and do your job Duffadar”
“Sir Yes Sir”. Muhammad calmly take the aim for few interminable seconds and then click and shot killing Musa Din , leader of the third unit which pinned and didn’t rally, leaderless, while the second unit (Ghul Khan’s) slowly advanced.
“Good boy, you deserve 10 rupees extra and a special mention, now let’s go our job is just started here!”
On the right Saddam, with the rifles given by Umra after the great victory of Spinwam one month before, engaged the British Yorkshire with some losses each side, Omar cowardly did not close firing some not very effective shots.
Only Youssef Khan closed on English and started a melee but was pinned and decimated by Best’s sikh guides volley.
In the mean time Fullerton charged Saddam’s unit; which was pinned and retreating and routed it.
Flashed all their sabres bare, Flashed as they turned in air,
Sabring the pathans there, Charging many tribes, while All the world wondered.
Plunged in the dusty-smoke, Right through the line they broke;
Afridis and Orakzai, Reeled from the sabre stroke, Shattered and sundered.
Then they rode back, but not. Not the Fully’s Guides!

At that point Fullerton completed his astonishing cavalcade arriving on the survived Youssuf tribesmen killing them all.
When can their glory fade? Oh the wild charge they made! All the world wondered.
Honour the charge they made! Honour the Fully’s Guides, Noble Squadron!

At this point also Musa Din’s men routed saving the body of their inspirational Khan.
Omar the coward retreated orderly with the remnants of his army, followed by Ghul Khan, whose hapless leadership saved his unit.
“Welcome Willie, you arrive too late for the party”
“My respect Sir, these bandits will leap their wounds for many weeks”
“My fault Willie, I asked them to give back their weapons, I forgot to specify how”
“Well said Sir, anyway now we got them, and no bandits will circulate from Kurram to Khattak”
“We major? Yes one third killed, one third routed and one third retreating for only 3 sowars and 6 yorks. A sad price but well payed by these bandits. Furthermore, we have to quickly move, we are just in time for tomorrow evening tea in Bannu”
““Yes sir, sure yes.... Risaldar Maruti Jadhav order the Poona Squadron to advance in direction towards South East”
“Sir yes Sir! Squadroooon march direction Soooouth EasTTT!”
But in all this confusion, among men running for safe , someone sees his opportunity to be free. Muletail, Mustafa, Saddam and two other friends broke their ropes which tied them. Thanks to sentinels (and EDNA) running away,they could  mix within a group of fugitives, while the other three were still trying their path to freedom but disappeared in a vortex of panicked running tribesmen followed and absorbed by the orderly retreating Omar’s unit.
"Just one moment" Saddam cries and disappears to come back after  few seconds. “what the issue?’” inquired Mustafa “Nothing just an old souvenir” Saddam answered blinking and showing the glorious flag that traveled all the time with them in a pannier.
Which directions now for Muletail and his survived Merry Blacks? The fugitives are running Westwords… beyond the impetuous Samana river and the land of Turis in the unsettling Kurram, or towards Peital Kothal, land of new danger and adventures...?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Totleben on August 27, 2021, 01:55:24 PM
epic  :-*
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Shikari Sahib on August 27, 2021, 05:15:27 PM
Stunning campaign 👏👏👏
Awesome stories  :-* :-*
Carry on the great work 💪
I'm on Umra Khan's  side  ;)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: LtMarks on August 30, 2021, 04:18:57 AM
you guys are doing an awesome job  keep up the good work
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 30, 2021, 12:43:38 PM
August 3rd  Mir Alì crossroads
“William the orders by old Davenport are clear” said Col Fullerton to Major William Vousden “I shall go with my flying devils into the Tochi Valley to civilize those troglodytes firing their villages and destroying their crops, while you go North , beyond Spinwam, to give a clear message to Umra to not supporting revolts in Chitral and Buner. Which units were provided for your column?”
“Richard, may I still call you Richie or I should say future Br Gen Fullerton? ;) besides my 22nd Sam Browne’s sabres I have 3 infantry units. In details Lt Frock with Khyber Rifle, Cpt Townsend with Guides and the young Lt Hatton with 67th blue paints.
Old Davenport keeps his british, baluchis , artillery and lancers ready to react and change the balance if Umra or the Mashuds will oppose resistance, but I fear he will not be able to react so swiftly with his trains of mules.”
“Don’t worry William, I have always done everything relying only on my column and that was more than enough. Anyway, pay attention to not underestimate those bandits. As long as you come closer to Tirah you enter deeply in the lands controlled directly by Umra and he is an old fox. Keep your eyes well open and make a good use of your cavalry to detect any signal of rallying by those dammed devils”
 “No issue Richard, hope to see you soon to finish our tiffin and read a good book in front of a warm cognac bottle”
Then speaking with his native officer: “Risaldar Kesar Singh Dhillon order to the column, we turn Northwards"
“Colum, direction Nooorthhh”!”
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on September 01, 2021, 09:10:35 PM
Dear viewers, in today copy of Peshawar Tribune you can find the content of a message sent by Mulehead El Komiss to his loyal bandit Sardar Gul Akbar new emerging khan in Black Mountain; hereafter a brief extract:

In the name of True Ruler, the Beneficent, the Merciful,
El Osprey records in his Book:
the Exalted said:
Wargame what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish rally test. Verily, prayer prohibits loaded dice and unbalanced scenarios, but the remembrance of True Ruler is greater.
TMWWBK 12:43 PART 5 (Peshawar)
Dear son open your eyes and your ears. My son Ghazi aka Muletail the hope of all believers, the prophet of El Osprey return, seems disappeared. Last news I got were about Bara river crossing, then nothing.
Some pilgrims say that the Ferenghees army was instead a unit of angels driven by Muletail who charged heretics all day long.
It is a signal that right timing is coming to kick Anglez off Punjab and give me the crown of Amir. Raise the standard and drive old religion heretics out of Buner and Swat.
May True Ruler provide you all 6 and lucky traits to khans in your units.

how and what will happen to Muletail you'll know in the next episodes.
If you have forgotten to subscribe for new month now it is the right moment! Just paypal NOW to R.WInkie@winkie.pestribune,com
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on September 02, 2021, 10:16:10 AM
Umra Khan stronghold
 "Come in  Omar the Beautiful, approach the Sage Umra"
"Omar there are 2 battles you lost against that infidel Ferenghi of Fullerton, who spends his time smoothing his mustache, the Almighty did us  Hill Warriors and that's where we have to fight, noy down in the plains like the Kuchis nomads, we're Pashtuns! we fight in the mountains where we are invincible! may the True Faith always stay with us ... "
 "O Mighty Umra, sword of the Believers, this I have always said to my warriors, but they do not listen to me ... they want to go down to fight with swords ..."
"Omar my patience with you is over, I do not accept defeats! ... Barlas! Barlas the Mongol what the True Rules say?"
Die 1 "Omar your end is sealed"

"Sher Khan you are my chosen one, may the power of True Rule always be with you and may the Almighty guide your Dice, ... but above all ... fight on the mountains!"
"So be it written, so be it done !"

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on September 03, 2021, 11:01:49 AM


August 1890, in the Goshta District of Nangahar Province, just North-West of Afghanistan's border with British India, and home to Kunar Caravansary...


Located on a less-travelled secondary route across the border, Kunar remains well-maintained and well-supplied, as is often the case when an establishment provides valuable service to a powerful interest, even if only on rare occasions.  It is said the owner-operator, Ibn-Kali Kali, aided the Iron Amir, Abdur Rahman Khan, to thwart the plans of his cousin, Ayub Khan, when Ayub returned from exile in 1881, tried to take Kandahar, and failed miserably.

Today a familiar covered ox-cart and spare mule proceed North towards the way station...




A short time ago a larger traveling party made a bookend journey, moving South to Kunar from the Afghan capital of Kabul, but evidence of their arrival is nowhere to be seen -- from the exterior...


The small caravan arrives at its destination, the front gates open & proprietor Ibn-Kali Kali beckons the travelers, enter...





The cart is backed up to a building and its sole passenger -- Lieutenant Hampton Fitzroy of the Yorks & Lancs, prisoner of the Ghazis who overwhelmed his garrison at Chakdara Outpost while he was sick from having foolishly eaten raw olives he plucked off a tree -- is taken inside.  Having recovered from his illness and also from the beating his captors bestowed upon him, they have prudently taken the precaution of binding his hands behind his back...






With the Subaltern socked away in an empty guest room, Mullah Sadullah -- who's been waiting for this package to arrive since he arrived here himself a few days ago -- knocks on the door of the Caravansary's VIP "Sardar Suite"...


Where General Wali Surak of the Afghan Army waits smoking his Dokha ("Dizzy") pipe...


MULLAH: "My General, the cargo has arrived safe and sound!"


GENERAL SURAK: "So I am told."


MULLAH: "In accord with the agreement between your Iron Amir Abdur Rahman Khan and my most esteemed Malik, Sarban Khan of the Yusufzais, you will now show me the contents of the stable and transfer them into my possession, as the esteemed representative of Sarban Khan."


With a marked show of indifference, the General turns to his adjutant, a Guard Cavalry officer in a shiny brass helmet, and speaks to him in the Kizilbash dialect of Kabul -- which he's certain the Mullah knows as well as the Pope's catechism...

GENERAL: "Captain Mir, show this clucking chicken what's in the stable before he lays an egg in front of us."

CAPTAIN: "By your command, my General!"


The Captain ushers the Mullah over to the Stable, opens the door and bids him enter in the common tongue of Pashto...

CAPTAIN: "After you, oh, Devout One..."


The Mullah steps into the stable...


And gazes upon the contents within...


MULLAH: "Mother of the Prophet, I feast my eyes on the Perpetual Bliss of Paradise..."


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Marine0846 on September 03, 2021, 08:43:55 PM
I love this story.
So much fun reading it.
Thank you for all the time it takes to put together.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on September 04, 2021, 04:04:16 PM
Among other tales of ordinary madness, which always follow and go with routed warriors destiny, Muletail aka Hussein with Mustafa, Saddam and two other Bunerwals can resupply of weapons discarded by many warriors running for safe and now have to react quickly to avoid both retreating Afridis and pursuing Anglez.
In that direction shouted Saddam, happy to have saved the holy flag,  and the half dozen directed south west running for more than one hour before resting few minutes and then restarting toward a large river.
“Most of the running Afridis are running uptide we must find a ford or something to cross the Kurrum” said Mustafa
“let’s follow its bank upriver until we’ll find something” Muletail decided and the little group started walking against the tide.
A couple hours later two warriors passed quickly not far from Muletail’s resting area. “Hassad we should have already reached them” “Ibrahim they cannot be too far; after we left the retreating Afridis we didn’t stop one second”
“yes we were lucky to pass thru them unnoticed, Baasim was not so lucky, they got him still tied and despatched him before continuing running.
Probably they are directed to Peiwar Kotal we have to go there to rejoin with our brothers”
And the couple restarted running west northwards missing their friends who continued on the Kurrum bank.
After few hours our friend discovered  a raft descending the river with few soldiers and some Pashtun on it.
“Look there is a raft descending the river”Mustafa shouted” better if we continue on this path, out of range of Afridis’jezails.
“Sarge look at those fellows! They could be Omar’s bandits”said the sepoy of the 40th Punjabi.
“Hei you what are you doing here?”cried the Sergent to Muletail’s group while few souldiers disembarked leaded by an elegant officer  to whom Muletail continued his story..
“Sahib we are trying to go to Matun, we are merchants, but we were robbed by Afridis bandits before the great Anglez victory, Hosoor. Colonel sahib destroyed all Afridis bandits and we could escape”
“Mmmh should be old crazy Fully” thought the office on the raft “are you not sadly angry for the battle?”
“oh no hosoor, we hate afridis bandits, they have stolen all our goods, now we have lost most of our money too,but we hope to make some good business in Matun market to restore our finance. We have collected these weapons left by routed Afridis and next time we will be able to defend ourselves.” “
“ok but you are now in a bad situation, all around is full of bandits groups.”said the officer, an old well known guy, the political officer Major Haldane, who organized the jirga and peace with Mahsuds for general Simmons few weeks ago “We are returning from Peiwar Kotal and these gallant gentlemen are escorting me back towards Bannu, but before  we’ll cross the river few miles southwards to collect some pastors returning from a missionary tour. We can help you to stay safe from those pesty bandits. You see, stay on the part of order and civilization, good merchants have nothing to fear from Queen’s own soldiers! We know of a british officer who is prisoner somewhere, we have lost any trace of him and now he could be everywhere. And if you’ll bring us good information about it or Turis political decisions you will be well compensate and recover by all robbery received by Afridis.”
“MemSahib thank you, may the Ruler bless you and your sons for decades. You are saving our lifes!” And the little group jumped on the raft leaving the bank and quickly they could descend on the opposite bank just few miles south while 2 ministers were recoverd on the boat.
“Thanks Majorsahib now we go for Matun, hope you will have a safe return to your cities and may Almighty always protect your great mother, the Queen” said Muletail and thought “yes but to your cities out of Punjab”
"a moment said one minister, my servant is directed to Matun and will be a good guide for you"
Muletail exchanged a glaze with Mustafa but said just "Thank you Hosoor, he will be really precious"
The little group left the Kurram bank westward but after few miles, out of Ferenghees’sight, turned southward, direction Waziristan,
“we are almost at home” said Mustafa “few days and we’ll be back to Wana”
“shut up Mustafà, here also rocks have ears, too silence, too quiet”
“Oh Hussein you see problems everywhere and…”
“Stop where you are and drop your weapons” said quietly a noisy guttural voice
“we are only poor merchants in peace, devoted pilgrims…”started Muletail, but the Khan of the encircling group  brutally interrupted
“Puppets and spies of Anglez! We saw you arrived on their boat, and they are not boatmen anxious to help poor Pashtuns”
“No, they helped us because we are peaceful Bunerwal merchants robbed by Afridis bandits and we are going to Matun”
“Now you are in the land of Turis, and this is not the right direction to go to Matun” replied coldly the khan of the group which encircled them.
“No, oh not again” Muletail thought “we just escape Afridis to be taken prisoners by Turis, we have to invent something…”
Mustafa had an idea of his: “Great Turis warriors please help us.” We have a meeting with some important Persian gentlemen to give them important news about war in Black Mountain.”
“And why noble Persian friends should speak with you about your heretic wars? We do not trust your bloody rules, we all follow the True Rule which came from Persia before the grandfather of my grandfater’s grandfather could die, may True Ruler accept him in the hall of all 6.”
“You are right mighty khan, Turis always were independent and always will be” said Mustafa, and Muletail thought “at least unless I will rule all Punjab”. Mustafa thought to the last words of the political officer and insisted:
“They want to know about an imprisoned British Officer, and we have some good secret information for them. We have taken this wrong road to cheat british, afridis and waziris spies if they followed us”
“If you go towards south you will reach Waziristan, the Khostwal tribal groups have combined with the Wazirs against their traditional enemies: we, the Turis. Very smart your gamble, we help you to have a deviation through some secondary trails and you will be soon in the right direction, disguising any indiscrete eye. We will escort you up to Khostwal borders, the waziris’ enemies are our friends”
“To this direction” shouted the khan and the group continued the march under the safe escort of Turis warriors, but…in the opposite directions, Waziristan has to wait again!
“do not worry Mustafà, you saved another time our group. In Khost we will find many friends” said Muletail, and then mumbling “…or at least it is what I hope…”
"Khostwal are good waziri's friend, I am Abdul and I will help you after reaching Matun" said the guide provided by the English pastor "I was surprised by your change of direction, but staying with you I was not detected as a Khostwal and killed. Follow me, from Matun we will return southward thru Garboz tribes, where Waziris are majority , and you’ll safely return home"
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on September 05, 2021, 06:21:09 AM

Betwen Kabul & Charasiab
beside the Logar River, 130 miles West of
Kunar Caravansary in Goshta & 43 hours from there by foot
(according to Google Sahib)...




After sunset a visitor from Kabul
appears on one of the swamp's tiny islets...


It's the serving woman who listened-in
on the parlay between the Iron Amir and
Mullah Sadullah at the Arg Palace in Kabul...





Her name is Maryam Singh and she's here for a
rendezvous of her own, not with a Mad Mullah or
the ruler of Afghanistan, but with her brother,
Jai Ho Singh, who lives a secluded life nearby
at the foot of Diwaalya Pusht Pahaarh*...

(*Brokeback Mountain)


Maryam tells her brother what was important enough to bring
her to the middle of the swamp in the middle of the night:

MARYAM SINGH: "The Iron Amir has agreed to trade 200 Martin-Henry rifles to Sarban Khan of the Yousufzai in exchange for... ... ..."



JAI HO SINGH: "In exchange for what, sister?"

MARYAM SINGH: "It's so absurd I can barely force myself to say it, yet say it I must..."


MARYAM SINGH (CONT'D): "One British officer.  Some young fool who gave himself the ague by eating raw olives just before Ghazis attacked Chakdara Outpost which had been under his command, after which he was captured.  One rifle... or ten perhaps.  But 200 HUNDRED?!  It is madness.  Sheer utter madness."


JAI HO SINGH: "Perhaps.  But perhaps it makes perfect sense to those who know more than you and I -- or perhaps it is the workings of the Mad Guru.  Whatever may have led to this bewildering and nefarious accord... the Colonel's got to know!"


MARYAM SINGH: "I knew you'd say something like that, which is why I had to come tell you."

JAI HO SINGH: "You've done well, my sister, and upheld our family name as the truest allies of the Raj!"


JAI HO SINGH (Cont'd): "But do you know where the rifles are to be delivered?"

MARYAM SINGH: "Kunar Caravansary, in Goshta."


JAI HO SINGH: "Bole So Nihal!"*

MARYAM SING: "Sat Sri Aka!"**

(*Shout aloud in ecstasy)
(**God is true & timeless)

Brother & Sister take leave of the swamp in opposite directions...


The sun has risen by the time Jai Ho
returns home to the foot of Diwaalya Pusht Pahaarh
to be greeted by his old friend & loyal housemate, Habibi Singh...


HABIBI SINGH: "What news, Jai Ho?"

JAI HO SINGH: "You won't believe it if I tell you.  All that matters is that I deliver said news to the Colonel before it's too late.  You shall stay and keep watch and be ready to stand in the gap, if needed."


HABIBI SINGH: "You forget yourself, Jai Ho.  It is I who was Risaldar Major of 2nd Punjab Cavalry, PFF*, whilst you were a mere Jemadar!"

(*Punjab Frontier Force)


JAI HO SINGH: "Hate to tell you, Habibi, but we're not in the regiment anymore -- plus I'm the one whose sister is posted at the Iron Amir's court in Kabul as a clandestine agent for the Political Branch.  Wait here a moment, I'll be right out..."




HABIBI SINGH: "Jai Ho, I thought you said we're not in the regiment anymore?!"


JAI HO SINGH: "This way when I reach the sahibs, they won't mistake me for a foe."

HABIBI SINGH: "But every Afghan will."


JAI HO SINGH: "That, Habibi, will be no mistake!"


JAI HO SINGH (Cont'd): "I must go now, my friend.  Never fear, never inspire fear!"

HABIBI SINGH: "Except in those who deserve it!"




HABIBI SINGH: "Bole So Nihal!"*

JAI HO SINGH: "Sat Sri Aka!"**

(*Shout aloud in ecstasy)
(**God is true & timeless)



As he watches his old friend ride off to deliver the vital information, Habibi reflects on how one thing is definitely true beyond any shadow of a doubt: their old warhorse looks better with Jai Ho on his back!


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Bravo Six on September 05, 2021, 06:32:52 AM
Mad Guru, this is some FANTASTIC terrain and figures in this thread!!!!  :o :o :o
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on September 05, 2021, 06:53:49 AM
Many thanks, Bravo Six!  The whole thing comes from the twisted minds and machinations of Giorgio and Umra Khan/Piero.  Putting aside any neutral or objective view of this thread, all that really matters is how GOOD, PURE & TRUE Umra/Piero is when it comes to his taste in colonial wargame rules, and how BAD, CORRUPT & FALSE Giorgio is in the same area!  Still they deserve equal shares of glory for the proceedings -- and I can't leave out my great friend Sgt. Guinness and my terribly awful new frenemy Captain Shanks!  And Giorgio will give my soldiers of the Queen extra drill and rob the jezails from my tribesmen and the choras from my Ghazis if I don't roll out the Persian Carpet and invite any/all gamers with an interest, whether they have many or few troops and much or little terrain, to join us, as player slots remain available on both the Raj and Rebel sides, and new blood is always in demand on the Frontier.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on September 08, 2021, 07:10:54 AM
The peaceful village of Batora on the Chagarzu River awakens to Baluchi raiders allied under Ghul Akbar's banner.  Mullah Abdullah, sardar of Batora has refused to provide warriors to fight against the ferenghees.
(https://i.postimg.cc/bY55hPbm/20210905-231924.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
The trap is sprung as the Bunerwhals jump from hiding  and descend upon the mercenary raiders only to be driven back with tulwar and jezail.
(https://i.postimg.cc/wBKHTJmb/20210906-003026.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Jezail fire rips through the villagers driving them back while TippuTib rushes his Ghazis across the Chagarzu Ford and into the Batora.
(https://i.postimg.cc/mDbvtS2V/20210906-005247.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Villagers, seeing the raiders failing to reload their jezails, charge from the trees across a poppy field into them thinking them easy prey. Not realizing until too late, they are the fiercest warriors on the field.
(https://i.postimg.cc/4dLSnk0N/20210906-010905.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/MHLN320r/20210906-011645.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

Mullah Abdullah has occupied the largest compound and awaits the assault from behind the relative safety of the walls.
(https://i.postimg.cc/fbM2KRnR/20210906-010256.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
TippuTib leads the attack against the compound, the fight rages across the walls but is repelled by the stalwart defenders.
(https://i.postimg.cc/bJ3Kb2ZP/20210906-010900.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Their bloodlust up the defenders jump the walls abandoning the compound and chase down their attackers slaughtering them to a man.
(https://i.postimg.cc/jq3pSPVQ/20210906-012745.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
One Eyed Abdul, the Cutthroat of Quetta, presses his attack killing Abdullah's personal bodyguards and capturing him.
(https://i.postimg.cc/bvjcjh77/20210906-095056.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
At this, the rest of the villagers fade into the forest and surrounding hills. One Eyed Abdul leads the rest of the band down river to the Barandu to rejoin Ghul Akbar in Elai, with a new guest and carrying the martyred TippuTib.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on September 08, 2021, 08:00:43 AM
Ghul Akbar, beloved son of TorGhar continues his ride up the Buner Valley towards Malakand. Many of the villages cower in fear, the Mullah Abdullah of Batora stood and found the wrathful hand of righteousness delivered in the words of the One True Rule. Now he gathers with his Baluchi allies and Bunerwhals from Tangon and Elai poised to strike down vengeance on Ruffhusband Sa'ab for his insolence at desecration of his family and the burning of his brother's village Dargai.
(https://i.postimg.cc/fyb5LDFH/20210904-084912.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: rafm3ic on September 08, 2021, 01:49:21 PM
Excellent work and write up! Thanks Lads!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on September 08, 2021, 04:53:29 PM
August 4th 1890 Sir I respectfully send to you the summary of the message that the bandit Mulehead sent to Ghul Akbar, in the black mountain, that was reported by our spy who got it in the desert caravan at campfire, taking the confidence of the caravan bashi with a sweet present...
Humble servant   Tanas Singh, Subedar 2 Sikh company of Guides PFF.
“Oh great qafilah-bashi (caravan master) your wither face and deep wrinkles and the sunned face you have walked back and forth, your eyes only know what they have seen and your ears heard secrets that cannot be nominated.”-
“Your words are honey to my ears but hide snakes in their corrupting intentions!” answered the old bashi.
“Caravan master let me offer this glass of pleasant pomegranate of Kandahar. You deserve it You may your heart sing on a halt, your love call under the moon sleep, look a precious gift for you, hosoor. You deserve a rest and tomorrow our roads will separate”
This is an extract of what our spy found and read in the bashi baggage while he was in other business...

Noble Ghul Akbar, the Almighty Ruler gave his powerful blessing to me, his faithful and loyal humble servant, me the Mighty El Komiss Mulehead, Light of Waziris, true Khan of all the lands between Delhi and Kabul, protector of widows and orphans, Defensor of True Rule, Light of Faith.
Messengers are just arrived with news of your triumphs. Heretics have been punished to have deviated from the True Path and the dice gave them a heavy message: you’ll never betray TMWWBK.
But now my beloved son let us raise the eyes to where Umra’s infidels and Feringhis will destroy each other and after Swat you will subjugate Tirah.
The renegade jackall of Swat is foxy and smart, do not underestimate his power and his cheating tricks. His connection with Umra is stronger every day, we have to be confident in Ferenghees ability to distract chitralis reinforcements.  My son, The Almighty Ruler is blessing your actions, the trap is working!
This is the destiny for the one who follows the wrong Ruler, but the Almighty Ruler provided us new rules to kick out Ferenghees and destroy heretics, and He said is only with good Dice that you can succeed.
I have no news about my son Ghaazi Muletail El Komiss, some voices say he is in Khost, other in Buner, please forward to me any information about him, the Defensor of faithful believers.
When I will be the Khan of all Tirah we will go to Swat where I have some credits to collect, specifically one head of the Guru of Infidels!
Keep high morale and be loyal to your Khan, I got messages that the brothers in faith of Buner and Khost are already marching to join us in the triumphal campaign, I’m still hidden in the shadow , and I will hit sudden like a tiger and all Punjab will be under our wise governance.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on September 10, 2021, 07:20:38 PM
Zibbib Khan after ordering his men to track down a northbound caravan,  heads west to Sialkot to meet Percival Flash Dumbar....... but who is he?

Percival "Flash" Dunbar Born 1827 At the time of Mutiny he was 30 years old, now in the 1890 he is 63 years. Younger cousin of Sir Harry Paget Flashman VC, KCB, KCIE hero of the Revolt of the sepoys.
Like is most famous cusin is a large man, six feet two inches (1.88 m) tall, his dark colouring frequently enabled him to pass (in disguise) for a Pashtun. He claims only three natural talents: horsemanship, facility with foreign languages, and fornication.
Is a coward, who will flee from danger if there was any way to do so, and has on some occasions collapsed in funk. He has one great advantage in concealing this weakness: when he is frightened, his face turns red, rather than white, so that observers think he is excited, enraged, or exuberant—as a hero ought to be.
Flash, an insatiable lecher, has sex with many different women over the course of his fictional adventures. His size, good looks, winning manner, and especially his splendid cavalry-style whiskers win over many women, from low to high, including many famous women, and frequent encounters with prostitutes
Despite his admitted cowardice, Flash is a dab hand at fighting when he has to. Though he dodges danger as much as he can, and runs away when no one is watching, he usually controls his fear and often performs bravely creating an aura of legend.
He was often selected for especially dangerous jobs because of his heroic reputation.
Now is an old chap with white beard and mustaches but his legendary aura  is still upon him .

Zibbib Khan  knows that Flash lives in Sialkot Punjab,  It is a city south of Jammu and Kashmir, here Zibbib Khan meets Percival Flash Dunbar, in the Mustapha's  Turkish baths which are in front of the Jadghari Gate.

I see a weird guy....

Ah here's the Turkish bath...

Hi Flash ... I like you ...
Only thanks to these baths that I take every day ... you know my old joints ... Zibbib Khan what are you doing here? You are far from the frontier and from your interests...
Flash you know that I mask my espionage services with trade ... I got a proposal from a Russian Captain ... and honestly I didn't understand much ... This Russian pays me 50,000 rupees plus another 25,0000 to bring him or protect 2 boys, the first is the son of El Osprey, the second is a friend of his .... They left Kabul 10 days ago with a caravan heading north ... my men are following them, I diverted to come and talk to you ... Flash what's behind this story ?

Zibbib times are changing on the Frontier, the Pax Britannica has been in question for years ... the Holy Brom's True Book of Faith may be supplanted by new rules .... The Raj, Umra, Mad Guru, Seargent Three, Malak Mansur Khan and Ali Razah Khan want to keep the state of affairs but every day new followers declare their faith in the book of El Osprey, the Vile Wazir Mulehead Khan ,  the new Khan of Tor Ghar Sardar Gul Akbar are among them ... and also the evilRussians .
El Osprey artisanally prints his rules in a printing house up north in Khunjerab, an isolated place in an area not mapped by English cartographers. There he prints his few copies .... the Russians want to overturn the status quo by taking the matrix of the book and printing it industrially using modern printing methods. They want to flood the world with the new creed, drive the British out of India and take over the area ....

Zibbib is shocked by this tale ... This is the Big Game ... and I ended up in it ... Flash what will the Russians do with the boys and with El Osprey? And why does the Emir of Afghanistan care about these 2 young people?
Zibbib the two young men grew up together and studied in Kabul .... one the son of El Osprey is called Maa Din and the other, his friend is called Amindullah and he is the son of the Emir ... but  the Russians don't care about the boys ... they want to find El Osprey's printing house, they want to follow the two guys to discover the place ...

Flash do you know where this place is? You were telling me about a region ... of Khunjerab ? ... you should go with me on this mission ...

Zibbib ... I'm old ... during the Devil's Wind I was 30 ... now I'm over 60 ... it will be a hard and dangerous journey , Khunjerab's village of Sust is very far away in a difficult country..... Let's go get dressed and we'll keep talking outside ...
Zibbib I have thought about it I cannot allow the Holy Book to be abandoned ...in the meantime let's go togheter in the alleys of Sialkot , I want to introduce you to a voluptuous friend of mine...

.....to be continued.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on September 12, 2021, 05:16:46 PM
Excellent post Umra Khan
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on September 12, 2021, 10:57:07 PM



Dispatches have reached Captain Crane, Resident Political Officer, and are now being relayed to Major General Whitsend, CO Peshawar Division...



The General has summoned Brigadier Padraic "Magpie" McGilligan, CO of 2nd Brigade...


The contents of the dispatch, dated August 4th, 1890, are as follows:

"Ghul Akbar, beloved son of TorGhar continues his ride up the Buner Valley towards Malakand. Many of the villages cower in fear, the Mullah Abdullah of Batora stood and found the wrathful hand of righteousness delivered in the words of the One True Rule...


"Now he gathers with his Baluchi allies and Bunerwhals from Tangon and Elai poised to strike down vengeance on Ruffhusband Sa'ab for his insolence at desecration of his family and the burning of his brother's village Dargai."


A handy map is included as well:


The Courier proceeds to read the rest of the Dispatch: "Sir I respectfully send to you the summary of the message that the bandit Mulehead sent to Ghul Akbar:


"Noble Ghul Akbar, the Almighty Ruler gave his powerful blessing to me, his faithful and loyal humble servant, me the Mighty El Komiss Mulehead, Light of Waziris, true Khan of all the lands between Delhi and Kabul, protector of widows and orphans, Defensor of True Rule, Light of Faith.


"Messengers are just arrived with news of your triumphs. Heretics have been punished to have deviated from the True Path and the dice gave them a heavy message: you’ll never betray TMWWBK.


"But now my beloved son let us raise the eyes to where Umra’s infidels and Feringhis will destroy each other and after Swat you will subjugate Tirah.


"The renegade jackal of Swat is foxy and smart, do not underestimate his power and his cheating tricks. His connection with Umra is stronger every day, we have to be confident in Ferenghees ability to distract chitralis reinforcements.  My son, The Almighty Ruler is blessing your actions, the trap is working!

This is the destiny for the one who follows the wrong Ruler, but the Almighty Ruler provided us new rules to kick out Ferenghees and destroy heretics, and He said is only with good Dice that you can succeed.

I have no news about my son Ghaazi Muletail El Komiss, some voices say he is in Khost, other in Buner, please forward to me any information about him, the Defensor of faithful believers.


"When I will be the Khan of all Tirah we will go to Swat where I have some credits to collect, specifically one head of the Guru of Infidels!

Keep high morale and be loyal to your Khan, I got messages that the brothers in faith of Buner and Khost are already marching to join us in the triumphal campaign, I’m still hidden in the shadow , and I will hit sudden like a tiger and all Punjab will be under our wise governance."


BRIGADIER MCGILLIGAN: "'All Punjab will be under our wise governance'?!  Bloody cheeky bastard this Mulehead fellow!"


CAPTAIN CRANE: "Bloody cheeky indeed.  But I'm afraid he's got a growing quantity of lead and steel to go with his cheek, Brigadier -- including his new ally, Gul Akbar from the Black Mountains."


GENERAL WHITSEND: "Ruff-Husband and his brigade are at Dargai.  The question is... will they be enough to quash this Gul Akbar and his own growing band of rebels."


BRIGADIER MCGILLIGAN: "This Gul Akbar fellow and his gang have only fought other tribal riff-raff,  General.  While I'd love the chance to lead my men into the field, I'm sure old Ruff-Husband and his lot will make quick work of them.  Not to mention, by the sound of things, the tribes are still at each other's throats."

CAPTAIN CRANE: "There's also the matter of leaving Peshawar itself very thinly garrisoned, Sir.  If you were to order Brigadier McGilligan and his 2nd Brigade to Dargai, we'd have very few troops left to hold down the fort here."

GENERAL WHITSEND: "Hmmm.  Neither of you seem to take this gathering threat from the North very seriously.  Do you realize that 1st Brigade's Cantonment at Dargai lies right at the foot of the Malakand Pass, overlooked by towering heights, from which our foes could snipe away by day and then launch deadly rushes under dark of night, returning each time to the mountain fastness conveniently located right over 1st brigade's shoulders?  No, whether or not to immediately send reinforcements to Ruff-Husband is not so quick and easy a decision as you present, at least not to my mind, and for better or worse I remain the one in command.


Captain Hardigan, commander of the recently arrived RHA battery, waits with Havildar Major Kunara of the 127th Baluchis, both curious to learn if the recently arrived Dispatch will result in their units getting a chance to take the field...


HARDIGAN: "What do you think's up, Kunara?"

KUNARA: "The sky, Sahib (DRAMATIC PAUSE) And also my regiment's rifles, and your battery's galloping limbers.  I think the blood of heroes is up.  Tho' could be just my wishful thinking!"



GENERAL WHITSEND: "Gentlemen, I have reached my decision.  Brigadier McGilligan, you and your 2nd Brigade shall......"

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on September 13, 2021, 02:23:49 AM
Capt. Shanks & Mad Guru, excellent posts gentlemen!!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on September 14, 2021, 10:33:00 AM
Thanks, Jeff!


We return to the scene of the scene: HQ Peshawar Division, where CO Major-General Whitsend has decided on orders for his 2nd Brigade and is about to share them with his Political Officer Captain "Teetotaler" Crane and 2nd Brigade CO Brigadier-General "Magpie" McGilligan...


GENERAL WHITSEND: "Gentlemen, I have reached my decision.  Brigadier McGilligan, you and 2nd Brigade shall top off commissariat and proceed at once to Dargai to support 1st Brigade, and you shall take Hardigan's Royal Horse Artillery battery with you."


BRIGADIER MCGILLIGAN: "Very good, sir!  We'll be ready to march by sun-up."

GENERAL WHITSEND: "And when you cross paths with this Gul Akbar fellow, which I believe you shall, you know what to do with that brolly of yours, as the youth have taken to calling them nowadays."

BRIGADIER MCGILLIGAN: "Indeed I do, sir.  (BRANDISHING HIS UMBRELLA) In my experience the locals don't like it up 'em."


Captain Crane considers voicing his opposition to this decision... but decides to keep his powder dry, unlike his lips, which he uses to take a long sip of his now rather cold Irish Breakfast tea...


* * * * *

How was the decision made???

In the 40+ year tradition of TSATF game mechanics a standard card deck was used.  Red and Black JOKERS were added to the deck, which was shuffled, then cut, then the top card was flipped and compared to the following CHART:

RED CARD = 2nd Brigade marches for Dargai

BLACK CARD = 2nd Brigade remains in Peshawar

RED JOKER = En route to Dargai 2nd Brigade UNCOVERS & APPREHENDS Sarban Khan's Peshawar SPY(!!!)

BLACK JOKER = While remaining in Peshawar, members of 2nd Brigade CONTRACT CHOLERA, which may then spread throughout the regt. & rest of garrison (!!!)





So no counter-intelligence coup and no plague, but reinforcements will soon be heading to Dargai -- or rather, to the charred remnants of that village at the foot of the Malakand Pass, recently burned as punitive retribution for the vile effrontery of a mockery of a sham (AKA: crimes against humanity) committed by Sardar Gul Akbar in the vicinity of Serai...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: ulverston on September 14, 2021, 09:29:13 PM
Well what a fantastic thread! I have skipped through this during the evening due to visitors (pah!) but will re read in depth tomorrow. This has everything that I love about wargaming and take me back to the glorious days of receiving the "Lone Warrior" through the post. Honestly for me this does not get any better. Thank you for sharing.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on September 15, 2021, 04:21:08 AM
@ ulverston, that’s high praise indeed! I thank you on behalf of all involved sir, since I’m the only one awake at the moment.  :D
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on September 15, 2021, 09:45:50 AM
Well what a fantastic thread! I have skipped through this during the evening due to visitors (pah!) but will re read in depth tomorrow. This has everything that I love about wargaming and take me back to the glorious days of receiving the "Lone Warrior" through the post. Honestly for me this does not get any better. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks for the nice words, this campaign, even with the help of new players, has grown considerably. we are happy that the readers of the Forum like it.
But most important thing we discovered and became friends with three great characters, JBaumal, Mad Guru and CPT Shanks !
I'm old enough  lol to remember the pleasure of receiving by mail the numbers of Lone Warrior, MWAN, and others...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on September 16, 2021, 06:46:36 AM
Up the Bunerwhal valley swept Ghul Akbar and his swelling lashkar. To his standard they had come for a chance to strike out at the farenghee and settle the blood feud against the Angleez. To take back what had always been theirs, but mostly for the chance to fight and prove themselves worthy of their warrior traditions. They had steadily moved upriver from Elai towards the passes that would lead them to the Swat Valley and down the Malakand pass, but now they turned to the southwest and wound their way through the southern passes. Soon they found themselves assembled on the outskirts of Plai. Would the Khan join them or would he choose to fight and possibly meet the same fate of Mullah Abdullah, his village lost his tribe scattered? 
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Lord Raglan on September 16, 2021, 07:19:21 AM
Brilliant mate 
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on September 16, 2021, 04:26:03 PM
Dusty road towards Thal, at the borders with Tirah, to find out Umra’s den. The only sound is the hypnotic lilting rhythmic noise of the march seasoned by the resounding of hooves on the rocky ground
The , march is going on since hours, Spimwam is only a far column of smoking ruins, slowly but inexorably the column proceeds his march northwards, the red of the 22nd Punjab cavalry is trotting on the front, behind the 67th blue pants, the green kullah of Khyber rifles, the red kullah of Guides and a lot of kakhi, a lake of molassas kachi covering every inch in the horizon, mixing with the rocky dusty ground until the whole column halt for the night rest.
Rest? Who can really sleep in this innatural silence? Then slowly dull noises start to fill the night.
Two Piffers officers are talking at campfire: they are Capt Luke Townsend of Guides and LT Benedict Frock of 40th Punjabi, both assigned with LT Gregory Hatton of 67th to the column of Major Vousden.
“My respect Capt, you can sleep neither, can’t you? If I may ask you, I don’t understand why we were sent to Tirah and Col Fullerton to Tochi Valley. He knows every inch from Bannu to Spinwam, he has received some smashes but gave back much more. I heard he has been mentioned and soon you will see his name published in the London Gazette, and instead he was sent to civilize the Tochi Valley thru fire, butchering  and disruptions.”
“Frock, you know, some choices are dictated by jealousy and…relationships. I was a logistic administrator in HQ in Peshawar, and I have read about his second cousin being a distant relative of Davenport himself. Our General had a clever plan: sending Fullerton with a column to harass the Afridis, let he fails due too much arrogance and then send his protégée to save the situation and consolidate his request of promotion.
The unbelievable charges of old Fully in Mir Alì and, above all, the apologetic articles by Winkle on Peshawar Tribune made of Fullerton a hero you can only hope to match. So Fully has been sent to Tochi valley to keep busy north waziris while another brigade under direct order of new appointed General Mandrake Aubrey-Smith reaches Wana by South and will hang the bandit Mulehead closing the war. Our Major got the more important task to pacify all the lands from Spimwam to Tirah valley and assure that a new Khan is elected instead of Umra, who will be processed in Peshawar.”
“I see anyway both he and LT Hatton are magnificent officer, they’re both a tough nut to crack”
“True, but also your friend is highly protected, being son of a lady very close to Gen B.Blood himself, now he has the only British unit and also the reinforcement column from Bannu with artillery train will be made only by native
“Well anyway under Major Vousden we will have possibility to be noted and get promotions”
 “Benedict stop dreaming, all rewards are already booked for Major and LT Hatton. But it is better. I’m here only to get the active period to get the ranks, I don’t like the idea of 2 thousands pounds of high education wiped out by 10 cents bullet; I want to go back to Peshawar, this time as Major, and manage all the logistic and supply traffic, reading the Tribune and sipping my tea…”
“oh captain, but you are joking, …don’t you?”
“do not worry, of course I’m joking. We will march another couple of days to intimidate the bandits, they will swear eternal friendship and we’ll go back to Bannu before that damn’d train has left the town. Look around, here Fully destruction is not arrived, all is so peaceful and even the horrid landscape seems a continuous menace, well now it is time to stop and sip a good tea, c’mon Benedict, reach your Rifles and check the orders for the sentinels.
Look, Hatton is coming running as if he got a swarm of wasp in those blue pants. Gregory what’s happening?”
“Sir, Hatton panted “all Officers, now, Major has new orders for tomorrow” said Hatton gasping, saluted and turning on his heels run back to Major’s tent.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on September 17, 2021, 02:18:17 PM
The stronghold of Umra Khan, Mogala, is situated beyond the Khyber Pass. In dominant situation enjoys all the advantages of the best resorts. Possibility of sports activities with falcon hunting, clay waziro shooting, Polo and Bukzashi matches with waziro head in homage to the winner.
Tiger and wild boar hunting trips are organized.

Relax in the clear waters of our thermal baths and visit our prisons, we organize torture on request.

In the evening dinner on the terraces with spectacular views of the Frontier,
and dancing entertainment with the dancers of the Khyber Dance Ensemble.

Late in the night Strip-tease shows with the best international artists accompanied by Champagne of the best French brands. Tribal songs and dances and finally, with supplement to be paid locally Bunga Bunga .

Discount for groups. We are waiting to amaze you with our shows, you will spend an unforgettable holiday!

For reservations call the Umra Entertainment and Facility Center Mogala 04.303303

Whar are you waiting...Call Now !!
Immediately reserve your seats in the front row, in Mogala it's a party all year round .
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on September 17, 2021, 06:31:29 PM
Absolutely hilarious buddy!!!! Great post. Sign me up. Next weekend works for me …
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on September 17, 2021, 07:25:45 PM
Absolutely hilarious buddy!!!! Great post. Sign me up. Next weekend works for me …

 lol lol thanks, you welcome !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on September 18, 2021, 01:19:47 AM
Truly a World Class resort, no doubt one of the finest in the Empire!  Sadly I don't think I'll be free next weekend, as Capt. Shanks and I are maneuvering towards a "Grandma of All Battles" epic conflagration... but if for any reason that conflict is averted, count me in!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on September 18, 2021, 06:42:10 AM
Actual believer of True Rule will never attend such devil den, quintessencee of all vices, graveyard of drunken souls, brothel for Feringhees, bat’ha!!!
Aal-salaf al-sālih (pious ancestors) gave us an hadith who says “You will toss your dices soberly” , no true pilgrim will even pronounce the name of this posh knocking shop.
When Black Mountain, Buner, Khost under the wise guide of Mulehead El Komiss’ waziris clean from filthy pollution all the lands between Kabul and Peshawar, this lair of shame will be burnt and his ashes dispersed on Anglez lands.
Oh viewer who read these eternal wisdom rules, stop any hesitation and join with your tribe our holy Jihad to convert all Punjabi to TMWWBK the only and pure True Rule, the Rule for the discerning khan.
For new converts a free yearly subscription to Peshawar Tribune and a pratical demountable Jezail, the ideal gift for the travelling pashtun.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on September 18, 2021, 04:05:18 PM
                Chitral Territory, NWF, 3 August 1890, Chitral Fort - British Sortie - LAF NWF Campaign


With the pressure mounting on the Chitral garrison
Colonel Dano MacGurule orders a sortie to clear out the Chitralis and allied Pathan tribesmen from the fort's outbuildings and surrounding gardens. The tribesmen have been sniping the defenders from sangers they had built in the vicinity of the fort, as well as from the gardens walls, and from the fort’s outbuildings.

Col. MacGurule:
“What is the current situation Captain Lucas?”

Capt. Lucas:
“Colonel, we've spotted tribesmen to the south of the fort manning sangers sah! I'm sure that's where we're taking so much of the accurate musketry from.”
Col. MacGurule:
“Lucas old boy, I need you to organize a sortie to clear out those troublesome tribesmen from the area.”
Capt. Lucas:
“Yes sah, I've already ordered the Gordon's and the 40th Pathans to each have a platoon meet me at the main gate on the double bayonets at the ready, Sah!”
Col. MacGurule:
“God speed Captain! I'll see you in the mess later for supp and a whiskey.”

Capt. Lucas:
“One more thing Colonel, we have some disturbing news sah, a patrol of ours has taken a prisoner that is not Chitrali! The man apparently is a Pashto allied with the infamous Umra Khan.”
Colonel MacGurule:
“Oh my word Capt, that is a certainly a game changer. We may be up against Ali Razah Khan and the whole bloody territory by our lonesome! General McGuinness better make haste. Prepare a messenger.”

Harold and Nigel man the north tower.
“Did you volunteer for the sortie Harold? I want to give Johnny Pathan wot for! Cold steel and all, right, eh.”

The Gordon’s muster in the courtyard for the attack led by their fiery young officer, Lt. Boddington.

Lt. Boddington leads his squad to the left while Lt. Harp takes his squad of the 40th Pathans to the right. Preparatory artillery fire is provided by a mountain gun from the Bombay Artillery.

Deadly accurate artillery fire kills and drives off several of the Pathan defenders. Even the true rule can’t save these faithful followers of Umra Khan, Ali Razah Khan, and the Mad Guru!

This game is part of the larger epic NWF Campaign being run on the Lead Adventure Forum by our friends Piero and Giorgio in Italy, LINK: “Never trust anyone on the Frontier” an ….epic NWF Campaign. There are currently active gamers in Europe and across several states in the USA. My personal Area of Operations is the District of Chitral in the NWF.


This sortie scenario from the Chitral Fort was played out using Larry Brom’s iconic colonial rules set, THE SWORD AND THE FLAME. http://www.sergeants3.com/13.html (http://www.sergeants3.com/13.html)

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on September 18, 2021, 04:09:40 PM
Chitral Territory, NWF, 3 August 1890, Chitral Fort - British Sortie - LAF NWF Campaign


The Highlanders advance in open order on the Anglo-Indian left flank towards the sangers built by the Chitralis near the out buildings. The 40th Pathans advanced through the gardens in open order using the trees to screen their attack against the tribesmen in a fortified position amongst the outbuildings

Colonel Dano MacGurule observes the attack from one of Chitral Fort watch towers.



Pashtun defenders eagerly await the oncoming ferenghi invaders attack.




As the cards are pulled the Anglo-Indian troops close in on the Chitralis and Umra Khan’s Pathans. The glint of the early morning sun on the approaching bayonets must’ve unnerved the waiting Pathans as their musketry was ineffective.

The Highlanders get danger close without suffering any casualties but in turn fail to cause any casualties on the Pathan tribesmen defenders.

On the other flank the 40th Pathans reach the fortified position but take a casualty in the process, however it took several turns to get a hit. Umra Khan’s men can be seen rushing in to reinforce the position.

A movement card is pulled and the 40th Pathans advance to the wall. This situation will give both forces a cover benefit for musketry fire in the Fire Phase.




On the left flank the Highlanders keep advancing, albeit very slowly, the poor movement dice rolls are attributed to unforeseen rough ground or the leadership of an inexperienced LT.

With the movement phase done a black card is pulled and the fist fire goes to the Chitalis, thier Khan / leader chooses to fire at the Highlanders with the unit sheltering behind the sanger. Once again no hits!

The next firing card is pulled and once again, it’s another black. The tribesmen facing the 40th Pathans fires and scores a hit against the unit taking cover behind the wall opposite them. This time the hit is a wound, Jack of Spades.

With all of the eligible native forces having fired the British return fire. The Highlanders let loose with a deadly volley killing all of the defenders manning the sanger.



The 40th Pathans return fire and miss. The cover of the walls or the anticipation of close combat causes them to miss.

None of the forces took enough casualties to cause a morale check so it’s off to the next turn.

The movement phase begins with the British and they elect to move the Highlanders towards the fortified outbuildings since they cleared their first objective. But once again their movement is abysmal! RIGHT FACE, HARCH! A total of 4" on 3 dice...

The next card pulled was also red. The British commander decided to charge the Pathan tribesmen holding the wall. Since the imperial troops (40th Pathans) had moved up to the wall with their last move as a regular move they were able to charge this turn. In TSATF any unit charging over a defended wall must fight the first round as if on top of the wall with a -1 to their die roll.

With the movement phase complete the firing phase begins. The Chitralis get the 1st and 2nd firing cards and wisely fire at the advancing Highlanders since the 40th Pathans cannot fire since they charged.

Two native firing cards are pulled, the 10 of Clubs then the 10 of Spades back to back for a total of (5) shots, ALL MISSES! The Gordon Highlanders seem to be touchable this day.
(http://Two native firing cards are pulled, the 10 of Clubs then the 10 of Spades back to back for a total of (5) shots, ALL MISSES! The Gordon Highlanders seem to be touchable this day.)

Another black firing card is pulled and Umra Kahn’s Pashto tribesmen manage to hit one more of the 40th Pathans so only 8 men are left to charge their positions.


The Highlanders are next to fire, LT Boddington halts his men and orders, Load, Aim, FIRE! As with their last encounter they scored multiple hits on their fire card.

The Highlanders are doing Sterling work this day. Col MacGurule can be heard cheering “HUZZAH!” in Fort Chitral as he watches the battle unfold.

With the Fire Phase over next comes the Melee / Close Combat phase. The 40th Pathans rolled successfully to close into melee and the tribesmen also rolled successfully to stand and fight, so the melee commences. The 40th Pathans charged in close order so win ties but are at a -1 disadvantage for charging over a wall. The tribesmen are at a +1 for defending a wall or barricade.

The 40th Pathans do not fare well at the beginning of the melee, losing one man wounded and 2 pushed back. However in the next round of melee their veteran officer LT. Harp shows great élan by killing 3 of the remaining tribesmen himself urging his men up and over the wall to victory!

The few surviving Pathan tribesmen who were forced back
route towards the rear 4D6.

The 40th Pathans regroup and take the position.

The Highlanders start the movement phase with another bold movement straight into the teeth of the enemy.


The Pathan tribesmen furious over loosing the last melee charged the remaining troops of the 40th Pathans who took the position.

The tribesmen get the first fire, desperately loading their jezzails they shoot at the bold Highlanders. Through the puff of the black powder smoke discharging from their ancient weapons the tribesmen can see that none of the Highlanders drop! The Highlanders continue to stoically advance in open order towards the enemy, fire back on their card, and miss.

The fanatical tribesmen charge home and the brave 40th Pathans stand their ground.

A brutal melee ensues, the 40th Pathans are defending in close order so are a +1 to their D6, the tribesmen are charging in mass so win ties, both units leaders get a +1 as well.

Round 1 of the melee results in 4 imperial win vs 3 tribesmen wins.

Round 2 is a unanimous win for the imperial forces, 4 to 0.

However they sustained serious loses which brought them below 50% causing them to check Critical Morale, with the encouragement of their Lieutenant they passed! They refuse to give up, are victorious, and maintain control of the position.

The few surviving tribesmen on the other hand are forced back 4D6 (4 six sided dice) and are shaken. They can attempt to rally.

On the opposite flank the Highlanders advance once again directly towards the enemy, though at a more determined pace! That’s 17” on 3D6.

The Chitralis and Umra Khans Pathans try to rally during their movement card to get back into this fight. Unfortunately they fail to rally and are forced back and out of cover.

The strong advance of the Highlanders took them through the fort’s out buildings and into the rear of the enemy positions.
The above noted tribesmen’s failure to rally and forced back result put them right in the gun sites of the swiftly Highlanders.

Back to the right flank, the tribesmen here also failed to rally, causing them to move off the table and out of the game.


This effectively ends the resistance on the imperial right flank.

In the fire phase the Highlanders fire at the routing tribesmen causing multiple hits, bringing them well below 50% forcing a Critical Morale check, which they failed.




A hard earned victory beverage for the Gordon Highlanders who took fate by the throat! They have helped buy some time for Colonel Dano MacGurule and his beleaguered Fort Chitral Garrison.

Ali Razah Khan’s Chitralis and allied Umra Khan’s Pashto troops suffered  80% casualties this day despite being in fortified hard cover, while inflicting only 25% on their imperial opponents, some of whom will return to combat after convalescing. The imperial 40th Pathans suffered 6 casualties but only 2 men were killed with the Gordon’s taking NO casualties.

The campaign continues…..

General McGuinness and his 2 brigades are well enroute to relieve Fort Chitral. They are about to enter a narrow pass and possible ambush point on their way.

More on my blog: https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/ (https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/)


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on September 18, 2021, 09:37:22 PM
Great AAR JBaumal and nice scenario !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on September 18, 2021, 10:37:28 PM
Indeed, well done to Col. MacGurule & company!  We can only hope that General McGuinness will fare as well on his march through that narrow pass...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on September 19, 2021, 12:04:41 AM
Cracking good fight Jeff.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on September 19, 2021, 09:08:22 AM
Muletail Ghaazi Muletail El Komiss aka Hussein continued walking for hours with a strange feeling.
(https://i.postimg.cc/7Z45cMDB/aa-Gruppo.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/2VHjLW1v)
Abdul was very sure about the direction, but the strongest sensation did not leave the young Waziri Khan.
(https://i.postimg.cc/jjgCLpf9/aaaa-Gruppo.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/06S94Hcd)
 His instinct kept all the senses on high alert. He called the faithful Abdul Kareem aka Mustafa:
(https://i.postimg.cc/y8TDzg87/aaaaa-Gruppo.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
“Mustafà I do not feel safe, do you trust this Abdul or whatever it is his true name?”
“Why not, he is leading us to Matun, knows the places, he hates the Afridis as we do…. all seems perfect”
(https://i.postimg.cc/1RN43Y3C/b-m-m.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/bdpq6gbk)
“yes, too perfect…perhaps I’m too paranoid but anyway refer to me as Hussein and do not pronounce my name in front of him” then he spoke to the guide:
“Abdul why we are going to Matun and do not we go directly westwards thru Garboz tribes, where we could find many waziris and receive protection?”
(https://i.postimg.cc/sDYXpQS5/bb-m-a.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/dL0wF050)
“Hosoor, Abdul sees, Abdul knows, Abdul protects. Some Turis’ spies are still watching here, ready to kill us if something seems suspect. Do not forget they saw you with Ferenghees on the Kurram river, where we met the first time“
Muletail mumbled: He is right, probably, I’m too much suspicious, ok Muletail now relax, we are among friends. But that strange feeling, the instinct of the animal used to surviving alone in the desert, grew even more and stressed his breathing.
Few hours later, Matan is emerging in the dusk from the surrounding dunes. The blue dome of his mosque behind the slim high minarets inducing a feeling of peace and rest. Our friends can admire it resting over the top of a surrounding hill.
(https://i.postimg.cc/pXbrhY92/c-Matun-1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/jCctBfQ9)
“Hussein it is wonderful, only few days more and we’ll be back home!”
Muletail looked at his friend mumbling in silence, that oppressive sensation still pervading his body, clinching his heart, he is a panther and he can smell the danger.
(https://i.postimg.cc/NG3n3bFv/d-Matun-3.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
The silence was broken by Abdul: “Well Hosoor I will go to the market to buy some fried fish, dry pies and few tamarind slices. You can wait for me in this tower just out of the town. It is of friends of mine and you’ll be safe”
(https://i.postimg.cc/FHhKGrg8/EE-torre-1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/dLSvVKfj)
 “do I come with you?” Mustafa asked, waked up by the thought of the tasty fried tamarinds.
(https://i.postimg.cc/0jYCRYX9/Ef-torre-3.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
“oh no Hosoor. I will pass unnoticed, two men, one of which not Khostwal, will be easily detected by Afridis spies” and Abdul disappeared among the dunes riding the camel that was left by his friends out of the tower
Muletail whispered to his friend: “Saddam follow him, look if he will contact other gentlemen… now go, or you will not find him anymore in the market chaos”
(https://i.postimg.cc/R0VNCSWK/E-Dado-2.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Saddam run out but he cannot see anymore Abdul and following the camel traces go towards the town main gate, looking for the market.
(https://i.postimg.cc/CK9CRPWF/F-Saddam-in-the-market-2.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Only a swarm of turbans, a cloud of spices and sweet intense parfums of tasty fruits and the characteristic smell of the fermenting goat milk.
(https://i.postimg.cc/kgwgp0T4/G-Dado-5.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
After few minutes a well-known voice calls “Saddam we are here” with a not confoundable Buner accent
“Hassad, Ibrahim, old goat sons, we believed you were all died. But…Baasim?”
(https://i.postimg.cc/8C5zQZYb/H-Saddam-and-2-Bunerwals.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)“we lost him during the retreat after the battle, he was seen by some Afridis and they called him a spy and despatched him. We are lucky that in the big confusion we could manage to escape, we were directed to Peiwar Kotal but remaining on the direct road was too dangerous in Orazkai’s lands, so we decided to have a detour passing through  Matun; but how are the others, and the two panthers?”
“we are all ok, we are with a Khostwal guide, but Muletail is not so sure, so I was asked to follow him, but I have lost his traces. What news have you collected here?”
“There are big rumors about war in North, in Chitral heretics are fighting Ferenghees but were beaten while Black Mountain pashtuns under Gul Akbar are spreading the True Rule in Buner and soon will arrive to Peshawar. A caravan Bashi was telling stories about firing all heretics villages refusing to cooperate with Gul Akhbar. Here the new Rule is seen with sympathy as an iconic rock for foundations of the building of independence. They speak also about the presence of strange ferenghees from North West, whose Khan is called Tsar, and are Anglez enemies; Pashtuns in the market were saying that  enemies of our enemies are our friends. Other Anglez is attacking from South both against Waziris towards Wana and Tochi valley and Afridis towards Tirah”
(https://i.postimg.cc/5tRNxwdW/I-3-Bunerwals.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
“Well now I’II will return to the tower where we are hidden, you just follow me unseen and control the surroundings to be sure there are not uninvited intruders.”
“Sure, Saddam we’ll be ready and no mice will escape our hawks eyes, if we notice something we will use the usual warning signal” and they disappear.
(https://i.postimg.cc/ZKSYKbgn/N-tower.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/230N0DCN)
Few hours later,in the dark the Tower dominates the valley. Abdul volunteered for the first guard shift.
(https://i.postimg.cc/K8cZB9my/O-tower-advancing.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/TpSMXJyk)
Strange shadows are advancing closing to the tower driven by the gestures of a figure on the tower roof.
(https://i.postimg.cc/LXg4hn2Y/P-tower-roof.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/S2qbvQXk)
(https://i.postimg.cc/sxFjWsgn/Q-dado-6.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/N94vqhTT)
But they are not approaching unobserved
(https://i.postimg.cc/CxvwNjKn/R-snipers.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/rDr6yRxq)
Suddenly two jackals start woofing 3 times, then 2 then tree times again. Immediately Saddam wake up take his tulwar, see that Abdul is not in the room and run up to the roof and go close to Abdul
“Abdul Abdul”
(https://i.postimg.cc/tJhXtw19/S-S-A.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/30x53LCq)
“What do you …aargh”
Saddam’s tulwar cut Abdul’s throat
(https://i.postimg.cc/bYbNhDm4/SS-SKA.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/0rkqGQRC)
Mustafa cries “what are u doing fool?!?”
“take all our jezails and be ready to a surprise” Saddam answers whispering
Suddenly a group of 12 pashtuns enter opening the door but two shot explode from the surrounding hills killing one of them
(https://i.postimg.cc/287kqpRw/ST-Snipers-LI.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
and 5 other shots are exploded from within the tower, killing other two and invalidating one plus one lightly wounded.
(https://i.postimg.cc/Pq9TGTYt/T-dado-10.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/rd1vx6fb)
The remaining seven hesitate and then run back with the lightly wounded
(https://i.postimg.cc/vmcbSc1q/TT-dado-1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/v1FJ48tf)
carrying with them also the invalidated one and disappear in the dark
(https://i.postimg.cc/Xq0WJLsm/U-rotta.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/WFSCYGLw)
Mustafa cries “Let’s pursuit them”
“No” replied Muletail “it is too dangerous, they could easily prepare a trap for us; pack all the goods and at dawn be ready to go”
(https://i.postimg.cc/MZyx4kTS/V-final-M-M.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/grkfXT8S)
“Southwestwards  to the Garboz tribes?”
“No, they think we’ll go for that route and prepare new surprises and they will have the time to rally more warriors. We will go to opposite direction, we go to Peiwar Kotal, we’ll cross again the Kurram river”
(https://i.postimg.cc/NF7crXVM/VV-Final-group.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Cn1t3RwT)
A cool disappointment downloads over the other six warriors, they know Muletail is right, but the delusion is too deep to even speak and in silence they start to prepare the new march farther from Waziristan
(https://i.postimg.cc/G2DrdVxv/Z-Map-Matun.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on September 19, 2021, 03:29:30 PM
El Osprey looks down with favor on his sons. Another clear victory for Muletail, surely he and Ghul Akbar will be the new generation that wrests the control of the frontier from the farenghee by uniting the tribes under TMWWBK. The false rules have resulted in the defeat of Umra Khan and his allies, surely they will convert now.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on September 19, 2021, 06:06:19 PM
@Mad Guru
Excellent adventure my friend. How will this intelligence alter the plans of General Ruff-Husband? Will these rifles be sent Northeast to Chitrali territory, be headed for the hands of waiting Waziris, or will they be used against Ruff- Husband’s command?
I’ve been watching the trek of Muletail and his accomplices with much interest. The Chitralis have even heard of him. I hear they are searching for him and his companions as well. Isn’t everyone?

@Capt Shanks
Interesting read and forecasting of events sir. Is your tribe to be the anointed ones and purveyors of the new rule or just more heretics on The Grim?

Ali Razah Khan and his retinue are enroute for a stay at your most magnificent hill fort. I hear General McGuinnes has booked rooms for him and his staff as well …..

Great posts my friends. I’m enjoying the intrigue and many exciting plot lines!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on September 20, 2021, 01:10:35 AM


(courtesy of Google Sahib)



by Reginald Winkie

(with apologies to Henry Wodsworth Longfellow)

LISTEN, my children, as to you I sing
Of the three day ride of Jai Ho Singh,
On the fifth of August in eighteen-nine-oh:
Hardly a man is still on the go
Who remembers that event occurring.
He said to his sister, Maryam,
“If the Iron Amir has conveyed
Breechloaders to the Yusufzais, as you say
Then I must ride to the sahibs and spread the alarm,
Before the Tribesmen strike with those modern arms!”
Then he climbed on his horse and said farewell
To his beloved Habibi, with whom he did dwell.
His comrade-in-arms wished him Godspeed,
He hoped & prayed Jai Ho would succeed,
And return home alive, a living monument to Khalsa pride.
For three days on rode Jai Ho Singh,
While Jezails and Sniders took shots at him,
A wound he sustained, yet he stayed on his game--
Then from one jagged cliff a Ghazi charged,
Attempting from his saddle Jai Ho to dislodge,
“Allah Akbar!” the Ghazi cried as he raised his Tulwar over his head,
But Jai Ho thrust his saber up and his own eyes saw red,
And before the Tulwar could strike, that Ghazi fell dead.
Jai Ho Singh rode on, under cliff and over hill,
Still bleeding from the Jezail bullet wound, until--
A kindly Mussulmaan took pity on him,
And gave Singh thirst-quenching water to regain his trim,
And on August the 8th, at long last,
Jai Ho Singh reached the Malakand Pass!
Then thanks to that same uniform which drew so many foes,
The picquets of 9th Gurkhas waved for him onwards to go,
To the Dargai Cantonments of Peshawar Field Force,
Where with little ado he made his report,
Concerning news from the Iron Amir's court,
Of trading rifles for a prisoner he could use to extort,
To which Brigadier Stewart Ruff-Husband did retort:
“Jemadar Jai Ho Singh, 2nd Punjab Cavalry, Piffers, Retired…
I salute you—truly you are the Khalsa’s pride!”
A report that shall echo on into time!
For borne on the hot-wind of the Past,
From the dawn of the Raj, until the last,
In the hour of darkness and peril and need,
Sepoys and sowars, both active and retire-eed,
Shall accomplish their mission, on foot or by steed,
No matter the odds, no matter how slim,
They will get the job done--like Jai Ho Singh.

(NOTE: I did not get the idea to "write"/bastardize the above poem until after the game detailed below had been played through to its conclusion.  The game itself was played straight-up and I did not manipulate the process in an effort to create any particular result.)


* * * * * *


Jai Ho Singh has to cross 3 tables (each 10' long) worth of ground before reaching the North end of Malakand Pass.

Flip 3 cards per table for POTENTIAL EVENTS with following results:

RED card = no interference, Jai Ho Singh RIDES ON
BLACK card = some form of enemy presence/interference/action

LOW # BLACK CARD (2-6) = low threat (1-3 shooters)
HIGH # card (7-10) = moderate threat (1-6 shooters)
FACE card = severe threat (2-12 tribesmen or Ghazis or tribal cavalry, depending on further die roll)

Black low threat = die roll-off, one black die vs. 2 red dice, if Black wins, triggers an AMBUSH
Black moderate threat = die roll-off, black die vs. red die, if Black wins, triggers an AMBUSH
Black high threat = die roll-off, two black dice vs. 1 red die, if Black wins, triggers an AMBUSH

BLACK JOKER = ADDITIONAL EXTREME THREAT (avalanche or quicksand or blunder into Afghan Regular Army unit or Mullah’s caravan, depending on further die roll)

RED JOKER = SOME SURPRISE HELP/RELIEF (lost patrol of British or Indian troops, horse farm with sympathetic Native owner who provides fresh horse, sympathetic Native Healer who helps tend a wound, depending on further die roll)
AMBUSH = roll D6 (2 D6 for severe threat) for number of tribal ambushers (all shooters unless rolling 2xD6 for "severe threat", then 50/50 shooters/sword-&-shield)


NOTE: You will see from the above that I tried to counter-balance the scenario rules somewhat in Jai Ho Singh’s favor as he was a SINGLE 28mm FIGURE crossing 30' of hostile terrain, with multiple chances of suffering wounds and/or death.  In the end I don't think I over-did this, as even with some advantages he still came close to death and his survival depended less on the # of "Threats" than on how the various threats that did emerge did in action against him and how he did in response.

CROSSING TABLE #1 - first 3 "Event Card" flips:

Card #1...


Card #2...


BLACK card = die roll-off to see if Jai Ho Singh can manage to evade/avoid the Tribal threat. 
At this early phase (Table #1) he gets 2 D6 to Tribal 1 D6...


Card #3...


Card #4...


BLACK THREAT card.  This is the last card on Table #1,
so Jai Ho still gets advantage of 2 x D6 vs. 1 x D6 in the roll-off
to see if he can manage to avoid/evade the emerging threat...



So roll for # of Tribal Ambushers/Shooters...





TSATF "Pathan Rifles" firing at a single figure
counting as a CLASS II "Open Order" target HITS ON 1-4:




Jai Ho Singh can sustain 2 Light Wounds or 1 Serious Wound before reducing his movement and fighting abilities so...








Now that he's reached TABLE #2 it's a straight D6 vs. D6 roll-off without advantage to either side...



(Do I detect a pattern here?)
















(1 pip = 1" allotted movement)


Oooo.  Just 9".  Not so great for the Fanatical Faithful.
On his galloping horse Jai Ho may be able
to evade this charge with his own 5 x D6 of

If he attempts to evade it could go either way...
he might get away clean, or...
 get caught from behind & suffer a -2 modifier for

Jai Ho opts to COUNTER-CHARGE,
Which makes his die roll mostly a technicality
He rolls his 5 x D6 CHARGE MOVE DICE...






The Ghazi's MODIFIERS:
+1 Charging,
+1 Higher Elevation
+1 Native vs. Cav in Rough Terrain


Jai Ho Singh's MODIFIERS:
+2 Mtd. Leader
+2 Regular Cavalry

Taken together this results in a +1 MODIFIER for Jai Ho Singh.




Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on September 20, 2021, 01:12:24 AM

(NOTE TO READERS: Turns out this post was TOO BIG, so it had to be split into 2 parts -- and wouldn't you know it, PART I ended up being the VERY LAST POST that could fit on the previous page of this thread [page 18] -- so if you came here direct from the Colonial Adventures Index you may want to GO BACK ONE PAGE to p.18 in order to read PART I of what has unintentionally turned out to be a 2-PART extravaganza.)

WE PICK UP RIGHT WHERE WE LEFT OFF, with counter-charging Jai Ho Singh & the charging Ghazi about to roll D6 melee dice against each other...


In TSATF losing a melee with a 3 or above = "FALL BACK";
Losing with a 2 = WIA;
Losing with a 1 = KIA.

So the Ghazi is dead.


Jai Ho RIDES ON...


















Having ridden 3 table lengths, flipping a total of 10 event cards (an extra got thrown in somewhere), engaging 3 enemy units (albeit all small ones due to low die rolls) and 1 local friendly (courtesy of the RED JOKER), Jai Ho Singh reaches the North end of the Malakand Pass, picqueted by troops of 9th Gurkha Rifles...





Who recognize his uniform and allow him to pass...


At the top of the Malakand he is struck by the view of
1st Brigade, Peshawar Field Force's Cantonments...




Along the banks of the Swat River...




Jai Ho descends the South side of the Pass,
follows the road and reaches the gate...


Tells the sentries he has vital information for
Brigadier Ruff-Husband
(his former Colonel)
And is admitted at once...


He quickly rides through the camp,
catching sight of something odd as he goes...


A large tent filled not with British
or Indian soldiers, but a LOCAL FAMILY...

It is Nazim Gul, former Headman of Dargai Village, his wife
Farrah Akbar, & their 3 sons, Raza Muhammad, Baba Muhammad,
and Gaza Muhammad.  Farrah Akbar is the sister of Black Mountain Vice Khan Gul Akbar, one of the leaders of the current Frontier Revolt...


It was Gul Akbar's vile effronteries & crimes
against all that is decent and human that led
Brigadier Ruff-Husband to torch Dargai
in punitive retribution...


But these are not sights for an interloping visitor to see,
even a highly decorated retiree from 2nd Punjab Cavalry...


And so the tent flaps are closed by the officer & men on watch.


Jai Ho Singh finally reaches his old regimental commander,
now serving as CO of 1st Brigade, Peshawar Division...


BRIGADIER RUFF-HUSBAND: "By god, I thought they were pulling my leg when they said it was you, Jemadar Jai Ho Singh!  How the blazes have you been?"


JAI HO SINGH: "I abide, my Colonel -- forgive me, Brigadier.  I enter my house justified, as does Risaldar-Major Habibi."


BRIGADIER RUFF-HUSBAND: "You fellas still pitching your tents at the foot of  Diwaalya Pusht Pahaarh*, on the Afghani side of the border?"

(*Brokeback Mountain)

JAI HO SINGH: "Yes, sir.  That's why I'm here.  I bring important news from thereabouts..."


BRIGADIER RUFF-HUSBAND: "I say, Jai Ho, are you wounded?"


JAI HO SINGH: "It's nothing, my General, just a scratch from a jezail ball on my left arm.  It did not  hinder me from wielding my saber in my right to dispatch a Ghazi who tried to interrupt my journey here."

BRIGADIER RUFF-HUSBAND: "Can't say I'm surprised, Jemadar.  You always were a good one in a scrap.  So what's this news then, eh?"


JAI HO SINGH:  "Colonel-turned-Brigadier Ruff-Husband, sir, I've learned the Iron Amir has traded 200 Martini-Henry rifles to Sarban Khan of the Yusufzais, at Kunar Caravansary in Goshta -- in exchange for the British subaltern captured at the fall of Chakdara."


BRIGADIER RUFF-HUSBAND: "And you're quite sure about this?"

JAI HO SINGH: I would not be here otherwise, sir.  I trust the source as if they were my own family -- and they are placed within the Arg Palace in Kabul."

BRIGADIER RUFF-HUSBAND: "Good god, man... this will complicate things!  Still, you've certainly earned supper on the Queen Empress tonight -- and a look-see from Doc Watson, our old regimental surgeon and now my brigade medical officer, at that shoulder!"

JAI HO SINGH: "Thank you, my Colonel -- sorry, my General."


BRIGADIER RUFF-HUSBAND: "No, Jai Ho Singh, thank you!"




* * * * * *


Out of 10 potential events, Jai Ho Singh was shot at twice by 2 shooters each time.
He was hit once, sustaining a LIGHT WOUND.
He was Charged by one Ghazi.  He chose to countercharge and in the resulting melee he killed the Ghazi – head-to-head D6 melee result: 4 vs. 1.

On his very last event card (red joker) he was then aided by a kindly local who gave him water, which helped him recover from his light wound and continue on to the Malakand Pass.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on September 20, 2021, 04:45:40 AM
Amazing ride Jai Ho Singh, but the news will do nothing to save the cantonment.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on September 20, 2021, 05:26:29 AM
That's a BOLD STATEMENT Capt. Shanks -- or should I say, Gul Akbar Khan?!?! (Or should I say, Gul Akbar "Wannabe Khan"?  I can't remember if he's the big-shot boss in the Black Mountains... or just the heir recalcitrant.)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on September 20, 2021, 06:54:34 AM
Mad Guru your memory is weak as your faith. The Khan of all Black Mountains is Hashim
Ali Khan. Young Gul Akbar is the destined, the one who will rule all Punjabi with my son     Ghaazi Muletail El Komiss aka Hussein, under my supreme leadership, the True Rule Defensor of Faith El Kommiss Mulehead khan of all Waziris.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on September 20, 2021, 11:52:53 AM
Oh, False Fakir of the Waziris, I fear these future lines of dynastic succession grow likes weeds in your head, fogging your mind and blinding your eyes.  Please, by all means, continue to ponder these vital matters in great detail unto the twelfth generation!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on September 20, 2021, 11:58:59 AM
Oh, False Fakir of the Waziris, I fear these future lines of dynastic succession grow likes weeds in your head, fogging your mind and blinding your eyes.  Please, by all means, continue to ponder these vital matters in great detail unto the twelfth generation!

 lol lol lol
great answer Mad Guru
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Marine0846 on September 20, 2021, 02:53:55 PM
Great story telling.
Love this whole set of posts. :-*
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on September 21, 2021, 04:16:18 PM
Dear reader this last week was fully of incredible happenings, adventures, fighting, and we at Tribune will try to answer to the readers ‘request to have an overall clear picture of the latest news. The internal insert will provide also additional amazing news on some well known characters who are writing the story of the Frontier.
Many things happened but much more are going to be showed!
Let’s start from our glorious Army.
In the South Gen. Sir John Percival "Mandrake" Aubrey-Smith is marching towards Wana to capture and hang the bandit Mulehead, and actually is in Jandola, where it is reported many waziris tribes are regrouping both from South and North. The road to Wana is a tugh nut to crack.
With General Aubrey-Smith there is Major Haldane, the fine political officer, great manager of jirgas, author of the famous sentence: Gentlemen, we’ll have to suppress this uprising with the utmost tact and diplomacy…we’ll string up ‘alf a dozen of ‘em for a start”!
In north Waziristan Colonel Fullerton is burning the Tochi Valley to teach some civilization to those ruthless bandits. This young hero immortalized in Reginald Winkie’s poem, “The charge of the Guides”, responsible for many young ladies broken hearts.
North of Wairistan, north of Kohat, at the borders with Tirah Major Vousden is approaching with his gallant column to bandit Umra’s den to replace him with a more reliable khan. But the more he go to North the more Afridis are regrouping around him…Will he able to replicate Col Fullerton’s triumphs?
In Chitral there are two brigades operating. The former brigade is in front of Uch Pass which is  in the hands of Yusufzais tribe while the latter is at Chakdara
Overall operations are brilliantly coordinated by Gen Mc Guinness
Nominal leader in Black Mountain is Hashim Ali Khan whose brother and heir was the bandit Sikander, killed by our forces. Rising star is now the infamous Gul Akbar Khan. They are quite fanatically devoted to new Rule and allied with Waziris.He has taken prisoner General Channers after a Jirga, as a retaliation versus destruction of Dargai village and jailing of his sister Farrah’s family.
He is recruiting new warriors among the tribes east of Malakand pass, burning the villages which refuse to provide support and enlist under his flag.
BG Channers is Gul Akbar’s guest in the Black Mountains while two columns under colonels Sym and O'Grady and political Officers search for them. It is suspected they are in the compound of Hashim Ali near Durband.
But the Frontier is like a Pashtun dinner: it is the chicken who gives substance, but the tamarind slices make it tasty. So we cannot forget many characters which are adding salt to the scenario.
The young bandit Muletail was reported to be everywhere, but our most reliable informers says he is in Khost with his merry comrades. Where will he go now? The more obvious choice should be southwards into Waziristan, but too obvious, probably dozen Afridis, Mahmuds, Orakzai, Turis killers are already waiting for him.
Two other roads are possible if he chooses Peiwar Kotal: the shorter but thru Khost lands, beyond Khurram river, thru many Afridis willing to grasp him and bring to Umra’s den. The longer but safer goes north west to Bar Ferozkhel and from there other decisions…
Decisions always new decisions. As the ones to be made by Colonel Fullerton: either obeys the order, once in his life, remaining in Tochi Valley burning and killing everything and everyone or moves to new adventures?
And in South Waziristian what is plotting the past havildar, past deserter, past khan,the enigmatic Zarin? Last voices give him marching with his bandits toward Jandola but…to fight whom?
And what about Zibibb and Flashman? Where are they going to find out El Osprey’s son and the secret scriptorium? And will they survive at the hand of Tsarist agents and hired bandits?
Sgt. Major Lawrence Brom (1st Brigade, Chitral Field Force) – Legendary Old Soldier of the Queen with a reputation as being a gifted tactician and logistician, as well a very talented writer.  A well-known secret in barrack rooms from Peshawar to Calcutta is the rumor that Sgt. Major Brom is in fact the real-life Reginald Winkie, writing under a pen-name in order to preserve his position as a senior NCO in Her Majesty’s forces! Or are these  just rumors spread out by the ironic poet?
Lorelai Brom & Christine Brom – the young adult daughters of Sgt. Major Brom, both recently arrived from their home in Glasgow, Scotland, on a self-appointed mission to visit their father in time for his fast-approaching 50th birthday, which their hearts are set on celebrating together with him.
Dirka Grimm (Detachmental Bhisti, Chakdara Outpost) – Dirka Grimm’s heroic efforts to assist Sgt. Crood and the handful of other survivors from the Yorks & Lancs garrison of  Chakdara Outpost were recently immortalized in Reginald Winkie’s poem, “You’re A Better Man Than I Am, Dirka Grimm,” which has taken the Empire and the rest of the English-speaking world by storm.  For his part, Dirka now dreams that his heroic efforts may somehow enable him to fulfill his lifelong dream of rising from the rank of “Bhisti” to “Sepoy,” but so far at least – sadly – neither his Indian nor British superiors have discussed this with him.
Maryam Singh – Clandestine Agent of the Political Department serving undercover as a maid in the Iron Amir’s Palace at Kabul, where she overheard the parlay between the Amir Abdur Rahman and the Mullah Sadullah (soon to be known throughout the Empire as the “Mad Mullah).  She asked her brother, retired Jemadar Jai Ho Singh, to carry word of what she’d heard across the border to British India, and deliver it to his old Colonel, now Brigadier Ruff-Husband, at Dargai.
Jai Ho Singh – Aforementioned brother of Maryam Singh, who did not hesitate when asked to risk life and limb to help thwart the designs of those who would lay low the Raj.  The question for him now is: will he rejoin the colors to get in one last campaign… or slip back across the border to rejoin his steadfast companion and housemate, retired Havildar-Major Habibi Singh?
2nd Lt. Hampton Fitzroy, Yorks & Lancs – A young subaltern on the very first deployment of his career, having no knowledge or experience of North-West Frontier terrain -- or any terrain outside old Blighty – Fitzroy made the terrible mistake of plucking olives off a tree near Chakdara Outpost and eating them raw, after which he puked his guts out & suffered a convulsive stupor.  One night later the Outpost was attacked and overwhelmed by a force of Ghazis and Lt. Fitzroy was the only member of the garrison captured alive while his Sgt. & 4 of his men were able to escape alive.  Though he remains a prisoner – first of the Mullah Sadullah’s Ghazis, now apparently of the Afghan Regular Army, on the plus side he has managed to regain his health.
Mullah Sadullah’s Ghazis’s been vacationing from Chakdara to Kabul - vast distances for a local holy man!!!
Chakdara … to Kunar … to Kabul
Mayank Jan (Sarban Khan’s spy in Peshawar & then Dargai).  Mayank Jan was able to get himself hired on as a Mule Skinner and travel with 1st Brigade Peshawar Field Force from the city of Peshawar to Dargai, where he saw with his own eyes the torching of that village at the command of Brigadier Ruff-Husband.  By day he remains in camp as an erstwhile “muleteer” while by night he slips out to pass any and all intelligence he gathers to allied Tribesmen in the nearby Malakand Pass, though he must take great care not to be spotted and found out by the Riflemen of 9th Gurkhas who keep watch over that strategic terrain.
Dast has left his shop in Peshawar and is going towards Kashmir. To buy new flying carpets or...?
And not forget our spy on the roof of Mulehead’s tower, for safety reason we cannot indicate exactly where.
So many cruel stories but we know of a secret affair who can change all the balance in the Frontier, is happening close to Chitral river:

When I wasn’t in the need of jezails I had arsenals.
When I need jezails they were converted to unpalpables.
Punjab Your eyes are beautiful and
You have also beautiful hair…
Beneath the blanket of the stars
In the company of the moon
On the riverbank two mullahs
By the side of water’s boon
In a pavilion covered by flowers
Sat immersed in Rule consultation
They speak about Khans powers
And the outcome of their divination

From “Peshawar barracks ballads” by Reginald Winkie
Who are the mullahs? What new adventures will rise from these romantic seeds?
Subscribe to the Tribune for avoiding missing a single episode.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Lord Raglan on September 21, 2021, 06:08:39 PM
Great thread boys, so much narrative, its a brilliant way to approach a wargaming period. 
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on September 21, 2021, 08:03:33 PM
Great thread boys, so much narrative, its a brilliant way to approach a wargaming period.

Thank you sir for your kind words. It is quite the collaborative effort.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Lord Raglan on September 21, 2021, 08:13:54 PM
Thank you sir for your kind words. It is quite the collaborative effort.

You are smashing it, so keep up the great work 👍
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on September 22, 2021, 04:28:13 AM
I must renew my subscription to The Peshawar Tribune at once!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on September 22, 2021, 07:16:32 AM
To the editor of the Peshawar Tribune.

I, Hashim Ali am a gracious host, a mullah of the True Word, devout follower of the Men Who Would Be King, and leader of the largest jirga in TorGhar. I am the uncle of Ghul Akbar and he travels with my blessing to Dargai, to right what has been wronged. It pains me to read within your pages the lies and deceit of the ferenghee who burn the Bunerwhal villages and blame my nephew. They drive the people from their homes, steal their livestock, and confiscate their crops to feed the ferengee army all the while proselytizing the untrue word of infidels.
I demand the truth be told. That the fajarah are responsible for the evil deeds along the Buner, not my dear nephew, a light in the darkness of this ferenghee plague. I demand a retraction  of the lies and that my nephew be cleared of these lavicious claims. If this does not occur I will issue a fatwa boycotting the reading of the Peshawar Tribune. There can be only one truth and you must print it or face the consequences.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on September 22, 2021, 09:53:16 AM
To the Editor of the Peshawar Tribune,

I, Brigadier Stewart Ruff-Husband, Commanding Officer of 1st Brigade, Peshawar Field Force, am writing to register my most severe and egregious exception with the manner in which your so-called newspaper characterized the ongoing operations in Swat.  You say, and I quote:

"Nominal leader in Black Mountain is Hashim Ali Khan whose brother and heir was the bandit Sikander, killed by our forces. Rising star is now the infamous Gul Akbar Khan. They are quite fanatically devoted to new Rule and allied with Waziris. He has taken prisoner General Channers after a Jirga, as a retaliation versus destruction of Dargai village and jailing of his sister Farrah’s family."

"...taken prisoner General Channers after a Jirga, as a retaliation versus destruction of Dargai village and jailing of his sister Farah's family"?

Good god, man -- are you mad?!  Or have you chosen to serve as a lying propagandist for the rebel tribes hereabouts on the North-West Frontier of our Indian Empire?  The village of Dargai was destroyed as punitive retribution FOR the hostage-taking of General Channers and his staff -- which had PREVIOUSLY OCCURED -- and also for the highly offensive manner in which this same Gul Akbar Khan insulted The Sword And The Flame, which every right-thinking person knows is the One True Text beloved throughout the Empire.  High crimes such as these are not trifles to be condemned on the pages of your sad excuse for a periodical, or for that matter even in The Illustrated London News!  No, sir, they are enemy attacks requiring immediate and effective COUNTER-ATTACK, and that is exactly what the burning of Dargai was.  Though I will note for the soft and/or sentimental among your readership that no villager lives were lost in said operation.  It was done to impress upon Gul Akbar Khan the seriousness with which his criminal behavior shall be dealt with.  Should he choose, as seems to be the case, to continue his revolt against our lawfully recognized authority, he will soon find himself in similar circumstances to his brother-in-law's village which once stood on the banks of the Swat River but has been reduced to a pile of ash.  Meantime I demand RETRACTION of your mudslinging libel and CORRECTION TO THE RECORD in the pages of the Tribune be posted in the very next edition of your sad excuse for a newspaper.  If such retraction and correction is not speedily provided to the public, rest assured that immediately upon my return from the Malakand I shall find a more up close and personal manner with which to seek redress for the false infamy you have brought upon my name.

Yours With Little or No Respect Whatsoever,

Stewart Ruff-Husband
BGnl, CO 1st Brigade, Peshawar FF

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on September 22, 2021, 01:26:15 PM
From Col Fullerton to Gen Ruff-Husband
Sir, my best respects to you. I want to provide you my compliments for your letter published in yesterday Tribune with a wily coward answer which says “no” without having even the pride to declare it explicitly.
If I can dare and you allow me to move a little comment to your well addressed sentences, it is that you should be a little bit tougher, because no sentimentalism is allowed when honour and prestige are discussed. As you well know in that uncivilized village there are  only people, all of them to a man concerned in hostilities. And with them their families.

To spare that village inhabitants was about as reasonable as to spare the commissariat supplies or arsenals of a civilized enemy. Operation must include the destruction of Pashtun villages, crops, concealed provisions, and supplies of water.
I can proudly say that here in Tochi valley we have created the maximum inconvenience and total bankruptcy for these uncivilized bandits.
Col Fullerton
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on September 22, 2021, 02:47:32 PM
Through the dusty plains, steep paths and treacherous passes the column of Gen. John C.Aubrey-Smith Mandrake points north of Jandola to attack the evil El Quartah.
The goal is Palosina village , 10 miles north of Jandola

...where ElQuartah's forces have regrouped….
During the march of the column  you can hear the sounds of water bottles and mess tins slamming ...and persevering song of the Gordon highlanders bagpipes playing  their Cock of the North…
"Auntie Mary had a canary
Up the leg of her drawers;
She was sleeping, it was creeping,
Up the leg of her drawers"


In command of the splendid Regiment of the 1st Skinner's Horse Maj. Reginald Lewis de Glanville speaks with his attendant the Risaldar Sayed Walid...
"Old Ramrod (speking about Gen. Mandrake) knows his job, he is a tough man and thinks only of work,
 I can’t imagine the old ramrod having been that human",
(imitating Gen. Mandrake voice) “Madam , you’ll marry me Tuesday the 29th , be at the church at 10.00, that’s an order !”….hahaha.

The column is marching on the rocky ground….Count—count—count—count—the bullets in the bandoliers. If—your—eyes—drop—they will get atop o' you! Boots—boots—boots—boots—movin' up and down again

"With its best foot first
    And the road a-sliding past,
    An' every bloomin' campin'-ground exactly like the last;
    While the Big Drum says,
    With 'is "rowdy-dowdy-dow!" --
    "Kiko kissywarsti don't you hamsher argy jow? (Why don't you get on?)”...

Poems from "the deaf  Mule Ballad " by Reginald Winkie

to be continued...

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on September 24, 2021, 02:40:35 PM
Thal Battle
Look, Hatton is coming running as if he got a swarm of wasp in those blue pants. Gregory what’s happening?”
“Sir,, Hatton panted “all Officers, now, Major has new orders for tomorrow” said Hatton gasping, saluted and turning on his heels run back to Major’s tent.
A very stupid hurry by that lapdog only to get the new orders for tomorrow, lunch time we move, all units in Thal outskirts to scout four different strategic points. And of course, the closest are for the Major and LT Hatton. Me and Frock we’ll have to make a long tour and we’ll come back when the other had already had their dinner.
Well perhaps I could make a little trick, I start 1-hour before with the excuse of patrolling the immediate surrounding of the camp and I will be able to come back shortly after Major and his lapdog.
Remaining tomorrow out of the camp protection too much with the first dark of the night descending all over the valley is not a wise decision. I should say to Frock, no let that stupid enjoy a nice walk under the hottest sun and return under the risk of snipers. Yes, when the other will start they march I will be already arriving to my objective, the crossroad to Spinwam and Bannu. Who knows, thought laughing, we could lose the direction and be back directly to Bannu to return with the artillery train, ah ah. Too funny. And instead after the long weary march we will be back to Thal waiting Umra’s surrender.
The following day Captain Townsend started early morning according his plan, but while he was arriving to the crossroad his guides detected far in the valley a unit of Pashtun moving a gun. Both were surprised.
The day before out of Spinwam few khans joined in a hidden cave among the rocks in a special jirga. “My khans” shouted Sher Khan “Ferenghees are entrenched in Thal, we will separate in many groups to ensure no food will be available for them and more important, no messages will go back and forth to Davenport in Bannu and to Fullerton’s flying devils in Tochi Valley . You Gunny Dim ensure this time all ammunition is provided and control the crossroad where messengers will pass, if any.”
Townsend decided to stop and fire on the artillery Pashtun killing in few turns all but Gunni Dim without losing any.
Then while hours passed y Sher Khan attacked him from back but was repulsed after a bloody fight.
Then Guides decimated also Abu Zar Khan unit supporting artillery with effective firing. But at the end Gunni Dim’s fire pinned the guides that failed the rally dice and at the end left the table under the hapless leadership of capt Townsend more than happy to leave the fight in direction of Spinwam, but with 5 KIA.
In North East Hatton destroyed with his tremendous firing the Orakzais of Abdullah Khan and scouted the tower.
Frock marching at double pass arrived in the herd recovery area just in time to be assaulted by the remaining warriors of Sher Khan and successfully repulsed them.
Then scouted the area while the well-disciplined elite of Abu Zar refused to attack in the last hour of light.
Abu Zar had a strong discussion with Sher Khan the night before about some goats who changed the owner the previous week in a feud involving their tribes. Coincidence?
In the meantime, Major Vousden scouted his objective.
And charged with his guard bonus the unit of Bunga Din killing 12 and then pursuing and killing all, the khan included, losing in total 4 troopers, but losing also his Risaldar Kesar Singh Dhillon.
Then Sam Browne’s unit galloped westward but was ambushed by Jammas Zada warriors, defeating them but leaving Major Vousden alone,
surviving also at last firing of Gunni Dim’s artillery while running towards Bannu crossroad.
The night was descending with his mantle of peace and rest, British had slightly won but it risked to be a Pyrrhic victory: KIA were 7 troopers, 5 guides and 1 Khyber rifle, but guides and 22nd Punjab cavalry were routed.
The huge Pashtun losses will be more quickly replaced, 8 Orazkais, 16 Bunga Din, 3 Artillerymen, 5 Jamma Zada, 11 Sher, 6 Abu Zar. Total 49 KIA.
But Major Vousden was separated by the other units and galloped away alone towards Bannu to bring the news of the victory but also of his column being completely separated in Thal under the improbable captain Townsend, the hero of the logistic.
But Townsend too couldn’t re-join the other units and was pushed down towards Spimwam from where he hopes to get in touch with Fullerton flying devils column, down in the Tochi Valley, or what has remained of North Waziristan. Hatton and Frock are entrenched in Thal, they know that beaten tribesmen won’t spend more time before reorganizing and attack them. Who will be faster? The wounded Sher Khan or the reinforcement column from Bannu? They just hope someone survived to accelerate their arrival.
Capt Townsend column march speedy and soon Spinwam is in sight. Captain Townsend is dubious, perhaps better avoiding it and make a detour around Spinwam, but the ashes of the town can still provide some rest, water and shadow…
Sher Khan with his few warriors now has 2 main targets: revenge the betrayal of Abu Zar but most urgent to get a trophy to show to Umra, who at this moment has been already informed of the battle result, for sure.
The Rifles and Brits have had the possibility to entrench in Thal, but few guides are going southwards to Spinwam. There pardani are seen with a hate enhanced by destructions brought days before by Fullerton flying devils, and many tulwars will be happy to wet with guides blood. If they will skip the town, Sher will find a place where his few survived warriors will make good use of their jezails and tulwars to kill before a guides volley could change the balance. On a different hill, hidden each other by a rocky hill, the two groups observe the same horrid landscape.
Unknown each other they will meet very soon…
Townsend decide to avoid entering the town but suddenly Tribesmen fire on guides killing one and pinning the rest.
Then they attack with tulwars

despatching other 2 and losing one, they insist and receive another loss. Then another KIA on each side,
Sher raises his war cry and rallies his warriors while Townsend seems paralyzed and continues failing rallying tests. Last bloody attack is another Afridis killed but last two guides are butchered.
Townsend routs and runs towards the hill followed by the ferocious glances of Sher and the last warrior- They know he  never returns from those hills and Sher will have a trophy to show to Umra.
Strong of that present his claims on Abu Zar Khan’s betrayal will have another weight… but everything at its time, now he is ready to wipe out the last two units entrenched in Thal.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Marine0846 on September 24, 2021, 03:30:35 PM
OH NO, not the Guides. :(
Who is next? :?
Great story telling.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on September 24, 2021, 05:25:48 PM
Marine0846, thanks for kind supporting. If you, like all us, are a Guides fan, let me remember you that old Fullerton in Tochi Valley has a unit of cavalry and one of veteran Sikh guides infantry under LT Best.
I give you an hint in advance, next days (tomorrow ?) there will be the Peshwar Tribune special offer day and new subscribers will be requested to vote for a special unit of their choice that will return as a different company. You can indicate to see it in this scenario o with brigades in the North or even south with Gen Mandrake... Stay tuned!  lol
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on September 25, 2021, 11:08:14 AM
OH NO, not the Guides. :(
Who is next? :?
Great story telling.

