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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: Thantsants on March 16, 2010, 09:39:43 PM

Title: Orc's Drift - The Grand Finale
Post by: Thantsants on March 16, 2010, 09:39:43 PM
Having been inspired by the wonderful things happening in the Death in the Old World thread, and being in possession of a growing collection of old citadel minis I went off and bought a copy of the scenario pack for Orc's Drift for a bargain 99p off of ebay!

Unfortunately it only has two of the command sheets - Brommedir's Bows and the Wood Elves of Kachas Pass...

As I'd quite like to play the campaign sometime in the distant future when I've painted enough minis I was wondering if anyone owns a full set?!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: thebinmann on March 16, 2010, 09:52:22 PM
I've got them
PM me
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 16, 2010, 10:00:31 PM
Cheers - Pm'ed!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: LeadAsbestos on March 17, 2010, 08:14:58 PM
I'll start a McDeath thread for my own project if you do an Orc's Drift? We could swamp the board w/ ol' skool goodness!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 17, 2010, 08:44:31 PM
Can do - it'll fit nicely with the 3rd Orc and Wood Elf warbands I'm gathering...

Just have to rebrand a few characters I've already painted and get on t'ebay for more  ::)

Hope my pj's are up to it now the standard's been set with the Lichemastter thread!!  ;D

No school like the old school and all that  >:D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: thebinmann on March 17, 2010, 09:36:25 PM
Can do - it'll fit nicely with the 3rd Orc and Wood Elf warbands I'm gathering...

Just have to rebrand a few characters I've already painted and get on t'ebay for more  ::)

Hope my pj's are up to it now the standard's been set with the Lichemastter thread!!  ;D

No school like the old school and all that  >:D

I've got McDeath too and Lichmaster, and maybe even blood on the streets somewhere...

Though I plan to use 10mm
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: hetz on March 17, 2010, 09:40:00 PM
I've got them all in mint condition, they've even still got badges in. Picked them up at Salute a few years ago from the bring and buy. Jammy me :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: thebinmann on March 17, 2010, 09:41:27 PM
I've got them all in mint condition, they've even still got badges in. Picked them up at Salute a few years ago from the bring and buy. Jammy me :D

Yes jammy you, I need the orcs drift badge!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 17, 2010, 10:09:32 PM
I've got them all in mint condition, they've even still got badges in. Picked them up at Salute a few years ago from the bring and buy. Jammy me

Does that mean I should start trying to stick what's left of my old plastic skeleton horde back together as well?!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: hetz on March 17, 2010, 10:18:50 PM
Too right! I've got the Nightmare Legion too.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: thebinmann on March 17, 2010, 10:19:15 PM
Too right! I've got the Nightmare Legion too.

That's a nice set
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 17, 2010, 10:31:32 PM
Certainly is - anything you don't own!?  :D

The Red Redemption, MotherCrushers, Golgfag's ogres...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: hetz on March 17, 2010, 10:42:54 PM
:P  Not got the Mothercrushers or Red Redemption. Golfgag's boys saw the dark green side tho...


Couple of Golfgag's rank and file are now Black Orc rank and file too :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 17, 2010, 11:14:31 PM
Hehe - nice switch!  8)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: thebinmann on March 18, 2010, 05:20:25 AM
Hehe - nice switch!  8)

Which sets count, I've got ruglund anf harboth but their 1990s (I think)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 18, 2010, 06:41:05 AM
Ditto - so I'd say yes!  :D

They do also appear in the '88 Citadel catalogue.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on March 18, 2010, 10:57:00 AM
Looks like I'm going to have to get my Red Redemptionists photographed and posted up! Took me years to collect a unit of 25 with full command.

Anyway more on topic, are you planning to use the original buildings. There aren't that many in Orcs drift I know so it applies more to the liechmaster.  I just can't bare to cut them up, I've colour photocopied them to card stock and built them up but perhaps due to print quality they are not quite as good.

They are also a little on the small side so I have been thinking about scratch building something a little bigger perhaps with interior detail. The Bogles farm encounter would make more sense if they stayed indoors and defended their farm.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: njetkulturny on March 18, 2010, 01:27:30 PM
Ah Orcs Drift.

Memories come back to me. I know we played it in the mid 90ties, but I have no idea about the results.

Must be I´m getting old.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 18, 2010, 07:38:45 PM
Literally all I've got is the scenario booklet and the command sheets so I thought I'd scratchbuild some buildings (hahahah - when I get the time), scour ebay for whatever original minis I can and use proxies in the main...

 target - get it played this summer!  >:D

Would love to see your Red Redemptionists - still kicking myself that I missed a whole set on ebay that went rather cheaply ages ago...  >:(

I have one cultist serving in my lovely blue and purple Genestealer Cult!  :'(


Painted a while ago so excuse the drybrush-tastic paint jobs!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: LeadAsbestos on March 18, 2010, 11:53:11 PM
I had the full Redemption set not too long ago. Small minis, and really not all that great! :? Nostalgia had definately affected my judgement when i bought 'em.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on March 19, 2010, 10:32:41 AM
To each their own LeadAsbestos, I find them just the right size and wonderfully characterful.

Looking forward to seeing your progress with this Thantsants, are you using the original 2nd edition rules? I've got the rules but to be honest if I were playing with that level of detail I may be inclined to use the combat rules out of the first edition WHFRP.

I'm thinking I may have to make some proper tables for each senario, I'm glad I started to have a look on here.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Citizen Sade on March 19, 2010, 05:42:15 PM
I'd be inclined to use Mordheim and knock up some simple unit coherency and morale rules myself.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 19, 2010, 07:14:39 PM
Well I have WFB 3 which I know and love - 2nd ed. was a bit before my time.

Probably use them and do something along the lines of Citisen Sade's suggestion for coherency and morale - haven't really got that far as I need to do the tough bit first - painting the minis!  o_o

Not familiar with Mordheim but am interested...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Citizen Sade on March 19, 2010, 07:19:43 PM
Well, it's a free download from the GW website and, IIRC, based on WHFB 3rd edition ...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 19, 2010, 07:35:25 PM
Aha - the magic word!  :D


Now saved and ready for bedtime reading!

Not sure who would buy the rulebook for £25 unless I'm missing something...  :?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on March 19, 2010, 08:06:41 PM
Cost of printing it, ease of buying it. Stuff like that.

Nice to have it still available so it doesn't sell for MORE than that on eBay like most of their Specialist stuff.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 19, 2010, 08:18:43 PM
True - think I'll just wear my eyeballs out by reading it off the computer screen - that'll show 'em! Hahahahahah!  ;D....

 o_o ....

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 26, 2010, 12:48:36 AM
So as I'm looking at doing Orc's Drift I suppose I'd better paint some minis up...

Here's the first character -

Silas Meel the hapless Half Orc spy who begins the game imprisoned by the Wood elf garrison in Kachas Pass!





I have nearly finished painting up Grashak Kra who I already had in my collection without realising he'd featured in this scenario until I had a look at stuff of Legends!


Although I've already posted these pics in other threads I'll put them up here too - for completeness's sake!  :D

King Fyarr and his incontinent Wyvern


For the good guys I thought I'd use my Skarloc's Elf Archers for the garrison of Kachas Pass -

so here is Erdolas Thringal, garrison commander and womanising ladies Elf!


and his Lieutenant, Herndil Merl, who is sent on an unfortunate errand...

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: hetz on March 26, 2010, 01:25:26 AM
Luvverly. I have Fangor and Magar. Coulda had those villagers the other week but I didn't realise they were from orcs drift :(
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 26, 2010, 01:39:58 AM
Cheers - think I missed them too  >:(

There's a load coming up tomorrow I've got my eye on....

Erdolas Thringal too  :D

Can't believe I let the giant hill troll go as well - Guthrum Mane - for under a tenner if I remember right   >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Leapsnbounds on March 26, 2010, 03:48:04 AM
That is exactly the titled of my Orc Game too.  I reallyliketheplay on words and you just can't paint up enough Orcs.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 26, 2010, 08:03:10 AM
Hehe always liked the idea of McDeath too  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on March 26, 2010, 03:32:39 PM
Cheers - think I missed them too  >:(

There's a load coming up tomorrow I've got my eye on....

Erdolas Thringal too  :D

Good job I've already got him then. Dear me advertising stuff you really want on ebay before its finished!!!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 26, 2010, 03:42:27 PM
Yerp not the smartest move but I figured they'd go for a bomb anyway which they did! Erdolas - £17.28  >:(

Plenty of Jes Goodwin Elves to be getting on with  :D

Had a rethink on the villagers anyway and ended up with 6 fighters/men-at-arms, 5 preslotta hobhounds, Diggory Finefighter and Theobald Lockblow for £20 all in!

That's some more of the Linden Way militia sorted as well as the hounds for the Ashak Rise scenario  >:D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on March 26, 2010, 03:59:09 PM
I'd been thinking about those hob hounds myself....didn't bid though.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 26, 2010, 04:30:41 PM
Good man!

- just noticed I need another 5 though...  >:(

Should have Grashak Kra, their handler, painted up soon...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: hetz on March 26, 2010, 06:53:38 PM

I have four of these, they could be hobhounds.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 26, 2010, 07:02:23 PM
... and here he is, Grashak Kra the hob hound handler - try saying that after a few!




I have four of these, they could be hobhounds.

Funny you should say that - I was just searching ebay for Chaos/Dark Elf hounds  :D

My Wood Elf warhounds aren't up to the job  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 28, 2010, 08:26:50 PM
Definitely going to have to find some proxies for some of the original character models for this scenario...  :o


Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on March 28, 2010, 08:28:45 PM

Who the hell has that kind of money for one BLOODY MODEL?!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: thebinmann on March 28, 2010, 09:26:07 PM
... and here he is, Grashak Kra the hob hound handler - try saying that after a few!




Funny you should say that - I was just searching ebay for Chaos/Dark Elf hounds  :D

My Wood Elf warhounds aren't up to the job  ;)

He looks just like his picture!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 28, 2010, 09:52:14 PM
Yep and if you own a set of Citadel Goblinoid Combat Cards you might notice some similarities too...  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on March 29, 2010, 08:58:50 AM
He is looking very nice, another one I haven't got round to getting. He does pop up in mixed lots now and then so hopefully won't be hitting the silly mark to soon. Alas all my 2nd edition characters fall into the non-silly bracket.

Great mini worth all the more for the cool paint job!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 29, 2010, 10:44:30 AM
Cheers Erny - just want the postie to hurry up so I can paint up his hobhounds...  >:D

Actually not too fast - might get Ruglud's lot finished if I don't get any distractions!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on March 29, 2010, 11:58:40 AM
This last one is a nice model. Remember owning him back in the day, unfortunately he went out with all the other green skins when I gave up on WHFB in the 90s. Paying for that now, been buying old citadel stuff at an alarming rate the last few days... =( 30-something little metal guys for fantasy skirmishing. Worst part is, I'm such a bloody slow painter I know I won't ever be able to paint this up and it will stop at the ambition stage.

Threads like these are highly motivational though, so thanks a lot! =)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on March 29, 2010, 12:25:01 PM
No worries - I think we should all be given shares in ebay for all the business we drum up and minis we buy ourselves!  ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on March 29, 2010, 12:33:17 PM
This is why I can't believe how poorly the Post Office is doing these days. We are a niche hobby and the number of parcels being sent for mini collectors alone must be much higher than it was pre-ebay. What with all the other nutty collectors for everything out there surely they must be doing good business.

Perhaps if all the money charged for p&p went to the post office they would be OK.

Sorry for the derailment, back on topic....
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on April 01, 2010, 08:19:59 PM
Yep our bizarre obsessions should really be put to better economical use - especially in these hard times!  ;)

Anyways - next installment for Orc's Drift...

Ferndale Snart - Druid, Healer, Pacifist, Drunk!

The mini is an old Ral Partha I think? Bought him on a whim cos he was going cheap and seemed  to fit the bill (the hammer is for opening beer barrels not orcs' heads!)

There's a load more guff I've written about him on my blog if you're not familiar with the scenario and characters -


Enough blather - here's the piccies...

Oh nearly forgot, scenery is courtesy of  Warhammer Townscape - card buildings for the various scenarios released back in the day (Cheers Hetz!!  :D)







I have to confess the Empire militia types weren't painted by me - came from ebay with some quite nice muted pj's - will get round to them eventually when I get started on the Linden Way Militia...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on April 03, 2010, 03:08:01 PM
Its all shaping up. Your Ferndale fits right in no mater if he's citadel or not..

Best of luck getting this finished before you have two little ones on your hands ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on April 03, 2010, 03:39:05 PM
Hehe cheers but I think I'll just have to weather the storm and hope for a daypass sometime in the summer...

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on April 04, 2010, 09:23:52 PM
Talking of which - newest mini in the collection arrived this morning at 00:42, weighed in at 8lbs and 1/2 ounce and is called Katie!  :D

Mayor Leofwine will have to wait...  :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: revford on April 04, 2010, 09:41:39 PM
Congratulations.  :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: pauld on April 04, 2010, 10:09:41 PM
weighed in at 8lbs and 1/2 ounce and is called Katie!

.... put the brushes away now before you get carried away and give her a coat of snot green!

Congratulations BTW
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on April 04, 2010, 11:08:46 PM
Thanks all!

.... put the brushes away now before you get carried away and give her a coat of snot green!

 lol I think given time she'll manage the snot green herself! Ah the joys of fatherhood...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: LeadAsbestos on April 05, 2010, 01:28:03 AM
Congrats! Put the minis in a nice dust-free place, cuz you won't be seeing them for quite some time!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: hetz on April 05, 2010, 03:41:37 AM
Nice one! Congratulations, maybe I can catch you up painting-wise now ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on April 05, 2010, 06:10:00 AM
Congrats Thantsants! =)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on April 05, 2010, 11:07:27 AM
Congratulations, best wishes to you all.

Drop in now and then to see how we're going!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on April 06, 2010, 05:11:54 PM
Thanks again everyone!  :D

Anyways being a father of two doesn't seem so bad at times - as everyone is currently having an afternoon nap (including the wife and dog!) I thought I'd do a little painting...

Started this Hobhound before sprog number 2 arrived so just needed to finish the base off - bit of a test piece for the other 4 - tried to go with a bit of a Rottweiler theme although the black still ended up looking a bit flat despite grey/white highlights and black washes, etc... Facial markings have got a bit lost and as the teeth weren't very detailed at the side they look a little scrappy where I've flailed about with the brush, then there's the mad googly eyes... apart from that I'm quite happy with it!  ;D




... and Mayor Leofwine didn't have too long to wait after all! A speedy paint job later...

Again not the original sadly - looking at the stuff of legends entry I don't think I'e seen the mini in passing anywhere  :'(


This old citadel paladin works quite well though - might even work up the courage to greenstuff a cloak for him - any tips would be greatly appreciated!




Also put together the watch tower last week - seemed like a good place to use it!



Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on April 06, 2010, 06:20:09 PM
Good stuff mate! While the dog has a certain wild eyed quality to him, I think it's befitting. =) Not too keen on the oversized sword of the old Mayor, but hell... at least it's not a cricket bat.

Wish I could squeeze in a mini in nap time!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on April 06, 2010, 06:53:28 PM
Yeah it is a bit excessive - at least he's got the Holy Hand Grenade of antioch hanging at his belt for when his arms get tired!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Doomhippie on April 06, 2010, 10:12:33 PM
I remember that old Druid. But I have that mini as part of the old Adventurer Starter Box by Citadel (from 1985 or earlier). Absolutely brilliant!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on April 06, 2010, 10:38:51 PM
Oh yeah - nearly forgot that I'd seen him on Stuff of Legends -

Branowen the Druid  - Dungeon Adventurers starters set - 1982 to be exact!  ;)


So he was citadel after all although I'd still like the original Ferndale Snart mini...  >:D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on April 07, 2010, 08:42:33 AM
I have that dwarf with the mace if anyone's interested.

However, it is painted and the mace went missing years ago! :(
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on April 10, 2010, 12:37:18 AM
I have that dwarf with the mace if anyone's interested.

Might be interested Rob - got an idea of what to put in his now empty hands...   :D

Shame I missed out on a pack mule that looked very similar to the one out of this set the other day - need one more for the Ashak rise scenario....

Next character up is...

Brommedir - commander of Brommedir's Bows, gallantly guarding the baggage train in the Grand League Army's rear (pardon the phrase!) and nowt to do with his infuriating and downright dangerous deafness!

 Maybe his helmet's on too tight?!  :D

I've used one of the lovely old Jes Goodwin Elven heroes - until I save up enough money for an original Brommedir...  ;D

Some more waffle here if you're not familiar with the plot of Orc's Drift... 






Talking of original Orc's Drift minis - got me hands on a few going cheap!!

Just started on Beli the Dwarf and am waiting on Bertolac to wend his way through the post...  :D

Also got some good proxies for Osrim Chardz and Borinn Finbul - so lots of nasty little stunties ( >:() next up - they're only little so should be able to knock 'em off in nap time over the next few days!!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on April 10, 2010, 10:10:17 AM
Just send me a message, I'd love to see it repainted.  :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on April 10, 2010, 02:57:14 PM
Cheers Rob - Pm'ed!

Think I might have a little conversion to fit him into the Ashak Rise scenario from Orc's Drift...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on April 10, 2010, 03:27:37 PM
Oh and I have that Halfling if you're interested!!!  lol Didn't see that one.  ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: hetz on April 13, 2010, 08:15:31 PM
More stuff! Aren't you sposed to be washing the baby's bum or something?  ;D
Cool old mini that Elf - even though it is an Elf!
I have that pack mule too, wish I had a couple more though.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on April 13, 2010, 11:53:42 PM
Aren't you sposed to be washing the baby's bum or something?

Well being our second child I'm quite well practised at that - baby wipes in one hand, paint brush in the other!  ;)

Plus she's a great sleeper so I get a good shot at painting during nap times, and the odd late night here and there...  ::)

I have two of Bill the Pony so looks like we'd be OK for Ashak Rise should we finally get around to playing it!

Even tracked down a couple of carts that were dirt cheap - too small to look right as working carts with 28mm minis but might be ok broken up as part of a barricade for Orc's Drift...

Might get Bertolac and Beli done tonight now everyone's off to bed  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on April 14, 2010, 08:36:04 AM
Guess I'll have to get used to that technique, seams we have number 2 on the way... ;D early days yet though. Nap times are a blessing, so long as the better half is down for a snooze too.

Cool elf, really like the hawk, I have a couple of him though only one still has the hawk and they haven't even been stripped yet.

Anyway it shows you how nice I think the minis are that I've only just realised you have started putting a backdrop in your photos, cool mountains...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on April 14, 2010, 10:23:58 AM
Cheers Erny - although think I need to find some more mountains fos some other views - I got hold of some of Blanche's fantasy landscapes off of google images but I think they might be a bit far out for use as a background as brilliant though they may be!

Congratulations on your news - happy days!

As for nap times the conversation usually goes - "You look tired love - why don't you get your head down while I put the kids to bed..."

Works every time!  lol ;)

Extra brownie points if you get a bit of washing up done while she's snoozing!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on April 14, 2010, 10:38:31 AM
That conversation is eerily familiar,  lol.  I'm sure they are wise to us though.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on April 14, 2010, 11:38:03 AM
No doubt about it!

I'm sure it'll be payback time one day....  :o

Haven't forgotten about Bertolac and Beli by the way - Bertolac's shield is proving somewhat time consuming...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on April 15, 2010, 12:59:34 AM
... but no more!

So its the walking wounded next - defending their own hospital alongside Ferndale Snart, the Druid, with reduced stats according to what injury they have!

Bertolac - Hero of the Grand League but -1  on everything (WFB 2nd ed. stats) because of his light head injury...  o_o

Cheers for the inspiration for the red/yellow/blue colour scheme White Knight! Did try a splash of green with him but it looked crap...


and Beli - Dwarf warrior who's seen one or two things he doesn't like and has a 50/50 chance of suffering from battle shock (same as stupidity) on the roll of a D6 at the start of each turn!  ;D



A few group shots...




Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on April 15, 2010, 06:58:40 AM
I see why you had to spend some time on Bertolac's shield... Good job!

Actually, this thread have suckered me into buy a copy on eBay. :) Don't play WHFB, but I suppose the scenario and plot can be tweaked for skirmishing.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on April 15, 2010, 08:39:31 AM
This is really coming on, really nice set up and photos, loving the shield.

Phreedh,  orcs drift is one of the larger (unit wise) scenarios, if you can pick up any of the older ones they are really good skirmish size games eminently adaptable to SoBH.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on April 15, 2010, 09:02:55 AM
I almost got a Terror of the Liche King from the same seller I got Orc's Drift, alas it went beyond the "a few quid" level. =(
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on April 15, 2010, 11:21:42 AM
Talking of the other old scenarios - recently picked up The Magnificent Svenn scenario as well as Svenn himself on ebay - noticed I already had Juggo Jorikson and a couple of Slann from other job lots so thought it was worth a punt!

Don't know much about it but it looks like a nice skirmish sized game judging from the card characters listed on stuff of legends -


Mind you if the Slann Warhound costs this much...  :o


Think Otherworld do some nice giant lizards which might work well instead...  :P

but no concentrate - Orc's Drift, Orc's Drift...  ::)

Cheers for the comments by the way!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on April 15, 2010, 12:41:16 PM
Your going to need to pick up 2nd edition and ravening hoards to make the collection complete, they were going for bargain basement prices when I go mine a few years back.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on April 15, 2010, 04:40:14 PM
Cheers for the tip Erny...

Started a new thread to discuss Magnificent Svenn - otherwise I'm liable to get too distracted from Orc's Drift!  ;D

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on April 17, 2010, 01:19:59 AM
Right back to business...

Osrim Chardz next...

No I haven't won the lottery!  :o


Just used King gorin from the Dwarf Lords of Legend set instead - great mini and a very similar pose...




Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on April 17, 2010, 08:35:38 AM
Nice job mate, the group shots get cooler and cooler by the day. =)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on April 17, 2010, 09:33:19 AM
Great stuff mate.  :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on April 17, 2010, 06:00:27 PM
Cheers fellas!

Hopefully by the end when I've got more minis painted we should have pics of the full scale orc invasion and all the pathetic defenders of Orc's Drift... Muhahaha  >:D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: manic _miner on April 17, 2010, 06:12:18 PM
 This is a great thread.Just noticed that I got the pony in the lot I got today and a few others.Love the old style miniatures.Looking forward to seeing more painted miniatures.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on April 18, 2010, 12:40:48 AM
Cheers Manic!

Afraid its back to work on Monday after a rather nice 4 week period of paternity leave and holiday...  :'(

But why let a small thing like that get in the way!  >:D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 02, 2010, 06:29:14 PM
Erm..what was I saying about not letting work get in the way?!  >:(

Anyway - Bank Holiday Weekend - Hooray!  :D

Got a bit of painting done...

Gymlet, dogged and one-legged (nearly) Dwarf Sergeant-At-Arms of the Grand League reporting for Walking Wounded Parade, Sir!!  >:D

To save me repeating myself - wrote some more gumph about the hilarious rules for this fellow on my blog -




Also in today's line-up...

Guthrum Mane - fearsome and permanently sozzled Rock Giant (who I mistook for a Giant Hill Troll - must read the scenario notes more closely!  ;D)





Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Smokeyrone on May 02, 2010, 06:37:56 PM
Wonderful stuff.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 02, 2010, 07:23:27 PM
Cheers Smokey!

Know this theme has been mentioned before but I think I've chosen the wrong scenario to do with the budget I have!  ;D >:(

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on May 02, 2010, 07:28:27 PM
Moving along nicely mate! Guthrum looks like a right dirty bastard. I like him! :)

Edit: And yeah, some of those scenario figs cost an arm and a leg. No need for you to get hung up on that though, plenty of fine old Citadel stuff going much cheaper which will work just as well. And as previously mentioned... the game will be over in 30 minutes anyways. ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Doomhippie on May 02, 2010, 07:38:58 PM
This is really a nice thread. It's like reliving my youth again, only this time with pictures of lead heroes and not the paper ones that came with the scenario, which we had to use due to lack of money. Thanks a lot.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 02, 2010, 10:19:42 PM
This is really a nice thread. It's like reliving my youth again, only this time with pictures of lead heroes and not the paper ones that came with the scenario, which we had to use due to lack of money. Thanks a lot.

Pleasure's all mine!

Guthrum looks like a right dirty bastard. I like him!

That was the plan - smellovision in acrylics!  ;)

I do have another orc in mind for Hagar's job - the old Mighty Ugezod mini - shame is he seems to go for daft money too!  >:(

Like you say though - plenty of other cool stuff to be had!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on May 03, 2010, 06:54:10 AM
Dunno why, but I read that as if to say you wanted scratch and sniff paints...

The troll looks cool, nice and filthy.

The dwarves are great too, I particularly like the old wizard. Nice touch adding a little grey to his skin, insantly aging him even more! Adds to his droping face. I really, really like it.  :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 03, 2010, 11:05:52 AM
Cheers Rob

I read that as if to say you wanted scratch and sniff paints...

Not a bad idea actually...

... might have to switch from stinky orcs to those fragrant poncy elves though before the neighbours complain...  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on May 03, 2010, 11:35:52 AM
I assume he was the one on ebay recently. I'm keeping a wide birth of the Orc drift stuff at the moment, no point getting into a bidding war with someone on a project.

All looking good.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 03, 2010, 06:17:23 PM
That'd be right Erny! Thought I'd push the boat out for such a big guy! Shame I didn't get Bagrash the other day but as he went for £15 I wasn't that sorry!

Talking of Bagrash - don't try google images for better pics of him - took me a while to get the joke behind his name until I did this...  :o

Also got Magyar Ironfist - the new Chieftain of the Kwae Carr Orcs - Fyarr's old tribe before he got booted out for cowardice. More background here if you're interested - http://teasgettingcold.blogspot.com/2010/05/oh-maggie-i-couldnt-have-tried-any-more.html

More importantly - pics!



I'm sure Ruglud won't mind him borrowing Maggot for a bit...  ;)

Must paint some more orcs - getting a bit bored of the same ugly mugs in the background all the time!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: thebinmann on May 03, 2010, 06:38:11 PM
That'd be right Erny! Thought I'd push the boat out for such a big guy! Shame I didn't get Bagrash the other day but as he went for £15 I wasn't that sorry!

Talking of Bagrash - don't try google images for better pics of him - took me a while to get the joke behind his name until I did this...  :o

Perhaps they should have called hil Sacsore or Soresac?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on May 03, 2010, 07:09:23 PM
Cool model, lots of character in it's face.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on May 03, 2010, 08:04:30 PM
Oh how I miss this guy...  :'(

This was one of the first minis I painted when learning how to paint "properly"... ie started to dabble with washes, shading and highlighting etc. I remember his fur pants taking very well to dry brushing. =)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: thebinmann on May 03, 2010, 08:20:55 PM
Wonderful stuff!

Makes me want to do it in 25mm instead of 10mm, thouh I think I'll o for Lichemaster in 25mm.

Have you started playing yet? If not have you thought of playing the shorter or even longer parts at a show? If I lived in the UK I know I'd love to see it!

Perhaps webcam payperveiw? (ok that's too far, but I think the show idea could be a real goer!)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 03, 2010, 08:44:53 PM
Perhaps they should have called hil Sacsore or Soresac?

 lol For some reason I've got uncomfortable looking Nipponese Samurai called Ichinakas in my head now!

Guess that'll just be me then....  ;D

I remember his fur pants taking very well to dry brushing.

Drybrushing! I'll have you know I painstakingly layered and blended each strand in his hairy pants!  ;) :D

Cheers for your comments fellas but steady now - didn't think they were this good!

If not have you thought of playing the shorter or even longer parts at a show? If I lived in the UK I know I'd love to see it!

A huge compliment Binman - thanks! Don't know where would have me though...

Perhaps webcam payperveiw?

... and I refuse to ower myself to this level - I know what goes on with these webcam things... ;) lol

Hopefully have Snorin and Borin done after tea and Satursday's Dr Who so stay posted
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 04, 2010, 12:27:15 AM
So as promised - Borinn and Snorinn, son of Borinn!

Loads more gumph on the background here - http://teasgettingcold.blogspot.com/2010/05/and-when-heart-of-dwarf-even-most.html

Here's some pics of these gold-crazed deserters!






Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on May 04, 2010, 05:37:17 AM
You've really picked up the pace again! =) Really like the pipe smoker (Borinn?).
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on May 04, 2010, 10:23:32 AM
Nice looking dwarfs, cool buildings, some I don't recognize though you could do with black penning the white showing where you scored the folds on it, minor detail but quick to fix.

I have Iron fist too, an big favorite of mine due to his appearance in the original WHFR book.

I remember prepping a whole load of old Guard minis for a show, a big zombie game, until someone pointed out that nice minis often go walk about in small hands at shows so I panicked and bought a bunch of plastic Catachans and painted them up in a couple of days. If no losses can be guaranteed a show would be cool to do though. Perhaps a LAF old school fest table.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on May 04, 2010, 10:35:59 AM
Yay! Dwarfs, I love them! Hairy little buggers!

Anywhere would take you by the way, you just need to email the show organisers asking if you can run a demo or participation game at their show!

I for one, would love to see it and stop by have a chat!  :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: thebinmann on May 04, 2010, 03:19:00 PM
I remember prepping a whole load of old Guard minis for a show, a big zombie game, until someone pointed out that nice minis often go walk about in small hands at shows so I panicked and bought a bunch of plastic Catachans and painted them up in a couple of days. If no losses can be guaranteed a show would be cool to do though. Perhaps a LAF old school fest table.

People are shocking!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on May 04, 2010, 05:11:02 PM
Truth be told I have no proof it happens but for someone's anecdote. I may be worried about nothing.

This is shaping up into a nice game though that I'm sure people would want to game at a show.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: thebinmann on May 04, 2010, 05:13:45 PM
Truth be told I have no proof it happens but for someone's anecdote. I may be worried about nothing.

This is shaping up into a nice game though that I'm sure people would want to game at a show.

I know it happens because the guy fm Conquest minis had one of his painted display figures stolen!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on May 04, 2010, 06:12:49 PM
He left them overnight though. Still bad, but it wasn't during the show times.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: thebinmann on May 04, 2010, 06:39:27 PM
He left them overnight though. Still bad, but it wasn't during the show times.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on May 04, 2010, 06:40:19 PM

Wouldn't that just exaggerate the need to steal them?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 04, 2010, 07:06:40 PM
Cheers fellas!

Yep need to sort out the white edges on the buildings - thought that as I put them up in a hurry to get to bed!

Perhaps a LAF old school fest table.

That would be fun! Perhaps I need to check out what shows happen when and where...

Managed to miss out on Vapnartak (think that's how its spelt), which I learnt of too late - and I only live round the bloody corner!  >:(

... and I think I heard something about an event called Salute?  ;)

Anyways - got a load more minis to paint before all that - militia of Linden Way, horse and carts, pack ponies, Chardz's Engineers, Brommedir's Bows/Wood Elves of Kachas Pass, not to mention the other Orc Tribes...

Strangely looking forward to all this rank and file as they will nearly all be unique citadel minis - unlike the massed ranks of Ruglud's samey troopers - much as I love 'em!

Just got to find some more funds - watching the townsfolk thread with interest - can't afford £4-£5 per citadel villager on ebay since I need 10 or so!  >:(

As for these tales of thievery I think a large rusty machete hung loosely and ostentatiously on one's belt might be a suitable deterrent and suitably in keeping with the orcy nature of the game...  >:D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: thebinmann on May 04, 2010, 07:24:18 PM
Cheers fellas!

Yep need to sort out the white edges on the buildings - thought that as I put them up in a hurry to get to bed!

That would be fun! Perhaps I need to check out what shows happen when and where...

Managed to miss out on Vapnartak (think that's how its spelt), which I learnt of too late - and I only live round the bloody corner!  >:(

... and I think I heard something about an event called Salute?  ;)

Anyways - got a load more minis to paint before all that - militia of Linden Way, horse and carts, pack ponies, Chardz's Engineers, Brommedir's Bows/Wood Elves of Kachas Pass, not to mention the other Orc Tribes...

Strangely looking forward to all this rank and file as they will nearly all be unique citadel minis - unlike the massed ranks of Ruglud's samey troopers - much as I love 'em!

Just got to find some more funds - watching the townsfolk thread with interest - can't afford £4-£5 per citadel villager on ebay since I need 10 or so!  >:(

As for these tales of thievery I think a large rusty machete hung loosely and ostentatiously on one's belt might be a suitable deterrent and suitably in keeping with the orcy nature of the game...  >:D

Someone suggested these, but they may not quite do the job:


But they are 12 for £10
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: LeadAsbestos on May 04, 2010, 07:34:13 PM

Trust me, just take a look, and you'll be buying!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on May 04, 2010, 07:46:56 PM
Yeah, the megaminis ones do look really good.  :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 04, 2010, 10:29:56 PM
Hmmm could be worth a pop- think you may be right Mr Asbestos!

Great range of minis - not totally sold on some of the human villager's faces but I can't really be picky and it might just be the way their paint jobs have come out in the black & white photos  - anyone got any comparisons with the citadel villagers?

How many ladies of the night do you need though! ABout 1/4 of the village population appears to be employed in the oldest trade in the world!  :o

Thanks also for the tip Rob but I don't think the Westwind ones are quite what I'm after - nice price though I agree!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on May 05, 2010, 08:38:47 AM

Trust me, just take a look, and you'll be buying!

I've been looking at them for a while myself, just haven't got round to it yet. I believe the originals are even older than the minis in this thread...

Still just as good as the Orcs drift era villagers not quite as nice as the later villagers and townsfolk by citadel and marauder but the price is nice.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on May 05, 2010, 08:54:58 AM
Great range of minis - not totally sold on some of the human villager's faces but I can't really be picky and it might just be the way their paint jobs have come out in the black & white photos  - anyone got any comparisons with the citadel villagers?
I ordered some Mega Minis recently... they are an absolute joy to deal with. Good communications, VERY low shipping prices and EXTREMELY quick dispatch. I think I had my minis the week after I ordered them, but only paid $3 for shipping from the US to Sweden.