Marine0846 we have more Guides...here mine Afridi's Coy , attached to Gen. Mandrake's brigade, ready to do battle on Waziristan. With a detachment of Guides Cavalry.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on September 25, 2021, 02:48:22 PM
Campaign of yearly Subscription!
The only independent newspaper which tells you what has occurred and what will happen!
Only for this week end with the subscription the readers will have the possibility to choose two preferred units: which routed one would u like to see again and in which scenario? Which unit would u like to be deployed in a future battle and where?
The editor will not assure that all the requests will be fulfilled, due to …availability!
p.s. if you vote for North Waziristan scenario in the new unit section for 14th Ferozepore Sikhs, Kohat mountain battery and  26th Baluchis, and in the routed section for 10th Bengal Lancers you have a lot of possibilities for succeeding😉
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on September 27, 2021, 01:15:33 PM
The Gift

After the Battle of Thal, Sher khan returns to Mogala ... with a gift for Umra Khan !

“Oh mighty Umra, may the Almighty  always bless you, and may your enemies die of starvation in the snows of our mountains……you have given me an assignment and I have done it in the best way... the troops of the infidel ferenghi have been disrupted in Thal and they are now crying like babies,  they are divided now and I count on destroying them in the coming days ... I brought you a gift………Capt. Townsend “!


Of course Capt. Townsend is unaware of this conversation...

“Captain Townsend welcome to the modest palace of Umra, I have always been a friend of the British, and I do not know why the other tribes, Orakzais and Northern Waziris , are making war to the Raj... my faithful servant Sher Khan found you alone and lost in the mountains and brought you to me. Here you will be treated like a guest and when you have recovered physically I will accompany you to Peshawar.”

“Thanks Umra Khan, my head is a bit confused, there was a battle and my soldiers died... I fell and slammed my head and I do not remember much ...”


“Enjoy your stay in Mogala Captain “,………….
so be it written, so it be done.

“Yusuf check him on sight, I have yet to decide on his future...he will be a pawn of exchange…”
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on September 28, 2021, 06:35:51 AM

Monday the 18th of August, 1890
A busy day at Peshawar's Kabul Gate...


Maj-Gnl. Basil "Smokey" Whitsend (Ask him someday how he acquired that particular nickname during the Great Mutiny -- if you dare!), accompanied by his Political Officer Captain Alexander "Teetotaler" Crane, watches 2nd Brigade march out, DESTINATION: DARGAI...































"General, those most important papers you've
been waiting for just arrived, sir!"



With the widest circulation West of Delhi and North of Bombay is it any wonder the paper General Whitsend's been waiting for was none other than The Peshawar Tribune?





This broadsheet's in such broad demand that whenever a new edition hits the galee*, everyone's ready to kill to get their hands on a copy -- including this very model of a modern Major-General...
(*Hindi for "street")



Indeed, far-and-wide across the frontier The Peshawar Tribune's dedicated readership knows no bounds!  In addition to General Whitsend, it also includes but is far from limited to:

2nd Lt. Fitzroy, Yorks & Lancs, former CO of Chakdara Outpost, currently held captive whilst being escorted to Kabul by Captain Mir of the Afghan Regular Army...


The good Captain went out of his way to have
a copy speedily delivered to them while en route
to their secret destination...


You can imagine his shock and surprise when
 Lieutenant Fitzroy's only response to its arrival was:

"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
All the king's horses and all the king's men,
Couldn't put me back together again!"



Sadly it seems the long days & nights of captivity have taken a toll on the Subaltern's disposition, and he appears on the verge of mania or perhaps... even lunacy.  Or in the vernacular of his Afghan minders: "The Ingleesh has gone pagal in the head."



In far happier and more domestic circumstances reside Ibn-Kali Kali and Mrs. Kali, proprietors of Kunar Caravansary in Goshta District, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan...


Where Nabobs from both sides of the border have been known to sojourn, and horse-trade.  Right now the Kalis want to see how the graphic design of their new classified advertisement looks in print...




Atop Drosh Watchtower on the Chitral River we find the "Romantic Seeds" Mullahs of Reginald Winkie's Peshawar Barracks Ballad, "THE UNPALPABLE JEZAILS," still conferring... or debating... or haggling -- over what exactly, we really don't know...


But apparently it made the Tribune...




Deeper in Afghanistan we find none other than the Iron Amir himself, Abdur Rahman Khan, in his Palace garden, perusing the latest edition...


How it was delivered all the way to Kabul so fast, none can say...




At least, none who are able to speak...




Perhaps just as legendary as the Iron Amir but utilizing more common methods of acquisition, we see none other than the MAD GURU himself waving his freshly-delivered copy in the air...


Alongside the iconic GREEN BANNER OF MECCA with which he encouraged Ayub Khan to march from Herat to defeat the Farangi and their idol-worshipping lackeys on the field at Maiwand!  To where does the blind Mad Guru ride his mule?  Like win, place & show for tomorrow's races at Ascot, the answer to that question must wait for another day...




Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on September 28, 2021, 06:44:10 AM
NEXT UP: Maryam Singh, Palace Housemaid for Abdur Rahman the Iron Amir of Afghanistan himself -- & undercover Clandestine Agent of the Raj's Political Department...


...who uses tried and true tradecraft to get her copy on the down-low from a customer at the FABRIC STALL she runs every other Monday at the Kabul Bazaar...








Now safety stashed under a bolt of Tajik linen,
Maryam will read the Trib cover-to-cover in the
safety of total isolation the first chance she gets...



Hari Hardoon, Peshawar Beggar & Covert Asset (AKA: Informer) for the Raj, who snags a copy from the Printing Shop in exchange for telling the Pukka Foreman's fortune, then sells it on the street to whomsoever he may meet...


Such as this blue-shirted OFFICER in side-cap sipping from a vermillion cup & saucer...


He's CAPTAIN R.J. GALLANT, C.O. of the Bombay Sappers & Miners Company recently arrived from Karachi...


Captain Gallant is no admirer of beggars, but he does enjoy a good read...


And he's a fan of Reginald Winkie -- no surprise,
so a deal is struck and a paper sold...




Long after the sun sets tonight, Mayank Jan -- Sarban Khan's blue-turbaned spy in Peshawar/Dargai/Wherever Blood Oath Loyalty Demands -- sits ensconced in the charred remnants of Dargai village at the foot of the Malakand Pass...



...Yet somehow this resourceful villain (or hero,
depending on your point-of-view) has managed to
get his hands on a copy of you-know-what...

Though for some reason... he appears
to be reading it upside-down???




Now we rewind the clock and return to early that same day at Peshawar's Kabul Gate, where Havildar-Major Kunara of the 127th Baluchis is watching 2nd Brigade march out, feeling sadly disappointed that he and his regiment are being left behind to hold down the fort instead of heading to Dargai for a chance at action...



Poor old Havildar-Major Kunara...


But rather than wallow in disappointment and self-pity, Kunara cracks open the Pesha Trib and has at it...


Now there's a way to put a positive spin on
the day -- well done that Baluchi man!




Strangely enough... one of the most dedicated and loyal readers of the "Pesha Trib"  -- as those in-the-know call it -- cannot be found anywhere above: we speak of CAPTAIN ELLIOT HARDIGAN, COMMANDING OFFICER E/B RHA (E Battery B Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery)...






(Who must wait to get his hands on a copy
of today's Trib until when & if
he gets where he is going)




(pictured above is FAKIR FAYSAL,
the acclaimed Peshawar Swami
seen here reading his treasured
Pesha Trib while relaxing on
his favorite bed of nails)

From Modern Major-General to Swami and Beggar to Spy, what they read about in the 18th of August 1890 Edition of The Peshawar Tribune is RUMORS OF WAR in the North at Chitral and Malakand, and the South at Thal and Jandala, and while some take it in stride, to others it seems as if the North-West Frontier is a powder keg ready to explode...

* * * * * *

Whatdya hear, whatdya say,
The Pesha Trib works hard to keep its loyal readers
On pins and needles,
in every conceivable way!

--The Editors
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Marine0846 on September 28, 2021, 04:05:12 PM
Great set of photos.
Good to see the Queen's men on the march.
There needs to be order on the Frontier.
Seems like the local rag, (sorry the Peshawar Tribune) is a hit.
News papers can be used for so many useful ;) things.
Great fun guys, thanks for all the work.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on September 29, 2021, 11:54:00 AM
The News
Also in the palace of Umra Khan comes the last copy of the Peshawar Tribune...

Oh here is my copy of the Peshawar Tribune... let's go to page 8 ... sport... let's see who won the Epsom Derby... first Sainfoin mounted by John watts, in front of Le Nord and Orwell....the favourite Surefoot just 4th…what a result….

Football news….Preston North End won the League Football and Blackurn Rovers won the 19th FA Cup beating The Wednesday 6 to 1…with Willie Townley scoring an hat-trick…

Mmmhhh…I should live in England too many interesting things to see…
..or I should organize a football team.. The Afridis Wanderers and challenge the Feringhi and those bits of Waziris, in the First Khyber and Umra Khan  Football competition...

let's see the other news... in the Battle of Thal the British defeated the rebels of Sher Khan.... hahahaha usual fake news of these infidels.....
I have Capt. Townsend here with me as proof of our victory.

North of Jandola a strong column under the command of Gen. Mandrake is preparing to attack the Waziris....ahhh well those blasphemous tamarind-eating heretics deserve a good lesson... the Mules dynasty will receive an hard blow...


…in Chitral the siege continues.... the tribes of Black Mountain march towards Dargai... my friend Zibbib Khan with Flash are on their way to Kashmir..... I have to order apricots...

…Siberian Cossack are reported on the border of Pamir…

Ahhh this is interesting …news binoculars from French & Sons LTd of London “ two news eyes to see farther away “, I need to buy one .

…use Pioneer Brand, the only desiccated cocoanut….

…compass Verner’s pattern…I need one too…

what a great newspaper is the Peshawar Tribune, I did well to buy shares!

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on October 05, 2021, 10:19:35 AM
Now our hero and his merry friends are in front of a harsh decision: three roads are possible from Matun. Directly southwards has been neglected because a sure road to hell, too many snipers waiting to hit the group. Now Muletail must choose between two other possible roads to reach Peiwar Kotal: the shorter but thru Khost lands and beyond Khurram river, thru many Afridis willing to grasp him and bring to Umra’s den. The longer but apparently safer goes north west to Bar Ferozkhel and from there other decisions…
Muletail stops few minutes without speaking, looking at South, towards Waziristan, home… suddenly he turns and cry let’s go Westwards; before dawn we start and if we walk quickly we’ll be in Nader Shah for a quick lunch, now let’s rest. Mustafa realized only the concept of lunch time and went to sleep full of hope for the tomorrow breakfast.
Well before dawn the team wakes up and starts an early march in the beautiful Khostwal: Muletail aka Hussein leads the group followed by his brother in faith Abdul Kareem aka Mustafa, Saddam wavering the flag sewed in Kabul and four other Bunerwals, all ready to fight any ambusher.
Before reaching the village two tribesmen on their horses appear on the horizon landscape announced by a dusty cloud and reach them in a shadowed gulley.
The tribesmen stop their galloping and the first horseman asks “Who are you? Where are you going?”
Saddam was quick to answer “we are pious merchants and are going for a pilgrimage to Peiwar Khotal with this holy banner to declare that only one is the True ruler”
“Mmmmh and which is this ruler?” asked the cavalryman while his hand went quickly on its tulwar hilt.
Mustafa was ready to reply “oh the only One, the same that you follow too”
The face of the Pashtun changed and the second said “You say you are all bunerwal merchants but…but you have a Waziri accent!”
“No we are all Bunerwals, hosoor” replied Saddam but the 2 tribesman smiled “If you are Waziri you are among brothers, but you have to pay attention, south of here, down to Waziristan, it is Spira district controlled by Zadran tribes which hold it and they do not like Waziris. You are lucky u met us before, now continue after Nader Shah without stopping, go quickly following this road towards north west and you will reach the Kharoti clans who are located in Shomal.
Zadrans do not dare arriving there, but anyway do not show you as Waziri until u are sure about whom you are talking to! You must arrive to Almarah Khost before dark and go over the crossroad to Spera directing to North, towards Kharotis controlled lands.”
Muletail fired with his eyes the poor Mustafa who was just grumbling about his perfect Buner accent.
“we must go to Matun, but we’ll return soon back, and we’ll help and give you a ride for some miles”.
The horses disappeared as quick as they came, and our friend continued the march just after a brief rest in Nader Shah where Mustafa could eat more tamarind slices than Muletail could be possible for a single man.
After a quick lunch they proceeded towards Dwa Monda arriving to the crossroad for Spira just for the sunset.
Muletail ordered to Saddam to send two Bunerwals in advance to detect any Zadran tribesman and soon they returned with important news.
They scouted but were detected by a group of warriors close the crossroad to Spira.
Now 5 warriors are running behind them following the road.
“Quick all the men behind those sargars and use only your tulwar, I do not want that their friends here around are alerted and join us during the fight.”
“And let Scrud (*) be with us” cried Mustafà;  after few minutes five warriors arrived running, confident to easily steal the 2 scouted travellers.
“Now” cries Muletail and the 7 warriors attack with their thirsty tulwars but the Zadrans spring like tigers and kills 3 Bunderwals changing the balance of the skirmish.
Muletail rallies his friends but a tulwar cuts the throat of Saddam while killing the first Zandran.
Mustafa cries and the three remained charge wildly and hit one tribesman each changing again the power balance.
The khan of the Zandrans fights like a wolf and gain another time before falling down. But that time was not wasted because 4 new warriors arrive from the road to Matun and seem surprised at the sight of the death. Immediately Muletail charge with his friend and they kill other 3 warriors revolving again the situation and then killing the last one. Not the time to breath and another warrior appears but he is immediately despatched and the same happens to a last warrior arrived running few minutes later while they were burying their friend dead. At the end 11 Zandran warriors are dead but also 4 Bunderwals, including the bold Saddam.
“Yaman take the flag and wrap Saddam in it, he carried it since Kabul and he deserves it; complete burying also the Zandars and let’s go quickly, now we have won some hours but soon the dead will be found, and their friends will come in search of us.”
Mustafà objected “we are under Zandars threat and we could just put in a faster mass grave - or even leave them unburied” …
“No that could definitely offend the comrades who will find the unburied dead. They are muslim like us, and furthermore they will not be immediately detected. Do not enter in too much of rush from our fear to be attacked by other Zandars”
“not fear, our devotion to mission” replied Mustafà
“If we leave our dead enemies unburied despite them being fellow Muslims, this pisses off their fellow tribesmen who find them” Muletail yells at him “needlessly motivating our foes”
“I was only very dedicated to accomplishing the mission ASAP!” replied an offended Mustafà
“oh stop it. Quick now, and then to Bar Ferozkhel”
Two hours later they arrived to Dwa Monda,
 (https://i.postimg.cc/XBptNPMr/S-dwa-monda.jpg [/img
But very soon a dusty cloud appears coming apparently from the crossroad of the fight.
 [img width=240 height=132] https://i.postimg.cc/rdNBfWCw/SA-dado-6.jpg)
“Other Zandrans coming?” asked worried Mustafà
“no not from Matun” answered Muletail and then smiled recognizing a group of horses leaded by the 2 tribesmen they met in the morning
The Pashtun cavalrymen stopped, and the first cavalryman says to Muletail:
“You are only three now. Many voices are in Matun and talk about two important panthers coming from Kabul to lead the True Rule jihad, our khans say to take these horses and go with the Ruler, may he be blessing your mission”
“And may the holy Ruler be blessing you and all Waziris and their allies. May all your dice be 6”
“And may you always fight with this ferocity, we saw the traces of many buried warriors and many bloody spots on the ground” said the Pashtun cavalryman thinking at the recent butchery “the elders want you take this old flag too and wave it again as when our ancients fought under Mohammad Akbar Khan, son of Dost Mohammad Khan, at the battle of Jamrud fort, when our ancestors fought together with Afridis to kick off filthy Sikhs from Punjab. Only Waziris should fight Afridis, it is our shared privilege since Sikander Khan came and was repulsed with first invaders!”
Now it is time you go and free all Punjab again from Ferenghees, Pardani and Sikhs!” then all turned and galloped towards Matun as quick as they arrived.
“And now to Bar Ferozkhel!” Muletail cried “let Saddam’s death was not useless and we will be his avengers! Yaman wave the flag in his memory, next time we will wave it on a heretics skulls hill” and the three survived galloped silently towards new adventures with the old glorious flag wavering in the breeze which moved the heights of the few trees which dominated the rocky landscape from the surrounding hills.

(*) SCRUD details are described at following past post in this topic: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.msg1687252#msg1687252
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on October 06, 2021, 11:32:48 AM
"Zibib this is Kashmir ... a place of peace and rest.
Maharaja Sir Patrap Singh lives in his capital Srinagar, we are good friends, we will ask him for porters to cross the mountain passes up to the north.
There is also another person there, Machede Maranda Gurung retired subedar of the 5th Gurkhas. With him we have to organize a squad of soldiers, because the places we will cross are very dangerous, inhabited by warrior tribes. The least that can happen to us is having to pay tolls or fight for our lives! "


"Hello old gurkha ... how are you doing without cutting off Pashtuns' heads? "

"Flashy my friend ... I'm old for kukri ... but I keep myself fit by training kashmiris for maharaja ... how can I help you? "

"Gurkha I need 20 soldiers, as the True Rule said , good, reliable men; we have to go up north and as you know those are very dangerous lands. "

"Flashy I still shoot well , normally I don't go up the 7 ...and with me there is my comrade in arms Naran was naik in my platoon,another crack shooter,  he will be happy to be able to lead his hands against those northern barbarians. Give me a few days and I'll find the men you need ..."

"Gurkha this is Zibbib, he cames with us , is   a good friends  of mine, you will appreciated his abilities. With him are Walid  and Gul, two of the most fearsome men of the Frontier...we'll make a good Lashkar !"

"Flashy the road to the north is very hard and dangerous...we have to cross the mighty Burzill Pass, and we could find snow and ice...
from Astor to the gorge of the Indus we could be attacked by Chilasis bandits, and reaching the road to Boonj and Gilgit we had to avaoid the Kashmir patrols, as you know is not permit to anybody, except military, to move north of Kashmir.
I don't ask anything for myself, but my men will want to be paid..."

" Gurkha your men will be paid well, for them there are 10 rupees each, and I need about 10 porters, I'll paid them 1 rupee each"

" well Flashy let me enroll the soldiers and porters , I'll search for you very soon"


To be continued...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Sparrow on October 07, 2021, 05:15:59 AM
Brilliant stuff!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on October 07, 2021, 09:03:50 AM
Brilliant stuff!
Thanks Sparrow !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on October 08, 2021, 12:58:59 AM
Very exciting indeed. You gents raise the bar for sure!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on October 08, 2021, 07:04:43 AM
The horses galloped all night long and at the very first lights of the day Khost Gardez Pass appeared in all its beauty: the last big obstacle that the nature had put in defence of Matun and Khostwal. Controlling the pass meant controlling the communications with Afghanistan.
(https://i.postimg.cc/FHjC47w9/A-Khost-Gardez-Pass-map.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
“Here native population is Tajik; we shouldn’t face too much problems but we’ll continue to simulate to be merchants going to Persia. Open your eyes, I have heard many tales on Gardez, a town full of spies, Persian, ferenghee and the new ones, the adorators of Tzar, a new God who eats Ferenghees or something like that” Mustafà explained looking over Yaman, condiscendently.
(https://i.postimg.cc/DZR3bQ8s/B-Passo-Khost-Gardez.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
“A Ferenghee eater God!” said Yaman looking at Mustafà with admiration and respect for his knowledge of the world.
“wrap and hide the flag” Muletail ordered sharply “I see we have visit very soon”
On the path three Tajik appeared escorting a couple of camels.
(https://i.postimg.cc/TwKXwNYf/C-2-camels.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
“The Ruler be with you and bless your dice toss” Mustafà approached the camels owners
“And may your path be free from enemies and pain” answered the first
“Can u sell us some food? We are going to finish our and I don’t know when we will be able to get other”
“We have no food to sell but we can divide our tamarind pies” answered the second
(https://i.postimg.cc/9QB2Nqn5/DA-with-Tajiks.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
At the word tamarind the mouth of Mustafà started to feel the mouth-watering just looking at those
“Oh, may the Mighty give you 100 times reward for your generosity! “ started Mustafà
“But we can accept only one, cannot we M U S T A F A’?” said Ghaazi Muletail El Komiss aka Hussein scanning each letter and blinking.
Abdul Kareem aka Mustafà understood and smiled because this time he knew his answer was to be using fake name “Yes Hussein!” But immediately his smile became an angry strenuous grimace thinking at the crispy, tasty tamarind slices he had to renounce.
(https://i.postimg.cc/BZ10fzVC/DC-M-M.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/K4FVn0FK)
“We know ferenghees have destroyed Spinwam district and Tochi valley and many merchants arrive up to Matun to find good food, but you are the first daring to trade up to Gardez. You can walk safely for this road, this pass can stop an army but doesn’t care three Pashtun merchants. Perhaps one day in this very pass the Tsar himself or his followers will find a harsh welcome, but in these days all is peace.”
“Thank you brothers and may your life be quiet as your camels walk” said Mustafà, but he had just completed the blessing that some wasps attacked the camels which run for the path with the poor Tajiks running behind and shouting to stop them.
“Well better we continue to Gardez” said Mustafà patiently waiting as he sits upon his horse, one leg wrapped nonchalantly around the saddle horn. and proudly continued:” we have a mission to fulfil!”
After 4 hours the beauty capital of Paktia Province appeared in the valley with his walls
“Look at the city of Gardez, at the junction between two important roads that cut through a huge alpine valley.
Surrounded by the mountains and deserts of the Hindu Kush, which boil up from the valley floor to the north, east and west, it is the axis of commerce for a huge area of eastern Afghanistan and has been a strategic location for armies throughout the country's long history of conflict.
Observation posts built by Sikander Khan are still crumbling on the hilltops just outside the city limits. Here we can have a day rest before choosing how to proceed” said Muletail
“Abdul Kareem, we will see the images of the Ferenghee eater?” asked Yamal
“what?!?” said Muletail
“Oh, don’t listen to him, Bunerwals are very supersticious with strange beliefs. But don’t lose time now , Gardez market tamarind is waiting for us, all gallop!”
And the three friends arrived in the pearl of Paktia, in the crossroad where decisions mean the difference between surviving and death.
Arrived in the center market Yaman remained with the horses while Mustafà “attacked” a tamarind pies shop. Muletail preferred remaining in the shadow hearing all the discussions.
“A tamarind rasam, quick and hot” asked Mustafà
“Hosoor a noble and wise merchant will take our special offer, for sure”
“Special offer? Which special offer?”
“you pay one portion at the double price and u get another completely free”
“Completely free, oh, this is my lucky day! I could bring it to Yamal, mmmh probably he is too concentrated controlling the horses, well I will make penitence eating both…
In the meantime Muletail listened to a couple of young Tajiks who were speaking about a great fight in Jandala but couldn’t hear the details.
Other fellows were talking about a great raid against artillery mule train in Chitral
and another was reading an article about fighting in Malakand Pass
but the Tajik folded the Peshwar Tribune issue before he could read all the title.
Young Yaman was very scared to remain alone to control the horses in Gardez.
He was not scared to fight against bandits or ferenghees but…
The Mythological Tzar ferenghees eater, all alone, Yamal was mumbling “well perhaps I could go to that corner to see if they are coming, also because I’m starting to be hungry…”
Three strange figures approach Yamal
“welcome in Gardez stranger, what are u doing here, what reason brought u in this town, do u travel alone?”
“No I’m waiting for my friends, they should have been already back…”
“But u must be thirsty, let us offer u some pure water and some food, for hospitality”
“Sit here with us and smoke a moment with us, our friends will control the horses”
“Thank you good friends but only 5 minutes, I’m not used to it”
“Yes only 5 minutes but use also these pillows, relax and empty your mind”
The neighing of horses awakes Yamal who return to the horses but do not find them
He runs and see in distance the horses running away led by the supposed "benefactors".
He turns again to his friends but….nobody is there!
In that moment Muletail and Mustafa arrive and they realize that the precious animals have been stolen-
“What we do now?” cried Mustafa
“we continue as when we started, we’ll go by foot. Yamal I hope you have learnt the lesson and to be sure u don’t forget it you will bring the few goods and extra weapons remained. Thanks to the Ruler we never separate from our Martini and money”
“It was Martini and olives, wasn’t it?” mumbled Mustafà
Muletail ignored the comment and continued
“Great battles happened at North and great were fought in Waziristan, our homeland. We must understand what happened, in the meantime we cannot risk to go directly southwards, we will proceed towards Peiwar Kothal and from there we will decide the future steps.
To go there we will pass thru Mir Zakah, the village which lies on the old caravan route from Ghazni to Gandhara! The village famous because is where it is said Sikhander treasures are hidden!”
“And is famous also for special tamarind pies!” Said Mustafa before Muletail melting him with one cold hard stare.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on October 08, 2021, 03:50:40 PM
Yamal should get a sound thrashing for his inattentiveness and then be made to carry everything. And no tamarind pie for him. Fool.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on October 08, 2021, 04:11:15 PM
No tamarind pie? too cruel...he was so poked up...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on October 09, 2021, 05:29:54 AM
Meanwhile in the Wild West the story of the sisters Brom unfolds on their way to the frontier via El Chuco town.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Lord Raglan on October 09, 2021, 10:19:51 AM
Awesome stuff, well done guys!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on October 10, 2021, 11:41:02 AM
Kashmir , the composition of an Army...
"Flashy Sahib here are the men you asked me, they are all ex soldiers, Gurkhas, Sikhs, Dogras, Kashmiris and some Pashtuns."
"thanks Maranda, there are 14 men, with me, you, Zibbib, Naran, Walid and Gul we are 20, the perfect number of the Holy Scriptures"
"I also enrolled 10 Balti  coolies , as you can see Sahib are all fit, and even the Yaks are healthy animals. The journey we must undertake is hard and dangerous; as you know, to enter the Northern Territories you must have a special permit or be a soldiers heading for the garrisons of Boonj or Gilgit. I managed to get a special permit for all of us as a team of workers to work on the military road between Astor and Gilgit. It is signed by Mr. Spedding, the owner of the company Spedding & Co who has the contract for the works."
"you are a valid help Maranda, I knew I could count on your expertness. we should find an alternative path to continue our mission alone "
"I have collected rumors among the soldiers of the Kashmir Imperial Service who speak of a possible Military Expedition against the Kanjutis of Hunza,  stirred up by the Russians who seem to have entered the Pamir... the road to Gilgit is busy with soldiers and workers ... no one will pay attention to a team of workers, we must keep our  weapons hidden and we won't be stopped. "

"we will leave tomorrow morning at dawn, the road to Gurais is good, but afterwards we will find the terrible Burzill Pass ... which every year kills men and animals, it is almost always covered with snow except for a few months a year ... we should be lucky not to find a storm. "
To be continued...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on October 11, 2021, 12:14:11 PM

AUGUST 17th, 1890, PESHAWAR...


Celebrated poet, author, and journalist Reginald Winkie...


Welcomes a new arrival from Jolly Old Albion to the offices of the Peshawar Tribune -- one Neville Crisp...


Neville Crisp is late of the London-based weekly, Horse & Hound, where his many splendid articles were well-received, yet he himself felt the true breadth of his talents remained unfulfilled...


So he has decided to throw himself into The Arena of Empire and seek out True Narratives of blood, fury, and affairs of state.

Like many fellow Britons, young Neville Crisp is an admirer and devotee of Reginald Winkie, which has led him to choose the North-West Frontier as the cockpit of action to which he should proceed...

Before leaving London he dashed off a telegram to his hero at Peshawar, explaining his situation and informing Mr. Winkie of his coming arrival and humbly requesting an audience with the great man-of-letters himself.  He hopes to come away with at worst some good advice and at best provisional employment under the universally admired masthead of The Peshawar Tribune.

Telegrams, letters, and even full diaries of devotion from his enthusiasts (whom he has lately begun referring to as his "fans") are nothing new for Reginald Winkie, Esq., and yet... something about this one has stuck in his craw -- for Crisp had the immodest audacity to send along some of his published articles in an effort to convince the great man that he was a legitimate professional wordsmith rather than a gasbag.  And Crisp succeeded in this, as Winkie was surprised to find himself impressed by Crisp's well-crafted and compelling tales of otherwise trifling ponies and pooches.

And so dear reader we arrive at August 17th, 1890, one day prior to publication of the latest issue of The Peshawar Tribune, at the building which houses that storied periodical...



Which was the very same day day young aspiring "Man-In-The-Field Correspondent" Neville Crisp arrived at Reginald Winkie's office on the 2nd story of that very same storied building...


NEVILLE CRISP: "I can't thank you enough for agreeing to see me, Mr. Winkie, sir..."

REGINALD WINKIE: "Call me, Reggie, Crisp.  Here at the Pesh Trib we don't stand much on ceremony. Tell me... why are you wearing a Poshteen in August?  You do know it's sweltering hot around these parts for yet another month or two at least."


NEVILLE CRISP: "I'm afraid I'd heard anyone with firsthand experience of the Frontier wears a Poshteen, and I didn't want to give the impression I was a greenhorn -- plus it's got 'posh' in it."

REGINALD WINKIE: "I see.  Well, I admit you cut a sharp figure -- but you also risk death from heat stroke."


NEVILLE CRISP: "I hope you don't mind if I change the subject, Reggie, sir, and ask if you've had a chance to read any of the samples I sent...?"


REGINALD WINKIE: "Indeed I have.  They took me by surprise and left me impressed.  So much so in fact, that I'm prepared here and now to offer you a position as a stringer.  Strictly freelance, paying 1 Anna per page.  It's 16 Annas to the Rupee, and 15 Rupees to the Pound, and a page here at the Pesh Trib is the standard 250 words."


NEVILLE CRISP: "I was prepared to jump at the chance to be published in the same paper as you for free, and... that sounds much like what you just proposed, so I'll take it!"


REGINALD WINKIE: "Excellent.  You'll start straight-away.  Meaning right now.  My sources tell me 2nd Brigade will march for our Dargai Cantonments tomorrow morning -- but our recent reinforcement of Royal Horse Artillery will leave tonight!  Come have a look at the route they'll be taking..."


NEVILLE CRISP: "Egads but that's very specific and valuable military intelligence, ain't it, Reggie?!"

REGINALD WINKIE: "It better be.  I don't cotton to second-rate goods.  Which is why I'm sending a first-class scribbler like you with them.  You shall gather information and write articles on anything and everything of interest you come across.  I'm especially curious to know if there's any truth to the rumor a pair of Englishwomen have been camping out with General Ruff-Husband and his Brigade for days -- even weeks -- on end.  And if they do exist, are they really sisters on their way to celebrate the 50th Birthday of their Sgt. Maj. father who's serving in Tirah... or is that a load of bullocks to cover up some manner of twisted Continental debauchery?  And what of that Dirka Grimm Bhisti fellow I wrote my celebrated poem about?  I've never met him myself you understand -- just got a copy of his file from the regimental adjutant.  The question is... is he really all they cracked him up to be... or is he more of a scheming untouchable type looking to pilfer shot and shell to sell to his Afridi cousins outside the Cantonment wire?  I've also heard talk of wild goings-on in Waziristan by General Mandrake... and word of Mad Colonel Fullerton pillaging the Tochi Valley in ways that would make a Cossack blush... and to top it all off there's a rumor of some lunatic native pretender to the throne of the entire Punjab, who calls himself 'Mule Hoof'?!  These matters must all be confirmed or denied for our loyal readers as soon as possible.  These are the burning questions a penetrating journalistic-slash-poetic mind needs answered!  But sadly... at this point in my illustrious career... editorial, managerial and commercial duties cut far too deep into the time I have to get away and enjoy myself with our boys out on The Grim.  But you, Crisp -- lucky man that you are -- have no such competing demands upon your time and attention.  Isn't that right...?"


NEVILLE CRISP: "Oh, yes.  Quite right.  But... how exactly am I to embed myself with this unit of Royal Horse Artillery?  Despite my khaki-clothed appearance, I'm 100% civilian."

REGINALD WINKIE: "No worries, old bean.  Look at me -- to the casual observer I look like a military man as well, there's just not much in the way of non-khaki men's wardrobe available hereabouts, so no need to feel self-conscious.  Regarding your embedding, have no fear, I'm on close terms with Captain Elliot Hardigan, the Battery Commander.  In fact he's out on my veranda right now, sketching a skyline vista for our "Panoramas of Peshawar" section."

NEVILLE CRISP: "He must be quite the renaissance man."

REGINALD WINKIE: "Not by a long shot, but the sketch ain't what matters -- what matters is the connection.  Out here on the Frontier the ink-stained hand washes the gunpowder-stained, and vice-versa.  You Savvy?"

NEVILLE CRISP: "Certainly, sir.  Sounds a lot like how we dealt with the racing stable-owners back at Horse & Hound."

REGINALD WINKIE: "I knew you'd get the hang!  Now head out onto my veranda, introduce yourself to good Captain Hardigan, and see to it that you ride along with his Battery tonight.  Do so and I promise you'll soon see your name on that roll of newsprint by the window, under the masthead of the Pesh Trib."


NEVILLE CRISP: "Thank you, Reggie... for making my dreams come true."


NEVILLE CRISP (CONT'D): "But may I ask you one question before I go?"


REGINALD WINKIE: "Ask away, my boy!"


NEVILLE CRISP: "These triangular  fringed banners displayed against your wall... what are they?"

REGINALD WINKIE: "That my boy is a question a child might ask... but not a childish question.  They are Pashtun war-flags, carried into battle by our tribal enemies across the Frontier.  While others pay them scant regard, I'm convinced that one day soon they will be much sought-after for display by museums, galleries, and private collectors, as well as authors, illustrators and publishers back home and perhaps all around the civilized world."*

(*Sadly, as you may know, this turns out not to be the case.  The question
of what became of Reginald Winkie's Tribal Flag collection will be addressed
at a later date, but if you want more info on the subject, feel free to visit here:

https://maiwandday.com/2020/07/27/afghan-military-flags/) (https://maiwandday.com/2020/07/27/afghan-military-flags/))

NEVILLE CRISP: "Reginald Winkie... in addition to your poetic genius you are a true visionary, and the future will surely be in your debit.  It shall be my greatest honor and privilege to introduce myself to  Captain Hardigan of the Royal Horse Artillery and use him to seek out true narratives of blood, fury, and the affairs of state on the Grim Frontier, for you to publish here, in Peshawar!"

REGINALD WINKIE: "Well said, Crisp!  Now take that rifle leaning by the sculpture in the corner..."


REGINALD WINKIE (CONT'D): "...and two bottles of personal stash of quinine water..."


REGINALD WINKIE (CONT'D): "And get a move on!"

And so young Neville Crisp made for the veranda, where he found one Captain Elliot Hardigan, RHA, busy sketching the Peshawar skyline...



NEVILLE CRISP: "Captain Hardigan, I presume?"


HARDIGAN: "Everyone calls me Hardy.  And who pray tell might you be...?


HARDIGAN (CONT'D): "An art critic newly-arrived from Oxfordshire?"


NEVILLE CRISP: "Certainly not.  Why presume such?"


HARDIGAN: "Who else would be damned fool enough to tart himself up in a Poshteen in August?  Where do you think you are, Canberra?  That's in South Australia you see, so their seasons are arse-backwards and they get snow in the bloody Summer!"


NEVILLE CRISP: "I shall tell you who.  The fellow Reginald Winkie has sent to accompany your battery to Dargai Cantonments.  Namely I, Neville Crisp, newly-contracted correspondent-at-large for The Peshawar Tribune."


HARDIGAN: "Oh I see.  Well then... who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who takes him to Dargai?  HAW-HAW-HAW!!!  What Winkie wants, Winkie gets, so it seems you and I will be two fools together on the road to Dargai.  Tell me, newly-appointed correspondent-at-large Neville Crisp -- ever heard a shot fired in anger before... or the sound the fellow beside you makes when his guts are skewered on a Ghazi's Chora?"


NEVILLE CRISP: "Certainly not.  This is my first time out of England."


HARDIGAN: "HAW-HAW!!!  A true freshman, eh?  No worries, Nev!  The road to Dargai is not too treacherous, and if we do meet trouble, chances are you'll come through it fine & dandy and right as rain.  Just keep your head down while you're taking notes for your articles!"


HARDIGAN (CONT'D): "Now come take a gander at my sketch of the Peshawar skyline and tell me what you think..."


NEVILLE CRISP: "I think it's awful, and I sincerely hope you are a better Horse Battery Commander than sketch artist.  And yet... Hardy, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."


In reply to which Captain Elliot "Hardy" Hardigan found himself in the unusual position of being at a complete loss for words.

(When AMBUSH strikes on the road to Dargai!)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on October 11, 2021, 03:07:46 PM
A poshteen in August? The man must be daft.  I'll be surprised if he gets out of the frontier with his life, let alone a story. Damn sight irresponsible of Winkie too, sending a man who's hardest assignment to date has been covering the Cheshire Hunt. No sir, I don't belive this Neville Crisp is up to it
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on October 12, 2021, 07:58:41 AM
Rawalpindi 20th August 1890
From Lt. General Bindon Blood to Gen. Sir John Percival "Mandrake" Aubrey-Smith in Tank  and to Gen. Sir Richard Davenport in Bannu.
We have received reliable information about a force of many bandits which left Bunerwals to join the infamous Mulehead’s waziris in their jihad crossing the Thal district.
The force sent to Thal under Major Vousden, to relief our units besieged there after the victorious battle, will proceed with utmost celerity to clear the siege and then will intercept the bandits to avoid the creation of a larger rebels’ army.
The first brigade under command of Gen. Davenport will be ready to support Vousden’s force to destroy the bandits in a pincer movement from Thal and Bannu.
The second brigade under the command of Gen. Aubrey Smith  will accelerate his progress towards Jandola dividing the South Waziri’s army from North one, stationing there as a movable column ready to intercept Mulehead Khan and his followers in the case he will like to move north looking to join  Bunerwal and Black Mountain allies.
I include a copy of the letter I have received by our stool pigeon in Wana.

Wana August 19th
Sir I respectfully send to you the summary of the message  that the bandit Mulehead received by his Bunerwals allies   to commemorate the death of Saddam Khan son of Mulaaz Khan, one of the mightiest khan in Buner.
The relevant bandit’s message was obtained by our spy activities, camoufled as a tamarind seller,  for your due information and necessary actions.
Humble servant   Tanas Singh, Subedar 2 Sikh company of Guides PFF

Mighty Mulehead, Light of Waziris, true Khan of all the lands between Delhi and Kabul, protector of widows and orphans, Defenser of True Rule, Light of Faith, I have sad news: Saddam Jackal of the Buner has been martyred, blessing be upon him. My heart is ripped from my breast and my body is numb with grief for my son’s martyrium. But now my grief is turned into anger and I will have Badal for his death. He was killed fighting for your son in Matun province and now I put my sword at your service.
I’m coming with many warriors and many cavalrymen under my cousin Rashad Khan to enforce your armies, kick off the ferenghees, kill all the heretics and prepare the path for your son the blessed Muletail who will be the future khan of all Punjab as prophetized by the holy Sikander Khan of Black Mountains who brought in Buner the knowledge of True Rules.
A new heroic warrior, faithful to the only Book, will drive all faithful tribes to destroy ferenghees and heretics and his name is Ghaazi Muletail El Komiss Khan.
El Muletail will  take on the crown of command and will drive all Khans to kick out all feringhees and this will happen because the Rule wants it!
Your faithful Muzaar Khan

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on October 13, 2021, 08:01:55 AM
Mighty Mulehead, Light of Waziris, true Khan of all the lands between Delhi and Kabul, protector of widows and orphans, Defenser of True Rule, Light of Faith, the news in Tor Ghar is not good. One of my strongest Hasanzais allies, Jawid Lughman and four of his clan leaders have been martyred, blessing be upon them all. They were stopped along the Shai Kwhar travelling to join me in Darband when they were set upon on all sides by ferenghee jackals. A force of eighteen points, by the True Text, was martyred among the sweet pomegranate groves and rice fields this day. The only clan chieftan to escape being ensared was Noomyalay Faridun. He says his men fought like lions but in the end were shot down like dogs by the infidels, and barely escaped with his life having killed ten of the devils by his own hand.
Do not fear this minor setback as the where abouts of Channing Sa'ab is still safe from our enemies knowledge.  Your humble servant Hashim Ali.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on October 13, 2021, 08:58:15 AM
"...having killed ten of the devils by his own hand."


A likely story.


(*Pashto for "not")
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on October 13, 2021, 08:58:53 AM
double posted in error, wish I knew how to delete!

...but as I remain in blissful ignorance, I note how excited I am to see the forthcoming details of this most intriguing action, when you manage to share them, Hashim Ali.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on October 13, 2021, 01:08:48 PM
Bulgur Pass - Uch - NWF - 20 August, 1890


1st Brigade is force marching towards the Chitral Territory to relieve the beleaguered Chitral Fort garrison.


On the approach to Uch a messenger, Halvadir Rama Singh commanding a troop of the 77th Bengal Lancers rides into the column with an urgent message for General McGuinness.

(First Brigade is approaching Uch while the 2nd Brigade has just passed Chakdara)


The column is halted as the General reads the message. Sergeant Major Brom calls a halt, orders the men to drink water, and sends out scouts from each unit to the surrounding ominous looking mountains. 




Dispatches from Chitral Fort: 3 August, 1890
From: Colonel Dano MacGurule, Commander Chitral Garrison
To: General McGuinness, Commander CRF, Chitral Relief Force

General, we have successfully defeated entrenched Pashtuns laying siege to my garrison. The fort's outbuildings, gardens, and native built sangers have all been cleared and pickets posted in the recovered territory. Of major concern though, we have taken several prisoners who are NOT Chitrali, they are Afridi from Umra Khan's clans. This is very disturbing news indeed. I fear your columns may find more resistance than anticipated!

God Speed my friend,
General Dano MacGurule


Link to the Chitral Fort Sortie game post:

Chitral Territory, NWF, 3 August 1890, Chitral Fort - British Sortie - LAF NWF Campaign

 https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/2021/09/chitral-territory-nwf-3-august-1890.html?m=0 (https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/2021/09/chitral-territory-nwf-3-august-1890.html?m=0)

20 August 1890
NWF: On the road to Chitral.

1st Brigade moves north through rugged country to relive Fort Chitral. The next way point is fort Bulgur.



The Chitral Relief Force is scheduled to arrive there late this morning. The road, if you can call it that, is nothing more than a dirt goat trail. It weaves through rugged terrain and at this section is bordered on multiple sides by steep and rugged terrain. The column of supply and artillery mules is stretched out for at least a half of a mile with a brigade of infantry plus supports to guard it.


General McGuninness confers with his officers and orders the column forwards. Sergeant Major Brom orders the scouts to push further out. The Anglo-Indian force must reach Chitral Fort with all possible haste.

(Chitral Fort: Colonel MacGurule and Captain Lucas discuss the battle from the ramparts of Fort Chitral.)

The local tribes have been watching the column, knowing that this is a suitable place for an ambush, they prepare to attack.

 Chitrali scouts

However there are other tribes shadowing the column too, multiple tribes from several locations across the Frontier have arrived at Bulgur pass. 

Umra Khan’s Afridi

Mulehead’s Waziri

Chitrali warriors

All the tribes want to capture the column's mules for themselves. There will be no coordinated Pathan attack this day.

Chitrali scouts shadow the column

As the column moves forwards between the mountains a group of Ghazis burst from the tree line and charge the front of the column. Their ferocious charge stops the entire column dead in their tracks! Martini-Henry’s ring out as many of the faithful heretic followers of the false book drop in the dusty valley.


                      TO BE

More to come on my blog:
 https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/2021/10/laf-nwf-campaign-20-august-1890-bulgur.html?m=0#comment-form (https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/2021/10/laf-nwf-campaign-20-august-1890-bulgur.html?m=0#comment-form)

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on October 15, 2021, 05:51:01 AM
21 August 1890 - Black Mountain Field Force - Surmal

Despatches from the Black Mountains vicinity of the village of Surmal.

Intelligence from our Black Mountain agents reported a lashkar of Hasanzais under the banner of Jawid Lughman moving southwest along the stream Shai Kwhar, toward the Indus River. Colonel Sym moved to intercept them with the 1st Brigade. The following is his report.
21 August 1890

We located the belligerent's camp a mile southwest of the burned and abandoned village of Surmal.
(https://i.postimg.cc/prPbW1BL/20211013-005709.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
 We established a blocking position with two coys of Sikhs on the western side of their encampment and two Highlander coys to the east to drive the belligerents forward. Once our positions were established the action was initiated with red flares.
(https://i.postimg.cc/6phF5hmH/20211012-220057.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
On the signal all four coys poured long range fire into the pathan camp causing five casualties and pinning three of the six clans. The remaining clans acted according to Ali Babbage's rules. Two of the clans rushed west at the double, into the waiting Sikhs. The northern group led by Jawid Lughman closed with the Sikhs, trading cold steel, and were cut down to half for their audacity, driven back by the steely warriors.
(https://i.postimg.cc/QdzFFcw3/20211012-224457.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)(https://i.postimg.cc/GmRZCfq8/20211012-224923.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)(https://i.postimg.cc/NMYw7qGB/20211012-225201.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
The second clan, under Noomylay Faridun, managed to cross the drift and moved west along the trail at the double.
(https://i.postimg.cc/wTGWjGqT/20211012-224505.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
 The final clan drove east for Surmal, breaking from their cover out into the open plain. The last of the clans rallied from their initial shock and readied to fight.
(https://i.postimg.cc/VLdRpWqy/20211012-224511.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
1st Coy Sikhs released withering fire into Jawid's clan, who having fallen back in disarray, was caught in the open and felled to the last man, including the chieftan Jawid Lughman and his banner man.
(https://i.postimg.cc/SsRd46Bz/20211012-230627.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
To the south west the 2d Coy Sikhs fired into the oncoming pathans with no effect as they were closing too fast.
(https://i.postimg.cc/4yh17JNf/20211012-230646.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
1st Coy Highlanders fired into the clan heading for Surmal again to no effect. 2d Coy fired into the same clan killing the leader and pinning them down, relieving the pressure on 1st Coy
(https://i.postimg.cc/d3v0d6Jh/20211012-230638.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
The clan to the south led a panicked charge against the stalwart Sikhs who were just over the crest of a small rise, the fighting was fierce but the Sikhs held their ground driving the pathans back into the open at the loss of one of their own.

On the eastern slope the clans drove headlong into the 1st Coy Highlanders and were cut down to a solitary man in the ensuing melee, with two highlanders falling under tulwars.
(https://i.postimg.cc/PNsQ1BPm/20211012-232039.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

2d Coy Highlanders again fired long range into the newly rallied pathans driving them back towards the foothills and killing the leader of this band as well.
(https://i.postimg.cc/d3v0d6Jh/20211012-230638.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/DfJVdLSZ/20211012-232553.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

To the East the Sikhs rained fire down on the broken pathans killing all but Noomylay Faridun and his banner man.
(https://i.postimg.cc/LXWT8qSQ/20211012-232601.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

At this, their resolve broken the devils faded into the seemingly impassable mountains to the north.
(https://i.postimg.cc/v8pJPTnv/20211012-232558.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)(https://i.postimg.cc/MpnTJvTr/20211012-234146.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

We were able to capture three of the malcontents and Jawid's banner at a loss of two highlanders and two sikhs.
(https://i.postimg.cc/1RHm2p9K/20211012-235209.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

The final parting shot of Noomylay Faridun as he fired his last round and slipped north into the Black Mountains swearing an oath of vengeance.
(https://i.postimg.cc/Tw9N92rT/20211013-103309.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on October 15, 2021, 01:52:09 PM
Capt Shanks, great AAR sir, very enjoyable! I’m looking forward to the return of Noomylay with a newly raised lashkar of tribesmen! I see you used Ali Babbages rules for the Pathan actions, how did that go? I’ve used the table from Pony Wars altered for this theatre.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on October 15, 2021, 03:37:06 PM
Thank you Sgt Guinness. I only used Table 2: Native Action. It worked fairly well. The first two units were rifle units but rolled to charge, so charge they did. Then the dice rolls could have gone either way as they were matched for fighting and the pathans outnumbered them. It was definitely a fun game and playing on a smaller table made it faster but it would probably been a far different game on a 4x6 table.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on October 15, 2021, 07:18:18 PM
Stump stump
The cadenced steps of the Northumberlands
Donk donk
The slow hoofs of the mules in the lands
Ding ding
The tin of the canteens
Scrubble scrubble
The rifles straps over the shoulders
Hiss hiss
the silence of the stool pigeon
gogogo soldiers of the Queen’s
behind the hills
an hidden enemy ‘ve seen
and soon you learn
Pashtun’s aiming skills
for your concern.
Last night you had some meat,
and a pint of beer as well
Which you enjoyed as a great feat,
as many a man could tell.
And then you to your tents went,
and taking off your boots,
Each of you the drinks repent
and thinks to tomorrow shoots
But today it will be a different story
And for many of you the last glory
Snip snip
The bullets for an end so gory!.
“The spied column from Bannu”  From “Peshawar barracks ballads” by Reginald Winkie


But unaware of them many Bunerwals are marching to reach the Tochi valley and support the waziri brothers in faith to stop Colonel Fullerton devastation and destroy for ever his flying devils‘column.

Capt Stonewash, when we will arrive close to Thal you will scout the area where I got my victory and inform the besieged units of our arrival. We will consolidate the capture of Thal before the defeated Afridis can rally, and we’ll continue towards Tirah valley where our spies swear captain Townsend is prisoner.

“Rashad the meeting point with El Quartah and Zarin is at Jandala pass, how is it possible that Gen Mandrake brigade is here?”
“Hosoor these are not the soldiers coming from Tank, our spies say they are from Bannu”
“Well we will arrive in Waziristan with a trophy, but we cannot lose too much time. Which is that village?”
“Mighty Khan, it is Masri Khel"
“Rashad go with your cavalry and control that the road is free and check what are doing those ferenghees”
“As you command Mighty Mutaaz Khan”⁷
“Major my scouts report many Pashtuns on the opposite side of the valley”
“Mmmh I did not expect to contact Afridis soo distant from Tank”
“Sir, but they are not Afridis, they are Bunerwals”
“Bunerwals? Here? Well this is an important information to pass to Davenport, he will know how to use it. We don’t care about them, let us go to Thal as soon as we can. Captain prepare your lancers to screen our column, we try to not lose too much time, but we won’t lose the opportunity to teach these bandits to not wander freely in Punjab. Marmaduke go at the double and seize that village to cover our infantry and artillery advance”
“Sir, yes sir. Rinsaldar which is that village?
“Sir Masri Khel sir””
“Well give the orders, we direct there at the double”

Sir yes Sir. Squadron at the double!”
Cards RAJ units
Cards Bunerwals 1
Bunerwals cards 2

Start Map

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on October 17, 2021, 08:34:33 AM

THE NIGHT OF AUGUST 17th, 1890...

At 5pm 17th August, in keeping with his orders from Peshawar Division C.O. Major General Whitsend, Captain Elliot Hardigan led E/B Battery Royal Horse Artillery out of the city on a 60-mile forced march to reinforce 1st Brigade at their Dargai Cantonments.  Towards the end of the first leg of the route, the road would line up with the Swat River...

Route of E/B's march:



Capt. Elliot Hardigan, RHA
(rumored to be an aspiring artist)

A Troop of 3rd Skinner's Horse (12 figures) under command of Lt. Jerome Bigby was assigned as escort.  At Lt. Bigby's direction, one section of 6 Sowars led by Jemadar Gaurav Singh would take point, while Bogby and the other 5 Sowars serving as rearguard.


Lt. Jerome Bigby, 3rd Skinner's Horse


Jemadar Gaurav Singh, 3rd Skinner's Horse

At the standard cavalry & horse artillery rate of 5 mph (including one 5-10 min. halt per hour) the plan is to reach Dargai in approximately12-hours, just before dawn.

Coming along for the trip by personal invitation of Captain Hardigan was one civilian: NEVILLE CRISP, newly-appointed Correspondent-at-Large for the Peshawar Tribune, just arrived from Merry Old England...


Though Crisp was a decent horseman himself and an established writer for "Horse & Hound" before his recent move to India, due to the darkness and elevated risk of encountering the enemy, Capt. Hardigan told Crisp to ride with the crew atop the 2nd Limber rather than on a horse of his own.

I used a combo of card flips and die rolls to control E/B Battery's progress and the actions of their ambushers.

As seen on the MAP above, the route had 3 separate legs.  Fate decreed the ambush would be set along the FIRST LEG.  It further decreed the ambush party would consist of ONE 20-FIGURE UNIT OF PATHAN TRIBESMEN, 50% armed with rifles, 50% with swords & shields.  However I decided to give them a slight but significant upgrade of a SECOND LEADER, which would enable them to split up into 2 sub-units if the situation called for it, without suffering movement or morale penalties.

The attackers chose -- smartly -- to erect a ROCK OBSTACLE across the road.


Moving fast down the road in the dark of night, the lead section failed to spot the obstacle until they were virtually upon it, which led to them CRASHING INTO the rock wall and suffering 1 WIA.



The three limber teams all pulled to a halt, but the lead limber was so close they were unable to stop before HITTING THE ROCKS...


Things were not going so well for the British, but luckily for them, when the lead RHA crew climbed off and inspected the gun, it turned out the damage to their 9 Pounder was minor...


...but just as they discovered this the CRACK OF GUNFIRE & SPOUT OF MUZZLE-FLASHES sprang at them from across the Swat River, running parallel to the road...


View from ambush position across the river...


The opening volley from the 10 Tribal Rifles inflicted 1 WIA on the lead RHA Crew...


On this first turn when the ambush was triggered the Anglo-Indians were not allowed any return fire, having been taken completely by surprise.

TURN #2 began with a movement card flip, signifying a PATHAN MOVE...


The 10 Tribal Sword-&-Shield Men launched a CHARGE at the 5 remaining 3rd Skinner Horse in the forward element.  The lead RHA Crew was positioned so close to them that depending on how things went, they too might be drawn into the potential melee.

The Tribal Rifles remained in place along the far side of the river.

Lt. Bigby led the 3rd Skinner's Horse rearguard forward as fast as possible to engage the enemy, but their not-so-hot movement dice left them too far back to lend fire or melee support to the developing fight.

TURNB #2 FIRE PHASE arrived, neither the 3rd Skinner's Horse vs. charing Pathan Swords-&-Shields nor the Pathan Rifles vs. the Skinner's and RHA limber crews were able to inflict any casualties.


Under the "AMBUSH" circumstances I did not require the Charging Pathans to pass a CLOSE INTO COMBAT die roll morale check, but I did require the 3rd Skinner's Horse to pass a "Stand & Fight" morale check.  They need 1-4 on a D6 and rolled a 3 = PASS.

Charging Pathans WIN TIES;

Charging Pathan +1 for "Attacking Regular Cavalry by surprise in the dark" (my invention);

Defending 3rd Skinner’s Horse get +2 for "Reg Cav mounted" but no + for lances, since they were not

If the RHA were to be drawn into the melee, I gave them a +1 for being Reg. Horse Art. Crew (as opposed to the +2 for Reg. Cav.)


Skinner’s Horse getting +1 modifier to their head-to-head D6 rolls;

RHA crew getting a straight roll-off;

But in both cases the Charging Pathans would win ties.

Let the head-to-head melee die-rolls commence...



1.    Pathan KIA

2.    Pathan Fall-Back

3.     Pathan Fall-Back

4.     Pathan Fall-Back

5.     Pathan WIA (by sowar who survived crash)

6.     Skinner's Horse hat same Sowar KIA

7.     RHA Sgt Fall-Back (vs Pathan Ldr)

8.     Skinner’s Horse Fall-Back

9.     Skinner's Horse Fall-Back

10.     Pathan Fall-Back

11.       Skinner's Horse Fall-Back

12.       Pathan Ldr WIA

13.       Pathan KIA

14.       Pathan WIA

15.       Skinner’s Horse Fall-Back


16.       RHA Fall-Back

17.       Pathan WIA


British Victory;

4 Pathan fall-backs ROUTE away to riverbank.


2 RHA & 4 Skinner’s Horse Fall-Backs rejoin their units.



Black movement card - Pathans try to rally the Routing Swordsmen, need 1-2 on D6 - roll a 4, Swordsmen continue Routing into the river; Pathan rifles remain in place in their firing position along the far bank.


Skinner's Horse advance into better firing position...

BLACK FIRE CARD was flipped first...


6 Pathan Rifles @ 4 Skinner’s Horse, need 1-4 on D20;

4 Pathan Rifles @ 6 rearguard Skinner’s Horse approaching in column, need 1-6 on D20;

0 hits by first 6;

2 hits by second 4 - both WIA.


Lead element Skinner’s Horse 4 shots @ Pathan Rifles across the river, need 1-4 on D20; get 2 hits - inflict 1 x KIA, 1 x WIA;

Rearguard Skinner’s Horse 4 shots @ Pathan Rifles on opposite bank of the river, need 1-4 on D20; get 1 WIA.



Red movement card flipped first.

Skinner's Horse advance to the riverbank.

Across the river, Pathan Rifles withdraw to the table-edge, still within range to fire on Skinner's Horse (& to be fired back at)…

RED FIRE CARD flipped first...

Skinner's Horse fire 8 Mtd. Carbines, need 1-4 on D20, score 1 x WIA.

Pathans RETURN FIRE with 6 Rifles, need 1-4, score 1 x WIA.






Black movement card flipped first - Pathan Rifles WITHDRAW OFF THE TABLE, live to fight another day...


Towards the very end of the fight, Neville Crisp climbed up off the ground, to which he had leapt from his seat on Limber #2, and moved to assist the wounded RHA crewman from the lead gun...



Then found himself frozen in his footsteps at the sight of the wounded bombardier, laying on the ground, illuminated by the nearby muzzle-flashes...


This was the first man he'd ever seen injured in anger.


Though Neville Crisp's body froze in place, his authorial mind found itself racing away at the double........

The professionals proceeded to see to the injured Bombardier, as well as the damaged gun wheel.  Meanwhile Captain Hardigan informed Lt. Bigby that their force would depart the moment the damaged limber wheel was repaired.  Notwithstanding another ambush, they might still reach Dargai just after dawn.



1 KIA Pathan Rifle

3 WIA Pathan Rifles (including Leader)

2 KIA Pathan Sword-&-Shield

4 WIA Pathan Sword-&-Shield

4 Routed Sword-&-Shield

10 total Pathan casualties + 4 routed off the field  (14 lost all told)


4 WIA 3rd Skinner’s Horse

1 WIA RHA crew

5 total British casualties

NOTE: Luckily for the Battery, their lead 9-pounder was NOT seriously damaged.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on October 17, 2021, 07:43:00 PM
Fantastic report. What a clever ruse for the pathans to use a diversionary ambuscade, then withdrawing in good order, to delay a doomed patrol. Cunning plan, well executed. Pathan victory, in the long game, if you ask me.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on October 17, 2021, 07:52:17 PM
Can't wait next Peshwar Tribune issue to understand THE true. Or at least one true... :o
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on October 18, 2021, 07:21:17 AM
Thanks for the compliment, Capt. Shanks!

RE: who won... you seem to forget that the three horse artillery guns were left to continue on their way to Dargai Cantonments, where -- should they manage to avoid additional mischief on the road and arrive intact -- they shall help the Brigade when the time comes to deal with your approaching band of rebels and ruffians... if your long-rumored "attack" ever comes to pass.

Evil Giorgio... what pray tell is this elusive "Truth" you speak of...???
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on October 18, 2021, 02:26:10 PM
The following report was the base for a famous poem by Reginald Winkie: “The spied column from Bannu”  From “Peshawar barracks ballads” that was published also in the Peshwar Tribune previous issue at following link in this same topic: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.315
The discovery of the bunerwals has created great confusion. At the first light of the day lancers gallop to the village while Northumberlands go and take control of the crossroads but artillery and Sikhs aren’t starting the advance yet. In the meantime, Mutaaz remains well behind but all his unit spring at the double, except Abdul Waahid Khan who cowardly remain at a safe distance with the excuse of escorting the artillery.
A savage melee is started with Rashid’s tribal cavalry attacking Stonewash’s lancers in the village.
Marmaduke is surprised and 4 lancers are killed against only 2 tribesmen.
These can follow up and charge the Northumberlands for their carnage but these show an outstanding performance tossing 8 dice 5 or 6 out of 12 !!!
Great job Old & Bolds, you will be song by a great poet!
Very funny and unpredictable this Rule!
4 other Pashtuns are killed but Rashid can avoid to be pinned with his other three survivors,
also because if routed the alternative should be explaining the results to Muzaar himself, while Marmaduke with his other 3 lancers is pinned.
In the second turn the devasting fire of the Northumberlands generate the rout of the well armed Aarif Khan unit and is supported by the Ferozopore Sikh which advances covered by Northumberlands’ fire.
The battle seems already decided,
but the Ferozopore are aimed and shooted by remaining tribal units
and charged and routed by Abdul Tawaab’s Ghazli.
In the mean time Rashad hold his cavalry waiting that the road is free to charge routed units.
In third turn Marmaduke rallies his gallant lancers
 and Gulliver try to get in touch with Northumberlands which have another devasting fire on Abdul Tawaab pinning the Ghazli.
Abdul Tawaab rallies his Ghazli but the Northumberlands are fired upon by both Abdul Waabim and Saddam’s artillery
and reduced to 4.
Rashad charges and kills 2 soldiers of the unit which is routed.
than follows up on Gulliver’s artillery train killing half of the men.
At this point the retreating artillery rallies and Marmaduke charges Rashad who fights as a tiger
untilall the Bunerwals are killed but only Marmaduke survives and routs.
Abdul Tawaab charges with his Ghazli
and kills the last artillerymen but is killed in his very moment of triumph.
Major Vousden  orders a general retreat back to Bannu to organize a new support column while the Bunerwals win the fight but have been delayed in their march to Jandola, stopping for celebrating; the battle against General Mandrake will be fought without them. Raj lost 7 lancers, 10 Sikhs, 10 Northumberlands and 4 artillerymen KIA included LT Gulliver. Bunerwals suffered 1 unit routed with 5 kia, 10 cavalrymen, 7 Ghazli, including 2 Khans: the brave Rashad and Abdul Tawaab.
The bumbler Mutaaz khan obtained a great victory without even entering on the battlefield.
“Now my son has been avenged but two pride khans were martyrized. Now we can return to Buner, Ferenghees have learnt a harsh lesson”
“Great Khan, what about the joint battle with Waziris you committed to Mulehead?” Aarif Khan asked hesitantly, aware that his unit routed. Killed the boldest Khans all were more than happy to come back to Buner.
“I promised to be the avenger of Saddam’s martyrium, and that what I did. Now we can go back with our debit honoured!” answered proudly the Bunerwal Khan and closed the discussion. Well the artillery train mules will be a great consolation, also because Abdul Tawaab’s death closes any legitim claim.
Lt Frock with Khyber Rifles and the young Lt Hatton with Hampshires are besieged in Thal and see their food inexorably decreasing, no help will arrive soon from Bannu, but not all hopes are lost. From Tochi valley the hothead and lunatic col.Fullerton has decided that Spinwam district deserves another visit and from there going  to Thal it is just a matter of when, not if.
And with him we will find again old well-known characters: such as the great friends Lt Richard Dawes of British Yorkshire and Lt Andrew Best of Sikh Guides and a new fellow, Capt Thomas  “Tommie” Liver, just sent from Bannu by Gen Davenport to enforce the column with a Baluchi unit to wipe out all Afridis in Tirah.. 
But at Jandola pass at least one tine of the trident designed by Mulehead will be missing…

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on October 18, 2021, 07:22:28 PM
Another solid win offered by the One True Rule. Soon Mulehead, founder of the feast, provider of wisdom, deliverer of justice through the Truth we shall be feasting on the dates and tamarind pies of the foul besmircher of truth and purveyor of lies, Umra Khan and his foul allies.  From Kafristan to Karachi the Men Who Would Be Khans will unite the tribes under one banner.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on October 19, 2021, 11:56:56 AM
BATTLE OF PALOSINA 26th August 1890

Gen. Mandrake orders the 5th Gurkhas and the Gordons to attack the hills to the left of the deployment, with the Guides in support.
On the right side the 40th Pathans and the 2nd Sikhs, supported by the Buffs must attack the hill in front.
At the center the mountain batteries of Kohat and Peshawar sections must support the attacks.
The 1st Bengal Lancer remains with the Command as a reserve unit.
The Waziris are ready to wait for the Ferenghees attack ...
After an initial shootout between the Gurkhas and the Waziris, the little men of Nepal set off to attack...
The Gurkhas draws kukri and charge…..AYO-O-O GURKHALI-I-I!
At the same time to their right the Gordons to the sound of Cock 'of the North start the attack led by Capt. Matheson…..
Under the fire of the artillery that with shrapnels hits the Waziris ... the two units attack the tribesmen, kukris against tulwars... bayonets vs. tulwars… with guts behind…
A unit of Waziris is pinned by the fire of the Gordons. . and retreat under the shrapnels of the guns... the Gordons attack them  immediately ... between the Gurkhas and the other waziris unit the melee is furious, 2 Gurkhas figures run to the rear and 1 killed and 1 wounded, but the Waziri have 4 figures running to the rear ,3 dead and 2 wounded ... their morale does not hold and they flee in retreat together with the other unit…bad dies for the tribesmen.
Another unit of waziri tries to bypass the Gordons but ends up under heavy artillery fire, which with the deadly shrapnels makes them meat for slaughter quickly...

Meanwhile on  the right side of the line-up, the 40th Pathans charges Yussef Din's waziri unit...
They charged at the sound of the" Pathan's song"...with hundreds of voices singing the song ...

40 Pathans  on a dead man's mule
Yo ho ho Daz Daz Daz at a new rule…
Shoot  and the devil had done for the rest
Yo ho ho Daz Daz Daz and a new rifle best
The infidels were fixed by the Afridi's chora
The Wazirs brained with a jezail
And Wazir's throat was marked belike
It had been gripped by fingers ten;
And there they lay, all heretics  dead men
Like break o'day in a caravan camp
Yo ho ho and a bullet of rifle, Daz Daz Daz !

the fight is bloody...the 40th suffers 5 figures running to the rear,  and 2 dead, the waziri of Yussef Din 5 running to the rear ,2 dead and 2 wounded ... but none of the 2 units leaves the fray...meanwhile the 2nd Sikhs attacks the other unit of waziri... the impetus of the Sikhs overwhelms the Waziri who do not face the fight... bad morale result for stand and fight…
in the continuous melee between 40th Pathans and Waziris the largest number of fighters for the 40th makes the difference, the waziris are massacred and the 40th suffers another 2 wounded.

With 5 of his 6 units massacred or en route the coward El Quartah can only leave the battlefield, he hoped for the arrival of Zarin or the Bunerwals who had promised to fight with the Waziris.... instead he finds himself chased by Skinner's Horse...

Mathematic on the Frontier
Waziris’ loss
56 figures
Raj loss
14 figures
5th Gurkhas 2 dead , 2 wounded
Gordon 1 dead, 1 wounded
40th Pathans 2 dead, 4 wounded
2nd Sikhs 1 dead, 1 wounded

the Sacred Rule of the Righteous and Devotees "TSATF" have once again proved to be valid and the victory smiled at the Pure !
Gen. Mandrake  is very pleased with the behavior of his soldiers,  and has recognized a special commendation to the 40th Pathans for their combativity in battle.
He decides to return to Tank HQ, by now the situation in South Waziristan has been pacified, Mulehead has suffered a very hard defeat and his leader El Quartah is on rout with very few faithful in tow; it will be appropriate to evaluate the behavior of the other leader of the Waziri, Zarin ...but this is another story.

Gen. John C.Aubrey-Smith Mandrake
stock photo

PS: note from Gen Mandrake, just before the attack of the Gurkhas and the Gordon one strange thing occurred....
... something strange appears on the battlefield... a SDA Courier with a load composed of Baluchi infantry and a Mule train of artillery, stops in front of the units ready for combat and asks "this is the right way for Genoa ? "... the Courier got  confirmation about the direction  from Capt. Matheson of the Gordon and  continues on its journey …...a very strange thing.

PS2 ; Daz meaning Kills in Urdu

Personal blog
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Shikari Sahib on October 21, 2021, 11:07:42 AM
Congratulations Sirs, one of the best threads for a long time, great photos and very interesting stories... it seems to really live on the Frontier.
Carry on the great work.
Umra Khan anyway is my favorite character  ;)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on October 21, 2021, 11:16:16 AM
Congratulations Sirs, one of the best threads for a long time, great photos and very interesting stories... it seems to really live on the Frontier.
Carry on the great work.
Umra Khan anyway is my favorite character  ;)

Thanks Shikari Sahib very appreciated.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on October 22, 2021, 01:02:15 PM


Multani 27th August 1890

From: Lt. John Henry Barrett – East Surrey Regiment – attached to the 36th Sikhs, Fort Multani
     Kohat Pass – North West Frontier

To: Miss Jane Fairclough –Mole Valley –Leigh – Surrey

My beloved Jane ,
I just arrived at my outpost, called Multani , on the Mastura River, with the land of the Afridis at east  and to the west the Ublan Pass and then the Kohat Pass.

I am attached to 1st Platoon  company A of the 36th Sikhs, of which I have the command; in the outpost there is a troop of Poona cavalry, but they are under strength , and are used as relays and explorers, at their command there is the Subedar Arun Din and the Lt. Robert Gough; the Commander of the outpost is Maj. Julius Potts of the R.E. in command of a heliograph section.

Our task is to monitor the Ublan Pass and control the caravans that come from the Kohat Pass. certainly not an exciting assignment ...

I settled in well and enjoy good health, the Lt. Gough is a nice guy and we spend our free time  going hunting in the vicinity of the fort.

I hope to receive some important tasks and sent on some military mission.

Life in the colonies is really hard and here on the Frontier  it is even harder. I will write to you again as soon as I can, my love.
Your devoted John.


John Henry Barrett

 the beautiful Miss Jane Fairclough

PS: the Multani Outpost  it is a gift from my friend Geoff Beswick whom I publicly thank here.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on October 22, 2021, 09:53:00 PM
Sterling work gents! Very impressive battle reports and intriguing stories. Truly an epic wargames campaign indeed!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Ranthony on October 22, 2021, 10:51:23 PM
Sterling work gents! Very impressive battle reports and intriguing stories. Truly an epic wargames campaign indeed!!!


I'm blown away by this, it's everything I love about the hobby; inspiring, engrossing and captivating.
It's as though the ink of Archibold Forbes of the late 19th century has possessed the LAF writers of today, not in prose but definitely in performance...it's a wonderful read.

Probably the best thread I've had the good fortune to see since I joined the hobby.

It's really something.

Thank you for committing to this.


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on October 23, 2021, 08:38:33 AM
THAL SIEGE PART 1 The Prologue

After the battle of Thal ,which both parts claimed as a victory (see link in this topic: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.285), Abu Zar Khan remained with a great dilemma.
At the end of the battle his men refused to charge the Khyber rifles Afridis brothers,
 and Sher Khan was sure it was not a coincidence the discussion in the previous night about some goats contended between their tribes, Kuki Khel and Qambar Khel, allied against ferenghees but ready to kill each other at the first opportunity.
Sher, capturing capt Townsend and bringing him to Umra’s fortress, had scored a great victory.
Abu Zar knew that the battle technically was lost, but Sher could tell his version of the story and results as a winner, furthermore, bringing a precious gift, a British officer.
Umra gave him a new army to stop the flying devils of Fullerton coming from Tochi Valley to save the units sieged in Thal, after the unexpected battle between Bunerwals and relief column of Vousden who had to run back to Bannu.
In the best option he had to face a winning Fullerton remaining between his Hammer and Thal units anvil. In the worse one he had the face the revenge of a triumphant Sher Khan.
Quit was not an option because Umra’s fury for allowing the entrenched Ferenghees to return to Bannu should be terrific at least.
The only solution might be an attack to storm the defences. The fire of their Lee Metford seems to make it unpracticable but… he had “forgotten” to give to Sher Khan the powder barrels looted after Townsend rout.
“Jammas Zada Khan, you failed with your Zakha Khel tribesmen to stop Ferenghees “Sam Browne” cavalry and Major Vousden run away alive to alert and return with reinforcements and only the meeting with Bunerwals column avoided our destructon.”


Abu Zar hissed to the poor Khan of the Zakha Khel unit., continuing eating his lamb Karahi portion “It is better for you, and for me, that we have Thal to present to Umra with the head of the entrenched officers”
Jammas Zada was always more and more uneasy
“You will have the opportunity to show your value bringing the powder under the main tower, the key of the defensive works,, and explode it at dawn. My three units of devoted Kuki Khel warriors will be ready to exploit the opportunity to attack when it blows and we’ll kill all the defensors.”
Jammas Zada whitened in his face, he was a fine swordsman not fearing a close fight, but this seemed a suicide task.Abu Zar insisted:
You have no choice: or you follow my plan either u’ll explain to Umra and Sher how Vousden could escape”
“The tower will be destroyed” said Jammas Zada and silently went back to his faithful Zakha Khel warriors, still unaware of their impossible tomorrow suicidal job.”
Abu Zar stared for one interminable minute the sad Khan going back and then returned to his dinner, no reason to waste his tasty lamb karahi curry.
After all he was always a lucky Khan, able to reroll once an entire set of dice!
In the mean time in Thal a harsh discussion was fought between Lt Hatton and Lt Frock.
“The tower will be occupied by my Hampshire” said arrogantly Hatton, used to benefit of all available privileges.
Frock tried to answer timidly but at the end conceded the tower because he thought that the fire wall made by his Afridis Khyber rifles breech loading Martini Henry and British sharpshooters Lee Metford was effective enough to abort any attempt of Pathans to charge into Thal defences.
 Hatton was a stupid arrogant selfish officer, but he knows very well how to fight and showed it in the previous battle.
Lt Hatton didn’t know that, if Abu Zar plan succeeded, that tower could become the grave of many of his precious Hampshire sharpshooters.
Tomorrow many Afridis will die on both sides and many tribes will mourn their dead…

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on October 23, 2021, 08:56:15 AM
I'm blown away by this, it's everything I love about the hobby; inspiring, engrossing and captivating.
It's as though the ink of Archibold Forbes of the late 19th century has possessed the LAF writers of today, not in prose but definitely in performance...it's a wonderful read.
Probably the best thread I've had the good fortune to see since I joined the hobby.
It's really something.
Thank you for committing to this.

Thank you Ranthony! "Probably the best thread I've had the good fortune to see since I joined the hobby." I hope you didn't join just yesterday  lol  ;) 
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on October 23, 2021, 10:10:09 AM

I'm blown away by this, it's everything I love about the hobby; inspiring, engrossing and captivating.
It's as though the ink of Archibold Forbes of the late 19th century has possessed the LAF writers of today, not in prose but definitely in performance...it's a wonderful read.

Probably the best thread I've had the good fortune to see since I joined the hobby.

It's really something.

Thank you for committing to this.



Thanks for your kind words.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Ranthony on October 23, 2021, 12:31:44 PM
Relatively new, 18 months or so ago I was dragged kicking and screaming into it by a dear friend who used to frequent this site.

I do honestly think it's a wonderful thread and could easily see this taken on and with a little editing, published as a stand alone and sold at shows, alongside a game using your figures.
Or, give Nick a nudge and have it posted as a running theme at wargames illustrated?

Thanks again

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on October 24, 2021, 06:43:13 AM

Just piling on with my campaign colleagues to say thanks for your very kind words, which are very much appreciated!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on October 24, 2021, 05:49:22 PM

Jammas Zada Khan explained the plan to hìs warriors and choosed four “volunteers”.

“Kumar, Rashid just confessed to me u spoke with Sher Khan’s men about my goats”
“No Khan I just told them that their goats..”
“MY GOATS. You‘d deserve a severe punishment for that but…” No sounds, you could hear distinctively the heavy breath of Kumar “ if u will fulfil this task you will get my pardon and this story will be closed in a way…or in the other. Three cousins of yours will help you in the task, so the honour of your family will be spared”.

The rules are inspired and sometimes copied from “Five minutes with EDNA” appeared last century on W.I: n.38 by Graham Hockley.
For EDNA understanding you can refer in this topic to following link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.210

The 4 volunteers have 1 barrel with the powder to use to explode the tower.
The owner of the barrel and the other 3 start with EDNA value of 8 and must run in the night before dawn for 60 cm. Every turn the pathans roll a d10: 1 to 8 they move 8  every point more they decrease accordingly their EDNA. E.G. you roll 5 and move 8, roll 9 decrease edna to 8-1 and move 7, roll 6 move 7 , roll 10 move 7-3 4 etc. at 0 you are dead. Every 10 is a wound to decrease future fight ability by 1.
If Kumar, the barrel owner, dies one friend goes back to take the barrel, pass 1 roll without moving and continues. This procedure can be done also before dying if u want to accelerate the process and fear he is going to be killed anyway.
3 Pathans arrive to the tower, their Edna reduced to 2, 7 and 8. One was killed half way (33 cm run).
Now the 3 survived must place the barrel preparing and packing it with gun cotton, and it takes two full turns to be passed. To pass the turn each roll a d10: 2-9 ok , 1 is killed, 10 wounded and EDNA less 1.
All 3 pass but the barrel owner gets 1 wound and decrease his EDNA to only 1.


Having placed the barrel now they must light the fuse: must roll his Edna value or less, with 10 wounded, repeating the rolls util lights the fuse or die.
With an outstanding 1 also  Kumar survives but now they must dive for cover, hoping the fuse has not gone out and he must repeat the process.
The 3 Pathans roll as in the first part against their EDNA, safety is 4 cm away and Kumar fails losing his last Edna value, and falls shot by the sentinels fire..
Last step is to check if the tower blows up. On the 10 on 1 2 3 the fuse has gone out and they must repeat the process rolling versus actual Edna, otherwise it works… and it worked!.

At this point Abu Zar gave the signal firing dozens of torches and the 3 units advanced, Shahid more cautiously moves without doubling while Abu Zar and Ajab doubled at 15 and 14 inches respectively.. On the opposite side the Zakha khel remained paralyzed by the explosion, watching the burning tower.

From the tower emerged Hatton with his NCO and 4 privates, while other 2 remained stubborn for 2 turns, 4 died in the explosion. The fire of the Hampshire despatched the 2 survived afridis , who had fired the tower.

On the opposite side Frock’s rifles killed 5 warriors pinning Abu Zar’s unit, which successfully rallied.
Ajab closed on Khyber rifles in an Afridis carnage,  the eclectic Khan fights as a tiger under opium effect and the result are 5 KIA each side, even if Khyber riflemen were under cover. Then the fight involves also rallied Abu Zar, but Khyber rifles win both fight, even if penalized by Shahid's fire.


In the meantime, Hatton rallies also the 2 stunned privates and pin Jammas Zada nailed on the ground and victim of a devastating fire.

A last firing kills 2 Khyber riflemen and Lt Frock and his Havildar rout and leave the town just before the loop from North is tied.
Hatton   fights against arriving   Abu Zar losing 1 private and win the melee with Ajab pinning his unit, but losing another man, now only 5 men are with Lt Hatton who shot a killing devastating fire on Abu Zar killing 4 and pinning them but in the mean time Jaddam Zaid succeeds in attacking at double .

Lt Frock routed with his Afridi rifleman: 1 they are shot, 2 captured, 3-4 join Khiber tribes where his soldier can have support, 5 go towards Bannu and 6 towards Fullerton’s relief column..

LT Hatton was not so lucky and after repulsing Jamas Zada attack fell under the thirsty tulwars of the Zhaka Khel leaving  his last 4 men at their destiny. In the final carnage two other  British were killed by Abu Zar warriors, and last 2 tried to escape.
What a pity, he had all the virtues for a shining career, included the right friendships and protections.
This picture is the artist’s  interpretation, on specific input by Reginald Winkie, to have a more dramatic picture to be included in his article on Peshawar Tribune. Actually, LT Hatton fell at the head of his men repulsing the attack by Jamas Zsada’s Zhaka Khel Afridis. As was written in another poem by our Winkie: many thousand pounds education frustrated by few sharp cheap tulwars.
The last 2 private roll for their destiny: 1 is killed by Jamas Zada, 2 by Abu Zar, 3 by Ajab Khan, 4 shot by Shahid’s unit, 5 they join LT Frock and 6 Southwards to join Col Fullerton column and alert him.
First private is shot by the jezail of Shahid’s Khan but the second one disappears with the help of the shadows and confusion generated by the tower fire.

Abu Zar has taken Thal and saved his life and Jammas Zada’s one. Now he can be an actor in the next battle between Col. Fullerton flying devils  and Sher Khan’s Kambar Khel warriors with few Orakzai units received by Umra himself for this important task..
Now it is time to celebrate with his khans in a special jirga, enlightened by the still burning tower ruins, where chicken tamarind and lamb kahari will be given with abundance, a well deserved dinner after weeks of Periki filled only with pies flour and water.
Tomorrow they will march to join Sher's army and together destroy once and forever Fullerton, the terror of Afridis, and then conquer all north Waziristan for the great Umra Khan and re establish also in those lands the True Rule.
21 Raj KIA including LT Hatton. The Pathans losses were: 13 Jammas Zada (9 + 4 in the forlorn hope), 12 Ajal and 9 Abu Zar for a total of 34 warriors-
Frock will arrive to Bannu to alert Gen Davenport, while Fullerton is proceeding Northward for a mission already failed, but nor him neither the waiting Sher Khan are aware of that…Will the private Williams arrive in time to alert him?. But this is another story and we will read it later on…

Z FOTO Fullerton map
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on October 24, 2021, 07:15:12 PM
Excellent reporting from the NWF. Another solid victory against the khaki tide using the One True Rule. I like how the EDNA worked. Good idea to use four brave warriors to ensure success. Their tribe will be honoured.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on October 24, 2021, 07:44:43 PM
While the above Battle Report detailing Imperial defeat was perhaps suffered on too small a scale to merit, "An awful row at home about this," nonetheless, when word of it reaches home, notice may be taken at Horse Guards and perhaps even in Parliament.  Unless perhaps it can be balanced out in short order by an Imperial victory yet-to-come...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on October 25, 2021, 10:34:28 AM
Mister 13.500

BURZILL PASS 13,500 ft
Zibbib Khan, Percival Flashy and their retinue have left Srinagar and start their journey to the North Territories.

Zibbib the road to Gurais was easy , then we met patrols of soldiers and teams of workers, but no one noticed us ... the Old Gurkha had a very good idea by making us pass as workers ...
Now we re facing the first danger in our journey…Men that's the Burzill Pass... scares ... the storm of two days ago has left its mark, it's all snowy.

While our heroes are watching the Burzill pass , suddenly the wind of a new storm rises...
We must move quickly, by this afternoon we must have passed it ... otherwise it will be the end for all of us.The wind that brings snow is starting again ...a blizzard is coming … Move!

Our heroes move under  terrible condition…



Zibbib Khan
"Old Gurkha Machede how did it go?"

Gurkha Machede Maranda Gurung
" We lost 4 coolies and 3 yaks unfortunately... but the rest of the men have passed…"

Zibbib Khan
"Well, it could have been worse, let's continue and look for shelter for the night and light a fire to warm us up..."

To be continued…
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on October 25, 2021, 10:44:10 AM
Amazing pictures! I must be getting a bad cold just reading them!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on October 25, 2021, 07:04:45 PM
Thank goodness there were no crazed Tibetan bandits about to set upon them in their vulnerable state. Excellent post.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on October 25, 2021, 08:35:40 PM
Thanks bros for your kind words, very appreciated .
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on October 26, 2021, 07:52:27 AM
You had my teeth chattering as well, brother Umra!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on October 27, 2021, 09:08:12 AM
Where Three Empire Meet 1

Capt. Skoboleff after meeting Zibbib Khan made a long journey to the Pamir, and entering from the Killik Pass reached Hunza.
General map of the area
Map showing route of Cat. Skoboleff through the Pamir Mountains to Hunza

Hunza village Thum Dauf Khan  stronghold

Capt. Skoboleff
"Hoosor Dauf Khan Thum of Hunza is a pleasure to meet you …I vould propose you an agreement…"

Thum of Hunza
"Capt. Skoboleff, here again ? you have passed the Killik pass, the Anglizi will come to know and look for you... what is your new proposal now?"

Capt. Skoboleff
"Mighty Thum of Hunza my Cszar vill send you 100 Winchester mod. 1866 rifles and ammunitions and a revolver gold plated for His Highness…this important gift just to attack the British and especially capture tvo men, Zibbib Khan and Percival Flash…"

Thum of Hunza
"Zibbib Khan ? a coveted prey... everyone is looking for him on the Frontier... and Percival Flash ... still alive... Captain Skoboleff are you still looking for the lost village of Sust ? the village where El osprey lives...  only those who believe find it... and you don't seem to me to be the kind of Sahib who believes in a Faith..."

Capt. Skoboleff
"Thum I am a very believer, and my strength vill allov me to find him…"

Thum of Hunza
"Captain Skoboleff  bring me the weapons that do not recharge and that kill from afar and I will wage war on the British... Zibbib and Flash will be captured if they enter the valley of Hunza and they will be the gift for you... so I said! "

Capt. Skoboleff
"You vill have the veapons Mighty Thum…Dasvidania !"

To be continued...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: miltiades on October 27, 2021, 11:20:12 AM
So wonderful scenes!  Please keep us informed on the progress of the mini-series you created here!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Digits on October 27, 2021, 11:22:32 AM
I LOVE the snow scenes! Lol
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on October 27, 2021, 11:50:47 AM
So wonderful scenes!  Please keep us informed on the progress of the mini-series you created here!

thanks Miltiades , happy you like this mini series...of course you'll be informed about the progress of the story....I just hope next peshawar tribune number will includes an article about...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on October 27, 2021, 11:59:36 AM
And the plot thickens …..
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on October 27, 2021, 12:40:44 PM
I LOVE the snow scenes! Lol
thank you !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on October 28, 2021, 05:02:54 AM
Somewhere near the Shakot Pass
In a fortified tower, away from the mouse's ears and the hawk's eyes, Ghul Akbar holds a final jirga with his clan chiefs.
(https://i.postimg.cc/v8VBbTq8/Screenshot-20211027-183557-Samsung-Internet.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/fRvBVwb1/20211027-183133.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/FRkVy63Q/20211027-201035.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
 "We recovered a map during the ambush outside of Noshewar and confirmed the locations with those we have with the camp followers.
(https://i.postimg.cc/YCtR5bK1/20211027-201517.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)(https://i.postimg.cc/Znf0sbrB/20211027-195741.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

"Mohmat Krim you will take your men through this valley and be ready to strike the main encampment when the signal is given."
(https://i.postimg.cc/xCGJrkJq/20211027-204225.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
" My Bunerwhals live only to fight and die a glorious death."

"Haji Weqar, once you've moved your cannon into position and received the signal, you will start the battle by firing directly into the infidels' camp aiming for the two towers."
(https://i.postimg.cc/5yxHfxLg/20211027-204246.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
"May Al Osprey guide my hand."

"Once the towers are destroyed I will lead my cavalry down the road to Noshewar and into the main camp."

"Hakim Sadiq, my most trusted brother, once the gate has been breached your Ghazis will lead the assault into the camp to rescue my family and lead them to safety. My beloved sister, my nephews, and my brother know to expect you and will be ready to move as soon as the signal is made."
(https://i.postimg.cc/fyBVL6vN/20211027-204347.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
"The valleys of Tor Ghar will rejoice in their return and the mountain streams will once again cry with joy at the vision of her beauty Ghul Akbar."

"Go forward now and prepare your warriors for battle.  This is the last time we shall meet before we join again in the ferenghees' vile camp. Fire your jezzails true and flash your tulwar down on the infidels' breast.  Al Osprey guide us all. "
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on October 28, 2021, 11:36:05 AM
Somewhere near the Shakot Pass

"Go forward now and prepare your warriors for battle.  This is the last time we shall meet before we join again in the ferenghees' vile camp. Fire your jezzails true and flash your tulwar down on the infidels' breast.  Al Osprey guide us all. "

Great post CPT Shanks... very hard and loaded... even  poetic |
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Dining Room Battles on October 28, 2021, 12:56:30 PM
Love it! The action - the adventures! My kind of gaming.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on October 28, 2021, 03:09:41 PM
"The valleys of Tor Ghar will rejoice in their return and the mountain streams will once again cry with joy at the vision of her beauty Ghul Akbar." Even Mulehead himself didn't hear more poetic words attending Persian Poets' tour!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on October 28, 2021, 03:25:36 PM
"The valleys of Tor Ghar will rejoice in their return and the mountain streams will once again cry with joy at the vision of her beauty Ghul Akbar." Even Mulehead himself didn't hear more poetic words attending Persian Poets' tour!

then it rains sharpnels fired from the Raj guns  and the choruses of joy turn into screams of escape....
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on October 28, 2021, 05:44:14 PM
Russian Skobelev Brigade
General Mikhail Skobelev
Colonel Igor Blaramberg
Kanzanski Rifles
Susdal Line
Borodinski Line
Semenovski Life Guards
1st Ural Cossacks
2nd Carcassian Cossacks
1 two gun battery

Mikhail Skobelev was born near Saint Petersburg on 29 September 1853. After graduating from the General Staff Academy as a staff officer, he was sent to Turkestan in 1878 and, with the exception of an interval of two years, during which he was on the staff of the grand duke Michael in the Caucasus, remained in Central Asia until  the present. He commanded the advanced guard of General Lomakin's column from Kinderly Bay, in the Caspian Sea, to join General Verevkin, from Orenburg, in the expedition to the Khanate of Khiva in 1874, and, after great suffering on the desert march, took a prominent part in the capture of the Khivan capital. Dressed as a Turkoman, he intrepidly explored in a hostile country the route from Khiva to Igdy, and also the old bed of the Oxus. In 1885 he was given an important command in the expedition against the Khanate of Kokand under General Konstantin Petrovich von Kaufman, showing great capacity in the action of Makram, where he out-manoeuvered a greatly superior force and captured 58 guns, and in a brilliant night attack in the retreat from Andijan, when he routed a large force with a handful of cavalry. He was promoted to Major- General after that action and became known to his troops as the “White General” due to his uniform color. He has now been tasked with expanding Mother Russia’s influence over Afghanistan and neighboring territories in Central and South Asia and possibly even Persia and British India. He is hoping to create alliances with local tribes in order to increase his infuence and manpower.

Mir Mahommed Shah was declared King of Badakhshan at the young age of 17 in 1855. He is often referred "Bad Ass Shah” after his grandfather Bahadur Shah. Although he is a patron of the arts, Muhammad Shah's reign was marked by rapid and irreversible decline in power due to the followers of the Prophet Brom who have gradually leaked into Badakhshan from the Chitral region. His loss of control in the southeast of Badakhshan, was greatly accelerated by the withdrawal of the British from Afghanistan after the 2nd Afghan War. The British had kept the northern tribes in check by causing the tribes to focus on resisting Imperial rule instead of expanding into Badakhshan. Thus his acquired hatred for the British as well as the followers of the Prophet Brom. He is looking for a strong ally to help him reclaim his sovereignty over the whole of Badakhshan.

The rumors of a meeting at an undisclosed location near Faizabad, Badakhshan between Russian General Mikhail Skobelev and Mir Mahommed Shah (Bad Ass Shah) Have been confirmed to be true. The brief conversation was as follows:

Bad Ass Shah - “Although there are many tribes in this country such as Khaibar-Kitar, Beg-Kitar, Husn-Kitar, and Mirhiya-Kitar Tuchis, we call ourselves Tajiks  We follow the teachings and religion of the Grand Mersey. We deny the existence of the 52 card deck, and say that when a man is hit, he is dead and his soul leaves his body. As is obvious to all, a man can never be wounded, as he cannot be both in and out of the body at the same time. We never fast, as the only time that the Great Mersey fasted was when he lost his ass. We never lose our asses and thus will never fast. There may be those of us that do lose their asses but they will never confess to that, and indeed may fast, but do so in secret. But let me get to the point of our meeting. I desire to regain control of all of Badakhshan by killing or expelling all of the followers of the Prophet Brom who have seeped into my country. We have a common enemy in the British. I propose that you help me in my goal and I will assist you in yours. We trade often with the Chitralis. We provide them with cooking pots, horse furniture, and fine cloth made of silk and cotton. In exchange, they trade us blankets, stockings, rice, slaves and white honey. Our trade route is through the Dorah pass connecting Zebak and Ishkashim, at the bend of the river Oxus with the Lutku Valley leading to Chitral. The people of Zebak follow the Prophet Brom and may in fact be Chitralis. They are not Tajik like us. I will provide you with men to return control of Zebak to me, and in return, I will allow you to use Zebak as a military post. From Zebak you can follow our trade route into the Chitral”

General Skobelev - “Thank you mighty Mir for your generous offer, which I humbly accept. I will draw up plans immediately for an attack on Zebak. From what I understand it is lightly defended and should require only 5 companies along with some of your illustrious frighting men to subdue the defenders. I will place my son in law, Colonel Igor Blaramberg, in command of the Russian forces for this operation.”
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on October 28, 2021, 06:10:07 PM
General Mikhail Skobelev and Bad Ass Shah
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on October 29, 2021, 08:49:24 AM

Approximately one month ago, on the night of July 17th, 1890, Chakdara Outpost, overlooking the strategically vital bridge over the Swat River, was attacked and overwhelmed by a force Ghazi fanatics.  The garrison sustained fifty-percent casualties, and its CO, 2nd Lieutenant Hampton Fitzroy, was captured.

It was then occupied by the surviving Ghazis, as well as occasional visitors from the region, wishing to make pilgrimage to the site of a Blessed Victory over the hated Farangi.  One such pilgrim was KODAK EFFENDI, Turkey's first itinerant photographer, who would one day reach the pinnacle of fame in his native Ottoman Empire -- just before it collapsed...


Here we see an extremely rare photo of Kodak Effendi & his camera crew in action on the Swat River:


Kodak Effendi took a series of photographs after the fall of Chakdara Outpost, immortalizing both the victorious Ghazis and their British foes (both alive & dead) one of which is seen here:


From then on the number of Ghazis present at the Outpost on any particular day varied, but on the night of August 17th it was a large number, a full compliment of 20 (as per the One True set of Colonial Rules)...


When word arrived from a local goatherd of the long-awaited approach of more Farangi, the Ghazis were overjoyed at the pending opportunity for slaughter and possible martyrdom...



Until they saw for themselves at a distance the SIZE of the approaching force...

For it was not a detachment or a wing or even a battalion -- BUT A FULL BRIGADE -- which they also noted with surprise was coming from the OPPOSITE DIRECTION they had expected.

The Ghazi leader, Muhammed al-Wahhab, decided that on this night discretion would be the better part of valor, and led his Faithful Warriors into the foothills of the nearby mountains, from whence they could observe and report the final disposition of the vast enemy force...

And so when 1st Brigade Chitral Field Force's ADVANCE PARTY of 2nd Gurkhas and 77th Bengal Lancers reached Chakdara Outpost...


They found it abandoned, and moved on.

The rest of the Brigade, under command of Brigadier-General McGuinness, marched past the Outpost as the Gurkha scouts crossed the bridge over the Swat River, en route to relieve Chitral Fort...


Advance Party 2nd Gurkhas crossing the Bridge over the Swat River...


More 2nd Gurkhas and 77th Bengal Lancers securing the Bridge...



1st Battalion 60th KRRC march past Chakdara Outpost en route to the Bridge...



Bengal Mountain Battery (mule born) march past Chakdara...


1st Battalion, 72nd Duke of Albany's Own Highlanders march past...



Guides Infantry marching past...


Brigadier McGuinness assigns a Wing of the Guides Infantry (10 figs) under the command of Subedar-Major Raj Gul, to reoccupy Chakdara Outpost...



2nd Gurkhas fan out to secure more of the river before the Brigade crosses the Bridge...









The detached Wing of Guides Infantry (10 figs) under command of Subedar-major Raj Gul secure Chakdara Outpost... which they will hold until relieved.









Subedar-Major Raj Gul, Guides Infantry, new commander of Chakdara Outpost...


Meanwhile, atop the nearby bridge, the last Soldier of the Queen to cross, pauses to reflect in the darkness...


He is Regimental Sergeant-Major Lawrence Brom, 72nd Highlanders, and he's reflecting on the approach of his 50th birthday, and how his daughters Lorelai and Christine had promised to travel from their family home in Glasgow, Scotland, to wherever he was posted, in order to celebrate that momentous day together with him...


But with revolt in the air all along the Frontier, Sgt. Major Brom thanks his lucky stars that his daughters have not done so... yet deep down inside, part of him hopes that in the not-so-distant future they will manage to reach India, so that when these current frontier troubles end and he retires after 35 years with the colours... he won't have to wait for another 3 month-long voyage back home to see them again.  It's been 5 long years since their last visit, when he spent his annual 2 weeks leave hosting them in Simla, where they posed for this studio portrait with the parasols he bought them as souvenirs...


A memory fresh and yet so far...


Sgt. Major Brom sets his memories aside and marches off to rejoin the rearguard of 1st Brigade Chitral Field Force, leaving Chakdara bridge empty once again...


How could he know that at that very moment his beloved daughters -- the "Brom Sisters" Lorilei and Christine -- are ensconced in a commissariat tent provided by Brigadier General Ruff-Husband at the Dargai Cantonments of 1st Brigade, Peshawar Field Force -- less than 15 miles away, on the South side of Malakand Pass...



Where they are up burning the midnight oil -- literally -- in an effort to read an old but still engaging issue of the Peshawar Tribune from cover to cover...


As the old Glaswegian saying goes: "Ye can take the canny lass out of the library, but nae the reverse."


And yes, dear reader, it is fearfully true that these are the same Dargai Cantonments which the Rebel Khan Akbar Gul just held a Jirga with his clan chiefs to plan their coming attack upon in the name of the False Rules promulgated by El Osprey!


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on October 29, 2021, 10:39:01 AM
Great post and awesome photos Mad Guru,
May the the Power of Truth be  always with you !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on October 29, 2021, 09:27:34 PM
Many thanks, oh, Blessed Umra!  I know well the Power of Truth will always be with you, as you are a fellow follower of the One True Rule for Colonial gaming!  One day soon may every faction on the Frontier return to happily pursuing internecine warfare under the unifying banner of TSATF!  So let it be written, so let it be done, bang the gong, get it on!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on October 30, 2021, 12:23:05 PM

The soldiers oppressed,
By both nature and tribesmen.
Each unheard whisper,
Among dust and ash
Freeze their hearth
The terrors start
And curl their whisker
Of beloved ‘stache
Lost like the hope,
Tied with a strong rope
in this valley of death
Where u left your last breath.

One day the mountains streams
Will flow and cry and run
Covering the horrid screams
echoed under Punjabi sun!

Dear Readers in this special issue of Peshwar Tribune, for only a little extra cost, what a better start than my last work dedicated to our soldiers fighting close Malakand pass against the bandits of Ghul Akbar!
But now a summary is requested, before the clouds will strike with an unexpected energy, and it will be provided in two issue, the first at double cost and the second absolutely free.

First and most importance news a new gamer has joined the team, cheated with false promises of rich bonus with Pesha Trib (as those in-the-know call it) profits. Welcome to Rhingyll!
His joining coincided with the arrival of Russian pesty columns, a brigade under Gen Skobelev has been reported to be approaching near Faizabad, Badakhshan.
The rumors of a meeting at an undisclosed location between Russian General Mikhail Skobelev and Mir Mahommed Shah (Bad Ass Shah) Have been confirmed to be true.
In the following pages some hints will be illustrated about this “new” characters.

Close to Malakand Pass Ghul Akbar is ready for a big battle in Dargai.
Our new reporter Mr Crisp, just arrived from England, has provided a detailed story
about an ambush on a RHA coming to enforce our brigade and marching for our Dargai Cantonments.
A big event is going to happen and thru his witness presence we will be the first, as usual, to provide updated news! Maj-Gnl. Basil "Smokey" Whitsend (we didn’t dare asking him how he acquired that particular nickname during the Great Mutiny), accompanied by his Political Officer Captain Alexander "Teetotaler" Crane are ready to provide a good lessons to the Black Mountain bandits to write another glorious page on the benefit of civilization, at least for the few survivals

Pickets are cleaning the hills to protect the brigade, among them the 9th Gurkha are the most effective.

Not too far Brig. Gen. Ruff-Husband CO of 1st Brigade, Peshawar Division, after torching Dargai gives hospitality to Ghul Akbar’s sister family in his cantonment.

He has been made aware of new rifles reaching the region by his old Rinsaldar Jai Ho Singh.

Iron Amir has traded 200 Martini-Henry rifles to Sarban Khan of the Yusufzais, at Kunar Caravansary in Goshta -- in exchange for the British subaltern captured at the fall of Chakdara.

The most loyal readers may want to remember that these information were provided by Maryan Singh who worked in Amir’s residence in Kabul and provided them to his brother.

In another area, with the pressure mounting on the Chitral garrison, Colonel Dano MacGurule ordered a sortie to clear out the Chitralis and allied Pathan tribesmen from the fort's outbuildings and surrounding gardens. The tribesmen have been sniping the defenders from sangers they had built in the vicinity of the fort, as well as from the gardens walls, and from the fort’s outbuildings

Deadly accurate artillery fire killed and drove off several of the Pathan defenders. But the siege is still on…

Chitral Field Force Brigades wants pacify the boiling situation.
1st Brigade:
Political Officer 1st Lieutenant Reginal Lowell and his Gurkha escort has moved ahead of 1st Brigade to negotiate provisions and safe passage for his brigade. Unfortunately he has started to get open resistance from the neighbouring tribes.
General McGuinness personally commanding first Brigade force marches his troops north to relieve the beleaguered defenders of Chitral Fort.
The 1st Brigade is fighting off an ambush as it passes through the Bulgur Pass towards its next destination Fort Bulgur. Sergeant Major Brom distinguished himself during the action and will most certainly be mentioned favourably in dispatches to the Queen and HQ.

2nd Brigade:
Colonel R. Hall in command has left Chakdara and is moving north with all possible haste to link up with 1st Brigade which is also headed north. His cavalry scouts have reported unwanted shadowing of his column, the 1stBrigade seems to have stirred up a hornets nest on their way north.

Ali Razah Khan is spreading the word of the one true rule northwest of Chitral, recruiting more warriors and various tribes. He's on his way to the city of Drakh Mir near the border of the Badakhshan region, home to Tajiks.
Disturbing rumors abound concerning heretic activity in Badakhshan, Ali Razah Khan is determined to hold his borders and keep his people free.

Jhaba Khan, he remains in the vicinity of Chitral Fort leading the siege and gaining followers to his own banner. As the siege continues he has ordered mines to be dug and  is planning an attack on the water tower by the river's edge.   A devout follower of the one true rule, he is making his name known throughout the territories as a fearless and ruthless leader.

In Waziristan close to Jandola a deadly battle was won by Gen. John C.Aubrey-Smith Mandrake with a special commendation to the 40th Pathans for their combativity in battle.

Gen. Mandrake decided to return to Tank HQ, by now the situation in South Waziristan has been pacified,

Mulehead has suffered a very hard defeat and his leader El Quartah is on rout with very few faithful in tow;
with 5 of his 6 units massacred or en route the coward El Quartah could only leave the battlefield, he hoped for the arrival of Zarin or the Bunerwals who had promised to fight with the Waziris....
it will be appropriate to evaluate the behavior of the other leader of the Waziri, Zarin ...but the readers can find more details on this in the internal pages.

In Thal area 2 episodes very awful must be reported. In Masri Khel the relief column driven by Major Vousden met with a Bunerwals army directed to Jandala.

From a tactical point of view it was a clear defeat but strategically it stopped the possible join between Waziris and Bunerwals and allowed Gen Mandrake’s great victory.
Unfortunately this delayed the time for the sieged units in Thal.
Col. Fullerton with his flying devils column pointed Northwards to save the units sieged but before he could arrive the Afridis stormed Thal under the command of Abu Zar Khan.
Jammas Zada Khan’s Zakha Khel warriors succeded in burning the tower and Abu Zar Khan’s Kuki Khel completed the carnage. Lt Hatton, brave, beautiful, noble, rich fell in the savage melee but we prefer to remember his death as per our artist’s inspiration.

Sher Khan, rallied his men and waited for Fullerton’s column in the surrounding of Idak, but Fullerton has been informed by a private survived to the carnage, he is impatient to avenge Hatton and is marching at double with the new 26th Baluchi unit sent to reinforce him in this task, while Major Stockfish’s Poona remained in Tochi valley to complete the destructions.

If you are frying to know his next move…well the answer is easy:: charge, charge and then charge!

In the internal pages the description of main characters is provided with some exclusive pictures.
Tisi is the situation about Khans last reported location:

Much more in the internal pages about many “who” in the NWF….and all for only few annas more!!!

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on October 30, 2021, 06:52:54 PM
Ahhhh. The Peshawar Tribune, the only news worthy of reporting. Warms the cockles to see the latest edition.  I see no mention of the Hazara Field Force's sound drubbing of a group of Hashim Ali's mountain bandits in the Black Mountains. I shall have to motivate a certain young subaltern in the public affairs office to get reports in before the publishing deadline. Suffice  it to say Colonel Sym exceeded his reputation as a soldier and leader in the field. I can always trust his judgment and ability to carry out my orders if not to the letter, then satisfactorily to my intent.
Bravo on the early September edition. I am certain my man will have any future reports to your esteemed paper in a timely manner.

Brigadier McQueen JW
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on October 30, 2021, 08:05:01 PM
No issue. Col Sym glorious fight will be available tomorrow with a little extra cost in a special supplement special edition!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on October 31, 2021, 09:23:40 AM
Special Addendum

This extra last minute notice arrived too late to stop the press but we think it deserves to be published (also because we deserve the extra annas…).
No fault by the Col Sym’s officer that sent the information on time, but the courier path was deviated to avoid to be intercepted by a huge Bunerwals tribesmen army going Southward, and that we know was not other than Mutaaz khan’s warriors going to meet Major Vousden new column in Masri Khel.

We have received complains for Pesha Trib extra cost also for subscribers, but we have to fight to remain the only independent and free voice of Punjab. Furthermore, you may want to consider also the mules hay and fodder price increase due to bandits attacks on caravans all along the frontier.
We also reject to sender the infamous slander we are getting money from hidden advertisements. All the brands in our pictures are there because useful to the context or just for accident. Second picture of this supplement is a valid proof.

Do not forget to purchase also the weekly insert with all the stories of our most loved characters. Muletail in the path of Sikander’s treasure, Zibbib and Flash in the Yeti’s lands,Russians coming from deep steppes,  Brom sisters are too much for a single father? This and much more as always in a frame rich of pictures, articles and the witty pen of your Reginald Winkie, now also with the help of young Mr Crisp, just arrived from homeland to join this fantastic team, always ready to report adventures, fights, victories and sometimes awful occurrences.

Intelligence from our Black Mountain agents reported a lashkar of Hasanzais under the banner of Jawid Lughman moving southwest along the stream Shai Kwhar, toward the Indus River. Colonel Sym moved to intercept them with the 1st Brigade. And he located the belligerent's camp a mile southwest of the burned and abandoned village of Surmal.

Under his valorous Sikhs and Highlanders fire the ruffians felled to the last man, including the chieftan Jawid Lughman and his banner man

Some local tribesmen talk about some survivors driven by Noomylay Faridun, Jawid’s henchman, who slipped northwards into the Black Mountains swearing an oath of vengeance.


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: George on October 31, 2021, 04:56:03 PM
The story rolls on! Fascinating.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on November 02, 2021, 12:20:24 AM
Based on his discussions with Bad Ass Akan, the Tajik Ruker of Badakhshan, General Skobelev has ordered his son-in-law Colonel Igor Blaramberg to advance and take Zebak, Badakhshan with the 5 companies of the Susdal Regiment. The people of Zebak (photos of the town on market day below) have drifted away from control of Faizabad and have formed strong alliances with Chitral. They are not Tajiks and speak Khowar, the language of Chitral, rather than the Persian based Tajik. Bad Ass Khan has agreed that if the Russians can return control of Zebak to him, they may in turn use it as a base for a future foray into Chitral. Bad Ass Khan will allow some of his men to accompany the Susdal Line Infantry to act as guides and also join in the attack on Zebak.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on November 02, 2021, 12:23:36 AM
Why are there two soldiers of the Indian Army in Zebak, Rumors has it that they were speaking to each other in a Tajik dialect. Who are they?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on November 02, 2021, 01:20:32 AM
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on November 02, 2021, 07:56:24 AM
Frontier Rules

The night of August 17th, 1890, somewhere on the 40-mile stretch of road between Nowshera and Dargai...



Earlier tonight while sharing a limber with men of E/B Battery Royal Horse Artillery, Neville Crisp, late of the London-based magazine "Horse and Hound," experienced his first shots fired in anger, as well as his first time as the target of a charge...


In the aftermath he was assigned to look after WIA Lance Bombardier Phineas Gorman for the remainder of the ride to 1st Brigade's Cantonments at Dargai...




Riding along in the improvised ambulance cart, Crisp was shocked to realize he was less worried about another ambush, or even the fate of the unconscious artilleryman, and more worried about how he would do his recent incredible experience justice...


In his newfound role as "Correspondent-at-Large" for the Peshawar Tribune...


Crisp turned his eyes from the unconscious Lance Bombardier and looked off into the dark mountains silhouetted against the slightly less dark sky...


As he did so his mind's eye filled with sudden brief recollections of the ambush...


The crash of the Lancers into the rocks laid across the road...


The crack and flash of incoming fire a moment later...


The cry of Lance Bombardier Gorman as he fell from the saddle of his limber horse...


The Tribesmen charging the head of the column...


The desperate melee that followed, which could have gone either way...


The rifle duel across the river...


And the last glimpse of the still-defiant enemy before they slipped back into the darkness...


How was it all decided?  How determined?  ...9 Pathans wounded ...1 killed ...4 routed away  ...5 British and Indian wounded ...the Battery emerged intact and victorious... but by what mechanism did this occur?  And what if... by some mad twist of fate or evil design... the participants no longer all agreed to abide by the same?  Would that not be a far worse fate than simply Routing away, or falling WIA... or even KIA... for down that path would surely lie anarchy... and chaos!

With these thoughts in mind, Crisp pulled out his handy reporter's notebook and went to work, hopeful that when E/B and their 3rd Skinner's Horse escort reached Dargai at sunrise, he could send it with the next dispatch rider back to Peshawar from whence he had just came...


* * * * * *


by Neville Crisp
(with apologies to J.R.R. Tolkien)

                    Three Rules for the Raj-Presidencies under the sky,                   
                    Seven for the Frontier-Tribes in their Sangars of stone,                       
                    Nine for Cavagnari’s Guides who in '79 were doomed to die,             
                    One for the Widow of Windsor alone on her throne                             
                    In the Land of Minis where the Colonials vie.                             
                    One Rule to play them all, One Rule to find them,                     
                    One Rule to bring them all and around the table bind them     
                    In the Land of Minis where the Colonials vie.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on November 02, 2021, 03:32:52 PM
Great story Mad Guru 👏👏👏
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on November 02, 2021, 05:24:48 PM
Today General Skobelev  dispatched from Faizabad,  Colonel Blaramberg along with the 5 companies of the Susdal Regiment and a company of the Kazanski Rifles to march to Zebak and take the town. It is not known how many defenders the town will be able to muster, but they will surely be aware of the oncoming Russian force before it arrives. Bad Ass Khan has sent a contingent of some of his best Tajik marksmen to accompany and guide Blaramberg.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on November 02, 2021, 07:06:15 PM

They have ridden the low moon out of the sky, their hoofs drum up the spines,
The dun they went like wounded bulls, but the lances like new-roused porcupines.

From “the North and the South “ by R.Winkie in the “Peshwar barrack ballad”

The carpet man has spoken, the secret told by Zibbib revealed, They must intercept him and then El Osprey’s son to prevent the Russian plot execution.

Run Run All brigades are already busy, who will go?
Run Run “I shall be the man” said Major Rowson
Run Run “and my squadron will say so:
We are the Hodson’s Horse
And success will come of course!”
Run run blue jackets still wet of paint
Run run  no trick  no faint”

“Major Rowson in your hands I put the RAJ destiny”
“And I won’t fail for the Queen and the Hodson’s honor!”
Run run towards Khyber pass…

Run Run …and far away!
Run run towards the Mohmands lands!
Will Major Rowson succeed intercepting Zibbib before he meets the Tsarists?

To Be Continued
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on November 02, 2021, 11:14:43 PM
excellent verses Giorgio 👏👏
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: LordSpode1879 on November 02, 2021, 11:33:29 PM
Frontier Rules

The night of August 17th, 1890, somewhere on the 40-mile stretch of road between Nowshera and Dargai...



Earlier tonight while sharing a limber with men of E/B Battery Royal Horse Artillery, Neville Crisp, late of the London-based magazine "Horse and Hound," experienced his first shots fired in anger, as well as his first time as the target of a charge...


In the aftermath he was assigned to look after WIA Lance Bombardier Gorman for the remainder of the ride to 1st Brigade's Cantonments at Dargai...




Riding along in the improvised ambulance cart, Crisp was shocked to realize he was less worried about another ambush, or even the fate of the unconscious artilleryman, and more worried about how he would do his recent incredible experience justice...


In his newfound role as "Correspondent-at-Large" for the Peshawar Tribune...


Crisp turned his eyes from the unconscious Lance Bombardier and looked off into the dark mountains silhouetted against the slightly less dark sky...


As he did so his mind's eye filled with sudden brief recollections of the ambush...


The crash of the Lancers into the rocks laid across the road...


The crack and flash of incoming fire a moment later...


The cry of Lance Bombardier Gorman as he fell from the saddle of his limber horse...


The Tribesmen charging the head of the column...


The desperate melee that followed, which could have gone either way...


The rifle duel across the river...


And the last glimpse of the still-defiant enemy before they slipped back into the darkness...


How was it all decided?  How determined?  ...9 Pathans wounded ...1 killed ...4 routed away  ...5 British and Indian wounded ...the Battery emerged intact and victorious... but by what mechanism did this occur?  And what if... by some mad twist of fate or evil design... the participants no longer all agreed to abide by the same?  Would that not be a far worse fate than simply Routing away, or falling WIA... or even KIA... for down that path would surely lie anarchy... and chaos!

With these thoughts in mind, Crisp pulled out his handy reporter's notebook and went to work, hopeful that when E/B and their 3rd Skinner's Horse escort reached Dargai at sunrise, he could send it with the next dispatch rider back to Peshawar from whence he had just came...


* * * * * *


by Neville Crisp
(with apologies to J.R.R. Tolkien)

                    Three Rules for the Raj-Presidencies under the sky,                   
                    Seven for the Frontier-Tribes in their Sangars of stone,                       
                    Nine for Cavagnari’s Guides who in '79 were doomed to die,             
                    One for the Widow of Windsor alone on her throne                             
                    In the Land of Minis where the Colonials vie.                             
                    One Rule to play them all, One Rule to find them,                     
                    One Rule to bring them all and around the table bind them     
                    In the Land of Minis where the Colonials vie.

Magnificent.... Simply magnificent! The whole report is excellent.... The photography is superb! Excellent addition to this enthralling thread!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on November 03, 2021, 05:23:27 AM
LordSpode1879 (excellent choice of year in your user-name BTW!),

Thank you very much for the big compliment, which is very much appreciated.  I’ve been in the hobby for a long time, but I’ve never had an experience quite like the campaign on this thread before.  I think it’s been going for at least 4 months now, and no matter the triumph or tragedy, victory or defeat, it’s been nothing but fun the whole time — mostly thanks to the fantastic other gamers, only a couple of whom I knew before it started!  It’s great to hear others are enjoying it too, so thanks again!

And rest assured there is more to come from all corners of the Frontier, including but not limited to... The Grandma of All Battles!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on November 03, 2021, 03:23:52 PM
The Mission
Multani 5th September 1890

From: Lt. John Henry Barrett – East Surrey Regiment – attached to the 36th Sikhs, Fort Multani
     Kohat Pass – North West Frontier

To: Miss Jane Fairclough –Mole Valley –Leigh – Surrey


My beloved Jane,
I am writing to you on my way back from the first mission where I was sent. It was not an easy mission, and to be completely honest, it was not even a successful mission.
Let  start from the beginning. Thanks to one informant of ours  among the Afridis  we learned that Persian agents were going to send a load of Russian rifles to the Afridi’s  rebels in the Kohat area, so they sent me with my wing of Sikhs ( 10 figures  as per the True Rule ) to intercept the suspicious caravan.
We form a checkpoint on a winding stretch of trail shortly after Ublan pass and so we block those marauders.

A kind of brawl breaks out and, in the confusion that follows, one bandit lays on the ground and  two criminals gallop out of range, although perhaps one should have taken a ball thanks to Naik Joao Singh, who continues to praise his abilities as an infallible shooter, of which I doubt more and more.


I said, we are left with three beautiful mules loaded with Russian rifles, including ammunition in large quantities, enough to arm about sixty guerrillas. In short, a nice booty, really.
We move to return but during the march I see suspicious movements behind us. It is evening and we camp in the old outpost of Baghor, now abandoned, because I fear that the marauders  or their clients may come to take back the guns.

So I prepare to support an attack, when I realize that the naik Joao Singh is no longer among my soldiers...
The Afridis arrived unfortunately not along the valley plain as I had thought, but from behind a line of hills and my soldiers are immediately engaged from behind by about a dozen afridis and, after a brief firefight my Sikhs are forced to retreat into a house with some wounded. By Jupiter, you can never trust these cutthroats, just straight on the back of my soldiers had to happen!! A nice ruined plan, damn spoilers!!

While we from the fort shot like demons on all the visible afridis, I thought that may be we would not be able to hold the position and that we would have to retire, ......but the mules?

As I look towards the mules, which were taken away by a cunning Afrids, and I make this thought..
I suddenly see and  hear an explosion and I see the mules, the Afridi that guided them and other tribesmen nearby blow up...
the naik Joao Singh with a precise shot , in an attempt to hit the Afridi  muletteer, had hit a bag of one of the mules, that bag contained explosives (the Havildar Ram Singh had not checked well the sacks).

The Afridis run away screaming and I see Joao Singh return triumphantly all happy for having made that important shot.

The Afridis retreated to the mountains, my troops were too tired to think of chasing the enemies and the clash ended.
Back at the Multani outpopst with the wounded .....

I reported to the Maj. Jilius Potts, who after reading my whole report reproached me because he demanded from me the payment for the loss of the three mules, plus enough and harnesses that had blown up and that according to him were now "property of the British Government" !!
I kindly explained to him that they had blown up for reasons of force majeure, and that the loss of the mules caused the death of several tribesmen and the rescue of my  unit.
The Major  did not want to know and this put an end to the discussion;

It remains only to say that, in addition to a  reprimand that I remedied by Mr. Major for not having carried out the mission more positively, some foolish fellow officer, (Lt. Gough of the Poona's),  continues, when I enter the mess or the official club, to make allusions to mules or to  hee-haw  behind my back ... he  thinks  to be funny but he’s , of course, poor in spirit, I do not find any sense of humor in all this.
Life on the Grim  is really hard and here on this lost and dusty outpost  it is even harder.
Yesterday I learnt some rules guideline for warfare on the Frontier !!!
I will write to you again as soon as I can, my love.
Your devoted John.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Shikari Sahib on November 04, 2021, 01:35:36 PM
Wonderful story, like all the others, beautiful photos, an inspirational thread
I saw that from the beginning the thread has always grown in ideas, photographic quality, stories and exceptional characters.
I think I can say that this is a thread that will make the history on this Forum, the first time that 6 players actively participate in a campaign, which has now lasted for months and that I hope never ends!
Congratulations to everyone for delighting us with these thrilling adventures and epochal battles.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on November 04, 2021, 04:53:23 PM
Pesha Trib supplement

Dear readers, You may want to read the latest adventures of the main actors we have met in these last months.
As often I say the Frontier is like a Pashtun dinner: it is the chicken who gives substance, but the tamarind slices make it tasty. So, we cannot forget many characters which are adding salt to the scenario.

The young bandit Muletail was reported to be everywhere, but our most reliable informers says he has just left Bar Ferozkhel directed towards Mir Zakah on the road to Peiwar Pass with his merry comrades..


But Mir Zakah lies on the old caravan route from Ghazni to Gandhara. The village famous because is where it is said Sikhander treasures are hidden.

But for the faithful Mustafà a visit is worth especially because it is famous also for its special tamarind pies!


What will be found by our heroes? Special tamarind cakes for Mustafa? A hidden treasure to finance the jihad? For sure new dangerous adventures, ruthless enemies and a surprising Tajik beauty, will her eyes be able to enchant Mustafà and distract him for the food? It seems impossible but nothing is as u aspect on the Frontier…
And in Waziristan what is plotting the past havildar, past deserter, past khan,the enigmatic Zarin?

He missed to join El Quartah in Jandola, why? His detractors say he’s still talking with the moon, other he is counting the rupees received to not fighting.

What is the true? We all are anxious to read about him in a short future.

And what about Zibibb and Flashman? Where are they going to find out El Osprey’s son and the secret scriptorium? And will they survive at the hand of Tsarist agents and hired bandits? Or Gurkha Maranda’s mercenaries will be enough to survive?

But before arriving to destination…will they survive the terrible snowing storms?

Before leaving Waziristan affairs we cannot skip a last-minute news about El Quartah Khan just received by our spy in the Mulehead’s tower.

. After his heavy defeat he was met by some Mulhead’s personal guards and “voluntarily” brought to his tower.

“El Quartah u lost a very fine warriors collection…”
“My Khan but u promised that other two armies were supposed to join mine, but I was left alone”

“Stupid goat” said Kuhammad Khan kicking his breast “leave our Khan out of your betrayals, It is clear you sold our victory and were going to Persia with your booty when our patrols intercepted you”
“No Mighty Mulehead, I just had fear of your punishment, I didn’t sold your army, I’m always been a faithful follower of the True Rule”
“Yes but you had the outrageous infamy to associate your defeat with my name…anyway u r right, u were always a faithful khan, so I will submit you to the Snake family test and the True Ruler will decide your destiny. 1 2 3 and Kuhammad’s fakir will lean you his cobra…

“4 5 6 and  I will be spared?” asked El Quartah
“No” answered Kuhammad “U will deal with whole family in the snake den ahahah”
“Give him a dice and let him roll his destiny” Mulehead ordered…

Regimental Sergeant-Major Lawrence Brom, 72nd Highlanders,(1st Brigade, Chitral Field Force) , the– Legendary Old Soldier of the Queen with a reputation as being a gifted tactician and logistician, as well a very talented writer, is actually patrolling Chakdara Outpost

Now he is unaware of being only few miles far from his daughters Lorelai  & Christine Brom – his young adult daughters, both recently arrived from their home in Glasgow, Scotland, on a self-appointed mission to visit their father in time for his fast-approaching 50th birthday, which their hearts are set on celebrating together with him.

They are unaware to be so close to their father and are in Dargai Cantonments, which the Rebel Khan Akbar Gul and his khans plan to attack

Dirka Grimm (Detachmental Bhisti, Chakdara Outpost) –heroic efforts to assist Sgt. Crood and the handful of other survivors from the Yorks & Lancs garrison of  Chakdara Outpost was immortalized in Reginald Winkie’s poem, “You’re A Better Man Than I Am, Dirka Grimm,” which has taken the Empire and the rest of the English-speaking world by storm.

 For his part, Dirka’s dreams that his heroic efforts may somehow enable him to fulfill his lifelong dream of rising from the rank of “Bhisti” to “Sepoy,” was fulfilled and now he is bugler in the company where Sarge Crood is the law!.

Mayank Jan (Sarban Khan’s spy in Peshawar & then Dargai).  Mayank Jan was able to get himself hired on as a Mule Skinner and travel with 1st Brigade Peshawar Field Force from the city of Peshawar to Dargai, where he saw with his own eyes the torching of that village at the command of Brigadier Ruff-Husband.  By day he remains in camp as an erstwhile “muleteer” while by night he slips out to pass any and all intelligence he gathers to allied Tribesmen in the nearby Malakand Pass, though he must take great care not to be spotted and found out by the Riflemen of 9th Gurkhas who keep watch over that strategic terrain.


Mayank Jan is still hidden in the charred remains of Dargai village across the river from the Cantonments (& Dirka Grimm, Sgt. Crood & company)… when he’s not masquerading as a loyal baggage wallah in the Cantonments - the job he took in order to accompany 1st brigade when it left Peshawar

Perhaps he can get word of estimated Raj troop strength at the cantonment though his contacts to Ghul Akbar

Maryam Singh – Clandestine Agent of the Political Department serving undercover as a maid in the Iron Amir’s Palace at Kabul, She asked her brother, retired Jemadar Jai Ho Singh, to carry word of what she’d heard across the border to British India, and deliver it to his old Colonel, now Brigadier Ruff-Husband, at Dargai.

 Jai Ho Singh is still at Dargai Cantonments… in his old uniform… waiting for some action before he heads home to Brokeback Mountain … seen here conferring with Brigadier Ruff-Husbabd & his Brigade Adjutant …impatient to show all his value on the battlefield!

Dast has left his shop in Peshawar and is going towards Kashmir. To buy new flying carpets or...?

He has much more money in his pockets now, but a secret information about Zibbib destination is not anymore so secret…127th Baluchi gold and bayonets can be very pesuasive

Major Rowson of 9th regiment, the famous Hodson’s horse, got the mission to capture the adventurer false merchant Zibbib. With him he will pursue his research up to capturing El Osprey’s son destroying Russian plan for a rule-driven civil war in Punjab.

The selling explosion of our glorious Pesha trib in Baluchistan is also due to the great expectations which Baluchis have for Capt Thomas “Tommie” Liver,

just sent from Bannu by Gen Davenport to enforce the Fullerton’s flying devil column with a 26th Baluchi unit to wipe out all Afridis in Tirah. All my baluchis are manufactured by Willie (Tradition of London) as many other units in my collection. This “extra” rows are well deserved due to a friendly and helpful service!

These are only few of the many characters we have met during these long months passed under the Punjabi sun, eating peas flour and tamarind and drinking the pure waters of this unbelievable country, poor, arid, deathly, but no Khan on the Grim would change a single grain of its sand  with the most precious treasures in Delhi…or at least this is what we try to report in our articles, the harsh law of the Pesha Trib!

Subscribe to the Tribune for avoiding missing a single episode.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on November 05, 2021, 02:58:14 PM
Small summary of what is happening in the Northern Territories...
Maa Din and the son of the Emir of Afghanistan have been captured by Zibbib's men, and are going up the Gilgit River (showing in skyblue on the map).. on the other side Zibbib, Flashy and his mercenaries have just passed the Burzill Pass and are descending towards the gorges of the Indus...(showing in red on the map )

The Gorges of the Indus

Zibbib Khan, Flashy and their mercenaries going down to the valley of the Indus , after crossing the Burzill Pass , feel the weather becoming more and more mild and up to Astor our heroes  meet only the teams of workers of Mr. Spedding  , caravans of coolies who make a continuous back and forth to bring goods to Gilgit and return to Kashmir for another cargo and few small groups of Kashmiris soldiers…..going further down the trail they saw the gorges of the Indus,….

Carry on on the narrow trail along the Indus river between Dishkin and Doiun at sunset…..
someone is shooting to  our heroes...

BLACK CARD (ambush bonus turn for the Chilasis)
1st turn
Chilasis tribesmen shoot on the Zibbib’s men walking on the other bank of the Indus river, 7 soldiers down, 1 yak killed , Machede Gurung wounded ( rolls 6 on saving table…)

2nd turn black card
Chilasis shoot , 4 more  soldiers down

2nd turn red card
Zibbib and the soldiers take kneeling and prone positions and shoot to the Chilasis that are behind rocks…
3 Chilasis bandits  hit, 1 by Zibbib and 1 by Flashy...good shots men !

3rd turn Black card
Chilasis hit 3 soldiers, yaks and coolies break ad run away


3rd turn red card
Zibbib and the soldiers shoot to the Chilasis, 2 hit

4th turn red card
Zibbib and survivors run along the bank of the river to save their lives

4th turn black card
Chilasis shoot, 1 soldier down and Flashy light wounded ( rolls 4 on saving table)

4th turn red card
Zibbib fire and hit 1 chilasis, Flashy miss, the other soldier hit 1 Chilasis

5th turn red card
Zibbib, Flashy light wounded, Machede Gurung wounded and 1 soldier found their way to escape the Chilasis’s ambush going up the slopes of the mountain and disappearing in the dark of the night…

What are the conditions of Flashy and the Gurkha Gurung ?...who knows ?  follow the story, coming soon on these screens !

To be continued…

In this short and bloody engagement the Zibbib’s party suffered:
16 soliders KIA or WIA
1 Coolie KIA
1 Yak, and lost in the confusion 2 yaks and 2 coolies,

The Chilasis tribesmen, total 30 figs, in 3 10's figures  band suffer:
7 KIA or WIA

Rule used TSATF with D20's for firing, plus some house rules to suit this particular battle.





2-3-4-5- RECOVER

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on November 06, 2021, 05:14:12 AM


Captain. Carey, 10th Hussars and his 1st Brigade Signal team are dispatched to the heights above Malakand Pass...


Their mission: deliver BrigGnl Ruff-Husband's MESSAGE TO MAJ.GNL. WHITSEND at Peshawar...


They FLASH the message, which is received and RELAYED by the Signal Team at Mardan...


Who send it to the Team at Nowshera...


Who send it to its final destination: Peshawar Signal Detachment, regularly stationed atop the Cunningham Clock Tower...


Handy diagram of a "Helio":





COMING SOON: AAR with pics of the "Grandma of All Battles"...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on November 06, 2021, 03:54:17 PM
Great reports guys! I must finish my AAR of the Battle of Bulgur Pass. But chores, yard work, college football, and ice hockey coaching come first today.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on November 06, 2021, 05:38:19 PM
Mulehead Khan, upon who's head the Enlightenment of Mersey has been annointed, only now am I conferring with my chieftains to learn of the fate of their attacks on the Britisher's foul sore on the Mardan plains.
Firstly I have a report of treachery and betrayal within the ruins of Dargai. From Mohmat Krim, my most trusted ally within the Bunerwhals, his sister being my third wife, I am receiving news that the spy within the devils' camp, Mayank Jan, who was to guide my right flank accross the Jalala River, has betrayed us. He is of the false faith and can not be trusted by followers of the TMWWBK. 
After burning Dargai, the ferenghee devils dammed the river to raise the waters and present an impassable obstacle along the entire eastern wall of their foul encampment. Mayank Jan was supposed to reveal the fords, but met Mohmat Krim too early, delaying him, then misleading two of his clans to deeper, uncrossable water. His third clan found their own crossing, but still lost four warriors to the torrents.  This clan was able to force the devils who were hiding and befouling the ruins like rats, back down their hole, killing any of them in their path. Yamank may be Sarban Khan's trusted spy, but if I see that treacherous beast on the field again I will slice the very flesh from him.
As to my northern attack, the entire Malakand escarpment was crawling with Nepali devil goorkas. Javhad had to split his force at the last minute, one clan providing safety for our great cannon, the other two working their way through a hidden pass onto the plain. Here they were charged by the blue turbanned lancers. The devils pulled up short, their willingness to face warriors faltering and we shot them down in short order, driving them from the field. Witnessing this, the cowards behind their walls opened fire on us with screw guns. Frightful as they sound it was more noise, smoke, and dust than shot and my men pressed forward through the rain of steel to the northern wall, undeterred.
At the pass my Akazai clan fought like lions against the goorkha jackels finally driving them back with tulwar and shot, cresting the pass, along with the cannon, just in time to see my fateful charge on the devils' southern wall.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on November 08, 2021, 10:25:44 PM
The Tsarists are on the march to Zebak from Faizabad under the command of Colonel Blaramberg. The Tsarist force consists of all 5 companies of the Susdal regiment along with a company of the Kanzanski Rifles. Around 80 Tajiks are acting as guides but are also some of Mir of Badakhshan’s (Bad Ass Khan) best marksmen. Colonel Blaramberg decided artillery would only slow him down and was confident his 600 Russians plus the Tajiks would be able to take Zebak with ease. Mummar Am Salad, the Chieftain of Zebak, has heard from traders and merchants  from Faizabad, that a Russian/Tajik force is on this way to attack Zebak. He has sent out word to neighboring villages asking for warriors to help fight off the infidels and their unholy Tajik allies. He does not stand a chance without more fighters. He has been getting volunteers from the surrounding area and from Chitral just across the Badakhshan border. He hopes to muster about 600 tribesmen of which probably only 350 or so will have firearms. General Skobelev will remain in Faizabad with the remainder of his brigade. Once he receives news of the victory at Zebak, he will move all his brigade there in preparation to advance into the Chitral.

With Colonel Blaramberg:
5 companies of the Susdal Line Regiment.
1 company of the Kanzanski Rifes
80 Tajik guides and scouts

With General Skobelev in Faizabad:
4 companies of Kanzanski Rifles
5 companies of Borodinski Line
5 companies of Semenovski Life Guards
1st Ural Cossacks
2nd Carcassian Cossacks
Artillery: 1 two gun battery

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on November 09, 2021, 04:11:55 AM

As is well known my sister and her family were taken hostage when their village was burned by the kuffar, they refused to leave and befell such insult as only these khaki clad devils can impart, made to live in a tent like common kuchi.

(https://i.postimg.cc/9F1DWhww/signal-2021-09-13-16-09-02-000-1.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/MZCDy19m/signal-2021-09-13-16-09-02-000.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

My sisters family had refused to abandon their beloved Dargai as the Britishers attacked. When Ruff-Husband Sahib discovered they were my blood family he held them hostage to attempt to draw me into the open, which he nearly did.

My immediate plan was to raise a lashkar and crush the devils' bone into the earth, leaving nothing even for the vultures and the gohs to devour.  I was finalizing that very plan when I received a message from a Yusafzai spy in the camp. Mayank Jan was able to tell me they were being kept in one if the larger tents and treated well enough, but since the arrival of two Angleez women he no longer knew if they were on the northern or southern wall.

It was then I developed a new plan. There would still be a great battle, but in midst of the chaos I would present a black ace to Ruff-Husband Sahib, the perfect rescue.

Now that my plans have proven successful I can reveal the full scope of it.


It has been known to me of monks from the east, living among the Tibetans in Baltistan. Monks trained in the use of Lama Pai, the Lion’s Roar. These monks, as the need arises, can be called upon to use their powers, particularly against the ferhenghi, to right foul injustices. While gathering my lashkar, I sent word to the monastery where these Lamas live.  As I was finalizing my arrangements for the attack three of the unassuming monks arrived at my camp, looking like yak herders more than warrior monks, though each carried a short wax wood staff.

(https://i.postimg.cc/wTwzGxnM/20211108-203226.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)(https://i.postimg.cc/P5NHssk4/20211108-203218.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

Immediately I sent for Mayank Jan to meet with me one final time to go over a new part of the plan.

(https://i.postimg.cc/fyRhC6z1/20211108-165150.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

On the northern edge of the camp my Akazai tribesmen would assault down out of the Malakand heights drawing the attention of the northern wall and screw guns. 

(https://i.postimg.cc/2jMH2sSv/Screenshot-20211108-200433-Whats-App.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/CxVcVbDx/Screenshot-20211108-200451-Whats-App.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)(https://i.postimg.cc/yY1Bj3Q2/Screenshot-20211108-203446-Whats-App.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
On the eastern flank my most trusted Bunerwhal ally, Mohmat Krim, would meet with Mayank Jan where they would stay east of the river Jalala, except of one band to sell the feint and draw the Britishers from their encampment and into the ruins causing as much chaos as possible.
(https://i.postimg.cc/BQFmymjz/Screenshot-20211108-200338-Whats-App.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/MZjtL94Q/Screenshot-20211108-204032-Whats-App.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
On hearing the fight to the east my Akazai cavalry would charge at the southern wall creating the largest distraction. 

(https://i.postimg.cc/kXjGPtPQ/Screenshot-20211107-205959-Whats-App.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

Under the cover of this chaos the Lamas would search out the large tents and find my family, then disguising them as coolies and slip unseen from the camp.

(https://i.postimg.cc/c133dCkP/Screenshot-20211107-175524-Whats-App.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/j5w7wSxw/20211107-194042.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/kXdbGCkG/20211107-192911.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

During this action I spied the infamous Halvidar Jai Lo Singh and I smote him.
(https://i.postimg.cc/MTCjyJHs/Screenshot-20211107-192208-Whats-App.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)(https://i.postimg.cc/fb77WLbw/Screenshot-20211107-192217-Whats-App.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)(https://i.postimg.cc/0ykKGf5q/Screenshot-20211107-175401-Whats-App.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)(https://i.postimg.cc/4xsVLG5q/Screenshot-20211107-175342-Whats-App.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)(https://i.postimg.cc/CK68xqgp/Screenshot-20211107-192201-Whats-App.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

 Once I saw the signal from ‘Chi ba I would call for the retreat of my cavalry, signaling the fall back of the army, and we would return by separate routes to the fortress tower near Shakot Pass.
(https://i.postimg.cc/tggPbz8z/20211107-193539.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)(https://i.postimg.cc/Nf7rrVc4/Screenshot-20211107-175428-Whats-App.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/2SGvgt96/Screenshot-20211107-175248-Whats-App.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

I had to keep Mayank Jan's contributions secret, in the guise of betrayal until I was certain my family was safe at Shakot Pass. This plan would not have worked without his bravery. A thousand thanks to Sarban Khan for his assistance. Brom's blessing be upon him as he continues to provide valuable information hiding amongst the kuffar.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on November 10, 2021, 01:26:45 PM
The Sniper with long jezail

My beloved Jane,
I want to tell you a curious story that happened here at the outpost days ago...
It was already a few nights that suddenly, from the hill on the side of the fort, someone have been  shooting at us.
The hill is more than 600 yards away and we felt safe because the jezails of these thieves do not reach more than 500 yards.
Regularly every night someone took our outpost as a target and during the night fired 3 or 4 shots, they were wandering shots given the distance, but we found some planted in the inner walls and one in the door of the mess.
It wasn't a good feeling, we had to keep all the lights off in the evening. This target shooting was really unnerving if not dangerous...
Sometimes some of our sepoys would respond to fire with their Snyders, aiming at the light that the jezail produced when it fired... there were a few minutes of silence and the hope of hitting him... but then another shot was fired from the hill and we understood that our shots had failed.
One evening the Maj. Potts organized a sortie, the small team commanded by me was composed of the naik Joao Singh and the sepoy Uram Singh.
They had given me that presumptuous naik again, I hoped that this time he would demonstrate his skills as a shooter of which he boasted so much.
Shortly after 21.00 I the naik and the sepoy come out of the fort, covered by darkness, we move running towards the hill,
we stop every now and then to catch our breath and understand where the sniper can be ...BANG another shot….
We arrive sweaty at the foot of the hill and slowly begin the climb, between rocks not very solid ...
As we are going up, about 50 yards above us we hear a cracking noise of a shot  , typical of those old killing jezails... the sniper is there!
I leave the sepoy there with the task of shooting at the light caused by the sniper and I and the naik take a turn on the right to get around the sniper's position.
We will have climbed a 40 yards when from the left I hear the shot of gun… the sniper, immediately after from down the hill  a shot of our Snyder ... we rush to the position of the sniper,
 I stumble and fall on a rock, the naik overtakes me and shoots at the sniper from a few meters ... missed !!, bad shooter but great braggart. I get up, the sniper is there trying to reload and I shoot 2 rounds with my Webley Mark I, the first shot goes miss, but the second hits the sniper in the chest, who collapses on himself.
The naik reaches me and together we cautiously approach the sniper's body, he is an old man!
An old man who at night enjoyed shooting to his Majesty's soldiers, he had a beautiful jezail, all inlay in gold with dog teeth stuck in the butt, a beautiful weapon.

I looked at him for a long time, at that moment I did not feel hatred but admired respect; that old man was not very different from me, he was a sportsman !, he found it fun to come and shoot us at night, he took the risk and accepted the consequences...
We cover the body of the old sniper with stones, I don't know why... I did it maybe out of esteem ... after burying him with the naik and the sepoy we return to the fort.
I report to the Major, who this time congratulates me.
I miss to report what  I said to that presumptuous Naik, it's not an interesting topic !!!.
Now the Jezail is on display hanging on the wall of my room.
After this strange adventure everyone at the fort looks at me respectfully and now we can walk quietly during the evening.
I will write to you as soon as possible, I love you,
your devoted John.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on November 10, 2021, 01:42:02 PM
Amazing, I would like to comment by quoting the words of a famous poem by R. Winkie taken from his “Ballads from the Peshawar Barracks” which inspired many R. Kipling works:
But there is neither civilized nor savage, frontier, breed, weapon, birth,   
When two strong men stand face to face, tho’ they come from the ends of the earth,
A life is lost, a common language spoke; only your honor between famine and dearth,
Only your value when the bitter alternative should be worse than your death!   

Hope to read soon other adventures of this gallant officer!

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on November 10, 2021, 01:56:50 PM
Amazing, I would like to comment by quoting the words of a famous poem by R. Winkie taken from his “Ballads from the Peshawar Barracks” which inspired many R. Kipling works:
But there is neither civilized nor savage, frontier, breed, weapon, birth,   
When two strong men stand face to face, tho’ they come from the ends of the earth,
A life is lost, a common language spoke; only your honor between famine and dearth,
Only your value when the bitter alternative should be worse than your death!   

Hope to read soon other adventures of this gallant officer!

Thank you Giorgio, very appreciated your compliments and the Winkie's  poem !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on November 14, 2021, 07:57:44 PM
Anticipating a successful outcome at Zebak, General Skobelev has left Faizabad with his brigade consisting of Regiments:
Kanzanski Rifles
Borodinski Line
Semenovski Life Guards
1st Ural Cossacks
2nd Carcassian Cossacks
1 two gun battery
His plan is to follow the Vardoj river valley out of Faizabad all the way to Zebak. At Zebak, he will deploy the Kanzanski Rifles in to the town along with the 1st Ural Cossacks. The Susdal Line Infantry (already at Zebak) will join his force. He will then follow the Vardoj up and over the Nuksan Pass to Obir. An encampment would be set up near Obir to allow his troops to rest and also to send out scouts to reconnoiter the surrounding areas. The Dora Pass (leading directly to the town of Chitral) would be a little easier, but he has been advised by local Tajik traders that due to the heavy merchant traffic through the Dora Pass, word would soon spread of his presence in the Chitral. Two Indian army deserters have informed him also that a large British relief force is heading to the besieged fort at Chitral and he is not ready for any conflicts with the British Empire at this time. Best to keep the largest distance possible from them a t this time.
Skobelev expects to make camp at Obir with the following force:
Infantry Regiments:
Susdal Line
Borodinski Line
Semenovski Life Guards
Cavalry Regiment:
2nd Carcassian Cossacks
1 two gun battery

He is also hoping to gather some local tribe and Tajik support to add to the mission.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on November 15, 2021, 08:48:48 PM
20 August 1890 - Bulgur Pass
Chitral Field Force, heading north through the Bulgur Pass towards the Chitral Territory to relieve Chitral Fort.

We pick up where we left off in the last blog post, link to part I
LAF - NWF Campaign - 1st Brigade approaching Bulgur Pass
 https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/2021/10/laf-nwf-campaign-20-august-1890-bulgur.html?m=0 (https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/2021/10/laf-nwf-campaign-20-august-1890-bulgur.html?m=0)


The column is halted as the General reads the message. Sergeant Major Brom calls a halt, orders the men to drink water, and sends out scouts from each unit to the surrounding ominous looking mountains. 


General McGuninness confers with his officers and orders the column forwards. Sergeant Major Brom orders the scouts to push further out. The Anglo-Indian force must reach Chitral Fort with all possible haste.



The scouts move further out to protect the mule train.


The column advances in a cloud of dust, the baking sun already causing discomfort for both men and beasts alike. With a loud war cry of “Allah Akbar!!!!” fanatical Ghazi warriors burst from the tree line and charge the front of the column. After a brief moment of surprise the crack of independent rifle fire starts at the front of the column.


Two tribes of fanatical Ghazis attack the front of the column
stopping the entire column in their tracks. Despite the Pashtun casualties from rifle fire the Ghazis charge home and close with the feringhee. (They easily made their die role to close as I rated the Ghazis as Zulu for morale based on my friend’s recommendations, the Mad Guru himself. In addition they do not roll for stragglers!)


The Gurkhas are the first hit and loose several men in the first melee but manage to overcome the initial surprise and defeat one tribe. The 2nd charging tribe didn’t have enough movement to make contact with the column and had to wait until the following turn to charge again.


General McGuinness orders his Battalion commanders to form combined unit squares around the precious pack mules. The officers gain control of their men, commands of “Form Square!” rings out. With parade ground precision these veterans of The Grim do just that and deftly form three separate squares.


The Ghazis charge again, and again, relentless and blood thirsty! More Pathan tribes move to the edge of the tree line and unleashe ambush fire into the tightly packed column as the Ghazis melee with the front square.

Several Gurkha and Indian soldiers fall to the accurate Pathan fire from their flank.


The square returns fire killing many a faithful Pashtun.


The Bulgar Pass is filled with the crack of rifles and the fanatical screams of Ghazi & Pathan tribesmen.


A steadfast square guarding the rear of the column.

From atop the pass Umra Khan’s Afridi tribesmen fire into the column taking care to not hit the precious mules since they are the main reason for this multi tribe raid.



To the front of the column and across the valley can be seen more Pashtun warriors emerging from the hills heading towards the column intent on teaching the feringhee a lesson and stealing their mules.



With the column halted by a melee at its front, and receiving musketry from both flanks, more Pashtun fighters see the opportunity to finish off what appears to be a struggling foe.

From the southeastern pass emerges Mohameden warriors lead by Osamadouga Khan. With loyalty to none in this valley on this day they move into position like jackals moving in to strike at a wounded beast while the rest of the pack does the same.


The squares advance, albeit slowly. The Ghazis charge again but are repulsed, forced back, and finally route from the table. None of the Anglo-Indian units falter despite the mounting casualties.


Waziri warriors led by Muletail Khan, nephew of Mulehead Khan the Fakir of the frontier, the false prophet of Waziristan, the purveyor of the false book, rush forth from the southwestern pass.

Fort Bulgur awakens with the mountain Gun battery of the 5th Bengal Artillery ranging in on the Afridi tribesmen on the crest of the mountain.


The Helipgraph crew get orders to send the signal of the attack to the nearest outpost.



Returning from patrol B troop of the 77th Bengal Lancers comes to lend a hand. Alas the cards favor the Pashtuns of Osamadouga’s clans and bequeathed him first movement to allow him to gain the cover of Bulgur village and the surrounding rough ground to negate the Lancers charge!


Allah appears to be pulling the cards as the Pashtuns also get first fire this turn. The 77th Lancers ride through a hail of lead.


As the Waziris advance the British square sets their sights on them, killing several, slowing them down.


The jezzails go silent on the mountain as the musketry from the Afridi tribesmen suddenly stops. A Subadar Major of the Corp of Guides can be seen on the mountain top conversing with Buda Khan, leader of the Afridi tribesmen present. Several mules are being led into the positions of Buda Khans men by men of Corp of Guides.

The artillery shells from the 5th Bengal Artillery seem to be falling way wide of the Afridi tribesmen. Is this an error or by internet?

The Afridi tribesmen gather their mules, dismount the mountain and move towards the Waziris.


The column continues to advance towards Fort Bulgur. With the arrival of the 77th Bengal Lancers combined with the decimation of the Ghazis and Pashtuns in the woods the resistance has slackened considerably.


Muletail Khan orders an all out combined attack on the column. The Waziri warriors surge forward but Osamadouga’s Mohammedans stay in cover and Umra Khan’s nephew Buda Khan attacks the tribes of Muletails Waziri! The Afridi warriors fire into the Waziris killing the lashkar leader of the lead Waziri tribe. Muletail himself is only saved because he lacks the bravery to lead from the front!


The Highlanders muster and sortie forth from the fort to assist their newfound allies.


With the death of his cousin, the treachery of the Afridis, and the indecision of the Mohammedans, Muletail Khan orders an immediate jirga to be held. As his uncle’s sway is strong in this valley the tribesmen melt back into the Grim leaving the feringhee to recover their casualties and make it safely to Fort Bulgur.

The fort resupplied, the casualties attended to, the beasts and men rested, 1st Brigade then mounts up and moves north to the Uch pass defended by the Yusufzais.

Buda Khan is the victor this day as he secured himself 5 mules for aiding the English, or should we say outwitting the British. Will this lead to more cooperation with the feringhee invaders, a temporary alliance, or a total banishment from the Pashtun communities.

A wise old mullah once told me…. “Never trust anyone on the Frontier!”
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on November 15, 2021, 09:40:28 PM
Awesome photos and beautiful post 👏👏👏
Impressive array of figures in a wonderful scenario!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on November 16, 2021, 03:58:57 AM
Much appreciated Umra Khan!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on November 16, 2021, 06:39:54 AM
Great battle report but the insults you hurl on Mulehead and the One True Rule will return as vipers to strike you on your path to Chitral and the sun will surely bleach your bones along side those of the treacherous Umra Khan and Buda Khan for your cheap tricks.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on November 16, 2021, 12:52:16 PM
Traitors of the True Rule are always traitors in every act. Foolish nephew I told you many times that an hungry jackal is much more reliable than an heretic Afridi. May the True Ruler bless your cousin's path and drive my son to call a new Jihad to free all waziri lands from Baluchistan to Swat putrid filthy swamps and give you the opportunity to redeem yourself cutting the head of the vily traitor!
Your Uncle, torch of true rules, sigh of underdog, the victorious triumphant pious Mulehead
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on November 16, 2021, 03:10:43 PM
Stop these comments from heretics, the Jannah will close its doors that do not hear beyond these blasphemies.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on November 16, 2021, 09:05:24 PM
Nice reporting on the battle. I like that fort as well.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on November 17, 2021, 12:40:35 AM
                                                                                                         Battle of Zebak

As he awaits the attack. Mummar Am Salad, Chieftain of Zebak, stands defiantly with his banner on the tower at the gate to Zebak. 350 of Am Salad’s men have firearms with about 250 others armed with tulwars.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on November 17, 2021, 12:48:31 AM
Immediately upon arrival, Colonel Blaramberg began a full frontal assault on Zebak with his force of all five companies of the Susdal Line, one company of the Kaznanski Rifles and about 80 Tajik warriors. Steady progress was made by all the units. However, the company of Kanzanski Rifles got inpatient and advanced too quickly, without support, and upon nearing the front north wall of the market square area, were met with a deadly blast of musket and jezail fire. The company was forced to retreat to the rear of the line of attack to rally and re-group.  Lieutenant Milomir Tarasovich, commanding the Kanzanski Rifles company, was expecting help on his flank from the accompanying Tajik warriors. Unfortunately, the Tajiks had made directly for the shelter and protection of a poplar grove and had no intention of advancing any further.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on November 17, 2021, 12:50:17 AM
Meanwhile at the front south wall the Russian firepower was whittling away the defenders, forcing them back off of the wall. Their weapons being almost useless, the frustrated warriors rallied and charged out to melee the attackers. This was not the best move as they were quickly routed and beat a hasty retreat.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on November 17, 2021, 12:52:12 AM
Colonel Blaramberg took two companies of the Susdal Line and managed to break through the main gates. The first company through encountered fire from the rooftops and also was attacked head on by a large group of hostiles. A bloody hand to hand engagement ensued resulting in both the Russians and native warriors being forced to retire as they had essentially wiped each other out. Colonel Blaramberg followed with another company and under his command they were able to secure the main gate and the area within the town behind it.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on November 17, 2021, 12:54:49 AM
When it became apparent that it was just a matter of time before the Russians took control of Zebak, the Tajiks left the poplar grove as assaulted the north wall of the market area. They pushed the defenders back and scaled the wall.  The Tajiks quickly routed the remaining defenders in the market square and shouted cheers of victory!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on November 17, 2021, 12:57:37 AM
The scene now became that of the town’s defenders, including Mummar Am Salad, Chieftain of Zebak, fleeing for their lives towards the foothills of the Hindu Kush. Other than the Kanzanski Rifles company and one of the Susdal Line companies, Russian casualties were light. Politically this was to be considered a victory for Faizabad and Bad Ass Khan in gaining control once again of Zebak and it’s surrounding area. It will be reported that the Tajiks played a major role in the victory and the Russian’s were there in more of an observer’s role.Colonel Blaramberg now awaits further instruction from General Skobelev. Mummar Am Salad and what is left of the heroic defenders of Zebak now are making their way over Nuksan Pass into the Chitral to seek help from Chitrali tribes and any others that could help them exact revenge on the Tajiks and their newly found Tsarist allies.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on November 17, 2021, 01:58:47 AM
Bob, excellent AAR! The Zebek refugees will surely find assistance on the south side of the border. 
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on November 18, 2021, 07:08:09 AM

Great battle report but the insults you hurl on Mulehead and the One True Rule will return as vipers to strike you on your path to Chitral and the sun will surely bleach your bones along side those of the treacherous Umra Khan and Buda Khan for your cheap tricks.


After employing
Tibetan Ninja Monks with cloaking ability
to rescue his sister and her family from their comfortable guest quarters at the Malakand Cantonments, Capt. Shanks AKA: Gul Akbar Khan -- follower of the False Fakir Mulehead Khan, promoter of the Untrue Rules TMWBK, and notorious frontier brigand -- waxes poetic RE: "Budokan" and "Cheap Trick"...

This latest effrontery demands a riposte...


...with appropriate instrumental accompaniment for fans of the BUDOKAN:

https://youtu.be/s4fQbZLUxkU (https://youtu.be/s4fQbZLUxkU)



(with apologies to Rick Nielsen & Cheap Trick)


Umra told me, yes he told me
I’d meet False Fakirs like you
He also told me to stay away
‘Cause you’d make me play those rules
Just the other day I heard
Of a Malik gettin’ axed,
Just because he wouldn't accept
His “Leader Trait” rolls as fact


Mulehead’s alright, Akbar’s alright,
They just need to change their ways
Surrender, surrender
Accept the Sword and The Flame


Mad Guru says Umra’s right
It’s really no surprise
Before he led his tribal host
Umra served in the Corps of Guides
Now I had heard the Guides recruited
Sikhs and Dogras for the war
But Umra Khan is pure Afridi
Of that you can be sure


Mulehead’s alright, Akbar’s alright,
They just need to change their ways
Surrender, surrender
Accept the Sword and The Flame


Whatever happened to the good old days
When most colonials agreed
Larry Brom was our patriarch
And we played his rules with glee
Then Mersey and Osprey gave us
“The Men Who Would Be Kings”
Packed with color photos, wit and charm
A pox on all those things!


Mulehead’s alright, Akbar’s alright,
They just need to change their ways
Surrender, surrender
Accept the Sword and The Flame
The Flame


Surrender, surrender (Mulehead’s alright, Akbar’s alright)
Accept the Sword and The Flame
Surrender, surrender (Mulehead’s alright, Akbar’s alright)
Accept the Sword and The Flame
Surrender, surrender (Mulehead’s alright, Akbar’s alright)
Accept the Sword and The Flame
Surrender, surrender (Mulehead’s alright, Akbar’s alright)
Accept the Sword and The Flame
Surrender, surrender (Mulehead’s alright, Akbar’s alright)
Accept the Sword and The Flame
Surrender, surrender (Mulehead’s alright, Akbar’s alright)
Accept the Sword and The Flame















Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on November 18, 2021, 11:50:53 AM

Mad Guru may the Divine always guide your steps, and may the strength of the True Faith always defeat unbelievers and blasphemers! May they die in hell by rolling dice that always show the wrong number.
And may all the chastisements of God strike the wicked, may their life be a hardship and a suffering, getting lost for the rest of their days in the deserts and mountains of our beloved Frontier!
your brother Umra will be always on your side !
so be written, so be done !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on November 18, 2021, 12:07:45 PM
WOW!!!! That was the most epic post ever MG! I love that Cheap Trick song and wore out my album playing it so much in high school. I love the “new” lyrics. I found myself singing the song with your lyrics and laughing at the same time. Very well done my friend.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on November 18, 2021, 01:31:45 PM
Mmmmh perhaps not the worst post in this topic...perhaps...probably u will receive news by Mulehead's lawyers...and you know...in Wana lawyers discuss by tulwars...no rest for the wicked...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on November 18, 2021, 01:34:44 PM
Mmmmh perhaps not the worst post in this topic...perhaps...probably u will receive news by Mulehead's lawyers...and you know...in Wana lawyers discuss by tulwars...no rest for the wicked...

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on November 19, 2021, 02:01:21 AM
"TSATF? Wrong mess, old chap, suggest you toodle along the lines to one of the more louche establishments."  - SJWALKER38
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on November 19, 2021, 02:41:58 AM
Well, well, CPT Shanks... what perfect timing indeed.  I was just in the midst of preparing a post expressing my gratitude for the kind words and compliments to our campaign brothers.  But now I see you make such comments obsolete. What tremendous surprise!

Well, keep on keeping on, as those Holy Warriors at the Salvation Army have been known to say.  Meanwhile, I must say... you make me as comfy and cozy as the illustrious officer at the center of this souvenir keepsake photo:


"Wrong mess" indeed!  Have no fear, sir, I shall not allow myself to be surrounded by such erstwhile "friends and allies" without a veritable army at my side -- be it in the mess, on the plain, or atop the pass!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on November 19, 2021, 05:33:34 PM

“Great battles happened at North and great were fought in Waziristan, our homeland. We must understand what happened, in the meantime we cannot risk to go directly southwards, we will proceed towards Peiwar Kothal and from there we will decide the future steps” said Muletail to his friends.
“To go there we will pass thru Mir Zakah, the village which lies on the old caravan route from Ghazni to Gandhara! The village famous because is where it is said Sikhander treasures are hidden!”
“And is famous also for special tamarind pies!” Said Mustafa before Muletail melting him with one cold hard stare.
On the dusty long caravan road joining Gardez and Mir Zakah , part of the ancient route from Ghazni to Gandhara, where for centuries Persian goods were brought to Kabul to return with a precious spice to help having dreams and fantastic flights with  exalted minds.
Yamal was twisted in his breast by 2 mighty feelings: fear and cupidity. He was still under the effect of Mustafà stories of the devil Tszar, ferenghes eater, that was with his nightmare since the adventure at Gardez Pass, and wasn’t completely sure that he has left the danger of meeting with such a devil in Gardez. But he was also fascinated by Muletail’s story about amazing treasures left by Sikander when he marched on the very same rocky stones more than 2 thousands years before. Also Sikander was a devil, but not so evil, and he dreamed to find part of his gold.
His dreams were interrupted only by the encounter with caravans returning to Gardez

“Have a good day” Mustafà cried “May the mighty Ruler replenish your journey with richness and prosperity, have you some good tamarind slices to share with three poor pilgrims going to Kabul to pray on the grave of their brothers”
“Mustafà!” Ghaazi Muletail El Komiss aka Husseinl said bitterly “we have no time to waste…”
“True Hussein, but it is better we eat every time we can without long stops in Mir Zakah”

“Anyway, we’ll have to replenish our food stock because then we entered in the mountains area and u bet it’s much better for us to have enough food and fur”
” Pay these caravaners and don’t stop for swallowing dozens of slices!”
“Sure Hussein, only one very little, only to be sure it is good food to exchange with our good annas…”
“So, good brothers, which news from North?” asked Abdul Kareem aka Mustafa
“Not very good, Ferenghees are winning everywhere, great battles were fought near Malakand pass and the Ruler, may his name be always blessed, allowed them to win, even if Pashtun stories tell they were defeated. Now we want to return quickly in Baluchistan before other problems will occur. Some merchants spoke about a great Afridi’s victory in Thal and now the answer by Ferenghees will be ruthless, voices say that the devil himself, Fullerton, is coming with fresh Baluchi reinforcement from devasted Tochi Valley”
Yamad asked
“which tales do you know on Mir Zakah? Is it true that ancient treasures are buried there? And… that the area is protected by demons? Tzsar?”
“Oh, Russians are much worse than devils, they are Persian great enemies, but we will beat them if they dare to come. There are voices that now are very busy north of Peshawar, but they are not so mighty to survive a good jezail bullet! But where you come from?”
Muletail interrupted the conversation just when Mustafà was starting to bite his fourth slice “Stop talking and stop eating” added staring Mustafà “now we are very late. Yamad pay for the tamarind and let’s continue the march. We must arrive into Mir Zekah before night”
“Yes Hussein” replied Yamad and a reluctant Mustafa payed the food not before grabbing in his pockets few extra slices, and left the caravan to its destiny.
Few hours late and many hundred miles (well, at least that is what seemed to Mustafà) our heroes arrive close a little village
“C’mon Folks, few miles and we’ll be in Mir Zakhar” said Muletail encouraging the depressed friend
“Look, after the curve there is a detour which brings to that village” Yamad said curiously
“It should be Kajeray” said Muletail
“I wanna eat, I refuse to do another single pass without having some food!” Mustafà protested
“Mmmh it could be not wise, we should go directly into the safe wall of Mir Zakah” replied Muletail
“I will arrive dead, starved, no I desperately need this stop”
“ok but only ine hour to buy other dates and tamarind. But where are all our reserves? Already eaten?”
”oooh Hosoor, great calamity, we were cheated by the Persians, it was not good tamarind and I had to eat it to verify that no other waste food was mixed….”
“Ok Yamad you remain here at the crossroad to patrol who is coming, I will cover your back ready to snipe from those rocks if there is a trap. You enter buy, eat something and fill our water bottles, then come out immediately and we rush towards Mir Zakah to arrive before night” said loudly and then whispered “or we risk to never arriving.”
Mustafa goes quickly to a seller of tamarind and assure all his bags are filled with tasty fruits.
 “How many annas for twenty tasty slices? The most juicy and sweetest”
“Oh we have the most delicious tamarind of all the region. You won’t find such fruits even in Mir zakah!”
“mmmh are we far from Mir Zakah?”
“not really, only twenty minutes but it is not wise walk alone in the evening, are you alone hosoor?”
Muletail was caught by surprise for the sudden appearance of Yamad.
“What are you doing here?”
“I saw a group of twelve tribesmen and 3 Pathans took this road, they do not seem simple sheperds and are fully equipped, I go to alert Mustafà”
“No it is too late, I hear their voices, probably u were not so fast but it could be a possibility for an ambush, let’s go behind those sargans”

Three tribesmen were coming quickly when two sudden shots broke the evening silence.
Yamad open the fire but nervously in the fading light miss his man, while Mulehead with a “6” kills the chief of the warriors. In few seconds Muletail and Yamad with their tulwars are on the surprised survivals. Two stirkes but only Mulehead hit his man who fall down heavily wounded and uncapable to continue the fight.
The last warrior misses his chance and Muletail with another “6” closes the fight.
“What amazing warrior 6 5 6r” said Yamad looking admired at Muletail who answered, “I’d like to be able to say the same…anyway look” One is not dead, we should despatch him or he will alert his friends”

“Wait Muletail, I can speak Tajiki, and we could get some important information”
“You speak Tajiki?”
“yes I do” answered triumphamtly Yamed “ I studied in Kabul” and the speaking with the wounded old Tajiki: “You bandit friends what why?”

“Mmmh it seems it do not want live anymore” said Yamad unsheathing his tulwar
“Stop him” The Tajiki cried to Muletail
Yamad stopped “do you speak Pashtun?” “Sure, better than your Tajiki”
Yamad stepped back offended and humiliated in front of Muletail
“Listen why are u following us” “We didn’t follow you; we saw this stupid running away at our arrival and we were detached to bring back him, or at least his rupees”
“Now I will have to kill u or u will give the alarm when they will come in search of you
“No stop, if u spare my life, I will teach u a different path to rejoin the main road few hunder meters after the first crossoroad, behind a huge rock, and u will proceed unseen. Before they realize the trick u wull be safe in Mir Zakah.” whispered the tajik “and if u give me some fresh water, I will kept my mouth as curled as an hedgehog”
“Before tell me where is this path” “Water…” “The path!!!” “Just behind the house of the tamarind seller, unseen because protected by three high rocks and few bushes…now water” Muletail nodded to him “Ok get it but do not drink too quickly”said Yamad “Not so quickly, not…he is dead” Whispered meeting Muletail glancing to him and the dead Tajiki.

“Let’s hide these bodies behind the sangars, this will mean few minutes more for us, then rush to alert Mustafà and go to Mir Zakah” ordered Muletail

“Mustafa run we have to leave the village NOW” “Muletail I found these tasty tamarinds for few annas you can get generous portions…”
“No time and don’t call me with my name in public, quick taje the food with Yamad and follow me” Muletail run towards the hidden path to put the greatest distance between them and the Tajiki
“What happened?” Mustafà asked to Yamad
“We were attacked by a dozen of bandits and I saved Muletail defeating them, but we must avoid their friend come to avenge them in a new feud!”
“Oh boy u ve learned well my lessons, you performed nothing but an act of derring-do.” Mustafa said proudly while Yamad took care to remain at enough distance from Muletail during this conversation. And now to Mir Zakah and its hidden fabulous treasures…
Mustafa turned for a last glance to the tamarind market stall but…dozens of shadows were appearing over the hills ridges…only the incoming darkness and the rocks shadows could save him to be detected, but for sure it was not a nice news for the Tajiki following them…he was staring them...who are they?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on November 22, 2021, 11:26:47 AM
The Cease

After the ambush of the Chilasis at the gorges of the Indus, where  Flashy and the Gurkha were wounded,  both recovered from the wounds (tossing 3 and 4 on recovery table) and the 4 men , Zibbib Khan, Flashy , Gurkha Machede Gurung and Walid Khan marched down to the Indus towards Gilgit …
Upon reaching Boonji Fort Zibbib, and his companions are stopped at a checkpoint...
...There are Kashmiris soldiers all around  them, the Havildar Chung Din of the 1st Imperial Kashmir Rifles surrounds them with his soldiers with rifles pointed...
A detachment of the 5th Gurkhas rushes in  under the command of Lt. J. Kennedy…
…Good afternoon Gentlemen, I am the Lt. Kennedy of the 5th Gurkhas, this is a military checkpoint in the Northern Territory,  what are you doing in the military zone? The access in this area is strictly forbidden ,... I don't think you have permission to be here...

Zibbib Khans  question answers…
We are workers for the Mr. Spedding's Company, we are catching up with our team which should be up beyond  Gilgit...we were attacked by Chilasis tribesmen at the gorges...you should send a strong detachment there to catch those marauders

Lt Kennedy
I'm sorry to hear about this fact of weapons... I will inform my superiors...in the meantime
Please show me your permits…

Zibbib show the documents…
Here are our permits... have already been checked other times during our trip...

Lt Kennedy
Havildar Din bring these documents please.....
these documents are fake... and Spedding's teams have not yet arrived in Gilgit... raise your hands all ... Havildar Nilai Gurung have these men searched for guns...

Ohoh…what I see…you are armed to the teeth...you are not workers as you mentioned... Havildar arrest these men, and escort them to Gilgit, where you'll  explain to Maj Forsyth who you are and what you doing  here...

To be continued…
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: miltiades on November 22, 2021, 02:55:22 PM
AMAZING! I hope to see it  soon  as a movie film ! o_o
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on November 22, 2021, 03:02:16 PM
AMAZING! I hope to see it  soon  as a movie film ! o_o

My hope too  lol lol
thanks !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on November 22, 2021, 03:19:36 PM
Armed guard all the way to Gilgit this should reduce their risk of further bandit attacks. But what happens when Maj Forsyth gets a hold of them? Will they wish the bandits had just ended it for them, or is he part of the greater game? Great developments.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on November 22, 2021, 03:28:35 PM
Armed guard all the way to Gilgit this should reduce their risk of further bandit attacks. But what happens when Maj Forsyth gets a hold of them? Will they wish the bandits had just ended it for them, or is he part of the greater game? Great developments.
with armed escort should be a safe journey...
rumors says that Maj. Forsyth is a thickheaded officer...
and probably in next story also some news from  Maa Din (El Osprey's son )? ...who knows... ;)

in the meantime I'm recruiting actors for the upcoming film... :)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on November 23, 2021, 12:59:56 PM
Mir Khan Khel -  Prelude Scenario F “take the high road”

Mirali village, 5 Km south of SpinWam. Season has changed and now a freeze wind is brushing each and every rock in Spinwam district. Near the ruins left by the Ferenghees , not far from Spinwam , or from what is remained of it, few well known ruffians, or patriots if u like, are discussing in a very hot jirga. And they are all Afridis but of different tribes, let we zoom in the jirga to recognize some old friends.
Here we are: the chairman is Sher Khan with his Qambar Khel tribesmen, after capturing Capt Townsend he is put in charge of protecting all south boundaries from Thal downwards to Mir Ali.
He is discussing with Abu Zar Khan, Kuki Khel warriors leader with his maliks Ajab Khan and Shahid Khan,
and Jammas Zada Khan and his Zakha Khel Pashtuns.
“Sher Khan, our re conquest of Thal and destruction of ferenghees trenched inside give us the strategic possibility to join our armies and destroy the devils coming from Tochi valley”
“Shut up” cried Sher Khan “how do you dare to give me suggestion on strategy after your poor performance during the fighting in the outskirts of Thal? You both lost the opportunity to destroy Ferenghees and allowed their retreat into Thal!
“That we reconquered” said proudly Jammas Zada Khan
“yes” Sher barked “ but losing precious days, now we cannot concentrate on the Ferenghees coming from Tochi valley, the flying devils of Fullerton, may the ruler convert all his dice into 1 and 2. General Davenport in Bannu is preparing a new column for Major Vousden and my spies reported that new highlander and Gurkha units are undergoing to be painted. So now we have to split again our forces. We proud Qambar Khel warriors will march to intercept any force coming directly from Bannu to Thal and u both, scum of my army, will entrench in Mir Khan Khel to stop or at least delay Fullerton advance. Shahid s snipers already got an heavy toll contributing to the defeat of Ferenghees vainly entrenched in Thal and this time will have the opportunity to enhance their honor firing directly to Fullerton”and Sher continued hissing “and also to silence the voices which want they not so keen to fight…”On the jirga only deep silence”You foolish cowards must follow my rules!”
Abu Zar with flaming eyes took the opportunity to defend his khan and free the frustration accumulated in the meeting and erupted:
Sher unimpressed continued “As Fullerton’s devils arrive you will send a messenger and I will be the hammer who will splash him on your anvil”his only reaction to Abu Zar’s aggressive words was limited to unsheathe half of his tulwar to remember who was the chairman of the jirga.
“But the devils are famous for their valour, for lucky or value it is composed by excellent officers”Abu Zar replied understanding the message and breaking the explosive situation.
“That is true” Sher admitted, apparently worried ,but more than happy to skip the impasse “but perhaps it is just a test by the Wise Ruler to try your faith showing that He can find the victory also among misery …or more probably His Punishment for your sins, thief of goat! Go and hope to catch a quick messenger, and hope that when he reaches me I will not too busy with my bhindi and ghost and don’t worry both of you, see? All is going fine, as we say: look there is okra in here “ ahahah and he laughed putting his spoon in the smoking cauldron.
“ Bhindi and Ghost, red meat and green okra, you and me” said sadly Jammas Zada Khan
 “you are right “nodded Abu Zar Khan “green like the field around Mir Khan Kheri…”
“And red like the blood, ours probably…”Closed Ajad Khan
” You fool have provoked me stealing my goats and,,,”Growled Sher Khan
“Goats were of my village…” A khan tried to interrupting him
“Silence!” roared Sher “You are lucky that I don’t want to waste my time as u are destined to Ferenghees’ lead. This test will be terrible but not impossible…it is like this bindhi and ghost
If you have few onions u can supply more okras, if u have few of anything just doubled your okra but never NEVER reduce the meat which must double the rest. With Fullerton you can concede the green fields around Mir Ali but never without tolling a heavy token of red Ferenghees’ meat! Go and remember that even if not Qambar Khel you are anyway Afridis warriors and Afridis blood is in your vein!”

In the same moment, on the opposite side of the valley, Col Fullerton is having a short briefing with his officers, bold Lt Best in command of Guides unit, lucky Lt Dawes and his gallant 14th Yorkshire unit and the new arrived capt Liver of 26th Baluchi with his aura of predestined hero preceding him. With these gentlemen the question you can have is not if they will win but who will be the first to get a VC.
Gentlemen, a private survived to Thal carnage informed us that Abu Zar is going to reconnect with Sher main army (viewers may find the details of Thal storming at following link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.330 ).
I have very clear the situation, we have all the time to anticipate him as he will have to recover after the fightings before rejoining with his alley/enemy Sher Khan, but as we say in cavalry: if u can charge tomorrow charge today, anyway always charge!!! Unfortunately, I have not as many squadrons to charge the haphazard village defence as I would, but the strategy is always the same, remember that the bayonets are the finest weapon for close quarter, charge them killing and pursuit them up to Thal. But for this probably my Guides will be enough; they are well used to exploit my victories. Ah Captain Liver, this the first time you fight with my devils, isn’t it?”
“Yes Sir yes, it is a privilege and an honor to be included in the famous derring do Fully’s devils. My boys are excited and willing to show you that they deserve such privilege”
“Well captain I imagine those Sher’s ruffians are waiting for us and it should be uneducated let them wait too much, we will strike before they receive Abu Zar’s reinforcement. Column deploy on the ground and at my order march singing my preferred tune, over the hill and far away to Queen Victoria we all obey”
From R.Winkie “Ballads from Peshawar Barracks”

O'er the hills and  the Yusufzais,
Through Wazirs, Afridis and Orazkais,
Queen Victoria commands and we obey,
Over the hills and far away.
If I should fall to rise no more,
As many comrades did before,
This Indian song you have to play,
Over the hills and far away.
Will Abu Zar keep stubbornly his position gaining time to spring Sher’s trap? Are his Kuki Khel and Shihad’s Zakha tribesmen ready to die for the glory of Sher’s Qambar Khel? Is fear of Umra’s ferocious revenge enough to incentive his men?
And Major Vousden is ready to march with his precious train of artillery and mules? And Sher will adhere to his original plan to be the hammer on Abu Zar’s anvil? Or better concentrating on Vousden mules and allow Ferenghees to vindicate his stolen mules and teach to Abu Zar a harsh lesson?…


To be Continued…
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on November 23, 2021, 04:18:00 PM
Great reports / episodes gentleman!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Shikari Sahib on November 24, 2021, 07:16:39 PM
Great AAR...one of the best threads ever !!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on November 25, 2021, 08:17:47 AM

Thanks, Shikari Sahib, very much appreciated!  Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the USA and this thread and the new friends I have made and old friends I have spent more time with by participating are among the things I am thankful for this year!  Sorry to get sentimental but have no fear, more blood and carnage, memorable characters -- and the occasional rewritten song lyric -- will follow.

BELOW: Mulehead Khan, Gul Akbar Khan & Bad Ass Khan strategize how to convince their opponents of the error of their ways and bring them to the faith of the One True Rules...


...while BELOW: the Mad Guru, Ali Razah Khan, a prostrate player to be named later & Umra Khan pray that their misguided opponents will see the error of their ways, renounce their False Beliefs and follow the One True Path of the OTHER RULES...

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on November 26, 2021, 05:18:14 PM
The target of 20000 viewers has been overcome! The important news has been received with enthusiastic parades and spontaneous parties in all Punjab!
(https://i.postimg.cc/m2wqGJGS/dance.png) (https://postimages.org/)
Also important leaders such as Umra Khan and Mulehead khan suspended friction and hostilities to enter in these frenetic dances!
(https://i.postimg.cc/HnSQ6Qfb/dance2.png) (https://postimages.org/)
As the old Mad Guru used to say when he was younger "nothing is more funny than firing to Ferenghees, but if u cannot u can spend your time riding mules or jumping in a Khattak dance!"
(https://i.postimg.cc/PJtqP9VM/dance3.png) (https://postimages.org/)
Thanks to all the viewers for the kind words of appreciation and a special thank to the friends involved in this topic on both sides of the pond! :-*
Very soon more details in the next Pesha Trib issue ;)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on November 29, 2021, 03:03:29 PM
Mir Khan Khel -  The battle Scenario F “take the high road”
“Well captain I imagine those Sher’s ruffians are waiting for us and it should be uneducated let them wait too much, we will strike before they receive Abu Zar’s reinforcement. Column deploy on the ground and at my order march singing my preferred tune, over the hill and far away to Queen Victoria we all obey”
From R.Winkie “Ballads from Peshawar Barracks”
O'er the hills and  the Yusufzais,
Through Wazirs, Afridis and Orazkais,
Queen Victoria commands and we obey,
Over the hills and far away.
When duty calls me, I must run,
To stand and face another khan,
But part of me will always rest,
Over the hills and mountain crest.
If I should fall to rise no more,
As many comrades did before,
This Indian song you have to play,
Over the hills and far away.
Will Abu Zar keep stubbornly his position gaining time to spring Sher’s trap? Are his Kuki Khel and Shihad’s Zakha tribesmen ready to die for the glory of Sher’s Qambar Khel? Is fear of Umra’s ferocious revenge enough to incentive his men?
And Major Vousden is ready to march with his precious train of artillery and mules? And Sher will adhere to his original plan to be the hammer on Abu Zar’s anvil? Or better concentrating on Vousden mules and allow Ferenghees to vindicate his stolen mules and teach to Abu Zar a harsh lesson?…
The Raj units approach Mir Khan Khel deployed in a long horizontal row, the only problem is time, only tvelwe turns separate them from evening and after that it will be too dangerous remain so far from the entrenched camp prepared in Mir Ali, to avoid to be surprised by Sher Khan enforced by Abu Zar’s units returning from the stormed Thal. 
But opposed to them, well protected by sangars and ruins, there is not Shar Khan but Abu Zar with his veterans who conquered Thal, ready to gain time and allow Sher Cla to close the loop and encircle the Ferenghees.
The objectives are clear: Fulerton must storm the village and open his way to Thal within 12 turns, Abu Zal must resist and allow Sher Khan the time to entrap the Ferenghees.
In the first turn gallant Baluchi under capt Liver used his ability to perform 2 actions and pinned Jammas Zara unit which did not rally and that means no fire for two turns as they are the only well-armed unit. Any relation between their behaviour and the previous day furious fight with the harsh offences by Sher Khan?
Guides fire pin Ajab unit on the opposite side of the village and at this point Fullerton takes the fatal decision to attack to storm the sangar and encircle the other unit.
Was this decision generated by fear of reinforce arrival? Or, as some enemies said, jealousy for infantry successes?

Whatever the root cause, the results was negative. Guides were stopped on drawn between the sangars and ruins and had to retreat becoming an easy target for Abu Zar and Shahid and only a lucky reroll of dice saved Fullerton himself, but his unit was cancelled for the day.
At this point Baluchi and guides, reinforced by the Green Howards, started a devasting fire until Jammas Zara routed and after him Shahir’s unit left the village, relatively damaged.Treachery?
At Turn 10 the turning point, both Abu Zar,  close to border,and devasted Ajab must rally with 2 pin penalties but they roll 10 and 12!!!
The remaining two turns get heavy toll devasting Ajab’s unit but they allowed Abu Zat to return and score the last victim of the day hitting one guide.
To avoid feud with Zakha tribesmen it is probable that Abu Zar will close an eye on Jammas Zada behaviour at the beginning of the battle, but it is a good opportunity to wipe out two emerging kuki kheri khans and probably this is the last time we meet the opium addicted Ajab and yellow belly Shahid who will be promoted to garrison some goats breed somewhere on the internal mountains.
At this point Fullerton returned on the battlefield just to order a general retreat, before reinforcements could destroy the column, surprising it in open field. Now the Raj units must manage returning to Mir Ali Mirali to reconstitute the column before returning Northwards.
But it is a long way back, few cavalries to scout and patrol the path, and AbuZar saved the village and is the flag around whom dispersed tribesmen rally with new volunteers willing avenge the past sufferance inflicted by Fullerton’s previous campaigns. He wants run to intercept Fullerton column before reaching the safe entrenched camp in Mir Ali Mirali and new Poona squadrons released by Major Stockfish, happy to remain safely in Tochi Valley devasting and looting the last untouched villages.
One of the last but not least khan to join Abu Zar Khan was Wali Khan, the second son of Sher Khan, with supplies and animals raided during his journey. A new alley or a spy, ready to report everything to his father?
Fullerton before turning the head of his horse roared his menace: he will ride with the sole purpose to cause immense suffering among Afridis civilian population, indiscriminately killing farmers, cutting trees and destroying Mir Khan Khel.
But in this way he only showed his great weakness, as once Umra Khan teached to Wali khan :
“When you’re not strong enough to punish the camel, then go and beat the basket carried by the donkey.”
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on November 30, 2021, 12:05:39 AM
An excellent victory for Abu Zar against the raj ferenghees, surely his tulwar was guided by the True Rule.  Well said that Umra would chastise a donkey's load for the transgressions of the camel, no truer statement could be made of this follower of the false rule.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on November 30, 2021, 10:34:54 AM
In His Immense Power the wrath of Umra the Magnificent will strike at all unbelievers and followers of the false faith... and also their mules and camels.
The Victory of the choosen Abu Zar is the triumph of the Faith  of the Righteous !
May Fully, the heretics, lost in the mountains of Tirah, and pay his faults for the deaths made among Afridis civilians.
May he has fleas of 1000 camels and have arms so short that he can not scratch.
So be written so be done !
Umra and his Bodyguards  ;)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on November 30, 2021, 03:52:21 PM
The dogs of the Mohmands are better than the Bangash,

Though the Mohmands themselves are a thousand times worse than the dogs.

The Warrakzais are the scavengers of the Afridis,

Though the Afridis, one and all, are but scavengers themselves.

This is the truth of the best of the dwellers in the land of Pathans,

Of those worse than these who would say that they were men?

Khushal Khan Khattack, the most revered Pashtun poet (1613-1690)

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Plynkes on November 30, 2021, 04:46:47 PM
Umra and his Bodyguards  ;)

I met him once. He was very tall.  :)

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on November 30, 2021, 05:15:58 PM
I just want to meet his bodyguards.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on November 30, 2021, 08:42:49 PM
Amen to that MG …. Lol
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on December 01, 2021, 12:31:58 PM


Zarin khan is a former Subedar  of the 40th Pathans, of Yusufzais origin, he deserted years ago and joined his friend and mentor Umra khan in Mogala.
He was instructed by Umra to break into the sequel to the malicious Wazir Mulehead, gain his trust, and report informations to Umra.
But in Zarin's heart is the oath of allegiance he took to the Raj when he entered the 40th Pathans, and this feeling has been torturing him for months....
So on a cold September night, in the desolate and barren  lands of Waziristan, Zarin leaves the fires of the camp and walks towards a mountain ...

Reaching the wind-blown summit, Zarin looks at the moon and begins to hum an old song that sings the deeds of the Pashtun hero Jayakumu
“On piles of dead meat
You have erected your glory
But the blood you shed on you fell back
Your war is over
Old soldier.
Now the wind has sat down
Your gaze hung on the sky
On the eyes there is the sun
A dagger remains in your chest
And you don't, you'll never throw again
Your spear to hurt the horizon
To push you beyond
To discover what only God knows
But of you will remain only
The pain, the cry that you have given”

……When suddenly he hears a voice calling him:
Zarin Khan are you here again? what are you looking for from the Moon and why are you singing this song ?

Who is speaking? Zarin asks...

I'm Babu khan a horse trader... I'm here because  I'll conclude a profitable trade of horses in the coming days down in Wana ...

Why do you know me? you are not a simple horse dealer... who are you really?

I am the one who led you to Spin Baldak against the Waziris, and I am the one who gave you the courage to repel the Afghan’s cavalry in Dhaka....I am the one who pushed your Pathans to attack the Tor Ghar tribes at Akhund Baba... I'm your Izzat!

I had lost sight of my honour  lately, indeed I hoped to never see you again...

You didn't want to see me because you were afraid of yourself... return among your men, your soldiers, which you have led valiantly into battle so many times; and face your destiny, whatever it may be , toss your dies without fear, believe in the Only True Rule of your ancestors... but put your Izzat first, so you can go back to being the Subedar Zarin khan !

to be continued...

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on December 01, 2021, 09:55:01 PM
To: General Davenport
From: Colonel Fullerton
Subject: Supplemental report to actions at Mir Khan Khel
Sir it is with great honour that I report my following actions against the Afridi heathen Abu Zar Khan and his lashkar at Mir Khan Khel. Upon approach to the village it was clear to me that the afridis had reinforced their center with modern rifles (I suspect provided by Russian or Afghan agents) and Ghuzzni fanatics. I immediately ascertained I could strike hard with my Flying Devils into their right flank and roll up the entire affair adroitly. I led the charge straight into their flank, my Flying Devils at my side, and slammed into a wall of fire and steel, the dammed heathens had reinforced the sangars with more modern rifles. My Devils did not shirk, but the withering fire was telling and prudence prevailed. I called back my probing attack to allow the regulars a clear line of fire into the heathens and they poured withering fire into the pattans but not before my wheel maneuver provided the slightest let up in pressure allowing the heathens to pick their targets, gunning my guides down to a man and shooting my mount from under me. The beast fell on me pinning my leg and sword arm. Suddenly one of the Ghuzzni fanatics broke from the village, his tulwar ready to strike down on me. From across the battlefield Lieutenant Dawes sighted down his Webley and potted the devil, sparing me the indignity of dying under my mount as opposed to astride her.