Quality and size of the miniatures differ though. I can post a comparison of scale. None of the minis are painted yet.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 05, 2010, 09:16:10 PM
That would be great if you could Phreedh - definitely tempted although spent up at the mo...  :'(
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on May 05, 2010, 10:07:39 PM
OK, here goes... the pictures don't really convey the general impression but I'll comment on each and you can decide for yourself if Mega Minis are something to go for. I do recommend them though. =)

First up, from the left: GW Skeleton, Mega "Aging wizard" (Human NPC), Mega "Cleric crusader" (Human NPC), GW Militiaman

The aging wizard is just the right size. Cleric crusader is as close you can get while still on the small side. In the picture they both look fine - but when holding the cleric in your hand it is a tad smallish. Works just fine with 80s citadel though!

Next, from the left: GW Militiaman, Mega "Questing Ranger" (Grenadier), Mega "Fighting Cleric" (Grenadier), Mega "Monk with staff" (Townsfolk), GW Skeleton.

These are a bit harder to pinpoint. The feeling of the grenadier minis is wrong, scale wise. They feel smaller. I guess they'd be classified as heroic 25mm? Same with the monk. They work - but there's something not quite right about the scale. They're a bit too slender... or rather, the GW minis are a bit too chunky. =)

Finally, a few Arabians.

These are defenitely too small to mix with GW without thinking "hey, these are smaller". I bought them to use as pawns for a board game though - so it doesn't trouble me. They are the smallest of the bunch, as can be seen below where I compare the different Mega Minis.


Conclusion? Well, the scale can be a bit hit and miss. At the price and service level, they are very well worth it though. Especially if you need to bulk up on towns people. The arabians were the poorest sculpts. The Grenadier line are very crisp casts, but not as nice as the Human NPC line.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 05, 2010, 10:53:12 PM
Cheers Phreedh -very handy - think I might get in trouble if I go ahead though... :-[
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: LeadAsbestos on May 06, 2010, 01:09:36 AM
Was having the same probs when the missus took offense at my spending a bit when my son was just born. Luckily, my friend, also a new dad, took off w/ his buddies on a 3-day golfing weekend, and I looked like a Prince! :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 06, 2010, 06:39:56 AM
Hehe - fortune favours the brave!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on May 06, 2010, 08:45:51 AM
I always point out I could be down the pub watching footy every other night,  golfing as you pointed out, on crack or even worse addicted to shoes and face cream. The last one there is liable to go up in your face if you don't time it well. It only seams an expensive hobby if you ignore how much everything else costs. Having said that I know when I've spent too much and the other world voucher scheme and my goblin spear quest has put me close to the edge for a little while.

The mega minis look good for scale. Anyone looked at the old glory revolting peasants? The sculpts probably ain't the best but a big variety of poses and the right scale for older stuff. I'm looking at the women and children in particular.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 06, 2010, 09:38:19 PM
I always point out I could be down the pub watching footy every other night,  golfing as you pointed out, on crack or even worse addicted to shoes and face cream.

All good points but I don't have a leg to stand on as my other leisurely pursuit is clay pigeon shooting...  ::)

... and I was sorely tempted by the Otherworld offer... :P

Pictures of the Old Glory revolting peasants would be very useful - how do websites sell stuff without pictures?!

These could have potential though -

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on May 07, 2010, 08:37:03 AM
Hey they ain't bad, certainly fill in the mega mini holes with some decent looking females.

The Old Glory revolting peasants can be seen on the US site which incidentally is about the only way to get hold of the women and children pack at the moment.

http://www.oldgloryminiatures.com/products.asp?cat=169 (http://www.oldgloryminiatures.com/products.asp?cat=169)

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 07, 2010, 06:44:16 PM
Those revolting peasants look quite tasty!  :D ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 18, 2010, 01:07:50 AM
Got a load of painting done at the weekend but having left my camera at work there's a bit of a backlog....

Here's the first lot but as its getting late I'll post the rest tomorrow!  o_o

First up is Fangor Gripe, Chieftain of the Vile Rune Orcs, and tasked with the destruction of the Wood Elf garrison at Kachas Pass before meeting the rest of the Orc invasion force at Orc's Drift.


Having acquired four nice Big'uns I thought they'd go nicely with the old alternative rider that came with the War Wyvern and together they'd fit the bill for King Fyarr's Royal bodyguard - wait for it....

The Fyarr Guard!  lol

Not 100% convinced by the shield - had a brainwave to use a couple of the old plastic goblin shields that came with the horrible platic gobbo spearmen from the 4th ed. rules - nice leering face! Tried to paint a crown to emulate the motif on the shields for the Fyarr Guard in the scenario booklet but because the surface wasn't flat it isn't very defined - may change them for flat shields yet and have a go at freehand...  :'(






Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: thebinmann on May 18, 2010, 06:29:06 AM
Now there's lovely...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on May 18, 2010, 06:37:42 AM
Finally! Glad to see a post from you again! =) Love the old one-eye! Reminds me of the fimir. Agree with you on the shields, it's a bit unclear what's going on above the goblin head. Not bad enough for you to redo them with other shields, though. They look good!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 18, 2010, 06:54:25 AM
Cheers guys - good to be back - bloody work keeps getting in the way!  >:(

I agree with you Phreedh on the fimir - now I have to resist starting a warband - definitely can't afford that!

As for the shields might try to sharpen them up a bit with some outlining and more highlights although the motif (if you happen to own the Orc's Drift scenario you'll know what thet look like!) is a strong one and I'd like to do it justice so may end up freehanding it... when I can lay my hand on some nice large flat round shields...

Quick update for this morning - Bagrash, the Kwae Karr shaman - bit more on him and the others on my blog -


... and here's the all important pics!





Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on May 18, 2010, 07:38:36 AM
Your Bagrash looks great. :)

Btw, I didn't catch the joke in "The Fyarr Guard"... please enlighten me!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: thebinmann on May 18, 2010, 07:45:16 AM
Your Bagrash looks great. :)

Btw, I didn't catch the joke in "The Fyarr Guard"... please enlighten me!

Fire Guard?

Now there's lovely (you know the Welsh (I mean Dwarven) guard from Rorke's (I mean Orc's) Drift)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on May 18, 2010, 07:57:48 AM
Fire Guard?

Now there's lovely (you know the Welsh (I mean Dwarven) guard from Rorke's (I mean Orc's) Drift)
Being Swedish I didn't even think to pronounce it like "fire"... I thought "fy'-arr", and it seems I lack the proper frame of reference as well. =) After a quick google, I now get the header on Thant's blog as well... "about as much use as a chocolate fire guard".

Island kooks... :P
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on May 18, 2010, 08:42:06 AM
Hey nice to see a new post, I'm going to be a pesky pedant again though.

Those shields on the biguns are third edition Warhammer regiments Goblin shields not the 4th edition ones.


Which given the time frame of you collection you may be happier with. I have round flat shields coming out of my ears. Send me an address and i can certainly send you five. However I think the ones you are using look fine.

All looking good, you should get some games of SoBH in with these while your waiting to be ready for the campaign. get some use out of them!

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: thebinmann on May 18, 2010, 03:49:22 PM
Hey nice to see a new post, I'm going to be a pesky pedant again though.

Those shields on the biguns are third edition Warhammer regiments Goblin shields not the 4th edition ones.


Which given the time frame of you collection you may be happier with. I have round flat shields coming out of my ears. Send me an address and i can certainly send you five. However I think the ones you are using look fine.

All looking good, you should get some games of SoBH in with these while your waiting to be ready for the campaign. get some use out of them!

Hi have you got any Bugman's sheilds?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: thebinmann on May 18, 2010, 03:56:45 PM
Being Swedish I didn't even think to pronounce it like "fire"... I thought "fy'-arr", and it seems I lack the proper frame of reference as well. =) After a quick google, I now get the header on Thant's blog as well... "about as much use as a chocolate fire guard".

Island kooks... :P

I'd never even thought about it until you ask. But were are kooks

Next you'll ask for glass nails, sky hooks, rainbow paint and long weights!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 18, 2010, 07:56:19 PM
Now there's lovely (you know the Welsh (I mean Dwarven) guard from Rorke's (I mean Orc's) Drift)

Sorry Binman missed that one!  ::)

Btw, I didn't catch the joke in "The Fyarr Guard"... please enlighten me!

No worries Phreedh - the pun only revealed itself to me recently... Same with Bagrash, as I've mentioned before - didn't work that one out till I did a google images search!  :o

My turn to be confused! Island Kooks? Seems we're all talking in riddles!  lol

I'm going to be a pesky pedant again though.

Mister Erny Sir, be quiet now, will you? There's a good gentleman. You'll upset the lads.

Sorry love that quote from Zulu!  lol

Couldn't quite remember where they came from - inherited some of the nasty plastic gobbos and figured the shields came with them - I'll have to reinstate them on the backs of my Warhammer regiments Gobbo stickas!

A few of those round shields would be great - pm sent.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 18, 2010, 08:26:37 PM
About those games of SOBH Erny - would love to - got any spare hours you could send with the shields!  :D

Some more stuff I got done over the weekend!

Standard bearer



and Gobbo spears (sorry Erny - know you're after some but as you'll see in the second pic I need these guys to deal with a cat problem!)



More ramblings here as ever... http://teasgettingcold.blogspot.com/2010/05/eight-out-of-ten-cats-prefer-gobbos.html
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on May 19, 2010, 08:38:48 AM
Hi have you got any Bugman's sheilds?

I'm not aware that there are any Bugman specific shields but if there are I don't have any.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on May 19, 2010, 08:41:55 AM
I didn't think I'd ever say this but less painting more gaming!!! Mainly so the rest of us can catch up.

Love the gobbos by the way. I pretty much have enough gobbo spears now so no hard feelings  ;).

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on May 19, 2010, 08:59:26 AM
My god Thants... you've been cranking them out like crazy. Good job!

Agree with Erny, get some gaming on! I want to see these in action now! =)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: thebinmann on May 19, 2010, 09:23:21 PM
I'm not aware that there are any Bugman specific shields but if there are I don't have any.

Guess I'm wrong, but I thought I'd seen embosed shields...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 19, 2010, 10:31:03 PM
Love the gobbos by the way. I pretty much have enough gobbo spears now so no hard feelings

Good to hear - look forward to seeing the pics.

As for gaming you may have to wait a bit - next to weekends are booked up with family stuff - Mother-in-Law's birthday so I also will have to be on best behaviour...  >:(

Got a week's holiday coming up though after that so I'll see what I can do - got an idea for a little scenario or two that would tie in with the main Orc's Drift storyline...

Besides I need to paint the Linden Way militia up yet - Mayor Leofwine's getting lonely!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 22, 2010, 01:34:04 AM
But before that...

Some of Borinn's desperate dwarven deserters, lured away from their duties with the Grand League for a spot of gold panning in the river Canis!






Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on May 22, 2010, 05:28:01 AM
Very nice! The faces look really good!

That axe-dwarf is one of my favourites of the marauder dwarfs, got him lined up with some buddies waiting for paint. That's faaar back in the queue though. =( Only surviving models from my old warhammer days.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 22, 2010, 08:50:59 AM
Yeah, cheers Phreedh,  he's a great sculpt - particularly like him as he has a crossbow strapped to his back so I don't need to buy as many crossbow armed dwarves for the scenario, which seem to go for a bit of a premium on ebay at the mo!  :D

Was quite chuffed with the pike-dwarf's face too - looks mean enough to be a deserter with gold fever!  >:D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on May 22, 2010, 11:31:30 PM
Marauder dwarfs! Best dwarfs EVER.
Except Krautian Landwehr, of course.  lol

But yeah, I have quite a few, wish I had more bog standard warriors though!!!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on May 23, 2010, 09:52:58 AM
rob, as you know I still have a shitload of the hammerers. ;) Posting up a lead mountain clearance thread today, check the bazaar later.

Sorry about the hijack, Thants... =P
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 23, 2010, 11:12:34 AM
Except Krautian Landwehr, of course.

Don't let White Knight hear you say that!  lol

Sorry about the hijack, Thants... =P

No worries Phreedh I've pm'ed you my advertising fees!!  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on May 23, 2010, 12:02:11 PM
rob, as you know I still have a shitload of the hammerers. ;) Posting up a lead mountain clearance thread today, check the bazaar later.

Sorry about the hijack, Thants... =P

Sorry about continuing the hijack, but dear god, I wish I had time to finish the WHFB project and add in your stuff! 'fraid Napoleoniques and VSF take up my time usually!!!  lol What with the release of Darkestorme, I'm all tied up in that too!  :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 23, 2010, 10:15:19 PM
No worries Rob - you sound like a busy man!

Got another two dwarfs done for the Ashak Rise scenario - they're only little so don't take long!  :D

Not sure about the treasure hunter's face - was getting hot and bothered so not my best work - may retouch it at a later date...  >:(

Anyways great minis which fit well with the backstory that these fellas have deserted the Grand League and are illicitly panning for gold!







Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on May 24, 2010, 12:58:50 AM
Hey, I have that dwarf thief!!!  :o
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 24, 2010, 06:41:51 AM
You thought you did... hehehe  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on May 24, 2010, 10:46:14 AM

*goes and checks*  ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on May 24, 2010, 11:23:03 AM
Steve, did you paint that face after the BBQ? =P

Don't think he looks too bad - not keen on the mini itself though. On the other hand, that hooded club wielding guy is great!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 24, 2010, 06:32:04 PM
Yeah he's a bit of an ugly mug and the weapon isn't great - bought him just cos he had a treasure chest under his arm and thought it fitted nicely with the Ashak Rise scenario - deserting dwarfs fighting off an orc invasion which has inconveniently disturbed their illicit gold mining operation!

Steve, did you paint that face after the BBQ? =P

How could you tell!  :o

Don't know whether it was the beers and half bottle of wine at lunch time or heatstroke...  ;D

Reckon if I can sort the eyes out he won't look too bad...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Welf VIII. on May 24, 2010, 08:49:34 PM
I love the dwarf with the dragon helmet (comes from boxed set DRAG3 Green Dragon & Dwarf). While his face could be better, I really like to see a dwarf with a treasure chest under his arm, raising his axe as if to shout: "that treasure is mine, MINE!" Oh and I am really, really fond of this dragon helmet.

Dwarfs are the best in every fantasy world.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 24, 2010, 08:55:54 PM
I really like to see a dwarf with a treasure chest under his arm, raising his axe as if to shout: "that treasure is mine, MINE!"

Cheers Welf - exactly the reasons he caught my eye!

I'm more of a green skin man myself but the short ones are growing on me!

Still find green skin easier to paint than normal skin tones...  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Doomhippie on May 30, 2010, 10:06:15 PM
Hey, I'm still waiting/hoping for a battle report or some great new pics... Come on, it's my past as well you're working on.  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Peter pumkinhead on May 31, 2010, 03:12:44 PM
Lovely stuff in this thread :-* I have stripped and started to paint my old minis and stuff like this spurs me on no end .Many thanks ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on May 31, 2010, 10:40:22 PM
I have stripped and started to paint my old minis

I prefer to paint fully clothed personally although it has ben quite warm this weekend!  ;D
Hope to see them soon Pete - your minis that is.  :D

Hey, I'm still waiting/hoping for a battle report or some great new pics... Come on, it's my past as well you're working on.

As spiderman once said - With great minis comes great responsibility...  ;)

I shall no longer shirk my duties in favour of bank holiday frivolity and endeavour to post some pics tomorrow and play a game this week...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Doomhippie on May 31, 2010, 10:58:55 PM

I shall no longer shirk my duties in favour of bank holiday frivolity and endeavour to post some pics tomorrow and play a game this week...

Ahh, that's the spirit.  :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 03, 2010, 01:27:39 AM
Hey, I'm still waiting/hoping for a battle report or some great new pics...

Well here's a little something to tide you over...

Finally finished a unit! Well, kind of...

Fernbreth the Elf makes the last of the Druid Snart's patients who can still wield a sword in defence of the hospital. A nice old Jes Goodwin sculpt instead of the original scenario model (still lokking if anyone has a spare one?  :D).

More gubbins on the blog - http://teasgettingcold.blogspot.com/2010/06/eye-for-eye.html




Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 03, 2010, 01:40:07 AM
Also nearing completion with the Dwarfs of Ashak Rise. Two more clansmen to paint up and some crossbow dwarfs wending their way as we speak, courtesy of Phreedh.  :D

I had to demote Snorinn to join the clansmen as I manged to track down the original scenario mini on ebay a while back - no silly prices on this one!  :D Snorinn is the one on the right. Borinn, his father and mastermind of the desertion/gold panning scheme, is on the left.




Not combatants but key in Borinn's get-away plan are these three fine young fillies -



and where would we be without some battle scenes... >:D





More background here - http://teasgettingcold.blogspot.com/2010/06/lovin-that-ass.html
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: thebinmann on June 03, 2010, 07:42:29 AM
Also nearing completion with the Dwarfs of Ashak Rise. Two more clansmen to paint up and some crossbow dwarfs wending their way as we speak, courtesy of Phreedh.  :D

I had to demote Snorinn to join the clansmen as I manged to track down the original scenario mini on ebay a while back - no silly prices on this one!  :D Snorinn is the one on the right. Borinn, his father and mastermind of the desertion/gold panning scheme, is on the left.

I picked up bagrash at the weekend!  :o :P
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on June 03, 2010, 07:56:22 AM
I picked up bagrash at the weekend!  :o :P
You need an ointment for that, mate? :D :P

Thants, when it rains it pours... Good job, and I like the new Snorinn better than the old! Looking forward to see my crossbow guys painted up! =D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 03, 2010, 10:07:29 AM
I picked up bagrash at the weekend!   

Wow - congratulations I think!

How much do you want for him?!  ;) :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on June 03, 2010, 10:45:32 AM
Nice one thants, it's looking good! Still haven't sorted through that stuff, my other half's dad is here.  :?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 03, 2010, 01:50:17 PM
Cheers Rob - no worries about your sort out - looks like that little game I keep talking about might have to be curtailed - relatives stuff going on all weekend myself...  >:(
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Doomhippie on June 03, 2010, 04:25:23 PM
Ahh, a pleasure looking at your pics. Once again thank you for posting them.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 03, 2010, 05:34:40 PM
Pleasure's all mine!

Might even get the last two of Borinn's clansmen based up and photographed if I can get rid of the outlaws who are coming round for a BBQ in good time!  >:D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 04, 2010, 02:18:03 AM
As promised but way past my bedtime...  o_o






and a bonus orc!

My favouritest orc mini ever doing what orcs do best -crumping elves!




Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on June 04, 2010, 06:42:05 AM
No wonder the orcs are pissed, that elf in the background seems to have made his hood out of orc skin! =)

That dwarf thief is a great mini, you have an awesome collection of models painted up by now mate! Browsed through your old pics yesterday evening. You've had a bloody productive spring! =D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on June 04, 2010, 07:15:00 AM
Aye! and it all looks great!

I think I  have that 'crumpin' orc kicking around somewhere... :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 04, 2010, 09:10:41 AM
Cheers fellas - hoping to have it all ready by the summer hols so I can play through the whole scenario!

Must...  paint... more... minis...  o_o

No wonder the orcs are pissed, that elf in the background seems to have made his hood out of orc skin! =)

Haha - well I like that green - what can I say!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 11, 2010, 07:12:56 AM
... and talking of green...








Quite chuffed with this guy's shield - took the design from the Kwae Carr Orc's page in the scenario booklet and painted it with a sharpened stick, filling in the gaps with a brush! Might have to fill in the background in red to hep it stand out more - not terribly clear with the metallic background...  ::)


... and the obligatory battle scene - Ambush at Ashak Rise!


Loads more mugshots and a few ramblings on the blog -

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on June 11, 2010, 07:28:07 AM
Awesome update, they look very nice!

I have huge problems when faced with a blank shield - I'm rubbish at free hand painting. =) Yours turned out well, but as you say - more contrast with the background might make it more distinct.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 12, 2010, 06:37:48 PM
Cheers Phreedh - went back to it and in true Orky style I painted it red!  >:D

Looks a bit better I think...


Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on June 12, 2010, 07:48:11 PM
Awesome stuff!

I love the other orcs too, especially the one with the dwarf head.  :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 12, 2010, 10:53:39 PM
Yeah he's a favourite of mine!  >:D

Think I mentioned it on my blog - I remember a brilliant Golden Demon diorama entry that featured in White Dwarf a long time ago. It featured this mini, the dwarf Goblobber catapult, a headless dwarf and some other old orc warmachine crewmen - entitled Revenge!  >:D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on June 13, 2010, 09:35:31 AM

I started reading The Trolltooth Wars last night!  :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on June 13, 2010, 09:50:41 AM
Much better! =)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 13, 2010, 05:37:46 PM
I started reading The Trolltooth Wars last night!

Cracking book - I think one of my first posts here was enquiring after suitable minis for rhinomen and eyeless archers to recreate the climactic battle - the ideas still mouldering somewhere in the back of my head and I have an old Dark Elf mage for Zarrhadan Marr's beastmaster...

Cheers Phreedh - stands out a bit more now!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 14, 2010, 12:43:13 AM
Well another busy weekend (sorry wife, kids and dog!!  ::)) ends with the completion of another command for Orc's Drift...

The Dwarfs of Ashak Rise!

I won't blather on too much here - background information is on the blog -


Anyways here's the pics -




Thanks to Phreedh by the way - these chaps rounded off Borinn's force quite nicely!  :D




... and if you remember I was muttering about gnomes a while back - one has finally sneaked onto my painting desk! He's standing in till his replacement arrives from ebay - a crossbowdwarf I've been after for a while...

He came as part of a job lot with one of the pack mules and a few other gnomes, including a gnome wizard!  They'll be painted up at some point as a small band of adventurers for SOBH if I should ever get round to a game!

... and yes I was very tempted to paint his hat red!  ;)




Probably a good time to take stock as well.

The engineers of Osrim Chardz are all here now waiting to be painted.
The last of the Linden Way militia are wending their way through the post.
I have got hold of the original Brommedir mini and just need to paint up some more of my Skarloc's archers for both the Woodelves of Kachass Pass and Brommedir's Bows.
I have enough Orc archers for all three tribes and enough warriors to field the tribes separately - not that far off ffrom being ale to field the whole invasion force, although of course there will be casualties along the way...
Still need a mini for Hagar Sheol, chieftain of the Severed Hand tribe, and another 5 hobhounds for Grashak!
Oh and then there's the 10 villagers of Orc's Drift. I have a couple of carts for that scenario but need to get going with terrain - touch up a river and road I have acquired, some more trees, the rest of the card buildings, some barricades and grain sack walls, and I think that is about it!!  ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on June 14, 2010, 08:13:15 AM
Go on, paint his hat red.
No problem with that imo, people might say 'he looks like a gnome!' and you can just say 'yeah, you're point?'.  lol

I must admit, I'm struggling with all the names and stuff in The Trolltooth Wars, been a while since I've read anything like it, but it's a nice change and does provoke some imagination.
I do want to sculpt some Rhinomen Guards...  lol
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on June 14, 2010, 11:51:51 AM
Nice ones mate, the gnome is really cool! Agree with Rob - paint his hat red.

Glad to see the dwarfs painted up, they've been neglected for 15-20 years in my cupboards! =D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 14, 2010, 06:28:49 PM
Cheers fellas!

I do want to sculpt some Rhinomen Guards... 

In the words of Arnie - Do it... Do it NOW!!!  :D

As for the red hat I might just do that - its becoming a habit going back and repainting things red...  lol

It'll have to be a weathered, leathery red so its a realistic gnome's hat though...  ;D

Don't fancy the fish's chances with that crossbow!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on June 14, 2010, 08:58:05 PM
Come ooooon. Paint it red with a blue tunic. Come oooon.

I'll try a rhinoman, I'll see if AA will cast it. I know they are busy casting their old generic fantasy range which is lovely. You might want to check it out.  :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 14, 2010, 09:41:00 PM
One that looks like this please!  :D


and while you're at it could do with a legion of


Some of these big fellas


and maybe a hobgoblin or two!  :D :D


.. and then and only then will I consider painting my gnome as a garden gnome!  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: dinohunterpoa on June 15, 2010, 01:03:58 AM

Nice dwarfs!

Are you going to use the original card buildings? At least is what seems to me in the pictures's backgound... If so, I think that you already know that all the Arcane Architeture buildings can be find to download in Rapidshare.

I remember playing Orc's Drif as a RPG/Skirmish game using a modified version of WFB 2nds ed rules, it was very funny and a pitched battle at the end! We used the original card buildings for most of the scenarios, but in the last one is nice to have a more detailed (and bigger) model of the Orcs' Drif outpost, with interior and so. 

Please, keep going and keep us informed, it's a very nice project of yours! :O)

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 15, 2010, 06:35:51 AM
Thanks Dinohunter - I have the card buildings ready (cheers for the tip though) and waiting plus a few ideas for some makeshift barricades and mealie bag walls at Orc's Drift - would be nice to have some more substantial buildings with interiors (to recreate the invasion of the hospital possibly!). I'll just have to see how the budget is going by then!

Currently painting up the archers for the Linden Way militia as I'm waiting for the last few levies to wend their way through the post...

Looking at getting hold of the 2nd ed rules - can you remember how you modified them?!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on June 15, 2010, 08:42:13 AM
One that looks like this please!  :D


and while you're at it could do with a legion of


Some of these big fellas


and maybe a hobgoblin or two!  :D :D


.. and then and only then will I consider painting my gnome as a garden gnome!  ;)

So that would be citadel of chaos
Island of the lizard king
one I don't know
And I believe island of the lizard king again (though could be battle blade warrior or portal of evil).

I think I'm going to have to complete my collection of FF books though I never owned the Troll Tooth wars perhaps I need to pick that up too.

Nice looking dwarfs Thants.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on June 15, 2010, 12:33:40 PM
I have a stack of them at home...

Perhaps I can convince AA it would be a good idea to release them. The problem is, there wouldn't be huge sales potential. Flintloque is remarkably popular, but very few people bother posting online.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 15, 2010, 06:41:11 PM
Never played citadel of chaos Erny! I'll take your word for it. You got the Lizard King ones right and the one you didn't know is the Trolltooth Wars - good read but its a novel rather than a gamebook.

Rob - think you're right about it being a niche market, although Otherworld's lizardmen and other D&D nasties have been getting rave reviews - just have to market them as general monsters!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on June 15, 2010, 07:48:12 PM
Hahahaha! I am no Paul bloody Muller though!!!  lol
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 19, 2010, 12:03:20 AM
Right next batch up - the Bowmen of the Linden Way militia - cheers for the halfling Rob, thought I'd include him for a laugh  :D (the dwarf you sent me has joined Chardz's engineers - more later!)

Rejigged the militia slightly - a few of the minis I procured from various places weren't peasanty enough so they represent a few regulars left behind as advisors and liaison officers with the emergency guard of citisens levied in nearby Meledir as the Linden Way garrison commander took the rest of the unit to meet the Goblin threat further south near Ortar.










I'm afraid your old halfling has hung up his dungeoneering boots and joined up with the militia Rob!  :D

Next up more militia!


Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on June 19, 2010, 05:23:09 AM
Nice update! I really like the archer with the red hood.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Delaney on June 19, 2010, 08:04:54 AM
Me too.  Lovely stuff.

(I did mine in green, think I will have to pick up another and go red- however he is from Dungeonquest so sometimes is a bit expensive to grab on ebay!)

You know, I would love to see a long shot of your whole gaming table- it looks like you have some seriously cool scenery.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 19, 2010, 09:40:13 AM
Thanks fellas!

Don't really have a gaming table setup as such at the moment its a bit of a moveable feast! These pics are little setups on my desktop using lots of freestanding terrain pieces and the mountain backdrop. When I come to finally play the damn thing I'll be using a big grass mat, the card buildings and the vacuum formed Amera hills and walls! Got some roads and rivers too but they need some work yet.

Took some shots of a larger setup with the gaming mat when I was painting up an old elf warband - should give you some idea of what I'm aiming at! Can't remember if I posted them here or on the blog before but here they are-






This was actually set up on the floor - disaster nearly struck when Branston, my 2 year old chocolate labrador decided he'd investigate!


I'll be doing a lot more of those little bushes - good for defining the boundaries of woods and breaking up the big expanses of bare grass and making terrain pieces blend in a bit more. Also got a load more trees to finish, fancy having a go at a wooden palisade for the Wood Elf garrison at Kachas Pass, need loads of mealie bag walls, hedges, and improvised barricades for Orc's Drift - so plenty more to come!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on June 19, 2010, 12:45:00 PM
Lovely stuff, I love what you've done with my Halfling adventurer! Good show.

Ace wood elves too.  :)

I wanna see my dwarf!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 19, 2010, 03:42:14 PM
Cheers Rob - afraid you'll have to wait for the dwarf - got 20 more militia to paint up first - Mayor Leofwine has no-one to shout at!  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: dinohunterpoa on June 20, 2010, 01:07:45 AM
Thanks Dinohunter - I have the card buildings ready (cheers for the tip though) and waiting plus a few ideas for some makeshift barricades and mealie bag walls at Orc's Drift - would be nice to have some more substantial buildings with interiors (to recreate the invasion of the hospital possibly!). I'll just have to see how the budget is going by then!

Believe me, you're going to need the big hospital building with the interior; things get really ugly and bloody when the orcs start smashing thorught the windows! And don't forget the pacients!

Currently painting up the archers for the Linden Way militia as I'm waiting for the last few levies to wend their way through the post...

I've already seem them, great job! And I also liked the militia's storyline you've put toghether, and the halfling farmer of course!

Looking at getting hold of the 2nd ed rules - can you remember how you modified them?!

We added the skills and potions from WFRP (1st Ed, of course) and put some more detail into the combat rules (such as weapons details and TO HIT modifiers) ending up with a ruleset much like a "Mordheim RPG". 

In the big hospital final fight (yep, we had a very big hospital model) the WFRP Movement rules from the "Oldenhaller Contract" scenario (from the rulebook) were very handy for a memorable rooftop chase!

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 20, 2010, 01:30:39 AM
That sounds brilliant! I can see it now - the defenders desperately dragging their comatose comrades from room to room fending off orcs and trying to escape the blazing fire that is consuming the building!

So WFRP 1st ed goes on the shopping list! Probably need to read properly through the Mordheim ruleset before I go spending more money!!  ::)

I do like the idea of zooming into key moments of the battle and doing them in more detail. Looks like I'll have to do a bit more reading...

One idea for room to room combat I've had is to make a little base for the card buildings with a bit of furniture inside and position of doors and windows marked, so once combat moves inside I can lift the card building off, revealing said base/floorplan for a clear view of the action.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: dinohunterpoa on June 20, 2010, 02:26:10 AM
That sounds brilliant! I can see it now - the defenders desperately dragging their comatose comrades from room to room fending off orcs and trying to escape the blazing fire that is consuming the building!

You can made your own house rules for models carrying their injured fellows! As a modelling project, take a look at http://www.bugmansbrewery.com/topic/27961-dwarf-stretcher-bearer-conversion/
for inspiration (much like the OOP Citadel FTD14 Dwarf Stretcher Party)

I remember that we used simple "card stretchers" at that time with great results as well! 

So WFRP 1st ed goes on the shopping list! Probably need to read properly through the Mordheim ruleset before I go spending more money!!  ::)

I do like the idea of zooming into key moments of the battle and doing them in more detail. Looks like I'll have to do a bit more reading...

I think that the more time you spent planning and preparing your games, the more fun you have in the end! Being able to give more details to key moments of the battle are very important for the players that really like to roleplay their characters, and it also seems more fair in some situations. In BBAOD game with had 10 players around the table (and it was GREAT FUN!) 

One idea for room to room combat I've had is to make a little base for the card buildings with a bit of furniture inside and position of doors and windows marked, so once combat moves inside I can lift the card building off, revealing said base/floorplan for a clear view of the action.

Yep, this works. But for my taste, nothing beats a 3D model! Scratchbuilng your own hospital from card and foamcore is not very complicated and can be VERY rewarding (and addictive as well, be warned!) You can use the card buildings as templates, or just cut the walls segments and glue them in the foamcore (making the buildings sturdier); interior walls can either be done with foamcore or with heavier card. Check this out for inspiration: http://www.hourofwolves.org/?view=articles&which=buildingThePony
(the gallery is just great!)

Like this guy form the above link, we like to make the bases/floorplans of our buildings in 1" grids to make inside movement easier; this can be achieved by the disposition of the floor slabs/plankings. Take a look at a WorldWorks Games set called "Pubbs & Inns" for simple but effective paper inside walls, floors and furniture!     

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: dinohunterpoa on June 20, 2010, 02:32:25 AM
Scroll down to the bottom of this page for a nice OOP Citadel peasant militia and civilians (from "Blood In The Streets")

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Luckyjoe on June 20, 2010, 04:44:40 AM
More great stuff! I'm looking forward to the next installment.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 20, 2010, 06:13:53 PM
Cheers Joe!

Thanks for all the great links Dinohunter - like the sound of your stretchers I'll check the dwarfs out when  I've a bit more time - got two carts for Ferndale to transport his wards to safety on but hadn't thought of stretchers - they were going to be dragged unceremoniously!  lol Been sourcing some casualty minis to join this fellow -he was dead but I converted him to alcoholism!


Definitely agree with you on the planning - its been in the back of my mind that after all this hard grind the fun gamey bit is going to last a very short time comparatively - anything that will spin it out in an enjoyable manner has got to good!

Mind you I need some like-minded souls to play with - this is fast getting past the stage where I could get the wife to humour me and play a few quick scenarios! Must check out my local club or should I go down to my local GW store and see if I cn give anyone a history lesson!  ;D

As for building projects - I do have some foamboard or whatever its called from a stalled Dr Who project - it was going to be a factory but antenociti's workshop seemed to be out of stock of brick textured sheets to clad it with so it never got built...