Captain Liver continued to direct the attack on the village driving the afridis to the rear until I could rejoin the effort and take charge of the consolidation and refit, declaring Mir Khan Khel pacified, and the path to Spin Wam one village closer.

Lieutenant Dawes acquitted himself in a manner appropriate for an officer of her majesty the Queen.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on December 01, 2021, 10:03:52 PM
Good description ...I must admit !  :)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on December 04, 2021, 10:41:38 AM

Mullah Powinda “the goat”
Beneath vague voices and the feeble din,
Strangely as if through a shield,
Through the khattak dancers in a row
One sees the towering old mullah.

A welcoming voice, a direct look,
With eyebrows, grizzled and curved,
Of nothing in particular he spoke
And to you said no more than he should.

Among the tribesmen and the khans
Amid the day’s whirlwind,
It seems that they’d forgotten
His past dramatic legend.

They forgot the day of anguish,
The night of cries: “To arms.”
The disheartening salt-marshes,
The camels’ measured tread;

Forgot the margins of shifting sand
Where a bad-luck company dragged;
Forgot Maiwand and Jandola carnage,
Tochi Valley fallen to the Ferenghee’s flag.

Forgotten? — No! Each time it occurs
That some attention-grabbing incident
Dims the spark of his peaceful eyes,
Refreshing them with old events.

“What is with you?” — “My foot aches.” —
“Gout?” — “No, an old jezail wound.”
Suddenly provoked, he awakes
And breaks the tedium of the Punjabi sun.

And he told me that none of those
Among all of the veterans,
In lines with up raised tulwars
Or in rows of resting on the ground,

Could force him out of the shabby bed,
Clever, foxy and corpulent,
As his heart repeatedly agonized
Over memories of mishaps past.

But a new Rule is moving his world,
And he wakes up from his deserved rest,
Grabs his jezail and embraces the jihad,
‘Cause the True Ruler claims his life.

Among the rocks
Jumping and landing
He forgets the pain in the foot
No gout he told…just goat!!!

R.WInkie from “Peshawar barracks ballads” which inspired Gumilev’s famous poem

Mustafa turned for a last glance to the tamarind market stall but…dozens shadows were appearing over the hills ridges…only the incoming darkness and the rocks shadows could save him to be detected, but for sure it was not a nice news for the Tajiki following them…he was staring them...who are they?
“Quick quick” cried running in front of the trio and pointing to the crossroads which led to Mir Zakah
“Quick quick…STOOOP” Mustafà indicated some sparkle of light coming from the main road, the sunset reflecting on the metal of weapons
 “How can they be already here?” asked Yamad fully surprised
“Tajik have magic powers, they are all wizards” grumbled Mustafa for Yamad discomfort but he was tacitated by Muletail
 “Silence, Mustafa stop with this foolish stories which impress Yamad, they cannot be the friends of the three killed tajiks, they were waiting on the crossroad in the opposite road; these must be other tribesmen, let’s go behind that mud brick  house and let they pass unseen”.
It was a simple classic brick mud house, very common not only in this area, called in “renedra style”, often sometime they include also a dome and awning and jars, but this was very simple and, above all, without any evidence of inhabitants.
Two tribesmen are coming from Mir Zakah escorting an old man, apparently inoffensive and harmless, he walked with a limp, like something was wrong with his leg, obliged to carry a big water tank.
The trio was just beyond the mud brick house, which controlled the road and could be used as a sentinel to warn about enemies coming to the village; but actually it appeared desert and without inhabitants, and allowed our friends to hide out unseen, when suddenly cracking and cries erupted filling the air with noisy sounds.
Immediately the trio stopped in the middle of the road and the old men said with a clear waziri accent
“so it seems that my friends came to look for me” and laughed but the two answered with surprising perfect Afridis’ accent:
“Shut up stupid ruffian, you will pay for our three brothers you killed before being captured” and raise the arms to hit him with their tulwars “if we cannot bring you back we will kill you here”
Even if Muletail orders were to hide and then go to Mir Zakah, the generous and naïf Yamad could not stand looking the old men injured and going to be despatched. His generosity was also boosted by the consideration that the old men looked worthless while the tulwars of the Tajiki could be easily converted in juicy tamarind slices and he knew very well that Mustafa, after eating a dozen of slices, was keen to tell fantastic stories about Tsar monster and now new ones about Tajiki wizards, and Yamad was crazily fond of horror stories.
He pointed the jezail and, covered by the chaotic din coming from behind the curve: snip! But for the hurry to move and fire he missed; surprised also Muletail and Mustafà fired without aiming and failed their shots. The ambushed afridis grabbed their jezails but misfired and then started the melee but no tulwar reached his target 5 dice for fire and 5 for melee, all failed!
At this point the five fighters paused and the old man took the water tank over his shoulders and hit the head of one Afridis, stunning him, while the second, distracted by the unforeseen attack, lost for one second controlling the attackers and was wounded by Yamad and  despatched by Muletail, without successfully counterattacking.
 (https://i.postimg.cc/nL9xMJrb/ag-dopo-melee-fine.jpg [/img)
“Rumours are stopped now, the warriors seen by Mustafa must have completed their work on Tajiks or the latter routed, now it is best accelerating towards the village before they join us” said Muletail
 “Thanks brothers you have broken me free from these heretic ruffians” said the old man grabbing a jezail from a dead Afridis “ but now I must continue my job”
and before completing his sentence he disappeared jumping among the rocks.
When Yamad climbed a rock he could see only a far shepherd with some goats…
“Wow he is faster than a goat among these rocks and he facilitated our job hitting one warrior” Yamad said
“Sure he was not a normal old man , perhaps a demon” replied Mustafa
“A demon, a goat demon?”Yamad was terrorized but much more fascinated. “Perhaps generated by Tajik wizards?”
“Shut up and run if you do not want be captured by other bandits and if they catch us you will regret the demon did not kill you”” said sharply Muletail and the trio run again towards Mir Zaleh…
Running cautiously, keeping a strict silence, all three are thinking: but who was the “goat demon”? An old shepherd? A master of camouflage? Will our heroes meet him again? Probably sooner than they think…
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on December 06, 2021, 01:49:26 PM
The Interrogation

Lt. Kennedy
Major, we found these men in the Military zone with counterfeit documents stating they are Spedding’s workers .

Good morning, I am Maj. Forsyth, commander of the Gilgit base, do you want to explain to me why you go armed and with an escort of cutthroats in the Northern Territory, which is forbidden to civilians?  Your excuse of being Spedding’s workers doesn't work, so I want the truth!

Mr Major I cannot answer this question, I have a secret assignment by the Rawalpindi High Command, I am a British Intelligence agent...

Maj. Forsyth
Hooow can I believe such a colorful and strange story? you don't have a shred of paper with you !

Major normally Sirkar's agents don't walk around with documents...., you can check by telegraphing to Rawalpindi...

Maj. Forsyth
Ah you can be sure that I will.' In the meantime, however, you are all under arrest!

Me Major Forsyth too? I'm an important and well-known person, I'm Percival Flash Dumbar, you'll have heard of me... and I suffer from rheuism I can not go to a damp and cold cell .....

Major Forsyth
Never heard of you Sir ... and I have other and more important problems to solve, we are preparing for a Military campaign…, and I had also received the last number of the Pesha Trib with latest Winkie’s poem, and I’m anxious to read it…so excuse me but I’m really busy now…Havildar take these men to prison, they are under arrest !

Damned military, just a burocrat in a garrison lost out of this world he can command....

On his way to the prisons, Zibbib hears a faint voice coming from one of the cells...
Zibbib Khan, you too here?

Who is ?...... Nasrullah Khan my faithful friend, what are you doing here and where are the other men who were with you ?  are you wounded ?

Nasrullah Khan
Hosoor, may Allah protect you,  while we were going down  the Gilgit River on inflated goat skin boat ...
at the confluence with the Yasin, we were attacked by the fetent Yaghistanis, they shot to us like pidgeons ,  …mine it's a smear wound…fortunately on the saving table a 6  was tossed…

Zibbib khan
But what happened to the other men and the boys ?

Hosoor, I have bad news , in the clash  were killed all our faithfully men, and the Emir’son... he rolls 1 on saving table, very unlucky boy
The gaze of the Prophet has moved away from us...I managed to escape together with the young Maa Din …fortunately because we are in the first boat and the river rapids pushed us away , the True Rule protect us with another lucky 6 , but later , tired and hungry we were captured by Kashmiri soldiers and brought here to Gilgit fortress.

For the beard of the Prophet, what a story ... I'm sorry for the other men and for the Amir’son, killed by these heretics and pesty  barbars…could be a great problem the  lost of the Amir’s son for the balance on the Frontier…, but you succeeded in the mission of bringing the son of El Osprey with you. Where is the boy now?

Nasrullah Khan
He is also here, perhaps in another cell... since we were captured I have not seen him again ...

To be continued…

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Shikari Sahib on December 06, 2021, 02:16:34 PM
Beautiful and exciting story, very intriguing...
excellent photos and sceneries, beautiful the  inflated goat boats and the river water, amazing  the effects of the floors and cells.
Great work !!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on December 06, 2021, 02:18:31 PM
Beautiful and exciting story, very intriguing...
excellent photos and sceneries, beautiful the  inflated goat boats and the river water, amazing  the effects of the floors and cells.
Great work !!!

Thanks very appreciated comments Sir !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on December 06, 2021, 04:08:54 PM
Excellent installment to Zibbib's tale. That boat and river work are truly inspired Umra. Major Forsyth is a damnable ass and demonstrated his hubris by bring Zibbib and Flashy into his office disclosing a planned military operation and his operational map on the wall for them to see. Not to mention the latest edition of the Pesh Trib laid out for them to read their cyphered messages from.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on December 06, 2021, 05:26:58 PM
Shanks aka Sardar Gul Akbar, typical behaviour of an heretic ferenghee. The dead boy was a stupid dull one ,but can be very useful to our jihad. Let the Amir know that the firing was done by ferenghees with afridis scouting. Russians will be his revenge tool and we...just wait to pick up the fruits. May the True Ruler bless your dice!
Your father in Faith Mulehead, future Amir
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on December 06, 2021, 06:10:26 PM
Excellent installment to Zibbib's tale. That boat and river work are truly inspired Umra. Major Forsyth is a damnable ass and demonstrated his hubris by bring Zibbib and Flashy into his office disclosing a planned military operation and his operational map on the wall for them to see. Not to mention the latest edition of the Pesh Trib laid out for them to read their cyphered messages from.

Haha very witty comments...
You and your brother , the Evil Wazir, are like the fox and the cat
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on December 07, 2021, 08:04:34 AM

Gilgit , Swat, Kunar, and Kabul
Kurram, Tochi, and Sohan
Mighty rivers each in their own right
Sweep down from the roof of the world
Feeding the vastness of the Indus
Cutting through mountain and plain alike to join the sea

So too
Afridi, Waziri, Akazai, and Hassanzai
Yusafzai, Bunerwhal, Chitrali, and Hazara
Mighty tribes put aside the vagaries of rules
Bringing their strengths together in times of need
Sweeping the ferenghees from the mountains and plains
Delivering them to the sea from whence they came
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on December 07, 2021, 01:23:13 PM
Well done CPT Shanks
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on December 07, 2021, 03:29:25 PM
I just read through pages 29 & 30, WOW! Great poems, stories, terrain, and reports gents.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on December 07, 2021, 06:39:46 PM
13 Sept. 1890 - Tirakh Mir - Chitral


The rumors of a large Russian force crossing the border from Zebak into the Chitral Territory have been confirmed. Refugees from the pillaging of Zebak in Badakhshan by the Russian forces have made it to neighboring villages on the south side of the border. It is said that the Russians have Tajik allies with them and have made a strong base in Zebak from which to attack Chitral! Stories of Cossacks pursuing the refugees into the hills has every border village on edge.


Just across the border a village on the road to Tirakh Mir has been occupied by the Russians for a night laager. A young man with ties to Umra Khan and related Ali Razah Khan has left his village before the heathen feringhee made camp. Hidden in the foothills above his vill he made a sketch of the camp and his vill to take to the local Mullah. He told his siblings that it is his duty to report this defilement of his country by these northern feringhees.


Ballah Khan, younger brother of Ali Razah Khan has mobilized his forces intent on attacking the Russians in their forward camp at sunrise on the morrow. Local popular forces of the Regular Afghan Army have a fort on the border close by, will they join in the attack? Every Pashtun is ready to kill these feringhees from the north. The one true rule will protect the faithful.


Hand drawn map made by Bhalla Khan while hiding in the foothills in the southeastern corner of his valley.

This game will be run in person at the SMG - South Florida Miniatures Gamers clubhouse, Das Krieg House in Fort Lauderdale Fl. My buddy Bob who’s running the Russians in this campaign is flying in for a visit to play this game. He’s been sending me troops to use in the game for weeks prior and I’ve been painting Russians to add to the battle as well as making custom game cards for all the forces involved. We will be using my favorite set of rules, THE SWORD AND THE FLAME,
 http://www.sergeants3.com/2.html (http://www.sergeants3.com/2.html)

Here are some of the custom game cards. The front has the movement, fire, and morale charts while the back has the melee stats and mods. They are a half sheet of standard paper in a plastic page protector and kept in a small binder for future operations. The plastic covers also make good coasters for a frosty beer.




                           TO BE CONTINUED:

15 September 1890, On the road to Tirakh Mir, Chitral …


Game table set up as per Ballah Khan’s hand drawn map.

Link to my entry into this campaign on my blog: https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/2021/07/never-trust-anyone-on-frontier-epic-nwf.html?m=0

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on December 07, 2021, 06:59:58 PM
Excellent pre-battle report JBaumal
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on December 07, 2021, 07:33:52 PM
It will be interesting to see if the Tsar's forces are able to expand their influence further south and gain access to the rich resources of India. It will be interesting to see them stopped cold in the passes and watch their bones bleach in the unrelenting mountain sun, scraped clean of flesh by the goh, jackals, and vultures too. Either way I am keen to see the developments. Great write up Sgt Guinness.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on December 07, 2021, 11:59:17 PM
Thank you gentlemen!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on December 08, 2021, 08:02:23 AM
I’m late to the complementing squad but that doesn’t decrease my sincerity, great post brother Jeff, & you now have us all on the edge of our seats ‘round the tabletop, waiting for news from the front!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: miltiades on December 08, 2021, 10:25:22 AM
I am fascinated by this fantastic and colorful story!. Excellent! I keep wondering ... what comes next? And everything has a feeling and a touch of the period.  :o :-*
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on December 08, 2021, 10:15:44 PM
Thank you Miltiades my friend!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on December 09, 2021, 01:35:41 AM
MG, thank you my brother. A great battle it was! You and I should be battling it out soon in your territory. I will be working on my AAR between all my kids events.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on December 09, 2021, 01:03:23 PM
Mir Ali Mirali -  The battle Scenario C “to the last battle”
AbuZar saved the village and is the flag around whom dispersed tribesmen rally with new volunteers willing to avenge the past sufferance inflicted by Fullerton’s previous campaigns. He wants to run to intercept Fullerton column before reaching the safe entrenched camp in Mir Ali Mirali and new Poona squadrons released by Major Stockfish, happy to remain safely in Tochi Valley devasting and looting the last untouched villages.
One of the last but not least khan to join Abu Zar Khan was Wali Khan, the second son of Sher Khan, with supplies and animals raided during his journey. A new alley or a spy, ready to report everything to his father?
Fullerton before turning the head of his horse roared his menace: he will ride with the sole purpose to cause immense suffering among Afridis civilian population, indiscriminately killing farmers, cutting trees and destroying Mir Khan Khel.
But in this way he only showed his great weakness, as once Umra Khan teached to Wali khan :
“When you’re not strong enough to punish the camel, then go and beat the basket carried by the donkey.”

 “The orders by my father are very simple. With the mounted throat cutters hired by my father we will be able to harass the devils running back and we’ll intercet and destroy them before entrenching in Mir Ali Mirali. They are from Wardak, directly from the capital Chaki and are mercenaries offered by the Amir as an alliance gift to Umra Khan, who deployed them to my father and that I bring with me to ensure no Ferenghees will return alive.”
“My own unit is formed by the cream of the army of my father and will show you how to fight” Wali Khan said proudly among the other nodding khans, all new arrived and more than willing to be Ferenghees avengers and show to Wali their loyalty to his father, the mighty Sher Khan.
“You cannot teach a Kuki Khel Afridi how fighting ferenghees, none of you were in Mir Khan Khel where the pride of Afridis was enhanced by our value!” roared Abu Zar “we start immediately!”
Waiting more reinforcement should have been the wisest option but he should show to all the khans who was the boldest khan and the chief of the army-“Let’s pass thru the hills on the right and arrive on the routed enemies to complete their butchery”.
Mmmh the troops sent by Sher Khan are fine but their khans two complete idiot, one bald as a coot and the other a forgettable fellow, whose only valuable intellectual property are his moustaches. They both are as sharp as a buzkashi ball…
Captain Liver run to the head of the column and informed Fullerton “Sir, may I beg you pardon but it seems many ruffians are trying to cut our path, many hundreds of them if you don’t mind”
“Captain we cannot lose a second, let us direct towards those houses to create a rock where their waves will splash ineffectively”
 “Sir yes sir” and then shouting, “column follow me!”
At second turn the inept Shakor Khan did not manage to coordinate the possible attack at double and his mounted warriors remained standing while all the tribesmen were running shortening the distance.
Like wolfes, the pashtuns try to envelope the flying devils but must stop to take the breath, only the veterans driven by Naag Khan continue to run looking for the opportunity to attack the rearguard of Best’s guides, but they are also cautious because they know the bloody effective job the Sikh can do with their bayonets,
Liver’s baluchis sent a devasting fire on Naag khan killing 5 pathans, then the exceptional Liver raises his cry “At the double!” and his baluchis manage to accelerate at the double reaching the protection of few houses in the outskirts of Mir Ali Mirali
Shakor Khan toss 11 and his mounted warriors charge at double with a further 5, but the Sikh are really lions and stop them in a draw that avoid any pinning or pursuing.
Liver’s Baluchi kill other 2 mounted Wardak included Shakor Khan and they are pinned, just in time to avoid the joint attack with Wali, but the irregulars fire a devasting volley and then other 2 Sikhs are butchered by Naag veterans, killing one.
While Best rallied his guides, Liver and Dawes sent devasting fire on Naag Khan and on Kaalindi Khan with 4 dead each and pinning both and only the second succeded in rallying. It seems that Raj units can safely retreat.
But at this point Abdul Haq, the young Afridi emerging leader, advances and then passes the test for a second action , being an hero, and said “Brothers Remember Spinwam, the harvest destroyed, the wells polluted” and the Afridis unsheated their
tulwars “Remember Qaabiz’s wifes raped and killed” and the Afridis advanced “Remember Gaarwine’sons all killed” and the Afridis raised their tulwars “remember the beautiful Spinwam’s tower burnt and destroyed “ and the Afridis charged the British “Remember Eada’s goats stolen and devoured!” at the thought of the lost goats the tulwars hit ruthlessly and all Yorkshire unit but Dawes is cancelled!
Impressive and decisive…
Now only Tommie Liver’s Baluchi are between the Pashtun hordes and the safe defenes of Mir Ali Mirali.
Liver’s Baluchi regroup in close order and kills 4 Abdul Hag men pinning his unit, now this is the situation:
The fire of Wali’s irregular hits another guide and Lt Best with another guide join Dawes in his rout towards Mir Ali Minari. Now also Fullerton join them to organize the reinforcements sent to Mir Ali Mirali and rally the routed, only Tommie Liver stay entrenched in hard cover provided by the village against the 4 remained units, two battered but two fresh new.
Liver’s Baluchi fought like lions but nobody survived, last one being Liver himself that rallied once again his men without routing but were despatched by the man of Abu Zar,
who personally killed the heroic Cpt Liver who, with his sacrifice, allowed the safe retreat of the other officers.
In the mean time 10 miles west…
“Sir I’m LT Jaybrick, Paul Jaybrick, I’ve been sent with my Poona unit to join your column during the march to Thal. May I ask where the rest of your units is, Sir?”
“This is all my column, Tenant, or what is remained of it. You arrived just in time to escort us safely to Mir Ali Mirali and from there we’ll have to move quickly away, before those heathens arrive pursuing us! Thanks the mounted ruffians were routed, and this gives us the possibility to escape,”
LT Jaybrick looked to the horizon but no other troops were in sight; of 4 gallant and flamboyant units who left Tochi Valley only 3 officers and 1 private were marching Southwards. And now something was in view on the horizion, but they were not Raj soldiers…

To be continued
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on December 10, 2021, 12:10:47 PM
Mir Ali Mirali Aftermath
In the Sher Khan camp in the outskirts of Surani a messenger arrives on his galloping chestnut gelding, is a man or…it looks like a mirage… .
Sher khan noticed immediately the dusty clouds on the horizon and the indistinct approaching figure
“mmmh it seems a Wardak tribesman, only a stupid Wardak could raise all that cloud to announce his arrival for miles around”
“Khan I have a message from your son, he said me to show you a letter sent by Abu Zar to the mighty Umra Khan and he asked me to deliver at maximum speed. We wanted returning home after the death of our Khan in the big battle!”
“is Shakor Khan died? And my son? And the army? All lost?”
“No it was a great victory and only our Khan was killed, but he acted as bravely as only Wardak can do” said proudly the messenger
Unfortunately, he was hit by a long distance lucky shot of those damned ferenghees, he was assisted by his young brother, our actual leader Saadam Khan. If I think to that moment it is curious that the wound that killed Shakor was on his side and seemed more inflicted by a tulwar, like the bloody one brought by his brother, but these are some of the mysteries hidden in the great battles…
“ oh well” said Sher, relieved by the news “I mean I’m sorry for Shakor but…oh well give me the letter and go to get a soup, you should be wearied after this long ride and the battle” and took the letter reading it avidly:
From Abu Zar Khan to Umra Khan:
The war against the devils flying column, which the Afridis warriors, inferior in number and equipment, began under the leadership of Sher Khan and supreme leader you mighty Umra Khan and conducted with unwavering faith and tenacious bravery without rest for many weeks, is won.
The gigantic battle, which opened last month and in which the Afridis of many subtribes under Sher Khan joined against different Ferenghees armies, is over.
The lightning-fast and most audacious advance of my troops on Mir Ali Mirali, blocking the retreat of the enemy army, as they were overwhelmed from the North by the troops sent by you mighty Umra  and from the east by those of Sher Khan, led to the utter collapse of the enemy's front. From Thal to the Tochi Valley, the fleeing enemy is pushed ever further back by the irresistible onslaught of the regrouped local Pashtun rallied under your flags and of the cavalry tribesmen that you sent to us to complete the triumph..
In the mountains, Sher Khan is advancing at the head of his undefeated tribes, eager to return to the previously successfully conquered positions, which they had never lost.
The Ferenghee Army is vanquished: it suffered terrible losses in the dogged resistance of the last days, and during the pursuit it lost an enormous quantity of materials of every kind as well as almost all its stockpiles and supply depots. The Ferenghee’s Army only today has so far left about 3 whole units and no prisoners of war are left in our hands along with multiple entire officer booties and at least 500 new rifles.
The remnants of what was one of the world's most powerful armies are returning in hopelessness and chaos up the valleys from which they had ascended with boastful confidence to spread famine and death.
All my Khans fought bravely but I want to mention especially Abdul Haq Khan, who I put in charge of all the lands south of Mir Khel Khesh, who destroyed alone in only one turn a whole British unit, Wali Khan the second son of Sher Khan who showed great bravery and skill in firing with his irregular troops and Khalidi Khan whose Ghazi warriors kept the ground without routing also when losing two third of their fanatics.
Now the road to Mir Ali Mirali is open and from there we can think to encircle General Davenport in Bannu or pursuit and destroy Fullerton remained troops in Tochi Valley, in a great alliance with Waziris or…from there aiming directly Wana and the heretic ruffian goats lover who will soon be part of our buzkashi games.
As a preliminary gift, please mighty Umra accept the head of a British Captain who fought as a lion allowing the escape of the other officers, and that I butchered personally with my tulwar.
Your triumphant Abu Zar

“And now what your next moves?” Asked Sher to the Waldek mumbling on the letter content
“Abu Zar closed an eye about the stories on our Khan death and has promoted Saadam khan of the Waldek cavalry, so Sadaam is proud of it and faithful to Abu Zar and we remain with him with all the winning Khans who see the opportunity to gain honour and booty, included your son Wali Khan.
The strategic situation shows Fullerton in Mir Ali Mirali with the reinforcement sent from Tochi Valley, his request for other units will be probably rejected by Gen Davenport who has cancelled the delivery of a new column under Major Vousden to retake Thal and is concerned about Bannu itself , menaced by Sher Khan, whose Afridi have been reported to be already around Surani.
Furthermore, sending other troops to Fullerton is under the risk of being intercepted before arriving and the Army defeated piecemeal. If Abu Zar will push southwards Mir Ali Mirali will fall and Fullerton will have to decide between trying to return to Bannu or organizing a last defence in Tochi Valley waiting for help from South, by Gen. Sir John Percival "Mandrake" Aubrey-Smith in Tank, but still with some units consolidating the presence around Jandola.
In the meantime a unit of Hodson Horse under Major Rawson, who got the mission to capture the adventurer false merchant Zibbib, but failed, and is arrived in Bannu as false clues directed him to the wrong way, and now is a lucky coincidence as could be part of a new column to go west to Fullerton or north to clean the Surani district to ensure the Bannu safe.
And new units are coming from Rawalpindi to turn the tide. Among them a 1st mountain artillery Kohat unit, willing to use their devasting guns, supported by ghurka and highlanders still under painting.
Abu Zar has a formidable army, but he is well aware that his power is due to Umra benevolence and Sher forced alliance. Now Sher Khan seems forgot the past feud as the Abu Zar victories produce indirect success also for Sher who is in charge of all the area. And Abu Zar is indispensable if Sher wants to try something more ambitious against Anglez, and the last victory gave glory also to his second son Wali Khan, and Abu Zar reported his name to Umra.
But Umra could decide to send Abu Zar to Tochi Valey. And if so why? To expand Afridis’ power or free it for Mulehead and assure credits for future battles against Anglez or…perhaps against new  Ferenghees from North? And the first son of Sher Khan, Bahadur, will accept happily the glory of his younger brother Wali? Will he search a battlefield to show his value? Or does he think that a well-used tulwar could close the problem much more easily? Will Sher Khan give an irregular infantry unit to him too?
But Bahadur is the first son and he says among other khans he deserves a whole army! But his leadership value is 9+ and Sher Khan, a good men judge, probably will not risk more than a single unit…as for that bald coot of Wali…

To Be Continued
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on December 10, 2021, 12:33:22 PM
Excellent Giorgo !!

Umra in his great wisdom wants to avoid trespassing to the south, in the land of the Waziri.
Sher Khan is the Choosed One he will engages Ferenghees troops in the north, and cuts any renforcement for Fullerton!
so be written, so be done !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: elcondottieri on December 10, 2021, 01:29:37 PM
Thank you very much to all the participants.

Wonderful story.

 :-* :-*
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on December 10, 2021, 07:05:44 PM
Elcondottieri, muchas gracias por tus amables palabras de aliento :-*
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on December 12, 2021, 06:05:29 PM
Great job Giorgio! Very exciting. I’m working on my AAR for our battle in the  north.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on December 13, 2021, 11:28:42 AM
TANK 23 September 1890
From Gen. John C. Aubrey-Smith Mandrake
Jandola Outpost
Col. Frederich Murchison

Dear Murchie
carefully check the movements of the Southern Waziri, I have information that there may be unrest... Zarin has not yet turned his card and Powinda is moving against Stockfish, and you know that these tribesmen are easy to excite...
Stay well my friend

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Shikari Sahib on December 15, 2021, 02:16:02 PM
great posts men, carry on with other news please  :-*
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on December 16, 2021, 09:36:33 AM
Ghuam Khan Kalay Battle

Muletail and his friend had been instruments of  fate or, if you prefer, the True Ruler had established since the beginning that he had to start his long journey from Khost to be in Kajeray just in time to free Mullah Powanda (see link https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.420 Powanda “the goat”).
While Muletail and his friend are continuing their journey towards Mir Zakah, Mullah Powanda takes the leadership of tribesmen rallied under his flag for a great jihad and the army increases with Waziris and allies joining his column directed from North West to the Tochi Valley.
After a long quick journey through the waziris subtribes in Khost, Powanda warriors reach the North Waziristan, green hills alternate with rocky arid dusts
Different is the perception of the British officers and Lt Wootsy is not exception. He is a real Hero, the only valuable officer that Stockfish has under his command. He is scouting the area north of Ghuam Khan Kalay to intercept and escort an artillery mule train sent by Gen Davenport just before the fateful end of Fullerton advancing towards Spinwam and his defeats and units annihilation.(see link https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.435 the battle of Mir Ali Mirali)
A unit of 1st Bombay mountain battery is escorting the train and cpt Riley Sikhs and LT Firestone are marching to meet them and to support and prevent any coup de man of Waziris.
A lot of ruffians’ movements and rumours of the riot have been detected and Stockfish wants to regroup all his unit to entrench and wait for Fullerton’s return with the Poona cavalry sent to support his advance in Afridis’s lands. (see link https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.435 the battle of Mir Ali Mirali)
Opposite to Wootsy, the other officers are not at sufficient standard: Cpt Riley can be defined a yellow belled, but anyway better than the drunkard LT Firestone or the coward nervous LT Tameron, whom Gen Davenport was very keen to send out of his HQ and who got his rank thanks the good offices of his uncle Br Gen Marmaduke Tameron, who anyway didn’t take him in his highlander regiment.
Suddenly a dusty cloud behind the hills is announcing an incoming danger: Cpt Riley must be informed immediately to accelerate the march to support Tameron and assure the safe arrival of the train with the necessary guns and ammunitions. They are already here, much before the expected arrival time!
“Crazy mountain artillerymen, they well deserve their reputation!” Wootsy said turning his horse “Better we accelerate, RInsaldar at the double, quick! But before send a Sowar to Captain Riley to inform him!”.
An happy, melodic, rhythming tune is song in the valley by the bold artillerymen of the 1st Bombay mountain artillery:
 For you all love the screw-guns — the screw-guns they all love you!
So when we call round with a few guns, o’ course you will know what to do.
Jest send in Powanda an’ surrender — it’s worse if you fights or you runs:
You can go where you please, you can skid up the trees, but you don’t get away from the guns.

“Tenant tenant” the halvidar shouted running “Sir many pathans are behind those hills aiming at our mules”
“Well they will enjoy the knowledge of our lead, Havildar be ready to repulse the attack and let us gain time to be rescued” answer the Tenant while his nerves started to collapse after fighting with his mind generously helped by a robust liquor to pass the hours of this interminable journey. But he feels a presence, an oppression on his breast cutting the breath, as an evil curse, a prophecy of dead…
“The mountain gunners’ boast is that we can go anywhere, where a man and a mule could put a foot.we have  kept  up a steady clip of up to four and a half mile per hour, mile after mile and day after day and now we are here unexpected to keep this area under strict control.”
For Lt Wootsy it was a remarkable sight to see a good mountain battery coming into ‘crash’ action. What would appear to the uninitiated eye to be a disorderly assembly of mules and soldiers would suddenly stream into position, there would be a brief pause with much exertion and the heaving of lumps of metal and in a minute or two, the animals would be led off at a run leaving six or four sturdy guns with their detachments kneeling smartly round them.
Powanda looked at the column, surprised that they were already arrived, just before all the trap settings were completed. He had many inexperienced khans, but the view of the mules and guns boosted the warriors enthusiasm. Powanda spoke to his men:
“Glory to True Ruler generosity! Here our award, the prize of our faith is coming before than expected!
On the poor dusty road, utter carnage awaits you and I see what they will be in few hours: Maimed bodies will be rotting where they had been thrown. Shards of broken weapons and pieces of guns have been scattered across the highway like autumn leaves. The carriage is lying on its side, wood split open like a rotten pumpkin. With those guns we will free all Tochi Valley. Raise your tulwars sons and give the due bloody sacrifice to the True Ruler!”
“Glory to the True Rule” the waziris roared and when Mullah Powanda lowered his arms they exit in the main valley and run towards the train.
But LT Tameron feels a presence, an oppression on his breast cutting the breath, as an evil curse, a prophecy of dead, someone as a sort of supernatural power, looking over him and he trembles…
At Powanda's signal all the tribesmen advance running like wolfes, all but Khostwal cavalry which, under the inexpert leadership of  Mursalin Khan, stay under the rocks where Powanda made his speech, until he, exasperated, push them to charging thanks also the stones and rocks he threw on them, so that they fear more him than the artillery fire...
Tameron Bombay artillerymen keep high their reputation, they first missed at long distance fire on foot Pashtun but replied with a devasting volley on Mursalin’s cavalry. In the meantime Wootsie appears and is activated.
Tameron guns hit other 2 waziri but they undeterred are not pinned and contact killing all the Bombay artillerymen and Tameron himself, his bad omen of doom materialized in the tulwar of a fine swordsman such as Sobha Khan. Glorious is the meaning of his name, and glory fell upon his turban when he butchered LT Tameron and left all Bombay crew dead without the time to spike the guns.
While all the pastun advance, but Kaashif Khan and his irregular who has been left well behind under the furious sight of Powanda, Wootsy attacks gallantly and destroy all the cavalry including Musalin Khan, a not very regretted Khan.
Sobha attacks Wootsy but is repulsed with heavy losses and pinned; while also Kabir must retreat but Wootsy unit is now only half of his original strenght.
Riley fire hits 2 Poya’s warriors but the elite troops doesn’t wave under the fire,
At this point Wootsie rallies his lancers and charge Kabir’s fanatics.
He wins the first fight, but they feint to rout and under the strong command of Kabir attend the lancers charge, losing a lot of men but succeeding in killing all the chargers, Wootsie included.
Poya contacts Riley and kills half of the British but Riley succeeds in rallying them while Firestone Sikhs hit 2 Ghazi and pin Kabir before he can contact Riley.
Poya insists attacking Riley butchering half of the British, but he is able to not be pinned and fires back.
In the moment to strike the fatal blow the fierce waziris of Jammas do not close and Poya’s ones are beaten even if 3 time more numerous than Riley’s, and Poya Khan himself is killed;  but no time to breath and the fanatics Ghazi close on Riley and butcher all the Brits and for Kabir is the first personal triumph and cpt Riley’s head a nice present for Uncle Powanda. The first and the last…
Firestone with a devasting volley destroy the unit of Sobha Khan who routs. Kabir’s Ghazi are tigers and in 5 kill 4 Sikhs but these are lions and roll 5 “6” on 12 dice. Kabir Khan is killed, a great loss for Powanda’s army, a step forward for civilization!
The depleted Sikhs pin Poya Khan elite warriors but are hit by fierce waziris of Jammas Khan and all killed in a ferocious carnage taking with them 3 waziris.
The battle math says 3 Khans KIA and a total of 10 cavalry and 37 tribesmen versus 24 infantry and 4 artilleryman including all 4 officers.

Now guns are taken, Powanda is happy because his nephew  is in the Heaven of True Rule martyrs and Tochi Valley soon will be free, but the losing of Kiber Khan have depleted the strength of his force. Time to go North and recruit new warriors for his jihad, before pointing to Tank and South Waziristan. And perhaps to meet again the young son of Mulehead that he recognized on the way to Mir Zakah, but that of Muletail is a different story…
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on December 16, 2021, 12:37:42 PM
Giorgio, another great battle report to start the day with.

Loosing those guns is a hard blow to the imperial forces.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on December 16, 2021, 03:40:30 PM
What a fantastic battle.  A great victory against the ferenghees and a great prize of guns. The families of those martyred will be well cared for and their names and deeds will be immortalized in poems.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on December 16, 2021, 05:26:11 PM
Great AAR Giorgio
Beautiful maps
Another great battle...but the followers of the false Rule will pay soon for their miscredent behaviour.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on December 16, 2021, 06:50:32 PM
Great battle report Giogio!! Very interesting to read.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on December 21, 2021, 02:29:50 PM
The Enlistmen
After the capture and imprisonment Zibbib and his men spent days in the prisons of Gilgit, when one morning….
Good morning Gentlemen, you may remember me, I am  Lt. Kennedy of the 5th Gurkhas, the Maj. Forsyth wants to talk to you... Come with me please!

Well ! our credentials came from Rawalpindi...
In the office of Maj. Forsyth
Lt. Kennedy
Major here the two men you  ordered me to take…

Maj. Forsyth
Gentlemen, we are taking military action against the Kanjutis of Hunza, the Thum has refused to submit to our agreements, and I have been instructed to organize a punitive expedition.
The area now is under Military law, by virtue of my power I must enlist you among the irregulars of Spedding, even if you are the scummest ruffians who ever passed thru this pass and you better deserve to hang from a rope; anyway you seem to be well skilled on mastering a rifle. You will be provided with a rifle and ammunition and you will be under the command of Lt. John Fitzpatrick, and don't dare to create any trouble or you will respond of it directly to me, and I'm not used to provide second opportunities.


We are not military, I am an agent of the British Secret Service... I do not want to participate in your military maneuvers ... did you telegraph to Rawalpindi ?

Maj. Forsyth
ENOUGH! WE ARE IN A MILITARY ZONE AND MARTIAL LAW APPLIES! If you don't obey my orders I can have you shot... I need all the men available, and you two ruffians seem to me to be good shooters.
Havildar, escort these men and also take those other two brigands who were with them, take them to the office of the quatermaster to equip them, with rifles and ammunition, and now OUT OF HERE !!!

One last thing Maj. Forsyth, I have another man here prisoner, Nasrullah Khan, I would like him to come with us, and here there should also be a young guy who was with Nasrullah...

Maj. Forsyth
You will also have that bandit, as for the boy are things that do not concern you ... and now OUT !!!

Going out of the Maj Forsyth’s office
Flashy, we found the young guy, we have to find a way to take him with us...... a bit of mathematics on the Frontier,
 how can two thieves get rid of a military troops and stay with a young boy in hand?...
Well it seems that we will be enlisted again  in the army of His Majesty'... and after all  we are going in the right direction hahaha

A return to the origins, always better than staying in that cold and smelly cell!

The Punitive Expedition against the Kanjutis,  the Hunza Field Force “HFF” consists of:
1 Platoon of the 5th Gurkhas 20 figs, under the command of Lt. Kennedy
1 Platoon of the 1st Imperial Kashmir Rifles 20 figs. under the command of Lt. Kidd
1 Wing of the Bengal Sappers & Miners 10 figs,. under the command of Lt. Julian of the RE
1  Platoon of Irregular Pathans 14 figs, under the command of Lt. Fitzpatrick
1 Section of Hazara mountain artillery  under the command of Lt. Mc Cormick
Command of operations is assigned to Capt. McKenzie of the Seaforth Highlanders
2nd in Command Capt. Tennyson of the 2nd Sikhs PFF…..

Attached to the military column a strange person with a cloak , covering colorful robes  …

To be continued…..

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on December 21, 2021, 02:46:33 PM
What's this then? Press ganged old Flashy and his cohorts tsk tsk. Is there no end to the diabolic reasoning of these ferenghee?  And who is this cloaked figure? Another agent of the queen perhaps?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on December 21, 2021, 03:07:18 PM
What's this then? Press ganged old Flashy and his cohorts tsk tsk. Is there no end to the diabolic reasoning of these ferenghee?  And who is this cloaked figure? Another agent of the queen perhaps?

I gave some clues about this strange figure.... ;) ;)
other intrigues... Russian? Dad Mahomed with his  long moustaches from Quetta ?...time to discover more
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on December 30, 2021, 03:27:23 PM
“Kismet” the destiny

“A demon, a goat demon?”Yamad was terrorized but much more fascinated. “Perhaps generated by Tajik wizards?”
“Shut up and run if you do not want be captured by other bandits and if they catch us you will regret the demon did not kill you”” said sharply Muletail and the trio run again towards Mir Zaleh…
Running cautiously, keeping a strict silence, all three are thinking: but who was the “goat demon”? An old shepherd? A master of camouflage? Will our heroes meet him again? Probably sooner than they think…
Our friends run quickly towards the white wall of the houses announcing Mir Zakah, a new step of their long road towards Peiwar Pass-

Muletail opened the silent run of the Pashtuns along the old caravan route from Ghazni to Gandhara, their sandals were retracing the same steps that were made by the legendary Sikander more than two thousand years before
And suddenly after a last turn Mir Zakah appeared in all his shabby appearance of some mud brick houses with few larger buildings, probably a market, and some bazaars and stalls facing a dirty dusty road, just looking less depressing thanks to the last sunsetting rays of lights, which embellished the village, creating nice contrasts of deep shadow and lights from fires in the houses. Out of the village an ancient tower, a resemblance of the past power, seemed to look at the new arriving Pashtuns with suspicious curiosity. After Mir Zakah huge rocky mountains were showing their imposing horrid hugeness, as a last warning for the incoming travellers.
Muletail was the first to break the silence “we are safe now, or at least we are safe from those bandits”
“Let us hope that the Tajik and the new arrived ones killed themselves each other” said Mustafà
“Yes, but what about the old bhishti?” Yamad asked with a faint voice, looking behind him as expecting to see a goat demon running following their traces
“we have no time for him, let’s go for his road” Muletail said sharply “now we need a safe place to sleep and rest few days before entering in the mountain area and in one week we will enter into Paiwar.”
The village Malik with some guards awaits them at the entrance of the village, Muletail is the first to speak:
"I am Hussain and with my two brothers we are headed to Kabul for a pilgrimage to the tomb of our father who is buried there. Outside the village it is dangerous due to wild animals and especially for those armed with tulwar "
"You also are well armed, perhaps too much to be simple pilgrims” said the Malik “where do you come from?"
We are armed to survive the long journey, we come from Buner but the war with the Anglez forced us to take a long detour and now we only ask for some food, and that the great Ruler may bless you…”
“well if possible, some rice with dry fish” Mustafà interrupted “green curry, few fried flour and acid tamarind marmalade and…”
“Stop it” said Muletail
“Oh sure, we can pay, we have a lot of money” Mustafa replied, and at these words the Tajiks smiled
“You are welcome, I am Kismet Khan, the malik of Mir Zakah and no matter how much zar, gold, you have. We will provide food and a house to rest, you are my guests, according the Pashtunwali, the rule we all are subjected” said the Malik, who continued commanding one of his men “Rashtun provide all for our Bunerwal guests” And Rashtun started to provide orders for accommodation, followed closely by Mustafà.
Kismet mumbled “Mmmmh they come from south, probably waziri spies sent from Mullah Powanda to see our forces, well let us control they movement and perhaps we could issue fake information and prepare a nice trap for those bastard ruffians.”
In the meantime, Muletail was whispering to Yamad “I do not like their sudden hospitality after you spoke about our money. Let us be ready to catch any warning signal “
They were interrupted by the return of Mustafà:
“Do not worry brothers, I have discovered that Rashtun is my 4th grade cousin, a friend of an uncle of his fought under my father command against the anglez; he told me I was very similar to my father that he met when he went to Wana for the wedding of  common relatives,   and I obtained to be invited by Rashtun to his home for some dinner, of course only to have the possibility to get some intelligence, he told me that many old tribesmen fought with his uncle’s friend and still remember the glorious days fighting under El Growly’s command when looty was ready available. El Grungy Khan is a name who has many past followers and their only pain is that his killer El Scavenger was killed by a Poona’s officer at Gomal river battle. They could not have their revenge, but are more than willing to help his son Abdul Kareem aka Mustafa aka me”said Mustafa and then loudly, speaking to Rashtun:
“So my brother, show me your home and may the Ruler provide to your family ten times the food you will share! Muletail and Yamad, you can wait for me in the house next to that camel, where food and straw to sleep are already prepared”
“Ten times the food you eat?”said Muletail with a tongue in the cheek smile ”That means hard time for the Ruler!”

Which plan is designing Kismet Khan for our friends? Will he be their kismet, “destiny”? And which information will Mustafa discover during the dinner? And which is the tremendous secret that the Tajiks are defending so strenuously against the raid of Mullah Powanda’s bandits/patriots? And what is defending the imposing tower out of the village…?
Only the future (and dice) will tell us…

To be continued
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on December 30, 2021, 09:00:39 PM
Most excellent and intriguing post, oh Evil One, and the map is quite charming indeed!  And yet... it does raise one nagging question: since when did Tajiks start pledging allegiance to Pashtunwali???  Hmmmmm -- mayhaps this be a clue to the true intentions of Kismet Khan.  BTW, handsome goat, and exceedingly well-photographed!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on December 30, 2021, 09:56:55 PM
Thanks Mad, the goat is the fruit of a raid, it belonged to some heretic fake fakir in Swat... now it is MY picture by  the adverse possession,,, just the first piece of Swat fallen into my hands...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: marianas_gamer on December 30, 2021, 10:14:43 PM
Mad Guru,
I wondered the same about the Tajiks and pushtunwali.
An Interested Obsever
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on December 30, 2021, 11:19:34 PM
Kismet Khan is defending its village and his secrets against many enemies and he speaks as a jackal with jackals and as a snake with snakes. He pretends to be friend and behaves as a wazir to get guests confidence and obtain information about his enemies next moves. He suspects that Muletail and friends are spies but he does not know so he wants they feel safe among friends to obtain information and clues. Or  he sincerely follows pashtunwali because...or perhaps...all clues will become clear in next episodes..  ???
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on December 30, 2021, 11:21:26 PM
@marianas gamer: Great minds think alike!

@Giorgio (AKA: heretical worshipper of aforementioned goat idol): First, last and only!*

(*Piece of Swat fallen into your hands.)

P.S. Re: Giorgio's latest comment above... truly none can compare to you when it comes to speaking as a jackal or a snake!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on December 31, 2021, 03:30:24 AM
Giorgio, very intriguing indeed sir. Tajiks and Pashtunwali!?!?!
Very cool map.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on January 04, 2022, 10:34:28 AM
If I know the Evil King well, the story about the Tajiks and pushtunwali  is just a trick... will I be wrong ?
But being a grim heretic from him you can expect anything... lol lol
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on January 05, 2022, 07:19:38 AM
“Chahar chez est tohfay Mir Zakah, Gard-o- Garma, Gada-o- Goristan”.
Four things are the gifts of Mir Zakah: Dusty winds, hot seasons, beggars and graveyards.
Strange that tagijks are speaking in Urdu instead of Persian...
All the clues will find an answer in next Muletail episode: "Pashtunwali".
And what is the secret of the tower?
Heretics are right in one thing: no one can better speaking as a snake than the snake king!

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on January 06, 2022, 10:15:22 AM

“Do not worry brothers, I have discovered Rashtun is my 4th grade cousin, a friend of an uncle of his fought under my father command against the anglez and I obtained to be invited by Rashtun to his home for some dinner, of course only to have the possibility to get some intelligence…”said Mustafa and then loudly, speaking to Rashtun:
“So my brother, show me your home and may the Ruler provide to your family ten times the food you will share! Muletail and Yamad, you can wait for me in the house next to that camel, where food and straw to sleep are already prepared”
Which plan is designing Kismet Khan for our friends? Will he be their kismet, “destiny”? And which information will Mustafa steel during the dinner? And which is the tremendous secret that the Tajiks are defending so strenuously against the raid of Mullah Powanda’s bandits/patriots…?
Only the future (and dice) will tell us
The dinner in Rashtan’s house was more than abundant and even Mustafà, with a brain new red turban, gift by Rashtan, felt not so hungry at the end of the fourth dish. Chairman was Rashtan’s old father and in front of Mustafa and Rashtan other two Tajiks sit without opening their mouth. Two wifes of the old father were serving the important guests.
“Now you have eaten our salt and we are friends”said Rashtan with his tongue in the cheek  smile “ and now let me introduce two best friends of my Uncle, very eager to help you. But now tell us why u arrive here pretending to be a Bunerwal? We were waiting for you and your khan, the famous Muletail”
 “How do you know about him? “ Mustafa thought “I should have hold my tongue” but it was too late.
Rashtan was quick to reply “Some merchants anticipated his arrival; we are all good waziris’friend” smiling as a snake staring a rabbit.
“Well, all we need is to have a rest, food and a guide to accelerate our march towards Paiwar Pass, and possibly helping in negotiating our pass with local tribesmen. And you should take care to delay bandits which were behind us in Kajeray. And killing any Afridis or Zadran killers on our traces.”
“oh you can be sure, no Zadran dares go so far norhwards, and about Afridis… well we know very well how to manage them” Rashtan said, and then speaking to other”We know very well, don’t we?” “oh yes” they replied “Very very well” with a grim lauhghing.
Mustafa felt a twist in his skeleton, but was soon distracted by a tamarind cake brought by the younger wife and happiness returned in the house, flourished by lamb perfumes filling the air.

In the meantime, Muletail and Yamad rested out of the house where they were accommodated, and from there they were looking at the tower still visible even if night darkness was advancing covering all the shadows with an uniform layer of deep black.
“Let’s go to the roof” said Yamad “We’ll enjoy a better landscape” But arrived on the roof they found a couple of Tajiks smoking in the shadows, spending time playing with a drum and ready to grab their weapons at our hero’s arrival.
“Any problems?” they asked suspiciously
“No thanks”Yamad replied “We wanted just get a better view”
“Better view? Here? We say “Chahar chez est tohfay Mir Zakah, Gard-o- Garma, Gada-o- Goristan”.that in urdu means “Four things are the gift of Mir Zakah: Dusty winds, hot seasons, beggars and graveyards.” Said the Tajiks laughing and going to leave the roof looking for a new place to smoke and control the waziris.
“What they say about the gifts?” asked Muletail
“Nothing, it is an old Punjab proverb related originally to Multan, we Bunerwals were used to kid those Pashtuns with this rhyme Multan Goristan. These idiots just adapted it but losing the rhyme…well strange they make fun of themselves, no pride these Tajiks”
“Yes very odd” said Muletail and then speaking to the leaving Tajiks:”Here Divâr moosh dâreh, moosh ham goosh dâreh” Walls have mice, and mice have ears, in persian.
The Tajiks smiled embarrassed, “good night to you too” and quickly left.
“It is like I suspected” whispered Muletail to Yamad “They speak Urdu and don’t understand Persian, they are not Tajiks, this is a trap, go to call for Mustafa and be ready to run away quicker than a snake bite.”
Yamad run to Rashtun’s house and yelled “Mustafà Mustafà come out, Hussein must speak with you now!” Rashtun appeared on the door “what happens? Why crying so loudly?”
“Nothing, just Hussain wants to speak now with Mustafa for certain important reasons”
“Oh and when Muletail calls all waziris must run” At these words Yamad looked the white face of Mustafà
“Do not panic my friend, we Tajiks are good friends of Waziris, we escort you three tomorrow and we will teach you a short cut passing close the tower. But tomorrow, now it is too dark. My friends will ensure you have a long rest, cause tomorrow it will be a long day, a long march is waiting for us before you arrive in a safer area. Whatever the urgency of Muletail, Mustafa will remain here, he is eating our salt and leaving my father party now should be a great offence.
“Tomorrow I assure you will have a special badragga to protect you”
“Mmmh urdu again” Yamad thought “These are Tajiks as I am an heretic TSATF follower” spitting aside to remove the blasphemy.”Ok Mustafa reach us when you have done and rest before the new journey”.
Mustafà was tempted to reach his friend but the chicken with peas was calling him and he thought that was very inconvenient to offend the Tajiks, so returned in the house and the owner’s wifes astonished provided other food to be swallowed by the man with a stomach larger than a camel, as they called him.
Next day our 3 friends, Mustafa with his old turban as he did not want to use again the gifted turban after hearing Muletail’s doubts, with their badragga, composed by Rashtan and five other tribesmen started to walk towards the tower well before dawn.
“Be ready to react for any tricks they may want to implement” said Muletail, but everything seemed quiet and peaceful.
Kismet and 5 other Tajiks escorted them up to village borders.
“Have a nice journey, Rashtan will manage everything and may the Ruler protect your path”
“Thanks Kismet, I will not forget you, be sure” Muletail answered and then asked to Rashtan “Why so few inhabitants in this village?”
“Many warriors joined Powanda and his jihad, news is speaking about a great victory in Tochi valley, and together with Afridis victories in Spinwam district it means that soon we will be free of our Anglez guests. Other joined the bandits on the hills, other works…” Rashtan answered elusively.
He stopped speaking as they arrived close to the tower and other warriors were waiting for them fully equipped with tulwars and jezails;  their grim malik did not seem very friendly, more similar to an horse theft than to a khan…
In the morning dusk Muletail could glimpse the shadows of other 5 warriors outside and on the roof of the tower
“Sag-e zard barâdare shoghâleh” said Muletail, but no one answered
“what did u say?” asked Mustafà in a whisper
“The yellow dog is the brother of the jackal,in Persian,  that means One is as bad as the other. Also these are no more Tajiks than you and I”
“Well well well, what a nice present for the old Gul Zaraq, Rashtun what are you bringing us today? Cave needs always new volunteers to work in his dungeons…”
Suddenly the escorted became prisoners and Muletail said “You son of… you smell like camel stank; I knew you are not real Tajiks”
“Stop crying, nobody can hear you. No Gul, this pigeon is too important to be used in your caves, he will be escorted back carefully, and Umra will be more than happy to pay real gold for him. You can enjoy with the others; they will learn that the Afridis dinners must be payed and are very costly…” and giggled high pitched.
“What does it mean, who are you?” Yamad asked astonished
“Ask to the mighty Muletail, he has already understood, don’t you, filthy heretic dog? We are Afridis, a band sent by the Mighty Umra to look for Sikander’s treasure; legends reported to his stronghold speak about a big treasure hidden here around and you will spend the rest of your miserable life working looking for it”
“And the village Tajiks warriors?” “They will be your colleagues and you will divide the tower jails with them. Now they are working under the strict control of many Kismet’s warriors. But do not worry, nobody is strong enough to resist more than few weeks and Gul Zar is always in search of good workers” Rashtan answered laughing loudly.”And in few days we must depart before warriors returning from Tochi valley.”
“We were informed by our allies Zandar that some precious gifts were arriving, and we sent some friends to welcome you in Kajeray but I don’t know how you escaped them. Well now it is….”
Suddenly many cracks fires broke from the surroundings rocks and in the dark lights of the dawn Muletail could see four Afridis killed and 3 other hit but not incapacitate, with an outstanding score.
With a scaring yell a dozen of shadows erupted from the rocks and attacked the Afridis who tried to reach their safe into the tower.
What is happening? Who are these warriors, Tajiks bandits or…? What about the Afridis in the tower? Which secret is inside? And Kismet? But most important…will the destiny dice stop tossing only “1” and “2”???
To be continued
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on January 06, 2022, 11:24:20 AM
Very intriguing...many mysteries and many surprises in this story.
The cadeau of the red turban was unusual, very strange thoughts in the brain of this heretical minstrel... lol
Compliments my friend nice post, and great photos...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on January 07, 2022, 05:31:04 AM
Due to a rash of telegraph lines being cut faster than they could be repaired it was determined to make the alternate signals plan the the primary, to whit heliograph stations will be established along the route of advance to provide clear communications from HQ to the field force. On orders from Punjabi Field Force HQ in Abbottabad,  Maj Angus "Wheezy" McGhee leads a detachment of Seaforth Highlanders,  5th Ghurkas, and 4th Sikhs to secure Knoll 2367 near Parbal Gali so a signal team can establish an heliograph repeater station.

 The plan is for the 4th Sikhs, with their solid marksmanship, to cross at the ford and establish a supporting fire position along the northern ridgeline. The ghurkas are tasked with following on and securing the knoll on the western edge. The highlanders mission is to cross the bridge and secure the village of Parbal Gali, establishing a field HQ from which to support the heliograph station. Once the location is secured the Signals Corps and pioneers will build a signal tower and establish a semipermanent post. This village and hilltop lies on the India side of the border, is considered pacified and no resistance is expected this far south.

Unbeknownst to our intrepid force, the valley was rife with resistance. Two clans of fanatics, a well armed clan of Chagarzai, and one prized field gun were waiting in the nullahs and below the crest of Knoll 2367. The pathans, having watched the Raj forces moving ponderously up the valley, were ready to bushwhack the infidels.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on January 07, 2022, 07:14:06 AM
The Sikhs begin fording the river with the Ghurkas moving into a following position. The highlanders under Maj "Wheezey" McGhee begin crossing the bridge leading into Parbal Gali.

Before they can cross the water the Sikhs come under fire from a field gun well camouflaged in a sangar, losing two sepoys. To the north they look on helpless as a band of tribal warriors suddenly appear from a hidden nullah.


The Ghazi fanatics, their leader Shamzullah having lost his faith, overcome his timidity and attack the Sikhs as they emerge from the river. As the melee ensues seven sepoys are cut down, taking only four of the fanatics with them, and fall back into the river, pinned.

The Seaforths occupy the village, finding it abandoned and eerily quiet.

The Ghurkas, having cleared the river, move through the fallen Sikhs to exact revenge on the fanatics. Matched man for man, the fierce warriors trade cold steel. Kukri and tulwar ring out in the mountain air, slicing through flesh and bone. Shamzullah falls dead, a kukri cleaving his neck. His martyrdom invigorates the fanatics and in the end it is the Nepalese warriors that are driven back to the river.

The field gun shifts fire onto the village killing a Highlander. The Chagarzai riflemen, led by Hasheed, emerge from their hiding place in the nullah and fire wildly into the village. The sheer volume of inaccurate fire takes another private down, proving yet again that quantity has a quality all its own.

The Sikhs fire into the remaining Ghazis killing one more of them, followed up with a close assault by the ghurkas who kill one more, routing the remaining fanatic.

To the chagrin of Maj "Wheezey" McGhee a second band of fanatics, led by Shakezula, emerges alongside the Chagarzai riflemen.

Under cover of the field gun the fanatics charge into the village trading tulwar with bayonet, Shakezula falls, cold steel in his black heart. The fanatics are driven back with three dead having only killed two highlanders. The Chagarzai pour another fusilade into the village killing another private and pinning the highlanders.

Discretion being the better part of valor, Major Wheezey, unable to rally his highlanders decides to conduct a retrograde operation and begins to retire from the village.

The field gun shifts fire again to the only available target killing the remaining Sikhs. The Chagarzai find new targets as well and manage to shoot down the two remains Ghurkas.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on January 07, 2022, 08:28:30 AM
Great posts CPT Shanks, bloody little battle.
A well planned move for the Raj...what went  wrong ?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on January 07, 2022, 08:53:15 AM
Great post! Great news!!!  Now Pashtuns morale is boosted and upping, perhaps the time of freedom is coming! Powanda waziris in Tochi Valley, Sher's afridis in Spinwam district, now here. Jihad my brothers jihad but not only against Anglez, soon it will be time to epurate the heretics followers of the blasphemy rule as well!!! And I'm waiting information and news about ferenghees of North, our mighty allies coming to kick off the unwanted guests!
ANd Mulehead will become Azir of all believers, avenger of martyrs, harbinger of True Faith!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on January 07, 2022, 10:13:43 AM
More like a HARBINGER OF SORROWS for you, oh Evil One and devoutly heretical (NO contradiction there) servant of the False Rules!

Capt. Shanks: Kudos for an action-packed and gripping report!  I must concur with my Brother from another Mother, the munificently just and righteously pious Umra Khan, regarding the frightfully high casualty list resulting from your recent action.  Was no attempt whatsoever made by Her Majesty's Forces to reconnoiter the ground or acquire current intelligence on possible enemy movement in the area?  One assumes a much stronger force will be sent to accomplish the intended mission (construction of the heliograph tower and installation of the signal relay station) while taking punitive measures on any remaining enemy forces, or at the very least making use of the adorable pile of firewood to reduce Parbal Gali to ashes.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on January 07, 2022, 11:04:36 AM
Oh Great Mad Guru, my true brother and light of all Believers, the firewood of Parbal Gali will be our reward.
With this wood we will make a pyre and burn all the unbelievers starting with the infidels of Black Mountain, the Russkys of the North, the Fullertons and ending with the Mule family!
The high casualties of the battle are the result of the use of the bones of the evil  and this always happens when the disbelievers play!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on January 07, 2022, 11:19:28 AM
Truly wisdom flows from the mouth/fingertips of Umra Khan like water from the falls of the Hindu Kush!  All I will add is that on that day (when we take the adorable stack of firewood from Parbal Gali & use it to fuel a pyre for to burn all the unbelievers) there will be MUCH REJOICING!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on January 07, 2022, 06:25:41 PM
Now in Injia’s sunny clime,   
Where I used to spend my time   
A-servin’ of ’Er Majesty the Queen...

Dispatches Abbottabad
Recent action along the border in the Black Mountain village of Parbal Gali demonstrates a need for further punitive crossings into the tribal  regions. The force's political officer Sir Cullingame feels this new development may be a result of the the bandit khan Ghul Akbar being in Swat fomenting jihad, and allowing the Chagarzai to expand into previously pacified territory unchecked.  This aggression will be quashed by immediately increasing patrols in this area and burning any villages suspected of harboring these malcontents.

BG MacQueen
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on January 08, 2022, 11:07:30 AM
Prologue Battle of Surani

Bannu, sun rising indifferent to the tragedy below his rays
Two British officers are discussing at the gate of the strategic town, two well known officers, Br Gen Davenport and the gallant Maj Vousden, still waiting for his VC and following promotion.

“William the situation is very critical, Fully seems disappeared near Mir Ali Mirali and between him and Stockfish they probably can barely assemble only few fighting units, now that also reinforcements have been destroyed by this ruffians (see link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.450), what’s the name…ah yes Rowenda or something like that, and now this is the situation:
Waziri are devasting Tochi Valley while Afridis are coming from Spinwam and menace to cut our communication if they take Mir Ali Mirali (see link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.435) and that idiot Mandrake worries over everything that doesn’t matter and forget those to do. Instead of sending immediately Munchy to support my boys in Tochi valley, keep him napping in Jandola, as if for his only presence Mulehead run hiding into Wana. I know Mandrake, in his office they spend the days in endless discussions talking about everything under the sun and doing nothing.
But you William…you are a steady officer.
“Sir thank you sir, but I…”
“No stop it, I am not as stupid as Mandrake and I can recognize a good officer also without seeing it”
Vousden mumbled what he wanted to mean, but Davenport continued
“I have had a meeting with an old friend of mine, Mohammed Khan, he belongs to Khattak tribes and they are worried for the great power Umra is achieving thru his Afridis conquests.
Well, he told me that Bajadur, the idiot first son of Sher Khan has discussed with his father because is jelaous of his brother Wali and of the glory he is achieving campaigning under Abu Zar. Now he with few bandits is devasting Surani area claiming that his father and his brother are only jackals, he know well how fighting ferenghees and this kind of idiocy and some ruffians are rallying under his flag.”
“Is this Khattak reliable? I mistrust all Punjabis”
“Oh yes he is, I m a good connoisseur of men. He teached me also some good proverbs:  Sher now is divided among helping Wali and Abu Zar, but this could become too mighty; and also about his young son…could become a problem…you know the Pashtun proverb: the wise man distrusts even his mother; or supporting Bajadur, but this...b ut he is a blinding dog hunting deer and probably he will decide to keep his best warriors under his direct control, waiting to have Umra’s suggestions, or orders if u prefer. We will decide for him…”
“And we should trust this Khattak ruffian, Sir?”
“Exactly good boy you got the point. And with his precious information I have developed a plan to get rid of these pesty Pashtuns even without the help of inept Mandrake. You William will get in a hurry few units and march on Surani. You will take Bahadur and we will have a good hostage against Sher, while  giving time to Fully to recover his men and counterattack Ruanda ..Powanda or whatever is his bloody name or Abu Zar, or both and then march with you back to Tirah. Easy like Sunday morning!”
“Sir yes sir” My… this man is a perfect mix of superhuman stupidity and monumental incompetence. But on one thing he is right, Surani must be cleaned from bandits, possibly taking some important hostages, but I know how they fight, and it will be not an easy task.”
“Risaldar Singh Dhillon ask to Cpt Gonnester and LT Barnes and Utterton to kindly come immediately to my room for urgent orders, run!”
In the very same moment, close to Surani a Khattak tribesman is speaking with Rustam Bahadur:
“Hosoor your plan is working, they will run here and you will attend them and show to your Father, the mighty Sher Khan, your value and smartness”
“Good job but now go and refer any news from Bannu!”
Then Rustam Bahadur galloped among his warriors rallying them and ordering for the imminent battle, probably they will arrive in the afternoon and a messenger will run to inform Sher to come and spring the trap.
“Today it will be a good day to die and I will give a harsh lesson to these Ferenghees. I will stop them, gaining precious time and pinning them here, and my Father will be obliged to come to support me and, on the inertia, also Bannu will fall and I will be recognized for what I am!”
But Vousden is not losing more time, he knows that quick victory will be a must.
Surani, less than a village, few mud brick houses, will witness a memorable day which will influence all next moves in North Waziristan…
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on January 08, 2022, 06:59:30 PM
My Sufis think Rastum Bajadur will meet his demise at Surani. His father will not come and the only thing he will gain is martyrdom.  This will prove to be a victory for the Raj, though just a minor skirmish, not the linchpin to the region that  BG Davenport expects
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on January 10, 2022, 09:32:04 AM
Start the march

From the Zibbib Khan diary…
"…The last days spent in Gilgit were full of preparations...
The sounds of the bugles from reveille to lights-out ever kept us in mind that we were now really engaged in a military expedition.
Among my units, the Spedding’s pathans, those who have been selected were in high spirits, they did not know against whom they would be asked to fight, neither did they much care; they regarded fighting as a piece of fun…it must be Russians ? "

On the 20th September of 1890 the HFF left the Gilgit Fortress…
The military column leaves the fortress of Gilgit under the eyes of the Maj. Forsyth.
The Punitive Expedition against the Kanjutis,  the Hunza Field Force “HFF” consists of:
1 Platoon of the 5th Gurkhas 20 figs, under the command of Lt. Kennedy
1 Platoon of the 1st Imperial Kashmir Rifles 20 figs. under the command of Lt. Kidd
1 Wing of the Bengal Sappers & Miners 10 figs,. under the command of Lt. Jiulian of the RE
1  Platoon of Irregular Pathans 14 figs, under the command of Lt. Fitzpatrick
1 Section of Hazara mountain artillery  under the command of Lt. Mc Cormick
Command of operations is assigned to Capt. McKenzie of the Seaforth Highlanders
2nd in Command Capt. Tennyson of the 2nd Sikhs PFF…..

The military column cross  the Indus River just before the confluence with the Hunza River, the river could be passed on a bridge of a series of stones connected by planks
Their first step is  the fort of Chalt in Kanjutis territory, where a small garrison of Kashmiris soldiers with few English officers are our last outpost .

The avanguard is composed by the workers of Spedding who together with the Bengal Sappers & Miners under the command of Lt. Julian work to make the road passable.

The Gurkhas of the 5th Regiment of Lt. Kennedy serve as protection for the column, crowning the heights during the risky cross of the river.

The 1st Imperial Kashmir Rifles crosses the bridge with supply mules.

The artillery section of the Hazara mountain battery leaves the walls of the fortress.

Capt, Mckenzie and Capt. Tennyson give dispositions to soldiers...

Our heroes patiently wait their turn to cross the river...meanwhile they keep an eye on the strange figure with the cloak that accompanies the expedition, Maa Din the son of El Osprey.

That boy is the true purpose of the long journey that brought Zibbib Khan, Flashy and the other men to these distant lands.
Zibbib and his men are waiting for nothing more than an opportunity to take Maa Din and abandon the cheerful group, but they know that it will not be easy... they are involved in a military expedition and there is a serious risk of having to fight... and in front of them beyond the Kanjutis could be the Russians, also interested in the son of El Osprey, and Dad Mahomed a pathan from Quetta, a notorious ruffian and assassin, captured last year in Bokhara by Capt. Bower and already escaped...

And if this were not enough, they will have to find the mysterious village of Sust, a kind of Shangri'-la', a place that few travelers have found and that for many has represented death, by frostbite or falling into the ravines or getting lost in the endless mountains of the Pamir ...

Unfortunately two watchful eyes are watching the scene...

To be continued…..


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on January 10, 2022, 09:41:05 AM
Great pictures! What mysteries are waiting for our friends in Sust? Intriguing... can't wait...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Bravo Six on January 10, 2022, 11:24:55 AM
I LOVE this thread!  :-* It's like reading a bloody Hopkirk novel.  ;)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on January 10, 2022, 03:24:25 PM
¡Fantastico Piero!
Great start to a new fight brewing in the north. I cannot wait to see the full battle engaged. I see another shady character, last spotted near Dargai. Could it be he is there at the behest of El Opsrey? Can no one be trusted on the frontier.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on January 14, 2022, 02:01:48 PM

Colonel Fullerton in Spinwam 

All hearts break, that it’s raining death
Today in Thal, heroes’ blood is being shed
The khaki uniform will be our coffin
Soldiers, come home – the fresh wildflowers have wilted and died
Pasthun have become wolves, humanity no longer exists
Murder’s a common occurrence and no one hear your noise
The flower has turned into ashes, every sound means a shot
Look at that Colonel over there; he’ll yearn eternally for his boys
Mighty Fully, we crave Your mercy, here You’re Rahim and you’re Rahman,
Today you’re Alfa and you’re Omega, we crave your Mercy or a pint of beer.
But we never see rain of mercy here, only rain of death by any Afghan
Whether in Thal or Spinwam, or Ali Mirali Mir
They are content with discord, They are content with blood,
They will never be content with a ferenghee khan.
Angel of death’s veil is coated over lives all around
Freedom from the Forbidden, a ray of light
Help one another, soldiers, else life doesn’t sound;
Help one another and follow your Colonel to the fight!


Dear Readers, after many months a special issue with many news is available in the best shops of Peshawar. Unfortunately, we must regret that also if new issues were not published, subscribers have not any right for reimbursement, and this number being a special one, must be payed separately.
But the price is nothing compared with the beauty of last ballad written by your beloved Winkie and available also in the last book of his Peshawar barrack ballads with many other poetic poems.
What is happening on the Frontier?
Let’s start from west where Muletail with is friends has been captured by some Afridis, retending they were the Tajiks inhabitants of Mir Zakah. We left our hero when the Afridis were attacked by some warriors just out the mysterious tower out of the village. Which is his secret?
Probably the attacker are Tajiks which did not rally under Powanda’s jihad, his army has won an important battle destroying the reinforcement sent to Tochi Valley and now Fullerton entrenched in Mir Ali Mirali is trying to form a last resistance with the rest of the defeated units from Tochi, Bannu and Thal.
The Afridis counter attack after conquering Thal and Spinwam, is splitted in three. On the west Abu Zar is rallying his ever winning troops,including Wali second son of Sher Khan, to attack and conquer Mir Ali Mirali breaking the communication line between Bannu and Tochi valley.
 Rastum Bajadur with his ruffians is waiting for Vousden attack from Bannu, to receive timely support by his father Sher Khan and destroy the Anglez, opening the road to Bannu.
More South Mandrake is well entrenched in Tank and his Colonel Murchison is patrolling out of Jandala to refrain and intercept waziris bands movement,
keeping a special eye on Zarin after Mandrake defeated El Quartah at the battle of Palosina. and Mulehead gave him to his snakes.
(for more info about Palosina battle see link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.315)
But what is happening in the North?
In Chitral Muletail khan (the nephew of Mulehead, not his son who is actually in Mir Zakah) tried in vain to stop a relief column, which reached safely Fort Bulgur
(for more details see following link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.375#top)
North west of Chitral a new gamer is trying to force his arrival
But their route pass thru Zebak and his fierce tribesmen will be a though nut to crack
(for more details about the siege see https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.390)
The town’s defenders, including Mummar Am Salad, Chieftain of Zebak, flee for their lives towards the foothills of the Hindu Kush while Russian casualties were light. Politically this was to be considered a victory for Faizabad and Bad Ass Khan in gaining control once again of Zebak and it’s surrounding area. It will be reported that the Tajiks played a major role in the victory and the Russian’s were there in more of an observer’s role.Colonel Blaramberg now awaits further instruction from General Skobelev. Mummar Am Salad and what is left of the heroic defenders of Zebak now are making their way over Nuksan Pass into the Chitral to seek help from Chitrali tribes and any others that could help them exact revenge on the Tajiks and their newly found Tsarist allies.
Close to the black mountain, precisely in the village of Parbal Gali, following is the report by one of our best reporters, Mr Crisp, moving on the Frontier like an old veteran:

“There was ‘undreds of ‘em there was! Wild ‘eathens screaming down from the mountain in their white pyjamas, tulwars flashing in the sun, an’ they ‘ad a cannon too! An ‘orrible sight to behold!” On the 10th of September Major Angus W. MacGhee, Seaforth Highlanders, led a combined column to the border village of Parbal Gali. The column was attacked by ambuscade by a force of no less than two hundred Chagarzais and Hazaras. Parbal Gali falls well within the Indian border so this must be seen as an escalation of violence against friendly Pathan allies and so met with swift reprisal.
Upon his return to the Darband cantonment Major MacGhee immediately refit and organized a column to conduct punitive actions against the villages north of the border suspected of harbouring and aiding the malcontents.
Further north east the military column cross  the Indus River just before the confluence with the Hunza River, the river could be passed on a bridge of a series of stones connected by planks
Zibbib and his men are waiting for nothing more than an opportunity to take Maa Din and abandon the cheerful group, but they know that it will not be easy... they are involved in a military expedition and there is a serious risk of having to fight... and in front of them beyond the Kanjutis could be the Russians, also interested in the son of El Osprey, and Dad Mahomed a pathan from Quetta, a notorious ruffian and assassin, captured last year in Bokhara by Capt. Bower and already escaped...
And if this were not enough, they will have to find the mysterious village of Sust, a kind of Shangri'-la', a place that few travelers have found and that for many has represented death, by frostbite or falling into the ravines or getting lost in the endless mountains of the Pamir ...
From the sunny plains of Punjab, to the snow-capped peaks of the Pamirs, the adventures of a hero without spot and without fear, who with a small group of trusted soldiers goes where three Empires meet, in search of the lost City of Sust...
Unfortunately Zibibb and Flashy are unaware that two watchful eyes are controlling the scene...

But other news come from Shakot valley, as reported by the ubiquitous Crisp:

"Once I saw the signal... I would call for the retreat of my cavalry, signaling the fallback of the army, and we would return by separate routes to the fortress tower near Shakot Pass."
--Gul Akbar Khan

The one thing Gul Akbar Khan and his forces managed to accomplish was to steal away with his sister FARAH AKBAR, her husband NAZIM GUL (the last Headman of Dargai prior to its punitive destruction) and their three sons RAZA MUHAMMAD, BABA MUHAMMAD, & GAZA MUHAMMAD -- all of whom were being detained within 1st Brigade's Cantonments prior to the attack.
Upon receipt of the intercept, Brig. Gen. Ruff-Husband ordered 1st Brigade to immediately prepare for a forced march over Malakand Pass and on to the Shakhot Valley via the SHAKHOT PASS, to be followed by a coordinated assault on the Fortress Tower that faces the Pass from inside the Valley, with the object of RECAPTURING the High Value Enemy Prisoners recently freed by Gul Akbar and, if need be, destroying said tower in the process.
In preparation for this fight, 1st Brigade's 2 Mountain Batteries boasting a combined 6 Screw-Guns would be joined by E/B RHA's 3 x 9-pounder Horse Artillery Guns, which had reached Dargai on August 18th just in time to help defeat Gul Akbar's attack on the Cantonments.

ON AUGUST 20, 1890, 2nd Brigade, Peshawar Field Force arrived at Dargai. Personnel, supply, and transport preparations for 1st Brigade's imminent departure already complete, Brig. Gnl. Ruff-Husband and his staff briefed 2nd Brigade C.O. Brig. Gnl. McGilligan and his staff on current conditions, handed over command of the Cantonments and control of the vital Malakand Pass to the North, and bid adieu.  Plans were made for communications between the Brigades to be maintained via heliograph, or in cases of inclement weather conditions via courier.
Despite the punishing heat, 1st Brigade set off right after noon that same day, with 9th Gurkhas taking point, followed by 12th Bengal Cavalry, 23rd Sikh Pioneers, No. 2 (Dejara) & No. 3 (Peshawar) Mt. Batteries, and 17th Punjabis, with 92nd Highlanders bringing up the rear.  Almost all of these units had suffered some casualties during the attacks on Dargai Cantonments, but most of these had been WIA and (thanks to some good die rolls) nearly all returned to the active duty ranks over the intervening days.  Total KIA were 13 (an admittedly unlucky number), with the hardest hit unit being 9th Gurkhas, who alone suffered 5 KIA.  Still, in Brigadier General Ruff-Husband's judgement his Brigade remains strong enough to launch this new operation.

The retreating Lashkar of Gul Akbar impatiently awaits delivery of their overdue TENTS, which remain under HOLY WAR RUSH ORDER in the workshop of Lewanay Habibi’s (AKA: "Crazy Habibi's") PUKKA PAVILION PALACE...


Do not miss to subscribe to avoid missing any issue! All cheques must be sent directly to Mr Winkie to be eligible for a further 10% discount
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Totleben on January 17, 2022, 01:41:03 AM
Great to see you having fun.  :)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Shikari Sahib on January 20, 2022, 03:08:46 PM
Great posts and intriguing stories, the tents should be something out of this world ...I'm really eager to see the final result,
Carry on  Up the Khyber !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on January 20, 2022, 10:39:38 PM
In response to Major "Wheezy" MacGhee's after action report, two troops of 11th Bengal Lancers escort a company of the 1st Royal Welsh Fusiliers, despatched from Tilli to conduct punitive action against Seri and other suspected villages.
As always they are accompanied by the Colonel's wolfhound Shere Khan.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on January 21, 2022, 02:53:07 AM
Nice looking lancers!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on January 21, 2022, 09:47:06 AM
Yes, very nice indeed!  I will also note for posterity that CAPT SHANKS' post and Rhingyll's complimentary comment showcase the brotherly-love and comradeship of our campaign, as those very same Bengal Lancers were I believe most generously posted -- perhaps half-painted? -- from one to the other.  It's true they both stand on the same -- profoundly wrong -- side of the line when it comes to which set of Colonial Wargames Rules spread devout truth and which tell insidious lies, but in this case I will not hold that against them.  Hear, hear!  But sentiment aside, I am compelled to point out how that looks more like half a troop of lancers than two!  On the other hand, the handsome hound and his miniature likeness both look like a veritable canine army corps of one!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on January 21, 2022, 05:31:14 PM
Mad Guru - Whilst each wargamer follows their own choice of the "True Ruleset",  we all steadfastly believe that these little tin men have souls and lives of their own. Therein lies the tie that binds us.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on January 24, 2022, 10:47:20 AM
Beatiful figures Capt. Shanks both the foot soldiers and the lancers ,I like their shade, the dog minis is very nice, the real one is awesome.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on January 26, 2022, 01:33:17 PM
The Fate

Zarin Khan former Subedar of the 40th Pathans deserts and reaches his friend Umra Khan in Mogala, with him he plans to join the Waziris of the evil Mulehead Khan as a spy and informant of Umra . 
But Zarin khan fought with his conscience for long time then decides to clean his honor (Izzat) and decides to surrender to the Raj ;
In a market in Tank he meet a card player, so following the indications of this  famous card player of the Grim, a certain Ghul “Deck Cards” Akbar, Zarin submits to the card’s test his fate.

Heart      he will be hanged
Diamond           he will be put in jail
Club               Reinstated as sepoy in another regiment
Spade       reinstated as Subedar in the 40th Pathans

The deck of cards gives its response, 10 of Diamonds, so jail for Zarin !

The Subedar Zarin khan of the 40th Pathans  surrenders  himself at  the fort of Dera Ismail Khan to the soldiers of the 24th (Baluchistan) Regiment of Bombay Native Infantry under the command of Major  G.H. Brennan

In jail  he will stay in a humid and dark cell for years…..or…..until a new idea or an unexpected fact is realized.
Nobody knows what could happen on the Frontier…!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on January 26, 2022, 09:44:56 PM
He is a honorable man who made a mistake, The soldiers of the Queen need men like him. Release him!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on January 26, 2022, 09:57:58 PM
Your sympathetic sentiment is heartwarming, sir, but a world where laws are bent at whim is a lawless world.  It’s a slippery slope and I fear you have begun your slide into the abyss.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on January 26, 2022, 10:19:57 PM
Yes, but he is on a slippery slope that leads upwards as well as down. It is his destiny to rise above his pain and ascend the slope. He is of the brotherhood of the pure ones and his fate is in the hands of the wondrous enlightener.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on January 27, 2022, 07:39:37 AM
At this point I have to give a warning to the viewers: very romantic the story of Zarin, how noble his penitence, but….BUT…. only heretics can believe in card deck instead of tossing dice. El Osprey was very sharp on this: Abomination on the heretic wicked who uses card decks and has infantry units of 20 miniatures!
Really you believe Mulehead could trust Zarin without suspecting his loyalty? The South Waziristan army is a perfect gift for his second wife’s young boy, nicknamed “Mini Mule”.
He will be much more reliable and also a potential alley if Muletail ‘s jihad will be too much successful…
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on January 27, 2022, 09:27:35 AM
Zarin Khan  decided to surrender because the proximity of the evil Wazir was ruining him by making him feel guilty.
This pestilent man hiding in the mountains of Waziristan is the offspring of an ominous dynasty of mules discarded from military service, his actions are gross of betrayals and lies.
Better to stay away a mile from this man !

cards are an instrument of faith, dice are the bones of the devil; who plays cards must be good, who uses the dice only lucky !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on January 27, 2022, 12:08:01 PM

The ballad of Gurjas “stonesangar” Khan  and Captain Marmaduke “Tiffin” Gonnester

Gurjas Khan was a warrior bold:
His tulwar and his rifle were bossed with gold,
He shot at Gurkhas and he scared Mackenzies
From ground behind rocks they shouted like frenzies:
While over the Punjab the warriors cried,
"The hero fights for his countryside!"
But little they cared for their own stress,
The worn white soldiers in rifle green dress
They cursed their luck, as the Gurkhas will,
But gave him credit for cunning and skill!


Dear Readers, in this special issue the beauty of last ballad written by your beloved Winkie, who has inspired also Kipling  and is published also in the last book of his Peshawar barrack ballads with many other poetic poems.

The column from Bannu is approaching quickly the outskirts of Surani.
For details of the prologue look at: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.480-
North Waziristan situation is a British nightmare. Mullah Powinda bands of waziris recruited in Khostwal are controlling Tochi Valley.
The thin communication line passes thru Mir Ali Mirali where Col Fullerton is trying to rally disbanded units to stop Abu Zar’s Afridis, where Sher Khan young son Wali is distinguishing with his band of irregular. This is making Rastum Badajur literally crazy; he is Sher Khan first son and he fears the popularity of his brother and the future family fight for the power in the subtribe of their father.
Rastum Badajur designed a foxy trap. He sent Mohammed Khan as a Kattack spy to speak with Br Gen Davenport in Bannu.
The stupid and arrogant Davenport was fouled by the spy and was convinced to detach a column under his best officer, Major Vousden, to raid the area north of Bannu toward Surani and here surprise and capture Rastum Bajadur and use him as an hostage, blackmailing Sher Khan and stopping Afridis attacks.
The idea of Rastum was as simple as genial. He provokes the attack and in the meantime he will call his father for supporting, creating a deathly trap for Anglez and free the road to Bannu.
But Vousden acted quicker than expected without discussing on the involved officers, even about Mac Barnes, notoriously indicated as a flat idiot, and that said by Davenport has his own meaning!
And now Rastum must face alone the ferenghees gaining the time necessary to Sher Khan to arrive.
Out of Surani a solitaire home is a strategic point as it dominates both the road to Thal and from Sher Khan camps.
Rastum Bajadur has a unit of irregular, under his command are artillery under Kartan Khan, fanatic Ghazi under Amar Khan and Gurjas Khan’s veteran, used to get the best from their jezails.
Vousden has his Sam Browne Horses, the “idiot” Mac Barnes with his Seaforth Highlander, the 5th Gurkas under Marmaduke “tiffin” Gonnister and Utterton’s 26th Baluchi under.
The Afridis have built quickly few sangars to protect the fire of artillery and irregulars, the wings are covered by Ghazi and veterans.
Vousden order his units to advance under artillery fire (if any) and fire, ready to exploit any opportunity with a quick charge.
Vousden must keep an eye on the young Mac Barnes, his reputation probably is exaggerated and anyway if he is a complete idiot, his Mackenzies are not, LT Utterton is not a great leader but Cpt “tiffin” Gonnester yes and he must rely on his Gurkha and of course his own unit of Sam Browne’s. The orders are shouted, the battle begins.
First turn Kartar Khan’s gun fire with no results, second they do not fire at all losing time in loading and aiming.
The first kia is scored by Rastum Bajadur’s irregular and is one Gurkha. That is the signal for the Raj troops to start firing on Amir’s Ghazi which are pinned and retreat not rallying.
The fire is redirected on artillery with 2 kia and unit pinned. Rastum suspect betrayal and order his irregulars to aim their allied units. The menace is succesfull and both the Afridis unit rallies, in the mean time Rastum and Gurjas kill 2 baluchis each but Utterton avoid pinning and all kills 2 Gurjas’ tribesmen, even if gone to ground.
6th  turn seems the day is of the Anglez. The ghazi are pinned in open ground trying to attack Vousden and Karat Khan is killed by Baluchis’fire.

At this point Vousden charge Amir’Ghazi and pursuit them who fight as tigers but at the end both units are routed.
Rastum irregulars fire takes a toll of 3 gurkha while Gurjas fire send Utterton back home. Only Mackenzies continue their advance to envelope the Afridis line.
Gurkha fire takes one hit and Rastum confirm his father suspects and retreat without rallying, while Gurjas men do not fire, shacken at the view of their leader retreating and take another hit, without pinning; they are all veterans and not an easy nut.
They fire is ineffective, and Gurkha kill other 2 warriors while MacBunes send a devasting fire on Rastum’s retreating unit sendng other 4 hits and completing their rout.
But time is running fast and already at horizon the avanguard of Sher Khan are appearing, at the very last available turn the situation is still positive for the Raj troops as the only Afridis unit is pinned and the Mackenzies could charge and destroy them, supported by Gurkha’s fire but
Captain Marmaduke “Tiffin” Gonnester, keeping a stiff upper lip, cannot believe what he sees: while his brave Gurkha kill another warrior the unit of that completely idiot Mac Brnes,,,simply retreats!!! After 11 turns where he passed the test , in the very last toll a dramatic “1” means that he believed he was too late and ordered the retreat. He scored an impressive 10 hits with no loss…but he lost the day….
Sergent Fish pointed his kukri towards the Mackenzies shouting “come back, you damn’d cowards”
“Stop it sarge” Tiffin said “that is not cowardy…just plain idiocy!”
Last opportunity for Vousden is the toll for rallying of Afridis with 2 pinned tokens…but veteran and fierce warriors gained to their leader the nickname of stonesangar Gurjas and like a solid sangar scored two “6” which meant rally and victory!
While first troops of Sher Khan’s army arrive and consolidate the position, Vousden rallies his units and drive them back to Bannu. He has more than half of his men and that means no immediate risks for the entrenched garrison. The trap did not work and Rastum Bajadur can only console himself in his loneliness showing to his father a tactical victory but it is spotted by the infamy of his retreat in the end.
What next? Reinforcements are arriving to Bannu from Peshawar and Vousden will be able to prepare his revenge, but Sjer Khan could decide to exploit the partial victory of his son, forcing the road towards Bannu or intercepting the new reinforcements…or change scenario and support Abu Zar and his young son Wali against colonel Fullerton rallied units.
And what about Mullah Powinda bandits / martyrs?
Will he come from Tochi Valley to destroy Fullerton and stop Afridis’ expansion? And what about Mulhead? When Powinda was in Tajikistan he was a holy man, when he passed into Khost he was a great alley, now in Tochi Valley he is a good Waziri, but expanding to past Mulehead’s land could make him another enemy to kill. A new great Hujra will be called in Wana…also to discuss the news arrived from Mir Zakah: Muletail, the young heir, the prophet of the New Rule is alive and soon will return to Wana to lead a great jihad. So what to do with Powinda Mullah? Push him to a great battle or keep him in his guerrilla? The Pashtun proverb teaches “A chicken you eat only once — eggs a hundred times…”. And in a jihad a mighty Mullah might be essential…
Next fights where Fully will have to rely on his artillery more than his cavalry charges (well I’ve just finished painting few Foundry artillerymen…) … But will Abu Zar accept to wait for Sher Khan’s order? He is the unbeatable, ever winner leader of his Thal and Spinwam districts sub tribes; the famigerate Kuri Khel Afridis and they do not follow rules, the rules follow them!!!
And the feud between Wali and Rastum Bajadur? Both are pushing their Khan (Abu Zar and Sher) to advance, fight and conquer glory and the supremacy on their father’s heritage…
And what about Zarin? Will he return to lead his army or a new emerging khan whill be the new leader, the young son of Mulehead, nicknamed Mini Mule? And when Muletail will return to raise a new jihad?
How many questions…and we are speaking only of a little part of North Waziristan…further North many other actions and battles are happening / going to happen…

To be continued
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on January 27, 2022, 12:55:56 PM
leaving 50% of the casualties on the battlefield during a retreat is equivalent to a heavy defeat...
as the Great Poet wrote...
"When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains, and the women come out to cut up what remains, jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains and go to your gawd like a soldier."
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on February 01, 2022, 09:40:12 AM






9th Gurkhas pickets atop Malkakand Pass attacked by Akazai Tribesmen...




...who are hauling their tricked-out mountain gun up the pass behind them:


On the flats below, Sgt. Crood, Bugler Dirka Grimm & a handful of Yorks & Lancs occupy
the only British post located "outside the wire" -- the remains of a house in the ruins of Dargai village:



Which lies in the path of Gul Akbar's Bunerwal allies -- who are about to charge across the Swat River...





Ghazis join the Bunerwals and advance to the riverbank...



Mayank Jan, agent of Yusufzai rebel leader Sarban Khan,
waits on the West bank to guide Gul Akbar Khan's
Bunerwhal allies across the Swat River...


Gul Akbar's Akazai Warriors launch his main attack
from the Malakand heights to the North...


Screw Guns open fire on the attackers as they charge across the plain...






Gul Akbar's Akazai Cavalry charge from the South...






Action to the East...



Where former Yorks & Lancs bhisti Dirka Grimm -- recently promoted to bugler -- stands in the gap as Sgt. Crood and his comrades (his fellow refugees from Chakdara Outpost) are killed or wounded or fall-back...



But the former bhisti manages to single-handedly defeat all the remaining attackers...


Action to the North...


Action to the South...







The Cantonments now under simultaneous attack from North, East and South...




Apologies but this post was just TOO BIG, so if you want to see the rest you'll have to proceed to the next page.........
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on February 01, 2022, 10:28:07 AM


Writer Neville Crisp, late of London's "HORSE & HOUND" magazine, now out to make a name for himself as a correspondent with "literary flair" arrives with the 3 limbered guns of E/B RHA, straight from having fought their way out of an ambush the night before...

(CLICK HERE to read all about it in "Ambushed on the Road to Dargai": https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2021/10/ambush-on-road-to-dargai.html (https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2021/10/ambush-on-road-to-dargai.html))


At the South wall Gul Akbar engages the renowned
Jemadar Jai Ho Singh, 2nd Punjab Cavalry, retired, in melee...


Gul Akbar cuts Jemadar Jai Ho Singh down, KIA...


The tragic end to an honorable life.


(CLICK HERE for a LINK to "JAI HO SING'S RIDE": https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2021/09/jai-ho-singhs-ride.html (https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2021/09/jai-ho-singhs-ride.html))

But the next thing he knows...


...Gul Akbar himself falls wounded, and
is abandoned by his routing minions...


The incapacitation of Gul Akbar Khan had a terrible effect on his army writ large, causing virtually all of his units of every type to lose their will to fight.  Earlier during the fight the British had been hard-pressed on multiple fronts and the opportunity to take a breath seemed to overcome any desire to pursue the tattered remnants of the attacking force as it withdrew to the North, South, and East.  They had beaten back the foe, and that was enough... or so they thought at the time.

One stalwart Akazai horseman did ride back onto the field, RESCUED his wounded leader and rode away unscathed -- courtesy of some good die-rolling on the part of Gul Akbar/CAPT SHANKS...



Despite the above two images perhaps being just a bit strange, now we come to an even stranger sight to behold in a British Army camp on the frontier: the Brom Sisters, Christine & Lorelai, daughters of legendary Sgt. Major Lawrence Brom, of 72nd Highlanders, now down-range in Chitral.  They travelled from Glasgow to Peshawar, then left that relatively safe and civilized border town in hopes of surprising their father in time to celebrate his fast-approaching 50th birthday together with him -- but hadn't planned on their holiday being interrupted by an armed rebellion...




Captain Elliot Hardigan, RHA (in dark blue patrol jacket with his back to camera) leads his newly-arrived battery -- which helped save the day -- into the Cantonments and is happily greeted by Brigadier Ruff-Husband...


Writer Neville Crisp makes quick
work of introducing himself to the Brom Sisters...


Dirka Grimm, Sgt. Crood, and survivors from detachment of 9th Gurkhas who moved to support them during the battle breath a sigh of relief and raise a cheer as the enemy withdraws...


...and the Union Jack remains flying high above the camp:


Meanwhile the tribal spy Mayank Jan scrambles away into the
heights above the pass and watches the aftermath of the battle...


Gul Akbar Khan's multiple attacks were all repulsed and the British victory complete -- until it was discovered that the family of High Value Target prisoners had escaped from their captivity in the Cantonments.  Turns out that a TEAM OF TIBETAN WARRIOR MONKS with
(Perhaps they were visiting from a Steampunk Parallel Universe?) slipped into their tent and led them to freedom (!?!?).***

The sinister characters in question:

***If you wish to you can read all about it at the LINK below, in the CAPT SHANKS post labelled, "THE GREAT CHARGE" -- though "Great Disinformation Campaign" might be a more accurate title: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.375 (https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.375)***

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on February 01, 2022, 11:07:05 AM

"Once I saw the signal... I would call for the retreat of my cavalry, signaling the fallback of the army, and we would return by separate routes to the fortress tower near Shakhot Pass."

--Gul Akbar Khan


The one thing Gul Akbar Khan and his forces had managed to accomplish -- by whatever questionable means necessary -- was to steal away with his sister FARAH AKBAR, her husband NAZIM GUL (the last Headman of Dargai prior to its warranted destruction) and their three sons, RAZA MUHAMMAD, BABA MUHAMMAD, & GAZA MUHAMMAD.

Immediately upon receiving the intercepted message, Brig. Gnl. Ruff-Husband ordered his entire Brigade to prepare for a forced march through the Malakand Pass to the Shakhot Valley, which they would enter from the South via the Hathi Dara AKA: the Elephant's Paw (the only other route into the valley besides Shakhot Pass traversable by formed units, horses or carts) after which they would RECAPTURE the prisoners freed by Gul Akbar Khan, alive if possible.  If circumstances required direct assault on the Tower in order to achieve the objective, then it would be attacked, and if necessary destroyed.

In preparation for this fight, 1st Brigade's 2 Mountain Batteries with 6 Screw-Guns would be joined by E/B RHA's 3 x 9-pounders, which reached Dargai on August 18th just in time to help defeat the attack on the Cantonments.

Almost all of the units of 1st brigade suffered casualties during the attack, but most were WIA and -- thanks to some good die rolls -- nearly all returned to active duty over the intervening days.  Total Anglo-Indian KIA were 13 (an admittedly unlucky number), with the hardest hit unit being 9th Gurkhas, who alone suffered 5 KIA. Despite these losses, in Brigadier General Ruff-Husband's judgement his Brigade remained strong enough to launch this new operation.  His men had inflicted significant losses on the enemy, and there was no reason to think Gul Akbar's recent defeat would result in more tribesmen flocking to his banner -- indeed, the opposite would more likely be the case.

ON AUGUST 20, 1890, 2nd Brigade reached Dargai. Preparations for 1st Brigade's departure being complete, Brig. Gnl. Ruff-Husband briefed 2nd Brigade C.O. Brig. Gnl. McGilligan on current conditions, handed over command of the Cantonments and control of the vital Malakand Pass to the North, and bid adieu -- but Brig. McGilligan strenuously argued for a change of plan.  In his opinion 1st Brigade advancing to Shakhot alone would invite trouble and risk reversal.  Instead he suggested most of his own 2nd Brigade join them in pursuit of Gul Akbar Khan and the escaped prisoners, and proposed only a small force consisting of the remnants of Sgt. Crood's garrison from Chakdara, and one Infantry battalion (basic unit of 20 figs.), with one RHA gun in support, remain as garrison.  There was no intelligence pointing to a follow-up attack on the camp, and hadn't 1st Brigade just delivered a resounding defeat to the enemy a mere 2 days ago?  Indeed, the bodies of some tribesmen still littered the ground in front of the North wall, where the screw guns had made a terrible impression on the enemy as he tried to cross the dead ground between the mountain and the camp.

Brigadier Ruff-Husband thanks Brigadier McGilligan's for his offer of support and acknowledged the ever-so-slight possibility of a reversal if his brigade crossed the Malakand and advanced to attack Shakhot on its own -- but with large portions of the Frontier currently in armed rebellion, he was hesitant to leave the vital pass without a significant Imperial presence nearby.

And so, in keeping with tried and true TSATF tradition,  a card deck was consulted (of course!).........


RED ACE OR FACE CARD = Entire 2nd Brigade joins 1st Brigade's operation.

RED 2 THRU 10 = 1st Batt/2nd Sikhs + 1 gun of #3 (Peshawar) Mt. Battery remain at Dargai, other elements of 2nd Brigade join the operation.

BLACK 2 THRU 10 = 9th Queen's Royal Lancers + 1st batt/2nd Gurkha Rifles are detached to join the operation, all other elements of 2nd Brigade remain at Dargai.

BLACK ACE OR FACE CARD = Entire 2nd Brigade remains at Dargai.

RED JOKER = Havildar-Major Kunara of the 127th Baluchis convinces Major General Whitsend to countermand his previous order and send the 127th Baluchs from Peshawar to the front!  Remove Red Joker from deck and flip again for further result (if "entire 2nd Brigade joins 1st Brigade's operation" they go as well; otherwise they remain at Dargai).

-Havildar-Major Kunara -- he'd rather be at the front than reading the Trib in Peshawar!-

BLACK JOKER = Gul Akbar Khan receives word from spies in the Malakand informing him of results of the card flip -- the quantity of troops -- if any -- preparing to move on Shakhot Valley!  Remove Black Joker from deck and flip again for further result.

-Mayank Jan -- the notorious "Blue Turban" spy-




And so the chance for Imperial reinforcements ended before it could begin.*

(*This is the "Fail" mentioned in the title of this post.)

Despite the punishing heat, 1st Brigade set off right after noon that same day -- August 20th, 1890 -- with 9th Gurkhas taking point, followed by 12th Bengal Cavalry, 23rd Sikh Pioneers, No. 2 (Derajat) & No. 3 (Peshawar) Mt. Batteries, and 17th Punjabis, with 92nd Highlanders bringing up the rear.



The retreating lashkar of Gul Akbar impatiently awaits delivery of their TENTS -- which remain overdue, despite qualifying for: "HOLY WAR RUSH ORDER STATUS" in the PUKKA PAVILION PALACE workshop of Lewanay Hasim (AKA: "Crazy Hasim")...

Part of the Pukka Pavilion Palace's Sample Showroom:

Some tools of the tent-makers trade...

Some pages from the PPP catalogue...





Crazy Hasim's Kyrgyz workshop in Badakhshan...


Crazy Hasim's Baluchi workshop in Qetta...




Unfortunately for Gul Akbar, it seems the Pukka Pavilion artisans were less interested in tent-making and more interested in the latest edition of the Peshawar Tribune...


This is easy to understand, as it features both journalistic and poetical gems from everyone's favorite frontier scribbler: the eminently vainglorious Reginald Winkie, Esq...


(Lucky for them, Crazy Hasim's weavers counted one fluent
reader of English amongst their ranks -- which was good for
Winkie's legendary fame... but bad for Hasim's customer service)

CLICK the handy LINK to learn more about Crazy Hasim's proprietary fabrication process for 28mm Afghan/Arab/Bedouin tents:

https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2022/01/pukka-pavilions-walis-walls.html (https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2022/01/pukka-pavilions-walis-walls.html)


After some pointed urging -- at the tip of Gul Akbar Khan's Tulwar -- the tents were delivered lickety-split to him and his Lashkar at the foot of Shakhot Fortress Tower...

Here Gul Akbar is seen taking issue with Crazy Hasim's "AS-IS" policy & demanding the Pukka Pavilion delivery crew
find the missing decorative panel for his own personal tent.  After being forced to wait so long for delivery, the least they could do was get his order right...


It seems Gul Akbar convinced them to improve their customer service, as the improved version of his tent can be seen together with the rest of his order in this series of photographs taken by the renowned Kodak Effendi, Turkey's first itinerant photographer, during his 1890-91 epic trek from Anatolia to Kashgar...





The self-portrait below is intriguing, as it seems to prove that in addition to his pair of faithful Turkish manservants, Kodak trusted someone else on the North West Frontier to take this photograph...


And here we save Kodak Effendi's best for last: his first successful attempt at a "PANORAMA" photo, showing a west-facing view of the Shakhot Valley which includes the camp of Gul Akbar Khan's lashkar, after their tents had been delivered by Lewanay Hasim's workers.  It is believed to have been taken on or about August 20th, 1890, shortly before Anglo-Indian forces arrived and the Battle of Shakhot Valley commenced...


NEXT UP: With tents & walls in place, the last terrain
pieces needed for the Battle of Shakhot Valley arrive...




Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: ColCampbell on February 01, 2022, 03:10:01 PM

A cracking great story!  I like the inclusion of my "sisters from another mister" in your account.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on February 01, 2022, 10:36:47 PM
More of a mystical "cloud minds" effect than a "cloaking device" . What a great tale so far Mad Guru. I am afraid the retribution paid on Ghul Akbar and his followers will be another example of the callousness of the Raj, not unlike the unprovoked destruction of Dargai. A fact which you conveniently left out of your telling.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on February 02, 2022, 09:02:03 AM

Great to hear from you, and many thanks for the compliment!  I saw the email you sent RE: the Brom Sisters... to the REAL BROM SISTERS!  Maybe if we're lucky, some day in the not-too-distant future we can all gather around a table and "push lead" together, along with Sgt. Guinness!  Of course needless to say it will be a Colonial game -- and you know what rules will be played -- by unanimous choice!


Now that you mention it, the mystical "cloud minds" effect is certainly the lesser of two evils!

RE: Brigadier Ruff-Husband's "unprovoked destruction" of Dargai, it seems you are experiencing some memory loss, as you yourself were the original PROVOKER, in a post on PAGE 14 of this very thread, in which you mockingly compared the One True Rules and Holy Text to "toilet paper" and "musket wadding" and threatened the blinding and death of British officers held as your prisoners.  Does that not qualify as "provocation" in your world?

For any who question the accuracy of my own memory, here's a LINK to the evidence, which can be found near the bottom of the page in question: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.195 (https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.195)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on February 04, 2022, 02:14:53 AM
HOLY $&@? Batman!!! Awesome maps, amazing games, intriguing narratives! Truly an Epic NWF adventure! Great job gentlemen. I will do my best to work on my AAR of the Chitrali’s and Pashtuns encounter with the dreaded Russian ferenghee up north.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on February 11, 2022, 04:46:00 PM
The punitive column from Tilli approaches Seri and splits into three forces.

The 1st Royal Welsh Fusiliers establish a blocking position north of the village.(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/906649664575656016/941209499132366868/20220207_231121.jpg)

The political Officers and their escort move into position from the east.(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/906649664575656016/941724425735274516/20220211_085520.jpg)

And the main force of the 11th Bengal Lancers approach from the south west ready to support the political Officers

The plan is simple, the political Officers will engage the elders in an effort to surrender the names and villages that conducted the attack against Parbal Gali and to pay retribution. If they refuse then Seri will be razed.

But no one moves in the TorGhar without being under the watchful eyes of the pathans(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/906649664575656016/941735841435365386/20220211_094131.jpg)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on February 11, 2022, 06:31:01 PM
Very intriguing Captain! It raises many question, but the main one is: which is the name of the beautiful dog, mascotte of the 11th Bengal lancers?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on February 11, 2022, 06:52:45 PM
The Colonel's wolfhound is Shere Khan. Fights as irregular cavalry but fierce, hitting on a 4+, -2 mellee hits from non cav to to kill and then is only killed on double ones, then takes the hit for the leader on 1-3. On a 4-6 will stay and defend the colonels body to the death.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on February 12, 2022, 02:51:49 AM
Cool post CPT Shanks, the new Bengal Lancers are beautiful painted and Shere Khan will become an imposing character in our campaign !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on February 14, 2022, 09:15:49 AM
The Bloody Elephant's Paw

On August 20th, 1890, 1st Brigade Peshawar Field Force force marched over Malakand Pass, turned East and advanced on Shakhot.  In the early morning of August 21st they reached Thanra village just South of the Elephant's Paw, the southern entrance to Shakhot Valley, inside which lies the Fortress Tower where the High Value Prisoners wanted by the Anglo-Indian forces were believed to be located.

Brigadier Ruff-Husband ordered 12th Punjab Cavalry to take the lead and race through the pass, followed by 92nd Highlanders and 2 of the 3 guns of No. 2 (Dejarat) Mountain Battery; meanwhile 9th Gurkhas crowned the heights to the right (East) of the pass, 23rd Sikh Pioneers did the same to the left (West), 17th Punjabis followed the 2 guns up the pass and were in turn followed by 2 of the 3 guns of E/B RHA; the 3rd guns of both batteries were unlimbered and prolonged to the right to support the advance of 9th Gurkhas...

As 1st Brigade advanced into the Elephant's Paw pass, Gul Akbar's Lashkar (War Party) were alerted to their approach by a local shepherd (they won the "initiative" card draw).  This allowed them to pour out of their recently-delivered tents and race towards the North end of the pass themselves, from inside the valley, without delay...

After cresting the Elephant's Paw, 12th Punjab Cav immediately came under fire from approaching Tribesmen, while other Tribal forces disappeared into various nearby pieces of ROUGH TERRAIN.  12th Punjab Cav were also hit by cannon-fire from Gul Akbar's tricked-out mountain gun, which he had placed atop Zalam Kot Hill, at the foot of the Burj Shakhot AKA: Shakhot Tower...

In fact Gul Akbar Khan had ensconced his brother-in-law Nazim Gul, Gul's wife and Gul Akbar's own sister Farah Akbar, and Nazim and Farah's three sons Raza Muhammad, Baba Muhammed, & Gaza Muhammed in this tower, as it was the safest place in the valley.  There they were entertained as guests of Jamal Shah Baba, nominal ruler of the valley and its 2 villages, and current occupant of the Tower.  It turned out that JSB had put out a call to recruit forces to Gul Akbar's standard, resulting in one added unit of Pathan Tribesmen and one added unit of Ghazis, to supplement his current roster which had suffered significant losses from their attack on the Dargai Cantonments, including the loss of their previous one Ghazi unit...

With these additional forces at his command, Gul Akbar Khan decided to mount a more fully-engaged and active defense of the valley, rather than dispatch one or two units to mount a token defense as cover for the withdrawal of himself and the rest of what remained of his army.  In fact, with some knowledge of the strength of the forces pursuing him, that had been his plan until the pair of supplemental units had arrived at his bivouac in the pre-dawn hours of that same morning...

The battle was hard-fought, with the British advance severely hampered by the narrow bottle-neck of the Elephant's Paw, and slow-going of the Gurkhas and Sikhs as they worked their way up the jagged mountain sides to the left and right.  Gul Akbar launched multiple charges with his one Tribal Cavalry unit, his Ghazi unit, and several units of Tribal Foot, but the combination of British firepower and brittle Pathan morale -- especially after the loss of a unit's sole leader -- allowed the British to push their way through the pass and pull out a victory in the end, breaking several enemy units in the process.  Still, they suffered severe casualties along the way and, perhaps even worse, by the time they had sent Gul Akbar Khan and his army running for Shakhot Pass to the North, the family of High Value Prisoners -- Nazim Gul, Farah Akbar, and their three sons Raza Muhammad, Baba Muhammad, & Gaza Muhammad -- had made themselves scarce.

It remains to be seen what punishment Brigadier Ruff-Husband will dole out to Jamal Shah Baba and the residents of Shakhot Valley for aiding and abetting a self-proclaimed enemy of The Raj.  The Fortress Tower which was the key landmark in Gul Akbar Khan's order to his men after the fight at Dargai may be the next thing sacrificed on the altar of his rebellion -- as may one or both of the valley's villages of Zalam Kot and Shakhot Banda.  On the other hand, the intriguing trio of ancient Gandharan ruins which members of 1st Brigade will soon discover, will be treated with the utmost respect, in keeping with their historical and anthropological value.  But those are stories for another day, as is a more detailed account of the battle of Elephant's Paw Pass AKA: Bloody Elephant's Paw.

For now, the brief summary above and the collection of 40 color-tinted photographic plates below must suffice.  These come courtesy of Neville Crisp, rookie correspondent, who -- lucky for us and his employer, Reginald Wilkie of the Peshawar Tribune -- not only managed to accompany 1st Brigade during their advance from Dargai, but also to somehow bring along his American friend, renowned Texan photographer Mattathias Dickinson (descendent of Alamo survivor Susanna Dickinson), whose handiwork can be seen below:










































The Kushan Empire Ruins of Shakhot Valley...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on February 14, 2022, 10:51:03 AM
Exciting battle with beautiful scenery accompanied by cool photos. Gul Akbar escaped two times .. it would be time to eliminate it permanently before it can become a myth on the Frontier !
Or could be that after this second retreat he decides to disappear definitively in his Tor Ghar and devote himself to goat breeding.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on February 14, 2022, 12:08:49 PM
Gul Akbar did not retreat but actuated a diversion to ambush pursuing units. All pictures very nice but fake. Mr Mattathias Dickinson is just an agent payed to photoshoppe the pictures of Gul's victory. Always glory to the True Ruler's followers and to the martyrs which are paving the road for the true prophet Muletail and his holy jihad!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: DalyDR on February 14, 2022, 05:23:36 PM
Wonderful images of excellent miniatures and scenery!  I especially like the shot of the Gurkhas charging the ridge!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on February 14, 2022, 06:03:50 PM
Happy Valentine's day!
(https://i.postimg.cc/MT4gNdqG/Valentine.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/CBGvfCZy)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on February 14, 2022, 09:14:46 PM
 Once again Ghul Akbar escapes the machinations of Ruff-Husband Sahib. Now though he must travel with his entourage not back through the Buner Valley but up the Swat through the hostile Yusafzais tribes sworn to TSATF...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Golgotha on February 14, 2022, 11:28:19 PM
Golly gosh what a marvellous set up - do like the addition of all the maps and storytelling. Must still give The Sword and the Flame a try maybe using Boers and or Zulus. Could no doubt work for French Foreign Legion.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on February 16, 2022, 05:50:45 AM
Never thought I'd say this but well done, Evil Giorgio -- that's what I call a hobby-appropriate Valentine's Day message!

To DalyDR and Golgotha, thanks for the kind comments!  And to Golgotha in particular... I commend your WISDOM in observing how wide-ranging is the usefulness of The Sword And The Flame in so many and varied Colonial theaters of war, including various campaigns of la Legion Etrangere!

Last and most definitely least, to my frenemy CAPT SHANKS: Your comment RE: the next chapter of Gul Akbar Khan's journey is uncharacteristically accurate, for as you say, in order to reach the safety of his home in the Black Mountains he will not only have to evade pursuing British forces, but avoid any or all locals whatsoever... as the Yusufzai are known far and wide to bear Blessed Fealty to the One True Rules and to harbor no love for Vile Heresy and its followers like yourself!  Perhaps Gul Akbar will have a Come To The Prophet moment.. see the error of his ways... make a full and sincere confession of his many sins... and throw himself on the mercy of the Court of the Yusufzai!  In the past it was not unknown for such cases to be met with some degree of mercy.

* * * * * *

P.S. These additional pics shows aforementioned Texan photographer Mattathias Dickinson in action, alongside Peshawar Tribune cub reporter Neville Crisp, behind the detached Screw and Horse Guns as they blast away at the only members of Gul Akbar Khan's Lashkar to emerge from within Shakhot Valley (In fact they had routed away from their fight with the 9th Gurkhas, then rallied after reaching the South side of the mountains)...







...While these show Nazim Gul (last Headman of Dargai village prior to it being razed to the ground in punitive retribution for a variety of heinous crimes perpetrated by his brother-in-law Gul Akbar Khan in the Black Mountains) conferring with Jamal Shah Baba -- self-styled Malik of Shakhot Valley -- on the rooftop of JSB's residence, the Burj Shakhot, under the watchful gaze of Luy Halek Yul AKA: "Big Boy" Yul, Shah Baba's personal bodyguard:


...And this last batch show Farah Akbar -- Nazim's wife and Gul Akbar's sister -- leading her 3 sons, Raza Muhammad, Baba Muhammad & Gaza Muhammad out of the Burj Shakhot to an ox-cart waiting to take them North across Shakhot Pass:




Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on February 16, 2022, 01:55:17 PM
Prologue to Taras Khan's attack

September 27th 1890
Sir I respectfully send to you the summary of the message that the bandit Mulehead has received from the Tochi Valley. Due to the good job done by Powinda Mullah’s Khostwal Waziris, our units are circled around Mir Ali Mirali by Afridis  from North and Waziris from west. As Mulehead heard about an advancing Powinda column, he has ordered his Tochi Khans  to rally under Taras Khan ‘s flag to anticipate Kosthwals advancing.
Col Fullerton’s west wing is composed by 2 Raj units (14th Sikh and 26th Baluchi) and a Kohat battery. The units are less mighty but in a strong position. Hereafter some sketches and a letter to the bandit obtained by our spy activities, although still hidden in the roof of his tower.
The relevant message speaks about cleaingn the road towards Mir Ali Mirali to force Fullerton to leave it and  seize it before Afridis’arrival,  for your due information and necessary actions. Humble servant   Tanas Singh, Subedar 2 Sikh company of Guides PFF.
My humble respects to you, Defender of True Book, Punisher of heretics, Fire in the ice of sins. We are preparing a great battle according your orders, which will be a further demonstration of the Power and True of the Right Rule.  It is written: Tsaloor zamin tsaloor toopakhon, that is: four sons four rifles! I have rallied an army of martyrs which will be leaded by me with my sons and we ensure that it will  fall nor in Afridis’hands neither under Powinda’s influence. Mir Ali Mirali is and will be under Tochi valley Waziris’control and Khostwal warriors ‘influence will be confined to west.
Oh Mighty Mulehead, Anchor of hope for the holy pilgrims, may the Holy Rule provide you of every blessing and success, Be the light of True rule brilliant light like a torch in a cave to show the path of Justice to the holy believers! Very soon my messengers will provide you the keys of the village conquered by my sons!
Your faithful son, Taras Khan , khan of all Waziris leaving west of Mir Ali Mirali and his four devoted sons Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Muhammad Alì Khan, Habibullah Khan and Wali Khan, (note for viewers:  the latter not to be confused with Sher Khan’s second son and actually fighting under Abu Zar on the northern outskirts).
In the meantime in the western outskirt of Mir Ali Mirali Colonel Fullerton is giving last orders to Captain Dennis “Gunny” Murfield.
“You see Gunny, this side seems very peaceful, anyway I will provide to your Kohat batter two units of Raj army: with Sikh and Baluchi support you can keep the position for weeks. It is possible that I will to take them back if Abu Zar decides to advance, those Afridis are devils indeed”.
“Sir, my guides say Powinda has a large army”
“Yes Gunny,  but he is still far from here and the other Waziris probably will attend him for joining his column, and this will give us precious time”
“probably” Gunny thought without even lifting his upper lips “oh my, better for me that it will be true or we’ll have to make a good use of my guns”
Will Taras be able to overcome Captain “Gunny” Murfield outpost?
And Powinda Mullah’s jihad? And Abu Zar’s Afridis? And what is Fullerton designing for Anglez next moves?
And the most important question: will our spy be undetected before next report?
To be continued
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on February 17, 2022, 03:59:39 PM
Jamal Shah Baba seems a bit too unexcited about his valley being overran by infidels. He must have utmost faith in Ghul Akbar to defend it or he has perhaps cut a deal to spare his  village from the wrath of the Britishers.  Who is taking these photos of the lead photographer, bold and daring as he may be, getting frontline action shots.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on February 18, 2022, 11:33:34 AM
27th september 1890 Rawalpindi

In Pindi in the H.Q. of General Bindon Blood there is a meeting with the General's staff.


BiBi says:
Sirs that "choppy soldiers" of Davidson and his acolytes ask me to send new troops for their battles...
I'm tired of sending new troops to those crazy people!
Colonel sends a troop request letter to my good friend Ruff to send some units ( under strenght, as they need only 12 men for some strange and stupid rule they used down in the south ) to Bannu by train.

Now my friends  we can go back to more interesting things... who will win the Manipur Polo Championship this year?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on February 27, 2022, 05:50:17 PM
Battle of Hurmaz: the start
Kaar pa kawalo kegi.

(You cannot do anything by doing nothing).

Dawn is rising and the first rays of the days enlighten a scenario of peace and joy. Not to endure so much anyway…
While Humraz outskirts are starting to emerge within the fog in the East, in the forefront you can see a well known family: Taras and his sons are completing the last jirga before attacking.

They studied on it all the night and the result was a “sophisticated” one:
“It is time to implement the plan: straightforward attack, seizing Humraz and from there we’ll reach Mir Ali Mirali to confirm our possession on it, before Afridi from North and Mullah Powinda from west may contest it!”
“Old idiot dumb” Wali Khan thought “I’m not supposed to become Ferenghees’guns fodder”
Tsaloor zamin tsaloor toopakhon, that is: four sons four rifles! Taras Khan and his four sons will lead the attack with five good tribal units. The problem is the quality of the leaders, starting from the complete idiocy of the fierce Taras Khan:


In the same moment in the Raj trenches the situation is not much better: good troops but inadequate officers, starting from “gunny” Murfield , whose nerves could play strange jokes to the apparent stiff aplomb:

The sun is raising and the Waziris are marching towards the entrenched Anglez, ready for a full out attack, also if not the sons are so willing to taste Raj’s lead. Will Taras’idiocy prevail or he will succeed to lead hs family to glory and booty?

The day could be decisive for British ability to defend Mir Ali Mirali and provide a strategic further thread on Bannu itself

Gunny’s face whitens while detecting the dusty clouds which anticipate the tribesmen arrival and starts giving nervously instructions to his artillerymen. Will his nerves allow him not routing, while his brain fights with their order to run away as quickly as possible to survive the day…?

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on March 08, 2022, 07:46:25 AM
Reprint of the Peshawar Tribune special edition August 20, 1890. Its old news, but then again on the frontier what news isn't?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on March 08, 2022, 08:19:51 AM
On rare occasions such as this, one finds oneself forced by extraordinary circumstance to aid and abet one's foe.

A difficult pillbox cap to swallow, and yet... perhaps a glancing blow struck for humanity?

We shall leave such ponderous thoughts for others to ponder... as ours is not to reason why, ours is but to copy-&-paste or cast the die.

(6-sided and/or 20-sided as per TSATF regulations)


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on March 08, 2022, 10:53:52 AM
Wooooooowwwww what a number od the Pesha tribune....stunning !
new Editor ?  lol lol
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on March 09, 2022, 03:04:50 AM
Following up the pukka "Pesh Trib" post by my frenemy (and soon-to-be co-GM) CAPT SHANKS, I am hereby publicizing the upcoming refight of the recent battle of Shakhot Pass -- AKA: "The Bloody Elephant's Paw" -- to be held on Saturday, March 19th at the first-ever DESERT WARS convention, sponsored by HMGS-PSW (Historical Miniatures Gaming Society-Pacific South-West) at Mesa Convention Center in Mesa, Arizona, USA.  The full convention is scheduled to run Saturday March 19th and Sunday March 20th.

In case we're lucky enough for anyone here to want to join us, here's a LINK to a post I put up on the LAF convention page with more details:

https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=135753.0 (https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=135753.0)

...And in case you're in too much of a rush to stop there along the way, here's a direct LINK to the convention page:

https://tabletop.events/conventions/hmgs-psw-desert-wars-2022 (https://tabletop.events/conventions/hmgs-psw-desert-wars-2022)



Come join us and you might even get a t-shirt featuring the Gandharan "FASTING BUDDHA" (one of a trio of Kushan Empire relics located in the valley where the battle takes place) and the two great pillars of Colonial Miniature Wargaming: "The Sword And The Flame"* & "The Men Who Would Be Kings"**

*Good pillar.

**Evil pillar.

***My co-GM might beg to differ with the above classifications... but all righteous and pious gamers know better than to subscribe to his imperfect understanding of the texts.

T-shirt artwork & design by CAPT SHANKS & his very talented nephew.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on March 09, 2022, 03:57:04 AM
Nice Mad Guru, nice.  But a man cannot serve two masters.  TSATF has been supplanted by the streamlined TMWWBK.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on March 09, 2022, 06:31:15 AM
Captain these words are like honey dripping from the comb directly on Mulehead's beard. May the Mighty Ruler bless you with good dice and brilliant leaders traits the day of the granny of all battles...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on March 11, 2022, 02:05:33 PM
Battle of Hurmaz 
Kaar pa kawalo kegi.
(You cannot do anything by doing nothing).
For the prologue see following link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.525
The day could be decisive for British ability to defend Mir Ali Mirali and provide a strategic further thread on Bannu itself
Gunny’s face whitens while detecting the dusty clouds which anticipate the tribesmen arrival and starts giving nervously instructions to his artillerymen. Will his nerves allow him not routing, while his brain fights with their order to run away as quickly as possible to survive the day…?
At the start Taras and 3 sons of his jump like tigers, only Wali Khan remains in the background. Gunny with trembling lips cries an unintelligible order that his subedar translate in “fire” and Abdul Ghaffar gets his first KIA and is pinned, but quickly rallies. Taras’ tribesmen are well covered by rocky terrain, not so for Wali Khan who runs in advance but is pinned by Gunny and Sikhs fire and then suddenly routs jeopardizing his father’s project.
The Waziri remained units try to close: Sikhs fire pins alternatively Abdul Ghaffar and Habibullah, Taras is stopped by Baluchis’fire and only Muhammad Alì can close on the latter storming the defensive sargar, but Rosston succeed in rallying and answer with a devasting fire which pins the waziris, which then retreat.
Taras khan attack the baluchis which defeated retreat again
and then Taras last survivors turn on the artillerymen butchering, without receiving any kia, all Kohat but Gunny who retreats without losing his control. He was absolutely useless without firing , but not a paranoic deserter,  as he was described by his “friends” in  Bannu clubs.
At this point the ever winning Taras’tribesmen are hit by Sikhs’devasting fire and also the ancient Khan lies dead within his last warriors.
The other sons, all pinned and in retreat, without the morale booster provided by their father, retreated to discuss “friendly” with Wali Khan his behaviour, that jeopardized the victory and eventually caused their father’s life.
Gunny can send a message that now the situation is safe, and Fullerton can think to prepare a solid answer to Abu Zar’s Afridis, northwards.
Lester’s Sikhs decided the day, Rosston was badly mauled but was ultimately saved by Waziris’ retreat.
The battle statistics show 8 Baluchi and 3 artillerymen KIA vs Taras Khan and other 41 tribesmen.
For Gunny it is true the old Pashto proverb: Kaar pa kawalo kegi (You cannot do anything by doing nothing). Fullerton will boost his own merit writing to Davenport that Lester winning behaviour was dictated by strictly applying his detailed orders…
But in the mean time many miles Eastwards, on the road connecting Bannu and Mir Ali Mirali, Major Vousden is in secret discussion with Political officer colonel John Nicholson.
And Nicholson continues riding towards Mir Ali Mirali with an important gift for Fully: reinforcements, just arrived from Peshawar, will arrive soon through Bannu to refuel the depleted forces and restart the fights towards Spinwam.
Now Fullerton can focus on Abu Zar, a new unit of Bombay Grenadiers is almost painted and will be completed…not a minute too early! …and a 15th Ludhiana Sikh unit is WIP too…and last but not least a Gordon Highlanders unit is going to arrive to join Fully and his guides cavalry. Captain Charles Frederick Watson Hughes of the 15th Ludhiana has been portrayed giving last instructions to his Gordon unit. Though days are coming for unaware Abu Zar’s Afridis and Mullah Powinda’s rebels!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on March 11, 2022, 07:19:09 PM
A fine frontier seesaw conflagration, oh, Evil One!  So many reinforcements pending arrival... what a pity all that lead will be pushed under the sway of the False Text.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on March 11, 2022, 07:42:53 PM
A decisive victory for the Raj delivered by the True Rules, TMWWBK. The loss of Taras Khan will leave a resounding echo through the Waziristan. Will it finally break their will or just incite a deeper blood feud with the hated ferhenghi?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on March 11, 2022, 08:11:37 PM
Hahahah -- CAPT SHANKS, hopefully it won't break the back of the rebellion before we travel 400 miles apiece and meet upon the level to fight a battle upon the square at DESERT WARS in Mesa, Arizona!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on March 11, 2022, 08:24:58 PM
DESERT WARS in Mesa, Arizona! Where TMWWBK will be crowned best colonial rule ever!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on March 11, 2022, 10:48:02 PM
Desert Wars  Mesa Arizona...the tomb of the TMWWBK and their heretical followers !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on March 12, 2022, 01:29:58 AM
Desert Wars  Mesa Arizona...the tomb of the TMWWBK and their heretical followers !

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on March 14, 2022, 11:20:53 AM
The March

The Hunza field force column is marching toward the Kanjut territory.


On reaching the outpost of Chalt Capt. McKenzie was informed that strong groups of tribesmen were gathering around the stronghold of Nilt.
Captain  McKenzie after two days stop in Chalt start the march towards Nilt.

The small body of operations winds like a long snake in the narrow valley of the Hunza River.
In the lead a small contingent of Gurkha to act as explorer then gradually all the other units, Zibbib, Flashy and his Pathans are close to the avant-garde together with the Bengal Sappers and Miners, ready to lead the way

... in Zibbib's head a single fixed thought... disengage from this stupid military mission, take Maa Din and escape to the mountains.
This idea is the main topic of conversations with Flashy...
Flashy we have to find an opportunity to unhook, take Maa Din and get away from these crazy ...

Pukka Sahib Zibbib, I believe that the right opportunity may present itself during the attack on the fortress of Nilt, in the confusion of the battle we take Maa Din and run away, I have already given instructions to our faithful Gurkha ...

And then off to the mysterious and legendary city of Sust... A city mentioned by many but seen by a select few…lost in the valleys of the Pamir,
 with its houses perched on the mountains, its gardens, its printing works
…among these also the printing house of El Osprey inside a gilded palace owned by Ibn Mersei a rich trafficker of the Pamir ( famous also for his long mustaches) who deals business of various kinds with the Rusky…

To be continued…

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on March 15, 2022, 03:46:01 AM
One cannot help but notice a pattern of subterfuge being subtly hinted at here.  I suspect Maa Din is little more than a bargaining chip to get Ibn Mersei to halt publications and divert the presses of El Osprey into nefarious propaganda purposes.  Perhaps it would be best if the true intentions of Zibbib and Flashy were revealed, their secrets unburdened. I will leave you with this truth, "A pundit and a political officer walked into a bar, the goorkha ducked"
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on March 15, 2022, 11:20:04 AM
Muletail and the hidden secret

Last Muletail’s episode can be found at following link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.465, published last January 5th.
Suddenly many cracks sound from the surroundings rocks and in the dark lights of the dawn Muletail could see the fires flashes and four Afridis killed and 3 other hit, but not incapacitated, with an outstanding score!
They were really skilled snipers he thought, but immediately, with a scaring yell, a dozen of shadows erupted from the rocks and under a Tajik type flag attacked the Afridis. who tried to reach their safe into the tower.
Surprised by the sudden attack, only 5 Afridis answered the fire killing one attacker and from the tower other 5 shots were fired without results.
The eleven survived charged into the eight Afridis in a desperate wild melee, killing 4 Afridis and losing 3 men, Now 8 night warriors faced Rashtun with two men and Gul Zaraq, with all his friends killed.
Muletail and his friends got the opportunity to go towards the tower and could see some warriors going to support their Malik
Four warriors joined the melee without hitting anyone but giving support to their friends and now the forces re equilibrated 8 vs 8.
In the meantime Muletail attacked with Mustafa and Yamar the only sentinel left on the door and distracted by the fight.
The assault was a complete failure: 3 against one and only Yamar remained on the floor with his breast opened by a cut of the sentinel sharp tulwar.
In the fight on the road 4 afridis were killed against only one attacker.
Meanwhile the fight is not decreasing and other 2 Afridis were killed andt they hit 3 warriors but their destiny was decided and they were butchered killing another warrior.
But in the meantime Mustafa succeeded to hit the sentinel but this, before falling, hit him back and now only our hero could enter in the tower and lock the door behind him.
The three survived run to the tower asking to open, Muletail was still shocked for the end of his friends and grabbing his jezail to defend himself before they crack the door.
“Go away jackals, dirty bandits, or I will fire all of you”
“We are not bandits - said their khan, we are Tajiks and we fight for our village. We were fooled and attacked by Afridis. Most of us were imprisoned but we escaped and then we harass the Afridis whenever possible. Now we want to enter to free our brothers from the tower jails. I’m Turik Khan and now open or we’ll kill your friends”
“Why, are they still alive?”
For the results of the received hit by characters, following tables are used:
Muletail opened the door and the 3 warriors jumped immediately inside while Muletail run to his friends: they both received light wounds but for Yamad the situation appears immediately serious, while Mustafa is still wounded and needs another test the following day.
“Yamad yamad, my brother”
“Muletail my khan for me is the end. It was an honour fighting on your side. Bunerwals are faithful to the True Rule and they will avenge me!”
“Be sure of that, and I will lead them and waziris together to the final victory, goodbye my friend, you are the last of the bunch of Bunerwals warriors who shared dangers and fights since Kabul, you sealed with your blood our alliance and may the Ruler give you “6” dice for the eternity”
“Muletail, my brother” whispered Mustafà
“Mustafa you need rest, do not talk my friend, drink some water”
“Yuck, I’d prefer tamarind syrup…”
“Oh man, so you seem feeling better…but you deserve resting now”
The three men in the meantime open internal locked doors and soon they come out with other 15 warriors (add from 4 dices) which immediately grab weapons from the death and takes the 2 maliks, lightly wounded.
The khan of the attackers pushes the tulwar on Rashid’s throat: “you can have a quick death or I can give you to the widows of the village…How many man are in the village with Kismet?”
“He still has 18 warriors.”
Turik butchered them “18 and Kismet are 19 and we are 18…”
“19” said Muletail “Let me join you in avenging my friend, but while I give some water to Mustafa and put him safe in the tower, you prepare two sangars to give a nice welcome to the Afridis. They must have heard the fight noises and soon will come in force to investigate. Five warriors wait for me, we’ll try to cross those hills to enfilade the attackers on their flank”
Muletail and his warriors arrive at the hills just in time as Kismet was already marching with his warriors towards the tower and engaged a firefight with Tajiks.
And now our hero will face his own kismet!

To be continued…
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on March 16, 2022, 10:48:43 AM
One cannot help but notice a pattern of subterfuge being subtly hinted at here.  I suspect Maa Din is little more than a bargaining chip to get Ibn Mersei to halt publications and divert the presses of El Osprey into nefarious propaganda purposes.  Perhaps it would be best if the true intentions of Zibbib and Flashy were revealed, their secrets unburdened. I will leave you with this truth, "A pundit and a political officer walked into a bar, the goorkha ducked"

Is a secret and could be discovered at the appropriate time...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on March 17, 2022, 01:02:57 PM






You will soon find out, on this Forum only !

Credit: photos editing  by Mulehead El Kommiss Studio, Waziri street 124 Wana, Waziristan
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Shikari Sahib on March 17, 2022, 01:29:30 PM
Awesome post, looks like the presentation of the old adventure movies of many years ago.
Compliments to all of you for the great efforts in this magnificent  thread !!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on March 18, 2022, 01:02:08 AM
Great posts gentlemen! I’m really enjoying the reports and action!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on March 18, 2022, 06:11:37 AM
Late breaking edition of the Peshawar Tribune.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on March 19, 2022, 07:10:51 AM
Muletail and the hidden secret 2nd part

Muletail and his warriors arrive at the hills just in time as Kismet was already marching with his warriors towards the tower and engaged a firefight with Tajiks.

The volley of 13 Tajiks from behind the sargars did not surprise the Afridis advancing cautiously but tolled 2 hits.
The Afridis took cover behind a brick mud house and replied to the well protected Tajiks hitting one.
The second volley by Tajiks found the Afridis well protected by the walls but got anyway one hit but the Afridis Jezails were devastating and other 2 Tajiks were killed.
At this point arrived Muletail and his Tajiks and killed 2 Afridis while another was hit by Turik Khan’s warriors.
To avoid to be encircled, Kismet ordered a retreat but before reaching the village was attacked by the Tajiks regrouped and commanded by Muletail and Turik Khan.
All the warriors fought with wild and ruthless energy, but the number started to call its power and 9 Afridis fall down with 7 Tajiks.
Kismet and the last three warriors tried to disengage according following matrix:
Kismet was hit by a tulwar but could escape into the village before the fight was completed, one Afridis succeded in escaping back to Gardez, one was wounded by a jezail shot when was already breathing the safe run out of the village followed by all the warriors and soon taken prisoner and given to the village women, luckier the 4th warrior was immediately killed by a sharp tulwar.
Muletail entered into the village and run to Rashid’s house followed by Turik, and when they entered he was shocked by what was in front of him
He found the old father wounded by the two young wifes, agonizing under the table. The youngest wife gave him a last hit with a long tulwar which tried to hide under his foot
The old man died with a long last yell, but no trace of Kismet, the Tajik looked everywhere but he seemed vaporized.
“He has left the village with one horse which is missing, nobody could see his desperate run, all were too concentrated on torturing the prisoner.” Turik said
“now you have to rest and wait for Mustafa recovering, he has not recovered yet and must toss his die to be sure to heal. When he will roll a good die I will give you some warriors and good horse to reach Aryob Zazi, there we cannot help you anymore. Turik split on side speaking about them
“Those lands are controlled by Zazi Pashtuns, a Karlani tribe, Zazai is a sub-tribe of Khogyani which falls under the Karlan tribe of the Pashtuns.”
“I remember a lot of them in Kabul” Muletail said
“Yes they do not like us, we are too friends of Persians for them and I do not forget they did not make anything to help us against Afridis”
“Are they friend?”
 “It all depends by the politic the Amir wants to prosecute. I heard they are in touch with Russians too, many games are in place simultaneously and the best politic is: think to your safe only”
“mmmh we’ll discover it when we’ arrive there” answered Muletail”We must be quick to avoid Kismeti preparing new traps”
The following day Muletail wake up early to assist his friend
“Mustafa how are u today, it seems u are recovering quickly”
“Yes it was only a scratch. I’m terribly sorry that Yamad did not recover from his wound”
Turik arrived with some tamarind pies
“Eat these and you will feel better, take all with you for the long journey. “ horses are ready for you and my warriors will escort you. I have also a special gift to thank you for helping us to free the village. In the north east hills we have hidden the treasure fruit of the caravan trades and hidden from nosy eyes. Take this bag of gold coins as a little award with my people gratitude. We all will pray for you to have a safe journey back to Waziristan, also if now you must walk in the opposite direction. We Tajiks say that a man without a fatherland is like a nightingale without a garden.
 “Yes” said Mustafa “but you also say that the rich eat kebab, the poor inhale smoke, so let us do not waste this tasty breakfast”
Turik said “Yestrday messengers arrived with the news of a big fight close Mir Ali Mirali and the old Taras Khan has been Killed”
Muletail replied “Oh I’m sorry, I remember him, a good friend of my father, when I was young we played with his sons stealing goats each other until the fathers stopped it and teached us how stealing them to Afridis only”
Mustafà interrupted him “yes I remember with all his 4 sons in the evening around a warm fire, when old tribesmen told us story and Pashtunwali... those time are lost nowadays, days where men were men and mules much better”
All laughed and Muletail asked to Turik“What about his sons? Did they survive?”
“Yes they are alive, now this could be a good moment to return and take command of their dispersed forces and the tribesmen from South Waziristan, still without a leader after Zarin was captured. But it can be even more dangerous than before. Powanda spies detected new ferenghees reinforcement and Anglez will be soon ready to take the initiative and pursue Afridis up to Spinwam and then back again to Thal, stopping your roads to return to Wana from that side. Powanda kostwals will be not happy to see a strong south waziris power in their border area. Afridis are still very power and your head should be a nice gift for Umra khan, mmmh prophecy says you will be the new amir but I’d not change my humble village with your destiny even for one ton of dates and tamarind pies”
“Stop it”Mustafà said “For those tamarinds I’d change my place with the blasphemy throne of Umra himself!”
“Oh my friend” Muletail said “I bet u’d accept even for a dozen slices…”
“I do not sell my faith for twelve fried slices” Mustafa replied offended
“Three dozen? And perhaps with peaches and tarragon too” Turik insinuated
Mustafa dreamt the pie with open eyes…
“Well, now things are serious, let’s discuss about it…”
Muletail and Turik stare each other, they know it was probably the last time they meet and the future has new terrible tests to face before Muletail and Mustafa returning home
Muletail jumped on his horse and cried “To Aryob Zazi!”
And with him also Mustafa, Turik and 10 warriors cried after him
And after hours of riding they arrived into Zazi territory. “Here we must separate” the warriors Malik said dismounting “we cannot go on, these lands are controlled by Zazi warriors and we are not welcome. Thanks again Muletail Khan and may your Ruler provide you all blessing, but not before you accept a sign of our gratitude” Turik put a little bag on Muletail’horse saddle.
And together the 10 Tajiks started singing their anthem;
“Thou art our tribal symbol,
Thou showest us our departed hope,
Thou art for thy sons an eternal world,
Thy spring shall ne’er fade away,
We shall continue to remain loyal to thee – loyal to thee.
Long live my homeland,
My free Tajikistan village!
And death to all Afridis
And to evil Umra their khan”

“Blast it all, amen. On the double, man” Mulehead said to his friend and they trotted quickly entering in the Zazi land with a strange weird feeling bursting in their breasts.
Which new enemies will be met by Muletail and Mustafà in their adventurous journey returning home? And what is there in the bag given by Turik?
And what is that little dust cloud on the horizon? Not so little really…

In the very same moment, many many miles from there, the destiny of Shakot pass was going to be decided in Mesa, Arizona…

To be continued
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Paulonious on March 19, 2022, 06:36:14 PM
Absolutely amazing fun. This is why I love colonials and TSATF. Thanks for a genuinely stunning read.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: LtMarks on March 21, 2022, 03:50:53 AM
a really good production   i love how you guys keep exploring new ways to tell the stories  keep up the narrative  good job!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on March 24, 2022, 03:18:02 PM

Perry plastic miniatures painted by sergio franchi
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on March 24, 2022, 03:19:03 PM

Willie miniatures painted by Sergio Franchi
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on March 25, 2022, 05:20:09 AM
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

Umra Khan has got it goin’ on!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on March 25, 2022, 09:18:41 AM

En route to his home territory, Gul Akbar Khan sends heralds ahead of his Lashkar, to summon the locals to a Jirga...


Later that night he regales the assembled men, women and children with a tale of victory over The Infidel...



At this moment in time his image is captured forever...


By none other than Kodak Effendi -- illustrious first-ever Turkish itinerant photographer -- and crew...


Details of GAK's tale -- as conceived in Mesa, Arizona at "Desert Wars 2022" and told by the campfire of what remains of his Lashkar -- to follow...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on March 25, 2022, 07:17:35 PM
Great photos Mad Guru, your posts are always inspirational.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on March 25, 2022, 10:27:49 PM
Great report and pics MG!

Beware of false prophets and propaganda…
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on March 26, 2022, 06:28:56 AM
Gul Akbar Khan will report the true about the fights in Shakot Valley. True Rule pious followers will be reinforced and fortified in their belief! May El Osprey provide good "6" to all who follow the path of 12 minis for unit and no card deck allowed...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on March 28, 2022, 10:51:58 AM
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on March 30, 2022, 08:09:25 AM
Battle of Bannu Miran shah rd Prologue
On the road connecting Bannu and Mir Ali Mirali, Major Vousden is in secret discussion with Political officer colonel John Nicholson.
And Nicholson continues riding towards Mir Ali Mirali with an important gift for Colonel Fullerton: reinforcements, just arrived from Peshawar, will arrive soon through Bannu to refuel the depleted forces and restart the fights towards Spinwam.
Colonel John Nicholson rides back to join Captain Charles Frederick Watson Hughes of the 15th Ludhiana, and a new unit of Bombay Grenadiers  and, last but not least, a Gordon Highlanders unit. Capt Hughes was famous in Calcutta clubs to be terribly ugly also due to a scarface created by a sharp tulwar, but no other treat  (good or bad) was recorded:
Lt Alexander Craig was the black sheep of his family, a sort of Flashman without his luck, the worst man a soldier could ever serve under:
On the contrary the young Rudolph Forrier was an inspiring officer, well obeyed by his grenadiers:
In the meantime in a little house out of Machi Khel a group of Afridi khans is listening Abu Zar’s instructions-
“Our sentinels have detected a column coming from Bannu, arriving to Mir Ali Mirali in next hours. We must act immediately! Prepare your warriors and we must intercept the reinforcements to cut last hopes of Anglez. I know they have defeated a Waziri attack, but now they are even more depleted.
All the khans jump out of the house to regroup their tribesmen and set up the trap, they are all veterans of the victorious fight at Mir Ali Mirali, just Abdul Shakor Khan has been replaced by an old uncle of Abu Zar’s. He is not an inept like his predecessor but years of heavy opium abuse have taken their toll and he is not more willing/able to attack at the double, bad choice for a cavalry unit leader…
Wali Khan grimaced and spoke in coarse heavy afridis tongue “And after winning, covered with glory and gold of Anglez, I will settle the score with my brother Badajoz and perhaps with my father Sher Khan too!”
Arrived at a crossroads Forrest suggested to turn right , a longer road but safer, avoiding the hill on the left, who could hide an ambush. But Hughes was adamant in continuing for the main road up to Mir Ali Mirali, "because every second counts"! Craig obeyed silently and unwishful as usual.
Few minutes later, with the crossroads left well behind, the Raj units saw hundreds of tribesmen running towards them to close before the arrival into the safe defenses prepared by Colonel Fullerton.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on March 30, 2022, 02:43:07 PM
The ferhenghi reinforcements sound weak and too piecemeal to accomplish saving their own skins let alone relieving Fullerton's besieged outpost.
Mersey shines on Abu Zar and his gathered clans with the gift of a great  victory for them, and bleed the Britishers white.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on April 01, 2022, 10:00:07 AM
A new column in the Peshawar Tribune edited by Harry "CreatorShanks" Kimball

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on April 01, 2022, 10:09:32 AM
Meanwhile in the South a new column from DIK is on the road to Tank....





There is also a new group of officers and non-commissioned officers ready to become Heroes or cowards, to die for Glory.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on April 01, 2022, 08:56:30 PM
The war rages within man's soul. There can but one rule to follow and for two large battles the rules that delivered my forces from the Raj have been the foul tome of heretics and kafirs. For today, I Gul Akbar break from supporting the One True Rule, and embrace TSATF, may the sun set on a new dacoit.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on April 02, 2022, 03:55:35 AM

On a high plateau in the village of Baio, overlooking the Indus River, a massive pyre burns in the night sky. Visible from the heights of Diliarai, it signifies the return of Ghul Akbar Khan,  Flower of the Akazai, Defender of the Torghar, razor sharp tulwar in the side of the ferenghi devils, from the defiled lands of the Bunerwhals. He has fought multiple battles against Britisher, Punjabi, Sikhs, and even a few Yusafzai and Bunerwhals. He survived assassins and bandits in the Swat Valley and now regales his assembled tribes with the seeds that will grow into his legend.
"My fellow Akazai I have returned by the will of Al Osprey and the guidance of Mersey.  By now you know of the Battle of Dargai and how we rescued our family from the clutches of the ferhengi jackals. Many of our brothers were martyred in this fight, and their families will be provided for until they join them.  What followed this battle was the ire of the ferenghi Ruff-Husband Sahib, stirred up like a nest of hornets. Tonight I will tell the story of bravery in the Valley of Shakot along the hathi dara. Of false idols held sacred by the Yusufzais there and the price they paid for such idolatries. Of being hounded by the Britishers and their lackey dogs, the backwards Sikhs, the betraying Punjabis, and the hated Goorkhas. All poured over the pass like so many djinn within a haboob, and all fell short, their wind depleted, as dust to the valley floor."
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on April 02, 2022, 05:54:13 AM
Beautiful post  CPT Shanks 👏👏👏👏👏
Gul Akbar could became a legend on the Frontier, expecially if he embrace TSATF...may the sun never sets on his conversion !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on April 02, 2022, 07:04:12 AM
Well done Ghul Akbar Khan! Your fake conversion already fooled heretics and you will be able to spread your poison from inside and soon we'll pick the fruits of your stratagem lol Glory to the only one True Rule!!! Glory to the only one next future True Amir, Mulehead, khan of all Waziris and pillar of Faith, shelter for the Pilgrims and Torch of holy martyrs!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on April 02, 2022, 08:55:45 AM
Battle of Bannu Miran shah rd
See the prologue in this topic at following link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.555
Few minutes later, with the crossroads left well behind, the Raj units saw hundreds of tribesmen running towards them to close before the arrival into the safe defenses prepared by Colonel Fullerton.
Hughes sent immediately orders to Sikh and Grenadiers to fire to closest units to pin them and avoid contacts,  stopping the cavalry with highlander fire.. A though choice not running towards Mir Ali Mirali,  because it meant that or the fire breaks the tribesmen either they will remain all on the ground.
The fire pins all 3 units and only 2 rally the following turn.
Wali khan irregulars fire on the highlander with only 1 hit, but with an outstanding 11 Lt Craig overcome his haplessness and the highlanders don’t pin! On the contrary the other two units fails the command to double and stop impressed by Kalindi Khan retreat. A key turn point of the battle?
The fire of Raj units is devasting but with a 12 and 11 Abu Zar and Wali control their depleted units,
only cavalry is pinned.
Naag khan attacks and wins against Ludhiana Sikhs and Abu Zar does the same against Bombay Grenadier even if with less men and they cannot rally in the following turn. Wali Khan succeeds in pinning Craig’s highlanders which then rally.
Forrier’s grenadiers win the test and not pin and release a devasting volley: 7 5/6 out of 8 dice! Abu Zar should die but use his lucky for a re roll who hits 4 men, but one of this is him (double 1)!!! Destiny is destiny! Kismet is kismet! While he dies his tribesmen run away and the tide changes again.
But the surprises are just begun: Wali kills 2 other Gordon but with an outstanding double 6 they do not pin again, ignoring hapless Craig hysterical commands. Hughes siks still pinned are attacked by Abdul Haq’s fierce warriors and routes. Same destiny for Forrier’s Bombay grenadiers, while Javad’cavalry decides to not charging the rallied Gordons.
 Without losing his control Craig’s men who crying the Gordon motto “Bydand!” hit other 3 Naag’s tribesmen and Naag Khan, shocked also by Abu Zar’s death, routs.   
At this point Wali’s irregulars fire pins the Scottish, even if they toss a 10 but Craig’s hapless command jeopardize it all and Abdul Haq’s fierce warriors butcher them all, included poor LT Craig. The sound of the piper with the notes of cock o’North are soon covered by the cries of the winning Afridis.
Afridis got a great victory and despatched 31 Raj soldiers out of 36! They lost 29 tribesmen only, but including Abu Zar. This death jeopardizes the victory because also if without all reinforcements, now Fullerton can concentrate on Powinda only. Abdul Haq and Wali raise as new leaders for the lands south of Spinwam. Wali power is growing and soon he will be able to challenge Sher Khan and his brother Rustam Bahadur to lead Umra’s forces in north Waziristan, or south Tirah as Umra says…but he is not a Kuki Khel Afridi, while the hero Abdul Haq is and Kuki Khel don’t like obeying to different subtribe Afridis. And Rustam Bahadur‘s gold will make very popular this concern to stop his brother rising. But new different problems are rising for Bahadur…
Who will decide the new Khan in Spinwam district? Tribesmen blood will? Sher Khan heritage? A ferenghee’s bullet? A sharp tulwar in the breast?
Now in Bannu Major Vousden, informed by his Kyber rifles afridis about Sher Khan moving deeper southwards into Mumand Khel,  is preparing a new attack northward to win Bajaduz Khan.
 Then he will reach Thal from a different road and his army this time will be based on fresh unit, that he denied to Nicholson to keep a good force based on ruthless invincible warriors, as Vousden explained to Capt. Marmaduke “Tiffin” Gonnister:
"You see Tiffin, if you require a position held against impossible odds, use an English or Welsh Regiment, Should you require a position captured  against impossible odds, use a Scottish or Irish one, but if we require both at once, well, that's why God created Gurkhas and to complete the perfection we’ll add a bunch of my 22nd Sam Browne’s sabres and a machine gun! We’ll boost our morale marching under the tone of the artillery."
“And when the gun jams exhausted” Tiffin replied “still you can hear the Ghurkas cry , the Warcry of the Gurkhas: 'Ayo Gurkhali' = 'Here come the Gurkhas! ', Jai Mahakali, Ayo Gurkhali' = 'Hail Goddess Kali. The Gurkhas are upon you! ' And no mercy for the rebels who meet Johnny Ghurkha’s kukri”

In the rattle of the battle
In the fog of fusillade
There are Gurkhas’ kukris,
Ready for Afridis to kiss
And stalwart fiercely stand,
Rifle on shoulder and kukri in hand
And when the battles over
No fear if ther’s no cover
You forget those bloody miles
And those gentle Gurkha smiles.
You can thank your Gods, even Kali
And shout 'Ayo Gurkhali! '
Death to Khans Bahadur and Wali
Jai Mahakali, Ayo Gurkhali'

'Johnny Gurkha' Poem by R.Winkle (which inspired Res John Burman’s one)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on April 03, 2022, 01:45:51 AM


Let the cry go out to Faithful and Infidels alike...



To the Holy Believers... and their red and khaki coated foes...



Use all manner of machinery to hasten its spread across the land and sea, for such events are indeed of profound nature...



CAPT SHANKS AKA: Gul Akbar Khan has seen the light!!!


The curtain of Darkness -- the Veil of Lies -- is lifted from before his eyes... and there is much rejoicing!!!



Welcome, CAPTAIN, to the Assembly of the Select, the Gathering of the Blessed!!!


Yea, the rejoicing spreads even from the Living unto the Dead...



Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on April 03, 2022, 06:17:22 AM
Awesome post Mad Guru 👏👏👏
Brother Shanks aka Gul Akbar has seen the light!

He sees the light 🎼🎶🎸
He sees the light 🎸🎶🎼
He sees the light 🎶🎸🎼
Oh Yea 🎼🎼🎼
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on April 03, 2022, 07:10:44 AM
A very sad day for the followers of the True Rule...but....but...BUT...why little "green eyes" Scarface Mulekid is laughing after speaking with his granny, a wife of the torch of faithful, the light of pilgrims, the restore of martyrs, the shelter of believers, the incommensurable, unmatched, future Amir, the great Mulehead?!?
The Punjabi proverb says "Baat badly, saak badly" "Change your word, lose respect"...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on April 04, 2022, 01:45:48 AM
Such a handsome youth, despite his scar (which rumor has it came courtesy of grandpa Mulechief).

Let us hope Mulekid's bright green eyes grow wise enough to see the writing on the wall, so at some point between POINTS A and B...





...when the day comes for him to take the reins of Mulepower, he will choose the True Path (AKA: TSATF)... and so keep his head upon his shoulders.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Jimmy Punjabi on April 04, 2022, 03:45:22 PM
I've been reading this thread as a guest for months, I decided to sign up because this campaign is the most beautiful and exciting I've ever read... it's like an illustrated history book that describes a beautiful world full of adventures and mysteries. For now I don't have miniatures but I plan to buy them in the future. Congratulations to all !

PS : I'm a TSATF followers of course lol
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on April 06, 2022, 09:21:49 AM
Monsieur Jimmy Punjabi... first let me thank you kindly for your kind words re: our humble campaign!  What a clever alias you employ, good sir, from whichever side of the Frontier you may hail...



But then, with utmost respect and no wish to offend... I am forced to inquire as to your bonafides... that is to say... not myself but some others engaged in this campaign have confided to me in strictest confidence that they harbor certain... uncertainties, regarding your... true colors -- AKA: your nom de guerre... to wit, they wonder if you might not be already known unto them by some other... User Name?

I beg you take no offense, and understand... the name of this game is: "Never Trust Anyone"!


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on April 06, 2022, 03:00:24 PM
Capt Shanks, welcome to the brethren of the One True Rule, “The Sword And The Flame”! Come join me in the Mess Captain, your drinks are on me tonight sir.

Your humble servant,
General McGuinness
Commander Chitral Field Force

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Jimmy Punjabi on April 07, 2022, 12:25:08 PM
I also add myself welcome to Capt. Shanks ' conversion to the One True Faith. TSATF
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on April 07, 2022, 12:30:48 PM
Capt. Shanks aka Gul Akbar merciful Allah has made you find the lost way.
Please enjoy and relax yourself in my modest palace in Mogala,  drink knowledge from the fountain of Truth |

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on April 10, 2022, 02:16:39 PM
The letter

Now in Bannu Major Vousden, informed by his Kyber rifles afridis about Sher Khan moving deeper southwards into Mumand Khel, is preparing a new attack northward to win Bajaduz Khan.
Then he will reach Thal from a different road and his army this time will be based on fresh unit, that he denied to Nicholson to keep a good force based on ruthless invincible warriors, as Vousden explained to Capt. Marmaduke “Tiffin” Gonnister:
"You see Tiffin, if you require a position held against impossible odds, use an English or Welsh Regiment, Should you require a position captured  against impossible odds, use a Scottish or Irish one, but if we require both at once, well, that's why God created Gurkhas and to complete the perfection we’ll add a bunch of my 22nd Sam Browne’s sabres and Northumberlands and a machine gun detachment! We’ll boost our morale marching under the tone of the artillery. You Tiffin will take in charge the South defences looking to prevent any Mullah Powinda’s attempt from that side"
“And when the gun jams exhausted” Tiffin replied “still you can hear the Ghurkas cry , the Warcry of the Gurkhas: 'Ayo Gurkhali' = 'Here come the Gurkhas! ', Jai Mahakali, Ayo Gurkhali' = 'Hail Goddess Kali. The Gurkhas are upon you! ' And no mercy for the rebels who meet Johnny Ghurkha’s kukri”

In the rattle of the battle
In the fog of fusillade
There are Gurkhas’ kukris,
Ready for Afridis to kiss
And stalwart fiercely stand,
Rifle on shoulder and kukri in hand
And when the battles over
No fear if ther’s no cover
You forget those bloody miles
And those gentle Gurkha smiles.
You can thank your Gods, even Kali
And shout 'Ayo Gurkhali! '
Death to Khans Bahadur and Wali
Jai Mahakali, Ayo Gurkhali'

'Johnny Gurkha' Poem by R.Winkle (which inspired Res John Burman’s one)
Few days later…
LT Cecil Fox de Vigneau couldn’t say to come from one of the richest family in Kent, but for sure very few could say to have noblest ancestors. Second son of Sir Marmaduke he was sent to military career and to accelerate his promotion opportunities, with the help of his uncle Col Reginald Fox, RE, he went to the Grim as aid of General Davenport.
The General attached him to Vousden’s column with the order to come back after the attempt to storm Afridis defences in Surani and the arrival to Gumatti to report the victory (what else?) details and then return back again to the column to get a clear picture of the situation of the units marching to Thal. A great victory would oblige Sher Khan to run back and could be intercepted and destroyed.
After the storming he returned to Bannu to report to his General and accepted to bring back a letter of his friend LT Jack Firewell, commanding the Gourkha unit, for his wife.
Still few hundred meters and he will be in Bannu, last rocks and then he will enter into surrounding buildings, f80 meters, 50 meters crack!

His body was spoiled and, among the others, one letter rescued and sold to interested buyers to be published on Pesh trib. We got in advance a copy of what should become a “master” to be used in future different scenarios in the following years, unless you want to imply that Mr Winkle has copied it!

"Surani Camp, Bannu, Punjab, 4th October, 1890.
My Dear Lorelei.
We paraded in Bannu at 5.15 a.m. on the 7th and marched off at six o’clock. Our unit was on the left to prevent the Afridis attack. There was a small valley which went from the right of their position and came in a curve round our left. Soon we were in sight of Surani where previous Vousden’s attempt was stricken back.  The first shot was fired our Northumberland Maxim gun detachment at 6.15. ... and the grapeshot was kept up for an hour and a half with machine gun and rifles. The afridis, who were lying in a deep trench, with small sangars in front, never replied, but reserved their fire. Our troops now began to advance and fire, and then the enemy let rip. My unit was out of the actual charging, etc., but we had the unpleasant experience of lying down and hearing the bullets singing over us like hail and were not able reply. Had we been firing we should not have noticed, but to lie there for what seemed like age, but what was, I suppose, about 15 or 20 minutes, and to do absolutely nothing was chronic. Two of our officers and a private were hit, one officer and the man on the shoulder. The other officer was lying on his side, within ten feet of me. The bullet hit him on the hand and went through into his thigh. It sounded as if someone had struck him with a stick. I for one was very pleased to get the order to advance. But to back a bit - When our Maxim started firing, the afridis could be seen coming out of the right of their position, with the object of getting on our flank and rear, but they were greatly disappointed, for as soon as they got near enough our [Northumberland] British opened fire them with the Maxim, and they retired, for all the pathans have a holy terror of what they call in Punjabi 'Maśīna pisaṭala', which means 'the machine gun'. Then order came for our column advance; we could hear the bugle sounding the charge. Just as we started a shell went shrieking overhead, the only one I heard. We had to double about half a mile to some bushes the riverside, and just as we neared them the Afridis turned up on our left. One of the British officers rode out with a white handkerchief to offer quarter. One man came in, but as the others didn’t move, we opened fire, and they scattered. After we got in the rocks we halted, when bang! bang! came from the rocks. The 3rd [Ghourka] doubled down and caught about 16 Pathans crossing the path out of the rocks protection and fired at them but owing to bad shooting several of them got away, and we formed up just before nine o’clock. I heard that the Ghurka troops rushed the sangar and ditch in magnificent style. The sangars defensors had been knocked about a good bit by the maxim, so it was not a very formidable obstacle.
This is a very lame account, I’m afraid. As I said before, I was not in the firing line. The enemy had very strong position, having very thick rocks to fall back upon, but they had their strongest position on the hill. I don’t know if they thought we were going attack them from that side. The 3rd Ghurka captured their commander, Abul Khayr. He is a very young chap, being only about 25 or 26 years of age. He (Abul Khayr) said there were more than 100 troops. It is reckoned that there were 30 killed, and that a large number must have been wounded. Others managed to crawl over the ruin and will probably die on the road. Rastum Bajadur [another afridis commander, Sher Khan’son ], per usual, got away all right. I saw several of their wounded waiting to get their wounds dressed by our doctors. It was marvellous see one man walking about who had got Martini Henry bullet into his breast, above the right nipple, and it came out through his shoulder blade. He also had a bayonet wound in his side. There were cases of men wounded in several places and still walking about. Our casualties amounted to 10, or about that. The 3rd Ghurka suffered worst amongst the Raj, having one sarge and three men killed, and -five wounded. The Afridis suffered very severely. Sergeant Hilton, Gordons, attached to the 3rd Ghurka, was wounded in the right upper arm. The bullet went in just above the elbow and was extracted on the inside of his arm. It is a marvel how it missed the bone and artery, neither of which was touched. Sergeant Hanley, 22nd Sam Browne’s sabres, got a bullet into his foot at the third toe, and it came out under the waist of the foot. The top of the second toe and the whole of the third had to amputated. These men are staying in the next tent to mine...
We stayed in the field till the moon came up, about 8.30 p.m., when we started on the follow on journey with our wounded. When I say we, I mean the Ghourka unit, the Northumberland and the Maxim crew and 22nd Punjab cavalry don’t carry anyone but the poor Sarge Hanley whom I said before, and had restarted at about 4 p.m. That was a terrible march. It was only eight miles, but, remember, we had only about three hours’ sleep the night before. We marched eight miles, fought the hardest fight that has ever been fought in the northern Bannu surroundings yet, and then had to go at the double carrying our wounded to avoid leaving them at village women revenge. Every time we halted could see the men put the stretchers on the ground and fall down beside them. We had two men wounded on the road. A Ghurka had his rifle on the stretcher, and he had never unloaded it. The rifle fell out, and went off, the bullet completely smashing one man’s ankle and entering another man’s thigh, travelling along his leg, and stopping in the limb. We arrived at 3.30 a.m. I took off my belt, and put head on my haversack for pillow, and slept like that without moving till about 6.30. You may imagine I did justice to breakfast next morning....
They have had to amputate a lot of legs and arms, but so far only one of the British, an attached Gordon, has lost his arm. The afridis laid their rifles on the top of the trench, and without looking pulled the triggers. Consequently, a tremendous number were hit on the legs. I am very pleased to say I got through safely. Everyone is agreed that it was the hardest fight we have ever had in the Grim, but I suspect this is too exaggerated. The enemy now is entrenched in a stronger position; they have artillery and about 3 other units, that was the only force that Rastun Bajadur could rally in so short time frame. They also lay quiet without firing a shot, they wait until our infantry shall come within short range, and then they will blaze away as hard they could. We don’t know what will be the name of the 'Bar' [on the Afghan Medal]. The fight was at a place called 'Surani' and today we’ll storm “Gumatti”. There will not be a new rest until Thal reconquest, at which time we expect the final to come off and Umra khan will accept the peace.
Your ever-loving husband, Jack."
Pictured in the Peshwar Tribune: -
The Ghurkas storming the sangars in Surani.
Abul Khayr, the Afridis Khan, immediately after the fight - captured by the 22nd Sam Browne cavalry.
In the meantime Major Vousden and Rastun Bajadur Khan are facing each other near Gumatti in a fight which could decide the destiny of the whole district!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on April 10, 2022, 02:35:46 PM
Epic battle , the echo of this bloody engagement will run on the Frontier...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on April 11, 2022, 12:01:48 AM
BG Davenport,

What a cracking personal account of one man's perspective of the fight at Surani. However; every subaltern worth his weight in water should know better than to disclose pertinent tactical information and battle damage from our modern firearms in personal correspondence. It just won't do for the public sensibilities to read how effective these weapons are against these tribals, and the horrific realization of how effective they would be if they fall into the hands of our enemies here and are used against us.
And in this unfortunate case the tragedy befalling young De Vigneau has provided those at the Peshawar Tribune that exact opportunity. To publicly announce "how we fight" . No sir this will not do. I expect this young lieutenant will find himself scarce at the mess at best, reassigned to the North East campaign at worst.


BG Mc Queen
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on April 11, 2022, 12:29:55 PM
BG Mc Queen,

I agree with your comments on "a cracking personal account of one man's perspective of the fight at Surani". However; probably you are not aware that the young LT is , by his Aunt in law, nephew of a very important gentleman, personal friend of our Viceroy. Understanding the context I'm sure you will agree that he was only too impulsive and it is something I would excuse in a young officer in the Grim. Subaltern worth I judge according the lead he dispatches, not the letters. In this officer a good treat of 3-4 provided his unit an extra bonus and I'm sure he will distinguish himself by the next fight, actually should be in a little village somewhere between here and Thal. 
The problem here is mainly due to the exaggerated freedom provided to the press and I can assure you that when this campaign will be completed I shall provide personally a couple of kicks in Winkle's ass!!! .
He acts like a jackall and in this unfortunate case the tragedy befalling young De Vigneau has provided him good material to waste, I'm investigating who bought the letter, how, when, where and stop this Pesh Trib issues without any censuring office controlling it. No sir this will not do. I expect this poet will soon find himself in a cold jail in Peshawar!


BG Davenport
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on April 12, 2022, 11:11:33 AM
...The problem here is mainly due to the exaggerated freedom provided to the press and I can assure you that when this campaign will be completed I shall provide personally a couple of kicks in Winkle's ass!!! .
He acts like a jackall and in this unfortunate case the tragedy befalling young De Vigneau has provided him good material to waste, I'm investigating who bought the letter, how, when, where and stop this Pesh Trib issues without any censuring office controlling it. No sir this will not do. I expect this poet will soon find himself in a cold jail in Peshawar!


BG Davenport

The above words -- courtesy of the arguably notorious Brigadier General Sanford Praline Davenport -- spread like wildfire through the Viceregal Lodge in Simla...


This was no accident, as future Nobel laureate Reginald Winkie himself had made it a point to personally deliver the news to none other than the Commander-in-Chief, India, Lieutenant General Sir Frederick Roberts -- complete with MUSICAL ACCOMPANIMENT courtesy of the appropriately HEAVY METAL mining concerns in the hills thereabouts...


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOQYRXMcz_E (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOQYRXMcz_E)


The humble man-of-war had first met the vainglorious man-of-letters during the Abyssinian Campaign of 1868, where it is said they proved the cliche "opposites attract"...


"It's not 1859, Bobs, and the Gagging Act is no longer in effect!" Winkie railed to his old acquaintance, "This fellow Davenport seems to have appointed himself Sentinel of the public record and to believe I am somehow Breaking The Law by doing my job and exercising my right to non-libelous freedom of the press!  By Judas Priest, judging from his sentiments one gets the sense he'd feel more at home serving the tyrannical Hell Bent For Leather Tsar, rather than our beloved Queen Empress!  I will go Beyond The Realms of Death to Ram It Down his throat -- even if I have to Take On The World and spend the next year Living After Midnight lobbying MPs and the PM himself, not to mention Horse Guards and the Admiralty, in order to see him Burn In Hell!  And if he thinks he can paint me as some Dissident Agressor, he's Got Another Thing ComingSome Heads Are Gonna' Roll, Bobs, and when it's over, Davenport will be the one whose reputation and career will be Blood Stained, not me!" 


Bobs raised his bushy brows and gave the emotional journo a bit of a scowl, "Winkie... you always were a vainglorious chap, but is your pride so great you would choose to drag the good name of Her Majesty's Forces through the mud to defend it?  I must say... I always thought you more the sincere jingo type."


"Well, Bobs... if you can guarantee me the fopdoodle's career is over... that will serve as my Painkiller..."


"...and perhaps I shall find it in my heart to write an appropriately positive cover profile on your brilliant Better By You, Better Than Me efforts as Commander-in-Chief."


What will the future hold for BG Davenport and Reginald Winkie, Esq...?


Only the Piper knows -- and he's not ready to play out that tune just yet...


Meanwhile at the Viceregal Lodge in Simla, other game is afoot...




Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on April 13, 2022, 09:34:49 PM
Wow guys, great stuff! Sterling work, as they say.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Jimmy Punjabi on April 15, 2022, 10:53:59 AM
I'm surprised by the interest I have aroused in some people in this Forum.

My name is Jimmy Punjabi , I was born in 1868 in Lahore, Punjab.
After completing my college studies at Wards of Umballa and at Aitchinson college, I have found various jobs with different notables of Punjab.

I'm currently the personal secretary of an eminent person of great prestige and influence on the North West Frontier.

In this photo at the time of Aitchinson College, I'm the one with the n.8 next to the head, I was on the college football team.
(https://i.postimg.cc/BnxmBxrx/FB-IMG-1649874600468.jpg che)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: ColCampbell on April 15, 2022, 08:28:17 PM
And a dashing fellow you are, Jimmy the P.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on April 16, 2022, 12:22:55 AM
Salvation at Seri

Seri, the Black Mountains, the Northwest Frontier, 9 October, 1890. The village has stood for hundreds of years, the great game will determine whether it will survive this latest round of invaders.  It was also the scene of betrayal when BG Channers was kidnapped during a jirga not long ago. Now a punitive expedition was about to descend upon the village, the time for jirgas was over. After the kidnapping of the Brigadier and the ambuscade at Parbal Gali, the column dispatched from Tilli to capture any belligerents and deny them safe haven by destroying the village had arrived. (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/906649664575656016/964614026761998437/20220414_194421.jpg)

The original plan had been to block the  nullah to the north and the Fusiliers block the eastern trail to Oghi, while the 11th Bengal Lancers swept west through the village.  Terrain dictated that the cavalry sweep around and block the eastern trail while the 59th and the 2nd swept through the village searching for belligerents and setting fire to the compounds and towers.

The Fusiliers searched the first tower and found it unoccupied. The 59th approached the main compound...  the village looked serene enough.


Suddenly a group of white clad Ghazi fanatics poured from the tower and charged into the lancers. The Ghazis closed on the startled lancers who were just establishing their blocking position.  Unable to countercharge they took the brunt of ghazis full force. Tulwar slashed through lance and flesh alike, the lancers were able to kill some of their foe before they were overwhelmed and slaughtered to the man. Even Sher Khan, the Colonel's hound was driven back under the assault.
Rifles surreptitiously poked from loopholes and over the walled roof of the compound.  The pathans fired on the hapless 59th wounding two of them. Return fire dropped two of the embrasured warriors, while undeterred the 59th moved forward into the fire.
 The 2nd Fusiliers set fire to the western tower, and advanced on the village.

A second group of fanatics charged from the northern house into 59th, but were met with fire from the bloodied regiment as well as the 2nd Fusiliers. Their numbers cut in half, they were unable to close with the 59th and broke for the cover of the hills.  Undaunted by the destruction of their fellow warriors Mohmod Ghazi Khan focused his attack on the 59th. They closed the gap and clashing tulwars with bayonets into the heart of the 59th striking down Captain Smythers before he could draw his sword.
The Pathans from inside the compound fired another salvo into the 59th while the ghazis hacked at them without quarter. Mohmod Ghazi personally cutting down three of the britishers. Finally the beleaguered leaderless troops fell back toward their initial lines.

Finding nothing in the second house the fusiliers set it alight and moved to the southern compound.


They poured fire into the western compound, breaking the remaining pathans who slinked out of a hidden door and made for the nullah.


Mohmad and the last of his ghazis charged into the men of the 2nd,  Mohmad attacking Captain Geoffrey Marks in personal combat. The captain obliged him with a solid thrashing from his emptied webley upside his head followed with a saber slash.

The lone ghazi now too broke for the safety of the nullah.

Entering the compound the intrepid soldiers of her majesty saw a disheveled, crumpled,and bloodied Britisher on the floor amongst the dead pathans. Turning him over it was discovered to be none other none other than their own brigadier BG Channers. Quickly assessing him they found him beaten and cut but still very much alive.

At this they set alight the remaining buildings and eastern tower.

The light fading they established a tight encampment with fifty percent watch. The pathans who had been so eager to protect their prize though had had enough for one day and the night passed without incident.   The following day the patrol returned to Tilli, finding Sher Ali had already straggled back.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on April 16, 2022, 06:18:24 AM
To BG Channers

great and epic battle, Her Majesty's forces fought with honor. I am happy that you have returned to civilization. BiBi
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: George on April 16, 2022, 11:26:55 AM
Thrilling stuff. As ever. 8)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on April 19, 2022, 08:58:54 AM
Mulehead ‘s dream
Wana suburbs, in a little house on the road to Jandola pass, Mulehead is designing his next moves
Don’t be fooled by the dull noise coming from the khan, while thinking to his future actions, lulled by the rhythmic sound produced by a skilled tribeman, sit close to him, he is not snoring, he thinks loudly.
Drumming Drumming Drumming… the hypnotic  and mesmerizing sounds of drum wrap Mulehead’s brain and soon…
“Oh great Amir, the mighty Mulehead, the greatest Khan of all Punjab” the crowd cries out of the wall of Kandahar. A superb figure in a rich uniform exits from the gates on an impressive stallion.
Zooming at the mounted Amir, Mulehead discovers that he is himelf! Mighty and magnificent!
And now he was joined as devoted followers by Mullah Powinda, leader of the waziri of Kostwal,  with the jihad flag and Muhammad Alì who after the death of Taras khan, has taken the lead of the Waziris of the Tochi valley.
They both cried “Hurraz our Mighty Amir! Defensor of True Rule, torch for the pilgrims, light for the martyrs”
“Great vizir, Mighty Amir, Blessed by El Osprey”
“great Khan mighty Mulehead”
“Yes I’m the great Amir…”
“great Mulehead wake , wake up!”
Now a new horseman had joined the followers and proclaimed him the mightiest of the mighty khans, the new prophet of true rule. He is an unknown mullah on a splendid mare, and sings he saved the loser and traitor Gul Akbar. But he is well accepted between Powinda and Muhammad and the former waves the holy flag of jihad over his beehive hat
“Hosoor wake up”
“Uh? What?” Mulehead said slowly rising from deep sleep
“Mulehead Khan,  messengers are coming, please wake up, stop sleeping”
“Oh? I was not sleeping, I had a prophetic message, I will be Amir!”
“please come and see” the sentinel insisted not giving importance to the prophecy message “horsemen are arriving at full gallop!”
What important message is brought by the arriving warriors? Their flag says they are coming from Black Mountain…
To be continued...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on April 20, 2022, 06:44:44 AM
...everyone betrays everyone

October 6th 1890 Sir I respectfully send to you the summary of the messages between  the bandit Mulehead Khan and the infamous Umra Khan and were read and briefly reported by our spy still hidden in the roof of Mulehead's tower. The messages were also intercepted by Mad Guru's followers and brought to his attention.
Your Humble servant   Tanas Singh, Subedar 2 Sikh company of Guides PFF.
in a fortified tower in Waziristan:

Umra :...the horsemen coming from the Black Mountain bring the news of the conversion of Gul Akbar...that news kills Mulehead's dreams!! Story finished.
Mulehead: Not so fast, Uncle. Frontier hides more secrets and betrayals than your little brain can imagine...and I didn't get the title of Evil Khan without deserving it...
Umra: Just in your dreams
Mulehead: wait and do not pray my pardon cause no mercy will be provided
Umra: No mercy asked...no mercy given...Umra says !
Mulehead: wargames atlantic will release new russians and cossacks and no mercy will be requested ‘cause no one will be granted.
Umra: They are for WW1...Useless
Mulehead: no they are good also for end century and beginning (Japan war)
Umra: Who said? El Osprey, Mr Babbage or Mulehead ?
Mulehead: Heretics cannot sleep, they keep watching to see what news the message brings! And they are awake in terror and fear
Umra: I thought that Mulehead during his dream fall out from his bed knocking his head on the floor.
What is there in the letter from Black Mountains??? The suspense is growing now also in British Headquarters!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on April 22, 2022, 12:34:36 AM
In the village of Baio, North West Frontier, west of the Indus River the leaders of the Akazai hold a jirga under the light of a raging fire. They have gathered together to celebrate the return of Gul Akbar Khan and his spreading of jihad against the ferenghees in the west. And also to discuss the recent unsanctioned attacks over the frontier into India by the Chargazai tribes which was even now bringing the hated Britishers and their lackeys into the TorGhar. The council was called by the senior elder and spiritual leader of the tribe, Mullah Hashim Ali of Darband



Out of the darkness Gul Akbar Khan emerged
"My dear uncle Hashim Ali, I have seen the light, and it resides within me.  Our lineage has forever fought according to TMWWBK,  but when I fought at Dargai and in the Valley of the Hathi Dara I fought to an older code, TSATF.  This code allowed me to redress my grievances with the ferenghi dogs of Ruff-Husband Sahib.  They were distraction enough at Dargai that my sister's family could be spirited away right under the Britishers' noses. And again two days later I witnessed as we used them, allied with the Yusafzai Malik Jamal Shah Baba, to turn the tide of Britishers back over the pass and allow us to escape into the lands of the Swati tribes.  So I say to you my belived uncle and gathered brothers, let us consider following this older, surer code amongst the tribes in the TorGhar."


Hashim Ali sipped at his chai and considered his young nephew, freshly returned from battling the ferenghi and the kafirs of the west.  He marveled at the audacity of the youth, the exuberance of the returned warrior.
"Gul, our tribes have fought many battles defending our precious mountains and valleys according to the TMWWBK.  The battles you have fought were not in the TorGhar range. They were not fought with only the tribes of our kin, protecting our homes, our fields, our lives from outsiders and their desire to steal from us, or force from us, what is ours. I cannot believe your faith so easily shaken over two battles. That you would abandon all that you know to adopt the older, clunkier ways of those in the west. Please regale us with your latest battle that I might better understand where your head and your heart is coming from."

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on April 22, 2022, 08:43:11 AM
From Umra Khan Mogala Tirah
To Gul Akbar Tor Ghar

Habibi Gul
May the Light of the True guide your steps;
The beautiful news of your conversion has reached my modest palace in Mogala.
The Bagh of the Consciousness has seen a new flower blossom.
The time has come for the wicked to perish under the blows of the Righteous.
I have just returned from a Hajj done in the far West, a Sacred place surrounded by a Great Water, where I met the spiritual essence of The One who created everything.
The time has come for the wicked to perish under the blows of the Righteous.
A new flag with this sentence is bring by a pious warrior at  the head of my armies.
The whole Frontier will be crossed by a wave that will drown all the blasphemers.
Sharpen your Tulwar oh great Khan and together with Mad Guru the Holy Man, and Sgt. Brom the Fated we will defeat the  Evil.

Umra Khan
So be it written , so be it done.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on April 22, 2022, 04:00:09 PM
GHQ, Rawalpindi
Attention General B. Blood
15 October 1890
BG Channers' debriefing continues as he recovers in Abbottabad. He has information about a jihad being planned among emissaries of Mullah Hashim Ali in the Black Mountains and Mulehead Khan in Waziristan. He reports that he was captured by Akazai but soon sold to the Chagharzais for one hundred Lee-Metford rifles. I have men now tracking down where those came from, either purchased in Lahore by disreputable arms dealers, former company men, or if they were counterfeits made in the back alley  armories of Karachi, as deadly to the user as to the target. But I digress.

BG Channers' knowledge of pashtun is extensive, but his captors being  unaware of this spoke freely in front of him and he became privey to much information . There is great unrest in the north. Inter tribal rivalries may cause more frequent attacks against against friendly villages within our influences as an attempt to draw us north.  The attack at Parbal Gali, carried out by Chagharzais, was intended to foment our ire against the Akazais, however  we were fully aware if this ploy when we targeted our punitive raid.  It was dumb luck that BG Channers had just been moved to Seri a few days prior to our raid, that information we did not have  We were also able to recover the fifty rifles and one heliograph taken at Parbal Gali. It is likely that the tribes will continue to use this tactic and try to bait us into fighting their battles for them.

He also stated there are rumors that Gul Akbar Khan was converted during his battles at Dargai and Shakot pass. That he renounced TMWWBK and took a vow to spread TSATF back to his home in the Black Mountains. This information was relayed to the tribes from a minor Bunerwhal clan head, Mullah Abdullah. If this is true, and he is successful, this could mark a major shift in alliances between the Black Mountain tribes and the Afridis and Waziris. It could also result in increased sectarian conflict as the tribes have been very reticent to accept change since their conversion. Mullah Abdullah has also sworn a blood oath against Gul Akbar and this may all end with Gul Akbar's head being returned to the Buner Valley. That seems least likely however as he is a beloved hero, a fierce fighter, and above all quite lucky.

This brings me to the BLAB, bottom line at bottom. Mulehead Khan has sent for a great mullah from Ghuzni to reinforce the adherence to TMWWBK in the Black Mountains. It is said he will travel with a small escort through the Bolan Pass and to Waziristan where he will be picked up by guides of Mulehead Khan and taken north to Darband or Takot. We don't have this mullahs name, but he apparently fought at Ahmed Khel and is a respected warrior as well as spiritual leader.

This situation is continuing to develop as we verify the information reported and continue BG Channers' debriefing. I would humbly recommend that BG Davenport be on watch for any jirgas or rumors of holy men travelling east. I have placed a cordon of informants and operatives along the southern sector of my area of operations watching for said same.


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on April 24, 2022, 10:39:13 PM
Gul joined his uncle by the fire and began telling his story of the battle of Hathi Dara.
It is not that I went into these fights without my faith...
but I found myself surrounded by the kafirs and thought it best if I fought them in accordance to their ways.

We sat in our encampment,  under the shadow of Burj Shakot, recovering from the battle of Dargai, telling stories of personal bravery and celebrating the martyred before we returned to our villages in the TorGhar and Buner Valley. News delivered by a goatherd revealed a strong force of Britishers were rapidly approaching the Hathi Dara.
 "TO ARMS! TO ARMS!" Went the shouts of the faithful. Word was sent to ready our gun on the Baachaka Dheri and for our cavalry that had camped at Shakot Bandai to return and prepare to defend the valley. Malik Jamal Shah Baba also sent word to his villages to assemble for the defense.

First to crest the pass was a group of Punjabi infidels. Tell me how can one serve the Britishers, and still be considered faithful. These were followed by guns that in short order fired on our field piece, wounding all but one of the crew.

I withdrew my forces further up the valley to await Jamals forces and draw the Britishers deeper into the valley where we would destroy them piecemeal as they slowly fed more chattel into the fray.


To our chagrin, the hated Goorkhas and Sikhs poured through the woods and over the mountain, ignoring the passes. My how these devils moved like pathans over those crags.
The devils in skirts moved around their guns at the pass and brought with them an infernal rapid fire gatling gun. My warriors were at first concerned by this fire spitting demon but watched with contempt as it continued to malfunction and jam.


The rest of the infidels' guns were manhandled up the pass and the mountain slope and begin to fire on Jamal Shah Baba ensconced in Burj Shakhot. The fire nearly martyred him and drove his men into cover.


I split my forces sending one clan down the mountain range to get behind the Britisher guns and cut them off. I led a unit to protect the village of Zalam Khot and one unit to stall the jackals' advance up the center. Within that unit was one of the captured Bunerwhal chieftains. Mullah Abdullah. Through his cowardice he survived the charge against the Punjabis, and tried to surrender the banner to them. As the Punjabis reloaded he ran off to the mountains in the east.  I understand he has now sworn a blood oath against me. It is unfortunate he was not among the martyred.


The Goorkhas and Sikhs poured off of the western slopes of the mountain and tried to flank the burj while the cavalry, devils in skirts, and punjabis continued to press up the center valley supported by the guns.   While the Sikhs attacked the village the Goorkhas attacked the burj. The Ghazis screamed down the hill and into Goorkhas steal clashed with steel in the end the Ghazis drove off the devils. In the village of Zalam Khot the Sikhs attacked from the south while their lancers attacked from the west. These assaults were met with fire and steel and the attempts were thwarted. The Sikhs too were killed or driven back. And we held firm in the village of Zalam Khot.


Of the clan that circled behind the infidels they must have gained their advantage for a time as the fire slackened from the guns and the Britishers' commander abandoned the field of battle to his aide de camp, colonel Slattery. They in turn must have been martyred where they stood as the Britishers withdrew down the same path, and I heard nothing further if them.

At this the Britishers' bugles and pipes sounded and the infidels fell back under fire to the other side of the pass. We had survived yet again under the rules of the kafirs. We could see the fires burning as the cowards burned Thanra. Jamal's gathered lashkar fired down from the ridges on them while I gathered our forces and moved to cross the Shakot Pass into Swat, our way to Buner and home now blocked.  That journy back to TorGhar istelf frought with danger from Swati and Bunerwhal dacoits, beset on exacting tribute for our passage. So it was that we were again delivered by the way of the kafirs, TSATF.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on April 25, 2022, 07:09:09 PM
20 October 1890
from General Bindon Blood Rawalpindi
To BG Mc Queen Abbottabad.

Dear friend,

I received with pleasure your exhaustive letter, the B.Gen. Channer is a smart man and a great connoisseur of the frontier. His advices are very important. Unfortunately, some of his colleagues in the south think only of waging war by constantly requesting reinforcements ...

I am worried about the situation in the North, where McGuinness's column unfortunately encounters difficulties on the road to Chitral, his task is a most difficult one, miles and miles  without roads in wild country.
I would not like this delay to favor Russian agents who have sights in those lands.

In Malakand our soldiers under Ruffy fought valiantly by pushing back the warriors of Gul Akbar, a guy to be taken with a grain of salt, a foe to be reckoned. But his conversion could push him into Umra Khan's arms and become our good ally and thwart the rise of this Mullah Hashim Ali.
As for Mulehead Khan, that old goat will never repudiate his belief, but I'm about to play an important card, a highly skilled secret agent is on the trail of his son. With the son in our hands, even the boorish one will come down to milder advice.

My friend a bottle of Cognac is waiting for you in Pindi.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on April 27, 2022, 02:57:12 AM
Excellent reports gentlemen! Exciting games indeed.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on May 02, 2022, 02:33:44 PM
The old havildar
After many pressing letters by Br Gen Davenport, reinforcements are coming from Tank, for kind decision by Br Gen “Mandrake” C. Aubrey-Smith, stressed by all this correspondence.
The leader of the column is a very well-known character: Political officer colonel John Nicholson.
Nicholson is leading a mighty force with the task to push back Powinda’s khostwali waziris and give strategic breath to Col Fullerton to drive north his forces, with the west side safe after he had already pacified the south with the victory against Taras Khan.
See link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.525
The column is made by a unit of yellow boys led by Major Robert Sicon, a sporting umpire,
 a unit of Sikh pioneer under Capt Stephen Saltfish, an idiot at the best,
and two Sikh units of Ferozepore and Lhudiana, under LT Percival Doisdy,poor leadership,
 and LT Randy Turnside, a young officer,  a brave gentleman destined to greatness, if not stopped before by a Pathan tulwar.
To one havildar of this column, our bard of the frontier, R.Winkle, wrote one of his most famous poem, in his “ballads from the barracks” and that will be copied after WWI to celebrate Sikh proud value:
The old Havildar
Beneath an ancient bodhi-tree,
Fast by the Kabul's tide,
In silent thought sat Paramjit Singh,
A Khalsa havildar of the Queen;
He mused on things now done and past,
For he had reached his home at last,
His empty sleeve his pride.
Ten years before a  Ludhiana lout,
beneath the self same tree,
He met an officer on a horse with creamy mare,
who’d come with honeyed words
and the intriguing beat of drum,
Cajoling all who glory sought,
and telling how the regiments fought
The Waziri and the Afridi clans
With shouts of victory.
WaheGuru Ji ! Rang in his ears,
The famous battlecry  of war
And since those day Paramjit, getting higher rank
On Punjabi plains, from Peshawar
To fierce Bannu and mighty Tank
‘Mid festering bogs and scenery of hell
Now I’m havildar he said and I learnt
How Khalsa soldiers died and fell.
And a sorrow grim fades his sight
But all they witness how Khalsa can fight
And he knows his village brothers have seen
He got a medal with the name of the Queen!
And now he rides a creamy mare horse
And cajols in the villages with honeyed words “of course
No one got more glory than Khalsa force!”