The 1" grid system sounds good - you've given me a lot of food for thought!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: dinohunterpoa on June 20, 2010, 07:37:26 PM
you've given me a lot of food for thought!  :D

That's the idea!  :)

Please, keep is informed - with lots of pictures, of course!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on June 22, 2010, 09:17:10 PM
Mind you I need some like-minded souls to play with
Pack your minis in a bag and hop on to a plane to Sweden. Sorted! :D I'll provide a table, some quality beverages and a sofa to crash on. I'm sure your Mrs wouldn't mind being left alone with the young'uns. ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: LeadAsbestos on June 22, 2010, 09:22:47 PM
Or to the USA! I've got that stuff too! Well, my sofa sucks, but we have a guest bedroom! lol

We're at the height of barbecue season too, so the eating will be good!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 22, 2010, 10:21:59 PM
Ok so a few more offers and I have the 2010 Bloodbath World Tour sorted!  lol

Thanks for the kind offers fellas - off to buy a lottery ticket...  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 23, 2010, 01:05:15 AM
... and if you're off on tour you need a flag to wave -






Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on June 23, 2010, 07:13:36 AM
Good job on the banner. What material did you use?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on June 23, 2010, 07:37:39 AM
Looks like cartridge paper.

Nice banner! Good design.  :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on June 23, 2010, 07:46:22 AM
Car... tridge... pa... perrrr? *googles*
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on June 23, 2010, 07:47:42 AM
Normal White Printer paper.  ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on June 23, 2010, 08:38:06 AM
Much easier to drive down Saff to Cambridge than get on a plane  :D. I have the table, the original rules, the geniuine buildings  ;) and I may even be able to sub in for some of your missing original figures....

More realistically there must be at least one local club in your city, clubs are certainly the way. Steer clear of the GW shop though. Anything older than a year is heresy and you have to put up with everyone else in there.

Is your standard bearer a more modern perry sculpt?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 23, 2010, 06:56:21 PM
Cheers guys!

The banner is indeed regular printer paper - what a cheapskate am I! It took the paint ok for my War Wyvern banner and didn't crinkle up so works for me!  :D

It is a nice design totally lifted from the scenario book!

Your offer sounds tempting Erny but you're right - I'll have to bob down to my local club in York - had a look at their website - just need an hour or two that I can call my own - roll on summer hols!

I remember going in to my local GW ages ago to buy some paints (before I discovered Vallejo and internet purchasing!) for my Black Tree Dr Who stuff - got some blank looks when they asked me what I was painting and I replied Genesis era Daleks, Silurians, and Unit troopers!

Got the standard bearer on ebay so no idea of the maker - didn't recognise him as citadel but he looked the part and once I'd lengthened his spear with one of the pikes from the skeleton horde box - bingo I had my standard bearer!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 23, 2010, 08:38:34 PM
Not quite up to this standard though!

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: rob_alderman on June 24, 2010, 09:58:51 AM
That's insanity. Absoloutely awesome paintjob.

I've always been tempted by Bretonnians, but it's all those different knightly orders!!!!  ;D

I might dig out my old plastic ones this week though, I'm going to my parents for a week where all the old school (well, not as old school as yours, but MY old school) plastics (4th/5th edition).  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on June 24, 2010, 10:31:51 AM
all the old school (well, not as old school as yours, but MY old school) plastics (4th/5th edition).  :D
Inbetween-school? =)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 24, 2010, 06:30:58 PM
Mid-life crisis school (GW not you Rob!)  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 25, 2010, 07:00:25 AM
Two more characters frm the militia - found the minis so full of character that a backstory for them is writing itself!

Here is Rearguard Captain Leofric (or should that be Leiafric with that helmet?!)- an impetuous young corporal who's hasty field promotion has somewhat gone to his head!



... and Corbin Grincheux, his dour and laconic, Breton Sergeant-at-arms, who deep down inside harbours an almost maternal affection for the young lads in his charge!



and the group shot!



Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: dinohunterpoa on June 28, 2010, 02:17:47 AM
Great work!

I like very much the militia/peasants regiment theme, simple folk fighting for their loved ones (and sheep!)  :)

Two more characters frm the militia - found the minis so full of character that a backstory for them is writing itself!

Take a look at the BLOOD IN THE STREETS supplement for WFB 2nd ("The Riding"): 3 villages with stats for about 30+ habitants!

http://rapidpedia.com/download.php?f=2156221 (http://rapidpedia.com/download.php?f=2156221)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 28, 2010, 06:53:25 AM
Cheers - already got a copy with a vague idea of using it for the game somehow!

Haven't got much painting done over the weekend but did play a little skirmish - will try and get pics up tonight...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on June 28, 2010, 07:00:41 AM
Cool! Are those guys Citadel, btw? The sword of Corbin doesn't look much like 80s citadel.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on June 28, 2010, 08:40:02 AM
Great work!

I like very much the militia/peasants regiment theme, simple folk fighting for their loved ones (and sheep!)  :)

Take a look at the BLOOD IN THE STREETS supplement for WFB 2nd ("The Riding"): 3 villages with stats for about 30+ habitants!


I may or may not agree with the sentiments but in the interests of keeping this sight running it probably isn't a good idea to link to sights where GW IP can be stolen...

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Erny on June 28, 2010, 08:47:39 AM
Cool! Are those guys Citadel, btw? The sword of Corbin doesn't look much like 80s citadel.

Oh he is a classic. The little pictures of individuals from units in the 3rd edition warhammer armies were all line drawings based on miniatures. This guy was used for the brigands in the Bretonian list so is a must have... He also cropped up a lot in photos. They are both perry sculpts one WoTR and one Feudal.

One variant of, "Corbin", is rigt in the center here:

http://www.solegends.com/citcat912/c20230brettinf.htm (http://www.solegends.com/citcat912/c20230brettinf.htm)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on June 28, 2010, 08:57:59 AM
Ah, thanks Erny!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 28, 2010, 05:50:11 PM
Cheers for the info Erny - I just bought them off ebay cos they were going cheap and I recognised a few from Solegends.

 Painting up some halberdiers from the old men-at-arms range - Corbin's cannon fodder!  >:D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on June 28, 2010, 05:54:36 PM
Painting up some halberdiers from the old men-at-arms range
Wish I had a few of those! Currently painting a few Metal Magic / Mega Miniatures halbardiers for the Stillburg militia. I'm behind schedule!  >:(
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - now with added Skulldred Battle Report!
Post by: Thantsants on June 29, 2010, 01:15:31 AM
Yerss - finally managed to fit a game in!  :D

Managed to coerce the wife into rolling a few dice with me at the weekend - it was a game of two halves, played in between nap times and feeding times for the kids and two boozy bbq's with friends in the evenings - a fine weekend I must say!

I used Dave King's fantastic Skulldred rules (sorry SOBH!) and they were very quick and easy to pick up - even for the wife! Not sure we got everything completely right as we were playing whilst reading them through pretty much for the first time - Dave even made a couple of tweaks while we were playing! It all worked out nicely as they're a really quick and intuitive rule set with minimal dice rolls, no charts and no difficult mental maths!  I took some crappy in game photos (which I might post later to show a better view of the whole table) but have reshot most of those afterwards to get better pics of the more tense moments!

Anyway I thought I'd link it to my Orc's Drift campaign - the story follows the misadventures of the Wood Elf night patrol led by Herndil Merl. I've slightly changed the course of events - instead of being completely wiped out in one stroke I've given the Wood Elves a small chance of escaping...  >:D

Having interrogated the half orc spy, Silas Meel, the Kachas Pass garrison commander, Erdolas Thringal, sends out Herndil and a patrol of 10 elves to scout out the Orc War party hinted at by their captive. Unfortunately for the Elf patrol they run into the aforementioned Orcs in the hill fog that descended in the night and lost 4 of their number. Herndil beats a hasty retreat down into the valleys - outnumbered and realising there is not much hope in returning to defend the garrison the determined Lieutenant decides to make a break for the road to the nearby town of Merlinas to raise the alarm...

... and this is where the action spills onto the tabletop -

The Road to Merlinas



The seven surviving Wood Elves hurry away from the uplands, racing for the nearby road to Merlinas.

Meanwhile, having descended another gully with the scent of elves thick in their nostrils, a second band of orcs, drawn by the recent sounds of battle clatter into the valley just ahead of the beleaguered patrol...


Urging his comrades to make all haste, Herndil catches his foot in an upturned root and falls heavily to the ground. He urges his fellows on through gritted teeth!


Spotting the stricken Elf part of the Orc warband peels off and heads towards him...


Seeing the danger Herndil hauls himself to his to his feet and staggers a short distance before turning his ankle once more! Two of the Elf archers snatch off a volley as they run to buy their leader some time, although their hasty shots whistle harmlessly over the pursuing Orcs. Two Goblin archers join in the firefight to no avail.


The two archers, forming a rearguard, stand and fire, whilst the other two turn and add their weight to the hail of Elven arrows - Two Goblins fall dead and an orc has a narrow escape with a clumsy sidestep. The Goblin archers return fire but once again their cruel arrows fail to find their mark.

Herndil finally finds his feet and dashes to join the ranks of his comrades. His rearguard continue to give him covering fire, forcing the pursuing orcs to duck and weave.


The two swordsmen, heeding Herndil's cries, turn and move to head off the Orc advance and buy the archers time enough to make their escape. One is stopped in his tracks by a black arrow as the Goblin archers finally find their range.


Two of the bowmen climb a nearby hill to spy out the land, and the best route to the road. They are horrified to see another group of Orcs marching purposefully to cut their escape to the road off! Worse still a shambling troll emerges from the wood licking his lips and making for the Elf swordsmen...


The downed Elf wipes the blood from his wound and stands up, yanking the Goblin arrow from his shoulder. Two Elf Bowmen let fly a volley at the Goblin archers but agian their arrows fall wide. Their Orc pursuers approach a little more carefully, regrouping in preparation for the final rush. Turning to the threat posed by the advancing troll the archers on the hill fire. The foul creature side-steps one arrow but is struck in the eye by the second! Falling heavily to the ground the troll writhes at the feet of the Elf swordsmen, pawing at its wounded eye...

Seeing their opportunity, the two swordsmen and Herndil rush the prone troll in an attempt to kill it outright...


They rain down blows on the monster but fail to pierce its warty hide!

And that folks is pretty much the end of Part  cos its past my bedtime!  o_o

Next time in The Road to Merlinas...


Will Herndil kill the troll before the Orcs reach him and his swordsmen?

Will the archers manage to tear themselves away from the fight to escape to Merlinas and raise the alarm?

What has the second band of Orcs heading for the Woodcutter's cottage got in mind?

Will the Goblin Archers ever hit anything else?!

Stay tuned - Part 2 coming to a forum near you!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Luckyjoe on June 29, 2010, 04:24:48 AM
Another excellent batrep. Looking forward to more.  :)

Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Funghy-Fipps on June 29, 2010, 09:08:33 AM
Great stuff!  Looks like a corker of a game and such superb miniatures/terrain, too.  Pt. 2, please!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: blacksmith on June 29, 2010, 09:09:31 AM
Great BATREP and adaptation to Orc's Drift module. More please!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Doomhippie on June 29, 2010, 10:39:53 PM
Yes, more please!!!

btw. what do you use as a background for your photos?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Thantsants on June 30, 2010, 01:32:12 AM
Thanks one and all!

 Doomhippie - the background is a painting of mountains I found on google images - it had the right sort of colours to go with my terrain. I flipped the image to give me 2 pieces worth of A4 so I could take slightly longer shots of scenes.

Part 2 coming up...

So we left our plucky elves bravely hacking away at the downed troll! The pursuing orcs, enraged at this typically cowardly Elf behaviour charge forwards. Their champion smashes Herndil to the ground, bellowing a guttural warcry!


Meanwhile, using this fracas as a distraction two of the archers on the hill make a dash for a nearby woodcutters cottage.


They skid to a halt on hearing the door burst open as three armed men and a pack of vicious looking hounds erupt from within....


After a tense moment it becomes clear that the local ranger and his two woodcutter brothers are sympathetic to the Elf cause, especially when they catch sight of the horde of screaming greenskins bearing down on their cottage!


Back in the whirling melee by the hill Herndil recovers sufficiently to once more stagger to his feet. He has time to briefly regain his balance before the Orc champion, backed up by one of his howling warriors, brutally hacks him to the ground - a blow he does not recover from...


Not to be outdone another Orc warrior and a Goblin round on one of the swordsmen attacking the troll. They don't fare so well as the elf who, maddened by his Lieutenant's death, virtually cuts the luckless Goblin in two and, smashing the Orc in the face with the pommel of his sword, sends him crashing to the ground! Having been given a little breathing space the troll comes round like a bear with a sore head (and eye!). Things are looking pretty grim for the two Elf swordsmen...

Back at the cottage the Ranger and two woodcutters sprint to defend the wall in front of their humble abode, whilst the dogs lope around the other side of the building to meet the intruders. Two of the Elf archer jump the side wall to join in the defence of the cottage.


Looking wildly about them the surrounded Elf swordsmen abandon all hope and recklessly throw themsleves at the newly recovered troll. Spurred on by desperation their frenzied attacks leave the creature reeling as blow after blow deepen the ragged gashes that already rend its side. With a howl the the mutilated troll sinks to its death whilst the orcs look on in astonishment.


They are not shaken for long as the Orc champion, bellowing a challenge, downs one of the beleaguered elves. His warriors take up the charge but the second exhausted swordsman manages to fend off their attacks, downing one in the process!


As the second band of Orcs advance on the cottage the Ranger looses off a volley at the Warrior Bull as he bullies his minions forward - the arrow finds its mark catching the Orc in the thigh and sending him crashing to the floor.


The archers on the hill turn and run for the safety of the homestead's walls. In their haste they loose their footing in the dense heather of the hill... The carnage continues at the foot of the hill and the one of swordsmen's cries reaches their ears as the Orc champion and his warriors bludgeon him to death as he too makes a run for the cottage with his comrade!


Things aren't much better back at the wall - One of the woodcutters falls as an orc sword finds its mark. Another two Orcs turn on the lead dog as it approaches them hackles raised and teeth bared. The Goblin archers try and put a few arrows into the back of the fleeing Elf swordsman but again their aim is off.


Panic is clearly setting into the Elves' otherwise levelheaded conduct! The archers making for the back of the cottage and the road beyond it once again loose their footing, as does the swordsmen as he looks over his shoulder at the gibbering pack of orcs hot on his tail! The two archers defending the cottage attempt to cover their retreat - one forces the Orc champion to dive aside with a well aimed shot, whilst the other overshoots the second second band of Orcs in his haste.


The Ranger fares better, felling the Orc Warrior Bull with a point blank shot! A swirling melee erupts over the wall as the second wave of Orcs crash into it. The remaining woodcutter forces his first attacker to dodge backwards from his glinting spear point. However he finds himself outnumbered and is smashed to the ground by his attackers. The Ranger fends off another Orc, sending it sprawling back into the dirt.

As the situation begins to look increasingly desperate the Elf archers defending the cottage remember their objective - get the warning message to Merlinas! They begin to think of skulking off round the back of the cottage! The Elves on the hill find their feet again and not wishing to consider the prospect of being left behind they dash forward to catch up. Unfortuately one Elf falls again on the hill, whilst the other topples over the wall, landing in a heap pn the other side! The Elf on the hill recovers just in time to receive the Orc champion's charge!


At this point any semblance of an orderly retreat dissolves - The archer on the hill is cut to pieces. ..


The fleeing Elf swordsman also meets a bloody end from his pursuers! Two Orcs jump the wall to pursue the recovered Woodcutter and the ranger finds himself almost the sole defender of the homestead!


The only ray of hope to shine through for the men and Elves is the onslaught of the hounds! Downing their first adversaries and survivng vicious counter attacks the dogs win the upper hand, tearing the two Orcs to pieces that stand in their way! Sadly their effort is in vain - as three of the Elf archers finally make it to the road and head for Merlinas, the cries of the dying and wounded fill the air. The Ranger is downed finally, despite felling another Orc with a close range shot! The woodcutter is no match for the two slavering Orcs facing him and he suffers a similar fate. The Orcs pause a moment to watch their quarry slip away down the road before turning their attentions back to the poor unfortunates left behind...


So all in all a very enjoyable game - the second half was much quicker as we knew the dice rolls by then - got quite tense as we both rolled our dice hoping for the right number of dots to come up! The only thing that felt a bit odd was the clumsiness of the Elves - trying to use multiple moves to get them across the board and to the road meant a few extra initiative rolls and once Herndil was dead those rolls had to come in under 3 - a 50/50 chance of success (the wife wasn't brave enough to gamble for more than one extra action each time!) and with her terrible luck with the dice they ended up faltering more often than not!

Still she gained a somewhat Pyrrhic victory - the message got through but at what cost...  lol
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on June 30, 2010, 01:38:09 AM
Nice game mate! Cool to finally see all those minis put to use. =D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - now with added Skulldred Battle Report!
Post by: Thantsants on June 30, 2010, 01:47:37 AM
Cheers mate - it was a great game and the Skulldredd rules are v. good!

 Looking forward to the your next installment of Stillberg!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: phreedh on June 30, 2010, 08:04:14 AM
Got all four heroes done now, need to finish basing the last one and then seal them etc before photographing. I have three militia guards and Phoncible Bernadotte (mayor of Stillburg, defenitely not a hero) in various states of half done. =)

Don't think I'll be able to post anything this week, I have a mate coming to stay for a few days of gaming and beer. I'm on vacation now, while my Mrs is still working. =D Geeky days, geeky days! Will try to sucker him into a game of Skulldred, or maybe a trial run of my first Stillburg scenario (using SOBH) with some figs half painted. No pics. =)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on July 07, 2010, 10:44:34 PM
Sounds like fun!

Next update on the Linden Way Militia - the men left behind...

Managed to procure these 4 halberdiers who represent those who were too inexperienced, flatfooted or feeble to march with the rest of the garrison against the Goblin hordes attacking the area around Ortar. Usually to be found clustering around their gruff Breton sergeant these men form the nearest thing to professional soldiery in the defence of Linden Way...








Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on July 08, 2010, 09:48:30 PM
The Stillburg militia (almost painted now) is very similar. Halberds, red shirts (in a nod to Star Trek) and all. Using two old Metal Magic / Mega minis, and a third one I can't identify. First two guys you have there would fit right in!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on July 08, 2010, 10:03:25 PM
The Star Trek Redshirts = expendable Orc bait crossed my mind too!    :D

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on July 11, 2010, 02:57:18 AM
Got the last of the Rear Guard contingent of the militia done - two crossbowmen I picked up in a job lot with some of the other men-at-arms a while back. No crossbows detailed in the scenario for the militia but I'll include them anyway 'cos I like them!  :D





... and the whole Rear Guard together -



Also got a few of the actual militia done too!

Reynard Quicksilver - adventurer



and two thief adventurers -




and Ric



I've written a load of background for these characters on the blog - getting late so you'll have to read it there!  :D

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on July 11, 2010, 08:08:22 AM
The female thief model is pretty cool, I need more character models of the classic adventurer classes! Nice touch with Leofric's sexual angst. :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on July 11, 2010, 08:09:50 PM
Höh, just noticed the giant ass-chin on Reynard! :D Haven't you painted one of these already, btw?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on July 11, 2010, 08:20:47 PM
Cheers Phreedh!

No haven't painted a Diggory Finefighter (think that's his proper name?) before - the ass-chin was the inspiration for his rather vain character and ineffectual heroics!

As for Ric and Leofric and their confused and one-sided love story - well you need a bit of panto/shakespearean comedy style shenanigans to lighten up all the doom and gloom what with hordes of orcs advancing and the very state of Ramalia ready to topple...  ;)

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Erny on July 12, 2010, 12:29:54 PM
Those two would be a second stage AD&D female thief (have you got all three yet?) and an Irillian ranger. Nice figures and paint job.

Your little back story reminds me of, "I like you Bob..."
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on July 12, 2010, 09:03:50 PM
Just got the lovely lady I'm afraid Erny.  :D

Who is this Bob you speak of?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on July 13, 2010, 12:29:52 AM
Well had a good day's painting yesterday and got the militia finnished - its getting late again and as I've written a whole load more background for the more characterful members of the band on the blog I won't reproduce it here!  o_o

Here's the link if you're interested - http://teasgettingcold.blogspot.com/2010/07/we-few-we-happy-few-we-band-of-brothers.html

Now for the pics!




Norse settlers - Bruni Baegseg


Egil Ekbert


and Hroarr Sveinbjorn (right)


Also picture above is Lovtsevich the Kislevite trapper


Hrothgarr Brindleson, yeoman of his Squire's estate


Baledwynn Hogward, peasant and pig herder


... and last but not least the woodcutter Elias Brethilbole (left) and Grimwald Hollison.


Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on July 13, 2010, 05:57:49 AM
Great update! Love the expression on Baledwynn! :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Doomhippie on July 13, 2010, 10:20:37 AM
What do we need modern minis when there are still these beauties around? Very well done. I love them.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Luckyjoe on July 13, 2010, 05:49:34 PM
These are great. Keep 'em coming.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on July 13, 2010, 08:37:51 PM
Thanks all!

Just Ozrim's engineers, the elves, the villagers and a ton of orcs to go...  o_o
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on July 13, 2010, 09:55:25 PM
Just Ozrim's engineers, the elves, the villagers and a ton of orcs to go...  o_o
Fnar fnar fnar!  lol Good thing you're fast and steady with the brush mate!

On a side note, we played the first Stillburg scenario yesterday and it was a complete success! =D In short, the heroes + militia managed to save young Billy Crabcock from death but lost Raab the barbarian and Phoncible Boismann (the crooked mayor - good riddance!) in the process. They decided discretion was the better part of valour and opted for retreat. =) Full battle report in my Stillburg thread at a later date. Now, bed-time!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on July 13, 2010, 10:31:09 PM
Looking forward to reading it.  :D

Phoncible Boismann - what a great name!  lol
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: rob_alderman on July 15, 2010, 08:13:39 AM
Great update! Love the expression on Baledwynn! :D

Reminds me of granville from Open All hours mixed with Grima Wormtongue.  lol

(on the left)


Awesome painting Thants!  :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on July 15, 2010, 08:05:53 PM
Th, th, th, th, th....  cheers Rob!

Sorry couldn't resist a bad G, g, g, Granville impression!  ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: rob_alderman on July 15, 2010, 08:21:37 PM
I got my left and right mixed up!!!

I meant on the right (their left).

Granville being the youn un, Arkwright being the old un.  :)

fuh fuh fetch yer cloth.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on July 15, 2010, 11:19:52 PM
Ooops - me too!

Should have said G, g, g... Arkwright!  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Delaney on July 27, 2010, 08:10:31 AM
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on July 28, 2010, 11:43:37 PM
Cheers Dave!

Got a bit more done although the remaining lead pile still weighs heavily!

Ferndale Snart now has all his patients for his field hospital in Orc's Drift - I even sculpted (if that is the word for my rudimentary efforts!) some stretchers for them - should the druid persuade anyone to assist him in the evacuation...

Again I've written a load of background for these poor unfortunates on the blog if you like that kind of thing -


and without further ado - pics!

These could probably do with a wash with a good bit of carbolic!


Sir Malahed - diagnosis - troll induced concussion and coma -


Lars Brett - diagnosis - serious allergy to scimitars -


Dumbledern - diagnosis - shaman related somnolence


Laceras - diagnosis - imbalance of humours as a result of cleft chest -


and the whole bunch of malingerers together!

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on July 29, 2010, 05:41:02 AM
Nice stuff Steve! The stretchers are not only good, they're good enough! =) Cool to see so many casualty minis painted up. Especially like the mage.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Delaney on July 29, 2010, 07:10:16 AM
That last shots magnificent!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on July 29, 2010, 12:12:57 PM
Thanks fellas - that last shot was also a bugger to get the angle right so you could see everyone and have them in focus! The flashing battery warning light didn't help matters either!

The mage is a nice fig - not convinced he, or Lars Brett, are citadel but they're good!  :D Glad no-one commented on his robe being so stiff it holds its own weight over the side of the stretcher - or am I being a bit perfectionist there?  ::)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on July 29, 2010, 12:33:22 PM
I might be completely off my rockers here but looking closely I think I used to own that mage. Sure enough, found him on Prince August's site: http://www.princeaugust.ie/ch/ch24b.jpg

Gotta rummage through the storage at my parents' house. Might still have the standing version. =)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on July 29, 2010, 06:27:47 PM
aha - that'll be useful!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: VoodooInk on July 30, 2010, 11:18:44 PM
Lars Brett - diagnosis - serious allergy to scimitars -

That particular allergy seems to have an unusually high mortality rate... lol

Great stuff as usual!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on July 30, 2010, 11:51:27 PM
Yep - them pointy arrers tend to make you come up in some nasty hives too!  :D

Didn't get to wreak any Havoc today I'm afraid - maybe tomorrow...  >:D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 02, 2010, 11:30:19 PM
Another lot under the belt - finished these on Friday and my back is just about cracked back into place now...  :D

Would have posted pics earlier but too busy partying over the weekend!  ::)

Anyways - Ozrim's Engineers reporting for duty -


Thanks to Phreedh for the standard bearer and drummer!


... and to Rob for the dwarf on the right - told you I had an idea for something to replace his missing mace!  ;)




I'll have to get cracking with some makeshift barricades and mealie bags - read some good tips on making them out of miliput or similar in the workbench section but any others are welcome. For now they have nice stonewalls to hide behind -


Full details on the blog as ever - http://teasgettingcold.blogspot.com/2010/08/hi-ho-hi-ho-its-off-to-work-we-go.html

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: VoodooInk on August 03, 2010, 12:02:36 AM
That's quite the crew there!

I love the expression on the middle dwarf's face in shield line-up, and I'm really liking the work on the standard as well.

Your painting pace is relentless!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 03, 2010, 12:06:17 AM
Cheers Voodoo - just getting into my stride!  ;)

I quite liked how that face turned out too - fight or flight!  >:( :o

I can't profess to having come up with the design - knabbed out of the Orc's Drift scenario book...  ::)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on August 03, 2010, 07:44:08 AM
Ah, look at that! The old dwarfs got paint on them now =D Good job! Nice switcharoo on the mace/shovel.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Argonor on August 03, 2010, 08:07:29 AM
Interesting. I have to have a go at Skuldred myself, asap....
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 03, 2010, 06:09:13 PM
Cheers fellas!

Argonor - I would highly reccomend it - think Dave would be most appreciative of any feedback too!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: thebinmann on August 26, 2010, 11:54:16 PM
Cheers fellas!

Argonor - I would highly reccomend it - think Dave would be most appreciative of any feedback too!  :D

Nice stuff I looks like your painting has stepped up a level too!

Atre you going to use WH for the main battles?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 27, 2010, 12:12:45 AM
Sorry brain has stopped working - what's WH?  ;D

I'd like to use WFB 2nd ed. if I can get hold of a copy relatively cheaply - for that historical re-enactment vibe!  ;)

Failing that I've got WFB 3rd. ed and Mordheim to hum and ha about...

Also enjoyed playing skulldred and Havoc and have yet to get a game of SOBH in...  ???

Actually playing the scenarios seems a long way off yet though and my summer hols are fast disappearing!  :-[
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: rob_alderman on August 27, 2010, 09:19:02 AM
Well done switching the weapon! You've done a great job!!!!
The paintjob is great too, definately better than the bright green shield and bright blonde beard he had going!

The whole regiment looks great in fact. Very well done. Can't help but be jealous, because I need clansmen in my dwarf army!!!

WH (alternatively, WHFB) = Warhammer (fantasy battles)

Whenever you mention Havoc, I keep thinking you mean the game 'HAVOK' by Bluebird toys, which really takes me to my youth. My parents would buy me a pack of 'HAVOK' miniatures whenever we went out, to keep me quietly happy! At £1 to £5 a pack, they weren't complaining. I'd love to dig them out and game with them...

Sorry, off on a tangent there!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 27, 2010, 11:21:29 AM
Cheers Rob - it was going to be a sculpted sack of gold but my non-existent green stuff skills let me down and I found that old Space Ork shovel that came with the plastic battlewagon kit! So he went from money-grubbing deserter to heroic defender of Orc's Drift purely by chance!

Thought that's what WH must be!

Havok! Don't start mentioning more rule sets - got enough on my plate!  ;) ;D

Also might actually get some painted minis posted later today - been a slightly frustrating time these last two to three weeks for painitng -

Week in the Lakes with parents - didn't get much done despite taking some stuff with me because of too much mountain climbing and drinking.

Then Mum broke her ankle - ironically on a very flat walk back in Lancashire! Cue various trips over the pennines to visit her.

Then throw in some fun family days at Chester Zoo and a load of decorating and I have a massive backlog in my painting queue!

Its been fun but I've missed my painting...

Back to work soon too...  >:(
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: abhorsen950 on August 27, 2010, 01:19:46 PM
Lovely work on all of these models, I'm frothing at the mouth will oldschool goodness  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Argonor on August 27, 2010, 05:51:54 PM

I'd like to use WFB 2nd ed. if I can get hold of a copy relatively cheaply - for that historical re-enactment vibe!  ;)

I might have a copy... somewhere.... It's the last from the pre-boxed set era, right?

Actually, I'm pretty sure I have it. I'll have to finish moving before being able to produce it, though... Lots of big cardboard boxes to search through.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on August 27, 2010, 07:45:20 PM
I might have a copy... somewhere.... It's the last from the pre-boxed set era, right?
Nope, it's boxed actually. Three books in a box - and a lot of air. =) No miniatures included or anything.

Here's the box cover:

Third edition was the single volume hardback book, and then fourth was the goblins & high elves big-box edition followed by fifth - which was basically 4th with new minis and some tweaks. After that I know nothing about the various editions.

I've got a fairly mint copy of it, Steve... if push comes to shove I might let it (and Ravening Hordes, if you'd like) go as I'll never play. I'm considering playing some third edition myself though. Got the book by my nightstand, reading a little every now and then. It carries a scent of gamer funk and cigarette smoke and my wife hates it (neither of us smoke nor stink) but I kind of like the patinated feeling of a well read (and gamed with) book. The smell only adds to that. =D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Argonor on August 27, 2010, 08:41:27 PM

I always thought that one was 1st Ed.

It carries a scent of gamer funk and cigarette smoke and my wife hates it (neither of us smoke nor stink) but I kind of like the patinated feeling of a well read (and gamed with) book. The smell only adds to that. =D

Only a Swede  lol   ;)

Btw, I have the 3rd Ed., then - and I'm pretty sure my copy is softcover.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 27, 2010, 09:04:01 PM
Cheers for the thought fellas - must say I've never seen a softback 3rd ed book but then again there's a lot in this wide world I haven't seen yet...  ;)

Phreedh - may well have to take you up on that offer if something I've got my eye on doesn't come off in the next few days - very kind offer by the way! I've already got Ravening Hordes by the by.  :D

I do love 3rd ed though - the book that is, I seem to remember games being a bit long winded - and I too have a copy by my bed but its not a particularly pungent one so maybe I'm missing out there?  ;D)

Anyway must stop procrastinating... must paint...  o_o
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: rob_alderman on August 28, 2010, 02:12:32 PM
Cheers for the thought fellas - must say I've never seen a softback 3rd ed book but then again there's a lot in this wide world I haven't seen yet...  ;)

Phreedh - may well have to take you up on that offer if something I've got my eye on doesn't come off in the next few days - very kind offer by the way! I've already got Ravening Hordes by the by.  :D

I do love 3rd ed though - the book that is, I seem to remember games being a bit long winded - and I too have a copy by my bed but its not a particularly pungent one so maybe I'm missing out there?  ;D)

Anyway must stop procrastinating... must paint...  o_o

I have 3rd ed in Hardback AND softback! Also have ravening hordes! Not as cool as the 3rd ed Warhammer 'Armies' book, and I need the Siege book for 3rd.
I only have them because they are nice to own, from what I've heard, they are terribly long winded, so I will probably never play them. My softcover one is particularly dog-eared, and has some guy's address written on the inside in blue felt tip pen.

WHFRP 1st edition (or 2nd edition, which was a reprint of 1st) is great to own as well if you are into old school Warhammer, it's where a lot of the background was written. What I find the most interesting is the Ogres, which are said to have a real lust for eating and worship 'The Great Maw' a concept which GW put BACK into the background in 2005 with the 'Ogre Kingdoms' army.

Funny really.  :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 28, 2010, 09:02:34 PM
What I find the most interesting is the Ogres, which are said to have a real lust for eating and worship 'The Great Maw' a concept which GW put BACK into the background in 2005 with the 'Ogre Kingdoms' army.

Well I never!

Is there still hope for the Zoats, Fimir, Gnomes, the Norse and Nipponese then?!  ;D ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: rob_alderman on August 29, 2010, 09:49:35 AM
The Norse are back in the background and swamp beasts that dwell on albion (i.e. the fimir) are too.
Oh and Nippon, Cathay and Ind.

Gnomes and Zoats go unmentioned. Can't have everything though!  lol
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 29, 2010, 12:03:58 PM
Mmmm interesting - I've always fancied a Fimir raiding party but been put off by the sky high prices on ebay - some new minis could be good!  8)

Sure it'll never happen though - wasn't there some aprocaphyl tale of them being dropped because of the unsavoury back story of how they reproduced?  ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Argonor on August 29, 2010, 07:19:36 PM
I'm pretty sure I saw a thread with some not-fimirs from another company not so long ago.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: white knight on August 29, 2010, 07:50:02 PM
Bloodmoon miniatures do the not-fimirs.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 30, 2010, 02:14:33 AM
Yeah remember across these chaps a while back - really nice minis...

... but green is good but only with two eyes, green is good but only with two eyes, must paint more orcs...  ;D

Finished my first batch of orc archers and nearly done the rest of the Hobhounds...  :D

Pics to come soon!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 30, 2010, 11:48:56 PM
... and here they are!




Some villagers next methinks...  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: VoodooInk on August 31, 2010, 12:04:36 AM
Is that an Orc with a Centurion Plume? :o
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Delaney on August 31, 2010, 02:43:38 AM
Sure is- a Perry sculpted, pre-Kevin Adams orc leader.
If you check out heroes for wargames book, there is a picture of the same model that someone converted by filing away the helmet, leaving him with a cool mohawk!

Love those orc archers...  hey... was it you who outbid me on that block of archers a month back?  :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on August 31, 2010, 06:32:46 AM
Nice stuff Thants, really like the pack of hounds!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 31, 2010, 09:45:46 AM
Cheers fellas!

Hey that's no ordinary leader orc - that's Grashak Kra, fearless but slightly chewed Handler of the Hob Hounds of the feared Severed Hand Tribe!  >:D Like the sound of that conversion by the by!