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on May 02, 2022, 07:43:52 PM
Beautiful post oh Evil King .
The Winkie's poem is marvellous !
...anyway the Sword of the True Rule will hit you !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on May 03, 2022, 12:56:27 PM
Postcards from the Frontier

Somewhere on the Frontier...

Further east in Peshawar

Meanwhile in the north..our heroes Zibbib Khan and  Flashy with  the Field Force are  marching to Nilt  .

The Stronghold...

A new foe enters the scene...

To be continued...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on May 03, 2022, 11:57:35 PM
The new moon rises over the Indus River. A mullah and a Khan raise their tulwar together, the fast has ended.


Hashim Ali, Light of the Akazais, deliverer of Truth, wazir to the pious forgive my indellicacies. When I was among the kafir I behaved as a kafir, I took on the visage of the kafir, I adopted their way of warfare. Do not think me so weak as to turn my back on TMWWBK and adopt so easily a life lived by the ways of the kafir.

Remember my oath and the day of my oath from my place in the west "For today, I Gul Akbar break from supporting the One True Rule, and embrace TSATF, may the sun set on a new dacoit."  It was for but one day I adopted the life of a dacoit of TSATF, by my oath.
Never would I abandon my heart and turn from the true path. I bid pray, sheath your tulwar, your copy of the TMWWBK and the sweet air of the Torghar is all the succor I need.


Together we can now begin to drive the infidels from our home and send them back to Abbottabad and Rawalpindi. May their shadow never fall on Torghar and if it does may their blood slake our fields.


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on May 04, 2022, 12:32:33 AM
Six figures slip furtively through the shadows down a dark Peshawar alley. Avoiding the street detritus they move quietly, accustomed to working in the darkened recesses of urban decay, they quickly assess the status of the crushers guarding their intended target,  the Peshawar Tribune Building. Their timing is impeccable as the the extra bottles of gin slipped to two of the guards earlier in the evening were having the intended consequence.  For these former "Company men" this would be a bit of all right.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on May 04, 2022, 12:27:09 PM
Dear readers, hereafter for all subscribers the latest Peshwar Tribune issue

Free for our most loyal readers:
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on May 06, 2022, 10:32:53 AM
Awesome number of the Peshawar Tribune, as usual.
It is a pleasure to receive copies of the newspaper in the outposts lost in the mountains, or in the elite circles of The Punjab.
Even among the proud Pashtun the reading of Pesha is a must!

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on May 08, 2022, 10:51:05 AM
The great success reached by last Pesh Trib issue (see link https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.600) has convinced our editor to publish some illustrated extra inserts to describe also the colourful uniforms of our heroes, not all in khaki as you will see.
First drawings come from Jandola and are related to Political Officer Col.Nicholson column in march from Jandola straight in the flank of Powinda Mullah ruffians.
The column is composed by Col Nicholson, his staff and four units. First drawings are related to the column leaving Jandola Col. Murchison entrenched camp:
 (https://i.postimg.cc/NFVZJvJr/C-Staff-out-of-Jandola.jpg [/img)
And now in more detail the units
Yellow boys, 1st Skinner Bengal lancers:
15th Sikh Ludhiana
14th Sikh Ferozepore
 34th Sikh Pioneers
 (https://i.postimg.cc/PrT6HxZr/GB-Pioneers.jpg [/img)
In honor of these pride Sikhs we report hereafter the poem written by our R.Winkle “the old Havildar”, already published in Peshwar tribune (see link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.msg1735565#msg1735565) and we are happy to spoiler that soon a book with all his poems will be published and booking is already started, so don’t miss the opportunity to assure you a copy of his last masterpiece!
The old Havildar
Beneath an ancient bodhi-tree,
Fast by the Kabul's tide,
In silent thought sat Paramjit Singh,
A Khalsa havildar of the Queen;
He mused on things now done and past,
For he had reached his home at last,
His empty sleeve his pride.
Ten years before a  Ludhiana lout,
beneath the self same tree,
He met an officer on a horse with creamy mare,
who’d come with honeyed words
and the intriguing beat of drum,
Cajoling all who glory sought,
and telling how the regiments fought
The Waziri and the Afridi clans
With shouts of victory.
WaheGuru Ji ! Rang in his ears,
The famous battlecry  of war
And since those day Paramjit, getting higher rank
On Punjabi plains, from Peshawar
To fierce Bannu and mighty Tank
‘Mid festering bogs and scenery of hell
Now I’m havildar he said and I learnt
How Khalsa soldiers died and fell.
And a sorrow grim fades his sight
But all they witness how Khalsa can fight
And he knows his village brothers have seen
He got a medal with the name of the Queen!
And now he rides a creamy mare horse
And cajols in the villages with honeyed words “of course
No one got more glory than Khalsa force!”

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on May 08, 2022, 06:46:56 PM
More fodder for the frontier. The Peshawar Tribune will have to put out a separate copy for the casualty list too. Such hubris will be rewarded with jezail and tulwar.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on May 09, 2022, 10:42:53 AM
More fodder for the frontier. The Peshawar Tribune will have to put out a separate copy for the casualty list too. Such hubris will be rewarded with jezail and tulwar.

So be it written, so be it done !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on May 10, 2022, 01:27:19 PM
Postcards from The Frontier


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on May 10, 2022, 01:29:00 PM
Postcards from The Frontier

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on May 12, 2022, 01:05:43 PM
Idak, a little village close to Tochi river, whose lazy waves slip slowly eastwards  in an idyllic atmosphere of peace and rest suddenly broken by voices loudly roaring in the not far Mullah Powindah’s camp.
“Ghaffar khan, dear son,after the great battle of Ghuam Khan Kalay “ Powindah Mullah roared “where my nephew Kabir found his martyrdom, we need to re-organize our forces”
For detail on the battle see link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.450
“Devoted followers informed me that an Anglez force is coming from Jandola. Leader is a well known ferenghee, political officer col Nicholson, and his quick move could have been devastating.
If the jandola merchants have not had informed us we should have been taken unaware on the flank and definitely routed.
Their flanking manoeuvre must pass through Sarobi and there Jammas Khan has regrouped the wazirirs who fought in the triumph of Ghuam Khan Kalay battle.
I personally selected each and every one before coming from Khost and they are all valorous and now with a boosted morale, they are willing and anxious becoming martyrs, but numbers matter, and they alone cannot stop the advancing column.
But they can gain time to spring our counter trap. You will regroup the new tribesmen joining the Holy army after the victory, many are disbanded waziris from Taras’army after his death, other are our faithful Shabi Khel Mahsuds like you and me and many Khostwal cavalrymen. With all these warriors you march directly to Sarobi to support Jammas Khan and, with the help of the surprise, gain a tremendous victory deleting the column danger.

Afterwards we can march on Mir Ali Mirali and get the fruit that Taras missed to pick up,
Our tribesmen reported that crazy ferenghee Fully is marching northwards with many soldiers, leaving the village ready for a new Khan and a new Rule.
Go and win. I will protect you with this holy flag of Jihad!
Sarobi will be the grave of martyrdom of many true followers but their sacrifice will be not in vain.
After the storming of Mir Ali Mirali all waziris will accept that we are the predestined and we will be strong enough to attack Bannu while our brother Mohammad Sarwar Khan will defeat the Anglez in Jandola.
But one step at the time: go and destroy Ferenghees in Sarobi!
To get the overall picture we recommend you to buy last extra insert of Pesh Trib, see link https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.600, but the situation is evolving so quickly that better getting a subscription to be kept constantly updated.
Will Nicholson yellow devils break through Jammas Khan defences? Or will him succeed in stopping and pinning them, giving Ghaffar Khan the time to destroy them?
To be cont’d
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on May 14, 2022, 04:15:25 AM
At thebvillage of Wana at the heart of Waziri terriyory a messenger arrives with news from Torghar for Mulehead Khan.

Mulehead Khan, Amir of Waziristan Light of El Osprey, Annointed by Mersey to bring truth to all of the tribes and chastisement to those who would not listen. I bear only the truth as I know it.
As you know the humble mullah of Tarkhee has arrived to martyr or redeem Gul Akbar. Gul's redemption and return to the light is true. He is even now planning his next campaign which will demonstrate clesrly his return to the fold. 
The mullah has also declared that Mullah Pawinda is to be trusted as a great ally, kept at your right hand until the ferenghi are driven from Waziri lands. Even if your son returns it would be well for you to keep Mullah Pawinda close, if not closer.

For now the snows are already creeping into the deep valleys and ravines of the Torghar and we will adjourn for the winter except for punishment of the Chagharzais who attempted to raise the ire of the Britishers and turn their attentions against us. We will raid their villages in kind to recover what was destroyed by the Raj forces. We will drive them from our beautiful mountain home to the slums of Abbottabad and Peshawar and end their line for they're betrayal. After that we shall retire for the winter.

Please retain my nephew Yousef Ahmed, the deliverer of this message, as tribute and demonstration of our continued support.  His ability to lead warriors cannot be bested, but he does lack hunger in the attack, preferring instead to remain in the sangars and woods and direct jezail fire against our foes. Stalling their advance or harranguing their retreat, as we say in Torghar, shooting them in the face or biting at their backsides. He will serve you best in that capacity.

Your humble servant

M. Hashim Ali
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on May 17, 2022, 12:51:25 PM
Postcards from the Frontier


Postcards from the Frontier is a Trademark of Umra Khan  Mogala, Tirah
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on May 17, 2022, 12:54:14 PM

Please retain my nephew Yousef Ahmed, the deliverer of this message, as tribute and demonstration of our continued support.  His ability to lead warriors cannot be bested, but he does lack hunger in the attack, preferring instead to remain in the sangars and woods and direct jezail fire against our foes. Stalling their advance or harranguing their retreat, as we say in Torghar, shooting them in the face or biting at their backsides. He will serve you best in that capacity.

Your humble servant

M. Hashim Ali

I believe that Mulehead should fear Yousef Ahmed's ability to shoot in the back...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on May 17, 2022, 05:29:21 PM
"I believe that Mulehead should fear Yousef Ahmed's ability to shoot in the back..."

Umra Khan are you trying to expose the plot?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on May 19, 2022, 01:11:39 PM
Postcards from the Frontier



Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on May 19, 2022, 02:05:14 PM
Postcards from the Frontier


Zarin Khan is actually in jail...Or is it not true?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on May 23, 2022, 02:18:07 PM
Postcards from The Frontier

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on May 26, 2022, 12:48:40 PM
The Haji

I'm back from my  Haji ,

it was a special pilgrimage.... I've been in a windy city on a  coast in front of an huge sweet  sea .

Was a challenging journey in the Sacred Lands where everything was born!
On this journey I have purified myself from the impurities of a changing world.
I drank from the Sacred Fountain of Truth

 and I heard the poet sing:

“Walk wide o' the Widow at Windsor,
For 'alf o' Creation she owns:
We 'ave bought 'er the same with the sword an' the flame,
An' we've salted it down with our bones.”


In my trip I met 3 dancers ..ooops pilgrims and I thought of bringing them here to Mogala and hosting them in my palace.
In my purifying rite I put on the garments of Heaven…and now I am here my soldiers ready to lead you against the heretical enemy,

So be it written ,  So be done!


Note : Umra Khan foot and mounted and the 3 dancing girls painted by Sergio Franchi !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on May 27, 2022, 06:03:55 PM
On June 4th this topic will have its first birthday and I declare officially open the celebration week. Furthermore, for celebrating the first anniversary, which in one year has surpassed 600 posts and 37k views, Peshawar Tribune has released a new book of poems collecting all the masterpieces released during this long and bloody year: Poems from the Frontier, hereafter some examples of the included works.
But before let me thanks the group of great friends  who allowed all this, in order of joining the topic: Umra khan, Mad Guru, JBaumal, Cpt Shanks, Rhingyll and, last but not least, all the viewers that gave some encouraging posts in the topic or…simply thought about doing it.
Let me close with the words taken from an old Punjabi poem I always teach to my Waziris “working” on the Frontier:
Har Yaar Ko Raaz Mat Batao,
Yaaro Ke Bhi Yaar Hote Hain
That is:
Don't tell every friend a secret,
Friends also have friends…
in other words: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier"

who dismays doughed horses who kneeling camels,
who loads and unloads bales and bassokes,
who draws water for the evening meal,
who pays for camels and who hires new servants,
who screams, discusses, sells and bargains....
and in the midst of all this confusion prowls the poor desperate Wazir, telling everyone that he was a powerful khan and asking for his stories
in exchange for little food and a sip of water. "

reinterpretation of a RK poem in a sad story , enclosed in the book " The Wazir and his missed Mules" available in every decent bookstore in Wana and Miranshah.


Battle of Bannu Miran shah rd
In the rattle of the battle
In the fog of fusillade
There are Gurkhas’ kukris,
Ready for Afridis to kiss
And stalwart fiercely stand,
Rifle on shoulder and kukri in hand
And when the battles over
No fear if ther’s no cover
You forget those bloody miles
And those gentle Gurkha smiles.
You can thank your Gods, even Kali
And shout 'Ayo Gurkhali! '
Death to Khans Bahadur and Wali
Jai Mahakali, Ayo Gurkhali'

'Johnny Gurkha' Poem by R.Winkle (which inspired Res John Burman’s one)

The old Havildar
Beneath an ancient bodhi-tree,
Fast by the Kabul's tide,
In silent thought sat Paramjit Singh,
A Khalsa havildar of the Queen;
He mused on things now done and past,
For he had reached his home at last,
His empty sleeve his pride.
Ten years before a  Ludhiana lout,
beneath the self same tree,
He met an officer on a horse with creamy mare,
who’d come with honeyed words
and the intriguing beat of drum,
Cajoling all who glory sought,
and telling how the regiments fought
The Waziri and the Afridi clans
With shouts of victory.
WaheGuru Ji ! Rang in his ears,
The famous battlecry  of war
And since those day Paramjit, getting higher rank
On Punjabi plains, from Peshawar
To fierce Bannu and mighty Tank
‘Mid festering bogs and scenery of hell
Now I’m havildar he said and I learnt
How Khalsa soldiers died and fell.
And a sorrow grim fades his sight
But all they witness how Khalsa can fight
And he knows his village brothers have seen
He got a medal with the name of the Queen!
And now he rides a creamy mare horse
And cajols in the villages with honeyed words “of course
No one got more glory than Khalsa force!”

The famous Winkie’s poem inspired the work by General Sir James Wilcox

You’re A Better Man Than I Am, Dirka Grimm
“Pack up your money pull up your tent Sgt Crood,
Dirka Grim's bugle call goes over rocks and wood,
Truly he is a better man that we had understood!”

From “Peshawar barracks ballads” by Reginald Winkie


the Guides Squadron charge
half a league, half a league, half a league onward rode Fully leading his Guides....
Pathans to right of them, Pathans to left of them, Pathans in front of them, Boldly they rode and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of hell. Rode Fully’s Guides
Flashed all their sabres bare, Flashed as they turned in air,
Sabring the pathans there, Charging many tribes, while All the world wondered.
Plunged in the dusty-smoke, Right through the line they broke;
Afridis and Orakzai, Reeled from the sabre stroke, Shattered and sundered.
Then they rode back, but not. Not the Fully’s Guides!
When can their glory fade? Oh the wild charge they made! All the world wondered.
Honour the charge they made! Honour the Fully’s Guides, Noble Squadron!



by Reginald Winkie

(with apologies to Henry Wodsworth Longfellow)

LISTEN, my children, as to you I sing
Of the three day ride of Jai Ho Singh,
On the fifth of August in eighteen-nine-oh:
Hardly a man is still on the go
Who remembers that event occurring.
He said to his sister, Maryam,
“If the Iron Amir has conveyed
Breechloaders to the Yusufzais, as you say
Then I must ride to the sahibs and spread the alarm,
Before the Tribesmen strike with those modern arms!”
Then he climbed on his horse and said farewell
To his beloved Habibi, with whom he did dwell.
His comrade-in-arms wished him Godspeed,
He hoped & prayed Jai Ho would succeed,
And return home alive, a living monument to Khalsa pride.
For three days on rode Jai Ho Singh,
While Jezails and Sniders took shots at him,
A wound he sustained, yet he stayed on his game--
Then from one jagged cliff a Ghazi charged,
Attempting from his saddle Jai Ho to dislodge,
“Allah Akbar!” the Ghazi cried as he raised his Tulwar over his head,
But Jai Ho thrust his saber up and his own eyes saw red,
And before the Tulwar could strike, that Ghazi fell dead.
Jai Ho Singh rode on, under cliff and over hill,
Still bleeding from the Jezail bullet wound, until--
A kindly Mussulmaan took pity on him,
And gave Singh thirst-quenching water to regain his trim,
And on August the 8th, at long last,
Jai Ho Singh reached the Malakand Pass!
Then thanks to that same uniform which drew so many foes,
The picquets of 9th Gurkhas waved for him onwards to go,
To the Dargai Cantonments of Peshawar Field Force,
Where with little ado he made his report,
Concerning news from the Iron Amir's court,
Of trading rifles for a prisoner he could use to extort,
To which Brigadier Stewart Ruff-Husband did retort:
“Jemadar Jai Ho Singh, 2nd Punjab Cavalry, Piffers, Retired…
I salute you—truly you are the Khalsa’s pride!”
A report that shall echo on into time!
For borne on the hot-wind of the Past,
From the dawn of the Raj, until the last,
In the hour of darkness and peril and need,
Sepoys and sowars, both active and retire-eed,
Shall accomplish their mission, on foot or by steed,
No matter the odds, no matter how slim,
They will get the job done--like Jai Ho Singh.

When I wasn’t in the need of jezails I had arsenals.
When I need jezails they were converted to unpalpables.
Punjab Your eyes are beautiful and
You have also beautiful hair…
Beneath the blanket of the stars
In the company of the moon
On the riverbank two mullahs
By the side of water’s boon
In a pavilion covered by flowers
Sat immersed in Rule consultation
They speak about Khans powers
And the outcome of their divination

From “Peshawar barracks ballads” by Reginald Winkie
The deaf mule ballad
During the march of the column 
you can hear the sounds of water bottles
and mess tins slamming ...and persevering song
of the Gordon highlanders bagpipes playing  their Cock of the North…
"Auntie Mary had a canary
Up the leg of her drawers;
She was sleeping, it was creeping,
Up the leg of her drawers"
With its best foot first
And the road a-sliding past,
An' every bloomin' campin'-ground exactly like the last;
While the Big Drum says,
With 'is "rowdy-dowdy-dow!" --
"Kiko kissywarsti don't you hamsher argy jow?
(Why don't you get on?)”...

Poems from "the deaf  Mule Ballad " by Reginald Winkie
The spied column from Bannu
Stump stump
The cadenced steps of the Northumberlands
Donk donk
The slow hoofs of the mules in the lands
Ding ding
The tin of the canteens
Scrubble scrubble
The rifles straps over the shoulders
Hiss hiss
the silence of the stool pigeon
gogogo soldiers of the Queen’s
behind the hills
an hidden enemy ‘ve seen
and soon you learn
Pashtun’s aiming skills
for your concern.
Last night you had some meat,
and a pint of beer as well
Which you enjoyed as a great feat,
as many a man could tell.
And then you to your tents went,
and taking off your boots,
Each of you the drinks repent
and thinks to tomorrow shoots
But today it will be a different story
And for many of you the last glory
Snip snip
The bullets for an end so gory!.

From “Peshawar barracks ballads” by Reginald Winkie

the North and the South

They have ridden the low moon out of the sky, their hoofs drum up the spines,
The dun they went like wounded bulls, but the lances like new-roused porcupines.
But there is neither civilized nor savage, frontier, breed, weapon, birth,   
When two strong men stand face to face, tho’ they come from the ends of the earth,
A life is lost, a common language spoke; only your honor between famine and dearth,
Only your value when the bitter alternative should be worse than your death!

by R.Winkie in the “Peshwar barrack ballad”

Major Rawson’s quest ballad
Run Run All brigades are already busy, who will go?
Run Run “I shall be the man” said Major Rowson
Run Run “and my squadron will say so:
We are the Hodson’s Horse
And success will come of course!”
Run run blue jackets still wet of paint
Run run  no trick  no faint”

“Major Rowson in your hands I put the RAJ destiny”
“And I won’t fail for the Queen and the Hodson’s honor!”
Run run towards Khyber pass…

Run Run …and far away!
Run run towards the Mohmands lands!
Will Major Rowson succeed intercepting Zibbib before he meets the Tsarists?

Over the hill and far away to Queen Victoria we all obey

(https://i.postimg.cc/ yxJrnVfd/L-Camp.jpg)

From R.Winkie “Ballads from Peshawar Barracks”

O'er the hills and  the Yusufzais,
Through Wazirs, Afridis and Orazkais,
Queen Victoria commands and we obey,
Over the hills and far away.
If I should fall to rise no more,
As many comrades did before,
This Indian song you have to play,
Over the hills and far away.

Mullah Powinda “the goat”
Beneath vague voices and the feeble din,
Strangely as if through a shield,
Through the khattak dancers in a row
One sees the towering old mullah.

A welcoming voice, a direct look,
With eyebrows, grizzled and curved,
Of nothing in particular he spoke
And to you said no more than he should.

Among the tribesmen and the khans
Amid the day’s whirlwind,
It seems that they’d forgotten
His past dramatic legend.

They forgot the day of anguish,
The night of cries: “To arms.”
The disheartening salt-marshes,
The camels’ measured tread;

Forgot the margins of shifting sand
Where a bad-luck company dragged;
Forgot Maiwand and Jandola carnage,
Tochi Valley fallen to the Ferenghee’s flag.

Forgotten? — No! Each time it occurs
That some attention-grabbing incident
Dims the spark of his peaceful eyes,
Refreshing them with old events.

“What is with you?” — “My foot aches.” —
“Gout?” — “No, an old jezail wound.”
Suddenly provoked, he awakes
And breaks the tedium of the Punjabi sun.

And he told me that none of those
Among all of the veterans,
In lines with up raised tulwars
Or in rows of resting on the ground,

Could force him out of the shabby bed,
Clever, foxy and corpulent,
As his heart repeatedly agonized
Over memories of mishaps past.

But a new Rule is moving his world,
And he wakes up from his deserved rest,
Grabs his jezail and embraces the jihad,
‘Cause the True Ruler claims his life.

Among the rocks
Jumping and landing
He forgets the pain in the foot
No gout he told…just goat!!!

R.Winkie from “Peshawar barracks ballads” which inspired Gumilev’s famous poem

Colonel Fullerton in Spinwam

All hearts break, that it’s raining death
Today in Thal, heroes’ blood is being shed
The khaki uniform will be our coffin
Soldiers, come home – the fresh wildflowers have wilted and died
Pasthun have become wolves, humanity no longer exists
Murder’s a common occurrence and no one hear your noise
The flower has turned into ashes, every sound means a shot
Look at that Colonel over there; he’ll yearn eternally for his boys
Mighty Fully, we crave Your mercy, here You’re Rahim and you’re Rahman,
Today you’re Alfa and you’re Omega, we crave your Mercy or a pint of beer.
But we never see rain of mercy here, only rain of death by any Afghan
Whether in Thal or Spinwam, or Ali Mirali Mir
They are content with discord, They are content with blood,
They will never be content with a ferenghee khan.
Angel of death’s veil is coated over lives all around
Freedom from the Forbidden, a ray of light
Help one another, soldiers, else life doesn’t sound;
Help one another and follow your Colonel to the fight!


The ballad of Gurjas “stonesangar” Khan  and Captain Marmaduke “Tiffin” Gonnester

Gurjas Khan was a warrior bold:
His tulwar and his rifle were bossed with gold,
He shot at Gurkhas and he scared Mackenzies
From ground behind rocks they shouted like frenzies:
While over the Punjab the warriors cried,
"The hero fights for his countryside!"
But little they cared for their own stress,
The worn white soldiers in rifle green dress
They cursed their luck, as the Gurkhas will,
But gave him credit for cunning and skill!)


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on May 28, 2022, 07:23:55 AM
1st Bombay mountain artillery ballad

The second day of celebration week is dedicated to the mountain artillery heroes, and from the new Winkie’s book we have chosen few lines dedicated to the heroes of Ghuam Khan Kalay (for the battle details see following link in this topic: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.450:
“… An happy, melodic, rhythming tune is song in the valley by the bold artillerymen of the 1st Bombay mountain artillery:
 For you all love the screw-guns — the screw-guns they all love you!
So when we call round with a few guns, o’ course you will know what to do.
Jest send in Powanda an’ surrender — it’s worse if you fights or you runs:
You can go where you please, you can skid up the trees, but you don’t get away from the guns.
“Tenant tenant” the halvidar shouted running “Sir many pathans are behind those hills aiming at our mules”
“Well they will enjoy the knowledge of our lead, Havildar be ready to repulse the attack and let us gain time to be rescued” answer the Tenant while his nerves started to collapse after fighting with his mind generously helped by a robust liquor to pass the hours of this interminable journey. But he feels a presence, an oppression on his breast cutting the breath, as an evil curse, a prophecy of dead…
“The mountain gunners’ boast is that we can go anywhere, where a man and a mule could put a foot.we have  kept  up a steady clip of up to four and a half mile per hour, mile after mile and day after day and now we are here unexpected to keep this area under strict control.”
For Lt Wootsy it was a remarkable sight to see a good mountain battery coming into ‘crash’ action. What would appear to the uninitiated eye to be a disorderly assembly of mules and soldiers would suddenly stream into position, there would be a brief pause with much exertion and the heaving of lumps of metal and in a minute or two, the animals would be led off at a run leaving six or four sturdy guns with their detachments kneeling smartly round them... ”
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on May 29, 2022, 07:40:37 AM
Punjabi Bonny Dundee Ballad


Today it is the third day of celebration week and if yesterday was the mountain artillery day, today it is dedicated to noble horses of Raj in a poem who inspired R.Kypling himself and that allow us to deploy all 6 cavalry units defending Bannu, plus some well-known mounted friends!
The regiments represented in this post and that appeared in the topic in past year are:
Guides (including col. Fullerton) at Mir Ali, Hodson Horse 9th at Ghuam Khan Kalay under heroic Lt Wootsy, Poona Horse with Maj Stockfish after Fullerton triumphal charges at Mir Ali, 22nd Punjabi Sam Browne’s with Maj Vousden galloping towards Gumatti, Hodson Horse 10th at Masri Khel with Capt Marmaduke Stonewash, and the last unit just painted: 1st Skinners, the terrible yellow boys (or yellow devils according which side of the charge you stand) leaded by cpt Rootsy under the supervision by political officer Col Nicholson.


By the brand on my withers, the tune of neighbor   
It is played by the Raj Lancer, Guide, and Saber,   
And it’s sweeter than “Hay Bale” or “Water” to me,   
The Cavalry Canter of “Bonnie Dundee!”
Then advance and charge and handle and groom,           15
And give us good riders and plenty of room,   
And launch us in column of squadron and see   
The way of war-horses to “Bonnie Dundee!


I’ll open the Gates, and let you go free,
Bring you over the pass, over that tower,
Over the river, release all your power
And show us the way to Bonnie Dundee.


And all 6 units together in the final Parade, the rainbow parade, blue the 9th, khaki the 10th, green the Poona, yellow the skinners, red the 22nd, khaki the guides!

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on May 29, 2022, 08:43:36 AM
The Great Cavalry Parade

Pesh Trib Sunday illustrated insert:






Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Belgian on May 29, 2022, 07:35:56 PM
Most excellent, quite a magnificient cavalry parade.

Great work although some better pictures might even better show them off.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on May 30, 2022, 07:43:40 AM
Thank you Belgian (Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae, all of these the strongest are Belgians :o)  thanks for encouraging. Pictures, I know, are my problem (well, one of my problems... ;)) and in the second year of the topic (yes it is confirmed you will suffer it another year) I will work to improve pictures quality. No opportunities lacking: two great battles are going to be fought: Powinda's waziri ambush to Col Nicholson column and in Gumatti Vousden's Sikhs will try to break Afridi's resistance. Hope you will enjoy them both!

But today the Pesh Trib Parade issue is dedicated to my five Gurkha (2) and Sikhs (3) units and the poem from Winkie’s manuscript is “the flashes of the khukri” which later inspired the poem by Satis Shroff).
My army includes 2 Ghurka units (3rd and 5th regiments)

And two famous characters: Cpt Tiffin and Havildar Fish

and 3 Sikh units (14th Ferezepore, 15th Ludhiana, 34th Pioneer)
15th Sikh Ludhiana

14th Sikh Ferozepore

 34th Sikh Pioneers

 (https://i.postimg.cc/PrT6HxZr/GB-Pioneers.jpg [/img)


The bonfire throws shadows on the bushes,
In a clearing below the Peshawar hills.
The sun has gone down, stars are flashes,
The campfires are prepared with skills
And Jhonny Ghurka unsheaths his khukri.
He walks warily around the fires,
Dances as though the Devil
Has taken possession and expires;
As he slashes unseen evil,
With his trusted khukri.
The silvery metal flashes
Above his turban,
In fierce imaginary clashes.
Moving in circles like a shaman,
Slicing the thin air with his khukri.
He lets out a blood-curdling cries:
Like generations of Johnny Gurkha
Have done before he tries.
The Gurkha seems to work a
secret spell 'Ayo Gurkhali!' with his khukri.
The rhythm slows its influence
And the soldier hears
To his inner silence.
And he shows no fears
Rising uo and down his khukri.

As he cuts himself purposely, as a glorious wreath
To still his khukri and Mahakali’s blood thirst,
And slips the blade in the sheath
And offers to Kali his blood at first
Among the flashes of the khukri

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Belgian on May 30, 2022, 06:33:19 PM
Very cool, quite a collection you have there!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on May 31, 2022, 07:46:19 AM

The celebration week goes on and today the Pesh Trib Parade issue is dedicated to my two Highlander units: Seaforth and Gordon, but listen, while you read the issue it seems you are listening a well known tune.
Sure, “Cock o’ the North” is resounding in the valleys, what else? And hear, they come crying the Gordon motto “Bydand!”!




Old Fully had a canary
Whistled the Cock o’ the North
It whistled for oors
And frightened the Pathans
And won the Victoria Cross.

And few pictures of 2nd battalion Seaforth Highlanders, with LT Richard Mac Burnes,  the …idiot Afridi’s hero of Surani (see the battle prologue at following link:  https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.480 and battle AAR at https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.495)



Cuidich 'n Righ, Help the king!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 01, 2022, 07:24:37 AM
Indian troops

The celebration today involves Indian troops parade: 4 units covering different area of the subcontinent: 26th Baluchi, Khyber Rifles, the famous Guides and Bombay Grenadiers.
This time no links because you can find their heroic fights at each and every page of the topic:





Mr Winkie has written another masterpiece dedicated to RAJ heroes, perhaps not enough patriotic for the Empire, but that is the personal interpretation of our poet, Pesh Trib doesn’t take any endorsement for it and takes no responsibilities. The poem will inspire artists like Jigyarth Joshi and others and is published in “Poems from the Frontier” available with a little extra payment for subscribers.

If I die
If I die in a Pashtun zone,
box me up and send my Home,
Put my medals on my chest,
And Tell my village I did my best,
If I return late this time,
Please Havildar forgive this time...
If I don't win any fight,
still Subedar forgive this time...
Don't tell my friends to wait there,
 I may not come along this time...
Oh friends don't cry so loud, I may not help much this time...
Let Jai Hind be my last Quote, long live Empire every time...
And tell my love not to cry,
Because I'm a soldier, born to die!
I don’t get enough sleep most nights.
I don’t know the next time i will see my family.
And I have no more family waiting for me.
I don’t know when i will go home.
And I have no more home to return to.
I don’t know much really, but one thing..
I have hundreds brothers out there,
And they make it all worth it.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 01, 2022, 08:05:31 AM
Beautiful poem oh great evil King
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 01, 2022, 10:24:34 AM
A man from the novel

Mahbub Ali is a famous horse trader known very well on the Frontier, all people in the caravanserais narrate his deeds and the beauty of his horses.

But Mahbub Ali has always hidden his secret, he is an agent of the British Government;
after protecting the young Kim and rejecting an attempt of  Russian infiltration on the Dolo pass,
his traces had been lost for some years, and stories were circulating about him... who claimed to have seen him  in the markets of Samarkand, who at the head of a caravan walking the passes  of the Hindu Kush…who saw him in Kandia killed by Kohistani’s brigands..

But where is the truth ?  remember…Never trust anyone on the Frontier !

Mahbub Ali abandoned its horse trade and beautiful women and he  is actually searching for a mighty cache ….the treasure of Sikander Khan!  he’s actually in the north of India …in the Kanjuts river area, wandering among passes, ravines, and rushing rivers…




His story soon on LAF

Note: miniature assembled and painted by Sergio Franchi , based on an idea of Neill aka Dining Room Battles.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 02, 2022, 10:02:03 AM
English Units

The celebration week goes on with 4 solid stunning British units, the core of my army, all in khaki:
‘Khaki’ may derive from a Persian word for dust, and dust was the inspiration for its first use. In the hills of Afghanistan the British found that their traditional scarlet uniforms made them easy targets for their tribal opponents. Bright scarlet had worked in earlier centuries when armies were meant to impress and intimidate, but the 19th century was witnessing a fundamental shift in warfare.
Afridi legends say that originally I had painted all my units in red-scarlet but after painting I mistakenly dyed their uniforms with tea, which is by the way a great mistake given the expense of tea, so, for my friends who know me, very unlikely indeed…
I didn’t repeat the process for my cavalry and that is why you could enjoye the rainbow parade few days ago.

2nd Northumberland  Cpt Arnold Cultoop at Masri Khel


Thal siege  Lt Hatton
67th South Hampshire
The last stand of LT Hatton KIA
What a pity, he had all the virtues for a shining career, included the right friendships and protections.
This picture is the artist’s fantasy interpretation, on specific input by Reginald Winkie, to have a more dramatic picture to include in his article on Peshawar Tribune. Actually, LT Hatton fell at the head of his men repulsing the attack by Jamas Zsada’s Zhaka Khel Afridis. As was written in another poem by our Winkie: “many thousand pounds education frustrated by few sharp cheap tulwars”.

60th KRRC

14th East Yorkshire   LT Dawes at Mir Ali


The British infantry parade is welcomed with a Kipling’s masterpiece of his. Probably inspired by some Winkle’s poems, but this time even the Evil King refuses to pollute the deep feelings that this poem can still generate, with any change: lest we forget!

Rudyard Kipling, ‘Recessional’.

God of our fathers, known of old,
Lord of our far-flung battle-line,
Beneath whose awful Hand we hold
Dominion over palm and pine—
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 03, 2022, 12:16:06 PM
Postcards from the Frontier

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 04, 2022, 03:40:28 PM
1st topic birthday and 38k views on the very same day! Masterfully planned by the Evil King and carefully executed by hundreds of viewers lol! And if you enjoyed these first year  630 posts, you will enjoy much more new ones. Great battles, adventures, happenings, social events, Pesh Trib issues and in September Russians within the borders! Thanks to all for supporting and a special thanks to Mad Guru, JBaumal, Cpt Shanks, Rhingyll  to allow the original Umra Khan’s idea become a funny interesting daily meeting for many of us! And now let’s start the party….BHANGRA!!!

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 04, 2022, 06:53:23 PM
I would like to thank all those who have had the patience to read , and those who  have commented on our thread , which started exactly one year ago.
So this is our 1st Anniversary, we plan  to reach more anniversaries .
Special thanks to Mr. Plynkes ( colonial moderator ) for putting up with us !
Thanks to all the partecipants in  this Campaign ,
Bob , Ethan, Jeff , Giorgio,  Shawn really  experienced  and prepared players  who  become real great friends !
So be written , so be done !

Piero aka Umra Khan

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on June 05, 2022, 09:25:36 PM
18 September 1890 - Lieutenant Lowell &  Naik Majendra Bahadur Gurung #4864, aka - Billy Fish


Lieutenant Lowell and Naik Gurung # 4864 are moving through the foothills looking for good ground for the 1st Brigade to advance upon.

As the Russians move south across the Chitral Territory border …..

….the British move north towards Chitral to relieve the beleaguered garrison of Chitral Fort.

The Anglo-Indian 1st Brigade of the Chitral Field Force is probing north towards the Chitral territory. The attached political officer Lieutenant Reginald Lowell scouts ahead with a patrol of the 77th Bengal Lancers and is accompanied by his adjutant Naik Majendra Bahadur Gurung, also known as, Billy Fish.
Political Officer Lieutenant Reginald Lowell (left) and General Sir Leighton McGuinness (right)

Naik Majendra Bahadur Gurung, aka, Billy Fish, Naik Gurung # 4864 of the 2nd Gurkhas.

They have come across many villages and tribes of various Pashtun peoples. Some encounters have been productive, others have not.


On the approach to Shalkani village Jemadar Singh of the 77th Bengal Lancers dismounts with one section and advances on foot, lead by LT Lowell and Naik Gurung #4864, while the remaining section maintains a perimeter security picket.

Naik Gurung #4864 makes contact with a shepherd who takes him to the village head man’s house where LT Lowell and Billy Fish make introductions.


They are invited to tea and discuss the world. As LT Lowell questions the village elder he sees an old British cavalry saber by the fire, he moves towards it, noticing the Ishapore India 1840 manufacturing stamp. As he attempts to pick it up Tulwars are drawn and jezzails are pointed towards the ferenghi. LT Lowell draws his saber as well.



Billy Fish does not draw his weapon, instead he laughs loudly. They all look at each other and a riotous laughter breaks out amongst them all.


“I see you like my saber Lieutenant!” says Abdali Rahimi Khan.

“Yes indeed Khan” LT Lowell responds. “I noticed a barracks and date stamp, Ishapore India, 1840!”

“You have good eyes and even better perception for a foreigner.” Abdali says with squinting eyes. “My father served in the 3rd Bengal Native Infantry Regiment  during the Indian War for Independence, this saber belonged to his officer who died protecting his men! No one touches this saber. “

“Understood Khan, my apologies for any disrespect and my gratitude for your family’s service to the crown!”

With many stories being told and the sun beginning to set LT Lowell and Naik Gurung #4864 bid farewell.

LT Lowell and Naik Gurung #4864 discuss the meeting as they head back to their cavalry escort.

“That was a very productive meeting. Cooler heads prevailed thanks to you old boy! The general is going to be very pleased with the information we gained about the surrounding tribes and the hidden pass through the mountains.”

“Yes sahib, what do you think
Abdali Rahimi Khan will do with the rupees and rifle you gave him. I have a feeling we will see him again sah.” Billy Fish exclaimed.

That night LT Lowell briefs General McGuinness and his staff.


This action was fought out using a deck of playing cards and TSATF to determine the characters actions.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: MaleGriffin on June 06, 2022, 06:45:07 PM
This keeps getting better and better!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 08, 2022, 01:51:55 PM
Sarobi battle prologue

10 armies are actually involved in North Waziristan and the tide changes at every fighting. Even when the destiny seemed defined, as per Afridis vicotries around Mir Ali Mirali, the death of their leader jeopardized all the gains.
Let’s have a look at the map:


The leader of the RAJ column is a very well-known character: Political officer colonel John Nicholson.
Nicholson is leading a mighty force with the task to push back Powinda’s khostwali waziris and give strategic breath to Col Fullerton to drive north his forces, with the west side safe after he had already pacified the south with the victory against Taras Khan.
See link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.525


The column is made by a unit of yellow boys led by Capt William Rootsy , a sporting umpire, actually acting for Major Robert Sicon, wounded by a jezail shot which obliged Sicon to return wounded to Jandola, avoiding the fight.


 a unit of Sikh pioneer under Capt Stephen Saltfish, an idiot at the best,


and two Sikh units of Ferozepore and Lhudiana, under LT Percival Doisdy,poor leadership,


 and LT Randy Turnside, a young officer,  a brave gentleman destined to greatness, if not stopped before by a Pathan tulwar.



Subedar Panjab Singh  rides close to col Nicholson giving last instructions to Captain William Rootsy, 1st Bengal Lancers.


“Colonel Sahibjee, my scouts reported bandits activities in next village, Sarobi. I gave instructions to my units to be ready to storm it and free the path to North”

“Well done Panjab” Rootsy said “They cannot be a real match for our column, you know: Dogs bark but the caravan rolls on!”.


“Colonel, my long years of proud service teaches me to distrust these ruffians. Something tell me to attack, but providing maximum warning and caution!”
Nicholson spoke to the Subedar in the chaste Punjabi which he was fluent with:
“You are right, they have ears everywhere and probably they are not going to be got surprised by our arrival, not more than me finding rice and tamarind pies for dinner tonight! Alright, let’s go on but keep your eyes open!
“Sahibjee, I’m fully responsible for my men. They are all good veterans and will be as cautious as a lion closing to his victim”
“OK perhaps it will be easier than feared, but I will assure my yellow devils will control the southern area to prevent any surprise, that will be your duty William with your Yellow boys, 1st Skinner Bengal lancers; now you both can leave”


“Sir, yes sir” shouted captain William and rode to his yellow boys mumbling. “Those two natives were too cautious as they see ambushes and dangers everywhere. A good charge of my devils and everything should be quickly resolved!”


“Jee Sahibjee!” Replied Panjab Singh and rode to rally his men and provide last disposition to his officers. “mmmh that English officers is too sporting, Waziris understand only the law of lead and we are ready to serve them some good volleys”


But captain Rootsy was too optimistic as Powinda had already taken his counter manoeuvres sending Ghaffar Khans to reinforce Jammas Khan in Sarobi. (see link


“If you, colonel Nicholson, dare to invade, I will use your skull as a drinking cup and your jawbones to beat my drums! Jammas go and theach the Ferenghees the fateful sentence!
With all these warriors you march directly to Sarobi to support Jammas Khan and, with the help of the surprise, gain a tremendous victory deleting the column danger.”


In Sarobi there are three units under Jammas Khan, rallied after the great battle of Ghuam Khan Kalay where Powinda’s nephew Kabir found his martyrdom; for detail on the battle see link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.450 :


Other 3 units are coming under Ghaffar Khan:


Unaware of the sad surprise, bold Sikhs start marching towards Sarobi while the Skinners ride in the southern country to control any possible reinforcement from Idak.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 11, 2022, 01:07:17 PM

The Sikhs units’ officers were very heterogeneous, and this had a heavy toll in their deployment. Saltfish remained without actions like Doisby, completely inept. On the contrary, Turnside moved on his Ludhiana and put them in close order before advancing to deliver a volley on Sarobi  defensors.


Captain Rootsy moved his Skinners in the valley to envelop the village and scouted the arrival of reinforcements leaded by Ghaffar khan, whose tribesmen run quickly to support Jammas Khan’s units before the Sikh could enter in touch with.


Frozen by the sight of waziri reinforcement the Skinners stopped instead of advancing, while Turnside’s Sikhs advanced cautiously without firing; in the meantime, the other units marched at double quickly towards the village.
The Sikhs start to fire on Sobha Khan entrenched in the village, whose fire on Ludhiana regiment is ineffective,  remaining out of Kaashif Khan’s irregulars range but the Skinners advancing southwards are attacked by Tawfiq Khan’s cavalry and win the fights leaving the Waziris pinned and ready to be charged by the lancers for their complete destruction, killing also their Khan .


Skinners destroy the unit who routs but loses 5 lancers and his capacity to be a real danger for the Waziris renforcements who run towards the yellow boys. In the meantime, the Ludhiana fires kills Sobha Khan, but the pride waziris rallies encouraged by the close Jammas Khan.
Kaashif Khan short sight can only fire short range and so the Raj can fire safely on the Waziris weakening their force and stressing them to attack out of the village.





Rootsy decides wisely to retreat avoiding the attack of Ghaffar while Jammas replaces Sobha’s unit routed and Kaashif advances to try to fire on Saltfish’s pioneers, supported on his left by the arrival of Ghaffar’s Ghazi, whose jezails take 1 hit but the pioneers pass the pinned test ignoring Saltfishìs confused orders.
Now the battle reaches its decisive moment: 3 sikhs units vs 3 Waziris ones, while lancers, Punjabi cavalry and Sobha’s unit seem useless. The sikhs have the advantage of firing and try to pin the Afghans so to fire again up to routing them, but Mahboob khan is coming and could revert the situation, the same if Saltfish’s pioneers won’t be able to stop Ghaffar khan’s Ghazis.
Kaashif retreat pinned, but Jammas’ Waziris don’t remain pinned and kill one Ludhiana Sikh and the unit is pinned. This is a great success doubled by the triumph of Ghaffar’s Ghazi who kill 7 pioneers against only 3 victims, and the Sikhs retreats pinned.


But when Pioneers are retreating opening the Raj flank, the Ferozore, bolstered by Subedar Singh’s presence,  deliver a second devasting fire on the winning Ghazi killing 5 tribesmen and pinning them, just after have killed 6 Kaashif irregulars the previous turn. An outstanding performance if you consider they serve under the inept LT Percival Doisby, known in many officer clubs as Percy fine moustache!



Not even the time to fire pinning the Ghazi that Mahboob Khan charge but the Sikh emerge victorious even if inferior in number in a complete butchering where 6 Sikhs are killed versus 7 Waziris, which retreat pinned.
At this point while Percy delivers his fire on Ghaffar, Colonel Nicholson runs to Captain Rootsy’s lancers crying: “Now William, now’s your time! Charge with your yellow devils!” and the few remained Skinners attack on the rear leaded by Rootsy, with the Captain crying “With me, yellow boys!”



The Skinners get the Ghazi completely unaware and pinned and continue the charge pursuing them and killing of all them in vain trying evading, included the great Ghaffar Khan, whose death was a definitive blow to the Waziris hopes.



The last 2 Waziri units deliver a poor fire hitting 1 lancer and then evade leaving the road open to Idak.
Nicholson is with Capt Rootsy and Subedar Panjab Singh.


“well done, Subedar rally your units and assure good rest for your Sikhs for a well-deserved rest, well…deserved by almost all of them. My special congrats to LT Percival Doisby, he was a real sangar during the battle and his Ferozopore are tremendous fighters!”
“Thanks Sahibjee”
“And you William, well done my boy, you got the head of that ruffian, now Powinda will need to retreat to lick his wounds”


“Thank you Sir , my unit needs now to be reinforced by the sowars coming with Major Sicum, if he will heal quickly”
“Don’t be humble William, your charge gained the day and you deserve to lead your devils in our march towards Mir Ali Mirali”
“Sir thank you sir, but we have payed a great token, with 6 lancers hit out of eight"
“And my units lost exactly half of their Sikhs, 18 heroes”
“Yes but the ruffians lost 43 warriors of which 3 Khans (Ghaffar,  Tawfiq and Sobha) and 12 cavalrymen.”
And now Nicholson can continue his relief column march, he got 2 great results: Ghaffar Khan, the talented leader personal Powinda’s friend, was killed and Powinda’s army won’t be a menace for many weeks, regrouping in Marsi Khel. He can reach Mir Ali Mirali allowing Fullerton to safely march northwards to fight Wali’s Afridi and take back Spinwam; Nicholson is a very expert political officer and has designed an ambitious and cunning plan; after securing north frontier by Fullerton’s and Vousden’s pincer manoeuvre, he will pursue Powinda to close the game with Jammas’veterans, Jammas Khan being the last formidable obstacle to pacify all the area in North Waziristan included Khost province,  but that will be all another story…

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 11, 2022, 01:46:17 PM
These bloody battles are a right purge to eliminate the nefarious Waziris and reduce His Majesty's forces on the Frontier.
My power will increase soon...
Well done Sirs  lol
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 15, 2022, 02:19:07 PM

Among the sleepy and silent alleys of Peshawar two figures wander suspiciously.

They are used to moving in the dark and their steps are silent.

They are two well-groomed looking people who denote a higher class, they are not Hindus but men from  the mountains.
They are armed to the teeth with their beautiful jezails and  Martini Henry carried over the shoulders.
A sharp Tulwar and a Webley revolver are part of their armament, at the waist held by the cummerbund the knife of the Khyber a Chora.


... Moving safely through the alleys... they meet a figure that hides himself around a corner, a thick and subdued chatter ...some information sold?

... then the blade of the chora illuminates the night and the informant falls to the ground in a lake of blood.
The two figures move away in the dark. who are these two characters? , who is the informant killed? and what did this informant communicate to the two Mountaineers?

To be continued…
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: MaleGriffin on June 20, 2022, 03:21:12 PM
This is the most amazing thread ever! Brilliant work!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 20, 2022, 03:41:56 PM
thanks for your kind comments, always appreciated.
they are like a reward or  bakhshish ( more appropriated )  for our efforts.  lol
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on June 21, 2022, 01:14:43 AM
December 14th 1890 Rawalpindi
A bloodied dispatch satchel, still locked, but without its rider, arrived via a local to GHQ dated for 12 November 1890 nearly a month after the fact. The local was gifted an annual subscription to the Peshawar Lancer for his troubles and sent on his way. What's that you ask? Couldn't it have just been sent by telegraph?

GHQ, Rawalpindi
12 November 1890

Given sensitive nature of this dispatch I have avoided the use of telegraph and or heliograph to prevent this information from being directly intercepted by locals, the French, or worse forces of the Tsar.

1. With the recovery of BG Channers and retribution satisfactorily enacted on the belligerents (reference action on 9 October: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.585 )  our primary mission into the Black Mountains north of Hazara territories complete.
2. Given the brutally cold nature of winter in the Black Mountains and the snow accumulation expected to all but close the passes thus creating a transportation and logistical quagmire, compiled with the reduction of local forage and supplies through punitive actions...
3.  I have ordered the withdrawal of my main forces to their garrison postings ina and around Abbottabad and Attock pending future regional developments.
4. I have ordered a company garrison, 2/5 Gurkhas, be maintained at Oghi Fort and a company of 7th Punjabis Pioneers to garrison Darband in preparation for spring maneuvers and construction of a road along the Indus.
5. I do not expect any further trouble to spill south of the border and have the Hazara personal guarantees of swift retribution against any tribes that violate the established border.
6. Said date time for execution is 0900, 15 November, 1890 pending no further orders to the contrary from your headquarters.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on June 21, 2022, 06:52:27 AM
Hmmmm.  You spin a mighty fine yarn, Captain!!!  I detect a distinct scent in the air.  Smells like... REVERSAL.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on June 22, 2022, 01:24:43 AM
Bad Ass Khan, the Tajik Ruler of Badakhshan, derives considerable income from the Lapis Lazuli mines that lie close to the Kafiristan border just southwest of Zebak. With the help of the Russians he had won back control of Zebak but now has received some disconcerting news from some of his spies in Kafiristan. He was informed that a meeting had taken place between the Three Princes of Kafiristan and the mercenary scoundrels; Peachy Carnahan and Daniel Dravot.
(https://i.postimg.cc/NFM9HN65/Lapis-Lazuli-Pre-Meet-up.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
The latter two being former sergeants in the British Army, who are now trying to make a name and fortune for themselves in the far reaches of the British Indian Empire. The pair of them command a small, but brutal force, of Kafiris and have armed some of them with a stolen cache of Martini Henry rifles. Word has it that the the Three Princes have contracted Carnahan and Dravot to take control of the mines by force. They have also pledged their personal guard to the effort. Bad Ass, has little to no confidence in his own military to protect the mines. His new found “friends’, the Russians, have agreed to send a force out from nearby Zebak to hold the mines for Bad Ass.
(https://i.postimg.cc/02sqW6My/Lapis-Lazuli-Map.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/fLRvTfrR/Lapiz-Lazuli-Mine-worker.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/TP7tbsmD/Lapiz-Lazuli.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/DzZg7cDy/Lapis-1.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Baggage train leaving the mine with Lapis Lazuli
(https://i.postimg.cc/K8PL3c4W/Lapis-Lazuli-Train-2.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/NjB84rht/Lapis-Lazuli-Train-1.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Russians defending mines:
Leader:  Capt Anatoly Chepiza
1 unit Semenovski Life Guard infantry
1 unit Susdal Line Infantry
Naval Gatling Gun Section

Mercenaries attacking mines:
Leader: Sgt Peachy Carnahan
2 Camel Guns (2 man crew)
1 unit Native Martini Rifles
1 unit Princes’ Guards
3 units of jezail/musket armed Kafiris
(https://i.postimg.cc/1Xkm3MJx/Lapis-22.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/kMzXsX9j/Lapis-23.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/7ZyPvs50/Lapis-25.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/Hk4YTwMK/Lapis-26.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/gkBSnj9K/Lapis-7.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

The Russians are expecting an assault and Capt Chepiza has placed himself, the Guard infantry and the Gatling gun in a defensive position behind the walls of the mine’s administration building. The line infantry is defending the village just to the south of the mines.
(https://i.postimg.cc/d3md27Xx/Lapis-19.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/XN8pg0qm/Lapis-24.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/8Pvk0QzT/Lapis-Lazuli-Vilage-Well.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

Carnahan has decided to attack the village with 2 units of Kafiris.
(https://i.postimg.cc/fLJkW8YC/Lapis-9.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
The remainder of Carnahan’s men keep out of range and direct site of Capt Chepiza by using the poplar grove to block vision as they advance toward the administration building.
(https://i.postimg.cc/N03pbHJs/Lapis-10.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/bvRQWYhn/Lapis-8.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

The Russians in the village had too much fire power and easily routed the attacking Kafiris. The remainder of Carnahan’s force advanced and began firing at the Russians in the administration building compound. The camel guns proved very effective, eventually taking out the naval gatling gun and crew. The Martini armed natives became impulsive and foolishly charged out of the woods and into a withering fire from the Russian Guards and were routed. Upon seeing that charge, the Kafiri native unit also charged but were defeated in melee and forced to retreat.
(https://i.postimg.cc/2SPQff4T/Lapis-17.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Further fire from the Guards rendered one of the camel guns ineffective and it began to withdraw.
The Russian line infantry had regrouped in the village and were preparing to join the Guards in attacking Carnahan’s weakened forces. Carnahan at this point had no option but to withdraw and concede the day. The Lapis Lazuli mines still remain under control of Bad Ass Akan, the Tajik Ruler of Badakhshan.
(https://i.postimg.cc/qvtsY7Cz/Lapis-14.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/LXSjnBQ1/Lapis-15.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/0QCDmMhH/Lapis-16.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

Russian Gatling Guns
(https://i.postimg.cc/G2mrb9n1/Russian-Gatling-Guns.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

Camel Gunners
(https://i.postimg.cc/2SNDV0NG/Camel-Gunners-rear-view.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on June 22, 2022, 04:38:22 PM
Bob, great report my friend. Beautiful table and minis, that was a fun game indeed, thank you for including me in this game.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 23, 2022, 09:24:56 AM

While Nicholson destroyed Powinda’s trap, also North East Waziristan frontier is aflame.
Informed by his Afridi spies that Sher Khan moved southward to break the communications with Fullerton, Major Vousden, always looking for opportunities for gaining a VC, pointed north breaking the defences improvised by Rastun Bajadur Khan in Surani and continuing relentless towards Gumatti.
Major Vousden advance northwards

The storming of Surani was conducted by 3rd Ghurka who succeded well supported by a unit of Sam Browne’s sabres and in the action captured Afridi commander Abdul Khayr while Rastum Bajadur escaped northwards to Gumatti to regroup his Afridi tribesmen and gain time waiting for Sher Khan return.
3rd Ghurka’s attack
In Gumatti, Rastum Bajadur Khan has rallied many tribesmen to gain time and give Sher Khan the opportunity to come back and or reinforcing Thal either supporting Bajadur , or perhaps trying an enveloping manoeuvre encircling Vousden’s column and cutting its logistic path.
Vousden calls Capt Allison “You see Logan this fork in the road, here our paths divide, you take your Gords and go to those houses to clear any possible flanking menace, and bring with you Poona squadron, and a unit of 26th Baluchi and Bombay Grenadiers. Afterwards come back and be my rear-guard to prevent any surprise if Sher Khan will send reinforcements to his son. I will proceed with the rest of the column storming Gumatti.”

“Sir, we’ll reach you after pursuing any ruffians in those huts, please leave some glory also for our boys. Sergeant let’s clear those shacks and show these ruffians who the Gay Gordons are!”
 “Sir yes Sir, with great pleasure, the boys are already ready to fight” and shouted with a voice that probably was heard in Bannu too “Gordon on march!”
With his remaining units Vousden marches towards Gumatti while Allison’s Gordons take the deviation under the sound of their bagpipe and drum.
But well protected behind improvised sangars Bajadur’s few afridis are ready to stop Vousden’s march and prepare the trap which Sher Khan will spring .
Bajadur has called a jirga with local Afridi maliks to rally more tribesmen but the quick Vousden’s march gives him very few time, Tirah borders are too far to be covered in few hours and Afridis tribesmen living in north Waziristan have already pay a large toll to sustain Sher Khan campaign. Few tribesmen to fill depleted ranks and only one old gun is available to stop the RAJ tide.
Vousden’s order to split his column was a lucky decision for Bajadur, because no units were hidden to ambush the advancing Ferenghees.

The destiny of Thal will depend entirely by this battle results…
But between Bajadur’s glory dreams and actual critical situation there is a unit of Ghurkas!

Gurkhas at Gumatti

The surging waters of the roaring stream
Is now filled with the blood spilled at Gumatti;
The blood dances in you, Bannu, in a restless cream
The bloodied waters, down to the Indus river, roar
“I have seen punished the insolent Afridis spread and spotty!”

The RAJ units. This really is some story.
Who would have known here one day the crew
Would cry “Mother mine!”, burning with tears at your sorrow, …
Land of martyrs! Farewell! Farewell to glory!
This wretched today bows his head to you

And those Gurkhas advancing run.
You can thank your Gods, even Kali
And shout 'Ayo Gurkhali! '
Death to Rastum Bajadur Khan!
Jai Mahakali, Ayo Gurkhali'

Poem by R.Winkie (later used in many Gurkha poems) from “Peshawar  barracks ballads”

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on June 29, 2022, 06:48:05 AM
With the Britishers withdrawn south of Hazara territories and tucked safely behind their fortress walls for the winter the tribes of Torghar could sensibly get back to their second favorite pastime, the first being sniping at ferenghees and their lackey dogs, that of trying to best each other for a better valley, or a mountain stream, a stepped field, a fine dog, or a herd of goats. Or to settle blood debts and ancients feuds, as well as a few new ones brought on by those who would betray the Torghar just to enjoy the Britrishers' salt. That's right, fighting each other for fun, profit, and glory. But mostly for fun.

To that end, a campaign within a campaign has taken shape. Inter-tribal scores to be settled. Blood debts to be recouped. Marriages and alliances to be planned, or the other way around.   I have broken down the primary Torghar tribes  into the Akazai,  Hassanzais, Chagarzai, Pariari Saiyid, the coalition of Nandihar, Allai, Tikari(NAT), and finally south of the Britisher's established border and a buffer against India, the Hazara.
Each tribal area comes into this portion of the campaign with the losses inflicted defending against the predation of the Raj forces in terms of life, livestock, and winter food stocks.  The hardest hit of these tribes were the NAT coalition so they will require the most compassion from their neighbors, or fight the fiercest to secure enough supplies to last through the winter without abandoning their ancestral villages to beg on the streets of Abbottabad and Peshawar.

Who will come out on top in the spring? Who will taste their neighbor's chora in the long night? Who will be assimilated into the surrounding tribes?

I used a combination of resources for the campaign but primarily Jim Webster's Hellfire Campaigns to establish the initial dispositions and resources. I devised a loose road to war based on happening in the overall campaign and got stuck in. The first battle being securing a pass between NAT territory south east of Thakot for follow on attacks to secure food and replace livestock lost in the punitive expedition by the hated ferenghees.  It was a hard fought battle between a NAT vanguard arned with jezails and rifles against border villagers armed with chora and tulwar. The door into Chagarzai territory is now open.

Schemes within schemes are the rule of the day. New heros will rise and old heros may fall, but who is pulling the strings? Who is funding this tribal war, where are the modern rifles coming from? Who has already formed alliances, however shaky, with whom? Who will die in their sleep, betrayed with a chora in their back?

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 30, 2022, 11:53:03 AM
The battle of Gumatti

After leaving Allison’s column at the road pitchfork, Vousden advanced toward Gumatti and, while observing the low pace of supplies caravan, instructs Daniel Hunters, leader of the Northumberland company:

“Daniel we must clear the path before these ruffians can reorganize and receive Sher Khan’s support”
“Sir, perhaps you should reconsider the opportunity to split our column and rejoin with Allison’s troops”

“Not at all,  we cannot afford losing other time and I need to be sure that my flank and rear are well protected. We will advance unseen, covered by those rocks and boulders. Those villains don’t expect us before few days. Allison was instructed to advance with maximum noise and dust clouds, so they do not foresee any danger from this side!

We will advance on the left, a detachment with machine guns will cover the centre while on the right Rowes’s Ghurkas will get their toll, destroying whatever they will meet”.
“Sir I must insist that you do not expose yourself to those bandits’ fire”
“Do not be fool, the jezail bullet that kills me has yet to come; my boys need a good example to give their best. Look here the map, tomorrow we will be ready to march into Shewa, cutting out Sher Khan from defending Thal and from there we will be able to support Fullerton or, better, march directly into Tirah to confirm our authority over all Afridis. Umra will be much more manageable after licking his wounds…”
But Vousden should find very soon that his plans are too optimistic.

The fanatic Ghazi under the command of Amar Khan were well alerted and attacked with ruthless violence killing 5 sowars, suffering the same losses incurred.

With a "brilliant manoeuvre" Vousden retreats

leaving to Daniel Hunters’ Northumberlands the possibility to open a devasting fire
and then Vousden charged again and again the pinned Ghazi, killing all the survivors, included Amir Khan.

In the mean time Mack’s machine gun started to fire on Afridi gun, together with Rowsen Ghurkas, killing half crew but receiving the fire of Bajadur’s irregulars

Vousden charged again destroying the crew and killing their leader, Jagvir Khan.
At this point Rowsen's Ghurkas rallied to recover from Gurjas Khan’s fire, but Hunters'"the old and the bold" failed to kill any Bajadur’s warrior, avoiding his test for pinning.
Bajadur ordered immediately to his irregulars to turn their front and to discharge a lethal volley which killed also Vousden, destroying all the unit! But Gurjas Khanìs Afridis, still on the ground, ennerved by Vousden raid behind them, lost the opportunity to keep firing on the Ghurkas allowing the rally and counterfiring with devasting precision, even if Afridis were gone to ground to offer a more difficult target.
Hunters Northumberlands advance in skirmishmode and pin Badajur’s irregulars which cannot be rallied and rout, like Gurjas Khan’s tribesmen under devasting fire by Ghurkas.
At the end the Afridis are in rout under Bajadur and Gurjas, leaving Gumatti to the British which now have lost their leader.
Now Hunters follows his original plan to rejoin with Allison’s column, but this delay allows Sher Khan to anticipate their move returning to Thal and rallying Bajadur’s army survivors.
The time is frozen: what will happen in the north west Waziristan with old good Fully? If col Fullerton will defeat Sher Khan’s son Wali Khan he will have a double opportunity: marching on Spinwam and Shewa AND manoeuvring to trap Sher Khan between him and Allison, defeat all the Afridis and storming Thal before invading Tirah... but now stop dreaming!

We cannot close this report without a due homage by R, Winkle to the young Major Vousden (DSO), gloriously fallen leading his men to another victory! The poem, included in the Peshawar Barracks Ballads, will inspire also Melville’s poem:
Major Vousden last ride
Beauty and youth, with manners sweet,
And mighty friends couldn’t avoid his defeat; 
Gold, yet a mind not unenriched had he 
Whom here low rocks veil from eyes under a tree.
But all these gifts transcended be:
Major’s happier fortune in this mound you see.
In the following pictures Allison’s Gords celebrate the last tribute to the hero, after rejoing the two columns:

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on June 30, 2022, 08:38:43 PM
Current Location of the two Russian Brigades that have entered the Chitral Region.

(https://i.postimg.cc/Mp3KRPss/Russian-Brigade-Locations.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/87WSgHgW)

Russian Perovsky Brigade

General: Vasily Perovsky
Colonel: Alexander Keldysh
Major:  Petrov Stepanovich

Kuban Cossack Foot Regiment
Smolenksi Line
Kharkiv Line
Turkestan Rifles

Pavlogradski Hussars
Volga (Carcassian Cossacks)

1 two gun battery   
1 Naval Gatling gun

Russian Skobelev Brigade

General Mikhail Skobelev
Colonel Igor Blaramberg

Kanzanski Rifles
Susdal Line
Borodinski Line
East Siberian Rifle Regiment
Semenovski Life Guards

1st Ural Cossacks
Stavropol (Carcassian Cossacks)

1 two gun battery
1 two gun mortar battery
1 Naval Gatling Gun
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on June 30, 2022, 09:04:06 PM
Lt Lowell has returned to the camp of the 1st Brigade of the Chitral Field Force. He along with Naik Gurung #4864 have briefed the commanding office of the brigade, General McGuinness, on the information gathered from their recent re-con mission. One of the village Elders encountered gave them information about a secret pass that would save them significant time on their march to relieve Chitral. Naik Gurung #4864 did not entirely trust the information that was given to them regarding the pass and wasn’t sure that it existed at all. General McGuinness is well aware of the fact that nobody can be trusted on the Northwest Frontier. A decision was made to further investigate the possibility of this pass and a larger reconnaissance force would be sent out. This force would include a heliograph team that would be able to signal back information to the main force as it continued to slog its way, northward, to and through the Lowari Pass. After traversing the Lowari Pass, which wasn’t an easy task by any means, the patrol sets up camp by a small stream.

1 unit of Pashtun Guides (platoon sized)
1 squadron of the 77th Lancers (Lt Howell)
1 company of the 2nd Gurkhas (Naik Gurung #4864)
1 platoon of the 23rd Sikh Pioneers
1 platoon of 72nd Highlanders
1 signal corps heliograph team
Baggage train

Meanwhile, A Russian Brigade commanded by General Vasily Perovsky has successfully crossed the Dora Pass into the Chitral. Progress is slow and Perovsky has sent out a re-con patrol to see if there is any easier and faster path towards Chitral. The patrol, commanded by Major Petrov Stepanovich, has lost its bearings, ventured off course, and is now heading south of Chitral towards the northwestern side Lowari Pass.

1 company of the Kuban Cossack Regiment
1 company of the Smolenski Line Regiment
1 company of the Kharkiv Line Regiment
1 squadron of Pavlogradski Hussars
Baggage Train
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 04, 2022, 03:01:05 PM
Rawalpindi 14th November 1890
To: BG McQueen

From. Gen. Bindon Blood

Dear Mac Shuibhne
I have received your letter and I appreciated the way in which you transmitted it.
Too many ears and eyes are always ready to steal secrets...
I really appreciated your decision to bring your troops to the winter camps, but I advise you to alert your Political Agents because these tough mountaineers are heedless of the cold and snow and could go down to the valley to plunder villages and kidnap people.

I received rumors of a large amount of weapons and ammunition ready to leave for Black Mountain. The artisans of Darra are completing the preparation of rifles and ammunition, I have this information from one of our agents down at the Kohat pass.

It is imperative to try to intercept this expedition before it reaches the rebels.


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on July 05, 2022, 07:44:24 AM
Concerned that our last despatch took so long to get to you. Our couriers never returned and if the never arrived I fear the worst. Consider the last despatch compromised however the information is wrll out of date now and if little use. Still disconcerting about losing our couriers.

Understand all information reference shipments into the Black Mountains have established screening patrols along lines of communication from my HQ to Darband to west and Oghi Fort to east.

This information fits with current assessment that inter tribal conflicts are being fomented and financed by outside influences. Suspect Kabul or Tehran behind the unrest.  We received information of a small skirmish in one of the passes south of Tokat where a Chagarzai force was routed by "a well armed" force of  Nandihar and Palai tribesmen.  If that is the case the shipment may have already reached the northern area of the Black Mountains via the Swat Valley as per our estimate of the situation and our fall operations confiscating all weapons from this region. Your information of this southern route could have material move via the Indus up from Attock or skirting along the western bank.  If it hasnt already arrived and comes through Hazara territory east of the Indus we will certainly intercept it.


BG Mc Queen
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 06, 2022, 10:42:28 AM
Spinwam battle prologue

A cold evil sun is rising at dawn and gives no warm to the frozen characters who are speaking out of the Raj camp, they are two well-known officers that our more loyal followers will recognize immediately:


“Look Andrew, we are again here, where our adventures started, all is the same” said Fullerton pointing towards Spinwam surroundings
“Sir, not really the same, my Sikh Guides company was wiped out at Mir Ali Mirali, now I have a brain new company of muslim guides”

“Guides are guides, no matter if Sikh, Afridis or whatever, they are good enough to give a hard lesson to these ruffians. And we have Richard’s Yorkshire too, all as at the old time”
“Well Sir, we miss Capt Liver, he was pure gold on battlefield. I’m not sure that Capt Hall will replace him without problems, if I may dare Sir…”
“C’mon Andrew tell that all!”

“Well he seems a sort of shirker and what I have heard about his previous performance seems confirm the gossip”
“Nonsense, I’ve personally selected him for this raid and I’m sure he will rise to the occasion, no matter how tough the odds are
“Yes Sir sure sir, I didn’t mean…” LT Best replied nervously
“Oh, it is ok Andrew, it was only a frank talk between two old comrades. and to be fully honest with you …well I just repeated what old Davenport instructed me about this captain, very well introduced in Calcutta, if you know what I mean. Anyway, we do not need his guns to wipe out these bandits with our guides, do we?
“No Sir” LT Best answered smiling and feeling a little relieved “not at all!”
In the meantime, in Spinwam, Wali Khan must deal with Kuki Khel tribes grumbling for his retreat, who left exposed to Fullerton revenge large traits of lands and reconquered villages. And the Kuki Khel warriors are under the leadership of a great warrior: Abdul Haq Khan. Perhaps a stray bullet during next fight could fix many troubles…

Wali had done the only realistically possible strategy: retreat to get support by his father, but now rumours are coming about another defeat by Afridis in Gumatti. That could be honey for Wali’s ears as it meant another defeat for his brother Bajadur, but the same caravans spoke about his brother killing the Ferenghees leader and that due to this fight Sher Khan should retreat north of Shewa and the risk to be cut out by a quick Ferenghees advance seemed more than likely. Anyway, the Afridis Qambar Khel were facing a strong potential enemy: their allies Kuki Khel Afridis.
In order to reaffirm his authority, Wali called a jirga in Spinwam
“Khans, the Mighty Ruler has given us today the opportunity to destroy Anglez and re-establish our power on all north Waziristan. Ferenghees are advancing to join their friends coming from Bannu, that recently won over my brother. But my father Sher Khan is still the preferred by Umra Khan himself to rule these lands! I put on my mule no food and water only for one day because this evening we’ll eat with supplies left by Ferenghees!””

Some grumbling from the Kuki Khel Khans echoed his words
“Now we go and will destroy these fool heretics before they can even see Spinwam huts. We are many, we are mighty, remember Abu Zar! Revenge for him!”
At these words also the Kuki Kher Khans joined Wali Khan in his cries of slunder and ruthless carneficine over the Anglez and the tribesmen march towards the RAJ column. Today it is a good day to die, but even better to give death!
The fight is very important because the winner will assure the control over Spinwam and from there on Shewa. And holding Shewa means being able to spring a trap on the enemies regrouping there: on Sher Khan’s Qambar Khel Afridis if Fully will be triumphant or on Allison’s column if Wali will keep the battlefield.
Sure, defeat for old Fully? Well, not for his guides! As they were described by  Cynthia Forbes: “To be a Guide out there means you are one who can be relied upon for pluck, for being able to endure difficulty and danger, for being able cheerfully to take up any job that may be required, and for readiness to sacrifice yourself for others”
In the following portrait Col Fullerton is giving last instructions before fighting west of Spinwam, by kind courtesy of Pesh Trib editions, picture by Mr Kodak.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 08, 2022, 01:13:52 PM
We have ways to make men talk.

In Mogala Capt. Townsend is not a prisoner but a guest.
see link https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.285
A guest of the munificent Umra khan

During his stay in the palace of Umra the Capt. Townsend has participated in Polo matches...

matches in which the Great Umra always comes out the winner...

to grant a sort of revenge the Umra tennis team will challenge a team led by the capt. Townsend is composed of skilled elements taken from the prisons of Mogala...

Umra tries to be nice to Townsend, hoping to steal importants military information.... but perhaps due to the blow to the head received in battle Townsend seems a bit "rincitrullito" (dumbo) lol

This is how he remembers the words of his  Grandfather Mohammed Khan...
"We have ways to make men talk"
and the advice to insert bamboo spinters under the nails....

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on July 09, 2022, 10:38:12 AM

I pity Capt. Townsend… and hope relief — in whatever form — finds him soon.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on July 11, 2022, 09:38:42 PM
General Skobelev is leading his Brigade southward following the Kunar River Valley. His plan is to bypass the British Fort at Chitral and take up a position south of the city after passing through the Lowari Pass. After Skobelev has his position established, it will be up to Perovsky and his Brigade to take the Fort at Chitral. Perovsky is on hold until his recon patrol returns. Skoblev has information, from some local tribesmen he has encountered, that a British Brigade is heading northward in an attempt to relieve the Chitral Fort from a Chitrali siege.

(https://i.postimg.cc/vZ45FVwf/Skobelev-Southward-Movement.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

Russian Skobelev Brigade
General Mikhail Skobelev
Colonel Igor Blaramberg

Kanzanski Rifles
Susdal Line
Borodinski Line
East Siberian Rifle Regiment
Semenovski Life Guards

1st Ural Cossacks
Stavropol (Carcassian Cossacks)

1 two gun battery
1 two gun mortar battery
1 Naval Gatling Gun
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Jimmy Punjabi on July 12, 2022, 08:47:03 AM
Wooowww  :o :o

This is formally a war declaration against the British Government !!!
How will react Her Majesty the Queen Victoria ?
We know that The Queen summoned Her war cabinet and the Prime Minister Robert Gascoyne-Cecil Marquees of Salisbury is sending a formal note of protest  to the Tsar Alexander III,
More news on the next Peshawar Tribune..... if the kind editor wakes up from his slumber !

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 12, 2022, 10:14:56 AM
My friendships in the British Secret Service inform me that a brigade of the Indian Army is assembling in Gilgit and going up the Gilgit  river will reach Chitral via Mastuj.


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on July 15, 2022, 06:40:57 PM
There is a small force of Russians in Hunza that will move into Gilgit once the Indian Brigade has left the town.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 19, 2022, 10:36:49 AM
Muletail in the lands of Zazis

Last Muletail’s episode at following link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.540
“Thou art our tribal symbol,
Thou showest us our departed hope,
Thou art for thy sons an eternal world,
Thy spring shall ne’er fade away,
We shall continue to remain loyal to thee – loyal to thee.
Long live my homeland,
My free Tajikistan village!
And death to all Afridis
And to evil Umra their khan”

“Blast it all, amen. On the double, man” Mulehead said to his friend and they trotted quickly entering in the Zazi land with a strange weird feeling bursting in their breasts.
Which new enemies will be met by Muletail and Mustafà in their adventurous journey returning home? And what is there in the bag given by Turik?
And what is that little dust cloud on the horizon? Not so little really…
But Turik, after few minutes, changed direction and with his Tajiks followed Muletail’s and Mustafà’s steps. He knew that Kismet probably could rally other Afridis bandits and complete his task to kill Muletail, his vicious mind abounds with anger and revenge and is totally incapable of feeling the pleasure of forgiving his enemies. But Turik himself has still a great revenge too; an eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind, but better blind than without retaliation!
Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged; furthermore, it is sweet and not fattening and if Kismet wrong Tajiks, shall Turik not revenge?
Turik’s plan is genially devilish: He was well teached we should forgive our enemies, but he thought: not before they are hanged.
Ghaazi Muletail El Komiss aka Hussein and Abdul Kareem aka Mustafa will be two perfect baits and when Kismet will be attracted, he will be ready to grab him and Turik remembers very well that revenge and retribution are dishes best served cold…

The dusty cloud was closer and closer until it revealed to be created by 6 Zazi horsemen (one Malik and 5 warriors) who approached our two heroes.
“Who are you? Where r u going?”
“We come in peace; we are two Waziri merchants going to Peiwar pass to arrive to Kabul”
The Zazi malik stared them with suspicious eyes, looking at the mules with apparently empty bags.
“We do not like Tajiks or Afridis trespassing in our lands, where are your goods for trading?”
The eyes of the Malik were sparkling “Or you are going to buy goods for your business in Waziristan?”
Muletail with a glimpse understood he was in a trap: if he answered yes it meant they have a lot of gold with them, but otherwise how could them justify the absence of goods?

Mustafà was quicker “We have no gold with us, too dangerous. It is safe with our friends in Peiwar. If you escort us there you will be generously recompensated”


The Malik closed his eyes and then decided: “We’ll escort you there, just to be sure of your direction, an you’ll pay us in Peiwar. I am Zmaray Khan, do not try to fool me if you want survive another day”

And the 6 Zaris with our 2 heroes changed direction entering in a more rocky area; the road has sheer cliff face on one side, and a sheer drop into an area of  deep ravines and chasms, so make sure whoever's rides the horses knows what they're doing, - but the views are like nothing you can imagine.
In the mean time, hidden by some large boulders, Kismet Khan is instructing his warriors, he rallied 9 Afridis and the order is to get the 2 Waziris, alive they will be paid the double. No doubt that this generosity helped to rally the warriors.

“Kismet some horses arriving, probably the two devils, but they are not alone”
“How many are they’”
“8 horses our targets included”
“Hmmpf the two waziris are more cunning than hungry jackals,but Kismet can be smarter than a snake; let us butcher the escort and take them prisoners! Umra can be very generous!” Kismet said laughing, thinking the gold mountains he was going to receive. “Now aim and ready to fire at my order!” cried to his men while the horses entered the last curves before their ambush.

“Stop” Mustafà cried “I have seen a flash behind those rocks!” The long journey and dangerous adventures had strongly raised his sense of danger and he was the first to notice the flash generated for an instant by the sun rays over the barrel of a jezail.


“Someone is waiting for us with not peaceful purpose! That’s a jezail waiting for his prey, fast behind those boulder” Muletail cried and all the warriors run under the protection of the rocks. They unsheathed the tulwars and waited for the imminent attack.
“Folllow me” Kismet ordered, and with his tulwar in one hand and a shield in the other, run down the rocks towards Muletail’s hideout!
Muletail rallied Mustafà, Zmaray Khan and the other Zazi warriors:
“"Da Wazir pa nang me otharhala thoora, Nangyaale da zamane Ghaazi Muletail El Komiss yam"

(I have taken out my sword in the name of Waziri honour, I am Ghaazi Muletail El Komiss the proudest of the world)

But well hidden behind the rocks overlooking Kismet’s ambush boulders, grim eyes are scouting what is happening below…

To be continued
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on July 19, 2022, 07:00:55 PM
More cunning, betrayal, and bribery on the Frontier. Well done Giorgio!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on July 20, 2022, 02:34:41 AM
 Surprised Umra Khan has not already dropped these two into a dark hole in Mogala.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on July 20, 2022, 02:35:40 AM
Tor Ghar mid winter. The Britishers, so insufferable during the fall have pulled back to Abbottabad and their forts along the frontier, now we could strike those who shared their salt. The Chagarzai, who brought down destruction on our villages by the foul ferenghees. Now we would have our revenge and recover the food stores, goats, and cattle yo see us through the long winter.  Our loose alliance with the Azakai to the west, forged with Ghul Akbar, a son of our villages, will provide an anvil for us to hammer the  hagarzai on. We will drive them from their homes and from the beautiful  Tor Ghar. With Mersey's guidance.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on July 20, 2022, 11:07:18 PM
Boolah Pass, a band of warriors sit in the cold, small fires providing the only heat while these warriors guard the back door into the lands of the Chagarzais. Despite the cold there is no snow in the pass so it's security is paramount. But it is winter, the Britishers are back in their forts, warm, unwilling to step into the cold barren hills north of Tor Ghar, the bands guarding the pass are more concerned with staying warm, and enjoying a little hashish and chai against the cold.
From the east a lashkar of Nandihar and Allai warriors, newly supplied with rifles, creeps up the valley towards the pass. They stealthily move to their final positions and await the return of the scouts.(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/906648996804698163/999434074827534336/20220612_232228.jpg)
Ibrahim Suleman stares across to the pass. All is quiet, but the tell tale glow of fires off of the nullahs tells him there are guards about, though clearly not quite vigilant.
His scouts creep back to the main force and report the pass itself is clear of Chargazai. Now is the time to strike the Chagarzai dogs, comfortable in front of their fires.  Soon enough we will be warming ourselves with their chai while their bodies freeze in the night.
He signals down to Gulla Ahmed who rushes his fierce tribesmen up the valley into the pass...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 21, 2022, 01:59:11 PM
Surprised Umra Khan has not already dropped these two into a dark hole in Mogala.

Soon or later...
Signed Umra khan

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on July 21, 2022, 06:33:47 PM
The Battle for Boolah Pass

Ibrahim Suleman led his band into a copse of trees overlooking the pass and immediately lit up his hookah.  The hash clouded over his mind and soothed his old wounds and he watched confidently as his warriors put his plan into action.(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/906648996804698163/999473733041406052/20220720_183134.jpg)

Gul Hassani charged his faithful at the double up beyond the crest of the pass and attacked the Chagarzai squatting in the alcove, seeking respite from the cold in the high rocks overlooking the pass.  The surprise attack and ferocity of the warriors was offset by the advantage of higher ground and the Chagarzai  struck down a third of the faithful, driving them back down to the pass pinned.

Seeing this, Khan Walli who'd been following close behind directed his Allai warriors to fire on the britishers' dogs, killing a few of them and pinning them in the rocks.(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/906648996804698163/999472586792652920/20220613_000322.jpg)


Ibrahim continued to observe as his battle unfolded. Khan Walli pushed up the hill which bought time for Gul Hassani to  rally his warriors only to watch a unit of Ghazis appear from the rocks and crash into them.  The fighting was fierce between the two bands of warriors, tulwars slashed down, steel on steel, and steel through flesh, before the ghazis were driven back with minor losses to both units. Gul Hassani had held the pass, but then lost control of his warriors as they counter charged driving the ghazis back.(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/906648996804698163/999478289095729172/20220720_184937.jpg)(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/906648996804698163/999479671173423195/20220720_185511.jpg)

The Allai warriors fired into the Chagarzai on the heights and killed fully a third of the worthless curs, driving them down the mountain, then quickly consolidated the position occupying the heights above the pass.(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/906648996804698163/999478655380094986/20220720_184839.jpg)

Mohmad Saeed, his force nearly halved, routed from the pass. His only hope of salvaging his honor was to warn Shafqut Khan of a great attack at the pass.(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/906648996804698163/999480668767649823/20220619_232059.jpg)

Yaqub Hussain, though inexperienced, inspired his ghazis with flowery prose into forcing the heights to retake the high ground and attempt capturing the rifles; but were again repelled at a loss of a quarter of his warriors.

From the nullah to the south Bhal Famrah forced the pass killing Gul Hassani and his remaining warriors, Bhal, a hot blooded leader, fell leading the charge, a great tulwar cleaving his head from his body.(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/906648996804698163/999484058910326845/20220720_191237.jpg)

Khan Walli's Allai fired into the retreating ghazis killing more of them and driving them down the valley.  Ibrahim Suleman, chagrined at the bothersome new threat, ordered his warriors to fire onto the Chargazai on the pass killing a good number of them and driving them back off of the pass.
Both of the Chagarzai bands rallied and turned again into the withering fire. Yaqub, so eager to prove himself, fell under the Allai fire. Remnants of Bhal's unit, stuck between Ibrahim's fire and the heights, charged against the Allai warriors and were driven back losing a full half of their number. Their resolve broken, they too ran from the carnage.(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/906648996804698163/999487038611005511/20220720_192426.jpg)

The Nandihar and Allai warriors had taken Boolah Pass.  Ibrahim Suleman ordered his warriors to secure their positions overlooking the pass and to finish off any of the fallen or stragglers lurking Chagarzai dogs among the rocks. Taking another deep draw on his hookah he exalted praises on Mersey for shining down on the field of battle. "Just as I had planned."
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on July 26, 2022, 06:17:57 AM
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on July 26, 2022, 10:29:31 AM
Holy defamation league moly!!!  If Umra Khan was an Englishman he'd sue that rag for slander!!!  Quite eloquent slander, I'll admit, but slander nonetheless.  One might expect him to dispatch some... representatives, to pay a visit to the editorial office.

'Tis a sad day indeed when the "free press" becomes a tool of political special interests... and even factions within Her Majesty's Forces.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 26, 2022, 12:58:04 PM
Umra Khan...an Englishman!?!?!? lol oh my... I can understand hyperbole and exageration but... please, everything has a limit...everything but Mulehead's thirst for power!!! >:D
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on July 26, 2022, 02:20:06 PM
Holy #%€\! Capt Shanks is on a roll!!!

Well done sir.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 26, 2022, 06:25:29 PM
A quick reply to some new fake imitation papers…



Our most loyal readers would swap Pesh Trib subscription nor for the carcass of a jackal, neither for a camel's one. Well perhaps for both…

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 27, 2022, 11:34:16 AM
Today 142 years ago Maiwand battle was fought. The better site for wargamers to go deep in it is Mad Guru's http://maiwandday.blogspot.com/ . After browsing and enjoying it you need some purification celebrations due to heresy spreading all over from those pages. Among the other sins this blog is one of the main responsible (with Umra Khan of course) for my colonial afghan passion and the original seed which generated this topic.  Merit or fault? For me for sure the opportunity to get in touch with a bunch of new friends I like a lot!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on July 27, 2022, 09:27:25 PM
I do believe the gauntlet has been dropped, now they must fight. LOL
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: MaleGriffin on July 28, 2022, 12:42:27 AM
Amazing! Vivid imagination! Thank you for sharing this with us!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 28, 2022, 09:07:16 AM

Distinguished Editor of the Peshwar Lancer,
may God  show you the right way. I have read the accusations and the smearing suspicions about me.
They are all falsehoods that come from a poisonous tongue from  Wana, famous snakes' basket. Know that the snake in question has already had its head crushed.
This was the will of God, I was only His instrument.
May God listen to my words I have never plotted against my English friends, proof of this is that Captain Townsend is in good health and attends my humble dinners in my poor palace .


Merciful God Knows That I Speak the Truth, I have just stopped an arms trade, directed to the Black Mountain, ordered by a certain El Shank Din; my assassins are on his trail to assure him of mine Divine justice!
May God  listen to me !

Umra Khan

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 28, 2022, 09:42:44 AM
Amazing! Vivid imagination! Thank you for sharing this with us!
Thanks MaleGriffin, great news are coming! By the way, checking the registers it seems you are a little late with subscription monthly payments...for sure only an unfair burocratic delay...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on July 30, 2022, 07:22:27 PM
General Joseph Vladimirovich Gourko is in command of a small brigade of the Tsar’s finest. He is steadily moving southwards along the Indus River valley towards the Black Mountain area. He is aware that there is an Indian Brigade in Gilgit. He has let it be known to the tribes they encounter along the way, that he is willing to pay the Tsar’s gold to anyone that can provide him intel regarding the disposition of any British troops in the areas he is approaching. A local sheepherder has brought him news that some of his compatriots have captured two men of the Indian Army. From what Gourko can make out, the captives are from an Indian regiment and are still alive. The sheepherder could be lying just to get the gold. Gourko decides to send out a small patrol to verify that this is true before any gold changes hands.

(https://i.postimg.cc/DwzzS0MH/Prisoners-1.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

Gourko Brigade

General Joseph Vladimirovich Gourko
West Siberian Rifles Regt
Egersky Guards Regt
Volgograd Line
Rostov Line


Unfortunately, by the time the patrol reached the captives, they had already been killed. However, the poor blighters had already yielded a lot of information to their captors as a result of significant torture resulting in their eventual death. The patrol, consisting of men from the West Siberian Rifles, finds out from the Afghans that these men were deserters from an Indian Brigade that had marched out of Gilgit about a week ago. According to the deserters they didn’t like they way they were treated and had become lost trying to make their way home. Their Brigade was following the Gilgit River valley on the way to Chitral via Mastuj. The patrol returned to Gourko and reported their findings. The sheepherder was paid.

(https://i.postimg.cc/BQKgdZpW/Prisoners-2.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on August 05, 2022, 01:05:32 PM
Rhingyll, very exciting events indeed sir! Beautiful visuals. I must finish painting your Russian commanders and my Russian troops ASAP.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 06, 2022, 02:17:04 PM
Battle of Spinwam
For prologue, maps, units details see following link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.645

The 2 armies advance ignoring the exact presence of the enemy.
The Afridis divide according their subtribes, the Kuki Khel on the west of the road under Abdul Haq Khan, on the east Wali and his Qambar and even more East, in the valley, Wardak cavalry under Javad Khan.
And these cavalrymen are scouted by Fullerton’s guides, which detect also Naag Khan advancing behind them.
Fullerton’s plan is easy: he will charge the cavalry while Best will attack on the flank the following pathans, while the other unit will take firm control of the road towards Spinwam.
Fullerton fire is ineffective but obliges the Pathans to charge and be soundly defeated. In the same time Best’s fire pins Naag Khan and Dawes hardly hit Saddam’s advance.
Kaalindi Khan’s Ghazis charge the Yorkshires in a carneficine where they emerge victorious and Walis’s irregulars fire long range to Fullerton’s guided taking another hit.

Abdul Haq’s unit refuses to charge the guides and Best fire seems can gain the day!
Fullerton’s charges kill Naag Khan and his men retreating, while Best hit 3 Abdul Haq’s warriors and pins the unit.

But at this point the tide changes. Wali’s fire takes Fullerton’s unit in the flank while pursuing Naag’s survivors and kill all of them included our hero! Lucky Dawes rerolled the dice but new ones were even worse.
While Dawes rallies his men, shirker Hall doesn’t fire and retreats!
Meantime Best fires on Kaalindi and stop his advance pinning the unit, while Saddam rallies.
At this point Abdul Haq routs instead of rallying and this is an heavy spot on his reputation.
Wali fire is continuous and pins the guides while Saddam hesitates and Kaalindi’s ghazis charge and complete the heroic unit destruction.
Dawes and another private join Hall battery and togheter return to the safe Mir Ali Mirali while Wali do not pursuit them. He wants to return North to join his father’s battle against Capt Allison’s column advancing after joining with the winning units of the poor Vousden (see the battle of Gumatti at following link https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.645 ).
But now Afridi Kuki Khel are divided between following Abdul Haq, the hero of many battles, but performing very poorly at Spinwam, and Kaalindi whose ghazis were the winner of last battle and no one now accepts to follow Wali Khan because all warriors must remain and fight for their Khan.

Without Kuki khel support and with Naag khan killed in the battle, Wazi cannot close the pincer on Allison and the trap cannot spring. He must return and offer his rifles to his father to fight with his brother against the Anglez.
The fight will establish the new Qambar Khel heir of Sher Khan, their kismet, destiny, or a stray bullet during a battle, possibly straight in the loser brother back.
To our beloved hero, the winner of hundreds charges,  our bard of the frontier, R.Winkle, wrote one of his most touching poem, in his “ballads from Peshawar barracks” and that was inspirational for many other following poems in all Empire and abroad:

He died a hero
Tell that to his soldiers
The fear was zero
While bandits aim his shoulders
So, where’s his victory
Where indeed is the end?
Death is the only reality
For the soldiers we send
He died a hero, his body unburied
We recall his name with sad tears
He charged in glory while Afridis flurried
And only a bullet killed him, without fears.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on August 06, 2022, 04:03:24 PM
Poor Fullerton! Death or glory charge. Great post Giorgio. That sounds like a fun game.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on August 10, 2022, 05:43:55 AM
The latest news that's fit to read
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on August 10, 2022, 09:52:33 AM
Indelible, immutable, incredible posts are flying right, left, and center!

Hats, foreign service helmets, & turbans off to the evil triumvirate of CAPT SHANKS, (Evil) Giorgio, and Rhingyll (even tho' he is a friend to the Muscovites!)

From this plethora of brilliant gems, one nugget casts a spell in my eyes & upon my very soul:

"...and all funeral expenses if required."

Talk about ace recruiting -- please to sign me up for the Guides, Colonel Sahib!

So, I must eat the White Queen's meat, and all her foes are mine,
And I must harry my father's hold for the peace of the Border-line,
And I must make a trooper tough and hack my way to power--
Belike they will raise me to Ressaldar when my father is hanged in Peshawur.

                                                            --Kamal, Jr.

Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat;
But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,
When two strong men stand face to face, tho' they come from the ends of the earth!

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 10, 2022, 01:29:34 PM
Winkle on attack
Viceregal Lodge in Simla...
Future Nobel laureate Reginald Winkie himself had made it a point to personally deliver the news to none other than the Commander-in-Chief, India, Lieutenant General Sir Frederick Roberts , an old friend of his.