I got most of my Harboth archers a while back off Hetz and had a few random 80s archers from when I were a lad so not guilty Dave!  :D

I wouldn't like to say how long some of them have been waiting for a lick of paint...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on September 06, 2010, 10:46:37 PM
Well I reckon I've earnt me a beer or two by now with this project!

Come on down to Ye Olde Slann in Space - a finer Ale House you will not find this side of the Northern Wastes..


Run by a friendly crowd -

Arthur Bitte, the Landlord -


His old Dad, Aulden Bitte (so wanted to call him Uncle Albert!)


His young daughter, Fancia Bitte (sorry!  ;D)


Helga Fästman, the barmaid/bouncer -


And life-long denizen of the old Slann -Elwin Presslay - busker and general ne'er-do-well -


He also comes complete with Barnabuss - his faithful dancing monkey and a complicated love triangle between him, Fancia and Helga!?  :o

According to the scenario notes if he is killed then the two ladies become subject to frenzy - hell hath no fury and all that!  lol

While we're on the subject of Helga - thought I'd wasted a few quid on her when she arrived and I reread the description on ebay to find I'd bought a 30mm mini by mistake! Not to be deterred I promptly placed an upturned shield (dropped platter) by her feet along with some bread rolls so she could be my rather large, half-ogre, baker! Then I procured the actual baker mini so green stuff came out again to add a spilt beer tankard and she found employment at the Alehouse instead!  :D


Loads more background/rambling on the blog - http://teasgettingcold.blogspot.com/2010/09/for-every-wound-balm.html
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: VoodooInk on September 07, 2010, 12:23:15 AM
I'm loving the Slan in Space placard! lol

He also comes complete with Barnabuss - his faithful dancing monkey and a complicated love triangle between him, Fancia and Helga!?

Hmmm, I think I have spied an unclear pronoun antecedent! Is it Barnabuss or Elwin Presslay that involved in the complicated love triangle? My money is on the monkey.
I mean... come on... just check out that dapper red hat.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Luckyjoe on September 07, 2010, 12:31:04 AM
Good save with Helga. BTW, does she have a sister?  ;D

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: thebinmann on September 07, 2010, 07:14:56 AM
* Fancia Bitte *

In Franglais that means something a bit rude!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Argonor on September 07, 2010, 07:49:51 AM
I love to see someone actually stick to a project like this - something my butterfly mind has a hard time doing.

I don't remember if (and I don't have the time/patience to look it up, sorry) you have mentioned what make your paper buildings are?

I have come to the conclusion, that after buying a 1:1 house in real bricks, I cannot afford to bring appropriate numbers of resin and/or plastic buildings onto my gaming tables for quite a while, and so I've started building more paper buildings (atm I'm doing a series of Dave Graffam 'warhammeresque' buildings that came free on the web, couple of years ago) - so I'm always on the lookout for variations....
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Erny on September 07, 2010, 08:56:16 AM
I need the Siege book for 3rd.

I have a spare for a price, PM me if your interested, I also have three mighty fortresses but they ain't for sale or swap (unless you have the original kemmler and minions.....)

I have the full collection of third edition books including the two realms books and the RPG books (am missing empire in flames actually), most of them I got first time round too when I first got drawn into this nonsense. The main rule book is cheep as chips but the others can get pricey.

Nice Orcs Thants, I'm a bit jealous of the hobhounds, I need some for my hobgoblins.
I have a growing collection of villagers but assume it must be you pushing the price up......
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: thebinmann on September 07, 2010, 12:50:38 PM

I have come to the conclusion, that after buying a 1:1 house in real bricks, I cannot afford to bring appropriate numbers of resin and/or plastic buildings onto my gaming tables for quite a while, and so I've started building more paper buildings (atm I'm doing a series of Dave Graffam 'warhammeresque' buildings that came free on the web, couple of years ago) - so I'm always on the lookout for variations....

An't that the truth!

They card models are the old citadel packs, but I have a feeling you might be able to get scans from some where...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on September 07, 2010, 03:38:12 PM
Nice set of villagers, Steve! =) Especially like old Aulden! If I should give you some critique, the landlord's shirt is a bit flat and would do well with some contrast. The black lines on his pants could use another go at them too.

Nitpicking though - they all look good, and considering at what rate you're ripping through these they look bloody marvelous!

Helga might be big, but she's defenitely not TOO big. I wouldn't want to mess with her, that's for sure. What range is she from?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on September 07, 2010, 10:21:55 PM
 lol Cheers for the comments fellas!

Hmmm, I think I have spied an unclear pronoun antecedent!

My money is on the monkey.
I mean... come on... just check out that dapper red hat.

Haha - what a shocker! And afterall I did say it was complicated - as you say that monkey has style and all the girls love a fez!

Good save with Helga. BTW, does she have a sister?

Funny you should ask that Joe - there was a very similar mini in a slightly different pose being sold by the same ebay seller (don't know the manufacturer I'm afraid Phreedh) - Helga was enough woman for me though!

* Fancia Bitte *

In Franglais that means something a bit rude!

Ooh do tell as I only intended it to sound like a suggestive English request to get better acquainted with a member of the opposite sex!  ;D

Nice Orcs Thants, I'm a bit jealous of the hobhounds, I need some for my hobgoblins.
I have a growing collection of villagers but assume it must be you pushing the price up......

Yeah I was amazed I found enough for the scenario but they do come up from time to time on ebay - search for hound and trawl through all the results for a bargain!

I think the villagers bubble is about to burst - I'm moving on but wouldn't want to affect the markets by saying onto what!  ;) lol

Thanks fpr the crit Phreedh - I agree but couldn't face painting the inside of the creases of his jacket white for contrast - have to ask WhiteKnight for some tips! As for the blacklines on his pants - not surprised they need another go as no black was used - too scared of fudging the stripes! Its all just base colour with highlights and a light ink wash which I think muddied them up a bit...   >:( Although I was actually going for the grimy, faded look of course!  ;)

Oh and thanks Argonor - I was getting worried that I was boring the pants off everyone by harping on about Orc's Drift all the time! Pm me and I can sort you out with some card buildings.  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: thebinmann on September 07, 2010, 10:28:37 PM
Ooh do tell as I only intended it to sound like a suggestive English request to get better acquainted with a member of the opposite sex!  ;D

Bite = c**k
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on September 07, 2010, 10:54:19 PM

Oops! Well I suppose her surname fits then - if you read it in German!  ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Erny on September 08, 2010, 08:33:11 AM

Yeah I was amazed I found enough for the scenario but they do come up from time to time on ebay - search for hound and trawl through all the results for a bargain!

I think the villagers bubble is about to burst - I'm moving on but wouldn't want to affect the markets by saying onto what!  ;) lol

Yep I found the odd one or two just by my usual citadel trawl before but it was whilst you were buying  and I see no point pushing prices up when there are other fish to fry. Still if your done now I may consider an open season on them again.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on September 08, 2010, 11:07:15 PM
Yoo haloo and tally ho I say!  :D

Thanks for the thought by the way!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on September 13, 2010, 12:18:01 AM
OK - back on the wagon! Here's the rest of the inhabitants of Linden Way...


Grunville Longpockets and his wife Gladyss, who run the village stores - make sure you check your change!


Wilfrid Post and his stable "boy" Thori Dittori - they own and run The Winning Post - Stables and Livery.
Wilfrid was once a very successful race horse trainer until his horse, Eatbiscuit, became overweight! He now tries to persuade Thori that he would make an excellent jockey if they could just find the right horse for him...


Tom the Baker - delivering the daily bread with some very strange ideas about Time and its relative dimensions in Space. That mullet/sideburn/moustache combination will never catch on though!  ;)


And finally Old Barrachus the insane Illusionist - he grew so disillusioned in life that he retreated into a fantasy world of his own making. He now squats in the ruined cottage just outside the village getting to know the multiple personalities his chronic schizophrenia subject him to - disturb him at your peril as depending on the roll of a D6 he may suffer from anything from frenzy to stupidity!



So all in all not a bad little place - shame the Orcs are going to come and trash it...  >:D lol


Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on September 13, 2010, 08:38:57 AM
Nice work on Aygar/Barrachus! Also like the checkered pants of the baker, and the baker as a whole. Face turned out really well on him!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on September 13, 2010, 09:20:48 PM
Thanks Phreedh - they were looking a bit of a dull lot after the pub crowd so thought I'd best do something to spice them up!

Must now resist the urge to paint up the few Mighty Sven minis I've got...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Delaney on September 14, 2010, 03:54:49 AM
Awesome- love the checks too!

Now, go have tea.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on September 14, 2010, 06:45:18 AM
Dammit! its gone cold...  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: kidterminal on September 14, 2010, 06:56:38 AM
They are looking great Steve. This thread really takes me back to the first warhammer games I ever played, Orc's Drift don't you know! I've still got the book of armies, but its the only book I have left from that period sadly.  :'( Thanks for the memories.


Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on September 14, 2010, 08:00:07 AM
they were looking a bit of a dull lot after the pub crowd so thought I'd best do something to spice them up!
I think it's the best-looking batch so far. You're getting neater and tidier - and your painting too! ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Erny on September 14, 2010, 10:51:42 AM
Checks are certainly a good option for adding detail to reasonably plain clothes. You've got the pattern down, now you just need to individually highlight each check  o_o.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Argonor on September 14, 2010, 12:12:54 PM
I have that old wizard-mini, too...  :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on September 14, 2010, 05:14:55 PM
Checks are certainly a good option for adding detail to reasonably plain clothes. You've got the pattern down, now you just need to individually highlight each check  o_o.
I never could do it... =( Gotta try again sometime soon. Always been terrible with patterns though. Can't draw a straight line.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on September 15, 2010, 12:11:00 AM
Thanks all!

I started out with 3rd ed Rob and always hankered after the good old days when 4th ed came out - this makes Orc's Drift a bit of a journey of discovery for me as it was a bit before my time! Happy to revive fond memories though!

Just got hold of a copy of the 2nd ed rules - reading through them at the mo as I'd like to use them when I finally get round to playing this... Whether or not they're the best around I'm not too bothered as I might as well do this historical re-enactment thing properly (apart from the hideously expensive scenario minis I don't own yet!)   ;)

As for highlighting the checks - cheers for the tip Erny - I'd seen that mentioned on a tutorial somewhere and maybe one day I will...  :`  lol

 I reckon neat and tidy will do for now - made the mistake of lining up all the minis I need to paint yet!

70 orcs including the Bagrash scenario mini and Ugezod as Hagar Sheol, 21 Skarloc's archers, 14 fantasy regiments placcy elf bowmen and the Brommedir scenario mini...  :o

On a more positive note just need to do Harboth and his standard bearer to finish off a unit of archers and Bagrash and then the Kwae Karr tribe will be done!  :D

Group shot to follow as well as one of all the Grand League forces I've done to date.  >:D


Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on September 15, 2010, 08:28:07 AM
Group shot to follow as well as one of all the Grand League forces I've done to date.  >:D
I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing the group shots! I'm in a bit of a slump right now, haven't painted anything for well over a week. Those bloody ninja turned me well off! =( Need some motivation! Ever-growing lead mountain doesn't help.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Erny on September 15, 2010, 08:53:01 AM
I know what you mean, I'm stuck on some otherworld hobgoblins at the moment, just don't seam to have the motivation, that and my 7th panzer is calling to be finished.  It doesn't help that the house is a building site at the moment.

As for highlighting checks I have started painting just the lighter colour first and highlighting it. Then add the checks and you can follow the highlighting already done with the base colour. The 2nd ed rules are pretty cool, much more of a skirmish game and the hand typed text and line drawings just seam to add to the overall coolness.

Looking forward to the group shots.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Old Brush on September 15, 2010, 09:38:38 AM
 :-*A nice bit of nostalgia there, looking forward to more pics :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on September 15, 2010, 10:14:17 PM
I'd best go and take some then - bit late to start painting now... or am I just procrastinating!  ;)

Sorry to hear about the painting block Erny and Phreedh! Harboth is giving me a bit of grief at the mo - doing a little design on his gut-plate in particular... think I'm trying to cram too much into it instead of keeping it simple and effective - I seem to remember Hetz did a rather nice Orcy sun type face on his and I want to do something different!  ;D As I say though King Fyarr crowned orc head is a little busy methinks... Not sure about his looted red and white stripy breeches either - not quite helping with the tough guy image!

The 2nd ed rules are pretty cool, much more of a skirmish game and the hand typed text and line drawings just seam to add to the overall coolness.

My thoughts exactly!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on September 16, 2010, 12:21:23 AM
As promised (minus elves who I need to paint yet... ::))...




Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: kidterminal on September 16, 2010, 06:51:33 AM
Yes 2nd edition enabled you to play scenarios like this. Hmm I would if I can find the books? Hey just what are you trying to do to me Steve?!! You and your pretty minis. o_o

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on September 16, 2010, 07:00:42 AM
Bloody hell, that's a great lot of lead!  :-* Very well done!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Erny on September 16, 2010, 08:38:18 AM

That there, that's what its all about.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Argonor on September 16, 2010, 08:47:14 AM

I'll go home and work on my 3'x3'/90cmx90cm table right after work. I need it for our (pending) SBH campaign...

Had hoped to seal it last weekend, but I was way too tired in the evenings after moving heavy stuff all day...

Really feel an urge to get some fantasy minis on the table everytime I watch this thread. And everytime I see a painted mini at my home, I automatically start looking for my dice. Withdrawal symptoms after not playing a game for more than a month, I guess....
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Old Brush on September 16, 2010, 08:54:33 AM
 :D Brilliant stuff :D oodles of character in that lot!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: LeadAsbestos on September 17, 2010, 12:44:48 AM
Yep, just perfect! Exactly what I like about minis, and about this forum! Damned inspiring!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on September 17, 2010, 09:27:52 PM
Thanks all! Definitely the morale boost I needed - its been a long slog and there's a way to go yet - sorry to anyone who's sick to the backteeth of orcs btw!  ;D

Know what you mean Argonor - I'm going to have to dream up another little Orc's Drift related scenario to try out the 2nd ed rules and get some dice rolling again!

Anyway must get on with those last few orcs for the Kwae Karr tribe...  >:D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: manic _miner on September 17, 2010, 09:31:35 PM
 This is such a great thread.Brings back loads of memories of all the old miniatures.Now like most I need to track them all down  :D.

 Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on September 20, 2010, 11:09:19 PM
Thanks Manic - just got a few more characters I'd like to nab so hold off your foraging for the mo!  ;) ;D

Right so another milestone - I have finished my first Orc tribe!  >:D

Its a slight cheat as a lot of the minis I have posted before in various shots, however, not altogether like this!


Also managed to get Bagrash - pardon the phrase!  ;)


and had fun with his shield - Fyarr will go mad when he sees the size of those ears!  lol


In the process of putting the Kwae Karr Orcs together I have not only managed to paint up Rugluds Armoured Orcs (still after plastic crossbows for them?!  ;)) but also half of Harboth's Orc Archers - Harboth and his standard bearer being the last additions -



As well as all this Orciness I finally got round to painting up two replacements for the Dwarfs of Ashak Rise - Nobby the crossbowman...


...replaces the Gnome sharp-shooter!


and the Dwarf miner replaces this little fella on the far right -


As the armoured Dwarf seems a little smaller than the others he will fit in nicely with my band of Gnome Adventurers - when I get round to them... ::)

And since the miner is holding up a little nugget of gold - the reason this band of dwarfs deserted their posts - I had to put him down by the river, happily panning!




More ramblings here! 
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: rob_alderman on September 21, 2010, 08:36:13 AM
Hehe great little upload. I love the prospector and the Harboths Orc Archers command. Great stuff.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on September 21, 2010, 10:49:04 AM
What a nice mix in that update! Great shield on Bagrash, who turned out really nice as a whole!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on September 21, 2010, 09:04:56 PM
Cheers fellas!

Best get started with the 30 or so orcs for the Severed Hand tribe...  o_o
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: dinohunterpoa on October 01, 2010, 08:25:28 PM


I particularly like very much the old Citadel villagers!

Keep Going!

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: VoodooInk on October 02, 2010, 03:41:18 AM
Great work on the shield! Oh, and what's wrong with the ears?? :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on October 02, 2010, 09:06:36 AM
Thanks fellas -

As for the ears - they just came out a little larger than intended!

Hope to have the first batch of the warriors of the Severed Hand Tribe up some time over the weekend...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Argonor on October 02, 2010, 11:52:37 PM
I'm beginning to lament selling all my old GW orkses (including Ruglud's Armoured Orcs) last summer.

Which brings me back to my old maxim: Never, ever get rid of anything - you'll always need it a few months later... lol
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: kidterminal on October 03, 2010, 02:44:38 AM
I'm beginning to lament selling all my old GW orkses (including Ruglud's Armoured Orcs) last summer.

Which brings me back to my old maxim: Never, ever get rid of anything - you'll always need it a few months later... lol

What does the wife say about that? :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Argonor on October 03, 2010, 07:46:09 PM
What does the wife say about that? :)

She's a collector, too...  lol
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: kidterminal on October 03, 2010, 09:44:20 PM
She's a collector, too...  lol
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on October 03, 2010, 11:55:51 PM
Which brings me back to my old maxim: Never, ever get rid of anything - you'll always need it a few months later...

Too true, too true!

Finally got another update - been a busy couple of weeks in a non-painting kind of way...  >:(

Here's the first half of the 20 warriors that make up the Severed Hand Tribe -



Command -


Had a go at some chips on the big'un's armour -


Also love this drummer - never realised the drum skin was that of an unfortunate gobbo till I got my hands on him!


You may have noticed two characters who look a bit out of place - thanks to Kidterminal for these two fine Hobgoblins - on a cultural, diplomatic and military exchange program with the Severed Hand Tribe - who of course are keen to keep their hobound suppliers happy...



... and the rest of the boyz - Thanks again Phreedh!



Think I'm happy with the theme for the tribe's shields!


Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: VoodooInk on October 04, 2010, 12:09:02 AM
Ha! The 'Your #1!' and 'Eyes have it' shields in the last picture are awesome. lol

Nice theme indeed!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on October 04, 2010, 12:17:40 AM
Cheers Voodoo! As I mentioned on the blog anymore suggestions for appropriate gestures that one hand could do are welcome....

"Your #2" is in the pipeline of course! ;)

Oooh just thought of another -


Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: VoodooInk on October 04, 2010, 12:34:01 AM
How about emoticons by hand?


Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: VoodooInk on October 04, 2010, 12:38:52 AM
Or these two classics...


Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on October 04, 2010, 12:46:14 AM
Like it - could definitely do thumbs up and down. (Heeeeeeyyyyyy - beat me to it!)

... and didn't they get it wrong in Gladiator - I'm sure thumbs up meant death?!

Would like to do finger pointing right out at you - perspective and fore-shortening could be a bit of a 'mare...

and how could I forget this -

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: kidterminal on October 04, 2010, 06:51:50 AM
Steve you painted those two all ready?  :o

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on October 04, 2010, 07:01:36 AM
Aye - couldn't resist!

The two big'uns you also sent are in the next batch - then I may take a break from green and have a go at the peasants as replacements for the Linden Way Militia...  :D

Mind you there are a load of other minis I should paint up in the near future as a thankyou to the kindly LAFers who sent them, including some Golgfag's Ogres from LeadAsbestos (not forgotten them fella!) and, courtesy of Bezzo, a load of HeroQuest stuff  - not to jump on the bandwagon of course!  ;D

So many minis so little time...  o_o
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Argonor on October 04, 2010, 07:18:52 AM

... and didn't they get it wrong in Gladiator - I'm sure thumbs up meant death?!

I think I read somewhere, that 'thumbs up' is 'live', and a fist with the thumb 'closed' (but not turned downwards) meant 'die'.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Erny on October 04, 2010, 08:44:40 AM
Consider shield idea well and truly pinched...

Very nice.

Sounds like a bit of a racket you got going on the miniatures front. They are some nice miniatureas fellow Lafers shame if anything happened to them, how about you just send me some green skins  ;).

Much kudos coming your way. Perhaps I'll get some painting time soon.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on October 04, 2010, 06:17:19 PM
Cheers all!

I think my greenies are ok if its all the same to you Erny!  :D

If you're struggling for painting time you could always send them to me - might get lost in the old lead pile though...  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: LeadAsbestos on October 05, 2010, 12:32:29 AM
Mind you there are a load of other minis I should paint up in the near future including some Golgfag's Ogres from LeadAsbestos (not forgotten them fella!)

Just about to ask! ::)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on October 05, 2010, 10:27:05 AM
Undercoated and ready for shading - will keep doing bits in between the greenies!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on October 05, 2010, 05:55:26 PM
Nice work Steve! Shields worked out great - what 1980s GW army is complete without someone flipping the bird somewhere somehow? =)

Also like the skin on the hobgobs, what make are they? They look a bit like the C36 solid base hobs - but couldn't spot them there and couldn't be bothered to do a proper search. =D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on October 05, 2010, 08:27:50 PM
Kidterminal's the man to ask about the hobgoblins - they are citadel though and slotta-based - dunno which range like?

The bird hasn't finished being flipped yet either!  ;)

Personally I can't wait to do the live long and prosper one - the orc in question even has slightly spockish ears!
He'll go nicely with the Slann in Space Inn as part of my secret sci-fi theme that may begin to permeate the project should I think of any more ways of shoe-horning it in!  ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on October 05, 2010, 10:35:56 PM
He'll go nicely with the Slann in Space Inn as part of my secret sci-fi theme that may begin to permeate the project should I think of any more ways of shoe-horning it in!  ;D
Space orcs?! I've never heard of such foolishness... what's next? Cosmic Elves? Astro dwarfs? Pah! ;)

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on October 05, 2010, 10:51:42 PM
You may be on to something there  - what about heavily armoured humans but with ridiculously big shoulder pads on their armour that would seriously impede the movement of their arms...

On second thoughts - it'll never catch on!  ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Erny on October 06, 2010, 08:46:13 AM
How about a group of three orcs with shields doing rock, paper scissors to each other? Not quite grim but still slightly whimsical..

There must be some seriously vulgar signs in sign language to use....
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on October 06, 2010, 07:24:08 PM
Like it!

Shame I only have 6 more orcs equipped with shields!  Might have to just glue some more on the backs of others if I get any more ideas...

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: kidterminal on October 08, 2010, 06:48:21 AM
Kidterminal's the man to ask about the hobgoblins - they are citadel though and slotta-based - dunno which range like?

Well they are a single 2 figure blister that was supposed to be a preview of the hobgoblin army from 2nd ed. I've had them since they came out in 87-88? I don't think Citadel made any others.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on October 08, 2010, 08:16:56 PM
they are a single 2 figure blister that was supposed to be a preview of the hobgoblin army from 2nd ed.

Thanks Rob - I now have visions of a seething horde of Hobyahs and Mourngul warriors sweeping across the plains from the Mountains of Mourn....

... and I really don't need another project right now!  ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on October 10, 2010, 02:43:26 PM
Got the rest of the shields done and a lot of fun it was too!

Thanks by the way to Kidterminal for the two Death Commandos - Ugezod and Guzrog - I hope there won't be any conflicts over who leads this tribe as I have the later version of Ugezod as a stand in for the Hagar Sheol scenario mini!


Inspire by VoodooInk's neat little nicknames I've carried the trend on...

'Police Verso'


'The Fonz'


'Live long and prosper'


'Rock On'



'Flipping the Bird'



... and the mob so far!


Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: rob_alderman on October 10, 2010, 03:48:01 PM

Those are awesome mate, they really draw your eye to them!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Graccus on October 10, 2010, 05:15:00 PM
Very cool mini's there!

Does one of those have tusks on top of his upper lip?
Those old orcs were so much more varied and cool than the current ones. :-*

Awesome shield designs too, wish I could paint like that.

Keep up the good work!

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: VoodooInk on October 10, 2010, 05:45:35 PM

Those are awesome mate, they really draw your eye to them!

'Handy'!?!? lol

Glad I could be part of the process. These are starting to be a great centerpiece for your Orc Horde.

The 'Rock On' Orc looks like he's doing the fist pump- pure awesomeness! 8)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on October 10, 2010, 06:08:45 PM
Thanks fellas!

Not sure which one you mean Graccus but there's a few with tusks but they all seem to be sprouting from the lower jaw?

The 'Rock On' Orc looks like he's doing the fist pump- pure awesomeness

Haha - yeah thought he looked the part!

Stick it to the Man!!  ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on October 12, 2010, 02:25:26 PM
Not sure which one you mean Graccus but there's a few with tusks but they all seem to be sprouting from the lower jaw?
The Fonz has fangs (or tusks).

Great set of shields, Steve! Love 'em. =)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on October 12, 2010, 08:01:24 PM
So he does!

The girls just can't resist those pearly yellows!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on October 15, 2010, 01:11:49 AM
Righto - finally got some ogres done - huge thanks to Leadasbestos for these and the command group waiting in the paint queue! Sorry they took so long - got a bit of tunnelvision with the Orc's Drift thing and they got side-lined for a while...  ::)

Anyways here's the piccies - thought I'd use the name of Golgfag's tribe as inspiration for the shield design. I thought Rutdrogg could be ogre dialect for Red Dog or Red Wolf - quite fitting I think for these Norther raiders!  >:D






Should be a good motif for the standard too - next up when I get back from the weekend...

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: LeadAsbestos on October 15, 2010, 12:06:26 PM
Well done! I knew they were going to a good home!

(just don't let word get to the lads still sitting in bare primer in my drawer! Don't want a tiny uprising/mass exodus on my hands!)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Graccus on October 17, 2010, 04:42:14 PM
The one I meant is the 'Spock' one. He seems to have his mouth underneath the fangs.
Or am I mistaken?

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on October 17, 2010, 10:59:46 PM
Don't want a tiny uprising/mass exodus on my hands!

Yeah - know what you mean - I have enough keeping the peace between different projects vying for my limited attention span!

Graccus I see what you mean now but it took me a while to see it! I think what you're seeing as his top lip is in fact the bottom lip and the fangs are jutting out from it!


Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Graccus on October 18, 2010, 09:41:22 PM
Yeah, i see it now.

I didn't see that he has a very pronounced lower lip, I think that's what threw me off.
Still very cool mini's though!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on October 19, 2010, 11:41:35 AM
Nice job Thants! Once again, the shield designs look really good. Feel like I'm parroting my last posts - but hey... =)

I'm a bit pissed you're out running me on every bloody mini I have in my lead mountain. Oh well - that shouldn't stress me out. The fact I haven't painted anything at all the last month or so is though. Tonight I've made some preparations though, cleaned my painting area - prepped some half painted minis and my wife is having a friend over.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on October 19, 2010, 09:30:33 PM
Apologies mate - as you've probably noticed I have the attention span of a a 2 year old!

Think you'll be safe on the undead front for a while though and I'll give you a heads up about my burgeoning chaos band of beasties which keep trying to barge into the paint queue just in case you had any plans for something similar...  ;)

You'll be happy to hear I'm off on hols for a week on a barge so not sure how much painting I'll get done (booze and piss-taking from my non-wargaming mate may take its toll!)

Now hurry up - I want to hear about the latest big trouble in little Stillburg!  :D

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on November 27, 2010, 03:34:49 PM
Hello again one and all - guess what....

More orcs!  :D

Got the last few done for the main unit of warriors for the Severed Hand Tribe - just a few archers and Hagar Sheol, their chieftain, to do to finish the whole tribe...  :)

Enjoyed these fellas as some I've had since I was a kid and its great to see them with a better paint job than they received originally. Thanks to Phreedh for the cool boss guy with the antlers - quite like him with one of them damaged!










I hope to fit the last few Severed Hand Orcs in before Christmas but I have plans for a couple of dioramas for presents which may be a little time consuming...

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on November 27, 2010, 06:46:52 PM
Way cool, Steve! That antler guy is a favourite of mine too - but one of my absolute favourites all categories is the dual cleaver wielding leader model you've got there. Have one in the pile too (of course sans paint).

I see you put one of Ugezod's black orcs in there too. =)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: manic _miner on November 27, 2010, 07:23:50 PM
 Nice additions to the units.I also like the orc with two cleavers.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on November 28, 2010, 03:59:35 PM
Cheers fellas - he's one of my faves too and an original survivor from my youth!

Hopefully have Ugezod done in between geishas and cherry trees over the next couple of weeks!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: kidterminal on November 29, 2010, 03:46:13 AM
That's a pretty fearsome bunch you got there Steve!

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on November 29, 2010, 08:41:14 PM
Cheers Rob - currently playing a game of WFB3 at the mo and though they may look fearsome they got somewhat mauled by some Elven wildcats, a Treeman and a Zoat!  lol
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on January 15, 2011, 08:27:31 PM
Painted these two chaps up for some light relief from the diorama I'm making for my Dad's birthday - seems a while since I've done any Orc's Drift stuff!  ::)


Anyways - two replacements for the Linden Way militia - the Norse settlers got drunk and went off on a saga holiday...  ;D Besides I wanted all the Norsemen for a warband all of their own and this pair had more of a ramshackle, peasanty, militia vibe about them.


In fact, together, they kind of reminded me of Don Quixote and his squire Sancho Panza - so after the Orc's Drift treatment we have...


Jon Eochaid (pronounced Yeo-Hay  ;)) a misguided and delusional man who has read far too many Estalian romances - and believed every word written in them. Having acquired a battered suit of ancient armour and a rather shoddy sword, Eochaid now believes himself to be a noble knight of the highest chivalric order.

Accompanying him in all his misadventures is his "squire", Groucho Panzer - a gullible and somewhat stupid farmer, who, believing Eochaid's promise of his own castle, agreed to follow him in his travels...


Thanks to Kidterminal who sent me the guy with the club ages ago! Got the chap in the hat in a random lot of stuff off ebay - anyone any ideas where he's from?

Usual gubbins on the blog too - http://teasgettingcold.blogspot.com/2011/01/every-man-is-as-heaven-made-him-and.html
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: rob_alderman on January 15, 2011, 08:49:59 PM
Awesome stuff. It's really obvious why you have chosen to paint these old school miniatures. Lots of charming sculpting.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on January 15, 2011, 09:15:30 PM
Welcome back to the proper figs, mate! :) Like the guy with the club. Hat-man (sorry, Jon) could use some more metal on the sword. With that hat, I mistook him for a cowboy at first. Didn't realize he was holding a sword until the second time I looked. :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on January 16, 2011, 01:27:08 AM
Cheers fellas -

Might have gone overboard on the rust - the whole back story was supposed to distract from the parlous state of said weapon and my laziness in rectifying it with some putty.  ::)

 But point taken mate!  :D

You saw cowboy I saw Dali...


What does that say about my mental state? ;D

Mind you a pair of six-shooters and a poncho and that would be a pretty cool mini!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: dodge on January 16, 2011, 07:51:50 AM
like those a lot,

cardstock buildings work reasonably well too are they worldworks?

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on January 16, 2011, 04:07:40 PM
Cheers Dodge - they're the card buildings that came with the various Citadel scenario sets.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Erny on January 16, 2011, 11:59:45 PM
Looking nice, love the cleaver guy too, he came in a number of not that different variations so worth checking if actually he is the same one you have phreed or not. I was over the moon when I got him and the standard used in the 3rd ed how to paint article.

Also like the marauder black orcs I have a bunch but still on the lead pile, never understood why you cold only have units of 10 and no bigger.

I have some green skins coming soon myself, all for a certain scenario dear to my heart and pseudonym.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on January 17, 2011, 12:08:40 AM
Cheers Erny - sounds intriguing - look forward to seeing what you're up to...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on February 02, 2011, 12:23:46 AM
Well back on the wagon after several interludes into samurai and naval mini painting - and I thought that it'd be a great idea for Christmas and Birthday pressies!

Now for something entirely for my enjoyment...  >:D

Part way through finishing the archers for the Severed Hand Tribe and I'm toying with an idea for their shield design. Although I really like these little shields from Hasslefree I'm not really up to painting convincing or elaborate designs on the wood grain.

So I thought why not go for an archery target for a laugh...


Can't quite make my mind up on the idea myself - a few too many circles perhaps?


Anyway any thoughts or tips on painting designs on wood grain would be gratefully received!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Damien on February 02, 2011, 12:59:43 AM
Beautiful minis and great paint jobs, I just realised that one of the buildings has a poster on it that says 'Slanns in space', now thats ace.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Erny on February 02, 2011, 08:53:44 AM
As I said on your blog a whole unit of neatly painted targets owuld look a bit un-orcy.

I'd go for a range of simple designs and let the wood grain do your highlighting with an almost dry brush.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on February 02, 2011, 11:18:47 AM
I'd go for a range of simple designs and let the wood grain do your highlighting with an almost dry brush.
Agree with the man... Think urukhai of Isengard. They just globbed on flat white paint with their hands.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on February 02, 2011, 10:52:22 PM
Take your points fellas - that did cross my mind.

Mind you I want these archers to look a bit hoighty-toighty (spelling?!) - as all right thinking Orcs know, the best place to be is in the thick of it doing a bit of good honest bashin'. Arrer boyz don't seem to like getting their hands dirty (comparatively speaking!) so I was thinking of a dafter, more colourful fantasy version of the Stormboyz ethic might be in order - or am I thinking a bit too much about all this...?  ;D

I'll get some pics up when I've done a couple of them to show you what on earth I'm on about...

The other idea I had was a variation on the two fingered salute English archers may or may not have greeted the French with after Agincourt - mind you I'd ideally need to source a load of round flat shields for that...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: VoodooInk on February 03, 2011, 04:10:26 AM
I'm a fan.

I'd like to see one of the shields with an arrow, or two, stuck in it.  :)

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on February 06, 2011, 11:19:52 PM
Cheers VoodooInk - I've decided to go with them.   :D

It may not be the most orcy of designs but the sentiment behind it certainly is - especially when the boyz do a little practice in between engagements - usually involving one of the more slow witted members of the unit standing at the end of the field holding one of said shields aloft, although if they fancy a challenge there is always many an unwilling Gobbo who can be set running with one of the ladz' shields strapped to his back!  >:D

Besides these Arrer Boyz have acquired some airs and graces to go with their looted Bretonninan surcoats - they are, after all, a cut above the average grunt who has to march all the way into combat to stick whoever they is fightin'!

Had a go a go at sticking some arrows in a few of them too...


The Ladz getting stuck in with the Dwarfs of Ashak Rise...














Three more archers to go, plus the champion and the drummer and I should have a complete unit of Harboth's Orc archers, which I'll be splitting into two ten man units for the Orc's Drift scenarios.

Got a good (I think!) idea for the champion's shield, which is a nice flat citadel plastic one...  ;D

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on February 07, 2011, 06:56:39 AM
They turned out great, Steve! Like the shields much more when seeing them as a unit!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Erny on February 07, 2011, 10:33:17 AM
Yeah, grudingly they look good..They aren't harboth's now though so you'll need to flesh out the fluff you came up with on your blog.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on February 07, 2011, 08:49:21 PM
Cheers fellas - wait till you see what I've got cooking for Yaskin Forit's (unit champion)shield!

As for the unit's identity they'll just be archers from the Severed Hand and Kwae Kar tribes for Orc's Drift purposes.

Beyond that I don't see why they couldn't be Harboth's - read this on the Regiments of Renown section of Stuff of Legends -

Their uniforms are generally ragged cast-offs obtained from past victims of approximately the right size.

They've just gone up in the world a bit since the Battle of Bauer’s Farm!  ;)

Edit - just seen your comment on the blog Erny - how about renaming the champion Innnwun Grimbowen...  ;) ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on February 08, 2011, 01:03:57 AM
Got a standard painted up tonight - last three archers also got base-coated.

Once they're done its off to finish the champion and drummer, paint up Ugezod/Hagar Sheol and that'll be another Orc tribe under my belt!





Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: VoodooInk on February 08, 2011, 02:09:33 AM
I'm glad you went with the design. They will definitely turn heads on the table and fit the feel of the force.

I especially like the arrows- nice touch. ;)

'All a-quiver'... nice.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on February 08, 2011, 08:26:25 PM
Cheers Voodoo!

Thinking ahead to Hagar - I'm trying to come up with another "hand" themed shield for him but its got to be a bit spesh, him being the chieftain and all...

Had a brilliant idea the other night but I can't remember it now!  >:(
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Bloodysword on February 08, 2011, 09:56:51 PM
Great design on the banner!  The only good dwarf is a dead dwarf.  Your army is the reason I went out and spent a ton on Orcs from this era.  I can't wait to see these guys miss their targets then beat the heck out of each other during your next battle report.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on February 08, 2011, 10:24:30 PM
Cheers! - but is that why I can't find any nice big lots of old Orcs on ebay to complete the Vile Rune tribe ...  ;)

Fancy a bit of a game this weekend actually and as KingofDaveness has just released his new version of Skulldred I might give that a go if I get time...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Bloodysword on February 08, 2011, 11:47:40 PM
Not my fault.  I have about a hundred to paint before I start bidding on more.  Besides I only by American Orcs or those that came here to work in the computer industry then got let go when the computer market crashed in 2001 and couldn't afford to go home :)

Can't wait to see the report.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on February 08, 2011, 11:57:22 PM
Fair enough - I was going to thankyou for saving my marriage if you were responsable!  lol

I'm thinking along the lines of some desperate Dwarf miners trapped behind the Orc advance up in the mountains above the Fendal Plains as a scenario - thus maintaining a tenuous link to the project!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on February 10, 2011, 12:25:25 AM
Got the last three archers done - got a bit of a treat next  - Yaskin Forit, the unit champion and his tone deaf drummer, Ringo McSkins (Cheers for the inspiration on the name DeafNala)!



Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Damien on February 10, 2011, 12:54:28 AM
Really like the arrows, did you use wire and paper for them? (flesh is pretty nice too)

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on February 10, 2011, 10:56:05 PM
Cheers Damien - paperclips, paper and supergluey fingers!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Delaney on February 10, 2011, 11:37:12 PM
Awesome.. so how many is that for you now?

How about a photo of all your painted orcs in one delicious block!

I must get a move on, I have had eight dwarves and eight orcs on the painting line for three months now!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: DeafNala on February 11, 2011, 12:15:37 AM
I just took a nice leisurely stroll through all the Orc's Drift photos & reports on your WONDERFUL Blog...VERY INSPIRING STUFF! I LOVE the ambush of the Dwarf Mule Train.
Now I have to go back & check out everything you've done...a tough job, but someone has to do it.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on February 11, 2011, 10:33:28 PM
Cheers all!

Dave - I have three more minis to do to complete the list given in the Orc's Drift scenario pack for the Severed Hand Orcs. I think a group shot of them and the Kwae Karr Orcs will be in order, along with King Fyarr on his Wyvern, accompanied by his trusty Fyarr Guard!

Deafnala - glad you liked it but please excuse my earlier drybrushtastic paintjobs in my earlier posts!  ::)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on February 12, 2011, 10:10:30 AM
Love those archers Thants, the shields were a stroke of genius. =)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on February 12, 2011, 08:47:30 PM
Cheers Phreedh - I have my moments - now and again...  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on February 21, 2011, 02:17:39 AM
I creep ever closer to finishing this project - the Severed Hand Tribe are done!



As are the Harboth's Champion and Drummer -


I may have gone a step too far in daft shield designs here...


Bonus points to anyone who can spot the link!

And finally Hagar Sheol (Eeza Ugezod actually - he's a little cheaper thanthe original scenario mini!)




And to redress the balance in shield designs I thought I'd go a bit highbrow with Hagar's!  ;)

More witterings on the blog -

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on February 21, 2011, 07:14:41 AM
Good job on finishing another tribe! Looks like you'll be finished for THIS years summer holidays. ;)

Shield on Hagar/Ugezod worked out great! All in all, a great stand in for Hagar. He's bigger, if nothing else. =) Think he could do with a touch up on the back, the sword and straps holding it look a bit semi-WIP if I may be so rude. =D

Yaskin and the drummer (Ringo McForeskin, or what were you calling him?) turned out great!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Delaney on February 21, 2011, 11:46:24 AM
Awesome progress... makes me feel so slack! 

Heh, and lets have another nod at that great gaming table while we are at it!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Erny on February 21, 2011, 12:18:26 PM
Nice unit of boys, didn't realise you had so many hob hounds either. I only have 5  :'(.

Read the write up for hobhounds in 3rd ed last night, seams they are supposed to be the size of a horse..
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on February 22, 2011, 12:26:02 AM
Yeah I never got that either Erny - maybe it should read - they can eat a horse?

The scenario says I need 10 so 10 I got! Not sure how Grashak Kra is supposed to keep control of 10 hobhounds mind!  ;D

Cheers again Dave - praise be to Amera's vacuum formed hills and Woodland scenics trees!

You got me Phreedh - wasn't happy with the rust on the blade and it was getting late so it got another ink wash - I'll probably go back and finish it off sometime...  ::)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on February 22, 2011, 09:13:11 AM
Amera's vacuum formed hills
You happy with those? A local webstore (heh) is stocking them. I was thinking about ordering some. Hills, but also some ruins and other stuff. Dirt cheap, they are! How wobbly are they, and how well do they take paint? Yours look great, but how much grief did they give you? =)

I'll probably go back and finish it off sometime...
They all look awesome, especially in a group on the table! One blade won't make a difference. =D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on February 22, 2011, 01:50:14 PM
The amera stuff is great - pretty rigid too. The only thing is the large hill and mountain with cave have limited places to put minis on for gaming purposes. The smaller flat topped hill comes with an insert to strengthen it.

They took paint fine but the detail isn't particularly fine - its static grass and other bits you can stick on that really make them.

Oh and get yourself a big old brush if you're drybrushing big mountains - takes ages otherwise!  ;)

There are some good pieces in the future wars section that are good for fantasy gaming too.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on February 23, 2011, 11:41:52 AM
The amera stuff is great - pretty rigid too. The only thing is the large hill and mountain with cave have limited places to put minis on for gaming purposes. The smaller flat topped hill comes with an insert to strengthen it.

They took paint fine but the detail isn't particularly fine - its static grass and other bits you can stick on that really make them.

Oh and get yourself a big old brush if you're drybrushing big mountains - takes ages otherwise!  ;)

There are some good pieces in the future wars section that are good for fantasy gaming too.
I'm well tempted... Too much hassle building hills and stuff! Can be spent painting minis instead.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on March 27, 2011, 11:31:05 PM
Sorry to resurrect this now monolithic post but I do have another update for the world of Orc's Drift in the form of last week's LPL entry!  :D

This time its the turn of the Wood Elves of Kachas Pass, led by the troubled Erdolas Thringal.

I've used Skarloc's archers and the scenario mini for Erdolas - who put up a stalwart fight against the mighty Grimm in round 2 of the LPL!


When I've painted up the 5 or so Elves needed to complete the unit I'll post more shots and close-ups...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Heldrak on March 27, 2011, 11:55:08 PM
Excellent! I love the old Erdolas figure (an Aly Morrison sculpt) and the classic Skarloc figures (great Jes Goodwin sculpts). Looking forward to seeing more of these.  :-*
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Bloodysword on March 29, 2011, 09:34:40 PM
Really excellent!  I love the skin tone.  What colors did you use?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on March 29, 2011, 11:25:34 PM
Cheers fellas - I'll try and get some other shots and close-ups if I get the time.

Skin tones were Vallejo Model colour - flat flesh painted thinly over grey undercoat, which was black-inked for pre-shading. Thin highlights of a mix of flat flesh, vallejo model colour buff and white. Fiinished with a watery brown ink was (vallejo again) mixed with vallejo matt medium to take the sheen off the ink.

I quite like vallejo paints by the way!  ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: DeafNala on March 30, 2011, 12:18:40 AM
When I've painted up the 5 or so Elves needed to complete the unit I'll post more shots and close-ups...

OH BABY!...there that about says it all. As you may have guessed I'm looking forward to the close ups...the Pointy Eared Ones look PRETTY DARNED GOOD in the group shot.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on April 04, 2011, 12:14:21 AM
Right as promised - some more shots...

Erdolas Thringal - captain of the Wood Elf garrison at Kachas Pass.


Caught in the throes of a death wish due to the discovery of his illicit affair with the Elf Queen of Fendal Forest, Erdolas awaits a heroic end and a chance to save his tarnished family name in this backwater mountain outpost... perhaps he won't have to wait too long?  >:D


His standard bearer - took the image for the standard straight from the illustrations in the scenario book


And a few of his merry men/elves



Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on May 21, 2011, 12:12:19 AM
Some more pointy eared chaps for my long-running project - some of you may recognise these fellows as part of one of my LPL entries. I didn't have time to finish Brommedir or the standard bearer at the time but now I have thought I'd take a few more shots...

The archers are the old plastic minis from the Citadel Regiments box set of long ago - not brilliant minis but I have a kind of soft spot for them!

As they're supposed to represent the defenders of Orc's Drift I thought I'd give them a colour scheme reminiscent of the defenders of  Rourkes Drift.  :D






... and standard bearer





Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: manic _miner on May 21, 2011, 05:30:25 AM
 Nice additions to the force.Love the armour on the character and the design on the back of his cloak is very well done too.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: DeafNala on May 21, 2011, 11:41:51 AM
VERY NICE additions...even more impressive considering what you had to work with with the plastic Elves. Brommedir is a really cool mini; you did a FINE job bringing him to life. VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on May 21, 2011, 08:05:26 PM
Checked your FUUK-post over the phone when on a family outing (I've been petting lemures today!) - had a second look on them on a proper computer now. The armour is really really nice on Brommedir - I think I'll pinch the colour scheme when that time comes.

As usual, great shields and banners!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Aerendar Valandil on May 21, 2011, 08:46:46 PM
 :) Really nice.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on May 21, 2011, 10:21:30 PM
Cheers chaps!

That armour looked a real pain to paint to start with so I'm quite glad the simple scheme I went with turned out alright.  :D
I did find the crescent moon design strangely difficult to get right - happy wit Brommedir's and the standard bearer's versions but there's a reason why the archers are mostly turned so you can't see their quivers!  ;)

Think I'll have to fork out for another daylight bulb - took these pics with regular bulbs and they don't seem as crisp - could be my photography mind!

Phreedh - sounds like a day well spent!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Bloodysword on May 22, 2011, 06:33:41 PM
Beautiful work on the shields and banners.  Where do you store your figures?  I hope they're displayed in a cabinet or shelf.  They are to nice to be stuck in a box.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Doomhippie on May 22, 2011, 07:07:58 PM
I can but repeat myself! This is a wonderful tread. And I love your reminisence to Rourke's Drift. That's what I like: being a little tongue in cheek about the atmosphere.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on May 22, 2011, 07:18:57 PM
Thanks again -Doomhippie - talking of tongue in cheek, wish I'd thought of this when I was painting, but it occurred to me that incorporating a silver leek rather than the feather on the banner might have been another nice reference to those brave welshmen (and others!)  ;)

Thanks to the LPL African bonus round I've ended up with a load of Rourkes Drift minis and some Zulus (came to late to get them entered  >:() so I might end up doing all this again for real one day!  ;D

Bloodysword - the dear wife treated me to a (reproduction I think) antique cabinet to store my little men in - she was sick of being unable to use the keyboard on our desk for fear of causing a massacre!

There is an entire shelf dedicated to all my Orc's Drift minis - upon which I am quickly running out of space!

Might take a pic of it once I've got finished...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on May 24, 2011, 01:04:43 AM
And some close ups of the savage orcs that were also part of my LPL entry that week -










Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Bloodysword on May 24, 2011, 02:48:32 AM
love the guy with the two handed mace. nice war paint.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: DeafNala on May 24, 2011, 12:58:46 PM
I LOVE the Orc Babe...so to speak. All are VERY COOL &. as always, VERY WELL DONE!
Yesterday I wandered through your entire thread...what a WONDERFUL experience; HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on May 24, 2011, 09:12:58 PM
Cheers fellas - got a few more base coated today...

Deafnala - glad you enjoyed it!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on June 10, 2011, 12:27:22 AM
Finally got a few more savages finished and got another 3 in the post along with a load of Orc spearmen - happy days!  :D







Had some fun doing the warpaint with these chaps - especially this fella...




Hopefully I'll get the 5 spearmen sat on my desk based and piccies up tomorrow. Then I have another 5 basecoated to finish off quickly over the weekend...

Getting near the finish line -

Left to paint - 9 more placcy Elves for Brommedir's Bows
4 more Skarloc's archers for the Wood Elves of Kachass Pass
and 21 more orcs for the Vile Rune Tribe, including some of my favourite orcy minis!

That light is getting brighter at the end of the tunnel!  o_o
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on June 10, 2011, 06:11:21 AM
That light is getting brighter at the end of the tunnel!  o_o
Great job mate! What next - McDeath? =)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on June 10, 2011, 09:03:16 PM
Nah - I reckon a rumble in the jungle next!  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: LeadAsbestos on June 10, 2011, 09:07:06 PM
Great job mate! What next - McDeath? =)

Please do not embarass me by starting and finishing before I get halfway done! Go jungle instead!

I've been thinking abt this:
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on June 11, 2011, 12:04:19 AM
Haha - no worries there mate - the only McDeath mini I have is Donalbane who I picked up on a whim for acouple of quid on ebay.

I'm a bit further on with The Magnificent Svenn thanks to the LPL and just need to get my Slann warband off the ground to get playing - oh and make all the jungle terrain I'll need...

I was thinking of altering the scenario a bit and continuing the story after the the big battle at Vastervik - that way I don't have to bankrupt myself by chasing down 50 odd Slann and a similar number of villagers! I was thinking something along the lines of following Sven and his band trying to escape after they are overrun by Gurgll and his rebels...

Also got the mini of Kremlo the Slaan and wouldn't mind a pop at that scenario if I can get hold of the book.  :D

Anyways - back to the other greenskins - got my spearmen based up. They were painted fairly quickly so nowt special I'm afraid - only another 22 to do to finish the Vile Rune Tribe!









The new additions to the Tribe together -


... and the whole tribe so far.

There are a few extra orcs I painted ages ago before the crazy idea of doing Orc's Drift occurred to me. Guthrum Mane, the Rock Giant lurks at the back, Fangor Gripe, the one-eyed chap in the front rank, is the chieftain, and the shifty looking fella on the right hand side is Silas Meel, a half-Orc spy and the first mini I painted specifically for this project I think, who starts the scenario imprisoned in the Wood Elves' garrison at Kachas Pass. Fangor Gripe, however, wouldn't mind getting his hands on him and shutting his mouth forever as the spy knows of Gripe's decision to opt out of the Goblin Wars the previous year - a decision that would certainly cost him his chieftainship - and his life...

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Citizen Sade on June 11, 2011, 12:28:56 AM
Also got the mini of Kremlo the Slaan and wouldn't mind a pop at that scenario if I can get hold of the book.  :D

This (http://www.solegends.com/citcomp1/citcomp1052-01.htm) do you instead?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Bloodysword on June 11, 2011, 12:47:15 AM
They are really great.  I can't wait to see all tribes together on the table.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: LeadAsbestos on June 11, 2011, 03:49:25 AM
This (http://www.solegends.com/citcomp1/citcomp1052-01.htm) do you instead?

Beat me to it!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on June 11, 2011, 05:24:57 AM
I'll need to pop over to York soon!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on June 11, 2011, 10:59:39 AM
Cheers Sade - never thought of going through the compendiums - D'oh!  ::)

Taking a pic of all the tribes together is going to be interesting - there's around 130 minis, not including King Fy'ar and his wyvern!

Phreedh - you've got about a month and a half to convince the missus that she wants a holiday in sunny York...  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Doomhippie on June 11, 2011, 02:52:36 PM
Wonderful minis once again. I feel so comfy here in this thread...  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Delaney on June 12, 2011, 07:09:20 AM
I want to see the whole collection in a battle!

Awesome beyond awesomeness.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: manic _miner on June 12, 2011, 08:33:23 AM
 Great additions to the painted collection.Love the painting on the savage orc's.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on June 12, 2011, 01:25:28 PM
Cheers fellas - hope to get the damn thing played these coming summer holidays!

Should have got all the painting and remaining scenery done by then...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on June 26, 2011, 11:02:58 AM
Well five more orc spearmen for the Vile Rune tribe - work's been taking its toll on my painting time recently...  >:(








Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on June 26, 2011, 11:05:48 AM
Ooops - being cackhanded with pasting in the image codes for the pics - here's the close-ups of the fifth spearman...  ::)



Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Doomhippie on June 26, 2011, 01:07:54 PM
Dude, this thread rocks! I hope you have the time to actually play the game (and shoot lots of photos). Two thumbs up for this project.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Vinlander on June 26, 2011, 01:55:45 PM
I have to agree. Seeing so many classic minis in one thread always warms the cockles of my black heart  ;)

A batrep please sir?  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: dinohunterpoa on June 26, 2011, 02:07:10 PM
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on June 26, 2011, 09:58:57 PM
Getting closer and closer... however, one question.

Why is that orc's right hand brownish?

Did he...


Oh dear! Tribe of the ruptured sphincter!  ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on June 26, 2011, 10:19:40 PM
Thanks all - just started another batch of five - hope to whittle down the painting time down to three evenings...

Insert Quote
Getting closer and closer... however, one question.

Why is that orc's right hand brownish?

Did he...


Oh dear! Tribe of the ruptured sphincter!

Haha - close - he's actually the Orcish equivalent of James Herriot!  ;)

Actually truth be told - Health and Safety have reached even the Warhammer world and it is now mandatory to wear a leather gauntlet when carrying a spear!  ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: dodge on June 28, 2011, 10:18:52 AM
Lovely the more I see the more nostalgic I get , I once had a few of those minis, since lost sadly.

So good


Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: DeafNala on June 28, 2011, 11:56:31 AM
There are times that I wonder why I'm still doing this stuff...painting/modeling that is. At such times I wander through threads like the one you've created & it all comes back to me....of such things dreams are made. Thanks for all the inspiration...GREAT WORK!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on July 04, 2011, 11:07:42 PM
More than kind Deafnala!

Here's a few more Orcs from the Vile Rune Tribe for your viweing pleasure - only 11 more to go...

... and then a few more pointy eared poncy gits to finish off...  >:(












Beginning to run out of the old citadel plastic shields now which is a pain - can't believe the price people charge for them on ebay...  :?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on July 05, 2011, 12:54:24 PM
Love the last chap there, with the centurion like helmet! Nice 'uns. =)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Bloodysword on July 06, 2011, 12:57:17 PM
The amount of orc sculpts that citadel did back in the day is amazing. They all have so much character.  Well Done!  I think its time for another battle report, don"t you? Orc tribe vs. Orc tribe perhaps?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: dodge on July 06, 2011, 05:33:59 PM
very nice

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on July 06, 2011, 10:13:00 PM
Cheers fellas!

I think its time for another battle report, don"t you? Orc tribe vs. Orc tribe perhaps?

You're not wrong there! I reckon the next game will be the biggie - when I get round to actually playing the scenario some time in July or maybe August...  :o

However, assuming the Orcs win (and the odds are pretty much stacked in their favour in the scenario!) I have been thinking of doing a follow up where there is a power struggle as the tribes begin bickering in true Orcy style, and fight for control over the conquered province of Ramalia - there's even some instructions for Magyar Ironfist, who became chieftain of the Kwae Karr Orcs after Fy'arr's ignominious banishment, to try and kill King Fy'arr at the battle of Orc's Drift - both to revenge himself for the perceived insult of being given the weak Human outpost of Linden Way to destroy and to have a go at the Kingship himself!

Things could get awful messy if he succeeds...  >:D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 27, 2011, 12:25:16 AM
Right - had a bit of a lull what with one thing and another but you'll (well some of you anyway!) will be pleased to hear that I've finished!

Well the Orcs anyway!

Here's the last few members of the Vile Rune Rube Tribe -




and command group -



... and the moment that's been a while coming!

All the Orc Tribes together!


You'll have to excuse the blurriness down the middle - I couldn't fit them all in on one decent pic so had to fiddle round with the panoramic feature on my ancient camera which involves stitching two pics together - not done it in a while - can you tell!  ::)

Anyway as most of these boyz have been shut up in the cabinet for some time, waiting for the stragglers to catch up I think I may as well review the troops while they're out...

King Fy'arr and the Fy'arr Guard (still cracks me up that!  ;D)


King Fyarr's old tribe, the Kwae Karr Orcs (30 warriors and 10 archers) - now led by his successor,  Magyar Ironfist (front left) and accompanied by the snivelling shaman, Bagrash (front right)


The Severed Hand Tribe (20 warriors and 10 archers), led by Hagar Sheol (front) and accompanied by Grashak Kra, his faithful Hobhound Handler and his 10 not so faithful Hobhounds


... and finally the Vile Rune Tribe ( 40 Orc warriors), led by Fangor Gripe (front centre), accompanied by Guthrum Mane the alcoholic Rock Giant (the big guy!) and shadowed by the weasly Half Orc spy Silas Meel (front left).


Just a few more Elves to do to finish off Brommedir's Bows and the Wood Elves of Kachass Pass...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Blue in vt on August 27, 2011, 03:25:02 AM
 :-* :-* :o :o

Just Amazing... o_o

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: dodge on August 27, 2011, 06:29:56 AM
well done a huge project,

great staying power :D

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Braxandur on August 27, 2011, 07:54:29 AM
It all looks great together!

What's next?*

*Yes, I want to see more!!!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 27, 2011, 08:52:53 AM
Cheers fellas - well after the elves I've got a bit more scenery to do - a river and a small lake, some more sandbag defences for Orc's Drift, maybe some mountains for the table edge but porbably not as I want to get this played this year!

Next on the horizon is a follow on to the Magnificent Sven scenario...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: manic _miner on August 27, 2011, 09:17:40 AM
 Great work on all of it.Must be really cool knowing that the end is near.Looking forward to the battle report too.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: thebinmann on August 27, 2011, 10:59:41 AM
Yeah that is amazing stuff!

I'm still stuck in the dreaming stage for my 10mm version.... but I have a room now so things are moving, just need the figures and buildings....
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: DeafNala on August 27, 2011, 02:03:37 PM
The Lads in Green are OH-SO-COOL & HIGHLY INSPIRATIONAL. I love browsing through the thread & recognizing old friends in the crowd...it's like a Class Reunion of sorts.

I'm looking forward to the Continuing Sven Saga.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 28, 2011, 12:55:34 AM
Cheers fellas - must admit it feels odd to be painting Wood Elves after all that green - if that makes sense?   :?

All the best with your 10mm project Binman - I keep getting tempted with small scale fantasy gaming - I have fond memories of playing massive games of Space Marine many moons ago - not to mention a large box full of my old Space Marine stuff somewhere - be nice to do it in the Olde Worlde this time though...

Cheers Deafnala - just got my hands on a load of old citadel barbarians/norse types on ebay this afternoon to go with Amazons, Slaan and other timorous wee beasties that live in the jungle. I thinking some serious re-acquaintance of some classic Westerns and Nam films once Orc's Drift is done will recharge my creative batteries sufficiently to make Sven magnifiicent once again...  ;)

Talking of Jungle nasties - any more news on additions to the swamp goblin range Manic? I reckon the lot I've got, plus their swamp hounds might make an appearance in the jungles of Lustria as some long lost tribe...   :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: manic _miner on August 28, 2011, 02:16:32 AM
 There are three more Goblins done with some little reptiles to go with them  :D.More to follow shortly too.

 Noticed a few Slann in a box the otherday.I used to really like them and the Amazons.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: VoodooInk on August 28, 2011, 02:27:36 AM
Great work on all of it.Must be really cool knowing that the end is near.Looking forward to the battle report too.

Cool? Definitely! But... it's also a little sad somehow. :'(

I think it was Truman Capote who made this quote about writing: Finishing a book is just like you took a child out in the back yard and shot it.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 28, 2011, 09:39:01 AM
Great stuff Manic - when will they be available?

I know what you mean Voodoo!  lol

Mind you once this is done there are loads more projects I've got lined up in my head and in the lead pile - the Slann and Amazons I've mentioned, chaos and undead to finish off Baron Kraust's horde, 4a sea demons - although they might become Amazon river demons possibly..., Dave's Bederken, and a growing pack of Gobbo's...

To stretch Capote's metaphor a bit - you may have lost that child but we all know how much fun it is making more!  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: manic _miner on August 28, 2011, 09:53:11 AM
 Not sure when the next goblins will be out.Paul Sanderson made a suggestion for them which I want to get done too.

 Sounds like you have your work all planned out until retirement  :D.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 28, 2011, 10:13:38 AM
Sounds intriguing!

Sounds like you have your work all planned out until retirement  .

I think that lot will take me beyond the grave...  lol
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Argonor on August 28, 2011, 10:47:40 AM
Sounds intriguing!

I think that lot will take me beyond the grave...  lol

We all know that a wargamer cannot truely die, as long as he has at least one unpainted mini left  ;) (don't point that stake at me, you...)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Donpimpom on August 28, 2011, 11:50:20 AM
lovely vintage orc army indeed!
I like the oldschool flavour of the photo set
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: VoodooInk on August 28, 2011, 06:40:27 PM

I know what you mean Voodoo!  lol

Mind you once this is done there are loads more projects I've got lined up in my head and in the lead pile - the Slann and Amazons I've mentioned, chaos and undead to finish off Baron Kraust's horde, 4a sea demons - although they might become Amazon river demons possibly..., Dave's Bederken, and a growing pack of Gobbo's...

To stretch Capote's metaphor a bit - you may have lost that child but we all know how much fun it is making more!  ;)

You have me sir. I cannot argue on that point! :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on August 29, 2011, 06:19:22 AM
Finally Steve! I'm impressed with your rate and quality of output! Well done, mate!

Cheers Deafnala - just got my hands on a load of old citadel barbarians/norse types on ebay this afternoon
I'm sure you told your Mrs at some point "Now I've got all the stuff I need for this big old project. No more old lead for this guy for some time. No ma'am!" :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 29, 2011, 10:17:47 AM
Cheers Dompimpom - that was certainly the flavour I was after!

Now Phreddh that was referring to this project - the barbarians are for a new project... I'm sure she'll understand that... right?  ;)

Wood Elves of Kachass Pass nearly done...

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: B. Basiliscus on August 29, 2011, 03:40:09 PM
This is without a doubt my favorite project on the forum.
Splendid work on EVERYTHING, I've been itching to try Skulldred ever since I read the first battle report.
Very nice selection of minis!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 30, 2011, 11:06:13 PM
Most kind of you to say!

Well - here's another unit finished off with these five Skarloc's Archers



... and the obligatory group shot!

The Wood Elves of Kachas Pass - 15 archers led by Erdolas Thringal


10 more Elves to go for Brommedir's Bows...  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Heldrak on August 31, 2011, 06:13:12 AM
Hurray, Elves!!!

I think there was a problem with the last photo, looks like a duplicate of the last back shot of 5 models... ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: dodge on August 31, 2011, 07:15:49 AM
very nicley done  :-*
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Argonor on August 31, 2011, 07:47:16 AM
Ooooh.... I think I have 2 or 3 blisters of those archers...  ;D

What are the shields you used? Something rings a bell in the back of my head, but I cannot pinpoint it...  :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 31, 2011, 09:06:00 AM
Oops! Cheers Heldrak - Fixed now!  ::)

Argonor - the shields are the leather covered Goblin shields from Hasslefree - they do some nice wooden ones too which I used with my Orc archers.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Argonor on August 31, 2011, 10:38:40 AM
Argonor - the shields are the leather covered Goblin shields from Hasslefree - they do some nice wooden ones too which I used with my Orc archers.

Ah, yes, thanks! Very useful store, that Hasslefree one, am also going to get some steel balls  spheres (I've forgotten what I need them for, but it'll come back.... I hope  lol  ), and some minis in due time.

Does the archers have shield pegs (I don't remember), or did you just want shields on the unit? I need to dig one of those minis out for my next CROM! test game, I think...

It is really nice and inspiring to see all those old minis, of which I own my fair share, painted up and posing in such nice terrain (I'll have to steal that 'rock' idea with the multi-steps, and I also quite like that you have bushes on bases (trees I've been basing individually, and not nearly as artistic for quite some time, now).
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: DeafNala on August 31, 2011, 02:02:27 PM
VERY WELL DONE! The last shot with the Oh-So-Cool standard really shows off what a fine job you did with the Old Elves.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Blue in vt on August 31, 2011, 04:05:53 PM
 :-* :-* :-*

Love them!!! the classic Wood Elves are a very tempting range to collect.....maybe in the future I'll have to tack some down.


Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on August 31, 2011, 06:58:12 PM
Argonor - the archers have shield pegs - some of which had to be trimmed a little so the hasslefree shields sat close enough to the body to look right.

The three step mountain/hill is actually a vacuformed piece from Amera - loads of great and cheap terrain to be had there! Must get on and do more trees and bushes myself sometime...

Thanks again Deafnala and Blue! Actually it was a hankering for some Jes Goodwin Elves for my original Orc collection to bash up which led me to my current lead addiction! Got a load of them which got put on hold when Orc's Drift came along - spearmen, eagle rider, cavalry, wardancers and all sorts...  ::)

Been painting up the rest of Brommedir's Bows today - hardly inspiring work as I'm using the old citadel regiments plastic archers but I'm nearly there...  o_o
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on September 02, 2011, 01:25:38 AM
Well I've only gone and bloody done it....

I've finished!!!!!!!!!!!  :o lol

Just put the finshing touches to the last of Brommedir's Bows -




Certainly is a nice feeling to be done - although there are a few odd minis lurking in the paint queue that I had intended on painting up to replace some I've already done, and there are a few more of the original characters I need to track down...  ::)

But I am now at the stage where I can play the damned thing so that'll do me for now! Think I might go and have a celebratory beer - despite the time it is!  >:D

... and get thinking about how I'm doing to do the scenic elements I still need before the Bloodbath commences...  :D

Oh - nearly forgot the big Grand League group shot!

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: VoodooInk on September 02, 2011, 01:56:23 AM

The big game is almost here...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Argonor on September 02, 2011, 09:13:29 AM
The good ol' Warhammer Armies Plastic set  :-*
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: thebinmann on September 02, 2011, 09:23:40 AM
Lovely stuff and well done! You must be creamed!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on September 07, 2011, 12:06:34 PM
Been away a while, and I miss out on this epic mile stone! What can I say, mate - it's all very impressive! And it's all so good looking!  :-*

I'm on paternity leave now for a few months. Stuff your lead in a sack and haul ass to Sweden, let's get a game or two in with these little wonders!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: DeafNala on September 07, 2011, 12:49:38 PM
IMPRESSIVE...you certainly brought ot qualities in the plastic Wood Elf minis that I never suspected they had. A REALLY EXCELLENT paint job.
I LOVE the Elf with the tall white feather in the bottom photo on the far left. Is he a Talisman piece? 
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - almost ready to play...!
Post by: Thantsants on September 08, 2011, 12:07:59 AM
Cheers all!

Yeah, I am a bit weary of squinting down a brush at little lead men and its been nice painting something a little bigger - a river in fact. Its coming along nicely and may even be done by the end of the weekend...

The placcy elves did come out better than I thought they might - like I said not the most inspiring minis to paint - reread the old white dwarf with Mike Mcvey's Wood Elf army in and took his advice on alternating the colours on their clothing to lend a bit more visual interest to the unit as a whole.

Thanks Deafnala!  - the chap with the large plume is the Brommedir mini - I'm pretty sure he was made specially for Orc's Drift but I may be wrong - there is certainly evidence of crosspollination between the Orc's Drift scenario minis and other citadel ranges.  


I was wondering where you'd got to Phreedh! Congrats on your paternity leave - make sure you make good use of it - got a lot of this project done in mine... as well as helping out with rugrats!  ;)
Its certainly a tempting offer - the wife enjoyed a birthday trip to Gothenberg a few years back but I'm not sure I could swing this one...
... unless she doesn't ask too many questions about why I have three suitcases packed for a weekend...  lol

On a completely different note - I struck wargaming gold of a different kind tonight when I noticed three large boxes the mother-in-law had left behind after picking her cat up. Turns out a friend of hers she was visiting was getting rid of his son's old Warhammer stuff and she nabbed the lot for me as an early birthday pressie!

Highlights (which I'll be keeping my gruby mits well and truly on! :D) are the Man 'O War game - all the cards, templates, etc but no little plastic ships (another costly collection for me I'm sure!), 20 skeletong cavalry and 30 warriros from the old Citadel Skeleton army, a Dark Elf blood bowl team and ogre star player, a ton of D&D books, which should make good reading, two new plastic soldiers of the Empire regiments, plastic Bretonnian archers and grail knights and a couple of marauder dwarf Ironbreakers and slayers! Oh and tons of WD mags - newer ones but worth a flick through for the shiny shiny pictures!