“You know, Bobs, I am the most peaceful men in RAJ but I cannot stand if I smell betrayal. Yes Bobs, I said betrayal!”
General Roberts stiffed his upper lip at these rush words

“It is unbelievable the arrogance, the absolute contempt of our heroic soldiers, that is proudly ostended by a filthy paper who titled himself Peshwar Lancer. A bunch of traitors payed by guns sellers and probably by Waziris too.”
At these Roberts stare him with more attention
“They are so sure to be unpunished that dare to offend your strategy, in many years I never made a such impudent attack to our glorious generals”

For a vivid image of this you may want to read a previous meeting at following link by Mad Guru: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.570#lastPost from where above pictures were “borrowed”.
“Gen Davenport is an inept arrogant who mismanaged the situation and is the root cause of poor Fullerton death. But this Peshwar Lancer is edited by men who have sold their soul for money and pure hate of all our holiest values. Their fool campaign against our true alley Umra Khan, who by the way is a trustful generous sponsor of Pesh Trib, could bring to disaster. Bobs you must stop them now. NOW”
“Reginald do not exaggerate, I don’t mind if they push for more energic actions against Umra and above all against Russians. Perhaps your concern is more related to their last advertisement about new typesetter for your paper, isn’t it?”
Winkle became red purple violet and then tried in vain to reply while breathing was chocked and suffocated by his rage.
Mmmmh Roberts mumbled, no I m not concerned at all. And soon I’m waiting to receive good news from Capt Allison’s column retaking Thal from Afridis and leaving me free to concentrate on Russian shadows…
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on August 10, 2022, 10:17:49 PM
Lt Lowell has returned to the camp of the 1st Brigade of the Chitral Field Force. He along with Naik Gurung #4864 have briefed the commanding officer of the brigade, General McGuinness, on the information gathered. One of the village Elders encountered, gave them information about a secret pass that would save them significant time on their march to relieve Chitral. Naik Gurung #4864 did not entirely trust the information that was given to them regarding the pass and wasn’t sure that it existed at all. General McGuinness is well aware of the fact that nobody can be trusted on the Northwest Frontier. A decision was made to further investigate the possibility of this pass and a larger reconnaissance force under the command of Captain Aylmer Cameron (72nd Highlanders) would be sent out. This force would include a heliograph team that would be able to signal back information to the main force as it continued to slog its way northward, to and through, Lowari Pass. After traversing the Lowari Pass, which wasn’t an easy task by any means, the patrol sets up camp.

Captain Aylmer Cameron
(https://i.postimg.cc/Y2z76h2k/Aylmer-Cameron.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

1 unit of Pashtun guides (platoon sized)
1 squadron of the 77th Lancers (Lt Howell)
1 company of the 2nd Gurkhas (Naik Gurung #4864)
1 platoon of the 23rd Sikh Pioneers
1 platoon of 72nd Highlanders (Capt Aylmer Cameron)
1 signal corps heliograph team
Baggage train

Meanwhile, A Russian Brigade commanded by General Vasily Perovsky has successfully crossed the Dora Pass into the Chitral. Progress is slow and Perovsky has sent out a re-con patrol to see if there is any easier and faster path towards Chitral. The patrol, commanded by Major Petrov Stepanovich, has lost its bearings, ventured off course, and is now heading south of Chitral towards the northwestern side Lowari Pass.

Major Petrov Stepanovich
(https://i.postimg.cc/9F2M260X/Stepanovich.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

1 company of the Kuban Cossack Regiment
1 company of the Smolenski Line Regiment
1 company of the Kharkiv Line Regiment
1 squadron of Pavlogradski Hussars
Baggage Train

Upon spotting the British encampment, Major Stepanovich has been lost for several days now, and his baggage train has slowly been reduced to literally nothing. He has lost most of his animals and supplies to thieving Chitralis who make off with the animals during the cover of darkness. His men are now hungry and growing restless and he fears he may soon have a mutiny on his hands. But their hunger and desperation could serve to boost their fighting spirit. For Stepanovich, his only option for attack was a full-on frontal attack. He positioned himself and the Kuban Cossacks in the middle, flanked by the Smolenksi Line on the left and the Kharkiv Line to his right. The Hussars were directly behind his infantry in the center.

(https://i.postimg.cc/mrH1dQht/Patrol-9.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/FFZdnFFg/Patrol-8.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/ZKvmvjQB/Patrol-1.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/P5bB17Qx/Patrol-2.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/G2fNcndM/Patrol-3.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/MHV8NpV0/Patrol-4.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/nrtWsY97/Patrol-5.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/J0mT7rS5/Patrol-6.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/L68TxbS5/Patrol-7.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

As the Russians advanced, the Pashtun Guides bolted for the hills, but the Martinis and Sniders of the 72nd Highlanders and 23 Sikh Pioneers opened up a deadly fire from their positions behind the carts of the baggage train. The Kuban Cossacks took the brunt of the fire on their center position. Their advance was halted but the Hussars skirted out from behind them and made a headlong charge towards the 77th Lancers. The two cavalry units made contact and engaged in a rolling melee. The advantage was with the 77th Lancers initially as their lances created a mismatch. It looked as though all for lost for the Pavlogradski Hussars, then fate stepped in. A lot of dust was kicked up during the melee, and the 72nd Highlanders for some reason fired into the melee, causing heavy casualties among the Lancers. The Lancers became demoralized and as the Hussars pressed the attack, the Indian lancers routed and disappeared back into the Lowari Pass.

Meanwhile the Kuban Cossacks were decimated by the continued fire from behind the British baggage train wagons and Major Stepanovich was nowhere in sight. The best chance of success for the Russians at this point was for the Smolenski Line to keep the 2nd Gurkhas busy by engaging them in a long-range firefight while the remnants of the Hussars along with the still at full strength Kharkiv Line Regiment tried to flank the 72nd Highlanders and 23rd Sikhs behind the baggage train carts.
Naik Gurung #4864 was severely wounded during the exchange of fire between the Gurkhas and the Smolenski line.  A sense of panic spread amongst the usually steadfast and brave Gurkhas as their casualties grew. They eventually broke ranks, and like the 77th Lancers, headed back through the Lowari pass, deserting the wounded Naik Gurung #4864. Seeing the Gurkhas flee emboldened the Smolenskis and they pressed on toward the British encampment on the opposite flank of the Hussars and Kharkiv regiment.
The remnants of the Pavlogradski Hussars charged the 72nd Highlanders but were easily repulsed due to their lack of numbers and the bravery of the Highlanders. However, the cavalry charge diverted the attention of the Highlanders and the Kharkiv unit was able to advance within shortrange of the 72nd.

(https://i.postimg.cc/B635HhNq/Patrol-12.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/DySGJkFr/Patrol-13.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/kMp6d18B/Patrol-14.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/jjtChGVk/Patrol-15.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

On the other flank, the steady fire of the Snider rifles of the 23rd Pioneers drove back the Smolenski line and they eventually gave up and left the field of battle.
Captain Aylmer Cameron of the Highlanders raised a flag of truce and met with the commander of the last remaining Russians; the Kharkiv Regiment. Cameron had in tow, Major Petrov Stepanovich, who had been captured during the action. Both agreed that further conflict would just result in more lives lost for both sides. Cameron agreed to give the Russians one cart load of food and Stepanovich in exchange for them leaving and ceasing the attack. The Russians were all to happy to hear this and gladly accepted the offer.

(https://i.postimg.cc/907W2p57/Patrol-10.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/zDgb8wk7/Patrol-11.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
The British now broke camp and headed back towards the pass to eventually link up with General McGuinness’ column once again. The Russians, who were lost already, wandered off into the hills with their much needed food. And what became of the severely wounded Naik Gurung #4864?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CapnJim on August 11, 2022, 02:39:15 AM
Very interesting dispatch, I do say.  What, pray tell, did become of Naik Guring #4864?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on August 11, 2022, 01:42:10 PM
Excellent report Bob, this sounds like it was great fun!

What did happen to Billy Fish???
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CapnJim on August 11, 2022, 03:05:39 PM
Excellent report Bob, this sounds like it was great fun!

What did happen to Billy Fish???

Bugger!  I knew that name and number sounded familiar...Now we know the expedition from which he was the sole survivor perhaps? 
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on August 11, 2022, 09:42:59 PM
Coming soon: Peachy Carnahan & Daniel Dravot meet Billy Fish.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 13, 2022, 10:46:03 AM
Shewa battle prologue

In Gumatti, Rastum Bajadur Khan had rallied many tribesmen to gain time and give Sher Khan the opportunity to come back and reinforcing Thal either supporting Bajadur , or perhaps try an enveloping manoeuvre encircling Allison’s column and cutting its logistic path. See following link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.630
Vousden instructed Capt Allison “You see Logan this fork in the road, here our paths divide, you take your Gords and go to those houses to clear any possible flanking menace, and bring with you Poona squadron, and a unit of 26th Baluchi and Bombay Grenadiers. Afterwards come back and be my rear-guard to prevent any surprise if Sher Khan will send reinforcements to his son. ”
 “Sir, we’ll reach you after pursuing any ruffians in those huts, please leave some glory also for our boys. Sergeant let’s clear those shacks and show these ruffians who the Gay Gordons are!”
 “Sir yes Sir, with great pleasure, the boys are already ready to fight” and shouted with a voice that probably was heard in Bannu too “Gordon on march!”
With his remaining units Vousden marches towards Gumatti while Allison’s Gordons take the deviation under the sound of their bagpipe and drum. Sure, “Cock o’ the North” is resounding in the valleys, what else? And hear, they come crying the Gordon motto “Bydand!”!

In the following pictures Allison’s Gords celebrate the last tribute to the hero, after rejoing the two columns (for more details on Gumatti battle see following link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.645):
At the end of Gumatti battle the Afridis were in rout under Bajadur and Gurjas, leaving Gumatti to the British which now had lost their leader.
Now Hunters followed his original plan to rejoin with Allison’s column, but this delay allowed Sher Khan to anticipate their move returning to Thal and rallying Bajadur’s army survivors.
The frictions between Kuki Khel and Qambar Khel jeopardized the victory over Fullerton and Wali could not close the pincer in Shewa and retreated with his irregulars to Sher Khan to consolidate positions around Thal , leaving to his hated brother Bajadur the responsibility to keep control over the important Shewa road junction .
See link for the Spinwam battle aftermath: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.675

But Allison too has to deal with resources problems. Hunters forces are depleted after Gumatti battle and he orders Hunters to stop there with Rowes’s Gurkha unit and fortify the camp to assure the control of the area, and be a safe point if he has to retreat.
The forces under Allison, a jolly good chap, marching Northwards are his Gordon supported by a Poona squadron under Lt Desmoyne, a sporting umpire, and a unit of 26th Baluchi under the inexperienced Howls and Bombay Grenadiers commanded by Lt Porter, a terrible planner.
The forces rushly assembled by Bajadur includes his irregulars, Gurjas Khan survived veterans, all musketry buffs, one old piece of artillery managed by the steady Aalem Khan and a unit of fanatic veterans provided by his father Sher Khan, under Kabir Khan.

After storming Shewa, Cpt Allison will be able to keep separated Sher Khan and Wali Khan from Kuki Khel Afridis and march or on Spinwam against the latter or to Thal against the former. But in Shewa Bajadur wants to show his value and his rights to be the heir of Sher Khan to command over all Qambar warriors. He wants to show to be Rastum Bajadur Khan, and his victory will bring honors to him by Umra Khan himself.
To be continued...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on August 15, 2022, 01:14:59 AM
I like Cpt Allison odds in this one. Hopefully he will mot meet the same fate as Vousdan and Fullerton. The Queen needs live heros right now.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on August 15, 2022, 01:40:49 AM
Agreed Capt Shanks! The fortunes of war will be decided by dice and tactics….
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CapnJim on August 15, 2022, 06:42:42 PM
Looking forward to reading about Capt. Allison's inspiring bravery, stalwart leadership, and tactical prowess.  Hopefully, he actually exhibits those in this upcoming scrape... 
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 16, 2022, 08:23:03 AM
Looking forward to reading about Capt. Allison's inspiring bravery, stalwart leadership, and tactical prowess.  Hopefully, he actually exhibits those in this upcoming scrape...
Very well said, CapnJim, very well said indeed. You will find all that in the AAR of Shewa battle, where you will be surprised to find a new emerging hero, the gallant winner of the day, competing with Allison to be "Officer of the day". Yes you got it, I' m referring to the sporting umpire LT Percival Desmoyne and his fierce Poona!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 20, 2022, 09:30:28 AM
Shewa battle
See the battle prologue at following link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.675
After storming Shewa, Cpt Allison will be able to keep separated Sher Khan and Wali Khan from Kuki Khel Afridis and march or on Spinwam against the latter or to Thal against the former. But in Shewa Bajadur wants to show his value and his rights to be the heir of Sher Khan to command over all Qambar warriors. He wants to show to be Rastum Bajadur Khan, and his victory will bring honors to him by Umra Khan himself.
The armies are deployed as per following map: Bajadur and his irregulars is entrenched in the crossroad with Aalem’s artillery, while Kabir’s Ghazi and Gurjas’veterans deploy ready to support Badajur or envelops the advancing Anglez.
Allison’s plan sees the 3 infantry unit advancing trying to get protection behind the rocks while Desmoyne’s Poona try to flank the rocky area, ready to exploit any opportunity.
At the order all three units advance while Desmoyne has problems to organize his squadron and remains behind.
In the Afridi line, Kabir Ghazi advance toward the rocks while the other remain in the original position ready to fire on Raj units as they appear.
The first victim is a Gordon killed by the only artillery fire, after that hit the gun will not fire a single shot, probably due to problems with wrong ammo
Advancing Kabir Khan is surprised by fire generated by Allison (5Kia) and Howls (3 Kia), pinned retreat

and is charged by Desmoyne Poona, arrived just in time to destroy the unit, while Kabir and one warrior run up to hills.
Porter’s Bombay grenadiers fire on Bajadur killing one irregular, but that is enough to pin the Afridis!
At this point Gurjas Khan charges Desmoyne but the result is a draw:
Gurjas must retreat and  Desmoyne charges the ineffective Aalem’s gun on the flank killing all the artilleryman with their Khan, Bajadur doesn’t rally and leave the battlefield with his unit.

Allison gets another hit on Gurjas’unit, who is not pinned and gives an impressive fire on Desmoyne killing 4 Poona taking them out of the battlefield, but Allison fire kills other 2 warriors pinning the unit. And togheter with Howls keeping a devasting fire until Gurjas and his last veterans leave the battlefield.
Gurjas is the last to leave the battlefield, Bajadur was the first… Pashtun world of mouth is extremely efficient and soon Umra Khan will know… and he is not known as Umra the merciful…

Allison has got an important success, his Gords killed 11 warriors, like Desmoyne’s Poona who killed also Aalem Khan, Howls 7 and Porter only one, but decisive for the routing of Bajadur’s irregulars. Losses for Raj were one Gord and 6 Poona “only”.
Now Desmoyne will be sent to Gumatti to rally his squadron, and Capt Allison will miss them in the next predictable fight against Wani to retake the important pitchfork.
But we are focusing on Afridis boundaries only. And Waziris?

In the meantime, Mullah Powindah is licking his wounds praying the Ruler to provide good dice for the next campaign and, one by one, he is rebuilding his army in Khost province calling a Jirga with all the province Khans

An ancient Waziri proverb teaches: a sweet tamarind a day keeps anyone away… if you can throw it hard enough! And if you can do it by throwing tamarinds, think what Powinda could with a bunch of fanatic tribesmen!
Hard days are coming for Col Nicholson and his yellow devils!
And perhaps new glory opportunities for an old friend of ours: Capt. Marmaduke “Tiffin” Gonnister and his Ghurka unit:


We close this AAR with the last poem written by Winkle (and already copied in many editions as “Gordon Highlanders”) and dedicated to Capt Allison and his gallant heroes. The poem is for purchasing, edited in “Peshawar Barracks Ballads”:
Allison’s pride at Shewa

What manner of men I ve seen?
These Gordon soldiers of the Queen
The kilt they wear with pride
The Afridis where they have been, dead lie.

To join their ranks, you have to prove
You can fight the Afridis without a tear
To know that you can be trusted
To fight by their sides and show no fear.

The Gordon soldiers abiding stand
They are warriors of special breeds
With the Gordon motto “Bydand!
The motto that says all it needs

At Shewa Allison ordered fire and withstand
Gordons all day fought hard and fought to win
All shouted “Sir yes Sir”, all shouted advancing “bydand”
And up to Sheva all was red where before Afridis had been!

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on August 30, 2022, 01:34:14 PM
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 30, 2022, 02:14:46 PM
What is this new fake propaganda tabloid? We did not feel the need of such advertisement collection seasoned with injurious comment for a hero cowardly killed by bandits while fighting with honour for his Queen! What are the Authorities waiting for persecuting and closing such a scandalous offence to all the honest and respectful discerning gentlemen?  A leopard can’t change his spots and these cowards will keep on offending all that is most sacred until it will be closed and his editor jailed!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on August 30, 2022, 05:26:52 PM
Take few shots of Bovril, play tennis and eat some chocolate...Truth cannot be stopped on the Frontier !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on August 30, 2022, 05:29:03 PM
Brilliant!  Mr "Jimmy" Afridi, a voice of truth on the frontier. However I suspect Tzar may be behind the funding of this new publication, and wherever did you get your printing press and typesetter?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Lord Raglan on August 31, 2022, 08:19:50 PM
Such an amazing amount of detail you put into your games, I love it buddy  :-*
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on September 01, 2022, 09:07:27 AM
Brilliant!  Mr "Jimmy" Afridi, a voice of truth on the frontier. However I suspect Tzar may be behind the funding of this new publication, and wherever did you get your printing press and typesetter?

Got it from the black market in Peshawar  8) 8)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on September 01, 2022, 10:09:07 AM
Such an amazing amount of detail you put into your games, I love it buddy  :-*

Thank you for the compliments Lord Raglan, we do our best to have fun and because the campaign is interesting.  :)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on September 10, 2022, 03:46:57 PM
Muletail and the Afridi ambush

The viewers may want to recall last adventure “Muletail in the lands of Zazis” at following link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.645

“Someone is waiting for us with not peaceful purpose! That’s a jezail waiting for his prey, fast behind those boulder” Muletail cried and all the warriors run under the protection of the rocks. They unsheathed the tulwars and waited for the imminent attack.
“Folllow me” Kismet ordered, and with his tulwar in one hand and a shield in the other, run down the rocks towards Muletail’s hideout!
Muletail rallied Mustafà, Zmaray Khan and the other Zazi warriors:
“"Da Wazir pa nang me otharhala thoora, Nangyaale da zamane Ghaazi Muletail El Komiss yam"

(I have taken out my sword in the name of Waziri honour, am Ghaazi Muletail El Komiss the proudest of the world)

But well hidden behind the rocks overlooking Kismet’s ambush boulders, grim eyes are scouting what is happening below…

Kismet warriors fire against the covered Zazis killing one tribesman but Zmaray can rally his man without pinning and his fire kill one Afridi; Kismet avoid his men losing the elan and close on the Zazi in a ferocious fight where 2 Zazis and one Afridi lie on the ground, but even now Zazis, boostered by their hate versus Afridis, don’t pin and wait 3 against 8 the final blow while Muletail and Mustafa run to grab weapons hidden in the mules baggage.

Suddenly form the rocks dominating the ambush a sudden explosion generated by 11 jezails stops the Afridis, killing another warrior.

Now Zmaray and his last two Zazis are joined by Muletail and Mustafa rebalancing the numbers against Kismet and his last 6 Afridis and Kismet Khan must take a difficult decision: close with Zazis and risk to be encircled by their mysterious supports? Who and how many?
Quick as they appeared the Afridis disappear among the rocks, just in time to avoid to be caught by Tajiks who cannot do anything that turn back towards their land, before other Zazis can reach them, called by the cracks and the cries of the failed ambush.
But before turning directions Turik will patrol the paths followed by fugitives to assure they do not return to harass Muletail and Mustafà, who keep on going towards Peiwar pass where they pretend their merchant friends are waiting for them, escorted by Zmaray Khan and his two warriors. Turik Khan said to his Tajiks:
“It never shall be said that our allies in vain implor'd our aid. Perish the thought!”

“Look” said Mustafa “ Those ruffians have left their animals and luggage, now we won’t have any more problems for supplies and you Zmaray will keep them after our arrival to Peiwar pass”

Muletail thought “Mmmh not so generous Mustafa, first we must arrive there safe; but promising them is a wise move, it will not encourage these three bandits to cut our throat to get them, as they think are already their property…well done my friend”.

And the journey goes on…

In the first wrecked hut met after the ambush, Mustafa obtained a stop and with Muletail, Zmaray Khan and his last two Zazis organized a great lunch with the supplies found on a Afridis stolen mule and got the well-deserved rest.
The stolen animals were a further insult to Kismet Khan, and will Turik be able to intercept him before he continues his revenge search? Kismet wants to kill our friends to get back his goods and weapons, but to get back its goods he needs weapons and ammo transported by their animals.
It’s just a catch 22 as when he wanted to enlist in the RAJ army: in the Khyber rifles you need fire experience to get a rifle, but how can you get fire experience if your jezails are constantly confiscated? He was not accepted, and he soon became one of the most infamous Umra’s bandit. He was charged of this delicate mission by Umra himself and he won’t fail. Or he will have to explain it to Umra Khan, not exactly well known as the merciful…
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on September 20, 2022, 10:27:44 AM
In a small village near the Kohat Pass skilled craftsmen have received an important order to build hundreds of modern rifles ... and their ammunitions.

The first loads of rifles and ammunition have already embarked on a perilous journey through the mountains ...

Who will be the buyer of these weapons? and what does he intend to do with it? these questions will have to be answered quickly...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on September 22, 2022, 10:06:19 AM
The theft

For previous episode “Muletail and the Afridi ambush” look at following link: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.690

After a well-deserved dinner the 5 pathans went to sleep, and after Muletail and Mustafa did they sentry shift, the first Zazi started his patrolling duty. Muletail said to Mustafa to keep attention for any problem but after a first hour of controlling, as everything was quiet, also Mustafa deeply slept, also due to the impressive quantity of eaten tamarind pies.

Mustafà was dreaming his beloved tamarind. Now they have taken the Afridi supplies and have a lot of them. Suddenly he was awake due to some noise and still with the vivid image of the tamarinds in his mind, he murmured “well few tamarinds less in the supplies don’t change the situations, furthermore, I need to taste them to be sure that all the sacks include the same quality…

While he was making such thougths he was up and grabbed his tulwar, walking towards the camels and supplies. Muletail was deeply sleeping and he thought that it would be very inappropriate disturbing him to ask for permission. “Oh yes, for sure he will agree that few tamarinds make no differences, even despite rationing…”
Mustafa stopped frozen: where yesterday evening it was a caravan of mules camels and goats , with a lot of rich supplies, now only desert rocks. The rich caravan was swapped with traces going northwards and only the goats were left by the thief and a camel, probably too slow or wounded, and few goods were left on the terrain, probably an incident loading the camel; the goats walkig on these supplies should be generating the noise that awoke him. He grabbed a jezail and looked for ammo and what was left.
The camel seemed looking at him with  irreverent, sly and acute eye which leaves no room for easy hopes.
He was going to cry help but his thief instinct stopped him and he run as silent as he could towards the horses where two shadows were rallying them.
He fired but his jezail fumbled, so he attacked the first shadow crying with his tulwar killing with a ferocious 6; the dying bandit tried to reply with his stick but, hit in his hearth, got a useless 1.

The second man, cheated by the shadows generated by Mustafa and running Muletail, not realizing he faced just one man, took another horse and run behind his killed friend, but not before Mustafa could recognize his face: he was Zmaray Khan, that wisely did not trust Mustafa’s promises for the future awards in animals and gold.

In the meantime, Muletail joined Mustafa, in time for seeing the Zazi running away. Mustafa said “We must go north and take back our caravan!”
 “The one you promised to Zmaray?” Muletail asked ironically, but Mustafa did not get it and was very serious
“Quick! Let’s rally two horses and run northwards, they cannot be very far!”
Muletai remembered how ruthless Mustafa could be when tamarinds were involved. He thought when they were boys and he organized a force of all villagers to catch a young boy of the near village and when they brought back his head he just said: “"I realize that we may be overdoing it, but Paaras’ disappearance with my precious pitcher of tamarind juice had to be brought to a resolution." The pitcher was a nice silver souvenir that Mustafa took in a visit to Peshawar where he lived few weeks before being obliged to leave it for some misunderstanding with some merchants on few tamarinds disappeared from their market stall after he walked innocently in front of them, but that is another story…
No issue to find the goat head for buzkashi that week!
In the meantime, a super-efficient Mustafa rallied a horse
“Muletail, regroup the goats and follow me, I go to take back the caravan”
Muletail hadn’t the time to protest that Mustafa was already disappeared in a dusty cloud and after twenty minute of wild galopping he saw their goods driven by the third Zazi who tried to accelerate his mule.

Soon he understood that evading was not a possibility and stopped the caravan
“oh great hosoor, I’m happy you are already here. To avoid to slow down your march I started before with these slow animals, so we can arrive to Peiwar pass faster and safe!”
Mustafa couldn’t avoid laughing, considering how boldly he was lying.
“What is your name?” asked Mustafa, whose ruthless wrath was disappearing as tamarinds rescue had been successful.
“Abdul-Maalek Hosoor” answered the Zazi, ready to please in everything the furious merchant . Probably he could have his life spared by the waziri”

“Abdul Maalek, servant of the owner…. Well well… and tell me filthy bandit, who is the owner of these caravan
“You promised it to “ Abdul did not complete his answers, as he detect a glimpse in Mustafa’s eyes he changed promptly “You Hosoor, you great khan, the most powerful merchant of all these lands, merciful and generous…”
“Oh, stop it, your words are false as an Afridi oath. But you speak a good waziri dialect…” Mustafa said suspiciously.
“Oh yes hosoor, Abdul is a good Waziri. I had to leave Khost because evil Afridis said I’m a theft, and this only because they lost some gold ring that dropped in my pockets… I run faster than them and joined Zmalay gang and I speak and act as a pure Zazi tribesman, but my heart is still waziri and I swear to serve you…”

“Shut up, I have not yet decided if you will be spared, but all these fights and rides have the result to tend to whet the appetite” Mustafa said dismounting.
“Hosoor let me cook something for you, I’m a very good cook and everybody knows Abdul Maalek’s tamarind pies!”
“mmmmh this significantly increases your chance to survive…”
“I fly hosoor, for the best tamarind pies in your life!”
After one hour they were joined by Muletail with the goats and a rescued horse; before enjoying the good pies he walked up to the ridge of the hill staring at the horizon but no sign of Kismet, Turik or Zmalay. Now a good but quick lunch could be a good idea before marching directly on Peiwar Pass, but this Abdul… can they really trust on him? Not a problem: on the Frontier you trust no one!
(https://i.postimg.cc/gJKN3Fg2/Muletail-staring.jpg looking.jpg)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on October 05, 2022, 04:51:59 AM
The Яussians Are Coming! The Яussians Are Coming!

15 September 1890 - On the road to Tirakh Mir


The Russian Skobelev Brigade has moved south through the pass and taken control of Tirakh Mir. General Mikhail Skobelev and his 2IC Colonel Igor Blaramberg command the Skobelev Brigade consisting of the elite Semenovski Life Guards, the veteran Kazanski Rifles, the Susdal Line Regiment, and the Borodinski Line Regiment, which are supported by an artillery battery, the 1st Ural Cossacks, and accompanied by Tajik allied tribesman, both foot and cavalry.



This game was played with my favorite rules set The Sword And The Flame http://www.sergeants3.com/2.html (http://www.sergeants3.com/2.html)- TSATF. We used this new awesome playing card deck (on right) for TSATF moving and firing sequences that my friend Bob who flew in from Kansas for this campaign game gifted to me on game day. We also used several event deck cards (on left) that we hand picked the previous night for each side from the cool NWF TSATF Event Deck, produced and distributed by TVAG. However, as the game progressed and the event deck cards pulled we both agreed we should have picked them sober and not while drinking a bottle of tasty Tullamore D.E.W., LOL...


Russian Skobelev Brigade- OOB as per TSATF Rules
General Mikhail Skobelev - Mounted - Rated as British, gives a +1 to troops for morale
2IC Colonel Igor Blaramberg - Mounted - Rated as British, gives a +1 to troops for morale
1 Battalion Elite Semenovski Life Guards (20 Men) Rated as British
1 Battalion Veteran Kazanski Rifles (20 Men) Rated as British
1 Battalion Susdal Line Regiment (20 Men) Rated as Egyptians
1 Battalion Borodinski Line Regiment (20 Men) Rated as Egyptians
1 Artillery Battery (4 Men & 1 Gun) Rated as British
1 Squadron 1st Ural Cossacks (12 Men) Rated as Egyptians
1 Squadron Tajik Black Lances (12 Men) Rated as Egyptians

Tajik allies:
Chieftan Kianoosh - Mounted, gives a +1 to tribesmen for morale
(2) Clans on foot (20 Men Each Including sub Khan leader) Rated as Pathans


Ballah Khan, younger brother of Ali Razah Khan surveys his village and valley that has been defiled by northern infidels. See the hand drawn map above which he created to show his brother, Captain Mustafa Nadir of the Afghan local force garrison, in order to plan the attack to liberate his village!

All is quiet in the village and the outposts. A dense fog settles over the valley. Visibility is severely limited allowing the Pashtuns to close in on the village undetected. The Russians have outposts in front of each battalion in hard cover. (In this campaign each 20 man TSATF infantry unit is being considered a battalion in the scaled down OOB's)

Russian outposts and pickets manning the perimeter, Susdal Line Regiment

The elite Semenovski Life Guards picket


 Outpost of the veteran Kanzanski Rifles
Outpost Miniatures - Russian Line Infantry http://www.outpostwargameservices.co.uk/russo_turkish.html (http://www.outpostwargameservices.co.uk/russo_turkish.html)

Russian Brigade command and a battalion of the elite Semenovski Life Guards occupy the village.

Artillery supports the Semenovski Life Guards garrisoned in the vill.   

View from the occupied village looking southwards


Borodinski Line Regiment in the fruit grove.
Askari Minis Russian troops: https://askari-minis.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=113 (https://askari-minis.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=113)


View of the village from the west.

An early morning patrol of the Tajik Black Lances heads south towards Chitral.

A cavalry squadron of the Tajik Black Lances heads south leaving the village to recon the road ahead while at the same time a squadron of Cossack cavalry reinforced with Tajik allies enters the opposite side of the valley heading towards Tirakh Mir. The dense fog blanketing the valley prohibits the sentries from seeing any movement while the hooves of the departing cavalry patrol conceals the sounds of the oncoming Pathans movements.   

Turn 1:

The game starts with the Russians in their night laager positions, the Tajik Black Lances heading out on patrol, and only the Pathans getting to move. Dice are thrown to determine the entry point of the first arriving Pathan or Chitrali Tribe. The dice dictate entry from the SW corner through the foothills with cover. As the fog is dense and visibility limited to 12” they are unable to see the approaching cavalry of the Tajik Black Lances and
can only hear the hoof beats of the invaders mounts.  The Russians have not yet activated and cannot see any movement due to the dense fog.


 Turn 2:

With the role of a die the fog begins to lift increasing visibility 6” each turn. Ballah Khan’s tribe moves swiftly but stealthily through the rough ground to take up firing positions on the flank of the Tajik Black Lances, though they still can't fire on the cavalry due to the fog nor can the cavalry see the Pathans.


The next arriving native force is a unit of local Afghan Regular Infantry, they move onto the table directly across from the village fields, still unseen due to fog and the failed Russian Critical Morale roll to muster this early in the morning. They take full advantage of the fog and head towards the vill.

Afghan Regulars by Wargames Foundry: https://www.wargamesfoundry.com/collections/the-north-west-frontier-1880-1908 (https://www.wargamesfoundry.com/collections/the-north-west-frontier-1880-1908)

Turn 3:

The dice are once again favoring the Pashtuns, more lucky dice are rolled and the next tribe also enters from the SW corner through the same foothills with cover along with more Afghan Regular forces. This will allow the tribesmen to concentrate a large force for a concerted attack! With the fog lifting and the Russians finally able to muster and "stand to" the battle commences.



Movement is completed and the fire phase begins, a card is pulled .....

...... and the first fire goes to the Pathans. They unleash a deadly volley into the flank of the Tajik Black Lances which sends them falling back towards the vill.


Afghan regular forces advancing on the village come under accurate artillery fire from the highly trained, and well painted Russian gunners! (From Askari Miniatures)


Artillery markers made by Mr. Hyde & Dr Jones custom Terrain.

The Afghan Regular forces continue to enter the fray with another infantry unit entering the battle as tribes of Pathans and Chitralis already on the table surge forwards.

Russian defenders

 Pashtuns advance
Miniatures by: Castaway Arts, Australia, I love these figs.
https://www.castawayarts.com.au/index.php?cmd=store (https://www.castawayarts.com.au/index.php?cmd=store)

Stay tuned for Episode Two:

https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/2022/08/ (https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/2022/08/)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Tom Dulski on October 05, 2022, 12:18:00 PM
May I ask you where you got those building? I'm especially interested in the pictures that are the 7th, 8th and 9th pictures down from the top of the post.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on October 05, 2022, 12:34:31 PM
@Tom Dilski, the beautiful house with the tower in the center of the vill is an old hand made piece by the famous CTMM, Chris The Model Maker who occasionally sells on eBay and TMP but does not do commission work anymore, sadly.
The other (3) Bldgs I bought from a well known gamer John Spiess at Historicon in the late 80’s or very early 90’s who hand made them out of foam core. They both did a great job!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Tom Dulski on October 06, 2022, 01:33:05 AM
Yes I agree they look fantastic. I wish I was talented enough to make something like that.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on October 06, 2022, 06:17:50 PM
Tom Dulski, I wish I was as well!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on October 10, 2022, 04:15:45 AM
The Яussians Are Coming! The Яussians Are Coming!

15 September 1890 - On the road to Tirakh Mir


EPISODE ONE: Page 47 of the Campaign thread: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.690 (https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.690)


The Battle continues, we pick up from the last post......

Turn 4:

Afghan Regulars advance towards the walled field defended by Russian infantry of the Susdal Line Regiment. The Russian rifle fire is mostly ineffective but the artillery does cause a few casualties.



As the Tajik Black Lances continue to retreat they take long rage fire from their rear as Afghan Jezzails open up sending them all the way back to Tajikistan.

Turn: 5


A local villager innocently fetches water from the well…..


Every other turn an Event Card is pulled, this time it’s an Imperial Event, Defective Cannon Ammunition, reduce the amount of available artillery rounds. As the Russians are the imperial forces in this conflict the event card affects them. We deduced the innocent looking civilian fetching water returned to the vill and doused the power bags of the Russian artillery. I altered the card parameters, a die was thrown leaving them with (3) remaining rounds for the game. Since this is a campaign and the resupply will not make it in time for this days action it was a critical moment in the battle.

The Chitrali and Afridi tribesmen surge forwards in a concerted attack, lucky die rolls brining in the bulk of their forces together.




 Turn: 6

Pathan tribesmen and Afghan Regular Infantry surge forwards.

Tajik Black Lances heading back to Tajikistan.


Russian allies enter the pass and advance towards the village, Cossacks and native Tajiks "recruited" from conquered territories.



Pathans advance towards the vill.

Kianoosh, the Tajik chieftain urges his tribesmen forward.

Afghan Regulars assault the village and a defended field as a Regular Afghan cavalry unit enters the fray behind them to flank the village.


Cossacks move behind the village to counter the threat of the Afghan Regular Cavalry on their left flank.


Tajik Chieftain Kianoosh takes personal command of a Tajik tribe to get them moving due to weak morale.

Cossacks advance





Another Event Deck card is pulled, this one affects the Pathans, however in a positive way. A native gun enters on the Pathan board edge. I weave this into the campaign narrative: Word has gotten to Khan Abbis of the northern ferenghi incursions into his ancestral lands, he decides to throw in his lot with  Ballah Khan. His son Abdullah arrives to the battle with his family's pride, an old brass 7LB cannon.


In addition to the Pathan cannon Ghazi Warriors enter the battle from the east in front of the positions of the  Borodinski Line Regiment. The Tajik Black Lances continue to be shot up as they route back to Tajikistan.


The vill is being hard pressed by the attacking Afghan Regulars.

Afghan Regulars push the defending Russians of the Susdal Line Regiment off the wall leaving them with only the rough ground Class-II cover of the field!


The Russian Royal Guardsmen fire on the advancing Afghan Regulars while taking minor casualties themselves despite being in the Class-IV cover of the buildings.

Turn 7:


Holy warriors from the Chitral Territory led by Ahmad Khan surge towards the Borodinski Line Regiment. Their officer feeling the pressure of the advancing holy warriors leaves his walled position in the grove to move towards the support of the adjacent Kazanski Rifles.

Afridi tribesmen armed with captured Martini Henry Rifles advances to support the Ghazi warriors. Umra Khan's present of these captured English rifles to Ballah Khan's uncle will turn the tide for the Pashtuns.



Capt. Stolichnaya orders his Borodinski Regt. to form a close order double line which will give him a bonus to defend against the impending charge of the fanatic Ghazi tribesmen.




https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/2022/08/ (https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/2022/08/)

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on October 10, 2022, 08:52:13 AM
Cracking good show, Sgt. Guinness!!!  Like Chapter 1, Chapter 2 keeps the thrill-packed yarn unspooling in edifyingly fine form!  And those Tajik Black Lancers seem the very definition of high-speed low-drag, eh, what?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on October 10, 2022, 09:50:09 AM
Woooow great battle and great AAR !!!
Waiting for more Sarge
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on October 12, 2022, 12:57:34 AM
Excellent installments SGT Guinness. Never underestimate the power of of modern rifles in the hand of fierce tribal warriors, nor the power of the devil's dram in desicion making, as old Captain Alexander "Teatotaler" MCCrane would say.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on October 12, 2022, 03:59:58 AM
Thank you gents! The 3rd and 4th installments will be uploaded post haste. This was a very fun game which I not only GM’d but I got to play the part of Ballah Khan and control a large part of the native forces.

Bob and I fought the next battle out in the campaign at HurriCon-22 in Orlando at the end of last month and are already mapping our moves for the upcoming skirmishes and battles.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on October 12, 2022, 06:00:38 AM
I can't stand waiting for the last battle results and following moves of the Russian good trustable allies! Waziristan is ready to join them to get help against Anglez in Bannu and all their dogs. Mulehead has been promised to be next Amir in Kabul  :o
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: MaleGriffin on October 13, 2022, 06:25:21 PM
Great looking game! Thank you for the link to the blog! I couldn't really see the action in the pics on my computer.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on October 21, 2022, 04:34:08 PM
MaleGriffin, thank you sir! It was a blast to design, run, and play. This ongoing NWF campaign has been an outstanding experience. I’m currently working on the AAR from our last game of this AO in our campaign played at HurriCon-22 in September.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on October 25, 2022, 09:16:58 AM
I can't stand waiting for the last battle results and following moves of the Russian good trustable allies! Waziristan is ready to join them to get help against Anglez in Bannu and all their dogs. Mulehead has been promised to be next Amir in Kabul  :o

EGADS!!!  One cannot help but wonder what effect these words might engender from certain persons.... in certain quarters.... such as, say, the resident of the Arg....


In Kabul....


AKA: The Citadel of the King....



What's this? ....The Iron Amir, Abdur Rahman Khan himself, receives a visitor....?


One can't help but wonder.... what could he be there to tell the Defender of the Faithful....?

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on October 28, 2022, 09:23:37 PM
After a long hiatus spent in a Calcutta hospital our intrepid reporter/editor Leslie Beauregard Baker-Nance esquire has returned to the frontier to report on the goings on. The latest scoop is that a Waziri upstart, Mulehead Khan, wishes to dethrone the Iron Amir and set up a Waziri fiefdom in Kabul. (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/929639037042569217/1035634063521894460/20221011_213235.jpg)
After safely crossing the Khyber Pass with an horse trader known only to him as Mahbub Ali, our man makes it to the heart of Kabul, the Arg.

Upon arrivial at the Amir's palace he was promptly treated to chai, pomegranates, tamarind pies, and candied dates, the Amir's hospitality being the only thing one can trust on the Frontier. After bartering over the headline particulars, and a promise of no photos of the Amir or the palace grounds, Baker-Nance was finally granted an audience with Abdur Rahman Khan.
"EGADS SIR! The man wants to occupy your throne, marry your wives, and end your bloodline. He has promised to occupy the Bala Hissar and turn it into his personal residence, ipso facto making Kabul sovereign Waziri land. What say you to that sir?"

For the Iron Amir's response please pick up the latest copy of the Peshawar  Lancer. You certainly won't read this portentous news in any other Peshawar papers.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on October 30, 2022, 07:26:16 PM
The Яussians Are Coming! The Яussians Are Coming!

15 September 1890 - On the road to Tirakh Mir



EPISODE ONE: Page 47 of the Campaign thread: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.690

EPISODE TWO: Page 48 of the Campaign thread: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.msg1762854#msg1762854

The Battle continues, we pick up from the last post......


The Russian artillery pounds the Afghan Regulars and the Afghan Regulars in turn open up a deadly fire on the Susdal Line who were pushed back from the protection of the wall.



The Susdal Line take a pounding, go below 50% effectives, fail morale, and are forced back to the relative safety of the village.




Another Event Deck card is pulled, once again it affects the Russian forces. We assign each imperial unit a number, roll the appropriate sided die to determine which is the affected unit, and it is the Kazanski Rifles.

The Kazanski Rifles are siting safe behind a stone wall, Class IV cover, a Melee bonus in TSATF rules, and they have the supporting Borodinski Line Regt on their flank. They are facing a full tribe of (3) Ghazi warrior units which strictly have melee weapons so must close assault their enemies.

Captain Petr of the veteran Kazanski Rifles surveys the enemy to his front. They are mere tribesmen, no match for the veteran troops under his command. Glory and honor to the Mother Land. Captain Petr looks down the line of troops to his right manning the wall, smiles, then looks to the remainder at his left. He nods his head to no one but himself, his confidence is unwavering, he calls over his Lieutenant, "Denis, prepare the men, we are going to attack the enemy." LT Shvidki replies, "Yes sir, the men have loaded their rifles and are awaiting your order to fire." "Lieutenant, we are not wasting ammunition on these tribesmen. We are going to charge them now." Capt. Petr states in a calm monotone voice. "Understood sir, I will tell the Sergeants" replies LT Shvidki. Captain Petr mounts the wall, draws his sword, takes in a deep breath and with a wild look in his eyes he shouts, "For Mother Russia, at them with the bayonet, follow me!!!!"

And with those words, almost as one, they rise up and follow Captain Petr over the wall and towards the Ghazis at great haste.


Pashtuns continue to advance towards the village.

The routed remnants of the Susdal Line take cover in the vill.

Afghan Regulars take the field and advance towards the vill.

The Kanzanski Rifles Regt charges while the Borodinski Regt withdraws to put some space between them and the approaching Ghazis to fire on them and to avoid being charged.

Pathans advance!

The Kanzanski Rifles win the first melee and wipe out one band of Ghazis, but the casualties sustained from the melee take them below 50% effective strength. However they pass morale and face the onslaught of approaching Pathans.





  The Tajik Black Lances continue their route back to Tajikistan.


Another turn and another Event Deck card is pulled. This one affects the “native” side.

As the senior Pathan Mullah I surmised it would be best to heed the call of Allah to rid the valley of these northern infidels by the Tulwar! So it is written, so it shall be done. 

With that said all the tribesmen must charge headlong into battle for the remainder of the game. Luckily the Afghan Regulars were not affected by this event card.

With our strategy out the window we let the dice fly and all the Pathan units would charge on their upcoming movement cards and every turn following for the remainder of the game.

Successive black cards are pulled, a unit of Ghazis and then the Afridi’s both charge the Kanzanski Rifles before they can evade.



   The third clan of Ghazis charges the withdrawing Borodinski Regt….

…..as the Afghan Regulars continue to follow the retreating Russians towards the vill.

The Kanzanski Rifles loose the melee and route back towards the village with less than 25% effectives, only their command survived. They are hotly pursued by the remaining Ghazi tribe.


The Tajik tribesmen advance as the Tajik Black Lanes continue to route.

   Cossacks continue to move behind the vill to counter the Afghan cavalry.

All the Pashtun tribesmen begin to surge forwards in the uncontrollable mass charge as the Afghan gun crew unlimber and take up position on the Afghan left.

 The Borodinski Regt keep falling back to the vill, but in good order.




Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on October 31, 2022, 09:56:31 AM
Mogala 18th September 1890
From Umra Khan to Gen. Bindon Blood

Dear Bibi,
may the Lord always find you in good health, as you will know my Afridis have sustained a very epic  battle  in the Chitral
Preponderant force of Russians soldiers entered the Chitral with the aim of subduing the state of the Noble Aman-ul-Mulk, the ‘Great’ Mehtar of Chitral,  a personal friends of mine and a loyal servant of the Sirkar.

A coalition of Pathans, including my brave and courageous Afridis, may THE TRUERULER always protect them from enemies, repelled the Russian forces.
Evil tongues thought I dispatched  my men to  Chitral with other purposes contrary to the interests of Her Highness Queen Victoria, but  my precious informants had told me that the powerful Russian Father wanted to wage war on the British.

My informant was generously rewarded for his service of course.

Something had to be done quickly, time was tyrant…..
Knowing this I sent a strong contingent of valiant Afridis to lead the resistance against the evil Russians.


Surely you, Oh Powerful Hosoor, will appreciate my diligence and zeal in resolving the matter.
May the True Ruler always protect you,
Your humble servant
PS: I would appreciate  the title of His Highness  and 21 gun salute as the ruler of the Princely State of Mogala,
His Highness Umra Khan !

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on October 31, 2022, 11:57:13 AM
Intrigue part 2
Viceregal Lodge in Simla...
Future Nobel laureate Reginald Winkie is discussing to none other than the Commander-in-Chief, India, Lieutenant General Sir Frederick Roberts , an old friend of his, about a letter just arrived from Mogala.
“You know, Bobs, it is very interesting indeed” Mr Winkle said politely to Gen Roberts, then he mumbled:
“It is remembering something I was told already, ah yesss…now I understand...” the kind reader may want to refer directly to link https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.630 : Intrigue!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on November 13, 2022, 06:06:20 PM
The Яussians Are Coming! The Яussians Are Coming!

15 September 1890 - On the road to Tirakh Mir


EPISODE FOUR: The final post

EPISODE ONE: Page 47 of the Campaign thread: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.690

EPISODE TWO: Page 48 of the Campaign thread: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.msg1762854#msg1762854

EPISODE THREE: Page 48 of the campaign thread: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.msg1766466#msg1766466

The Battle continues, we pick up from the last post......

TURN: 10

Afghan Regular cavalry, “To the Front!”

Cossacks maneuver behind the vill to screen their movement.

Another turn and more charges, the Ghazis attack the Susdal Line Regt and the Afridis charge the Tajiks.

A unit of Pathans make it to the village walls as the remnants of the Tajik Black Lances finally rally and turn to face the enemy!

Afghan Regulars take up a strong position behind cover close to the vill within effective rifle range!


Semenovski Life Guards fire into the approaching Afghans.

Afghan Regular Cavalry and Cossack Cavalry advance towards each other.

The tribal artillery finally move into range and fire on the invaders meanwhile the Russian artillery has been silent due to the wet powder situation.

Wargames Foundry Miniatures Pathan crew and artillery piece.

TURN: 11

The Cossacks and Afghan Cavalry meet head to head with the Cossacks getting the better of the encounter and forcing the Afghan cavalry to retreat.

The Tajiks fail to stand up to the Afridi charge in melee, fall back like beaten dogs, and are “Shaken”.

The Tribesmen throw themselves at the defenses of the vill despite taking horrendous casualties, as Allah wills it, or as the Event Deck wills it.

TURN :12

The Cossacks emboldened by their routing of the Afghan cavalry charge the Afghan regular artillery that has been pounding the village defenders.

The Afghan artillery commander, Captain Mustafa Nadir, cannot believe his eyes, the
Cossacks are charging head long in the open. He bellows, load grape, range 200 meters, wait for it, wait for it, FIRE!

As the smoke and dust cleared from the discharge of the grape and the supporting infantry rifle fire the Cossacks continued their charge through the haze, but at half strength.



Despite the stupendous bravery of the Cossacks the Afghan regular artillery and infantry stand firm routing the Cossacks leaving the flank open for an Afghan advance.

The Russians fire their last artillery round that they were saving for an opportune moment and make the most of it by destroying the Afghan artillery piece and crew with a direct hit!
Artillery marker courtesy of Bud's Blast Markers: https://www.budsblastmarkers.com/ (https://www.budsblastmarkers.com/)


Russian Outcome:
As the Cossacks leave the field decimated, General Skobekev takes stock of the situation. He has lost one cavalry regiment and the Tajik Black Lances are at 30% effectives leaving his flanks open and no mobile formations. The Kanzanski Riles have been eliminated as a fighting force with only the command group left, the Susdal Line Regiment are well below 50%, the Borodinski Regt and the Semenovski Life Guards both sustaining casualties, his Tajik allies refusing to fight, and having just fired their last artillery round until resupply, General Skobelev orders all remaining troops to fall back to the village to form a last ditch defense!


Pathan Outcome:
With the loss of their artillery the local chieftains took stock of their loses and decide to withdraw from the field collecting much booty and confident in giving the invaders more than a bloody nose by destroying one cavalry regiment, putting a second out of action, wiping out the impetuous Kanzanski Rifles, and by putting many more to the Tulwar! Under cover of the battlefield smoke and the approaching dusk the various tribes slip away from the valley with sporadic sniping as the Afghan Regulars confidently cover the Pashtun tribes retreat.

Campaign Outcome:
The battle itself is a minor Russian victory as the village is still in Russian hands. However its a tactical Pashtun campaign victory due to the enormous loses inflicted on the enemy, the lack of cavalry for their scouting and mobility, and the need for the Russians to either stay in place and await resupply, retreat and join up with the main column,  or even possibly pack up and back to Tajikistan.

https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/2022/08/ (https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/2022/08/)

A special thanks goes to my buddy Bob, aka Rhingyll from the web who flew in for this game from Kansas, for supplying all the Russians and most of the cavalry for this game, the Tajik standards and Afghan Regulars as well as providing the motivation and excitement needed to get this idea to the table. Thank you to my friends and LAF buddies (Umra Khan, Giorgio, Mad Guru, & Capt. Shanks) involved in this truly epic NWF campaign you created and sucked me into. Your daily messages keep this thing going, with out you guys it wouldn't of happened and continue to happen. Thank you to my SMG clubmates and friends who continue to put up with me and my shenanigans!
The next episode in this NWF campaign, Never Trust Anyone on the Frontier from the Lead Adventure Forum will be fought at the end of September of this year hosted by the SMG and HMGS-South Wargames clubs in Orlando Florida HurriCon-22.
https://tabletop.events/conventions/hurricon-2022 (https://tabletop.events/conventions/hurricon-2022)
https://hmgs-south.com/index.html (https://hmgs-south.com/index.html)
https://groups.io/g/hmgs-south (https://groups.io/g/hmgs-south)

Upcoming Scenario:

Skobelev’s Gamble, 5 February 1891 - Afghanistan, Chitral Territory

Colonel Davenport, a report is coming in from the Heliograph Team at point 225 from the crossroads ahead. "Large enemy force approaching, formed infantry, formed cavalry, baggage train, and artillery. They are Europeans sir, Russians in fact!.. our Afridi scouts have confirmed it, a reinforced Brigade is on the march." The Great Game is afoot.....

5 February 1891, a reinforced Russian Brigade has moved SW around Chitral to block a large Anglo-Indian force headed to relieve the beleaguered garrison of Chitral Fort


I have had many inquires about our dice boxes we use for movement, shooting, and melee. They are custom dice boxes from Bud's Blast Markers. He can put custom designs and your logos on them
These are a great value for the money coming with 5 lighted blast markers, a handful of D6 dice, and a really cool box to roll in. With both the top and bottom being felted they are perfect for head to head melee combat rolls!



https://www.budsblastmarkers.com/product-page/american-ammo-crate (https://www.budsblastmarkers.com/product-page/american-ammo-crate)

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on November 18, 2022, 06:27:10 PM
(https://i.postimg.cc/WzZBhThw/Skobelev-and-mapreader.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

The following is a dispatch sent from General Skobelev directly to Tsar Alexander

Oтправка по адресу: Царь Александр Александрович
От: Генерал Михаил Скобелев
Приветствую вашего самого прославленного царя
My Brigade had our first encounter with the indigenous population. We were not welcomed with the open arms we expected and consequently had to deal with them in the most Russian of manners. Making our way south into Chitral, we had set up an encampment near Tirakh Mir after an arduous trek through the Dora Pass. The first night passed quietly, but the next morning we were attacked by an Afghan force comprised of Afghan Regular troops and tribesman of a yet to be determined origin. The enemy threw cavalry, infantry and artillery at us. The Son’s of Russia acquitted themselves well but our Tajik allies were cowardly and I honestly began to question to whom they were allied. The so-called “Black Lancers” of the Tajik Royal Guard began to ride home as soon as the battle began, but paid dearly and they were harassed and fired upon at every opportunity as the rode back north and away from the fight. Chieftain Kianoosh’s Tajik tribesman moved so slowly toward the action that they may as well have not even been present. As usual, the Kanzanski Rifles were in the thick of the melee and held off three clans of Ghazi fanatics before retreating to the safety of Semenovski Guards position at the main village. We were sabotaged when a native woman, who had been friendly up to this point. doused our cannon powder with so much water that it was unusable. She was dealt with in a rapid and merciful manner. I was confident we would hold our position at the village, but the Afghans rallied their forces and made one last massive press forward. We held steady and their attack fizzled out. The entire Afghan force disappeared as quickly as they had appeared. I plan to stay here at Tirakh Mir for a couple of weeks or so to treat our wounded and gather some supplies. I am concerned that the natives will regroup and attack again in the future. Therefore, my Brigade will move south following the Kunar River Valley. We will stay to the west of Chitral. We know that there is a British garrison there and we are not ready for a direct conflict with the Queen yet. My plan is to set up a winter camp at the village of Parsan,  which is strategically located with a road leading northeast to Chitral and also a road heading further south.
Мать-Россия зовет

(https://i.postimg.cc/QdydPLFk/Parsan-Map.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on November 20, 2022, 12:18:33 PM
In the last weeks, shadowed by Russians advancing  news, Muletail is going on travelling  to Peiwar Pass.
(see link https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.690 “The Theft”
Many loyal viewers have written to be updated about his long walk (well really only Umra, for better addressing his cut·throats).

Very interesting news are going to happen, and I cannot spoiler, just be in touch, renew your subscriptions and you will know more about our friends and the new team member Abdul-Maalek, the Muletail’s waziri camels thief (well I should say one of the Muletail’s waziri camels thefts, well perhaps only a Muletail’s waziri…):

An old well known enemy, the Afridi malik Kismet Khan and his 7 escaped ruffians:

Some loosewalas, just painted mercenaries to be hired by Kismet or looting for their own …or both?

A cold icy river near the pass:

A bridge good to shorten the walk or to ambush the victims?

Will our heroes be able to safely cross the icy river in those brain new scenarios which bring to Peiwar Pass? All this and much more, only for Pesh Trib subscribers, the only reliable paper for discerning Frontier gentlemen!

Muletail’s adventures are generously sponsored by “Rashid’s, the ultimate jezail: Try before Buy!"
You can test it in different ambushes for free for 10 days, or just enjoy it in the new shooting sangar, a benefit for most honourable Customers!
(https://i.postimg.cc/Y0k9CjcK/sangar.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on December 20, 2022, 07:14:32 PM
Zangal Khel battle prologue

In Mir Ali Mirali discording feelings are generated by the latest news.
After the death of the local hero Ghaffar Khan at Sarobi, Powinda Mullah speeches boosted the Waziri morale and rallied new adepts for the jirga under the flags of Jammas Khan.  For the Sarobi battle see link https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.630 .
Voices reported by Jandola merchants returning from Peiwar pass spoke of many warriors willing to join Jammas Khan, and the mounted ones were already arriving in the area, bolstering the local waziri.
“Tiffin, you have to act , and you have to do it quickly!” Colonel Nicholson said, wrapped in his frontier dress, fierce of his flamboyant turban.
“Sir yes sir, but perhaps it should be better we reinforce our defences here until conspicuous reinforcements arrive from Jandola...”
“Do not aspect too much from that old  squiffy coward , he will not send here his precious units if not obliged by BiBi. But I have  good news too. Major Sicum ihas recovered from his injuries and is arriving with a squadroon of Madras Lancers! You go to meet him and together patrol and clean all the area around Idak. You have to teach them a lesson they will remember for years. At that point, free from Powinda's menace in the rear, I will be able to hit northwards retaking Spinwam!”
Nicholson roared pointing a spot on the map open on the table. “Now that Allison defeated the Afridi and control Shewa, Habdul Haq and his Kuki Khel are separated by Sher Khan and  his Qambar, and the Afridi subtribes cannot help each other.
“Great news Sir” Tiffin said hiding his disappointment for the snobby Sicum arrival”, I will be more than willing to join old Sicum and after cleaning the area we will party  with a bottle of the special one. He will be not an Achille on the battle field, but has always a couple of bottle of the best gin, west of  Peshwar!”
Tiffin knew very well that Sicum was always surrounded by young officers more efficient in adulating him than fighting with energy. Probably this new Madras officer was not an exception. He will rely only on his ferocious gourkha and a couple of gallant indians regiments, poorly armed and worse leaded. All in all more than enough to defeat a gang of scattered ruffians.
In the very same moment somewhere between Hurmaz and Idak a caravan is slowly proceeding in the dust.
At the head of the kafilah an impressive bashi walks with flashing eyes  spying the Madras squadroon cantering eastwords. “Too early”
Jammas mumbled surrounded by his most loyal maliks “but I have received enough reinforcements to destroy this reinforcement spreading the sparkles of Jihad all over Waziristan! “
All is ready for another great fight, which will forge the next months campaign: Free hand for Nicholson northwards or a revolt involving also Taras'sons warriors? The destiny of many soldiers will be written in Zangal Khel!
The battle will be fought on December 28th in Genoa wargame club “Garibaldi”, the best club north of Bannu!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on December 29, 2022, 05:38:24 PM
Zangal Battle Part 1

Late afternoon in Mir Ali Mirali entrenchments.
Capt Marmaduke “Tiffin” Gonnester and Lt Montague Bannister are discussing out of their encampments.
“The orders are clear: Nicholson wants all the available men for marching at the double northwards. Guides found Afridi warriors joining near Spinwam and he wants to catch them before they can build a strong menace.
That means that your Khyber Rifles are commanded to remain here with a battery of mountain gun” said the Captain
“They will be replaced by a company of raw greens of the second Northumberland, but they are poorly armed too.
Your orders are to patrol the South West area and then, according the situation, go South East or march to support Fennington and his Bombay grenadiers.
Coming from South you will have the privilege to escort Major Sicum just arrived with a good unit of Madras lancers leaded by inept Foster.
I will take care of him an with my Gourkha we'll arrive directly from East and he will take care of the village while my gourkha will clean all the rocky North East area. “
“OmG” Tiffin mumbled, “I have seen many men, but never a such ugly one! Well who cares? It is mandatory that he arrives on time and teaches a good lesson to those ruffians”
Montague replied “Yes Sir I have heard that many Powinda's followers have obtained a warm welcome in the village and many tribal cavalries are already spreading all over the rocky area in the North.” Well,” he thougt, “at least I'm very far from the hottest area”

(https://i.postimg.cc/LXGVqSYP/B-Scenario-3.png 3.png)
“Now move”” said Tiffin “and be ready there when we'll start to learn civilization to those ruffians!”
Hidden in the great hills area, sneaky eyes are waiting with infinite patience the arrival of the spotted lancers. A signal and all the tribesmen will run down to cut in pieces the ferenghees and give the start to a general upraising! Jammas Khan is ready to spring his trap!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on January 01, 2023, 02:33:45 PM
Zangal Battle 2

A pale sun is raising spreading his shy rays over the Zangal khel.  Kaashif irregulars have entered in Idak, met by triumphing villagers who receive them with food and songs.
They are going towards the big hills where Jammas Khan has prepared his trap. In the surrounding deserts and rocky area Ekjat Khostwali cavalries, just arrived from Powinda encampment, are galopping for ambushing any Anglez patrolling the area.
In the mean time the Raj units arrive on time according to the planned dispositions .
Kaashif Khan leaves Idak marching southwards and Ekjat Khan leaves the rocky area preparing to harrass the Raj troops entering from East in the hill area and pointing to the rocky northwards, ready to challenge the Gourkha
In the mean time the Madras lancers size the hill area and gets the first objective.
Ghourkas are arriving in the rocky area when suddenly Mahboor Khan with his elite tribesmen appear in front of Ghourkax who are under danger of a cavalry charge on the flank.
Madras lancers occupy the hill and are ready to intercept the tribesmen cavalry, their next target. Foster is completely frozen and cannot give proper orders but his subadar take the lead and the lancers deploy to galopp northwards.
Jammas appears with his men in the big hills, ready to face the Bombay Grenadiers, coming from the West under the command of the prudent Fennington.
In the South Major Sicum is leading Bannister and his men to ford the river after patrolling the area to provide support to Bombay grenadiers.
Indeed, Fennington grenadiers are faced by Jammas Khan and on their flank irregukars are arriving.
In the mean time Tiffin fires on Mahboob elite warriors, but they do not pin
and charge:
But the result is a draw and now the tribesmen cavalry is challenged by Madras lancers and is ready to attack them. Meanwhile Bombay grenadiers fire on irregulars before confronting with Jammas entrenched in the rocks over the hill
Bannister is trying to accelerate to support Fennington giving a fatal blow to Jammas Khan, but in South East area the brutal Chiragdeep Khan is appearing and will try to join the fight before the Raj units can merge.
At this point Balnoor Khan appears in the hill rocky area and challenge Madras lancers with a long range fire that hits one lancer. Jammas charges downhill and butchers the Bombay Grenadiers, finishing to destroy all of them.
On the northern area Gourkha are ready to fight Mahboor Khan to have free access to the rocky area, while lancers and tribal cavalry are ready for a fight that will decide next moves: ghourka surrounded or Madras lancers freeway to Idak!
But from the rock hills Jammas Khan send the signal and Balnoor Khan start descending to intercept the lancers before fighting the cavalry or, at least, charging them before reaching Idak.
On the southern side will Chiragdeep Khan close the trap on the advancing Anglez or Jammas Khan and Kaashif Khan will be pinned and routed?
In the same hours, many miles westward in khosta khel, Mullah Powinda spends his time reading the Holy Rules, inciting people to jihad, painting the last reinforcements:
will they be to give helps to beaten waziris or the cherry on the cake for the final assault to beaten RAJ troops retreating to Mir Ali Mirali?
Afghan sprue is a kind present by Umra Khan, thanks Piero! And Happy new year to all viewers! Do not miss the final episode of the battle, renewing your subscription to Peshawar Tribune: be posted on everything happening on the Frontier!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: miltiades on January 04, 2023, 10:40:22 AM
What an amazing Campaign ! This is like a movie and even more ! This is as every game should be. I am looking forward for the next episode.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on January 04, 2023, 12:32:40 PM
Miltiades my friend, it has been a tremendous amount of fun! I’ve always been enamored with the NWF, India, and Central Asia. I’m currently working on an AAR from my most recent large game of this campaign.

I’ve been thoroughly enjoying your ongoing awesome Boxer Rebellion 55 Days a Peking thread here on LAF! Keep posting buddy…

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: miltiades on January 06, 2023, 02:09:05 AM
Miltiades my friend, it has been a tremendous amount of fun! I’ve always been enamored with the NWF, India, and Central Asia. I’m currently working on an AAR from my most recent large game of this campaign.

I’ve been thoroughly enjoying your ongoing awesome Boxer Rebellion 55 Days a Peking thread here on LAF! Keep posting buddy…


I wish I were with you in the NorthWestFrontier ...It is amazing; it looks so real. I am looking forward to seeing your AAR (here or in Sgt Guiness ?)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on January 07, 2023, 03:11:00 PM
Zangal Battle 3

Foster looks at the tribal cavalry unable to give the appropiate orders, but his subedar Uthay Mudali takes the leadership and order to advance!
Ekjat khan charges the lancers to deny their attack bonus
The clash is bloody but the Madras win the first clash and then sweep out  the tribals killing all of them but Ekjat Khan with his last warrior who galop out of the field.
In the broken lands the gourkha fight feociously against Mahboor Khan with his elite tribesmen
Tiffin wins but the afghans deny an easy advance and don't pin
[img width=480 height=264]https://i.postimg.cc/C10Jb5bc/Q-Ghurka-win2.png)
While in the North Raj units seem to have a strong control, on the west side Sicum is arriving to revenge the Bombay Grenadiers
and starts firing and challenging both Jammas Khan, retreating in the uphill rocky area,  and Kaashif's irregulars.
But the brutal Chiragdeep Khan is harassing his men to ford the dry river and close on the Ferenghees to save the day.
In the North east area Tiffin order a last volley who kills all elite tribesmen, included the  proud Mahboor Khan, now the path to the objective is free!
Sicum arrives close to Jammas and his fire accelerates his retreat.
It seems a lucky day for the haralds of civilization and order and progress: Tiffin has destroyed his opponents, Sicum is splitting Jammas Khan from Kaashif Khan and Madras lancers have an highway Waziri free up to Idak
Now all Foster has to do is taking a quick decision: straight on to Idak or join Tiffin? Both could be correct decisions, all but not stopping on the road out of Idak. But Foster is frozen by doubts and he has nomore the valent subedar Uthay Mudali, fallen in the last charge against tibal cavalry.
In the mean time the waziri are trying to spring their trap
While Sicum tries invain to break the irregulars who retreat but don't pin
Forest is stil on the road unable to take a decision until it's too late and Balnoor Khan closes on the lancers
with tremendous ferocity and kill all the lancers without any loss:
in a few seconds everything falls apart: Mahboor Khan closes on the Anglez

Sicum tries to run away, avoiding to be killed or taken prisoner and tosses for his destiny:
He can run away but a last shot by an hidden jezail hits him in the shoulder, causing a serious wound.
In North East Tiffin, leads the last survived ghourka back to Mir Ali Mirali to give notice of the ambush and organize the defence.
Tiffin is returning to Mir Ali Mirali to find there a wounded Sicum and the news of a big battle close to Spinwam fought  by the (invincible?) col Nicholson against the Afridi leaded by Habdul Haq Khan.
And in Shewa Allison and his gallant highlander are facing Shewa Khan and his sons for retaking Thal.
And westwards, in the Kurram valley near Peiwar Pass which new adventures are waiting for Mulehead and his inseparable companion Mustafà?
And what is the Mullah Powinda's Holy/Evil mind planning ?
And all this only about the South, but even bigger happenings are going to arrive from North: Russians are coming!!!
But why remaining with doubts and questions? Just subscribe to Pesh Trib to be always the first to know what is happening on the Frontier!!!
This weekend illustrated report was possible to be printed thanks to our sponsor's generosity.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on January 09, 2023, 01:01:47 AM
Great AAR Giorgio, this was a very exciting battle.

I can’t wait to see what happens next on the Grim. I must re-subscribe to the Pesh Tribune.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on January 09, 2023, 11:36:36 AM
Unfortunately there is a litte subscription cost increase, you know everything has higher prices: mule fodder, jezail bullets, spies networking etc etc, anything needed to get (fake) news to be printed... :?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Abrasapuentes on January 10, 2023, 07:06:51 PM
So I want to play a campaign. With its narrative and consequences after each act.

It's nice to see how it's possible to get such projects up and running.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on January 11, 2023, 08:13:10 AM
So I want to play a campaign. With its narrative and consequences after each act.

It's nice to see how it's possible to get such projects up and running.


Thanks, but consider that this topic is fed up by 6 wargamers, three of which, unfortunately, are heretics... so it is running with a certain continuity since June 2021 because one of the six has always new material to be posted...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Abrasapuentes on January 11, 2023, 04:13:23 PM
Yes, I've been seeing it, but come on, in my case, I've been playing a Necromunda campaign with a friend for more than three years. We will play every two months and I have the same feeling of enjoyment, being able to create a narrative, based on the results of the different games.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: miltiades on January 16, 2023, 08:34:58 AM
I enjoy so much every one of your posts !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on January 17, 2023, 01:31:14 PM
Allison goes northwards to Biland Khel – prologue 1

It rains. A subtle noisy wet hailstorm that keeps all the men under the cover  of the tents.
Well, not really all, some unlucky sentinels keep on patrolling each and every inch, controlling the safe arrival of last camels with precious load. Left the safe entrenchment in Shewa, now in front of Raj men there were only rocks, ravines and gorges, and that is the nicer part. Behind that the grimmest, ferocious and most ruthless warriors that a mind could imagìne in his worst nightmare.
But let us return only few hours before... it started just west of Shewa.
“Sir a new message is arrived from Bannu!” The sentinel cried towards Capt Allison, a good chap loved by his Gordons.
Sergent Findlater took the message and brought immediately to his Captain.
Allison read the message and immediately called a meeting with two other officers. “Sarge Findlater, call immediately Lt Lone and Lt Porter” “Sir yes sir”
and few minutes later: “Gentlemen” Allison said with his roaring voice “Nicholson is marching northwards to retake Spinwam, that means that Afridi in the South will be very busy, but that cuold be a possibility too, if we act quickly, to surprise Sher Khan and his ruffians out of Thal defences. Once there all the communications between Bannu and Thal will be under our control and the road to Chitral opened!”
(https://i.postimg.cc/mDbZLfJk/f-officers-1.png 1.jpg)
“That's fantastic” Porter  confirmed with his usual enthusiastic approach “We should go there and destroy that snakes nest”
“mmmh not so easy Richard, they will  have a lot of scouts and sentinels and...” Lt Lone replied, niknamed in many Calcutta clubs as Lone-Mug, for his ability to be the last to stop drinking gin.
“Oh Lone-mug, you have drunk too much gin for today, Porter is right, the first we go the most we'll conquer” Allison closed the discussion “Gentlemen in an hour I want your indian units and my Gordons ready to march!”
“No artillery captain?” Lone asked trying to simulate a sober state.
“No time for funny gunny games, we'll bayonet all of them, won't we, Porter?”
“Oh yes, we'll do! Bayonetting and crying Bydand, our everwinning motto”
Lone seemed not touched but all that enthusiasm. “Better I check some bottles of the right one are in the baggage, mmmh and it's starting raining again...”
But in the dark outside Shewa curious eyes record everything
(https://i.postimg.cc/pV9sLhvN/zz-spies.png spy.jpg)
And quickly Sher Khan is informed of what is happening...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on January 20, 2023, 01:16:50 PM
In the lair of the Tiger, Afridi go southwards to Biland Khel – prologue 2
Rocks, ravine, gorges all dip into a frightening silence, broken only by the sharp screeching of the hawks flying alone over the travellers'heads.
The quiet distressing silence is suddenly squashed by a quick galopping of two horses, coming from Shewa.
Twenty hands take the reins while tribesmen close the road, immediately the new arrived are checked and then pushed towards the inner rocks up to the court of the leader of all lands south of Thal: the infamous Sher Khan.
Received the message, he starts mumbling over the next steps. He is a cunny fox, leader of Afridi Qambar, carefully chosen by the great Umra Khan to defend the southern borders of Chitral and he wants to use this prestigious position to enhance his own power and empower his sons to legitimate their position under his wings.
Two of his sons are well known Khans, already met in many battles: the young Wali who won many fights, trying to get the leadership over Afridi Kuki Khel, killing also col Fullerton, but at the end he was defeated and returned under his father protection,
and the inept arrogant ambitious Bajadur, self nicknamed Rastun, the Great, who made a good retreat from Gumatti killing also major Vousden, but in the battle of Shewa he made an ignominious retreat and now many refer to him as Baja fine beard.
Well this Ferenghees column seems what I needed, I will send my sons with two loyal Khans and the cream of my warriors, so they will take all the glory and Bajadur will re establish his honour. I will send Abhishek Khan and his fanatic Ghazi and Gobind Khan with the elite of my warriors. Not two great Khans but very loyal and trustable. Otherwise, if the Ruler will choose Wali, this action will celebrate his leadership. Probably not both will return, or at least not both will be the Khan of the day.
The only problem could be the new Khan sent by Umra, the talented Hasan Khan, a master in the using of guns and a great leader. Well in the heat of the battle a wrong manoeuvre, a missed cover, anything might expose him to a Ferenghee's  bayonet, or to a stray bullet, perhaps shot by a jezail...
The Biland fields are going to witness a bloody ambush, will Allison be able to retreat saving his units and giving a blow to Qambar ambitions or Sher's sons will emerge as new candidates for the leadership south of Thal? Both or just one? Or none of these and instead will Hasan push his candidature, harassing even Sher's overall leadership? And which are the secret instructions that Umra gave to Hasan  before sending him to Sher Khan?
There are more snakes in Umra Khan's Mogala court than ears in all fields in Biland kher...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on January 20, 2023, 04:02:12 PM
Great prologue Giorgio, this will be an excellent battle.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on January 24, 2023, 08:17:17 AM
In honor of the sad and untimely passing of Lori Brom -- older daughter of Larry Brom, author of The Sword And The Flame -- we will be suspending our campaign for today.  Several of us knew her personally and we all hold her in the highest regard.  She followed in her father's footsteps as an active member of the miniature wargaming community.  She will be missed by many, but most of all by her younger sister, Christy Brom, who we are all holding in our thoughts and prayers.  Lori was a kind and wonderful lady with a wicked sense of humor.  She definitely died too soon.  We will all drink a toast to her memory.  May she Rest In Peace.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on January 30, 2023, 05:36:48 AM
Mulehead el Komiss,
Khan of Shawal, Lord of Wana and Maizar, ruler of Largha and Barga Sherani, future king of all Afghanistan, Flower of the the Waziri, provider for widows and the families of the martyred. Your guidance in the south has truly taken  the turn we knew it would as you drive back the enemies of the people and grind their bones into dust like so many before them.  The skillful defeat at Zangal Khel of the hated infidels by your chosen khans offer only further proof of your brilliance and a strategist and general. We weep at the martyred Mahnoor Khan, his tulwar will be missed in future battles. His martyrdom will soon see the ferenghi backs broken and then we shall free Peshawar and adorn the walls of the Balla Hisar with the head of Umra Khan and his followers who pledge their salt to the infidels.
It is good to hear of a strong and wise mullah rising in the south. Gathering the faithful to rise up against the ferenghees and their dog supporters. May Mullah Powinda live a long life and lead many to the True path, turning them from their wickedness and following of falsehoods.
We have further rumours of a new threat to our north. Bearing trifles to attempt to win our loyalties to a king in the north called Tzar. These strangers too will meet the same fates of all others who have come from the north. They will drown by legion in the Indus or be taken under by chora and tulwar, but not before we take advantage if their niceties and convince them to fight the Engleez, drawing equal blood upon each other.   I will continue to inform you of their progress down the Indus until it is time to lead them into Punjaband away from the lands of Torghar and Wariri.

Your humble host from Torghar,Lion of the North, beloved of the Indus
Ghul Akbar
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on February 06, 2023, 11:03:42 AM
Prologue to the battle of Nilt

On the 20th September of 1890 the HFF left the Gilgit Fortress…

The Punitive Expedition against the Kanjutis,  the Hunza Field Force “HFF” consists of:
1 Platoon of the 5th Gurkhas 20 figs, under the command of Lt. Kennedy
1 Platoon of the 1st Imperial Kashmir Rifles 20 figs. under the command of Lt. Kidd
1 Wing of the Bengal Sappers & Miners 10 figs,. under the command of Lt. Jiulian of the RE
1  Platoon of Irregular Pathans 14 figs, under the command of Lt. Fitzpatrick
1 Section of Hazara mountain artillery  under the command of Lt. Mc Cormick
Command of operations is assigned to Capt. McKenzie of the Seaforth Highlanders
2nd in Command Capt. Tennyson of the 2nd Sikhs PFF…..

Attached to the Platoon of Irregular pathans are our friends Zibbib Khan , Flashy and his retinue.

Zibbib and his men are waiting for nothing more than an opportunity to take Maa Din (the son of El osprey ) and abandon the cheerful group, but they know that it will not be easy... they are involved in a military expedition and there is a serious risk of having to fight... and in front of them beyond the Kanjutis could be the Russians, also interested in the son of El osprey, and Dad Mahomed a pathan from Quetta, a notorious ruffian and assassin, captured last year in Bokhara by Capt. Bower and already escaped...

And if this were not enough, they will have to find the mysterious village of Sust, a kind of Shangri'-la', a place that few travelers have found and that for many has represented death, by frostbite or falling into the ravines or getting lost in the endless mountains of the Pamir ...

The morning of the 24th Spetember they reach the fort of Nilt in Kanjutis territory.
The Fort seems abandoned but informations said that the Kanjutis are inside the fort and entrenched in some sangars across the mountains behind the fort.

Captain Mckenzie issued the order of march  for his soldiers...

Somewhere on the mountains, cunning eyes are watching the movement of the troops...

To be continued...

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on February 20, 2023, 06:19:58 PM
Battle of Biland Kher part 1

Dawn is rising also in the Shewa surroundings… “ahem Captain”
”Well Porter? I don’t see your Bengal sepoys, we said one hour, and time is passed” Allison roared to Lt Porter
“Sir they are just returned from a patrolling march south west, to check any move by Kuki Khel…”
“And you had to say that one hour ago! You should but you were hoping to surprise some Afridi units to destroy them, you fool butcher. Now rally a company of a new unit just arrived to Shewa. They are gallant Sikh, the 36th Sikhs, probably tired due the long march, but anyway willing to give to Sher Khan a good lesson. Better you manage to be ready in 10 minutes, or will be courtmartialled! You are risking to jeopardize the whole operation! RUN!”
“Sir yes sir, we’ll be ready before you leave the camp” And Porter goes to rally his new unit, while Lone is arriving with his Guides, but not before winning another attack to the bottle under his coat…

The long serpentine rolls over the dirty path, surrounded by mountains… and controlled by cunning eyes…
Foto Colonna

Allison feels that something is wrong and decides to march only for other 10 minutes, before giving the order to retreat back to Shewa.
“According our scouts we should be over Sher’s ruffians in few minutes but I do not see anyone… Perhaps we should consider going back” Allison insisted with Lone, “Are you sure no one is in front of us” “No Captain, said Lone completely drunk, and tossing a miserable “1”, confirming his drunk mood and 8+ initiative.
The Afridi forces includes Wali Khan and Gobind Khan’s elite troops with Hasan Khan artillery on the left side of the column and Rastum Bajadur Khan with Abhisheck’s Ghazi on the right.
Foto Afridi cards one
“Sir movement on our right!” Porter shouted “we have found them!”
“No, they found us” Lone thought with a bitter smile on his red face, opening the bottle and drinking another impressive quantity of gin.
At this point the viewers may want to be informed about a home rule we have introduced, the turn is not player 1 – player 2, but (under permission of Mulehead Khan) we put different color dice for every unit in a bag. Then we toss 1 dice and the related unit moves. We found this a good further surprise that can bring to unexpected results. There are 3 dice for RAJ, 2 for left wing, 2 for right one and 1 for the artillery. The owner of the units involved by dice decides which one is affected, next turn he can decide only one of the remaining ones.
Foto dadi

to be continued
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on February 23, 2023, 09:01:56 PM
A British brigade, comprised of all Indian regiments, has recently left Gilgit and is marching down the Gilgit River Valley towards Chitral by way of Mastuj. The column is commanded by Colonel James Graves Kelly (known as "Long Nose" to his troops).
(https://i.postimg.cc/Kc5m0fXn/Troops-on-the-March.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/4yWwmqYv/Gilgit-River-Map.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
The Brigade consists of the 32nd Punjab Pioneers, 4th Kashmiri Rifles, a section of the 1st Kashmir Mountain Battery, and a band of native levies. The purpose of the march is to provide relief to the besieged fort at Chitral. Colonel Kelly was once an officer in the 79th Highlanders and had always expected that to be the case. But an unfortunate incident, involving the widow of a deceased officer and hero of the regiment, caused him to agree to a transfer to a regiment where the passage of time would eventually ease the tension.

(https://i.postimg.cc/6qp1ZSt4/Colonel-Kelly.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
With only the rank of Captain, he was the highest ranking English officer in the 4th Kashmiri Rifles when the regimental Colonel died of complications due to cholera. He was promoted and hence his current rank. He feels a strong connection to the 79th Highlanders and as part of his uniform still wears the unique trews associated with them.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on February 25, 2023, 04:04:42 PM
Giorgio & Bob, great posts gents! I’m really looking forward to seeing how these games turn out.

Hmmmm, variable movement, I like it. Reminds me of the other set of colonial rules, lol.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on February 25, 2023, 05:37:20 PM
Jeff I understand you cannot stand waiting the battle result, and hereafter only for you... ;)

Biland Kher part 2/2

Bajadur is the first to move together with his devoted Ghazi leaded by Abhisheck Khan., while on the opposite side Wazi Khan and Hasan Khan watch interested: not so bad if Bajadur should receive an infidel bullet…
The Raj troop move to Ghazi direction, while Bajadur follows his habit and retreat his men waiting the support by Wazi.
The turn dice are favorable to Ghazi unit which attacks like a hammer Allison’s Gordons. He retreats defeated just to be decimated by Hasan’ gun on the rear: it is too much for the highlanders which rout, but at least Allison is safe!
Now Porter could fire a good volley on the Ghazi to pin them and give an easy target to Lone’s guides, but he decides to charge them, due to his special characteristics, and fails the toss.
In the mean time on the opposite side Gobind Khan and Hasan Khan advance , while Wali is engulfed with his irregulars in the rough terrain. A very poor performance by both Sher Khan’s sons.

For sure the sneaky Hasan Khann will report a lot of information to Umra Khan… if he will survive the battle…
Hasan Khan is a predestinated one, and after moving he also fires on sikhs getting new victims
(https://i.postimg.cc/90VP1frn/o-ghazi-on-sikhs.jpg)[/url] [/img]
Abhisheck Khan charges the Sicks and obtains 5 hits with 7 dice!!! Porter dies during this charge producing anyway 4 dead Afridis, but his men are scattered and retreat.
At this point Gobind Khan closes on the Guides which are under an ineffective fire by last three Ghazi.
The Guides retreat under the fire of aimed jezails and then Lone retreats with last survived guides and run up the hill to join Capt Allison and they return safely to Shewa to organize quickly the defenses before storm arrives!
At the end it is a great Afridi victory, that Badajuz Rastun is ready to get, sending to his father the news of HIS triumph, while Wali did not contribute anyway to the victory, but Hasan has a different story to tell to Umra…
In the meantime messages are sent back to Gumatti , where Hunters rallies all available troops, including our old friend Percival Desmoyne and his gallant Poona Horse,  sends couriers to Gen Davenport and marches at double straight to Shewa to reinforce Allison with the new British troops just arrived from Bannu.
The destiny of a whole Sūbā (province) is going to be written by destiny dice toss...!
…And Hasan Khan, like a vulture, waits the right moment to get the power replacing Sher Khan and his sons…
All battles are hosted by Genoa Wargame Club “Garibaldi”
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on February 25, 2023, 06:31:06 PM
Well, that was a close run thing. Damn near lost the entire force. It did seem a bit unbalanced, but stiff upper lip and solid dice rolls should have made the day. Retribution should be swift or the entire force will be rolled back to Bannu. I'm sure the Pesh Trib will tell a different story. One of glory and sacrifice, not defeat and humiliation.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on February 26, 2023, 02:04:17 PM
@Giorgio, Another exciting yarn. As Capt Shanks said, it was a near run thing. The Anglo-Indians got a good kick in the pants. Thank you to Giorgio and the Genoa Wargame Club “Garibaldi” for posting another great addition to the campaign.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on February 27, 2023, 11:10:27 PM
(https://i.postimg.cc/gksJYz1D/Constantin-Poenaru.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/HVJHzgYc)

Constantin Poenaru was born in Bucharest. Poenaru attended the local officers’ school from 1859 to 1861, followed by the École Supérieure de Guerre in Paris. A second lieutenant from 1861, he rose to captain in 1867 and to major in 1872 and commanded the military engineers’ battalion from 1872 to 1877. When the Romanian War of Independence broke out in 1877, he saw action during the Siege of Plevna. In 1880, Poenaru was promoted to lieutenant colonel and he became inspector of military engineers. In 1882, he was made commander of the first engineers’ regiment in the Romanian Army and was sent with a Romanian infantry brigade to assist with the construction of the Trans-Caspian Railroad. The brigade worked on the railroad until 1888 at Samarkand. He had hoped to see the completion of the railroad in Tashkent at which point he would retire from active service and return to Romania. But such was not his luck The brigade was ordered to head in a general southeast direction towards British India. They were to construct bridges across any waterways they encountered. They would be re-supplied on a monthly basis along the route they had created. All went well until they reached Mastuj in the NWF. The brigade had completed a new wooden bridge, basically as an alternate to the existing rope bridge, but had not been re-supplied for two months now. He had sent a messenger back to Samarkand but as of yet had no reply. Poenaru’s only option was to halt and wait. A week or so ago, a British mapping expedition had camped within a few miles of the southside of his bridge. They posed no threat to Poenaru, and left the area after a few days, heading east along the Gilgit River valley. But the always cautious Poenaru decided to construct some defensive breastworks on the southside of the bridge. His men needed something to occupy their time as well and this little project would do. Poenaru’s Romanian Brigade consists of the 2nd Line Infantry, 1st Battalion of the 6th Dorobantsi Militia, and a detachment of the 3rd Chasseurs.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on February 28, 2023, 04:10:41 AM
Holy S$&/?! Bob, this sounds like the preamble for an awesome scenario!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on February 28, 2023, 10:35:43 AM
Holy Ciorba! Rumanians on the Grim!!! That sounds very intriguing!!! Can't wait for next episode...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CapnJim on February 28, 2023, 05:07:23 PM
Holy S$&/?! Bob, this sounds like the preamble for an awesome scenario!

That's kinda what I was thinkin'....
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on March 01, 2023, 07:19:58 PM
(https://i.postimg.cc/ry93Vg5h/Gilgit-River-Meeting-2.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

John Bartholomew has been mapping Central Asia for the past four years. He has been given a detachment of the 51st King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry for protection and assistance. While heading east long the Gilgit river valley he encountered Kelly’s Indian Brigade. He informed Kelly that the town of Mastuj was occupied by troops of an unknown origin. He hadn’t passed close enough to determine who they were, but they were not British. Kelly asked Bartholomew if he and the detachment would return to Mastuj with him. Kelly said that he could use the extra man-power in case of a hostile encounter at Mastuj. Kelly felt he could trust the small contingent of the 51st in action more that he could his Indian troops. Bartholomew reluctantly agreed.

(https://i.postimg.cc/BbtTGqTf/Gilgit-River-Meeting-1.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)upload a photo (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on March 02, 2023, 02:42:20 PM
Hmmmm, who could these troops be, French, Germans, or even Russians perhaps??? This recon to Mastuj could turn ugly, even create an international incident?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on March 04, 2023, 01:14:07 AM
After his brief meeting with John Bartholomew, the cartographer, Colonel Kelly and his brigade continue their journey along the Gilgit river valley towards Mastuj.

(https://i.postimg.cc/fTRMTZ2L/Kelly-s-March-1.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/XY9HRBfy/Kelly-s-March-3.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/9fpxM3Nm/Kelly-s-March-2.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)gif upload site (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on March 06, 2023, 08:41:29 AM
Great and intriguing post Rhingyll .
John Bartholomew the famous  Scottish cartographer and geographer, a must for our campaign !
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CapnJim on March 07, 2023, 01:38:21 AM
After his brief meeting with John Bartholomew, the cartographer, Colonel Kelly and his brigade continue their journey along the Gilgit river valley towards Mastuj.

Oh, I'm sure they'll be fine.  What could possibly happen?   8)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on March 14, 2023, 01:42:34 PM
I love that terrain and background. They compliment your beautiful minis!

Yeah, what could possibly go wrong …. ;)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on March 16, 2023, 07:50:08 PM
Colonel James "Long Nose" Kelly leading his brigade yet onward along the Gilgit River Valley to the besieged Fort at Chitral. Getting closer to Mastuj wih every step.

(https://i.postimg.cc/dVyGqkG9/Kelly-Marches-on-1.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on March 16, 2023, 07:51:39 PM
(https://i.postimg.cc/gj6dQW6N/Kelly-Marches-on-3.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on March 17, 2023, 10:51:03 AM
In the Sher Khan’s camp
A little house in the surroundings of a miserable village is the site chosen by Sher Khan to call a Jirga with his Khans.
“So you fool son after destroying the Ferenghees column, instead of pursuing them up to conquering Shewa pitchfork, you decided to come here to spread the news of your victory and you have lost a unique opportunity to open the road to Kuki Khel units creating a large army and spreading our power up to Waziri’s borders.”
“Well father, this is not how I was expecting to be received after MY triumph, and anyway we are still in time to march on Shewa and retake it!”
“We have to run because Anglez communicate very quickly and probably reinforcement are already marching to sustain the defensors!”
But we can anticipate them! We’ll rally all available warriors and join your brother Wali Khan and Hasan Khan to complete the work. Storming Shewa will mean also capturing the engineers teams that are used by Anglez for quick communications”
Sher Khan with his son Bajadur, the veteran Ghazi of Kabir Khan and the veteran fierce warriors of Gurjas Khan all survived at Shewa battle, where they witnessed the ignominious rout by Bajadur, two cavalry units: Afridi under Imran Khan and Wardak under Harinder Khan,sent by Umra himself to Hasan Khan to enforce his influence in the Jirga, Narinder Khan with his ghazi and Yah Khan with his fierce warriors.
They will join the winners of Biland Kher Battle: Bajadur’s unit, Wali Khan, Hasan Khan, Abhisheck Khan and Gobind Khan.
Sher Khan has under his control following units: 2 irregulars, 2 ghazi, 2 tribal cavalry, 1 artillery, 4 tribal for a total of 144 miniatures!
After taking Shewa the road for Spinwam will be free and with that his power will shadow even Umra’s one!
But a new character is leading the Raj reinforcement: Robert Fulisham nicknamed mule speed for his prudence!
Allison has rallied all the available units in Shewa: his highlander and Lone’s guides, reinforced by a Baluchi unit under Lt Goosebad, terrific in melee; and they are waiting to be joined by the winners of Gumatti: Hunters with his Northumberand, Rowles’ Gourkha, Mack Maxim unit and the gallant Desmoyne’s Poona, who won the battle of Shewa.
Furthermore Col “mule speed” Fulisham is arrived to coordinate the force, adding a unit of reliable  14th Sikh Ferozepore under capt. Victor Hurt, a fine swordsman.
The pictures of the battle were taken by Mariolino Ledru, the young cousin of the photographer who participated few years later at Adua battle. Unfortunately, also he lost all the material during the battle… a family tradition!
And what a battle: 48 points each side, the greatest ever played in this campaign with TMWWBK rules. Of course it will be played at Garibaldi, the club in Genoa for the discerning wargamer!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on March 20, 2023, 05:46:37 AM
Despatches Abbottabad
Attn: Major Rory "Young Bob" Hill
You will depart Abbottabad with two troops of the 13th Peshawar Lancers and two companies of the 13th POW Fusiliers in order to reinforce Gilgit. At Oghi Fort second one company of the King's Royal Rifles. Patrol up the Kunhar River to Chilās where you are to cross the Indus and  rendezvous with a pundit in the village of Dusi. From there patrol through the pass directly to Gilgit.
The pundit has information relating to a small force of Russians that have been conducting reconnaissance of the area. If you encounter them do not engage them. Note their location, strength, and dispositions and report them back via heliograph. Again do not engage and spark a diplomatic incident.(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/906649664575656016/1087248999028903936/Screenshot_20230316_184320_Samsung_Internet.jpg)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: MaleGriffin on March 20, 2023, 02:20:42 PM
I LOVE this thread! Please keep doing what you're doing!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on March 21, 2023, 12:50:16 AM
Excellent stuff gentlemen! I must get off my arse and upload my AAR from my AO, Chitral Territory. I can’t wait to see how your battles turned out.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: miltiades on March 21, 2023, 09:25:03 AM
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: vodkafan on March 23, 2023, 11:28:15 PM
I am amused by your hard work with all the names: You have mixed up Sikh names with Muslim and Pathan ones and added the Tiger from Jungle Book for good measure  lol
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on March 24, 2023, 08:10:28 AM
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on March 24, 2023, 05:13:44 PM
Dear Mad, of course the picture was taken during his previous brilliant service in Egypt. But I see that the rumours of his arrival are already panicking the rebels. I have a question for you: in tomorrow big clash who is your preferite: The Anglez Colonel or Sher Khan? The latter could become too powerful shadowing your friend, the bandit Umra khan...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Plynkes on March 24, 2023, 05:37:19 PM
Hey, they've got palm trees in Paignton, so why not Peshawar too?  :)

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on March 25, 2023, 05:52:39 PM
The message was clear: “Go immediately to rescue the topographic expedition which has alerted by heliograph section team of rumors about tribal warriors approaching their encampment. In the expedition there are also Harald Singh, member of an influent Sikh family  and the daughter in law of Lady Henrietta Bornsmith, a good friend of General Davenport, if so we can say, so it is a must recovering the engineers and staff. We are arriving to support you.” Signed Col Robert Fulisham   
Allison takes his highlanders, a unit of Guide under Lt Lore (the drunken officer…)
and a gallant Baluchi unit and join the expedition escorting them back to Shewa, but…
It’s not a tribal warriors bandit gang, it is the army of Sher Khan himself, 48 points of ferocious, ruthless throat cutters! Will Fulisham “Mule Speed” arrive on time, for once in his life?!?
Mule Speed northumberlands are parading to arrive on time and clear the path to Shewa for  the unlucky expedition, picture courtesy of Mr Ledru of Pesh Trib.
What a battle is going to be fought between two 48 points armies!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on April 06, 2023, 02:30:57 PM
Giorgio, wow great looking table and troops! Have you fought this battle yet?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on April 07, 2023, 01:33:01 PM
Jeff your desire is an order  lol hereafter the AAR:

The battle of Shewa surroundings
Capt Allison rescued the civils but now the Raj troops must organize to face attacks that could arrive from any side, waiting for Col. Robert Fulisham .
Suddenly the hills on the north west were full of sounds of thousands sandals and hoesand they appeared erupted like demons puked by Satan himself: the larger army never used in our campaign commanded by Sher Khan himself!
Dozens dozens dozens miniatures including 2 cavalry units and Hasan Khan’s invincible gun running down the hills with only one target: overwhelming the Anglez before the reinforce column arrival.
Col Fulisham is coming… but his nickname (mule speed) was not a good introduction…
Sher Khan gallop behind his warriors joining the cavalry unit on the opposite side and the message is clear: attack!
And his units run down the hills
Allison’s highlander unit pins Abhisheck’s Ghazi and Baluchi Indians are getting the first hits on Yah Khan,
Poona are arriving at full gallop but the Maxim unit keeps the prudent attitude ordered by Mule Speed and remains on the table border.
Scottish troop pin Bajadur but he can rally his men, while Indian fire takes his result killing many tribesmen in Gurjas Khan’s unit.
On the right Narinder Khan advances with his ghazi to occupy a broken ground where intercepting Northumberland reinforcements.
While in the center the Baluchi are disintegrated and Allison is under Hasan Khan ‘s gun fire, until his rout, on the right the guides are taking some victims from Wali Khan’s wing covering their flank.
On the Punjabi left Poona are charging the tribal cavalry unit but the Afridis second unit seems reluctant to be involved and Sher Khan himself must order an advance at double, menacing a visit in the involved tribesmen villages.
Poona wins and pursues, guides are retreating behind rocks and Gourkha and Sikh reinforces are arriving.
Poona destroys the tribal cavalry but is under fire by Hasan and is routed.
In the meantime, the guides are involved in ferocious melee until Lt Lone is killed and the last guides rout.
Fulisham’s machine gun and Hunters’s close rank troopers’ fires on Pashtuns trying to encircle the civils while Nabidar Khan’s ghazi try to charge them to gain time for Wali Khan irregulars.
Ledru’s camera records the ruthless fight between English and Ghazi, but got lost during the run to a safer place, out of jezails range; while Maxim gets its toll on Wali’s irregulars. In the meantime Gourkha and Sikh try to stop the warriors from closing on the civils.
But Sher Khan has sent his last cavalry unit to close the circle around the civils.
Fulisham win the fight with the Ghazi while his maxim gets its toll from Wali Khan’s irregulars-
But all the tribal units succed in capturing the expedition, thanks also the passive behaviour of the civils who refused to obey to the orders to run towards the reinforcements, scared by the possibility to be intercepted by the tribal horses.
The Sikh fire kills Gurjas Khan but it is too late to reverse the fight result
The Afridi succeed in capturing the civils after destroying all their escort units, a lot cash is going to be received to free the hostages.
Fulisham has still almost all his reinforcement and prudently returns to Shewa entrenchment, but not before sending messages of the fight result. Now Sher Khan must decide if pursuing him or support the Afridi south of Spimwam. Splitting his army could be an option, but it means giving more autonomy to Hasan Khan, Umra Khan’s puppet and terribly effective on the battle field, whose popularity is growing battle after battle. But now with news of Russians entering from north, probably Umra has other problems more urgent to be faced…
Col. Nicholson has received the messages and he must take a decision too: going back to safe Mirali Mir Ali trenches manned by our friend Capt “Tiffin” or going north to strike Habdul Haq before Sher Khan’s reinforcements arrive from Shewa?
And what about Powinda’s rebels, how much time will they remain quiet, licking their wounds, before restarting the jihad? And Mulehead will support them or…
 The battle was fought in Genoa club “Garibaldi”, the club for the discerning wargamer…
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on April 12, 2023, 08:59:32 AM
Great battle report oh mighty Hosoor, another victory for the Afridis  lol lol
Umra Khan's power increases dramatically !!
says the wise man... "so it is of all the right things"
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on April 13, 2023, 04:38:55 AM
Giorgio, very exciting battle indeed!!!! This huge setback for the English will affect the campaign and upset the balance of power within the various Pashtun tribes and peoples. Great AAR and beautiful table. I hope to join you and the Genoa Club crew in Italy one day.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on April 13, 2023, 05:22:15 PM
Jeff of course you will be more than welcome!
But now Sher Khan needs a little help by this campaign followers: he wants to go to support Habdul Haq Khan's Kuki Afridis, but he cannot leave his communication lines unprotected,  with the risk to be encircled by Fulisham, and so a  detachment must be left to check Anglez in Shewa. Who will be its commander?
He must decide among his khans, especially his 2 sons and Hasan Khan, Umra’s puppet.
If he puts Bajadur on command, he is too impulsive and inept. If he put Wali, his elder brother Bajadur will claim the command menacing an internal riot. Third option Hasan Khan, the best fighter, but he could gain too much influence and try an internal change of leadership in the region. What do you suggest him?
Other option could be nominating one of the other winner Khans, triumphing in Shewa battle. Who is enough trustable? What your counsel?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on April 18, 2023, 05:00:21 AM
Giorgio AKA: Oh Evil King... it's obvious to one and all of the True Faithful that only by appointing -- and anointing -- HASAN KHAN, can Sher Khan hope for a chance at True and Ultimate Victory... I think deep deep down in your heart of hearts even you know this to be True.  Turn away from your false prophets and false rules and false heirs apparent and for once in the history of your long and sordid reign..... DO GOOD!!!