You may be able to guess how I've spent my evening thus far...  :D

There may be a few things going in to my trade pile but I'll be sure to post it up in the bazar when I've properly sorted through everything.  :)

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Mason on September 08, 2011, 10:11:41 AM
What an inspiring thread!

Loads of great old-school stuff.

Nostalgic and VERY well presented.

Thanks for all the effort, this is most impressive!

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: thebinmann on September 08, 2011, 11:01:58 AM
Thanks Deafnala!  - the chap with the large plume is the Brommedir mini - I'm pretty sure he was made specially for Orc's Drift but I may be wrong - there is certainly evidence of crosspollination between the Orc's Drift scenario minis and other citadel ranges. 


Yeah he is OD born, but made an cameo in the WFRP book too! (same name)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on September 10, 2011, 04:51:19 PM
Thanks Mason - glad you're enjoying it!

Oh yeah that rings a bell now - thanks Binman!

A quick update - got the river finished that will featuring in several of the scenarios as - the river Canis!

Nice set of rubber river sections from Magnetic Displays -  although I may have overegged the amout of talus and other stuff as all that pva keeps distorting the rubber as it dries and doesn't let the piece sit totally flat on the table. Bit of bending here and there seems to have done the trick in flattening them out mostly...

River comprises of 2 curved and 2 straight sections

a bridge -



and a ford



Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: thebinmann on September 10, 2011, 06:46:21 PM
very nice
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on September 26, 2011, 12:51:42 AM
Some more terrain - getting there folks!  o_o

Amera hills - large and small glued together and a small one on the left -


Also finished off making up the 11 woodland scenics realsitic trees I started ages ago, as well as making up a load more of those little underbrush bases that you can see dotted round the pics.

New wall sections made from Hirst Arts fieldstone blocks - bought a 1kg bag for a couple of quid on ebay a long time ago and knew they'd come in handy for something!


Also finally got round to painting up the two carts and draught animals - another ebay purchase - not sure of the manufacturers?


They should come in handy for Ferndale Snart should he wish to evacuate his patients from Orc's Drift!


You should be able to spot the mealie bag defenses (Zulu stuff from Redoubt Miniatures) I've painted up, along with the brilliant barricades (front right) set from Ainsty.

Just a few things left to do -

I've made a start on a few test pieces - crit much appreciated!  :D

Log pallisade section for the Kachas Pass garrison - inspired by Silent Invaders amazing F and IW log fort!



Bit boring but included for completeness' sake!  lol

Fencing -


and some drainage ditches -


not sure about these - I think the bank is too small but not sure whether it'll look odd if it was much higher? Also the sections have to be rather wide to allow a 25mm base in...  :?

Pretty pleased with this one though!


The mountain tarn - just needs water!

Afraid I chickened out of using the EZ meltable water effect on such a large area so I'm now waiting for the bottle of Woodland Scenics realistic water to turn up so I can finish this piece off.


Got these and a hedge to make and finish off - not too much longer now...  >:D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Pil on September 26, 2011, 09:54:20 AM
Fabulous stuff Thantsants! I haven't replied in this thread for ages but I saw your progress on Frothers. Still, it's nice to read more of the back story, great work! The scenery pieces look very nice as well. As for the water, isn't Woodland Scenics Realistic Water an acrylic compound that shrinks heavily? I believe Malebolgia had some bad experiences with it but I personally don't have any experience with water effects of any kind so I don't really know what's best.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: DeafNala on September 26, 2011, 06:15:26 PM
VERY NICE additions! They actually are inspiring; I checked them out a few hours ago & had the need to go off to work on some more Spooky Woods pieces. WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Prof.Witchheimer on September 26, 2011, 06:28:55 PM
So lovely scenes!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on September 26, 2011, 10:37:12 PM
Thanks all!

Must say Prof - Witchtown is looking mighty fine also - not sure I'm ready for the big smoke yet so I'll stick to the more rural side of things!  ;)

Glad to hear I've been of use Deafnala!

Chees Pil - thanks for the heads up - I had heard some people had had problems with realistic water -Might have to check out Maleboglia's experiences....

Mind you I either put up with some shrinkage or attempt to apply molten plastic EZ water in one smooth pour across the whole piece!  :o lol
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on November 15, 2011, 11:45:58 PM
Hello again one and all - long time no see!

Its been a while thanks to things being a bit manic at work and a lack of free weekends over the past two  >:( months but I'm back in the saddle again...

This didn't help either...



I was expecting a bit of shrinkage but nothing like the cracked ice effect I've ended up with! Any suggestions for rescuing this without stripping all the Realistic Water effect out - along with the painted gravel and sand...  ::)

Anyway - good news everyone - I have a date set to play the whole Bloodbath scenario. All being well I should get all 4 scenarios played over the weekend of the 2nd December, with reports posted once I've got them photographed properly and typed up.

Also finished all the terrain needed for the Kachas Pass scenario - the border fort manned by Erdolas Thringal and his Wood Elves from Fendal Forest. I pinched the idea for the log stockade and gate from Silent Invader so all credit and thanks to him!  8)

Just a few pics to whet your appetites!

Fangor Gripe, the Vile Rune Chieftain, looks on as his tribe attrack the Wood Elf fort.




Close-up on the gate


Erdolas rallies his defenders!



The Wood Elves'  Half-Orc prisoner, Silas Meel, escapes his cell...


Can the Elves hold out...

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: DeafNala on November 16, 2011, 12:45:45 AM
WELCOME BACK! I was starting to go into SkullDred withdrawal...not a pretty sight.
The battle scenes look TERRIFIC; you have a real flair for capturing the exciting moments of each conflict. GREAT STUFF!

I had a similar cracking effect on the "water" level of our table. I wound up doing several thin coats of dark then medium blue paint followed up by brushing on layers of polyurethane gloss varnish. First I concentrated on filling the low portions of the cracks to approximately the same level (but not quite) as the high chunks. Then a couple more coats to smooth things over. The result was actually very pleasing, but now I have to go into the sequence of error explanation whenever asked how I did that.

You can get an idea what it looks like here:
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: thebinmann on November 16, 2011, 07:04:35 AM
Amazing, again

Can you just remind me what paper you printed your buildings on

Great stuff!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: VoodooInk on November 17, 2011, 09:01:00 PM
Glad to see you're back! I was honestly getting a little worried about you.

As far as the water effects go, I think you may have just layered it on a little too thin initially. You should be able to build it up with no problem. Check out this tutorial:
http://hetairoiwargames.blogspot.com/search/label/Tutorial (http://hetairoiwargames.blogspot.com/search/label/Tutorial)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on November 17, 2011, 10:46:21 PM
Thanks all - glad to be back!

Binman - its just printed on regular white card - not particularly thick stuff either.

Thanks for the suggestions on the lake - that is a nice effect Deafnala but I was hoping for that crisp clear mountain lake look.

Nice tutorial Voodoo - that stuff looks great. The product I used was the woodland scenics pourable realistic water - might try another layer like you say though and see what happens - can't get any worse!

Apologies by the way mate - not had much headspace recently to look into your excellent OP4s game. Got as far as reading the rules and digging my old epic Space Marine stuff out...  ::)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: thebinmann on November 18, 2011, 08:19:05 AM
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - almost ready to play...!
Post by: Thantsants on November 27, 2011, 11:50:46 PM
The big game is still up for this weekend - although I've now realised it clashes with Recon - a great wargames show in Pudsey - and may have to reschedule...  >:( ::)

Still, I've just enough time to make a few last minute subs.

As most of my Norsemen seem to have decided that hotter climes might serve their fortunes better (more of which later...)  I've had to draft these two likely lads in -



Its been that long I can't remeber which LAFer it was who I traded with for these two, but my thanks all the same!

Also realised that I'd convinced myself that this chap was Hendril Merl - the ill-fated Wood Elf Lieutenant who is killed along with his patrol before the Vile Rune Orcs besiege the rest of the Elf garrison at Kachas Pass.


He is in fact Fernbreth - the last patient of the Druid Snart, whom I had been keeping an eye out for on ebay! D'oh!  ::)



 Safe to say I won't be following too closely the progress of the Osrim Chardz and Hagar Sheol currenly on ebay for usual silly sums...  >:(

Anyway - bit more prematch warmup for you all - here Fernbreth is, back with his fellow invalids, as he attempts to ward off some attacking Orcs with Bertolac. Snart meanwhile commandeers part of the barricade to cart his unconscious patients away to safety!




Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: thebinmann on November 28, 2011, 06:41:44 AM
Great work!

Safe to say I won't be following too closely the progress of the Osrim Chardz and Hagar Sheol currenly on ebay for usual silly sums...  >:(

Yeah you could pay someone to sculpt a figure for those prices!

If GW had the masters they could do a limited run for 50 quid a figure too!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: manic _miner on November 28, 2011, 07:43:15 AM
 Nice update.Looking forward to seeing the Norse in warmer gear too.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Funghy-Fipps on November 28, 2011, 08:21:34 AM
More old-school eye candy for which you are verily thanked!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Mason on November 28, 2011, 09:44:30 AM
More old-school lovliness from THATman!

Wonderful stuff!
 :-* :-* :-*

I still prefer those orcs to the new ones.
So much character!

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: DeafNala on November 28, 2011, 10:01:28 AM
VERY COOL as always. I find your posts to be a GREAT source of inspiration; it's like a graphic novel that moves & changes as your watching it. VERY WELL DONE!
As Mason, I find the older pieces have a certain charm to them that much of the newer stuff lacks.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - almost ready to play...!
Post by: dijit on November 28, 2011, 11:36:45 AM
I thought is was about time for another installment :) Good to see as always Thantsants.

Safe to say I won't be following too closely the progress of the Osrim Chardz and Hagar Sheol currenly on ebay for usual silly sums...  >:(
:o Just looked at the prices for these, wow, do they really go for these prices?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - almost ready to play...!
Post by: bridgend_steve on November 28, 2011, 05:12:53 PM
I thought is was about time for another installment :) Good to see as always Thantsants.
 :o Just looked at the prices for these, wow, do they really go for these prices?

The seller is a bit optimistic - if he halved those values he'd be in with a shout...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on November 28, 2011, 09:04:03 PM
Thanks all for your kind words everyone!

I thought is was about time for another installment 

Yep - sorry about that - work and sleep keep getting in the way...

it's like a graphic novel that moves & changes as your watching it.

Cheers fella - can you tell I'm dying to write the battle report up?  :D

Looks like I'm going to end up as the GM, shepherding some very inexperienced players through the game - I'm sure I'll manage to be totally impartial and not suggest certain courses of action at various key moments that have been going round my head for each scenario for some time now...  ;)

Looking forward to seeing the Norse in warmer gear too.

Me too...  >:D

The seller is a bit optimistic - if he halved those values he'd be in with a shout...

 its getting to the point (which I'm sure is the point at which I should start listening to the wife's views on lead expenditure!) where I'd almost be tempted to start thinking about how to justify spending even that much on a couple of minis!  ;D

Back to the mind numbing task of making fences, hedges and ploughed fields...

My cracked lake is looking better though - just don't mind the bubbles which look much worse in real life...  >:(



Thought I'd try and disguise them a little with some ripples - currently in production -

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on December 09, 2011, 01:18:35 AM
Afraid no battle report yet chaps - I managed to postpone the game and got down to Recon in the end - nice to have a chat and purchase some more Sea Demons from Manic Miner (Four A Miniatures) - thanks again for the Amera fort too mate!  :D Even bumped into Hetz, who's posted some lovely Orcs and Dwarves here in the past, and who I managed to completely miss last year!

In fact hearing that there were quite a few LAFers knocking round Recon last weekend got me thinking about possibly hosting a LAF rerun of Orc's Drift some time in the New Year if anyone's interested...?

Anyways - the game is scheduled for this weekend and I've just about finished packing all the terrain and the 132 or so minis I'l be needing. Time of course for some last teaser shots - featuring my finally completed fence and hedge section. They aren't particularly exciting on their own so I've put them in the backdrop of Orc's Drift itself...






Hopefully I'll have a battle report up in the next week or so.  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: thebinmann on December 09, 2011, 11:15:07 AM
Which lucky gitz are playing then?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: manic _miner on December 09, 2011, 11:34:24 AM
 Great looking set-up steve.Like the hedges you have done.Have a great time with the game.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: DeafNala on December 09, 2011, 11:34:46 AM
OOH! PRETTY PHOTOS! In the early hours of the day as I'm trying to decide if being awake is worth the effort, it's good to have something interesting to stare at without the need of reading anything...SO the lack of a narrative to accompany the photos isn't necessarily a negative point. BEAUTIFUL STUFF!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Mason on December 09, 2011, 01:54:22 PM
 :-* :-* :-*

More lovely pictures, drool, drool, drool...

Great set up and wonderful figures.
Just cannot ever get too much of this thread!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: generulpoleaxe on December 09, 2011, 02:26:21 PM
 :-*   wish my mates and myself as kids had had scenery like that for when we played the orcs drift scenarios.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on December 09, 2011, 08:14:32 PM
Cheers all!

Which lucky gitz are playing then?

Actually its some of the lads from the Explorer unit I'm a leader with - which is why I'm thinking of running another LAF game as a lot of them will be first time gamers! No offense to them but it'd be nice to run the game with some more experienced hands as well!  :)

SO the lack of a narrative to accompany the photos isn't necessarily a negative point. BEAUTIFUL STUFF!

Cheers Deafnala - should remedy the lack of narrative soon! KIachas Pass, Ashak Rise  and possibly Linden Way to play through tomorrow...  :D

Anyways - I'd best be off soon - I've got a little bit of setting up to do!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: thebinmann on December 09, 2011, 08:16:09 PM
Cheers all!

Actually its some of the lads from the Explorer unit I'm a leader with - which is why I'm thinking of running another LAF game as a lot of them will be first time gamers! No offense to them but it'd be nice to run the game with some more experienced hands as well!  :)

Yeah you should do it in France too  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on December 09, 2011, 08:33:44 PM
I seem to remember calls for a World Tour some time back!  ;) lol
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: thebinmann on December 09, 2011, 08:47:59 PM
I seem to remember calls for a World Tour some time back!  ;) lol

Yeah kicking of in Tours France!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: FramFramson on December 09, 2011, 09:53:42 PM
Just tumbled on this thread and oh my goodness how did I not see it before? What a treat.  :-*
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: nicknorthstar on December 09, 2011, 10:01:38 PM
Being a new guy to LAF this is the first time I've seen this as well. Brilliant. Really impressed you stuck to the project.

All this stuff takes me back. I had Orcs Drift when it came out, never played it but passed it on at some time, so it was the game that never was for me. Looking forward to the battle reports.

Kept hold of McDeath, looked at it the other day when I dug out my White Dwarfs to sell on.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on December 10, 2011, 08:56:35 AM
The day we've been waiting on for a year and a half. Best of luck, and have fun today Steve!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on December 12, 2011, 07:45:34 PM
Thanks for all the kind words folks!

Well - there it is. After 21 months of hard toil (and some fairly inactive weeks as well!) I have finally played all four games of Orc's Drift.  :D

Tha lads and lass who played enjoyed themselves muchly, even though it was a pretty intensive weekend of gaming - the three initial engagements being fought pretty much back to back on Saturday and final showdown at Orc's Drift taking place yesterday...  o_o

I'm now in the process of trying to make head or tail of the scribbled notes I made and unfocussed battlefield photos I took for reference!

... so should have the write-ups done some time next year then!  lol

Only joking - re-photographing Kachas Pass tonight in "studio" conditions!  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Mason on December 12, 2011, 09:47:37 PM

All that time and effort that you have put in has finally paid off!

I, for one, have really enjoyed watching this come to fruition since I have joined the forum.
I kinow what it is like to take on a time consuming project, so when you finally see the effort pay off it is very rewarding.
I hope your next project will be something a little less monumental.
I think you deserve something nice and easy after all this work.

Well done again, and very much looking forward to seeing the photos!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: dijit on December 13, 2011, 08:49:23 AM
More than looking forwards to seeing the report and pictures.
Well done for the hard slog to get a project to completion like you have.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on December 13, 2011, 11:48:23 PM
Cheers fellas - but its not over yet!

Hit a new snag in re-taking the pics under better conditions - my set-up isn't big enough to do it justice!

As my table usually sits nicely in the corner I've been able to get away with blu-taccing the backdrop to the wall. However, I need to add the other fold down leaf of the table to fit everything on, and now the table no longer fits in the corner, against te wall...

Solution - pull it out and build a stand-alone frame for the backdrop that will now stand on the table edge itself!  :D



Promise I'll get some pics taken tomorrow and the first battle posted by the weekend!

I hope your next project will be something a little less monumental.
I think you deserve something nice and easy after all this work.

Yeah I'm thinking that a bit of R and R wouldn't go amiss - so I think I'll just rap a few loose ends up - got the champion and another trooper to paint to finish off my 2nd ed. Golgfag's Ogres and nearly finsihed hoovering up all the minis for the Dungeon Adventurers starter pack so they might be nice as a bit of a break too.

Mind you, after that I have big plans for continuing the Magnificent Sven's adventures in Lustria...  >:D

Not to mention a 1:3000 recreation of the battle of British and French battle lines at Trafalgar for my Dad's 60th in January!  :o

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Blackwolf on December 14, 2011, 01:15:16 AM
Nice pics Thantsants,always like your set ups,brilliant :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Mason on December 14, 2011, 04:25:36 AM
You call that R and R?

You are quite mad, you know?

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Argonor on December 14, 2011, 09:16:25 AM
You call that R and R?

You both completely lost me here... What's R and R??

The Trafalgar project sounds intrigueing - I just purchased the Trafalgar rules from WH and need some inspiration as to which scale I should go for (I think I'll just try out the rules with my Pirates of the Spanish Main ships, first, but eventually, eventually...  ::)  ).
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Mason on December 14, 2011, 11:36:20 AM
You both completely lost me here... What's R and R??

R and R = Rest and Recreation
Also Rest and Relaxation, Rest and Recuperation etc

Used in military jargon to mean time away from the front. Used extensively in the VIetnam War to mean time in Saigon or Honolulu etc....

(The soldiers and sailors themselves sometimes called it I and I, meaning "Intoxication and Intercourse.")

Thatsants idea of R and R seems like he would find a few months of hard labour as jolly good fun!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Argonor on December 14, 2011, 12:40:51 PM
OK, I'm not much into foreign military-lingo - only know a few classic WWII and 'Nam phrases  lol
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on December 16, 2011, 12:53:17 AM
Thanks Blackwolf - praise indeed from one of the masters at this sort of thing!  :D

Mason - I reckon you're diagnosis may be correct!  ;D

As for the Trafalgar diorama - hopefully the 1:3000 ships will the fairly quick to paint - no thread rigging and fiddly ratlines like his last birthday present had!


The plan is to recreate the battle lines shown here -


Anyway - back to Orc's Dift.

Got the backdrop done -


and the opening shots of the Battle of Kachas Pass -



Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on January 10, 2012, 11:46:41 PM
Well - belated Season's greeting one and all and apologies for another prolonged silence! Computer troubles this time I'm afraid - the damn thing has spent most of December randomly crashing which has slightly slowed things down. It all seems to be working now (touch wood) and I've got the first scenario done. As the notes I took during the game were necessarily quite brief in order to keep the action rolling along for the players I haven't written up blow by blow accounts of each turn. Instead I've gone for a more narrative style - oh and in case you missed any of my previous posts - the pics have been restaged under better conditions using the rough and ready shots I snapped during the game.

The Battle of Kachas Pass

Erdolas gazed out of the window, brooding over the mountain wastes that loomed to the North. A fitting picture to suit his mood he thought mirthlessly. The Elf captain continued to stare into the distance impassively as a series of emotions rushed through his mind like the storm clouds that scudded across the sky. He didn't like the way things were shaping up - first the disgusting Half-Orc spy had been captured, trying to sneak back up into the mountains with goodness knows what information on the Grand League's already beleagured armies. The foul creature had gone on to taunt the Elves with veiled threats that an Orcish war party was headed their way.

But then again Erdolas felt a thrill that the time for action was perhaps at hand. For too long had his self imposed exile in this dreary hill fort  dragged on. It was more than time for him to find that glorious death he had been searching for. That glorious death that would silence the whispers of scorn and outrage his fellow Elves had rained down on him at the discovery of his illicit and adulterous affair with the Queen of Fendal Forest.

Well the die had been cast. Erdolas had sent his Lieutenant, Herndil Merl, out with ten archers to search the Pass for intruders. He half hoped his trusty officer would return with good news; that the Orcs had been just a raiding party and easily routed. He half hoped for hordes of the enemy to come pouring out of the mountains and for death amongst the bloody ruin of those he had slain himself...

The lone watchman cast his eyes about miserably. All those wide open spaces, great slabs of rock, towering pinnacles - it was enough to send any Elf mad. He contented himself with watching the wind tearing at the few sad trees clinging to the ground near the entrance to the Pass. It was then that his sharp ears caught the jingle of mail above the gale's roar - was there movement in the Pass?


Soon the rattle and  scrape of ill-tended wargear was joined by guttural snarls and voices as the rocks seemingly came alive with a green tide. The Vile Rune Tribe slithered its way down the slopes of the Pass towards the garrison.


Fangor Gripe, Chieftain of the Vile Rune, ran a course tongue over yellowed teeth as his band picked their way slowly through the screes on the left hand side of the pass. Impatience and anticipation coursed through his veins as he yearned to hear the cries of the wounded and dying. Yet he would have to be sly - should the thrice-accursed dog, Silas Meel, escape during the battle there was no doubt that he would run to his masters in the Kwae Karr tribe. And if that were to happen then word of Gripe's refusal to fight at Fendal Plain during the Goblin Wars last year would get out. Fangor growled savagely, causing a young savage to loose his footing in the rocks - there was no way some Half-breed scum was going to give him the chop...


Meanwhile, the alarm had been sounded and Erdolas and what was left of his garrison hurried out into the compound. Erdolas led a section of his archers to the East wall to keep watch on the approaches to the Pass. Another section of archers headed for the storehouse to check on their prisoner - disgusting as he was the Half-Orc was too valuable to be allowed to fall into enemy hands. The remaining archers went out of the main gate to keep watch on the crossroads.


The Orcs continued to make their way down from the Pass - the Tribe spltting like some vile Hydra, as bands of Orcs passed to the left and right of the small wood in their way. Smoke now marked their advance as one unit paused to light fire brands.



 Now aware of the danger Erdolas barked out his orders - a flight of arrows soared into the sky but only one found its mark. Unfortunately for the Elves the brutish creature shrugged the missile away and strode on.

Peering through the cracks in the woodwork, Silas Meel saw that his chances of escape were quickly diminishing as his guard detail got closer and closer. A horrible grin smeared itself across his face as the door lock finally failed. It got wider as he savoured the looks of shock on his captors' faces - and jumped the fence! However, he was not home and dry yet as the third detachment of archers turned and petled down the road towards him!


The hillside seethed as the Orcs of the Vile Rune continued their advance - yet only one of the creatures in the lead column fell from Erdolas' bowmen on the East Wall.



Silas, hellbent on escape, ran down the road with the pad of Elven boots close behind. The space between his shoulderblades tingled as he waited for the inevitable arrow to materialise there, yet looking over his shoulder the second detachment of Elves had stopped short by the pallisade wall - cackling, he realised he was worth more alive than dead to them!


 As the Elves began to gain on him, Silas found quickened his pace and sprinted up a nearby hillside, spurred on by desperation. 


Back in the compound, the spy's original guard detachment had wheeled round, and under Erdolas' orders were now headed for the North wall, to meet the developing threat there...


While the Half-Orc had led more than half of the Elven garrison a merry dance, Fangor had maneuvered his troops into position virtually unopposed! The North wall and stables now looked somewhat vulnerable as half of the tribe and Guthrum Mane, their unusually sober Rock Giant, continued their advance.


The other half of the tribe seemed to be making for the woods by the Merlinas road - no doubt to cover their advance from the so far, rather ineffectual Elvish archery. Seeing that he was in danger of being outflanked and surrounded, Erdolas sent another volley at the lead elements of this Orc column, sending another brute to an early grave. The detachment on the North Wall also let fly only to see their arrows fail to pierce the Orcs' thick skins and mailed shirts.


Suddenly, the Elf Captain's already grim visage paled further. His eyes narrowed to flint-coloured slits as he strained to make out what the Orcs were waving back at them - it couldn't be...

It was...

 A low gasp was let out by the archers around him as the news spread along the line - Herndil and his night patrol would not be back to reinforce the garrison. Certainly not in one piece anyway.

Bits of them could be seen adorning many a crude Orcish trophy necklace...


Hearing the cries of horror from their brothers-in-arms, the archers pursuing Silas Meel gave up the chase - they were needed back at the fort now more than ever.


Even as his would-be captors turned, ran and took up new firing positions by the Barracks, the sly Half-Orc stole his way back. Busy in their vengeance, the archers were oblivious to the spy's machinations as they scored three hits on the lead flanking column - two Orcs fell gurgling and clawing at the arrows through their throats.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on January 11, 2012, 12:07:07 AM
Meanwhile, things were looking grim as a large portion of the Orc force made it to the perimeter wall relatively unscathed.

Fangor Gripe and his mob rushed over to the back of the stables...


... whilst a second group of Orcs pressed against the West wall of the compound. Guthrum's migty frame also loomed menacingly over the stables. 


The orcs bringing up the rear paused to light the tar-soaked torches that they carried.


 The Orc's flanking force continued their march into the wood that bordered the Merlinas road.


As if all this wasn't bad enough, many a nervous glance was exchanged between the Elven defenders as the stables began to revererate from Guthrum's mighty blows. Fangor's mob cheerfully joined in the giant's wanton vandalism, despite the fact that their weapons were only able to scratch and scour the masonry. Then smoke began to rise from the West wall as torches were stacked up against the log ramparts....


Faced with a sea of snarling green faces leering through the smoke and flames, Erdolas' detachment lost their nerve and backed away from the pallisade.


Yet did the Elves have some kind of devious plan up their sleeves? Perhaps so, as the archers manning the North wall also pulled back towards the centre of the compound - leaving the pallisades seemingly undefended...


The Elves outside the outpost moved into better firing positions to cover the road to Merlinas, still unaware of their unpleasant stalker. Drawing a bead on the Orcs busy with their fire brands, the elves all found their marks, but only two of the vile creatures fell dead.


Now was the Orcs chance to pounce - The beseigers leapt the still burning West wall and spilled  howling into the compound.


Fangor's mob sidled away from the stables towards the North pallisade, ready to exploit the Elves' weakness there.


Eager to mete out revenge on their tormenters, the Orcs in the wood charged down the Merlinas highway, catching the small detchment there by surprise with their swiftness. Behind them the trailing force of Orcs moved up in the hope there would be something left for them.

The Elves, however, soon recovered from their shock and easily dispatched one of the clumsy beasts. In their rush, the orcs failed to spear any of the lithe forms that danced before them, instead pushing the elves back by weight of numbers.

The Elves held their nerve - only to see one of their number struck down in their midst! Whirling round in the direction of the blow, they were greeted with the mishapen visage of Silas Meel - spy, now turned treacherous assassin! Despite this sneak attack the Elves still remained cool and tightened their sword grips for the next round.


Guthrum Mane, thoroughly enjoying his new game,  continued to demolish the now distincty rickety looking stables, grinning foolishly and humming a tuneless melody in time to his strokes.


Faced with hordes of Orcs pouring into the compound, Erdolas ordered his archers to form into one rank. Unleashing a volley at close range saw three of the interlopers fall. Undeterred by the hail of arrows the frenzied Orcs hurled themselves at the archers - only to be met with a wall of shimmering steel. Elvish blades saw three more of the creatures slain - two at the hands of Erdolas himself! Shaken by the unexpected resistance the orcs failed to bring any of the Elves down and found themselves pushed back against the pallisade wall they'd just scaled. Only Fangor's terrifying bellows from across the compound stopped the yellow-bellied curs from fleeing!


The Elves' victory cry was soon drowned out by the terrible rending sound of timbers stressed to breaking point and the roar of crumbling masonry - Guthrum stood back wheezing from the dust, but happy with the heap he had turned the stables into!


The Elves' woes were to be compounded further. No sooner had one wave of attackers been repulsed than another swarmed in.


Fangor and his mob had scaled the North wall and now menaced the second line of archers. With their backs to the opposite wall, the Elves prepared to sell their lives dearly. Two Orcs fell to their first volley.


The beleagured Elves out on the road fared no better - although the combat was fought to a bloodless draw, they were once again pushed back by the slavering multitude in front of them.

Silas Meel, now somewhat nervous about the presence of many savage looking Orcs who didn't seem too fussy about whom they bludgeoned to death, broke away from the combat and slunk off in the direction of the cross roads to Orc's Drift.


Back in the compound Erdolas urged his warriors to exploit their advantage, Slaying another Orc, he led the Elves forward, pushing the Orcs further back towards the smouldering log wall. The Orcs in their confusion again failed to kill any of their quarry, now turned hunters.

Yet help was at hand for the green skins - Guthrum Mane charged into the Elven line, closely followed by Fangor Gripe's unit! The fighting was savage to behold on both sides - driven to desperate measures the Elves wiped out the remnants of their original attackers - another three orcs falling to Erdolas himself! In answer to the bloodshed, Guthrum casually crushed one of the wearied Elf guardsman, while Fangor's mob brought down another.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: generulpoleaxe on January 11, 2012, 12:16:08 AM
Yeah man  8)  :D :-*
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Thantsants on January 11, 2012, 12:21:15 AM
Erdolas' detchment again fought for their lives. Turning on their new attackers the Elves felled another Orc but failed to wound the Rock Giant. The Orcs on the other hand failed to penetrate the finely wrought chainmail of all the Elves but one, and forced the defenders back.

Desperate to aid their brothers-in-arms, the second line of archers levelled their bows, took careful aim... and fired into melee that boiled in front of them! Three orcs were struck but their thick hides and armour saved them. Not so fortunate was the Elf who stared disbelievingly down at the strangely familiar arrowhead that now protruded from his chest! Perhaps ashamed at this terrible deed, the detachment made for the East wall, vaulted it and skulked behind the pallisade!

Noticing a familiar figure slinking sneakily away from the field of battle, Fangor disengaged himself from the fighting and marched over to the now vacated South wall - yes it was that filthy spy Silas... soon Fangor would be free of the worm and the threat he posed to his position and very life....


Once again the Elf detachment defending the road fought their Oricsh attackers off, only to be pushed back again - this time into the hollow of a small hill - now they were surrounded and hemmed in - things did not look good!


Erdolas looked around him, undaunted by the carnage. The crushed remains of the last two of his kinsmen lay dead at the feet of the montrous Rock Giant and the baying pack of Orcs pressed in, eager to taste his blood. As his blade silenced another foe, Erdolas allowed the trace of a grim smile to flicker across his face - it looked like his long yearned for glorious end was at hand...

Slowly and inevitably, however, he was forced to give ground as his attackers stepped over their dead, warily jabbing at him with their rusty and gore-stained weapons.


Locked deep in combat, the Elf hero was in no position to notice the third unit of Orcs enter the compound - whether that would have gladdened his heart or sapped his resolve no-one would know.

Fangor Gripe, meanwhile, stalked over to the gate, glaring balefully at the receding back of Silas Meel. Seeing a chance to redeem themselves, the last detachment of Elf archers once more jumped the log wall back into the compound. Taking aim, they let fly their arrows at the Orc Chieftain's wide and inviting back. Four arrows struck home, the Elves gasped, time itself seemed to slow... and yet the tough old Orc picked himself up completely unscathed!


Spurred on by their Warlord's bloodcurdingly roar of defiance, the Orcs at the base of the hill easily swatted away the Elves' desperate attacks. Slashing and hacking, they tore two of their opponents down, whooping with wild abandon as they gave chase to the sole survivor as he broke and ran up the hill.


Not wishing to tempt fate further, Fangor Gripe dived over the pallisade, away from the keen eyes of the Elven archers, and gave chase to the Half Orc spy. Seeing the danger, Silas gave a pitiful squeak and redoubled his awkard gait into the semblance of a sprint.


Gradually Erdolas became aware of a slackening in the ferocity of the Orcs' attacks. As he wiped the blood and sweat from his brow he was amazed to see the hated creatures backing away, licking their wounds. Then a deep roar came from behind him - Guthrum had claimed the pleasure of gutting the lone Elf for himself. In this brief respite, Erdolas looked around to see a sea of green and savage faces filling the compound as the Orcs of the trailing force maneuvered into position, ready to charge the last remaing archers.


That brief moment of calm was torn asunder as Guthrum's terrible glaive smashed into the ground just where Erdolas had been standing. Recovering from the near miss, Erdolas was unable to find a chink in the brute's tough hide.


Licking his chops in anticipation Fangor savoured the moment as he raised his sword and brought it scything down onto the rapidly slowing and wheezing form of Silas Meel. Gravely wounded, the Half Orc turned on his hunter like a animal at bay. Contemptuously smashing aside Silas' underhand stab, Fangor again raised his sword high. When it fell the only threat to his Chieftainship and life had simply ceased to be...


Casting their eyes at the the two possibe targets in front of them, the newly arrived Orcs in the compound wisely chose to charge the last detachment of Elf archers - rather than the manic Elf champion locked in his death struggle with the giant!

Storming through the hail of arrows unscathed, they hacked down one of the unfortunate defenders for the loss of one of their own. The Elves were forced once more out of their own fort and gleefully the howling mob followed!


Feeling the deadly lethargy of fatgue creeping into his limbs, Erdolas backed away from his towering opponent towards the barracks in the hope of gaining some cover from the giant's wild and clumsy attacks. Again and again the massive glaive came thundering down; again and again the weary Elf dancd painfully out of the way, only to see his well aimed jabs and thrusts turned by Guthrum's tattered chainmail.


Alone on the crest of the hill the routing Elf stopped. A burning desire to avenge his kinsmen raged through his body. Gripping his sword with renewed vigour he turned... and was cut down by the baying pack of Orcs as they came piling up the slope after him!


Over on the West Wall the Orcs continued to push the Elves back in a surprisingly bloodless scuffle - perhaps limbs on both sides were beginning to hang like lead from the rigours of battle - even the surprise flank attack by Fangor Gripe failed to claim any of the defenders' lives!



Yet slowly and inevitably the Elves faltered and one by one the mob dragged them down until there was naught but bloody ruin...

In the shadow of the barracks the last stand was fought out. A green throng soon gathered to watch the spectacle as Elf and Giant fought out their terrible duel.

Cheers went up as the Elf was sent sprawling like a rag doll, caught by one of Guthrum's murderous blows. Cheers went up when the brute let out a bellow of pain when the Elf's blade found a soft spot.

And yet this strange dance could not go on forever. A feeling of     tranquility smoothed Erdolas' troubled brow - now was his moment.

With lowered sword, he stepped forward to embrace the release  from his shame he had long craved...


Victory Points

Elves - 38

Orcs - 9

So a pyrrhic victory to the Wood Elves of Kachas Pass who earned 38 points for killing all those Orcs! The Vile Rune Tribe only got their paltry looking 9 points for killing 9 Elves by the end of the 15 turn limit I had set - the epilogue is what I felt to be the inevitable conclusion had we played this scenario to the bitter end!

The unexpectedly stiff resistance put up by the plucky Elf garrison meant that the Vile Rune Tribe wouldn't be able to show up at Orc's Drift until turn 10 - a little tardy to say the least!

Next up - when I get the time to rephotograph and write the action up - is Ashak Rise.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Damien on January 11, 2012, 12:45:32 AM
Hi Thantsants, its been a long time, I wanted to drop by and say that I want to play with all your toys. I am glad you still have this thread going, its an inspiration, btw did you paint the backdrops 'cause they are fantastic.

These are some great reports,
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: thebinmann on January 11, 2012, 11:33:00 AM
No time to read now but great

PS you need to update the titel so people don't pass over the amazing report
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Argonor on January 11, 2012, 01:45:17 PM
More classic coolness  :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: thebinmann on January 11, 2012, 02:29:05 PM
I remember when I played this in the 1990s, the elves got smashed!

I agree with the final outcome, I'm sure that's why my elves were smashed to pieces!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: Citizen Sade on January 11, 2012, 05:12:30 PM
Arriviste!  ;)

I remember when I played this in the 1980s and the Orcs got smashed up good and proper. Back in the WFB2 day, Elf bows hitting at strength 4 ruined many an Orc's day.

Great report BTW.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: thebinmann on January 11, 2012, 05:44:43 PM
Perhaps is was the late 80s.... soooo long ago
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Skulldred battle report added!
Post by: phreedh on January 11, 2012, 09:24:34 PM
Cheers mate, now I've got my morning read sorted! =)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: Thantsants on January 11, 2012, 10:50:11 PM
Many thanks all - glad you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane! I'm afraid the other scenarios may be a few weeks in coming - up to my eyeballs in 1/2400 ships for the Trafalgar diorama I'm doing for my Dad's birthday at the end of the month!  :o

btw did you paint the backdrops 'cause they are fantastic.

Cheers Damien - but I can't take credit for the background! They are water colour paintings I found and printed off google images. I did blend them in a bit where they meet the table when I edited the pics in Picasa. There is a bit of blending where different paintings don't quite run into each other too - thank goodness there was a lot of cloud and hillfog rolling about that day!  ;)

PS you need to update the titel so people don't pass over the amazing report


Elf bows hitting at strength 4 ruined many an Orc's day.

Yeah I think a combination of unlucky dice rolls and not putting enough fire down on the advancing orc columns saved them from a complete massacre. Erdolas was a complete demon in close combat though!

Cheers mate, now I've got my morning read sorted! =)

Glad I'm keeping you productive!  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: DeafNala on January 11, 2012, 11:04:52 PM
This is truly an Epic Tale in or rather, with miniatures. It's a FINE story to follow & WONDERFULLY illustrated by the Little Cast of Players....of course, it's highly addictive.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: blacksmith on January 12, 2012, 09:41:42 AM
In my game the Elves killed 25 Orcs only :)
The miniatures, the pictures and the battle report are all awesome. Congratulations on finally finishing this beautiful and so inspiring project.
Ps. I love those mountains at the bottom.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: nicknorthstar on January 12, 2012, 09:22:03 PM
Really good. Look forward to the next post.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: Thantsants on January 12, 2012, 10:10:39 PM
Cheers fellas - must admit I'm itching to set the table up for Ashak rise and get photographing - besides the fact that the setup is taking up most of my little study!

we'll have to see what time the Trafalgar project leaves me at the weekend...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: Mason on January 12, 2012, 11:41:23 PM
 :o :o :o
Thatsants, that was a truly EPIC battle report!
 :-* :-* :-*

I have just read it for a second time to take it all in properly.

A great read coupled with some fantastic photos of lovely, well painted classic miniatures.
An amazing project that you have painstakingly put together showing great patience and endeavour.
You should be rightly proud of this.

Looking forward eagerly to the next installment.  ;D

(I may have to steal your idea of staging the battle again afterwards for better photos.  :D)

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: phreedh on January 13, 2012, 02:56:07 PM
Just finished reading through it all. Thanks for taking the time to put it together, Thants - it was a really fun read and I'm looking forward to the next report! Job well done mate!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: Funghy-Fipps on January 13, 2012, 08:11:06 PM
Dude, you should really be sectioned under the Mental Health Act for your dedication to this project.  I believe it was Aristotle who wrote, 'Where genius exists, so does madness.'  So that was actually a complement, okay? 
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: Thantsants on January 13, 2012, 10:17:42 PM
Most kind of you Mason!

(I may have to steal your idea of staging the battle again afterwards for better photos.  )

- and I in turn pinched the idea from White Dwarf - seem to remember there always being a little intro to their battle reports on how they staged the pics later in the studio.  :D

It has taken a while hasn't it Phreedh!  ;)

I reckon there's more madness than genius to be honest Funghy! I'm sure you wouldn't be surprised to learn I have developed a pronounced tic when exposed to the colour green since embarking on this rambling project - I aim to try and cure this by exposing myself to the greater horrors of sorting this Trafalgar model for my Dad!  ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: Pil on January 15, 2012, 06:29:18 PM
Wow! I knew the report has been up for a while but today I finally took the time to read through it all. The effort you put into this is fantastic! The writing is very pleasant and of course the pictures really look the part!

I played a game of Warhammer yesterday and me and a friend agreed to do some campaigning as well and I hope I can emulate your efforts with painted models, staged pictures and of course exciting battles!

I'm looking forward to the next installment!  :-*
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: Thantsants on January 19, 2012, 10:10:40 PM
Thanks Pil - computer's on the bllink again so sorry I'm a bit long in replying.  >:(

I hope you'll be using that terrifying undead horde of yours - can see the  piics already!  8)

Nearly finished the British fleet for my Dad's pressie -  o_o - might get round to Round 2 of Orc's Drift over the nnext week or so...  ::)

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: Thantsants on January 23, 2012, 09:33:32 PM
Evening all - taken time out of my busy schedule to post some pics...

Not Orc's Drift ones before you get too excited!

Not even fantasy stuff actually.

Here is why I haven't got round to writing up the rest of Orc's Drift -

a little present for my old Pater Familias



Still got  the French and Spanish fleet to do and its my Dad's birthday this Friday!  :o

Hopefully they'll be done in time and I can refight the Trafalgar with him using the Wooden Ships and Iron Men rules.

Anyway I'm sure you don't want to hear about all this stuffy old historical nonsense - normal service will be resumed shortly!  o_o

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: Ray Rivers on January 23, 2012, 09:38:20 PM
You're going to do the French and Spanish Fleet by Friday...  :o

Great looking Brits, btw, I bet there is a little Nelson down there we cannot see.  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: Thantsants on January 23, 2012, 10:19:53 PM
... and base them up on magnetic bases for the two Brit columns and the main Franco-Spanish force!

Should get the base coats done tonight...  :`

Who said historical wargaming wasn't one big adrenalin rush!  ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: phreedh on January 23, 2012, 10:22:17 PM
I bet there is a little Nelson down there we cannot see.  :D
That's what Thant's mrs usually say... :) :D

Fleet looks great mate, are these the little buggers that come with separate masts and are a right pain to glue in place and fall apart or bend as soon as you lift them up? I bought a few ships like these a few years ago to use as pawns for a print and play pirate game. Scrapped them and got some others that were cast in one piece and a bit more stylized.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: Thantsants on January 23, 2012, 10:43:56 PM
I bet there is a little Nelson down there we cannot see. 

That's what Thant's mrs usually say...

Actually she usually just remarks that the Sun is over the Yard-arm...  ;)

Luckily these are one piece - just need sticking into the base - got into the swing of it as it took me a while to work out that painting Nelson chequers in 1/2400 was a bugger!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: phreedh on January 24, 2012, 08:38:26 AM
Actually she usually just remarks that the Sun is over the Yard-arm...  ;)
Sorry mate, language barrier kicked in. Googled it and I still don't see what you're getting at. ??? I can see where both "yard" and "arm" might be positive attributes in the current topic though. ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: DeafNala on January 24, 2012, 04:36:27 PM
COOL...Wooden Ships & Iron Men! Many years ago when I was young & foolish, as opposed to my present state of old & foolish, I played that wonderful game as part of a Napoleonic Campaign...another trip down Memory Lane. The ships look TERRIFIC! VERY WELL DONE!
Enjoy the game & your time with your dad.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: Thantsants on January 24, 2012, 08:57:54 PM
Phreedh - that was about the long and short of it! ;D

Usually its used to mean the sun's on its way down and its time for a drink but this

I can see where both "yard" and "arm" might be positive attributes in the current topic though.

 was pretty much all I was trying to insinuate in a totally immature way!  :D

Thanks Deafnala - feel free to pm me with any tips on gameplay - still trying to get my head round the rules - when I'm not squinting down the end of a brush!

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: phreedh on January 24, 2012, 09:28:16 PM
totally immature
You god damn crazy kids and your loud music! (http://frothersunite.com/phpBB2/images/smiles/new_pipe.gif) :)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: Thantsants on February 05, 2012, 11:13:50 PM
Right - slowly getting the show back on the road after that dalliance with Napoleonic era naval warfare

I got the Franco-Spanish fleet done as well as the scenic base for the piece - pics up when I get them off me Mam's camera - forgot to take mine to the party, and once more it was a bit of a rush to get finished in time!

Anyway its nice to be back in sunny, war-torn Ramalia for the next installment of Orc's Drift...

Encounter at Ashak Rise

Borinn Fimbul surveyed the scene before him with satisfaction. The riverbank was alive with industry as several groups of Dwarfs busily sifted through the fine silt. He congratulated himself on his decision to desert from the Army of the Grand League and marvelled at how he had been the only one to spy the great riches that lay sparkling in the River Canis. Safe in the knowledge that the road was watched carefully by Dwarfish eyes reddened by Gold fever, Borinn let his mind wander back to when his scheme had been in its infancy...

"Hang on, lads; I've got a great idea"
"What's that then?" whispered Snorinn, furtively looking over his shoulder in case they were heard.
Borinn Fimbull, regarded his son with his sternest of looks, before sweeping his baleful gaze across the rest of the motley gang assembled before him.
"It's a very difficult job and the only way to get through it is we all work together as a team. And that means you do everything I say."
The Dwarfs nodded their assent earnestly and huddled together to listen to the plan...

The night air was suddenly ruptured with a loud explosion. Horses reared and screamed and the shouts of the soldiers soon added to the consternation and confusion. Tent flaps were thrown open and the 52nd Ramalian Foot left the warmth of its bedrolls to see what threat it now faced.

Amidst all this chaos, thirteen shadowy and diminutive forms scurried off into the woods at the edge of the road.

Borinn fetched his son a hefty blow around the head.

"You were only supposed to blow the bloody horse up!"

"But Dad..."

"Nevermind that - at least they won't be after us on horseback now. Right we'd best be off before we're missed."

With that Borinn, Snorinn and their band of deserters headed back up along the river. With a lightness of step and gladness of heart, each Dwarf knew that there was gold to be had - gold a plenty! By the end of the night there was more than a few of the party that had sore heads because they had forgotten the need for stealth and given in instead to the urge to sing an old mining song or two.

Absent-mindedly humming one of said mining songs, Borinn was gradually brought out of his reverie by an insistent ringing noise. Looking around dazedly, the old Dwarf finally came to his senses - the alarm bell. That meant intruders! Intruders who wanted his gold!

Already the others were stashing their panning gear and were concealing themselves along the river bank. Already the sound of baying hounds was ringing through the valley. Borinn's already beady eyes narrowed still further and his knuckles whitened as he tightened his grip on his axe...


The game seemed to be up for the Dwarfs. There was no hiding from these interlopers. Borinn, Snorinn and their party made a dash for the bridge - the only place they were likely to hold off the tide of Orcs pouring up the valley towards them.


The three Dwarfs who had been working downstream from the main party had also seen the danger, and began making their way back towards the bridge.


Nearer to the cabin the prospectors had been using to stash their ill-gotten gains in (and less importantly to eat and sleep in), three pack mules stood passively by. This scene of rural tranquility contrasted sharply with the clamour of the third party of Dwarfs who now scrambled into position. Readying their crossbows, three of them headed for the ditch, which skirted their dwelling. Without a thought for their own lives and their thoughts firmly fixed on getting the all important gold they had collected so far to safety, the two remaining Dwarfs headed for the cabin to begin loading up the mules.


Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: Thantsants on February 05, 2012, 11:15:44 PM
Hagar Sheol drew himself up to his not inconsiderable height and cast his eyes down the valley. There lay the hut the stunties had no doubt holed themselves and their gold up in. All there was to do was to cross the bridge and take it....

With a great roar from their chieftain, the Orcs of the Severed Hand surged forwards. The hobhounds led the way, bounding forward with much snarling and slavering, as Borinn and his men moved to block off the bridge.


Behind them came the main Orc column, flanked by two small groups of archers.


And a small trailing force brought up the rear.


Both units of archers immediately let fly a ragged volley - those on the right had no luck finding their targets, whilst those on the left found their mark and left one Dwarf crossbowman clutching at his belly.

Barely had Borinn, Snorinn and their two clansmen made it to the bridge than the hobhounds were on them. Jaws snapped and ripped but the Dwarfs managed to fend them off. However, caught out by the savagery of the attck they were forced back onto the bridge itself.


As their quarry had now gone to ground in the ditch that ran along the wall, the arrows of the Orc archers on the left failed to find their targets. Those on the right fared only slightly better having found their range - one of the Dwarfs was struck, but was saved by his finely woven chainmail.


Vowing revenge, the Dwarf crossbowmen opened up from their position in the drainage ditch and indeed their comrade was avenged as an Orc archer fell. Behind them, their two comrades readied themselves to begin loading the mules up with their stash of gold .


Just outside the other side of the house, the Dwarf who had rung the alarm bell was about to enter, to begin pulling the cases of nuggets from their hiding place beneath the floorboards.

In the confined space of the bridge, Borinn and Snorinn joined the fray, easily holding the rabid pack off and slaying two of the vicious beasts to boot. Unable to press their advantage of numbers home the combat ended in a stalemate for the hounds.

A bottleneck was beginnig to form as the Hobhounds again failed to push the doughty Dwarfs off the bridge, losing another two of their number. Impatiently the warriors of the Severed Hand queued up for a piece of the action as well as Orcs can!


At least the archers had something to do to keep themselves occupied - the left flank having more luck in killing one of the clansmen there than those on the right.


The Dwarfs on the bridge found themselves pushed back now, as the hobhounds surged forward. There were no casualties on either side but again the sheer ferocity of the dogs attacks forced the Dwarfs to give ground, despite the arrival of the gold panning party from downstream.


Loading had begun as the first cases of gold bgan emerging from the cabin.


And the crossbowmen in the ditch once again scored a hit. However, it was to prove only a glancing blow and only served to provide one happy Orc archer with a souvenirr of the battle!


Encouraged by the hounds progress on the bridge the Orc force advanced a little further along the Linden road.

As their targets had become embroiled in the fighting on the bridge, the archers on the left flank moved over and combined with the archers on the right. That should give them a more unfair advantage in the duel with the Dwarf crossbowmen conealed in the ditch.

Things weren't looking so certain for Grashak Kra and his hobhounds on the bridge. Again they failed to pull any of the Dwarfs down and again they suffered terribly at the hands of Borinn and Snorinn, losing two more hounds.

The now reinforced unit of archers let fly at the Dwarfs across the river and scored two hits but no wounds..


The crossbowmen return fire and again pick off an other Orc archer.


More gold was loaded onto the mules as the three Dwarfs worked feverishly, stopping only to surreptitiously open a case and longingly at its contents.

Having worked himself up into a proper gold-fuelled frenzy, Snorinn laid about him, felling another two hounds and sending the rest of the pack packing! With a great cry of "You shall not pass!" ringing in their ears, the hounds ran, whimpering, with their tails between their legs.

However, the Dwarfs' victory cries were soon silenced as the main Orc column took the place of the hounds and crashed into their painfully thin shieldwall.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: Thantsants on February 05, 2012, 11:18:06 PM
The archers reformed themselves into an extended line with a most unorcish display of drill and discipline. This precision seemed to follow on into their shooting - bringing their bows up and loosing their arrows in unison, they cackled and howled as the ditch became a ready-made grave for one of the Dwarf crossbowmmen.


Failing to actually wound any of the bridge's defenders and even losing one of their number in the mad charge, the Orcs forced the Dwarfs to retreat or risk being overwhelmed.


Meanwhile, with much yelling, shouting and even biting, Grashak wrested control of his pack back and turned them towards the bridge once more.

The mules were beginning to shift restlessly under the weight as another three cases were brought out and loaded onto them.

Grimly, the sole remaining crossbowman loaded his weapon and picked off another Orc archer.

Undaunnted by the horde of leering greenskins bearing down upon them, the four plucky Dwarfs took back the upper hand in the combat. Led forward by their chief and his son, they felled two more of the brutes and drove their attackers back across the bridge!

Cursing the cowardly wretches around him, Hagar Sheol bellowed out his orders. The trailing force moved forward and joined up with beleagured advance guard. Again, however, the Dwarfs' skill at arms made them tough targets to lay a killing blow on and two more Orcs mixed their blood with the cold, clear waters of the River Canis.


With the added momentum from behind, the Orc column acted like a battering ram on the Dwarfs' defensive line. Again Borinn and his clansmen found themselves stepping back over those they had slain but moments ago.

The archers again took their aim at the last Dwarf crossbowman. They had found their range and some of the more enterprising bowmen were attempting to drop their arrows into the ditch from on high. Sadly for the Dwarf one of them found their mark and he slouched down to join his comrades in the mud.


With shaking hands one of the mule loaders took his animal's tether in hand and began leading it towards the Linden road and safety. His two comrades looked on with more than a hint of jealousy in their gaze, before going back inside to get the last of the gold from its hiding place.


Picking their way back through the corpses that littered the bridge and its approach, Snorinn and company were able only to fend off the Orcs' attacks. Unable to gain a breathing space or take a stand, the Dwarfs were again forced back. The Orcs now had a bridgehead and things looked bleak indeed!


Again Hagar pressed home his advantage, spurring his warriors on to drive the Dwarfs back. Despite once more failing to kill any of the enemy and sustaining another casualty, the Orcs won through with strength of numbers again. Visibly shaken at the prospect of losing the gold to these savages, the Dwarfs almost broke, but luckily gold fever had the stronger pull.


Taking advantage of the gap left by the advancing Orc column, Grashak Kra spurred his charges onwards and they too crossed the bridge, followed by the archers, in search of new targets.


Finally the last of the cases of gold nuggets were loaded onto the mules, as the two Dwarfs cast the odd fearful glance at the worsening situation over by the bridge.


That situation was going from bad to worse as Borinn and his clansmen struck back. Beset on two sides, they managed to strike another foe down. Orc blades found their way past the defenses of two of the beleagured Dwarfs. Stepping back over their own dead this time, the Dwarfs again retreated in good order.


The one ray of hope (well for the Dwarf in question!) was that the lead mule team was making good progress towards the road and didn't appear to have any obstacles in its way...


As the Dwarfs are pushed back once more in a bloodless round of combat the archers took advantage of the space and crossed the bridge, opening up into extended line once more. Spying the Dwarf attempting to lead his mule very quietly to safety, they let fly an ineffective volley at long range.

Grashak Kra also spotted the danger and moved his hounds forward to intercept any Dwarfs attempting to escape along the highway.

Beads of anxious sweat joined those caused by gold fever as the two Dwarfs lashed the last of the cases of gold to their mules and began to lead the stubborn animals away from the clamour of battle.

The bitter fighting dragged on between the clansmen and the main Orc force. Two more Orcs were dispatched as the fighting swirled around Snorinn and Hagar.


The big old Chieftain was not one to turn down a challenge from a puny stuny and yet he couldn't quite conceal the look of pained surprise as the little Dwarf's sword rang against his battered helm!


The Orc archers follow on behind, eyes darting this way and that for any targets of opportunity.

The mule train hastily made for the road before it was blocked by the oncoming Orc column. The mule drivers glance worriedly up at the darting silhouettes of the hobhounds on the hill.

Risking one last look back to see how his comrades were faring, the lead mule driver turned and breathing a sigh of relief mixed with sadness and anger. The road ahead was clear and he had gold and the memories of his clansmen and their murderers to keep safe. The sound of battle soon receded as he rounded the bend and began the descent down to Linden.


The desperate struggle between Snorinn and Hagar raged on. This time it was the Dwarf's turn to feel the strength of his foe's arm as the Orc's great axe crashed into his shield.


The Orc archers' advance had paid off as one of thee mule teams lurched out onto the road ahead of them. With much arguing over how big a share they would receive should they bring the overloaded beast down, they let fly their arrows.

As the stricken mule breathed it last and its Dwarfish driver ground his teeth in despair, the Orcs began a new round of arguing over who had actually made the kill...


Not wishing to loose out on any claim to the booty, Grashak Kra spurred his hounds on to attack the third mule. The Dwarf leading it dropped the mule's tether, swung his crossbow up and fired at the oncoming hounds. The shot went wild, but the Dwarf was ready for the onslaught and deftly opened up one of the ferocious hounds' bellies as it flung itself at him. The other dogs were unable to bring the mule down straightaway as it laid about itself with powerful kicks.


Enraged at having lost another faithful hound, Grashak barged into the fray.
Had the Orc packmaster, or indeed any of his foul smelling brethren looked down the road they might have redirected their barbarism. Bathed in the golden light of the setting sun and cutting a rather ill tempered and disconsolate figure was the muleless mule driver - dragging his share of gold to freedom.

Again the Dwarfs succeeded in holding Hagar's horde at bay. Borinn again proving himself to be a real thorn in their side as he slew another two of the monsters. A wide berth opened up around the maddened dwarf and the Orcs fell back before the red ruin he dealt.

And yet the Dwarfs' apparent invulnerability couldn't last. First taking the flat of his axe to encourage the cowering warriors around him, Hagar dealt a mighty blow against Snorinn. A great roar erupted from the now emboldened Orcs as the Dwarf hero sank to his knees, helm cleft in two. Another of his clansmen joined him as the baying crowd closed in once more.

Grashak Kra's snarling hobhounds also finally succeeded in pulling the last mule to the ground. The beast's life blood mingled with the cold that cascaded from its packs into the dirt.

Borinn looked about him and despaired. As his last clansmen was struck down beside him he bowed his head in shame...

Not because he had deserted or gotten his gold through dishonest means...

As he made his last stand and bellowed his last lamenting warcry his only regret was that his gold would be sullied by rough and Orcish hands...


The smell of charred and roasted meat wafted through the cold mountain air as the Orcs sat around licking their chops and gnawing at the last of Dwarfs. Hagar Sheol absent-mindedly rolled a large and mishapen nugget of gold in his hand. The Stunties had fought hard and well for their treasure but to no avail. The Orc chieftain grinned - they would late arriving to the big fight but he was sure none of the other tribes would find this little venture as rewarding as he had already...

So another mauling for the Orcs - not as bad as what the Vile Rune tribe suffered, but still the Severed Hand suffered a fair few casualties and wouldn't be turning up to Orc's Drift till turn 8.

The Dwarfs on the other hand amassed a huge 34.5 victory points for the gold they managed to squirrel off the table and the casualties they inflicted on the Orcs - again characters like Borinn and Snorinn proved to be absolute demons in close combat. They pretty much single-handedly held up the Orc advance and refused to rout despite being pushed back right from the bridge to near their own table edge! It was just a shame more of their party weren't alive to savour their victory in the end!

Next installment - Last Stand at Linden Way
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! First battle report done - Kachas Pass
Post by: Mason on February 05, 2012, 11:35:39 PM

Great stuff, Thatsants!

I had been waiting for the next installment, and you certainly made the wait worthwhile.

Fantastic narrative coupled with great pictures full of awesome figures and scenery really brought this report to life.

I am really enjoying reading this series based on the old campaign pack. I had many years ago, but never got around to playing it for lack of figures.
Probably for the best, as I am really enjoying it as produced by yourself.

Eagerly awaiting the next installment.......
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: aggro84 on February 06, 2012, 02:25:37 AM
Very cool. You really put a lot of effort into this project. Thank you for sharing.  :-*
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: B. Basiliscus on February 06, 2012, 02:57:24 PM
This is my favorite thread.
I love you and I love these reports.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: DeafNala on February 06, 2012, 03:11:36 PM
YET ANOTHER EPIC REPORT! Although I must admit to spending more time staring at all the LOVELY photos of the WONDERFUL minis & scenery, when I do get the Old Brain in gear long enough to read the report, it is always worth the effort. FANTASTICALLY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: generulpoleaxe on February 06, 2012, 03:45:06 PM
This has the same feel to it as when I read the Hobbit as a child, top job bud :)

Looking forward to the final battle.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: Thantsants on February 06, 2012, 10:13:53 PM
Many thanks for all your kind words - they do make the hours of setting the table back up, taking the photos, editing the photos and writing it all up worthwhile  o_o :D

Sorry about the wait Mason - won't be so long this time hopefully.  ::)

Glad you like it Basiliscus!

Its ok Deafnala - you can just look at the pictures  but thanks all the same!  ;)

Steady on General - not quite up to Mr Tolkien's standards but I'm certainly flattered!  lol

Anyway, onwards and upwards - the settlement of Linden Way is taking shape on my table as I speak...

.. or at least as soon as I stop typing...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: VoodooInk on February 07, 2012, 12:48:46 AM
Well played sir! Well played indeed!

You've put together quite an impressive body of work here and really seem to be hitting your stride. Although, I could have used a few more puns... ;)

I'm looking forward to the next installment.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: Thantsants on February 07, 2012, 07:22:39 AM
Thanks VoodooInk - fair point - it was getting a bit serious in places!

The Linden Way scenario should provide some good punning - there's a right motley crew of characters involved!  :D

Who knows - when the dust has settled on Orc's Drift I may even get time to dust some of my old Space Marine epic stuff and try out your smashing OP4S rules...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: nicknorthstar on February 07, 2012, 08:17:19 AM
Very enjoyable. Still impressed with the collection of original figures.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: Braxandur on February 07, 2012, 08:21:32 AM

This thread just keeps on getting better! A very very good distraction from daily work as well :)

Really shows me that the next time we play, I need to take better pictures and notes as well. I'm still trying to make sense of what is on some of the pictures that we took during a short 3 battle campaign in the Realm of Chaos..  Hopefully be posting that one soon though...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: Pil on February 07, 2012, 10:05:59 AM
Awesome work again Thantsants! The game looks great and of course the report was very enjoyable. I'm looking forward to the next instalment  :-*
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: FramFramson on February 07, 2012, 05:01:41 PM
So good!  :-*

What do the victory points do for the defenders in the final battle? Or is it victory by overall campaign score?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: Thantsants on February 07, 2012, 08:42:06 PM
Thanks again folks!

Still impressed with the collection of original figures.

Neither my bank manager nor my wife share that view Nick!  lol

I'm still trying to make sense of what is on some of the pictures that we took during a short 3 battle campaign in the Realm of Chaos..  Hopefully be posting that one soon though...

That sounds like a treat Braxandur! As for my notes, they're pretty sketchy as I didn't want to hold up the game play too much and having sometimes forgotten to take a wide angle pic of the whole table after each player's turn, there is a little artistic licence added in the write-up! I would suggest not trying to tally up casualties mentioned in the report and the number of minis in the corresponding photos either!  ;)
My other slight problem is that my photographic setup is much smaller than the table we played on so I have to reduce everything down to fit in the space while still giving the impression of how the game played out.

Awesome work again Thantsants! The game looks great and of course the report was very enjoyable. I'm looking forward to the next instalment

Most kind Pil -  can I look forward to a smilar report of your showdown with Manic's Skaven?!  :D

What do the victory points do for the defenders in the final battle? Or is it victory by overall campaign score?

Not much apart from soothing the pain of defeat!

Quoted from the Kachas Pass section in the scenario booklet -

That the Vile Rune Orcs will win should be in no doubt. However, the complete victory conditions are costed below...

... With the aid of these tables, the two sides should be able to cost a victory for either side within the confines of the scenario itself. It also allows the Wood Elves to gain a moral victory despite casualties sustained..."

And from the Ashak Rise scenario -

"The highest victory point total wins. This allows for the remote possibility that the Dwarf player might win even if none of his unit survive"

Love the idea that a Heroic Last Stand can be celebrated! Of course the Orcs' victory points in the first three scenarios determine what turn they will turn up at at Orc's Drift. Turning up late with a few battered survivors isn't exactly going to be desirable...  ;)

As for the campaign as a whole - well it all rests on the final battle really and to quote the Victory points section for the final Orc's Drift scenario - This is a fight to the death! May the best man win! - and that's it!  >:D

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: Pil on February 08, 2012, 09:20:53 AM
Most kind Pil -  can I look forward to a smilar report of your showdown with Manic's Skaven?!  :D

If we get a game done on Crisis I don't think there'll be much opportunity for staged pictures but I'll be sure to bring my camera and make some notes 8)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: Funghy-Fipps on February 08, 2012, 01:09:46 PM
Really enjoyed reading this and drooling over the - as usual - first class vintage mini porn on flagrant display.  Sir, you deserve a medal/knighthood/peerage (or something) for your sterling work in this neglected area. 
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: Thantsants on February 08, 2012, 10:16:25 PM
If we get a game done on Crisis I don't think there'll be much opportunity for staged pictures but I'll be sure to bring my camera and make some notes

That sounds promising - I wait with bated breath!  :P

first class vintage mini porn 

Thanks Funghy - that's a niche market if ever there was one!  lol
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: FramFramson on February 09, 2012, 04:14:36 AM
Certainly it's larger than the market for third-rate vintage miniatures porn.  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: Thantsants on February 14, 2012, 01:32:07 AM
Haha - can't argue with that logic!  :D

Well welcome one and all to the third and final instalment before we get to the big showdown at Orc's Drift. Not to give away too much about which way the battle went, but I write this report with a heavy heart. As you can see from these previous posts I did become rather attached to the small settlement of Linden Way and the many and varied characters who dwell there -










Crikey - hadn't realised I'd written so much twaddle about them!

 Anyway, not to give too much away at this early stage, but the neighbourhood is not quite what it was anymore...

The Reaving of Linden Way

Magyar Ironfist, Chieftain of the mighty Kwae Karr Orcs, curled what was left of his upper lip in disgust. A low rumbling growl emanated from the brutish Warlord as he tried to decide which sight was more offensive - the pitiful human village with its even more pathetic defenders which lay further down the road, or the foul smelling and decidedly moth-eaten Shaman who was furiously scratching his crotch before him.

"Give it a rest Bagrash!"

"Sorry Oh Mighty Chief, scourge of the Northern Wastes, terror of Ramalia, crusher of..."

"Enough!" Roared Magyar. Oh how he hated such craven belly-crawling...
"So shaman, I gather we are graced with the presence of our Lord and King, F'yar." 

" Yes your Mightiness.. erm, I mean... yes, he has lent his support and that of his elite Guard to our cause, Master" Bagrash ducked backwards automatically as he saw Magyar's already tortured brow contort even further. A huge fist whistled through the space the shaman's head had just vacated.

"Bah, that cursed dog mocks me. Already the yellow cur wastes my strength on such paltry quarry as this. Now he seeks to further paint me as a weakling by showing up here and robbing me of what little sport there is to be had. If he thinks he can come swanning back in here and..."

Bagrash settled back onto his haunches and began investigating his groin again. Preparations A through to G had failed to salve the burning irritation he felt down there - maybe his next concoction might do the trick...

"... and never before will the world have seen such red ruin as that which I shall rain upon the people of Linden. And I will strike down upon them with great vengeance and furious anger..."

Magyar's ranting washed over the old Orc, almost soothing in its familiarity. Bagrash began to feel himself nodding off. There wasn't much to do but wait - it didn't matter which meat-head was in charge - they all seemed to shout him as much as each other. If Magyar nursed a grudge against F'yar and coveted the throne so be it - just as long as old Bagrash didn't get in the firing line.

"... and fireballs - we'll need lots of them, and lightning. Are you listening you scabrous old goat?!"

Bagrash mumbled his assent to his Master's demands and took his leave to begin his magical... and medicinal preparations...

The column of marching Orcs came to a shambling halt as they came to the edge of the woods that covered their approach to the sleepy village of Linden Way. Magyar Ironfist, would-be Crusher of the North barged up and down the ill-disciplined ranks.


"When I say halt I mean stop you miserable worms!" Several troopers nursed their heads as the Chief asserted his command.

"Oo's ee callin' a worm?" muttered one of the Orcs. Kwaekarr Otes took pride in his work, as did all the Kwae Karr tribe, and he disliked baseless slurs on his abilities.

His mate, Red Eebrek, leaned over and whispered "Nevermind 'im - Muss be that lot up at the front." 

A roar erupted from the front of the column, "Shut up! Silence!" Magyar Ironfist glared at the lines of warriors drawn up in front of him.

"Now then lads, listen up - this here's the plan. We're going down there and we're going to level that village. I don't want anything left standing, crawling or breathing. But first we're going to let our glorious leader and his F'yar Guard have the first go. Be a shame if anything nasty were to happen to him. At least he's got us to watch his back..."