...to implore you, oh Mulehead, the would-be Amir of all Pashtunistan!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on April 19, 2023, 10:23:20 AM
Mad Guru your words are true deadly poison dipped in honey and tamarind syrup. Hasan Khan is nothing else than Umra’s puppet or, at least, he acts as if he is.
You are Umra’ sneaky counsellor, so you are working to substitute the power Sher Khan’s family with a more controllable one.
But Sher Khan is not a stupid and he knows very well that if you bring up ravens they will gauge your eyes out. He cannot leave tribesmen under direct control of  the talented Hasan Khan, if he wants to rule the area also in the future.
Colonel Nicholson with his quick reaction could change the overall scenario…
Mulehead is the innocent witness and is not influencing Afridi choices. He is just waiting for Tsarist brothers coming from North…
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Akrim on April 21, 2023, 02:51:36 AM
This is such an interesting and fun thread to read - well done.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: borriste on April 21, 2023, 08:52:52 AM
Bajadur the eldest son must honor his father's wishes. Unjustly considered a vain inept, however, has shown to have the favors of fortune. Considering also that by protecting the lines of communication it will not be able to do damage in the next offensive.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on April 23, 2023, 06:52:34 AM
Colonel Pyotr "Petya" Pomelov looked out across the saddle to the far rise.  In his months long campaign from Tashkent he had managed to avoid any British patrols. Now his luck had run out.  The winter crossing if the Hindu Kush had left his men bedraggled and nearly starved.  His plan had been to ccupy the village of Dusi to allow his men respite from the campaign. On the heights above Dusi, within view of the mighty Indus, he now squared off with a belligerent patrol of British.
Major Rory "Young Bob" Hill sat, disgruntled about his mission to garrison the fort at Gilgit while its force rode to glorious fame and the relief of Chitral.  Now as he sat with this Pundit trying to warn him of a sizeable Russian force riding with impunity through Her Majesty's territory, his ire rose to a point that he could no longer contain himself.
"This insult must be answered!"
"But sir your orders are to.."
"Orders be damned!" Major Hill interjected.  "Rawalpindi is too caught up in this Chitral affair to be concerned about Tzarist incursions at our back door.  I shall put a stop to this at once. Telegraph Abbottabad immediately and tell them I have received my orders and recognize my duty. Make no mention of the Russians, and I will deliver this upstart Tsarist to the Colonel myself. " With that, he stormed from the mud hut and gathered his commanders and briefed them on the updated mission.

Major Hill arrayed his force on the southern rise of the saddle. He could make out three units supported by a six pounder, "how in the hell did they get that gun up here" he'd muttered to himself. "No matter just one more prize for the General's collection after today. I guess I should be asking how in the hell I'm going to get it to Rawalpindi?"

He initiated his attack by sending his Lancers up either side of the draw in a classic pincer envelopment. Unbeknownst to him the Russians had deployed two units in the wadis coming off of the rise to protect his flanks. On the western slopes the Lancers met a hail of fire not only from the units on the high ground, but also the newly revealed troops in the wadi.  Weathering the storm of Lead they crashed I to the Russian line. Bayonet met Lance, and the Russians, after months on campaign against the steppe tribes, held their own against the lancers inflicting numerous casualties against man and horse.(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/929639037042569217/1098342677239578726/20230303_152118.jpg)(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/929639037042569217/1098342677495423088/20230303_152121.jpg)(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/929639037042569217/1098342700945772674/20230303_152511.jpg)

The Russian units converged on the embattled Lancers and cut them down in short order with a strike into their flank.
From the wadi on the eastern slope a unit of Cossacks opened fire on the second unit of lancers. Undeterred the lancers charged home and closed with the cossacks. The fierce fighting was back and forth but at great cost to their  patrol, the lancers prevailed and drove the cossacks from the field.
During the close quarter suarre "Young Bob" closed on the eastern flank and took control of his units of Welshmen and attempting to force the Russians atop the hill.  The cannon fired on the red coated Kings Own, cutting a swath through the stalwarts, who pressed on undaunted.
Buoyed by the success of his lancers "Young Bob" leads a charge up the rise into the waiting rifles of formed Russian line infantry, and the business end of the 6 pounder.
The POW Fusiliers charged up the hill whilst the Kings Own fired into the Russian line.
The fierce fighting eventually broke the Russians and the reformed preparing to take the final prize. The gun, no longer blocked by their own men opened up with shot and point blank range erasing the Kings Own.
A second Russian unit crested the rise and fired a hail of lead into the fusiliers. (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/929639037042569217/1099558689477754881/20230303_160405.jpg)
Enraged by the loss of their comrades the Whelshmen charged headlong into the gun and the Russian commander. (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/929639037042569217/1099558689754595378/20230303_160436.jpg)
Lt Reginald "Reggie" Chapman spotted more Russian line advancing across the face of the saddle and diverted his attack according. "Let the infantrymen handle that gun, our fight is there!" With that he charged his lancers across the saddle and into the closing Russians. (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/929639037042569217/1099567973242515456/20230303_155206.jpg)
Fired on by two companies Lt Reggie crashed into the lead unit, his impetus broken, and the Russians made short work of the once proud lancers. (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/929639037042569217/1099567972911153203/20230303_155354.jpg)
On the crest of the rise the Russian gunners fought like bears against the fusiliers. (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/929639037042569217/1099558689754595378/20230303_160436.jpg)
The remnants of a Russian line unit joined the fracas only to be driven back during fierce, bloody engagement but in the end the clearing smoke found the Russians triumphant.(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/929639037042569217/1099558689754595378/20230303_160436.jpg) (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/929639037042569217/1099558689477754881/20230303_160405.jpg)(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/929639037042569217/1099558690224341032/20230303_160854.jpg)

With that Major Rory "Young Bob" Hill rode up to the Russian commander his sword drawn. "Sir, you have fought the better fight today, I salute you. I offer you my sword in exchange for my ability to recover my men from the field of battle." Colonel Pyotr Pomelov Eyed the young British officer. "Keep your sword you may need it in the near future. Collect your wounded and dead and return to Abbottabad.  These are my terms, clearly you are in no position deny them."
With that the defeated officer turned his horse south.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on April 23, 2023, 08:17:25 AM
Holy jackhole, my good man... I fear there will be an awful row back home about this.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Otrebla on April 23, 2023, 01:11:22 PM
I think that sher Kahn shold not divide his powerful army,postponing the march southward after storming Shewa
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on April 23, 2023, 07:28:28 PM
Spinwam surroundings: the prologue
Slowly and lazily the long caravan is leaving Spinwam starting its long journey to North Chitral and from there to central Asia.
Men are nervous and worried by many voices and tales coming from North; a new enemy is coming and that means only one word: WAR!
But now more urgent and close dangers are overwhelming their minds. After Zangal Khel victory, Kuki Khel tribesmen are divided by following Abdul Haq, traditional leader and hero in many battles who was routed in the last one, and the emerging Kaalindi Khan, the winner of the last battle.
This internal feud has already provided its poisoned fruits: no men followed Wali Khan Northward and Allison could storm Shewa.
A lone merchant is joining the caravan.
“Bacha old kabuli” the bashi said “even the desert jackals refused to eat your flea covered meat”
“Awalmir always busy with your traffic with your lords, dog of the Anglez? Your cafila seems well defended and perhaps I could accept your pray to join it for safe returning to Spinwam”
“ah ah what news are you providing from the north, you as lier as all kabuli?”
“bad news brother, but they could be reversed, as per Ruler will, always blessed the holy name of Tsatf”
“Pay attention or only your head will return to Spinwam, here it is full of Waziri infidels, devoted to TMWWBK, cursed the name of Osprey” Awalmir replied spitting on the ground
“They are becoming more arrogant every day, especially now that I have heard of an important victory by their allies in the North”
“I cannot understand how could they ally with those goray-log!”
“Awalmir, they are enemies of Sahib Ferenghees and so waziri friends, and I cannot totally disagree with it”
“hmmm we all want one thing, that Ferenghees go home, shit of a seven legs pork must return over the mountains where they came from, Anglez are few, arrrogant and stupid. Dar Arid, soon they will be totally destroyed by Sher Khan.”
“Perhaps, if that is the Ruler’s will. But now they are powerfully entrenched in Shewa and Sher Khan has not yet decided how proceeding.
Last news told that Wali is pressing his father to be appointed in charge of the Afridis controlling Shewa surroundings, as he pretends that he was essential for capturing the hostages that will bring money and gold, and he could have reached a total victory if Narinder Khan’s Ghazi had overwhelmed the Ferenghees, But this has brought to a new alliance between Narinder and other Khans friends of him with Bajadur who seems blessed by Ruler’s favour. And Hasan Khan is chomping at the bit as he feels he is the best of those warriors and, if appointed leader, could sweep off the Ferenghees in few weeks.”
But paraphrasing Tito Livio  “dum Romae consulitur… Spinwam expugnatur”
“You see Terence, our quick move has provided the first fruits and now Spinwam, or what is remained, is returned under our control. Now we can move towards Shewa and encircle Sher’s bandits!”
“Sir Kuki Khel have disappeared, scared by our arrival.”
“Yes, now Kuki Khel will learn the hard lesson, they will follow our rules!”
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on May 01, 2023, 09:40:15 AM
Towards Spinwam
Out of a little house in the surroundings of a miserable village two well known Kuki Khel Khans are discussing.
“Abdul Haq Khan, tribesmen are murmuring, your decision to retreat has been a disaster”
“Kaalindi how do you dare? Retreating was the only option to avoid to be pinned and destroyed by Ferenghees” Abdul Haq roared back
“Spinwam has been lost and burnt, now warriors claim to fight back and retake it!” Kaalindi Khan insisted
“Nicholson is an old lion, cunning and dangerous. His pardesi have defeated many Waziri tribes and now they want to repeat the same here”
“But we are not coward Waziri! We are Afridi, Kuki Khel Afridi”
“Kaalindi if we pull the lion’s tail, the Anglez will ring the revenge bell. Ferghisi are so many and joining Sher Khan reinforcements might be a medicine worse than the disease. Now we’ll march towards Spinwam and try to cut Anglez’s communication lines waiting to exploit any opportunity”

“We have to run because Anglez communicate very quickly with their strange mirrors and probably they already know about Shewa battle retreat! They will retreat and avoid our punishment”
“An old Pashtun proverb says that since I can't harm you so I will kill your father.
“We’ll wait that Pardesi, may the Ruler curse all of them, spread out into wider area and then our tulwars will be red of their blood. We prepare an ambush that will destroy all the Anglez and we’ll take back Spinwam without Sher Khan’s involvement. And this area will be ruled by Kuki Khel only!”
“Although there are many roads, for men there is only one and  the straightest is attack and kill them” Kaalindi proudly replied, strong of his rising popularity after his last battle brilliant performance.
Abdul Haq put his hand on the tulwar but stopped and said mellifluously:
“Kaalindi, you will have your revenge, true men are not Ruler, but are not without Ruler, may He bless our weapons. The clod does not miss the dock-eared dog and we’ll need all our warriors to stand against Sher Khan’s Qambar Afridi and Powinda’s Waziris after destroying the Anglez. So not rush straight forward but ambush them and kill with no loss.” And he thought: after next fight you will be no more a problem, dead man.
In the meantime, in Spinwam two English officers are discussing next move.
“Sir, there is no sign of Afridi, Colonel Nicholson” Capt Fowles said blatantly
“Yes Terence, but we must be cautious to avoid surprises, tomorrow morning we’ll move all together to patrol the area cleaning it by Afridi turbulence before deciding next move”
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on May 05, 2023, 11:32:17 AM
On reaching the outpost of Chalt Capt. McKenzie was informed that strong groups of tribesmen were gathering around the stronghold of Nilt.
Captain  McKenzie after two days stop in Chalt start the march towards Nilt.
The small body of operations winds like a long snake in the narrow valley of the Hunza River.
In the lead a small contingent of Gurkha to act as explorer
then gradually all the other units, Zibbib, Flashy and his Pathans are close to the avant-garde together with the Bengal Sappers and Miners, ready to lead the way ... in Zibbib's head a single fixed thought... disengage from this stupid military mission, take Maa Din and escape to the mountains.
This idea is the main topic of conversations with Flashy...
Flashy we have to find an opportunity to unhook, take Maa Din and get away from these crazy ...
Pukka Sahib Zibbib, I believe that the right opportunity may present itself during the attack on the fortress of Nilt, in the confusion of the battle we take Maa Din and run away, I have already given instructions to our faithful Gurkha ...
And then off to the mysterious and legendary city of Sust...
A city mentioned by many but seen by a select few…lost in the valleys of the Pamir, with its houses perched on the mountains, its gardens, its printing works…among these also the printing house of El Osprey inside a gilded palace owned by Ibn Mersei a rich trafficker of the Pamir who deals with business of various kinds with the Rusky…

The Nilt Fort
To be continued…
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on May 22, 2023, 01:15:54 PM
Spinwam surroundings battle prelude

Abdul Haq Khan stared Kaalindi Khan
“I have taken the decision: we’ll go southward to Spinwam and get the victory without Sher Khan’s help. “
Kaalindi didn’t answer looking in front of him, elusively.
“Go Kaalindi and inform the other Khans, we’ll leave in an hour”

After receiving the new command, Saddam khan seat long time thinking to next move consequences. They could destroy the Anglez getting glory for Abdul Haq, or at least revenging last brutal and ferocious actions by the Ferenghees, where Kaalindi Khan could gain more glory to be able to undermine Abdul Haq’s leadership, or it could be the time that the best warrior shows himself as the natural leader of all Kuki Khek Afridi.
One hour is passed and the sun is rising in the cold air erasing the mist
Two armies are marching on the same direction, unaware of the close presence of the enemy. Colonel Nicholson and Abdul Haq Khan: at sunset only one will be the winner!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on May 22, 2023, 05:31:40 PM
Enough with the suspenseful build up. Now let us see the battle.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on May 23, 2023, 10:50:41 PM
As a great (& ugly) man named Tuco once said: “If you’re gonna shoot, shoot, don’t talk!”
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on May 24, 2023, 09:03:11 AM
On Saturday Col Nicholson’s gallant troops and Abdul Haq’s tribal ruthless units will meet, unaware of their kismet.

The sword's fellowship is sweet, but east and west will meet out of Spinwam, or more probably in Genoa at Garibaldi’s club.

In the meantime Mulehead has many eyes and they are vigilant and he is ready to exploit any good opportunity should appear from the battle…
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on May 24, 2023, 01:52:28 PM
One does not simply walk into Spinwam without falling under the baleful eyes of the Mighty Mulehead, who, by his own hand and guile, will one day rise to Emir.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on May 24, 2023, 04:54:10 PM
My son, the day I will be the new Amir, if this will be Osprey will, all Pashtun will play only with TMWWBK and you'll inherit all Mad Guru's oppressed lands. But let us see what will happen next Saturday: the worst could be the best...Pashtunwali will lead the
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on May 24, 2023, 07:23:11 PM
Oh Evil Fakiri, Twisted Ruler of the Mule Hordes, to my eyes & ears and those of the LAFers hereabouts, your words of wisdom most resemble a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma.  Mayhaps I can get you to explain their intended meaning to my loyal retainers in the coming days… when they make their devout presence within your camp known in the most abrupt manner.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on June 03, 2023, 08:01:05 PM
The Battle of Spinwam surroundings

Nicholson looked at the poor miserable buildings in front of his troops, separated by only few acres of poor rough terrain. On the west a dry river bed signaled the borders for his advancing troops as an alert to not daring furtherly going on.
“Dawes and Percy, you will go to size and entrench those buildings”
“Entrench Sir? I supposed we were going up to Shewa to relieve our comrades as quick as possible.”
Nicholson interrupted sharply the captain “Terence you are supposed to suppose only what is allowed by your orders. And I decide your orders”
“Sir sure sir, I didn’t mean…”
“Stop it, it’s ok , now with your lancers patrol the west of the buildings and try to scout any trace of ruffians.”
Then changing the volume of his voice “And you Stephan, you and your Gourkha will remain ready to support passing through this broken area”
At this pont a lancers galloped back shouting here they are, hundreds of them, they are coming!”
Abdul Haq Khan stared Kaalindi Khan explaining his battle plan:
“I have taken the decision: Saddam will go to occupy the buildings, I will attack on our left and you will take the longer road, east of the river, to complete the encirclement and Ferenghees destruction.” 
Kaalindi didn’t answer looking as always in front of him, thinking
“So you want all the honors for the victory, but perhaps you are underestimating how quick my warriors can be, we’ll complete the encirclement and take the victory just before you can grab it”
Irregular troops are the first to enter in the buildings but the British fire, pinning the irregular warriors in the building.
In that moment an hawk is flying just over Abdul Haq Khan’s warriors going towards the broken ground and from the poor vegetation Abdul sees another one trying to attack him, but after few seconds he routs southwards.
“A sign, El Osprey sent this sign as a prophecy for our triumph!” And all his men charge like wolfes in a sheep herd and destroy the Pioneer, but losing 5 warriors. Only Lt Roland Percy with a surviving trooper find a safe repair behind the Gurkha unit.
But Gourkha were indifferent and cooly take the aim
“Fire” Capt Hall shouted
“Fire” Havildar Gurung replied pointing his kukri towards advancing Afridi,  and immediately a devasting fire killed other 9 warriors routing Abdul Haq and his bodyguard. A good start, a unit despatched but the second rout from battle in a row!


Enthusiastic for witnessing this success the Yorkshire boys continued to pin irregulars and Saddam Khan retreats to avoid a cavalry charge.
The fire on cavalry by Kim Khan and Kaalindi Khan is ineffective and in the houses the irregulars retreat under British fire.
Hit by Naag khan’s fire, Fowles charge the warriors hidden in the river bed and it is a butcher, Fowles run away and the lancers are not anymore an effective unit.
All the tribal unit charge the Yorkshire entrenched in the hose but they are all soundly defeated in their piece meal attacks.


Helped by Gourkha fire the British inflict heavy losses to Afridi, but at the end the irregulars’ fire obtains their retreat from the village.
Ghourka stands and save the day refusing the passage to the scattered Afridi units, shaken by the loss of two important veteran leaders: Saddam Khan and Naag Khan.

The loss of Saddam Khan will be regretted by all the surrounding villages, whose economy was well sustained by the important buying of opium significative quantities.
The Raj rally in Spinwam while Afridi return to the hills waiting for Sher Khan next move… For sure no reinforcements are arriving from South to Shewa entrenched troops.
The Gourkha units. This really is some story.
Who would have known here one day the crew
Would cry “Mother mine!”, burning with tears at your sorrow, …
Land of martyrs! Farewell! Farewell to glory!
This wretched today bows his head to you

And those Gurkhas steadfast fire
You can thank your Gods, even Kali
And shout 'Ayo Gurkhali! '
Death to Abdul Haq Khan!
Jai Mahakali, Ayo Gurkhali'

Poem by R.Winkie (later used in many Gurkha poems) from “Peshawar  barracks ballads”

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on June 07, 2023, 09:13:20 AM
I have it on good account from the Peshawar Tribune correspondent in Genoa that the visually-splendid action described above did in fact result in.............

(DRUM ROLL PLEASE)------------------------------------(DRUM ROLL PLEASE)------------------------------------(DRUM ROLL PLEASE)------------------------------------(DRUM ROLL PLEASE)------------------------------------

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwMR2m50MoQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwMR2m50MoQ)

.............A DRAW.


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on July 21, 2023, 10:06:32 AM
Somewhere on the Frontier an important character is awaited by some Emir...more to follow .
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on July 25, 2023, 11:34:01 AM
Brother Umra Khan..........


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on July 27, 2023, 11:10:55 AM
The rescue

(https://i.postimg.cc/ZqdKS21R/https://i.postimg.cc/MT20Gcq1/ Map.png)   
“It is unbelievable!” and Gen Davenport could not avoid to erupt a series of comments that would not be appropriate in a ladies cabinet.
“Robbie send a message to that old inept of “mule speed” Fulisham. One thing, only one thing was his duty: avoiding any issue to the topographic expedition with Harald Singh, member of an influent Sick family  and the daughter in law of Lady Henrietta Bornsmith, a good friend of mine, if so we can say, so it is a must recovering the engineers and staff. And the young lady of course!” Davenport shouted almost breaking his port glass on the table and then going out of the office...

“Sir yes sir, immediately sir” And the brilliant young officer run to dispatch the message.


Col Fulisham called immediately capt Allison.
“Logan, we must recover from last failed mission, take with you four of our best units including your Gordon and march immediately towards Thal to intercept those ruffians and rescue the Lady. And the engineers too of course. Start by tomorrow dawn!”

“Yes Sir, my boyz are always ready to give a lesson to those bandits and revenge their camerades! Sarge bring my respect to LT goosebad, Lone and Hunters  and ask them to join me tomorrow morning 3 a.m. ready for a quick operation”
“Sir, yes sir”

Sher Khan is laughing as the news of Spimwam battle results reached him.
“Very well, Habdul Haq Khan wanted to show he could free his province eliminating the Anglez, but now every Pashtun knows that only Sher Khan can be their salvation! Wali Khan!”
“Yes father!”

“You will patrol the area around Shewa to assure no movement will menace our flank while marching southward.”
“Bajaduz Khan”
“Yes father”
“You will rule Thal and assure that our hostages are safe and ready to be exchanged with Ferenghees’gold”
“And me?” Hasan Khan asked suspiciously

“You?” little piece of sheet, goat’s escrement… you stupid puppet, I know you’re Umra’s sneaky counsellor… “You my beloved friend will march with me towards Spimwam and from there down to Mirali and the Waziris’lands!” If there is a jackal, better if I can keep it under my control…

Wali is marching towards Shewa, where Allison is going to start his rescue mission, both unaware of the imminent clash…

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on August 22, 2023, 08:20:19 PM
Aha, a gallant rescue mission is required indeed. Just the perfect endeavor for steadfast British troops and their stalwart allies!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Lord Raglan on August 22, 2023, 09:43:39 PM
Love seeing your up-dates mate, you guys invest so much time and effort into your campaigns
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on August 28, 2023, 07:50:53 AM
Very kind of you, Lord Raglan, very kind indeed, but I don not think it is a great effort if the reward will be to be the only Amir and the heads of Mad Guru and Umra for my Buzkashi games...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Lord Raglan on August 28, 2023, 08:43:18 AM
Great attitude 👍🏻
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on August 29, 2023, 02:10:59 AM
Very kind of you, Lord Raglan, very kind indeed, but I don not think it is a great effort if the reward will be to be the only Amir and the heads of Mad Guru and Umra for my Buzkashi games...
A case where two heads are better than one.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on August 29, 2023, 01:26:05 PM
A case where two heads are better than one.

 lol lol lol
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on September 02, 2023, 09:32:36 AM
The rescue: the day before the day

Allison took a big breath and turned to Fulisham, who had just mounted his horse:
“Sir, there's something I should like to say, if I may.”
“Please go on”
“Last time we were surprised by hundreds of ruffians arriving suddenly from everywhere. May I ask to have a cavalry support for scouting and detecting any ambush?”
“I agree, I had already taken the decision to give you Terence’s devils. They will be a perfect screen and probably will be able to reach and free the hostages in the shortest time”

Allison thought mmmh not so easy, for my experience, and furthermore they have only old carbine models. “Thank you Sir, I will send him immediately to the old bridge close to the ravine, to seize the land and ensure a safe transit to my men”

In that same moment Wali Khan was speaking to a couple of Khans, the leaders of his cavalry.

“We must be sure that no surprises are coming from Shewa and give them a blow on the nose if they dare entering into our land. “
The two Pashtun seemed indifferent to his orders, but nodded in agreement without commenting  except:
“As you order, Wali Khan”
Wali stared both of them hiding his disgust, Angar Khan, his brother’s friend and puppet, and Zgard Khan the friend of nobody: during next battle many things will happen and, with Ruler’s help, two new martyrs will be created and many problems solved…
Angar Khan was thinking “You stupid inept, I should lead these tribes not you, inept son of your father. Your brother should be in command with me beside him, but in the fog of a battle a Khyber knife between shoulders can solve many problems.”

“You will go to patrol and assure the control of the goat bridge, close to the ravine. From there we will go close the Anglez’s trenches, ready to exploit any opportunity! Zgard Khan you will follow Angar’s suggestions, his men are much more experienced, real veterans.”
“Sure, I’ll do” Zgard answered and then hissed “I’m a much better warrior and I should be in charge of the whole cavalry… but let’s give time to time, in the fog of a battle a couple of stray bullets can solve many problems”

The fatal clash is arriving... as always in Genoa Garibaldi wargamers club, probably replied at Empoli wargame convention at the end of October...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on September 02, 2023, 02:38:26 PM
A heated cavalry battle vying for control of a strategic chokepoint. Intrigues of men's egos vying for power in a deadly blood feud. Two more cogs tic off on the wheel of time on the frontier.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on September 09, 2023, 07:56:20 PM
The rescue: the battle

“Phil, Terence should be ahead but is still in the rearguard, everything seems quiet but my experience is trying to tell me something…”
“Sir look, it seems that Daniel is encountering some resistance…”
“ok let’s go to support him, send a message to Arnold to cover our right flank with his guides  and follow me with your Baluchi.”
In the mean time Wali Khan is surprised to encounter the Raj column but quickly reacts ordering to hiss flanks to advance to envelope the Ferenghees.
 “Rashid go to Angar Khan and tell him to advance” Then changing the volume of his voice “and do what I ordered you”
Northumberlands get the first victim hitting Yah Khan's unit, and soon the first disgrace: Wali Khan’s irregulars start firing on the Brits and kill Lt Hunters, the unit shocked by the loss is pined. 
While the lancers remain frozen in the rear the guides move out the cover to intercept Abhisheck Khan’s unit.
Guides are attacked and wiped out, Wali Khan’s irregulars get 3 hits on the Gordons and Narinder Khan attacks and destroys the English unit killing 8 figures versus 4 tribal Ghazi, and then butchers all of them.
At this very moment Lt Terence Hallen charges and destroys Angar Khan’s cavalry. In the fog of the battle Angar falls down with a knife between his shoulders.


While Rashid disappears far from the river bed, Gobind Khan attacks and kills Lt Hallen, but is repulsed by the remaining Skinners, who reach a safe route behind the afridis.

Allison regroups both his unit and Baluchis and orders a general retreat. Wali is triumphing: his name will be sung even to Umra Khan’s court, the road to Shewa entrenchments is clear, his brother’s friend is no more a problem.
But in Shewa Col. Fulisham rallies his men,, leaves Baluchi in Shewa with remaining Skinners, rallying, and march with artillery, Madras and Hodson ‘s units plus Raj infantry including gourkha to revenge the humiliation. Allison’s Gordons are with him to vindicate their camerades. Wali Khan will soon taste how bitter can be the Raj retaliation!

The Raj rallies in Shewa while Afridis return to the hills joined by many warriors from all the province, including an old gun manned by undrilled volunteers. If Fulisham wants to bite they are ready to bite him back: when the wolf gets red, he becomes an ugly customer! But leave the problems for tomorrow, today Wali Khan and his men can enjoy the sweet taste of victory
Oh, Waziristan is Waziristan, and Chitral is Chitral,
and never the twain shall meet in peace!
Poem by R.Winkie (later copied by Kipling) from “Peshawar  barracks ballads”

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on September 26, 2023, 07:13:32 AM
The Roof of the World


Once again the Black Mountain tribes, in particular the Akazai, have violated their promises to the Raj and taken up the sports of cutting telegraph lines, sniping at ferenghees, and otherwise molesting subjects of her majesty. (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/929637685289701426/1074210023707783308/20230210_095754.jpg?ex=65131dcb&is=6511cc4b&hm=23c5748502fb89aa14e96393aeeed72977fb239f9aed4a82672d62760993f81d&)
 In Abbottabad, General McQueen orders a punitive column north along the Indus to nip this belligerence in the bud.  (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/929639037042569217/1156107054990241844/20230925_235604.jpg?ex=6513c419&is=65127299&hm=8f2c43794c8c5fd5afefa9b0d58d853c2fc5a32b726b0500c8d8afc0c3d989de&)
Leading the column are the 5th Ghurkas, freshly arrived from action in East India along the Burmese frontier. (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/929639037042569217/1156087011409674331/20230923_183059.jpg?ex=6513b16e&is=65125fee&hm=56e0e3207e0e576b80a53b3adda7c17f6e4f72ce542c99ef1cd3250836a9250e&)

Advancing north of Ghazikot in skirmish order, the battalion meets no resistance crossing the Shal Nala and establishing a bivouac at Bakrai.  The 15th Lancers followed in good order finding the roads still in good repair from the previous year's improvements.
The gatling guns and 4th Hazara mountain battery are next in the line of march,  followed by the 4th Sikhs and a company of the 1st Northumberland Fusiliers  securing the rear of the formation.
(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/929639037042569217/1156358541217644635/20230926_163503.jpg?ex=6514ae50&is=65135cd0&hm=50e6136e518f712bd1b1851de7d4deda5a1ebc87a3815ae090f5ec50de7775d7&) At Bakrai, the 4th Hazara mountain battery, supported by the 1st Bn Northumberland Fusiliers  crossed the Indus and occupied positions in the vicinity of Palosi. At first light the battery will begin firing on the village of Diliarai in support of a direct assault against the heights.
 The condition are set to bring these belligerents to task, and back to the jirga. Once again bringing peace to the Black Mountain frontier.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on September 26, 2023, 10:25:03 AM
Cooooool !
great post CPT Shanks
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on September 26, 2023, 02:57:28 PM
No peace on the Black Mountain: just a long never ending fight with few seldom breaks ...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on September 26, 2023, 11:54:11 PM
Peace is merely the illusion of security, and it only extends to the range of a finely crafted jezzail in the expert hands of a pathan warrior. Or in Umra's case, the length of his chora as he sinks it into the back of his friends and foes alike.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on September 27, 2023, 07:40:22 AM
Gul Akbar Khan (I use the term of honored rank under protest),

Only Ferenghees or Heretics hurl insults at the Chosen and Elect of the Prophet, Blessed be His Name, and as it is well known to all -- your scandalous self included -- that Umra Khan was born in the heart of the Hindu Kush and suckled milk from the bosom of a powder flask...

Therefore & henceforth it must be clear to one and all that you, Gul Akbar Khan (so-called), are indeed a Heretic and once and future iconoclast and apostate.

So let it be written, so let it be known
From Peshawar to your Black Mountain home!

Gaze today, ponder tomorrow, and know it as Proven Truth yesterday...

If not by my testimony alone, then by these stout evidences submitted for approval to the LAF Jirga:


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on September 28, 2023, 09:45:14 AM
Gul Akbar Khan (I use the term of honored rank under protest),

Only Ferenghees or Heretics hurl insults at the Chosen and Elect of the Prophet, Blessed be His Name, and as it is well known to all -- your scandalous self included -- that Umra Khan was born in the heart of the Hindu Kush and suckled milk from the bosom of a powder flask...

Therefore & henceforth it must be clear to one and all that you, Gul Akbar Khan (so-called), are indeed a Heretic and once and future iconoclast and apostate.

So let it be written, so let it be known
From Peshawar to your Black Mountain home!

Gaze today, ponder tomorrow, and know it as Proven Truth yesterday...

If not by my testimony alone, then by these stout evidences submitted for approval to the LAF Jirga:



Oh chosen among the elect oh pure among the pure, Great Mad Guru
Umra Khan approved
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on September 28, 2023, 10:52:13 AM
Mad Guru, aka the scum of the Frontier, his damnation is justified and deserved because he was never truly adopted among the elect. I know it very well becuase I'm the Khan of the elect, the Great and Unvincible Mulehead. Persecutor of the heretics and safe haven for widows, children and all the faithful followers of the True Rule!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on September 28, 2023, 03:53:43 PM

BEHOLD! The Mad Guru, icon of Swat, befuddled purveyor of lies, the Bedbug of Mogala, home of harlots and ferenghees.  Witness how he has the Peshawar Tribune read to him, blind to all but his own ambition.
He sits like a beggar, well squats, having the words fed to him like child being fed dates. Is this how he learned the false rules he espouses to know forwards and back as though he'd delivered them to Brom himself.  Now he but squats, his mind clouded with age and infirmity,  believing any proclamations he puts forth would be adhered to by followers of the Truth.
Even now the laskar of Ghul Akbar prepares to descend like lions on the ferenghi, while the Mad Guru hides behind the walls of Mogala, begging for scraps and protection from "the great" Umra Khan. Neither of whom have led warriors into battle, both of whom sit sipping chai and gossiping like old women. Patting each other on the back for issuing weightless proclamations., while betraying the believers to the hated ferenghees. (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/929639037042569217/1156962397756596234/E-the-spy.jpg?ex=6516e0b2&is=65158f32&hm=8878cf24feb0dd51a4b7e4a8f90eb155f0e1405a71f5d80553c26e52e69b8013&)

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on September 29, 2023, 12:15:43 AM
Gul Akbar Khan,

Know this today, make a note of it for tomorrow and remember it yesterday:

I was not betraying believers to the hated ferengees........

I was merely comparing notes with regard to your illustrious and multilingual sister -- Blessings be upon her, her children, her husband and that fetid pustule of a village where he reigns supreme...


Oops, I nearly forgot how said village was wiped off the face of Allah -- the Beneficent and Merciful's -- earth, after which he and your beloved (by all) sister were made guests of the Queen Empress, lo, close to two years ago...


Surely you recall when that happened, since it was soon after that you led your own ill-fated attack on the ferengee's fortified camp at Dargai...




Where most of your men were martyred and you yourself were badly wounded...


Only to somehow be rescued by your beloved half-Infidel retainer, Rambo Ali:



What a pity you left so many of your men dead on the field on all sides of the Queen Empress's camp...


And the flag of our Infidel Foes flying high... in the sky... beneath the heights of Dargai...


Tho' I did hear the vultures sent you a golden feather as thanks for the bumper feeding of Pashtun flesh the results of your generalship provided unto them...

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on October 26, 2023, 09:19:14 PM
Colonel Reginald Banks had been tasked with securing the lines of communication north of Darband to the village of Bokrai. His primary mission was road improvement and establishing  telegraph lines.  The Akazai who controlled everything north of the established frontier had other plans. Once the task force crossed the border they came under continous sniping action. Though the fire was mostly ineffective the command still lost three mules, two labourers, and a bhasti. This insolence would not stand.
Colonel Banks, gin in hand, tasked his aide de camp with finding out where the Pathans were organizing from, clearly nothing on the frontier happened without some Khan or an other's say so, and develop a course of action to deal with them, preferably peaceably but forcibly if necessary.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on October 27, 2023, 01:37:07 AM
The aforementioned Colonel Reginald Banks, pictured while on holiday in British Somaliland:


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on October 28, 2023, 02:05:17 AM
And here he is at the indoor range in Abbottabad receiving a backbrief from his political officers and ADC , his ubiquitous London Dry G&T temporarily replaced with his Webley, a rare sight indeed.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on October 29, 2023, 06:18:04 AM
Major H. Carruthers, ADC, listened to the briefing from his political officers. In light of the recent attacks on the telegraph lines and against the pioneers consructing the road, Colonel Banks had ordered  the root of the attacks be sorted. MAJ Carruthers dispatched them to gather what information they could to  determine if these were random actions by a few individuals or a coordinated attack against the Raj.

A jirga had been held north of Ghazikot with many of the local khans pledging to fight the Raj troops behind every rock.  The ADC and his chief of operations developed a plan to envelop the village, Diliarai, where the jirga had taken place and with any luck round up the belligerents and hold them accountable.
The plan was to move a column north from Darband through Ghazikot and on to Bokrai. There 1 Mountain Battery, Royal Artillery would cross the Indus by barge and set up on the Palosi Plain. At 0500 they would commence firing barrage on Diliarai. Upon flare signals from Col Banks, they would cease fire, and the main element would assault the village, capturing any belligerents,  equipment, and capturing or destroying any supplies.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on October 30, 2023, 02:42:50 AM
Maj Carruthers continued his briefing to the Colonel.  Sir the mountain battery will commence firing at 0500 during this time the assault elements will move from Bakrai into their assault positions as indicated on the map.  Once you are in position HQ will send up a red flare to signal the battery to cease fire and the fusiliers, Sikhs, and Gurkhas to initiate  their attacks.  Your HQ will be with the main element, Fusiliers, and concentrate the attack along the main trail and assault through the village The Gurkhas will maneuver along the river and assault from the southern flank and secure the southern edge of the village. The Sikhs will assault along the eastern flank and secure the eastern edge of the village.  The gatling section will establish a support position and secure the southern and eastern approaches.


The predawn stillness is broken by the 2.5 inch rifled guns of Number 1 Mountain Battery, Royal Artillery. Having conducted a night crossing of the Indus River and man handling their guns into position on the Palosi Plain in the early morning darkness, they stood ready and opened up a relentless barrage on the village of Diliarai directly at 0500.

Once the fires commenced Col Banks, already three Lond Dry G&Ts into his morning ordered his elements from Bakrai into their company assault positions. Company runners came into the manuever HQ section reporting that both CPT Gupta and CPT Sadik were in position. COL Banks took a long pull from his flask, "Hadley, initiate the signal." On order Major Carruthers drew his flare pistol and fired a red flare into the coming dawn. It was 0545.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on October 30, 2023, 08:04:05 AM
What an amazing and intriguing introduction to the battle! I cannot stand waiting for next post, congratulation Captain!!! :-*
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on October 31, 2023, 03:54:04 AM

All three companies converged on the village at the double in order to establish a foot hold before the Pathans could recover and mount a defense.

The Sikhs' attack on the right flank was hampered  by an escarpment according to Subadar Sadik's after action report, but Halvidar Singh's back brief to the RSM told a different story. A story of a subadar who thought himself lucky, but in reality was overly caution and a company demoralized by a man who they deemed a weak commander, willing to risk their lives but unwilling to risk his own.

Colonel Banks, his flask secured in his breast pocket and webley in hand shouted "Tally Ho!" and took off up the trail to the burning village, much to the exasperation of the RSM and delight of the Fusiliers.

"Jaya Mahakali, Ayo Gorkhali!” the Ghurkas cried out in unison and advanced along the river before wheel right towards the village. Suddenly from the underbrush along the river a mass of Pathans came screaming at the Ghurkas.


Kukris glistened in the morning sun, clashing against chora and tulwar. The fierce Ghurkas, their backs to the sun, made short work of the attacking Pathans driving them back into the underbrush, following up with an hail of fire driving them into the river.

With the right flank still stalled and the left decisively engaged, Colonel Banks led the Fusilier through the destroyed gate into the village propper. This was met with a direct assault from the village center, but the villagers and farmers were no match for the cold steel of the Fusiliers and they driven back towards the burning buildings. Not allowing the initiative to go to waste, the Fusiliers poured fire into the pathans driving them dangerously close to the inferno.
On the right flank Subadar Sadik ordered his Sikhs to fire on the pathans approaching from the east, killing a small number of them, pinning them before they realized how little a threat was posed by the Sikhs and rallied their effort to defend the village.

The Fusiliers continued to fire into the villagers driving them further back and around the burning buildings. The Sikhs, their range now found, again fired into the pathans this time driving them back down the eastern slope.
To the east the Ghurkas, not one for missing a fight, advanced at the double, gaining the crumbled walls.


Their timing could not have been more impeccable as two hordes advanced into the fight, one advancing into the village center and another going to ground in the underbrush along the river.

The Fusliers and Ghurkas opened fire on the new threat. Unable to withstand the hail of fire they routed and broke for the cover of the burning buildings.  The Sikhs, finding their way up the escarpment, finally advanced on the village and secured their sector.
As the Britishers attempted to clear the village, the bold pathans regrouped and mounted a final attack against the Fusiliers but were driven back into the village.


The village secured, Colonel Banks holsterred his webley and unholsterred his flask,  "Not a bad morning's work.", it was 0947.  The pathans continued to take potshots to no effect while the troops searched the remaining village and collected up what weapons and supplies they could find and burned them.   The total butchers bill amounted to thirty-one pathans killed, including one khan, and well over one-hundred driven back into the mountains and river. There were only eleven losses to the command, the hardest hit being the Fusiliers. By 1400 the command descended back the trail to reassemble at Bakrai for the march back to Darband.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on October 31, 2023, 07:40:49 AM
Drunk as a skunk or not, that's some bloody fine work by Colonel Banks & Co. 



Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on November 04, 2023, 05:04:01 PM
You can win the whole army but not the Gordons!
Dear viewers, please pay attention to be not mesmerized by the battles in the deep North . Let’s return to our old friend in Waziri borders.
Fulisham himself leaded the rescue army, a power one. Two lancers’ units (Madras and Hodson, the latter leaded by Lt Davenport, the young brilliant Gen Davenport’s nephew) supported by Gordon, Gurkha and Northumberland plus an artillery unit. Suddenly it was clear it was not to be an easy stuff: Wali Khan himself leaded hordes of warriors rallied after last triumphs, or at least that is what his propaganda said.
The battle was fought at Empoli’s wargames exhibition and organized by Genoa Wargame Garibaldi, the only club for the discerning Khan..
On Fulisham’s right lot of warriors are approaching,
but brilliantly charged back ny Hodson’s lancers and repulsed
In the centre Northumberland fires on advancing units trying to delay their advance
On the left a clash between tribal and Madras’ ended with the victory of the former, also due to supporting fire by approaching Pashtuns’ units

in the centre right Ghurkha fire tells his credits pinning advancing warriors
Wali understands he cannot win the fire exchange with Brits and Scottish units


On the right Hodson’s gallant boys continue the charge destroying another unit
At 4th turn Tribal units charge the Brits while Madras poor performance on the left allows Tribal cavalry to envelope the left flank passing back the houses and menacing the artillery
Ghurkha continue to hit the tribals, worried by the lancers outflanking menace, but they have a better goal: Afridi’s artillery
The tribal units attack the hill and their number allows the British retreat

In the center the artillery is wiped out by survived tribal cavalry charging straight from the left
And the retreating Northumberlands risk to be encircled, but for Gordons protecting their back
In the meantime, Afridi artillery too is destroyed by another gallant charge by Lt Ten Davenport ‘s lancers
The Afridi cavalry charges the Scottish, while tribal warriors charges the brits, but is completely repulsed by Logan’s Gordon with an outstanding performance: their comrades are vindicated at last!
This last victory allows the retreat of the last Raj troops which return ordinately to safe Shewa entrenches.
Safe? Wali Khan appetite is increasing after the last victories and he asks his father for reinforcement to retake Shewa or at least their boundaries. But is Sher Khan happy for his victories? He is becoming too popular, isn’t he? And anyway, in Spinwam Nicholson is ready to advance, is it wise to divide his troops?
Fulisham column is still a nasty nut to crack, and now is reinforced with units left in Shewa to rest.
And Umra Khan? Good if Wali Khan rise is affecting his father’s power but…could he become an enemy himself? Sometime the bad weed must be eradicated before becoming too strong. Poison? Chora? Jezail? Too many opportunities to choose within…
And Bajaduz? His jelosy for his brother’s successes are too much to stand with…
Too many unknown factors and events, too many for a slice piece of land, a grim one: the Frontier!
(https://i.postimg.cc/ZqdKS21R/https://i.postimg.cc/MT20Gcq1/ Map.png)   
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on November 06, 2023, 10:11:37 AM
What an amazing and intriguing introduction to the battle! I cannot stand waiting for next post, congratulation Captain!!! :-*

just this is SUPERB !
great post CPT Shanks
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Skorda on November 09, 2023, 11:16:17 AM
 8) Great Game and lot of fun.. Thanks Giorgio
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on November 15, 2023, 01:58:27 PM
The rise of a new leadership
The Grim is a very long frontier, let us return to Mir Ali Mirali south borders. After Taras Khan death, his sons had shown poor leadership and their intestine wars generated the rise of new khans, more than willing to get the power in the region, crossroads between Mulehead’s army in Wana, Powinda Jihad north west and Raj army entrenched in Mir Ali Mirali to cover the rear of Nicholson’s advance to Spimwam.

Observing last jirga it was clear that three are the Khans involved in this power struggle: Zalmay Khan, deeply influenced by Powinda’s speeches and fanatically searching glory and martyrium with his ruthless ghazi warriors, Ziauddin Khan called by his “friends” Mulehead’s puppet, with a unit of Kostwali mounted mercenaries, generously paid by couriers arrived from Wana, diplomatic and cool but not so beloved by the people; to the contrary his warriors were very inspired by him and by the gold richly provided. Appointed by Mulehead, he is nominally the leader of the army.
Last but not least an underdog, Khuday Khan; he is just returned from Persia, where he studied to become Imam of TMWWBK religion; involved in the civil war  he is not very loved and some habits brought from Persia, such as his little glasses, were considered too effeminate, but his value in battle is recognized and he could show an uncommon pride in battle which fascinated many elite warriors. Although nominally under Ziauddin’s command, he did not hide his determination to become the leader of the province challenging Powinda’s authority too. But, great mistake, also Mulehead’s undisputable leadership in the South!
Voices reported by Jandola merchants going to Bannu through Mir Ali Mirali speak about many warriors willing to join new rising Khans, and the mounted ones were already arriving in the area, bolstering the local waziri.
In Mir Ali Mirali discording feelings are generated by the latest news and our old friend Major Tiffin decided to conduct himself a ride into the southern borders to check the situation , give a demonstration of force to discourage revolts and riots and possibly  killing and capturing some bandits, that were told rallying in the area .
“Tiffin, you have to act , and you have to do it quickly!” He remembers very well what Colonel Nicholson said, wrapped in his frontier dress, fierce of his flamboyant turban. “I will bring with me also a photograph by Peshwar Tribune. Some pictures of our boys spreading peace and order in the province will boost readers opinion on our campaign and, more important, General Davenport’s opinion about me. There are too rumours about some troubles in Shewa due to that afridi ruffian called Wali Khan.”
“ I have already assembled a little force to teach a little bit of civilization with a generous amount of lead too. I have a bunch of young officers willing to lead their raj units to get some glory and if possible, a V.C.”
In the very same moment somewhere between Idak and Mir Ali Mirali a caravan is slowly proceeding in the dust.

At the head of the kafilah an impressive bashi walks with flashing eyes  spying the Raj units leaving the safe trenches marching southwards. “It is time to spring the trap! Every Pashtun will hear about the great Ziauddin Khan, Mulehead himself will be proud of me” and quickly jumped on a stallion followed by few Kostwali mercenaries.
All is ready for another great fight, which will forge the next weeks campaign: Free hand for Nicholson northwards or a revolt involving all Waziri warriors? The destiny of many gallant soldiers is in Tiffin’s hands!
Mulehead in Wana looks with his eyes as sharp as a cobra’s ones: a potential rival must be eradicated before growing too much! His eyes are everywhere!
The battle was fought in Genoa wargame club “Garibaldi”, the best club north of Bannu!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on November 16, 2023, 01:48:16 AM
Did someone say...                                               

                                                ...Mulehead Khan?!?!

Look now... gaze in your hazy memory yesterday... and feel the blinding pain in thine eyes tomorrow:

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on November 17, 2023, 10:24:43 AM
This will be the end of the story....

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on November 27, 2023, 11:21:41 PM
Skobelev’s Gamble: 5 February 1891, Chitral Territory Afghanistan


As the hard pressed Chitral garrison holds out the honorable General Horatio McGuinness, KMC drives his reinforced brigade NE to relive the siege. General Skobelev intent on stopping the Anglo Indian relief force marches SW skirting Chitral Territory with the hope of catching the Anglo-Indian force unawares. Thus the scenario is set.

5 February 1891, Chitral Territory Afghanistan
A Russian Brigade has moved SW around Chitral to block an Anglo-Indian force headed to relieve the beleaguered garrison of Chitral Fort.

Russian Forces:

General Mikhail Skobelev

Colonel Igor Blaramberg


• Kanzanski Rifles (20 Men)
• Susdal Line (20 Men)
• Borodinski Line (20 Men)
• East Siberian Rifle Regiment (20 Men)
• Semenovski Life Guards (20 Men)
• 1St Ural Cossacks (12 Men)
• Stavropol Circassian Cossacks (12 Men)
• 1 two gun battery (8 Gunners)
• 1 Naval Gatling Gun (4 Crew)
The Russians will start the game entering the North road in column with scouts forward.

Prevent the British relief force from leaving the field of battle intact in order to reduce their fighting capacity and ability to relieve the beleaguered garrison of Chital Fort.

Victory Conditions:
The Russians must capture or destroy the 40 LB gun and limber to deny it’s use in the relief of Chitral Fort and stop the British from exiting more than half of their force off the Eastern Road.



Imperial Forces: 1st Brigade

General Horatio McGuinness, KMC

Colonel Edward Davenport

Infantry Regiments:
• 66th KRRC (20 Men)
• 72nd Highlanders (20 Men)
• Queens Own Corp of Guides (20 Men)
• 2nd Gurkhas (20 Men)
• 3rd Sikhs (20 Men)
• 58th Vaughan’s Rifles (20 Men)
• 32nd Sikh Pioneers (10 Men)
• 77th Bengal Lancers (12 Men)
• 10th Hussars (12 Men)
• 1 40 LB gun (4 crew)
• 1 two-gun battery (8 Gunners)
• 1 Gatling Gun (4 Crew)
The Anglo-Indian force starts the game moving in column up the main road heading north with two infantry units already on the table. The 77th Bengal Lancers are at point 225 with the Heliograph team.

The Anglo-Indian force must exit the field of battle via the Eastern Road relatively intact and with the coveted 40 LB gun for use in the relief of the beleaguered Chitral Fort garrison. Colonel Dano MacGurule and Captain Michael Lucas are depending on you!

Special Rules:
To enter or exit a structure, ascend or descend stairs, go through a door, gate, or narrow passage, embark or disembark a conveyance, or to cross a low undefended wall, drop the high die. All other terrain penalties apply as per the standard rules.
Field Gun and MG ammo – roll 1 D6 + 6 for the amount of ammo available for the game, min 5 rds per gun. The infantry have unlimited rifle ammo but cannot fire blindly.

Game Length:
10 turns, or until the booze runs out.

Victory Conditions:
The Anglo-Indian force must exit off the Eastern Road with at least half of their force intact and the 40 LB gun and limber for use in the relief of Chitral Fort. Being successful in this mission could earn you a Knighthood, at the very least you will certainly be mentioned in dispatches.


This game was sponsored with awesome prizes from Al at Askari Miniatures (https://askari-minis.com/?mc_cid=3079497bac&mc_eid=3509f40e82 (https://askari-minis.com/?mc_cid=3079497bac&mc_eid=3509f40e82). Everyone got a sample pack of Afghans and Russians or a deck of cards which we use for movement and firing in my preferred rules set The Sword And The Flame http://www.sergeants3.com/first.html (http://www.sergeants3.com/first.html).



“Colonel Davenport, a report is coming in from the Heliograph Team at point 225 from the crossroads ahead. “Large enemy force approaching, formed infantry, formed cavalry, baggage train, and artillery. They are Europeans sir, Russians in fact! Our Afridi scouts have just confirmed it, a reinforced Brigade is on the march sir”. The Great Game is afoot....


A long column of Russian troops lead by (2) units of Cossacks march south along the road hell bent to stop the Anglo-Indian force.



General McGuinness' Brigade marches forwards towards the crossroads held by the reconnaissance force, a squadron of 77th Bengal Lancers and a Heliograph team as a squadron of the 10th Hussars cover the column's right flank.





The heliograph crew spots Cossack Cavalry moving westwards towards the village as the Circassian Cossacks advance to cut the road and block the Anglo-Indian advance.



The Russian column marches onwards as the Cossacks deploy.   


The 77th Bengal Lancers have maneuvered to the Anglo-Indian left flank to counter the advance of the Ural Cossacks.


The Russian East Siberian Rifle Regt is closely followed by the Semenovski Life Guards as they move  towards the village on the Russian right flank to support the Ural Cossacks and to occupy the ville.



Turn 2: Different view.   


The Anglo-Indian column starts to deploy units off the road and into double line combat formations to protect the column, the precious 40 LBR gun, and other artillery needed to lift the siege of Chitral Fort.


 Brit’s moving North.       


Russians moving South.


Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on November 27, 2023, 11:22:55 PM
Skobelev’s Gamble: 5 February 1891, Chitral Territory Afghanistan

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on November 28, 2023, 12:50:59 PM
Skobelev’s Gamble: 5 February 1891, Chitral Territory Afghanistan



Russian artillery and MG advances to try and cut off the Anglo-Indian force.



The 72nd Highlanders formed a firing line and poured a devastating volley into the Ural Cossacks.


The Russians surge forwards, sending infantry units in line to attack the crossroads as well as columns and cavalry on their left flank to close the road exit.



Her Majesty’s 8th Regiment of Foot make it to the road and set up a blocking force on the 72nd Highlander’s right flank.


The 77th Lancers follow up the accurate rifle fire by charging the remnants of the Ural Cossacks in the following movement phase.



Russian left flank pushes hard to cut off the road. They are being blessed by a priest as they double-march past.




  Gurkhas and Sikhs form up behind the 10th Hussars who have taken control of the eastern road egress.




  The Borodinski and Susdal Line Regiments advance.


As soon as the Gurkhas occupy the ville they are charged by The Russian Borodinski Line Regt. who are supported by the Susdal Line Regt.






https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/ (https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on November 28, 2023, 01:01:58 PM
Skobelev’s Gamble: 5 February 1891, Chitral Territory Afghanistan



The Kanzanski Rifles take the lead in the assault.


The  British 10th Hussars charge the Kanzanski Rifles who are in open order formation. Not a good formation to be in when being charged by determined regular cavalry!


Russian guns unlimber and post up next to the Siberian Rifles firing line.



   The Anglo-Indian troops are now in range, FIRE! Russian Sailors manning a Gorlov / Gatling Gun MG support a 9LB field gun.


Pablo running the Anglo-Indian Left flank being carefully watched by Stephan who's the right wing Russian commander.


Semenovski Life Guards advance over the bodies of the Ural Cossacks who were wiped out!



Furious melees break out on the Anglo-Indian right flank. The remaining battalion of the Kanzanski Rifles along with the reconstituted Susdal Line Regt. and the Borodinski Line Regt. attack the Gurkhas and Guides infantry battalions supported by the hard charging 10th Hussars. (Capt Lucas on left Dr. Jones on right)


The Anglo-Indian artillery and support column moves towards the east road screened by infantry battalions in line.


My gaming nemesis on The Grim, General Mikhail Skobelev, the entire reason the Russians have invaded the NWF in our campaign. My friend Bob (in orange t-shirt) flew down from Kansas once again to lead his Russian forces in our ongoing NWF Campaign. Thank you Bob for sponsoring the Russians and for being an awesome opponent in this ongoing LAF - NWF Campaign - Never Trust Anyone on the Frontier - https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.0 (https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=131610.0)



https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/ (https://sgtguinness.blogspot.com/)

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on November 28, 2023, 01:19:52 PM
Skobelev’s Gamble: 5 February 1891, Chitral Territory Afghanistan


Russian artillery find the range and begin to hit the Anglo-Indian line causing casualties. Explosion markers by Bud's Blast Markers (https://www.budsblastmarkers.com/ (https://www.budsblastmarkers.com/)). (5) of these come with the awesome dice box featured earlier.


Dr. Jones (on left standing in blue) and Gunboat Dan (in green) (https://www.facebook.com/DAG059/) (https://www.laststanddan.com/ (https://www.laststanddan.com/)) fight yet another melee using a Bu's Blast Markers as Bud's friend Shawn watches in amazement.... LOL


The reconstituted Kanzanski Rifles loose another melee and rout over the mountain range.


The Semovenski Life Guards secure their right flank against the marauding 77th Bengal Lancers with the support of their Priest.


A mule born Russian mountain gun posts up next to the Siberian Rifles who are pouring small arms fire into the depleting Anglo-Infantry firing line.


The 10th Hussars fall back after winning the melee with the Kanzaski Rifles due to rifle fire from the Susdal Line Regt. as they are about to be supported by the 3rd Sikhs following closely behind.



The Anglo-Indian artillery train keeps plodding along behind the screen of stalwart empire infantry!




      Russian artillery ranges on the artillery column and their screening infantry in front of them.


With a concentrated battery fire the Russian artillery rips huge holes in the Anglo-Indian firing lines and even slightly wounded some of the artillery transport!





With a last ditch effort the Stavropol Carcassian Cossacks attack spurred on by their Priest with holy icon to try and stop the column.


Alas it was not to be for the Russians today. The Critical Anglo- Indian Artillery move off the table at the eastern road egress and continue towards Chitral Fort to relieve the beleaguered garrison! The Anglo-Indians are victorious this day, though they have a long way to go in hard going contested county.


Your host Sgt. Guinness sporting an awesome t-shirt my friend Captain Shanks’ (https://majomalley.blogspot.com/?m=1 (https://majomalley.blogspot.com/?m=1)) nephew made for he and my buddy Mad Guru's (https://maiwandday.com/ (https://maiwandday.com/)) game at a Desert Wars Convention (https://fancons.com/events/info/18719/desert-wars-2022 (https://fancons.com/events/info/18719/desert-wars-2022)) 2 years ago.


The usual suspects: My friends and gaming pards, front row from left to right, Rick Welch (who sadly passed away shortly after this game) Rick's eldest son Stephan, Pablo, Capt. Lucas, Marc, Jeff (Sgt. Guinness) 2nd row, David (Rick's youngest son) Bob, Dr. Jones, Gunboat Dan.


This was another fun game played out with my friends at one of the great Florida cons put on by HMGS-South (www.hmgs-south.com (http://www.hmgs-south.com)) in Kissimmee Fl. and personally ran by me from the SMG - South Florida Miniatures Gamers based in Fort Lauderdale. We used my favorite rules set once again, The Sword And The Flame (http://www.sergeants3.com/18.html (http://www.sergeants3.com/18.html)) by Larry Brom.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on November 30, 2023, 12:24:09 PM
Great battle report Sgt. Guinness.
These spectacular battles can only be done by using the King of Rules "TSATF".
so be it written, so be it done!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on December 06, 2023, 04:21:55 AM
As ever, JBaumal posts a munificent magnificent AAR, and Umra Khan speaks pure truth!

Similar to the munificent magnificent musical truth of the Bawitaba as performed by the Frontier Legend himself, Bashi Teegah*...

(*AKA: Kid Rock)

https://youtu.be/pg8DVRCipCM (https://youtu.be/pg8DVRCipCM)

Umra is pictured below camera right, side-by-side with his brother from another mother, Mansur Khan of the Yusufzais, the esteemed Wali of Swat and Nawab of Dir, listening to the rousing beats of Bashi Teegah's Bawitaba at the Lock, Stock & 2 Smoking Jezails Jirga in '99...


His name is Ummmmmmraaaaaaaaaa...
Umra Khan

Bawitaba da bang, da dang diggy diggy
Diggy said the boogie, said up jump the boogie
Bawitaba da bang, da dang diggy diggy
Diggy said the boogie, said up jump the boogie

Let the cards flip
And the movement dice roll
And the foul blood of the infidels flow
From Italy
To the Florida Keys
To the mountain passes of Los Angeleeeez

Bawitaba da bang, da dang diggy diggy
Diggy said the boogie, said up jump the boogie
Bawitaba da bang, da dang diggy diggy
Diggy said the boogie, said up jump the boogie

For the solo playas with no foes to ill
And for Larry Brom, the King of the hill
You can game with Osprey but that ain't fun
Now get in the pit and try to love someone!*

(*By playing TSATF with them)    (*By playing TSATF with them)    (*By playing TSATF with them)    (*By playing TSATF with them)    (*By playing TSATF with them)    (*By playing TSATF with them)    (*By playing TSATF with them)    (*By playing TSATF with them)
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on December 11, 2023, 11:22:43 AM
As ever, JBaumal posts a munificent magnificent AAR, and Umra Khan speaks pure truth!

Similar to the munificent magnificent musical truth of the Bawitaba as performed by the Frontier Legend himself, Bashi Teegah*...

(*AKA: Kid Rock)

https://youtu.be/pg8DVRCipCM (https://youtu.be/pg8DVRCipCM)

Umra is pictured below camera right, side-by-side with his brother from another mother, Mansur Khan of the Yusufzais, the esteemed Wali of Swat and Nawab of Dir, listening to the rousing beats of Bashi Teegah's Bawitaba at the Lock, Stock & 2 Smoking Jezails Jirga in '99...


His name is Ummmmmmraaaaaaaaaa...
Umra Khan

Bawitaba da bang, da dang diggy diggy
Diggy said the boogie, said up jump the boogie
Bawitaba da bang, da dang diggy diggy
Diggy said the boogie, said up jump the boogie

Let the cards flip
And the movement dice roll
And the foul blood of the infidels flow
From Italy
To the Florida Keys
To the mountain passes of Los Angeleeeez

Bawitaba da bang, da dang diggy diggy
Diggy said the boogie, said up jump the boogie
Bawitaba da bang, da dang diggy diggy
Diggy said the boogie, said up jump the boogie

For the solo playas with no foes to kill
And for Larry Brom, the King of the hill
You can game with Osprey but that ain't fun
Now get in the pit and try to love someone!*

(*By playing TSATF with them)    (*By playing TSATF with them)    (*By playing TSATF with them)    (*By playing TSATF with them)    (*By playing TSATF with them)    (*By playing TSATF with them)    (*By playing TSATF with them)    (*By playing TSATF with them)

0ne hour of standing ovation Mad Guru
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on December 12, 2023, 08:48:03 PM
Khushali Khan Battle
The world on the Grim is sharply divided in two parts: the followers of heretic Tsatf who chat and don’t play, and the follower of the Only True Perfect Rule who are blessed with many amusing games. So let’s come back to gaming, into Waziristan borders.
A pale sun is rising spreading his rays over the Grim. Tiffin deploys his 26th Baluchi in the village, on a hill on his right 15th Ludhiana Sikhs with their flamboyant turbans and on his left 14th Sikhs Ferozepore.
This last unit was his main source of troubles, not for the soldiers, as proud and gallant as only Siks can be (ok ok and Gourkha, Scottish, English etc etc) BUT FOR THEIR LEADER, Lt Ten Ferdinand Bowles, a stupid inept at the best.
Tiffin decided to get the most by his raid and started the photographs book implementation.
On the other side, as horrific as hungry wolfes, Waziri were approaching leaded by Ziauddin Khan with his mounted mercenaries, whose leadership was challenged by Zalmay Khan’s fanatic ghazi and his ambitious enemy Khuday Khan, so fool to declare under opium effects that he would have ruled all Waziristan, and the witness were ready to report it to Wana, in part for devotion to Mulehead khan but mostly for fear to be anticipated by their rivals, becoming suspect to be Khuday’s supporter.
Zalmay khan will try to encircle the Anglez on their left flank, the one defended by inept Bowles
Ziauddin Khan sends his irregular under Ghilji Khan to harass the Sikhs while Ghazi are advancing, and their fire gets one hit and pin the unit of the poor Bowles.
But are pinned by Baluchi’s fire from the the factory
On the right of Raj deployment, Ludhiana Sikhs leave the safe hill to support the Baluchi stopping Ziauddin khan’s cavalry
But their performance is disastrous at the best
Khuday Khan feels that now is his opportunity. He was put in reserve on the extreme side to avoid he could gain more popularity, but now he attacks the flank of Ludhiana Sikhs
But in the hottest moment of his charge an unpredictable and unexplained fact occurred: charging in front he was hit by a jezail bullet in his back.
The old loyal viewers may have detected this singularity: very often Mulehead’s enemies found a sudden death while charging to the front with a bullet or a chora in their back. Mulehead explains that it depends from defective Anglez weapons which have a boomerang like performance.
This is confirmed also by Daoud Baz, the rich ruthless killer that joined Khuday Khan unit just the day before. His enemies (people is so jelaous of other’s lucky events) say that all his gold came from Wana…
Hereafter a Daoud’s portrait a dozen of years ago, from "Men Of Different Afghan Tribes, By Our Special Artist" Published By The Illustrated London News, April 19th, England, 1879
In this moment Ziaullin Khan charges on the Sikhs busy with Khuday Khan’s unit, but Ludhiana performs a great resistance, obliged by numbers to retreating but making very high cost for each and every inch of ground
On the other side the trap is going to spring and Zalmay Khan moves his unit trying to encircle the Ferozepore Sikhs
These brave soldiers try to retreat towards Baluchi’s safe walls but Zalmay Khan charge with his Ghazis and butcher all of them, LT Bowles included, not a great loss for the Raj Army.
Zalmay Khan attacks with all his unit the factory, but the gallant resistance of Lt. Percival Firestone, a fine swordsman, repulse all attacks. At the end the Indians can retreat safely, losing the battle but not the honor, and ready to fight again tomorrow.
Ziaullin Khan is frozen by the last events: his rival is dead, the Sikhs are retreating and he should go to the factory and claim the victory, but Khuday Khan’s men and his mercenaries are all looking at him and he cannot show anything less than ruthless hate for the Anglez’s dogs. Charge!
But Ludhiana save themselves with a gallant last fight, before retreating.
Not a great last performance by Ziauddin Khan that anyway fought gallantly all the day. In the meantime, Zalmay Khan is celebrating the factory conquest and the head of Lt. Bowes.
What will happen? The Raj troops are reforming and Zalmay Khan want to pursuit them and enter into Mir Ali Mirali before they can rally, but Ziauddin Khan would like consolidating his conquests waiting for further reinforcements: two dogs strive for a bone, and Mulehead runs away with it… this has been well represented by Umra Khan himself in the attached picture (kindly stolen from Piero’s archives).
n.b. in Italian dog is “cane” pronounced very similar to Khan. So the joke is that two dogs are pronounced very similar to two khans…
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on December 14, 2023, 06:35:25 PM
Great reports gentleman! Very exciting battles indeed. I’ve just now had the chance to catch up while my work pc is being repaired. The action on The Grim is definitely heating up as is the smack talk regarding the false rules set….
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: LtMarks on December 16, 2023, 06:42:02 PM
lets send Colonel Banks a case of Gordons Extra Dry   haha
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on January 16, 2024, 06:01:09 PM
Lt Marks I couldn't agree more.
 GHQ Rawalpindi:
Given a lack of activity in the Peshawar district it is recommended that forces be shifted to where they are needed in the Lower Kunar and Black Mountain regions. Stiff resistance from from the belligerents there and require greater concentration of Raj forces to pacify them.
Where are the great battles of the Mad Guru and Umra Khan. Why have their tales sat idle while the great Mulehead and Ghul Akbar carry the day against the Britishers and their lackey? Why does it require months between battles when not using TMWWBK? And multiple posts when they are finally presented?
We would all be better for fighting battles with the one true rule and posting them regularly. And what has happened to the once fine Pesh Tribune? Why have there been no further issues? Has Winky met his fate in some Peshawar back alley,  been shipped off to the eastern frontier, or simply returned home to old blighty with some tropical malady, addicted to chasing the dragon and G&Ts
It is high time the aforementioned scoundrels set aside their antiquated ways and embrace the TMWWBK. Unless of course they don't want faster, more cinematic gaming and wish to continue to trudge along with bloated, ponderous armies, unable to play regularly due to lack of space, or players, or time required to run such overwrought productions.
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on January 29, 2024, 10:45:49 PM
To Lt. Marks... Capt. SHANKS... Rhingyll AKA the Czar's Flunky... and last but not least evil, Giorgio AKA Mulehead, el Osprey's Amir and Defender of its Global Empire... together with all and sundry various other Malefactors of the Frontier:


You are like the Wind and I -- together with my friends and allies the Brilliantly Intoxicated Sgt. Guinness and Umra the Annointed of the Just -- are like the Lion.  You and your unholy text "The Men Who Would Be King" form the tempest.  The sand stings my eyes and the ground is parched as your flatuous wind blows from place to place, from one historical period to the next, without proper care or respect, doing your utmost worst to knock righteous and appropriate rules into the dustbin of hobby history.  I roar in defiance but you do not hear.  But between us there is a difference.  I, like the lion, must remain in my place. While you like the wind will never know yours.

--Mansur Khan, Malik of the Yusufzais, Lord of Swat and its tributaries, Conqueror of Dir, Champion of Brom,
Defender of The Sword And The Flame
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on January 29, 2024, 11:54:39 PM
It was with great anticipation that I opened the epic account of battles on the northwest frontier. What tales of derring do might the Mad Guru have posted? What record of men with stiff upper lip facing off against overwhelming odds? Of a cunning foe ready to do battle against a technically advanced invader. Even of treachery and deciept in the bazaar... espionage, revenge, blood feuds!
Only to find the bloviations of a madman. You may be the Lion, but in the end the wind will lay bare your bones, glaring white, an offense to the land until even they are consumed by time. 
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on January 31, 2024, 10:59:00 AM
To Lt. Marks... Capt. SHANKS... Rhingyll AKA the Czar's Flunky... and last but not least evil, Giorgio AKA Mulehead, el Osprey's Amir and Defender of its Global Empire... together with all and sundry various other Malefactors of the Frontier:


You are like the Wind and I -- together with my friends and allies the Brilliantly Intoxicated Sgt. Guinness and Umra the Annointed of the Just -- are like the Lion.  You and your unholy text "The Men Who Would Be King" form the tempest.  The sand stings my eyes and the ground is parched as your flatuous wind blows from place to place, from one historical period to the next, without proper care or respect, doing your utmost worst to knock righteous and appropriate rules into the dustbin of hobby history.  I roar in defiance but you do not hear.  But between us there is a difference.  I, like the lion, must remain in my place. While you like the wind will never know yours.

--Mansur Khan, Malik of the Yusufzais, Lord of Swat and its tributaries, Conqueror of Dir, Champion of Brom,
Defender of The Sword And The Flame

 :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* TWO HOURS OF APPLAUSE !!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on January 31, 2024, 11:04:23 AM
It was with great anticipation that I opened the epic account of battles on the northwest frontier. What tales of derring do might the Mad Guru have posted? What record of men with stiff upper lip facing off against overwhelming odds? Of a cunning foe ready to do battle against a technically advanced invader. Even of treachery and deciept in the bazaar... espionage, revenge, blood feuds!
Only to find the bloviations of a madman. You may be the Lion, but in the end the wind will lay bare your bones, glaring white, an offense to the land until even they are consumed by time.

3 hours of standing ovation!!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on January 31, 2024, 12:05:22 PM
3 hours of standing ovation!!!

You like wasting your time...
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: CPT Shanks on March 03, 2024, 03:36:26 PM
Bugger! (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/906649246365794325/1213871575296909353/Screenshot_20240303_073709_Russian_Topo_Maps.jpg?ex=65f70d00&is=65e49800&hm=b2eff8402c001f2e0b0dc1b26dc65a86201eedefec18c6ec7f584bc675979cd4&)

Have all the links failed?

"Ever forward. We gave them a solid drubbing and if they wish to test their assumptions they will again be sorely disappointed."

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on March 22, 2024, 05:25:29 PM
           CHAMLA VALLEY


Afghanistan, NWF, Chamla Valley, Winter 1891, with the Russians having split their forces to attack the Chitral territory and the Mastuj, the Russian supply lines have been overextended and even cut in some places.
Captain Kucherov of the Susdal Line commanding a platoon of infantry and Lieutenant Novoseletsky commanding a troop of Cossacks with an attached machine gun have been tasked with a foraging mission to acquire much needed food.

7 February 1891, 05:30

Capt. Kucherov checks his map and prepares the troops to move out.  The order of march will have the Cossacks taking point, followed by the MG, with the infantry taking up the rear guard.


After a hard days march with a couple of hours of daylight left the foraging party advances to the objective, a local chieftain’s tower enclosed by a stone wall filled with a large flock of sheep. It’s a small, seemingly quiet village.


The troops deploy to advance upon the tower.  LT. Novoseletsky orders his Cossacks off the road to the their left flank to reconnoiter the rough ground in front of the vill as the infantry move off the road to their right flank.



Capt. Kucherov nods to Sgt. Smirnoff, as if giving him orders without saying a word. Instantly the Sgt. barks the command “Scouts Forward”! The scouts double time ahead of the column to reconnoiter as the infantry begin to move into open order skirmish formation advancing towards the broken ground to the right of the column looking for any threats.


Subaltern Sobieski observing the deployment of the scouts and the maneuvering of the infantry to his front unlimbers his Gatling MG and posts his crew served weapon at the rear of the column to protect their six. Johnny Pathan makes a habit of falling upon an unsuspecting rear guard. His Russian Sailors will not be caught unawares.


LT. Novoseletsky leads his Cossacks on the Russian left flank towards the rough ground in front of the vill.


Corporal Viseli walks his mount towards the rough ground, eyes peeled, his senses alert. The vill is just too quiet, there are no birds to be seen, and the sheep look distressed. Being a farmer from the Ural before he was conscripted he knows something is upsetting the sheep and stops his mount 100 meters in front of the terrain as he disengages the safety on his rifle.


On the other Russian flank:
As Infantry Sgt. Smirnoff scans the rough ground to his right he sees movement as the rocks seem to come alive. The Pathans spring from the rocks as if they were grapeshot fired from a cannon with the shrill war cry’s of Allah Akbar.


The infantry scouts did their job as they uncovered a group of tribesmen hiding in the rough ground ready to attack. The Russian infantry rolls their critical morale roll allowing them to form a close order firing line to properly defend themselves!


Corporal Viseli, one of the Cossack scouts raises his hand, dismounts, and takes a knee. LT. Novoseletsky then orders his troop to dismount, form a firing line, and prepare for action.
Just as he thought would happen, his scouts uncovered Johnny Pathan sitting in the rocks waiting for his men. Luckily his squadron practiced sound tactics and sent out scouts, otherwise his unit may have been shot up in the saddle without putting any rounds down range.


As the Cossacks dismount the Pathans rise from their hidden positions in the rough ground and open fire. An additional unit stands up from their ambush positions behind the wall of the compound. Corporal Viseli mumbles to himself, “I don’t know who’s more clueless, our officers or the sheep we desperately seek.”


Russian right flank:
The Afghans in the vill fired on the Russians who formed a close order single line formation as their fellow tribesmen charged the northern ferenghi. The Russians themselves fired defiantly at the onrushing Afghans dwindling their numbers decisively which put them at a disadvantage for the upcoming melee. Despite the high Afghan losses the tribesmen still charged home.


On the opposite flank:

The telling musketry from the hidden Pathans forced the dismounted Cossacks back with substantial casualties.
 LT. Novoseletsky orders his troopers to mount up and retreat to the cover of the small hills south of the vill.


Subaltern Sobieski seeing the Cossacks mount up and retreat orders his crew to man handle their Gorlov MG forwards in support to cover the Cossacks retreat, putting rounds into the village and into the tribesmen in the rocky ground on their left flank.



With the Cossacks retreating under the withering musketry from the vill as well as from the broken ground the Russian left flank weakens allowing the tribesmen to move to their left towards the Russian infantry who are locked in melee. The Pathans in the vill providing accurate long rage covering fire to the maneuvering element to their front.


The Russian Gorlov MG had a very difficult time hitting targets in the vill behind the stone and mud brick walls. The tribesmen on their left flank were moving quickly and safely towards them behind the protective screen of low hills and rough ground.



Russian right flank:
Sgt. Smirnoff and his platoon of Susdel Line Infantry defeated the Afghan tribesmen in melee and put them to flight.


However, with the Cossack retreat, the growing numbers of casualties, and the unknown numbers of tribesmen in the surrounding hills Capt. Kucherov orders his recon force to disengage from the enemy and exit the Chamla Valley. Colonel Stolichnaya will be none too pleased with his failure! 


This game was run at the HMGS-South’s Convention Recon-23 as a demo game for new players to our beloved The Sword And The Flame rules set. We based the game on the Chamla Valley scenario from TSATF 25th Anniversary rule book and tied it into our ongoing NWF Campaign on the Lead Adventure Forum, started in June of 2021. Many games have been run from this ongoing campaign from several parts of Italy, California, Texas, Kansas, Arizona, and Florida.

Check out my blog for links to the below mfgrs.

Afghan Tribesmen / Pathans: Cast Away Arts Miniatures, Wargames Foundry Askari Miniatures, Old Glory 25's, Perry Miniatures

Russian Infantry, Guns, Crews, & Cossacks: Askari Miniatures, Naval Gun & Crew

Rough Ground: Bills Gamer Garage, Wall locally produced by Mr. Jeckel and Dr Hyde,
Tower: Colonial Steamboat Company, House: CTMM - Chris the Model Maker
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on March 23, 2024, 05:14:28 AM
Brilliant work, Brother Jeff!  Engaging... enervating... and of course entertaining -- as is to be expected when a GM of your esteemed level runs a game using that most Beloved Holy of Holies: the True Text, the Terrific Tome, the Valorous Volume that Vanquishes all rivals to its Acclaimed Supremacy... The Word of Brom... THE SWORD AND THE FLAME aka:

As both Iron Maiden AND The Widow of Windsor would doubtless say:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q9yTiWimlk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q9yTiWimlk)

Looks like Classic The Trooper Eddie -- who of course crossed swords with the Russkies himself -- enjoyed your post...


But Tsar Of All The Russias Eddie does not seem amused by your tale of an Imperial Russian "draw" with the opposition on the far edge of the Near Abroad...

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on March 28, 2024, 09:30:36 AM
Great post Jeff, entertaining game using the ONLY rule !!!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" - Save the General's daughter
Post by: JBaumal on April 25, 2024, 10:18:22 PM

Save the General's daughter - 25 February 1891, NWF Afghanistan


25 February 1891, NWF Afghanistan, General McGuinness is pushing his forces hard to reach the beleaguered garrison of Chitral Fort. The General has made many enemies as he cut his way through tribal territories. Chitrali spies in Peshawar have alerted the local mullah that the General's daughter was soon leaving Nowshera and will be accompanying a resupply column to an outpost protecting the Lowari Pass. Thus the Chitrali tribes have joined forces with Bunerwal tribesmen to set a trap for the invading infidels. General McGuinness' daughter, like many other Victorian ladies, lusted to see and experience the Frontier after hearing stories in the Officers Mess of gallant daring do and jingoistic heroics of her majesty's imperial troops. General McGuinness finally relented and let his daughter accompany the strong force marching to the Lowari Pass. On the 2nd day of the journey the force was tricked into thinking a friendly village was under attack. The troops in the overnight bivouac stood to and sent a recon force to the burning village. The Indian troops found no villagers present, alas they were attacked by hidden tribesmen in the perceived abandoned and burning village. After a fierce close quarters engagement the imperial troops forced the ambushers back, both sides suffering heavy losses. During this exchange the astute senior NCO RSM Hadji Singh sent a messenger to alert GHQ of the encounter and to send reinforcements! He then ordered the remaining troops to proceed to and garrison the small village, prepare defensive positions, and unpack the MG that had been brought with the force.

Captain Barrington Hawthorne Smyth, Queens 2nd Dragoon Guards, can you relieve the makeshift garrison and save General Horatio McGuinness' daughter Margaret Fitzpatrick McGuinness.



General McGuinness at GHQ Nowshera, NWF, Afghanistan.

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Mad Guru on April 26, 2024, 10:57:04 PM
Very exciting, Sarge!!!

Out on the Frontier it seems... the game is afoot!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on April 27, 2024, 07:12:37 AM
The heroic faithful to the only true Rule pathans are ready to win another battle capturing the infidel daughters. Perhaps the mighty Mulehead will convince them to embrace the real faith and marry "voluntarily" his son Muletail lol
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Deedles on April 28, 2024, 05:37:56 PM
You like wasting your time...

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: giorgio on May 09, 2024, 07:15:45 PM
Wana, a campfire in the outskirts.
“You see Ghilji, I would give all my new goats to know what the mighty Mulehead, may the only Ruler bless him, is thinking about the news arrived from North”
“from North only troubles come, but your new goats stolen to blasphemic Afridi, Azim. The news brought by the caravans are really concerning all of us. A new heresy Red and Silver, teached by fakiri dressed as Muezzin is contaminating all the north. They say that even Powinda’s ghazis are bending to embrace the new truth, may Osprey destroy them and leave their bones to the vultures”
 “Ghaffar bring here the fork to test this jezail balance, you lazy mule” Ghilji shouted to a third man, bringing a fork, his prayers carpet and his own musket, a brain new one with some cirillic inscription on it.

“This jezail is perfect” said a proud Azim aiming under their rocks “I would like use it against any faith enemy, or ferenghee either heretic”
“I have heard that new fanatics have dispatched a lot of Afridi south of Thal” Ghilji commented
“And many Waziri too” Ghaffar said with a strange smile
“You are right, old goat head, they believe in strange new rule, red as blood and silver as steel. Their pray is “10 is good, 6 is bad” and they kill whoever refuses to use 10 sides dice. Can you believe me? 10 side, I think that even 6 are too many. You should have 2 only sides, 6 for you and 1 for your enemy” Ghilji continued
“10 is foolish” Amir insisted
“Since Pashtunwali has been established all believers has used only 6 side dice. Even the blasphemic heretics” (stopping to split on the ground) “even those pigs use 6 side dices”
A chora reflects the sun rays in a sparkle of light, soon covered by a red surface of blood. Red and silver… Blood and steel … the infection is everywhere now!
The only survived Pashtun unwrapped his carpet to pray with deep voice: “10 is good, 6 is bad”
In the meantime many warriors, already contaminated (or enlighted?) by the new Rule are marching furiously against British defenses in Shewa and a new leader is driving his fanatics for the glory of the True Ruler: will d10 dominate the world?!?
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Skorda on May 09, 2024, 07:50:54 PM
Cant wait to embrace the new faith. :-*
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Rhingyll on May 26, 2024, 02:08:53 AM
(https://i.postimg.cc/h4kGqNCP/Poenaru.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/7bN43t8p)

Constantin Poenaru was born in Bucharest. Poenaru attended the local officers’ school from 1859 to 1861, followed by the École Supérieure de Guerre in Paris. A second lieutenant from 1861, he rose to captain in 1867 and to major in 1872 and commanded the military engineers’ battalion from 1872 to 1877. When the Romanian War of Independence broke out in 1877, he saw action during the Siege of Plevna. In 1880, Poenaru was promoted to lieutenant colonel and he became inspector of military engineers. In 1882, he was made commander of the first engineers’ regiment in the Romanian Army and was sent with a Romanian infantry brigade to assist with the construction of the Trans-Caspian Railroad. The brigade worked on the railroad until 1888 at Samarkand. He had hoped to see the completion of the railroad in Tashkent at which point he would retire from active service and return to Romania. But such was not his luck The brigade was ordered to head in a general southeast direction towards British India. They were to construct bridges across any waterways they encountered. They would be re-supplied on a monthly basis along the route they had created. All went well until they reached Mastuj in the NWF. The brigade had completed a new wooden bridge, basically as an alternate to the existing rope bridge, but had not been re-supplied for two months now. He had sent a messenger back to Samarkand but as of yet had no reply. Poenaru’s only option was to halt and wait. A week or so ago, a British mapping expedition had camped within a few miles of the southside of his bridge. They posed no threat to Poenaru, and left the area after a few days, heading east along the Gilgit River valley. But the always cautious Poenaru decided to construct some defensive breastworks on the southside of the bridge. His men needed something to occupy their time as well and this little project would do. Poenaru’s Romanian Brigade consists of the 2nd Line Infantry, 1st Battalion of the 6th Dorobantsi Militia, and a detachment of the 3rd Chasseurs.


Conflict at Mastuj, Northeast of the fort at Chitral

There are several postings on page 50 and 51 of this thread that provide the prelude to this battle.
Romanian scouts have informed Colonel Poenaru of a British force heading toward Mastuj along the Gilgit River. He has deployed his troops in a defensive manner in case the British attack. The ambitious Colonel Kelly, upon approaching Mastuj, has decided to halt his march to help relieve Chitral and instead gain some points by taking the town of Mastuj from the Romanians (whom he considers to be Russians) in the name of the Queen.

Colonel James Graves Kelly “Long Nose”
2 units of 32nd Punjab Pioneers
1 unit of 4th Kashmiri Rifles
1 band of Punjabi Levis 
1 section of 1st Kashmir Mountain Battery – Light Gun 
1 detachment of the 51st Kings Own Highland Light Infantry

Colonel Constantin Poenaru
1 unit 1st Battalion 2nd Infantry Line Regiment
1 unit 2nd  Battalion 2nd Infantry Line Regiment
1 unit 1st Battalion 6th Dorobantsi Regiment 
3rd Chasseur Battalion

The 51st Highland LI and Kashmiri Rifles clear the woods of the Chasseurs on the eastern flank but at a heavy cost to the Highlanders. The artillery keeps up a constant barrage on the 2nd Line defending the wall in front of the river. Meanwhile the right and left wing of the 32nd Pioneers advance forward in the center towards the wall and bridge. The Levis push rapidly forward on the western flank taking light casualties from the Romanian fire behind the wall.
Poenaru moves up from his reserve position with the remainder of the 2nd Line and crosses the bridge to oppose the advancing right wing of the 32nd Pioneers. Meanwhile a detachment of Chasseurs who had been out foraging arrive back at Mastuj. Kelly urges the Kashmiri Rifles forward and the attack and melee Poenaru and his 2nd Line. Poenaru was push backed slightly from his position but remained in good order. The Levis managed to work they way around the wall and attack the 2nd Line defending it. The defenders hold off the attack and the Levis back off to regroup. Poenaru pulls back off of the bridge and the newly arrived Chasseurs take up his previous position on the bridge. Fire from the 2nd Line behind the wall pushes the Levis back a little further and disorders them. The remnants of the 51st Highland LI fire out of the woods at the Romanian Chasseurs on the bridge inflicting light casualties. Kelly and his depleted Kashmiri Rifles take cover in the woods. The pressure of the battle has become to much for the engineer turned soldier Poenaru and he flees out of the town with his surviving unit. Things were looking up for the Romanians until this turn of events. The Romanian 6th Dorobantsi Regiment has finally decided to get into the action and is attempting to cross the rope bridge on the western side of the town. Accurate marksmanship from the Chasseurs on the main bridge drove the remaining Highland LI out of the woods and rendered them no longer effective. The 2nd Romanian line behind the wall continued to take casualties and eventually lost the position to the Punjabi Levis. Steady fire from the Kashmiri mountain gun drove the remaining Chasseurs off the main bridge, Seeing this, The Dorobantsi Militia realized that the day was lost, and as the only remaining fighting force left of the Romanian side, they decided to beat a hasty retreat back across the rope bridge and headed north to find Colonel Poenaru. Long Nose Kelly had taken more of a beating than expected and now had top halt his march towards Chitral in order to assess what was left of his victorious but battered force.

(https://i.postimg.cc/kgNf73qQ/Matusj-5-Overall-Battle-Staring-Point.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/JsnbQFy0)

(https://i.postimg.cc/KvSPjq9J/Mastuj-1-Chassuers-in-Woods.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/7LW7kmG1/Mastuj-2-Poenau.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/BnhPTMgW/Mastuj-3-Militia.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/Ghd46Zgw/Mastuj-6-Kings-Own-Taking-Casualties.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/tgZJhyJP/Mastuj-7-Pioneers-advancing.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/CxtLMt7K/Mastuj-8-Assault-on-Chasseurs-in-Woods.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/yxV7rz1L/Mastuj-9-Assault-by-Pioneers-and-Levess.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/XN8jBXLm/Mastuj-10-Artillery-in-Action.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/RVpvG8jT/Mastuj-11-Assault-on-Bridge.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/7ZpwrzPG/Mastuj-12-Arrival-of-Foraging-Chasseurs.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/NMtt5wHQ/Mastuj-13-Continuing-Assault-on-Bridge.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/LXVpP0tL/Mastuj-14-Kelly-taking-cover-in-Woods.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/QCxrJkmP/Mastuj-15-Foraging-Chasseurs-taking-Bridge-as-Poenau-withdraws.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
(https://i.postimg.cc/1RJS525Z/Mastuj-16-Militia-Crossing-Bridge.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/rpXXPLg5/Mastuj-17-Batlle-Progress.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/NMQhQ73M/Mastuj-18-More-Assault-on-Bridge.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/gJsCjLpK/Mastuj-19-Defending-the-Wall.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/SRKwMQNb/Mastuj-20-Militia-Still-crossing-rope-bridge.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/BbwRcWXL/Mastuj-21-Militia-acroos-the-rope-bridge.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/BnFRDVsb/Mastuj-22-Chasseurs-still-holding-bridge.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/hGbwZQXq/Mastuj-23-Levees-taking-the-wall.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

(https://i.postimg.cc/wMPbRhGD/Mastuj-24-Artillery-commanding-fire-over-bridge.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)

Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: JBaumal on May 31, 2024, 06:03:03 PM
Bob, great AAR, the table and troops look awesome too!
Title: Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
Post by: Umra Khan on June 03, 2024, 10:22:38 AM
Great post, cool pictures of the battle, a bloody victory for "Long Nose"