The air was rent with a terrible sound - that of Magyar Ironfist's attempt at evil cackling, and worse still - his minions' lacklustre attempt at joining in with him.


Behind the Orc column emerged a unit of archers, who took up position behind the hill that overlooked the settlement. Grinning evilly, they lit torches and prepared the fire arrows for their first volley.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: Thantsants on February 14, 2012, 01:35:42 AM
Meanwhile, on the other side of the hill King F'yar gripped his saddle more tightly as his startled Wyvern mount let fall another mountainous pile of dung. What the hell was that dolt, Magyar, playing at, raising a racket like that?!


"'Ow long 'ave we to stand 'ere then?" groused Ing Ulnook, glancing warily at the proximity of the Wyvern's latest deposit.

"Dunno - depends wot 'im up there sez, dunnit" Chim Neepees was the proudest member of the F'yar Guard and would brook no lip or dissention.

Cole Scuttul weighed into the discussion, "S'awright fer flyboy up there - bet the smell dunt reach that far."

"Yer, maybe e's gonna flush out dem humies with by... buy-a-lod... buy-a-lod-sickle weapons?"

The rest of the Big'uns turned and looked at Indukt Shuneater.

"Wot are yoo on about?" Normally taciturn to the point of muteness, Harth Fender shook his head - that boy had some strange new-fangled ideas.

The F'yar Guard didn't have long to wait as it happened. With a great cry the serpentine reptile laboured into  the sky, once more lightening its load as it went - much to the disgust of the earthbound Orcs below.


"... And so men, that is what Ramalia expects of you. Honour, valour and - cough, cough - the laying down of your life in her name - cough"  This last part of the rousing speech that Captain Leofric had just delivered, spurred on by several pints of Bludweiser Light, was muttered somewhat sheepishly and speedily into his sleeve.

"What was that last bit, sir?" A dozen or so suspicious faces regarded the young captain with hostility through the smokey and noxious atmosphere of the Inn.

Sergeant Corbin Grincheux rolled his eyes, and with typical Breton sang-froid suppressed the urge to cuff the little upstart around the head. It was bad enough that they had been given a rabble of  the highest order with which to defend this miserable hamlet - important only for the crossroads it squatted on. Now their recently, and in his opinion, unwisely promoted Captain, still wet behind the ears and possessed of the most romantic and unrealistic ideas about the Arts of War, was sapping morale with his little pep talks...

Then there was the little matter of the Captain's "favouritism" for that scurrilous rogue, Ric. Grincheux narrowed his eyes as he glared at the boy in question. There was something the grizzled old sergeant couldn't put his finger on about the lad - was it the strangely smooth complexion, the lithesome figure or girlish laugh? Yes, he thought, Leofric should definitely lay off Ric - it just wasn't proper for an officer to moon about so much over one of the enlisted men...


The settlement of Linden Way buzzed with life like a fat bluebottle, beating its last reserves of energy against a windowpane. The village Inn, The Slann in Space, had been occupied, unsurprisingly, by the majority of the militia. Across the road in the stables, Wilfrid Post engaged in his usual pastime of trying to persuade his stable "boy", Thori Dittori, to be his next jockey.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: Thantsants on February 14, 2012, 01:39:34 AM
Over in the village store, Grunville Longpockets kept one wary eye on his goods and the other on the militia men stationed there. The presence of the village's mayor, Leofwine, did not reassure him. In fact presence was overstating the matter, as Leofwine was barely functioning as a human being, suffering as he was from a hangover of monstrous proportions...

"Ohhh my head. By all that is holy won't someone fetch me a hair of the dog"

Hrothgar, the local landowner's head yeoman, and Grimwald, one of the village's woodcutters, looked at each other over the prostrate form of their great leader. The other regular conscripts shifted uncomfortably, shifting their glances to avoid making eye contact with either of the old timers.

"What are we going to do with him - he must have had at least two pints of that Troll-Breath Stout last night!" mused Grimwald.

"Nevermind the wine - its the ale he wants to leave off" Hrothgar observed reproachfully.

"Might , I, er, r... re... re... rec..., er recommend O' Hurley's patented Corpse Reviver, sir? Only 15 groats?" Grunville treated the soldiers to his most ingratiating rictus grin.

"Now if I had been able to train as a Doctor I might now be in a position to assist dear boy - fancy a jelly baby - they're a new invention of mine!" Tom the Baker flashed the bemused company a toothy grin, "No, well nevermind..."

Gladyss tutted impatiently, removing the lead stopper from a stout earthenware flask and releasing a miasma of poisonous fumes into the air. "Nevermind him, drag the poor old mayor over here and I'll sort him out."


The relative calm of the village was soon to be disturbed. Up in the watchtower, the militia's archers and scouts scanned the horizon. Jaws dropped and alarum bells rang as sharp eyes caught sight of the approaching Orc column.


At that the pub emptied quicker than the time Aulden Bitte, Arthur Bitte the landlord's father, first discovered he was incontinent. Captain Leofric led his merry band out to the boundary fence, ready to sell their lives dearly.


Unfortunately the staff of the Slann in Space displayed no such fighting spirit as they began heading for the hills. Taking advantage of the situation, the less savoury elements of the militia stayed behind, helping themselves to another round - on the house of course!


Hot on the heels of the Bitte family and other assorted hangers on was Wilfrid Post and Dittori - maintaining a steady gallop!


Like a bear with a sore head, the newly revived Mayor Leofwine led his men out of the store and onto the crossroads to see what was going on. Behind them Gladyss and Tom the Baker succeeded in prizing Grunville's iron grip from the store's doorframe, and proceeded to drag him away from his beloved shop.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: Thantsants on February 14, 2012, 01:49:18 AM
The cause of the village's alarm swung into view as the Kwae Karr Orcs marched down onto the approach road, accompanied by much howling, clashing of weapons and gnashing of teeth.


Behind them the Orcish archers gained the summit of the hill, swinging their bows up in the direction of the enemy.


A line of fire extended across the ridgeline briefly before soaring into the sky as the Orcs let fly their first volley of flaming arrows at the village store. Smoke began to rise up from the building as it began to smoulder.


The F'yar guard continued their advance through the woods to the South West of the settlement.


With a piercing shriek King F'yar came hurtling out of the sky and landed with a crash on the main street. The wyvern looked about and squealed in delight at the tasty treat arrayed before it. Not even the fireball Bagrash hurled at the store to its right could distract it from its prey!


The long neck darted out with horrible speed and slavering jaws closed around the struggling forms of Grunville and his wife! The Wyvern chewed thoughtfully - if it had been able to understand such concepts as sweet and sour, it might have remarked on the contrasting flavours now filling its mouth.

F'yar's lance whistled past Tom Baker's left ear. As he ran from the snarling Orc he shouted back,

"Killing me isn't going to help you! It isn't going to do me much good either!"


The militia swung into action like a lame chimp. Reacting heroically to this new threat, Leofwine scurried back into the cover of the smoking store as the Wyvern swooped low overhead in pursuit of the rest of the villagers.


The archers in the watchtower snapped off a volley at the receding reptile. One arrow somehow found a soft spot, as testified by the enraged squawk the Wyvern let out!

Undaunted by the large number of Orcs making their way down the road Captain Leofric led his men to close the gap.


Undaunted by the scurrying militia forces standing in their way the Kwae Karr column marched steadily onwards. Behind them the archers sent another flaming volley into the stores. Leofwine's detachment began to think twice about their choice of shelter as the building began to turn into a raging inferno!


The F'yar Guard emerged from the woods and threatened the Militia's left flank.


F'yar wheeled and brought his Wyvern into another low swoop over the village, his target this time - the fleeing bar staff of the Slann in Space! Turning on the monster, Aulden Bitte raised his stick in defiance, only to be crushed underfoot!


 F'yar fixed Arthur's daughter, Fancia Bitte, with a lecherous eye before skewering her with his lance. Such was the force of his thrust that Arthur fund himself transfixed as well!


Muttering his incantations once more, Bagrash extended his crooked and foul-smelling finger once more and unleashed another two fireballs. This time two of Captain Leofric's men burst into flame.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: Thantsants on February 14, 2012, 01:56:13 AM
Back in town, Tom the Baker carefully crept up the street. The way ahead was blocked by the enormous bulk of the Wyvern and terrible sounds drifted down the road.


He wasn't sure how he was going to get round to freedom but Tom felt sure some opportunity would present itself.


Again the militia's archers opened up on F'yar and his Wyvern - their hopes were raised as several arrows found their mark, and dashed as the missiles bounced off the creature's hardened scales.


Helga, the Slann's formidable barmaid, rolled up her sleeves and prepared to sell her life dearly for the one she loved. However, the wretched sobbing of the terrified busker, Elwin Presslay, were severely testing that love. She let her heart soften a moment - the sight of an enraged Wyvenr would be enough to unman most men - was she being to hard on the lovable old rogue? Without stopping to look back, Helga grabbed her man, threw the whimpering form over her shoulder and ran to safety!


Magyar drew his Orcs to a halt at the entrance to the village. To his right he could see the F'yar guard also approaching. Why not let them make the first move, he thought, he and his Kwae Karr Orcs would mop up the mess they left.


The archers upped sticks and began moving down the hill. They had done their worst to the stores and the next target was the watch tower. Another volley of firey missiles flew through the air and smoke now issued forth from the tower.

And yet the Orcs' cheers were cut short - something was moving in the ruins before them...

Barrachus the insane illusionist had been disturbed!


Dimly aware of another magical presence on the battlefield, Bagrash sent forth another to fireballs, condemning another two militia men to an incandescent end.


Meanwhile, F'yar's Wyvern had landed astride the road to Meledir. With nowhere left to run, Wilfrid and Dittori's racing days were over before they had begun...


Having witnessed the gruesome end of two more of his fellow villagers, Tom the Baker nervously ran his tongue over his many teeth - there must be some way past...

Making his mind up he sauntered nonchalantly up the street towards the hissing monster. Of course he'd be able bluff his way past - and if not the beast would be so surprised at the offer of a jelly baby or two that he was sure he would be able to slip past...
... Mind you he didn't like the way the arrows the archers were firing at it were antagonising the creature, ineffectual as they were!

Beset on all sides Captain Leofric ordered a formation change. If there was a thin red line it was here as the few remaining militia men spread themselves along the fenceline in line abreast.


Barrachus glared through the window of his beautiful villa - green faces stared back in surprise at him. Emotions chased each other across the insane old magician's face as his multiple personalities fought for supremacy. In a moment of rare lucidity Barrachus made the connection between his race's age old enemy and the deep seated hatred that was growing in the pit of his stomach - a hatred that would rule him for the next half an hour or so!

Barrachus began intoning the words that would cause the foul creatures to visualise their worst nightmare in a terrible hallucination. A corona of light began to form around the old man's outstretched hand, tendrils of unnatural fire flickered about him and...

... fizzled out. The old man was left muttering confusedly, trying to remember what had annoyed him so much just a moment ago!

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: Thantsants on February 14, 2012, 02:09:02 AM
Seeing that there was no way the humans were going to come anywhere near endangering the life of King F'yar, Magyar cursed and advanced his column towards the village. The ragged remnants of the militia that guarded the boundary fence were no threat - two were cut down by his Orcish archers as he watched and the survivors seemed transfixed by the advance of the fearsome looking F'yar guard.

King F'yar looked down incredulously at the ridiculous figure strolling up the gore spattered street towards him. Was the imbecile actually... yes! He was actually whistling! And twirling a small paper bag in his hand. This wouldn't do at all.

Kicking the Wyvern viciously, F'yar swooped down on the strange figure. His mount opened its jaws wide and with a strangled "Fancy a..." Tom the Baker was no more...


With a great shower of sparks and protesting timbers the village store finally succumbed to the flames. Bagrash, his face taking on a demonic aspect, lit as it was by the flickering fire light, drew himself up and launched another two fireballs. Screaming through the air, they slammed into the already smoking watch tower. Inside the archers escaped any harm, although their position was becoming increasingly precarious.

There cover quite literally blown, Mayor Leofwine and his detachment charged across the still burning ruins and into the Kwae Karr column. The mayor brought his great sword around in a wide arc and smote the Orc chieftain. Staggering back Magyar shook his head clear and, unharmed, retaliated by braining one of the militia.

As things were getting decidedly warm in the watch tower, the archers quickly spilled out onto the street. Looking round for new targets they spotted the Orc archers in the distance. One arrow found its target but at that range did no damage.

Barrachus felt the familiar spinning in his head and his ears filled with whispering voices as the madness once again claimed him. This time his condition left him trembling in fear - suddenly the world was an inexplicably terrifying place for the old man.

With the multitude of leering green faces still glaring at him from the hillside, Barrachus sought safety in number. As if by magic two illusory (and strangely non identical) clones materialised beside him. Now completely confused, the Orc archers continued to ignore the mad old bird!


Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: Thantsants on February 14, 2012, 02:10:01 AM
Back in the village the situation was looking increasingly bleak for the militia. With a bloodcurdling cry the F'yar Guard charged the much reduced company guarding the fence. Another soldier joined his brothers-in-arms in the mud, felled by a cruelly barbed Orc glaive. And yet not all went the Orcs' way. Poor old Induckt Shuneater gaped down at the gaping hole in his midriff. Looking up he glared at the equally surprised militia man on the other end of the offending sword, before falling to the ground, stone dead.


The Kwae Karr Orcs felled another luckless soldier, whooping with wild abandon as they pushed back and enveloped the small band of valiant fighters.


King F'yar looked about him for his next victim. His Wyvern snorted disappointedly as the lack of fresh meat. With a shrug of its wings it turned and shambled towards the fracas going on between the Kwae Karr Orcs and the last remaining militia men to see if there was the odd scrap going spare.

Out for revenge, the Orc archers ranged in on their human counterparts. The volume of arrows compensated for their poor marksmanship and one of the militia's archers fell dead.

Penned in on all sides Mayor Leofwine's men fought back with a strength born of desperation. An Orc trooper fell to the onslaught and Bagrash himself reeled back, clutching a deep wound in his side.

Having watched most of the battle from inside the pub, the more roguish elements of the militia decided to finally make an appearance. Whether to come to aid Leofwine in his heroic last stand, or to slink away while most of the Orcs were busy in their butchery wasn't immediately clear...

The remaining archers caught sight of their old enemy once more as F'yar and his Wyvern emerged from the village. Easily scoring several hits, the archers again cursed the lack of penetrating power their arrows.


The three Barrachuses again attempted to terrify the Orc interlopers with another hallucination, however, their collective insanity had reduced them to simpletons, and once again the crucial incantations were forgotten.


The entrance of F'yar and his Wyvern into the fray was the last straw for Leofwine and his not so happy few. Two of his men were snatched up into the air in the creature's slavering jaws, a third was run through by the Orc King's lance and the viciously spiked club of the Orc chieftain, Magyar Ironfist, was the last thing he ever saw.... moving very fast.... towards his head.


Cackling and whooping the Kwae Karr Orcs wheeled round and plowed into the back of Captain Leofric's unit. Caught between the F'yar Guard and Magyar's mob, the militia men didn't stand a chance...


Ric, on seeing the demise of her favourite captain - the man she hadn't realised she loved until this last, final and terrible moment, gave a great and anguished cry before charging F'yar! Her compatriots had little choice other than follow her into battle!

The Orc archers amusedly watched the three curious humans gesticulating wildly before them, until their Boss, Jeem Boawan, knocked a few heads together and directed their attention to the bowmen who were happily loosing their bows at King F'yar.

Boawan's intervention must have been effective as only one of the four humans was left standing after Orcs' volley!


Looking around him dazedly, the surviving archer pinched himself to check he was alive. A wild euphoria welled up in him at his miraculous escape and so lost was he in his sheer delight at being alive that he failed to notice the air becoming increasingly charged around him. Suddenly, with a great bang and whiff of ozone, a bolt of lightning forked out from where the Orc shaman stood. The poor old archer never knew what hit him!

F'yar made short work of Ric and the last few militia men. Only one survived that brutal attack...

 ... and he promptly ran for the only place he felt safe - the pub!



The fire must have reached the top shelf liqueurs above the bar in the Slann in Space, as the Orcs' celebrations were interrupted by an enormous concussion.  Unfazed the Orcs set their minds once more to the task of draining the enormous hogsheads of ale they had liberated from the Inn's cellars.

Magyar Ironfist picked his teeth with the end of the rib bone he had been absent-mindedly been chewing. He noted that Bagrash didn't seem to be scratching his delicates as violently as he was normally wont to do and easily resisted the urge to enquire further. Knocking back another bucket of ale, the chieftain grinned to himself - the day had been a good one. His reputation as crusher of the North was coming along nicely and he'd hardly lost any warriors doing it. Admittedly F'yar hadn't met a sticky end - the dog had the luck of the devil sitting on that arrow magnet of a mount of his. Yet a plan was hatching in the wily Orc's mind - if the enemy couldn't be relied upon to get rid of the pretender then maybe he should look elsewhere. What was that old saying - if you want something doing, get someone even bigger than the last lot you forced to obey your every command!

So as I hinted at earlier - a bit of a massacre for poor old Linden Way! Mind you both sets of players were a little wary from the lessons they'd learned in the previous scenarios - the Orcs in particular were especially careful to guard against significant losses what with the final showdown imminent. This wasn't a problem and in fact fitted rather nicely into the way the various characters and forces might have acted within the narrative.

Final scores then were -

Militia - 2.5 - yes you did read that right!
Kwae Karr Orcs - a massive 31!

This meant that (quite fittingly) the Kwae Karr Orcs would be spear-heading the attack on Orc's Drift, arriving as they would be on Turn 4 - those engineers had better get cracking with those mealie bags!

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: dijit on February 14, 2012, 08:25:26 AM
A cracking and highly entertaining narrative report - Sir, more please!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: blacksmith on February 14, 2012, 09:39:10 AM
Fantastic pictures and awesome stuff, epic!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Played! Ashak Rise Report added (finally!)
Post by: Pil on February 14, 2012, 09:44:15 AM
What a perfect morning today! A cup of coffee and a fresh Ork's Drift Battle report! Fantastic work again, great m,odels, great pictures and a fantastic narrative! I don't think the militia ever really stood a chance and unfortunately for them they hardly managed to delay the Ork horde either. I'm looking forward to the climax  :-*
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Up to Linden Way now...
Post by: Rochie on February 14, 2012, 01:18:31 PM
Cracking mate, just cracking, can't wait for the big scrap!!! :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Up to Linden Way now...
Post by: phreedh on February 14, 2012, 01:46:40 PM
Once again, very nice read mate! Thanks a lot for posting these - I'm a bit pressed for time to read this stuff as li'l boy wonder have been unusually fussy and active the last few days but I've managed to go through most of it now. =) Really looking forward to the big battle.

There's one thing I think you could improve with your reports. More overview shots.

Really like the added graphics. Fun in a cheesy way! =) Usually I would frown on it, but it just fits so well with the subject matter. I'm sure the chaps at White Dwarf would've done the same had they had the means back then. =D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Up to Linden Way now...
Post by: generulpoleaxe on February 14, 2012, 02:17:22 PM
please sir, can I have some more :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Up to Linden Way now...
Post by: Mason on February 14, 2012, 02:24:28 PM
Absolutely fantastic, Thatsants!

A thoroughly entertaining read, as usual.
The humour and sheer tongue-in-cheekness(?) of it all has my attention firmly glued in place.
Love everything about the report; figures, scenery, camera skills and narrative are all first class.
Love the names, too. Very period GW!  lol

I have to thoroughly agree with phreedh on the subject of graphics- I am sure the writers would have been rubbing their hands with glee, had they had the opportunity to use such!

Top notch!  :-*

Eagerly awaiting the next installment.... ;D

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Up to Linden Way now...
Post by: DeafNala on February 14, 2012, 02:29:25 PM
You've created the ULTIMATE, EPIC Graphic Novel! With much movement of lips, I savored every word & photo. WONDROUSLY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Up to Linden Way now...
Post by: tomogui on February 14, 2012, 02:59:50 PM
This is so amazingly good. Quite apart from everything else (which is also amazingly good), your prose is both hilarious and excellently written. Enjoying it greatly.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Up to Linden Way now...
Post by: weazil on February 14, 2012, 10:26:26 PM
Well, Mr T, I guess there's not much to say, as those respondents before have largely summed the thing up.

We stand in awe of your pun-fu.

Fancia Bitte? The various Fyarr Guard? Inspired!

You've set yourself a hell of a bar for the battle of Orc's Drift...

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Up to Linden Way now...
Post by: Funghy-Fipps on February 14, 2012, 10:46:03 PM
Do you ever sleep?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Up to Linden Way now...
Post by: Thantsants on February 14, 2012, 11:10:32 PM
Thanks one and all - this one was a lot of fun to write but it took me about three days - and most of that was shoe-horning all the puns in!

I don't think the militia ever really stood a chance and unfortunately for them they hardly managed to delay the Ork horde either. I'm looking forward to the climax  

Yeah compared to the Dwarfs and Elves who both have an extra point of BS or WS on their stats, the militia really didn't fare to well! The guys who played them were a little over cautious - I reckon that Wyvern had them a little scared!

There's one thing I think you could improve with your reports. More overview shots.

Cheers Phreedh - hope the wee fella has settled down by now! Point taken on the overview shots - I think I just get a bit carried away photographing away at the minis' eye-level - think Coppola's cameo as a War reporter in Apocalypse Now! I reckon Orc's Drift will provide some good opportunities for wide angle shots of the whole battlefield...

I have to thoroughly agree with phreedh on the subject of graphics- I am sure the writers would have been rubbing their hands with glee, had they had the opportunity to use such!

Reckon you might be right there Mason - glad they went down well as they're totally daft, and were a bit of an added drag on the time it took to put together!  :D

With much movement of lips, I savored every word & photo.

Thanks Deafnala -your comment paints a wonderful image - glad you enjoyed it!  :)

Do you ever sleep?

Sleep is for the weak.  >:(

I usually weaken some time early in the evening just after tea - much to my dog's displeasure as that's usually when I walk him!  ::)

You've set yourself a hell of a bar for the battle of Orc's Drift...

Well Weazil - you 'aint so bad yourself! Hope I can maintain it for the final showdown...

... talking of which - the plan is to begin retaking the photos during the day to take advantage of the light (Yay for half-term holiday!).

In the meantime I intend to pick up a paint brush and take a short break from the writing - those LPL entries won't paint them selves!

If all goes well I may be in a position to post the final report some time next week...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Up to Linden Way now...
Post by: Erny on February 15, 2012, 10:28:25 AM
Hey there, long time no reply, time to break my silence. I can't believe your playing this through now, shows what is possible in what a year/two years? It all looks super stunning.

Wish I'd had the energy to keep plugging away with out distraction. Anyhow I'm beginning to get re-energised on the whole fantasy thing and these posts of yours are just the inspiration I need. Really looking forward to the finale, what will you do then though?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Up to Linden Way now...
Post by: Thantsants on February 15, 2012, 12:49:11 PM
Nice to see you back Erny and glad to hear you're getting your fantasy mojo going!

The first Orc's Drift post to appear on my blog was way back on Thursday 25th March 2010! I had painted up a few other Orcs like Ruglud's lot and the Wyvern but that was just for fun! I make that just under two years!  :o

I actually played (well gm'ed) the games before christmas and I'm only just now getting round to re-photographing the games and writing them up properly.  ::)

What's next?

Well I've just put the superglue down to let the legs dry that I've just pinned back onto an old citadel giant scorpion. He's intended for the Lustrian project I've got planned - a "what happened next" kind of thing, following on from the Magnificent Sven scenario involving Slann, Norse and Amazons - not to mention all the jungle nasties I can lay my hands on! 

So just taking it easy really...  ;)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Up to Linden Way now...
Post by: Braxandur on February 15, 2012, 03:18:07 PM
No matter how long it took, it makes my day every time I see a new post and sometimes reread everything, for the share amount of nice pictures in here.

Vey interested in what you make of the sequel of the magnificent Sven  :-*
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Up to Linden Way now...
Post by: dinohunterpoa on April 02, 2012, 10:09:20 PM
WOW!!!   :o

As always, lovely models, inspiring scenery and a great battle report!  Seemed like a game as FUN as it is supposed to be, CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing and inspiring us!!!  :-*
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Up to Linden Way now...
Post by: joroas on April 02, 2012, 10:12:16 PM
Thankyou for sharing the nostalgia of a more enjoyable and more youthful age.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Up to Linden Way now...
Post by: Thantsants on April 02, 2012, 10:14:01 PM
Glad to be of service!

I hope to get the last game written up and photographed over the next couple of weeks as I'm on my hols and might be able to string more than five minutes together!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Up to Linden Way now...
Post by: Mason on April 02, 2012, 11:54:27 PM
Glad to be of service!

I hope to get the last game written up and photographed over the next couple of weeks as I'm on my hols and might be able to string more than five minutes together!  :D

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D etc.............
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Coming soon this Summer...
Post by: Thantsants on July 24, 2012, 09:16:13 PM
Well this is perhaps one of the longest (perhaps excluding Phreedh's brilliant if tardy SOBH write-up) although possibly not the most eagerly anticipated, as I'm sure it dropped off your radar a long while back, battle report to come along in a while.

And the wait is almost over...

By way of the usual pathetic excuses here are some of the reasons for my delay -


So to remedy matters I've put together an annoyingly over-hyped trailer to get you all back in the zone - its been a while I know!

Its also a good opportunity to share with you some rather exciting developments over in blogland with regards to a growing movement or community who share a love for Oldhammer -


Oldhammer in short is a way of harking back to the good old days of narrative wargaming with interesting and often amusing scenarios unconstrained by the latest editions of army lists. Zhu puts it much better in his Oldhammer Contract -


We're currently putting together a fanzine, have launched a painting competition and are constantly on the lookout for 2nd/3rd ed WFB players to meet up with.

If any of that floats your boat we'd be more than glad to have you on board!

Anyway - back to a bit of that narrative style, scenario led gaming I was on about.

Sit back, press the play button and picture the scene...


A peaceful vale nestled between rugged, yet beautiful mountain ranges (fade to black)


Animals graze contently in pleasantly bucolic surroundings (fade to black)


They came to build a bridge... (fade to black)


... but little did they know...


...they would end up fighting for Orc's Drift,


their lives,


and the whole of Ramalia itself!


This summer

Coming to a computer near you

The last thrilling instalment of


Bloodbath at Orc's Drift
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Coming soon this Summer...
Post by: phreedh on July 24, 2012, 10:18:34 PM

Still looking forward to it!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Coming soon this Summer...
Post by: Mason on July 24, 2012, 11:13:25 PM

Yes, please!

 ;D ;D ;D

It was getting to the point where we may have had to hunt you down, to be honest!

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Coming soon this Summer...
Post by: Thantsants on July 25, 2012, 08:30:54 AM
Cheers fellas - a bit more to whet your appetites (sorry Phreedh - you'll have seen this on the blog already - some actual action to come this evening... ;))

Osrim scowled into his stew ration with renewed testiness. It wasn't that the dish lacked meat or flavour - he'd given up hoping for either soon after he had volunteered his service to the Grand League's Engineering Corps.


It was that... Elf. Even thinking about that word made his fists itch. Osrim stabbed viciously at a hapless lump of turnip. Mudpies he had sneered, do carry on with your mudpies... It was enough to make a Dwarf do half a job out of spite. Almost.

The bridge had been pretty much the only thing keeping his little unit of sappers together. Ill feeling was running high at missing out on the action going on over at Ortar. All the lads wanted to do was crack a few Goblin skulls and yet here they were playing at... mudpies.

The rest of those pointy-eared fops weren't helping either. As if there leader Broomhead, or whatever he was called wasn't bad enough. Osrim was feeling less and less inclined to talk his Dwarfs down from adding some of those pointy ears to their trophy collections on the now regular occasions when a spat had developed - incited of course by those arrogant little...

Then came a sound he hadn't expected. A clear and shrilly declaimed note sounding out from the peaks that towered above them. A note which shook him to his senses and put his worries and grudges firmly into perspective. A note that made him the only obstacle between the enemy and their ultimate goal - the capital, Palesandre.


Brommedir paced back down the line again, casting a stern eye over the Elves who stood stiffly to attention before him.

"Very good, very good. Spick and span as it should be."


Then again, was everything as it should be? A frown threatened to crease Brommedir's flawless brow. It had seemed like the perfect command at first - Guarding the supply lines to the front at Ortar would give him and his unit plenty of time to do what they did best; polishing their armour, oiling their bows and showing off their fine looks in regular military reviews.

There were, however, several flies in the ointment. That Dwarf who was in charge of the bridge - he hadn't caught his name as the damned fellow had been mumbling as usual. That Dwarf had been acting very suspiciously and Brommedir was becoming increasingly concerned over the safety of the Army paychest that had been put into his care.

The Druid hadn't made a good impression on him either - even less so when he wnadered past, drunk as usual, and made jibes at his fine Elven bowmen as they stood ready for inspection. Toy soldiers indeed! No, that glassy eyed stare and nervous energy that seemed to permanently animate Snart certainly unnerved Brommedir.


As if all that wasn't enough, he now had rank insubordination in his own ranks, as he turned and saw a ripple of movement flow down his beautifully straight ranks. This was intolerable - he couldn't have his once proud looking bowmen looking about them, shuffling their feet nervously and generaly fidgeting in a most unprofessional manner.

"I say, this won't do. This won't do at all..."

Brommedir began a severe reprimand but was caught short by his junior officer - the one who always seemed to shout at him in an incredibly rude manner.


Elves began moving to defensive positions and Brommedir, never one to be outdone, offered a rather strangled sounding...

"Thats it men, to your stations. Very good, very good."

Brommedir also noticed with satisfaction that the Dwarfs were busying themselves with makeshift barricades using grain sacks, furniture and whatever else came to hand.  He just hoped that they were selecting only the cleanest sacks to be filled and put onto the barricade, if he was going to be defending it.

At least the thought momentarily kept his mind off the fact that they were, as he too now realised, the last line of defence between the approaching Orcs and the capital city, Palesandre...

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Coming soon this Summer...
Post by: Thantsants on July 25, 2012, 08:39:35 AM
and the other side's view of things...

King F'yar exalted in the sense of power that coursed through his whole body. The great dorsal muscles of his Wyvern mount surged powerfully beneath him and he narrowed his eyes against the rushing winds to gaze at the land that lay stretched invitingly before him.


Great mountains dwindled into foothills, the narrow passes widened into valleys, in whose depths rivers sparkled in the sunlight before vanishing beneath dark clumps of forest. His eyes lingered on the great patchwork of fields, ran along the roads that criss-crossed back and forth, and which led eventually to the glittering citadel of Palesandre.


He smiled to see the conflagration to the East - a sure sign that his alliance with King Murgol of the Hill Goblins was alive and well. A sure sign indeed that the Grand League had fallen for his plan and that the way lay open to his prize.

The Wyvern banked and swooped to a lower altitude with a little assistance from F'yar's boot and the landscape rushed to meet him. Ah, there it was. Still an insignificant speck nestled amongst the foothills, yet it commanded both the crossing over the river Canis and the main highway that led to Palesandre. If his army were to take the capital, Orc's Drift must fall.

And what of his army? The Orcish King once more scoured the roads and passes that wound their way down from the peaks. Small plumes of smoke punctuated the path his old Tribe, the Kwae Karr, had taken from Linden Way and it seemed they were within striking distance of Orc's Drift. His heart swelling with pride, F'yar searched eagerly for his allies.


Dawdling far to the North West were two ant-like columns, labouring their way down the Kachas road. Fools! They were a long way off from linking up with the Kwae Karr and their numbers seemed to have dwindled significantly too. Whether this was through attrition or cowardice, F'yar cared not. A black rage descended upon him and he plunged his hapless mount into a steep dive.

What need did the King have for such pathetic minions. He would crush them underfoot once he had wiped the remains of the Grand League's finest from his steel-shod boots.  Had not he, the Tyrant of the North, single-handedly  murdered the Half Elf King and plunged the Grand League into disarray? Had not he, F'yar the Merciless, laid a trap big enough for the Grand League's entire army? Had not he, Scourge of the Northlands, Crusher of Hearts, raised the largest, most fearsome horde of Orcs that had ever menaced the lands of Ramalia?

Yes, Orc's Drift was his for the taking. The glory would be his alone and those who cowered in his shadow would rue the...


A terrible rippling and rending noise from below tore him from his reverie and both the Wyvern and its incandescent rider were suddenly born upwards as if their load had somehow been dramatically lightened. F'yar fought for control over the beast and banked into another dive back towards Orc's Drift, growling as he went,

"By the Gods, can you not still your bowels even now?"

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Coming soon this Summer...
Post by: Mason on July 25, 2012, 09:32:49 AM

That has certainly whet the appetite, Thatsants.

Looking eagerly forward to the main course.

 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Coming soon this Summer...
Post by: thebinmann on July 25, 2012, 09:39:38 AM
Edge of the seat stuff here...

Did you use Fyar during one of the first three battles?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Coming soon this Summer...
Post by: Thantsants on July 25, 2012, 10:12:34 AM
Yeah - the lads playing the Orcs decided to use him at Linden Way, probably the easiest of the three initial scenarios! Then again a lot of them were new to wargaming so I couldn't be too critical.

Personally I think the Vile Rune or Severed Hand Orcs would have been better supported by F'yar - especially at Ashak Rise with the solid defense the Dwarfs put up at the bridge...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Coming soon this Summer...
Post by: DeafNala on July 25, 2012, 11:51:15 AM
OH BABY! As a Devoted Follower of your thread, the is GREAT NEWS! I'm laying in a supply of popcorn for the cinematic moment. The Trailer is FANTASTIC...LOVE the photos, minis, et al.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Coming soon this Summer...
Post by: B. Basiliscus on July 25, 2012, 02:44:13 PM
Dumb wyvern...

I'm super excited for the things to come! Here's to hopefully frequent games and photos! :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Coming soon this Summer...
Post by: Thantsants on July 26, 2012, 09:26:35 AM
Thanks chaps - I hope this doesn't disappoint! More to come, but here's the opening few turns of the battle.

"I want this wall six feet high, firing steps on the inside. Form details to commandeer more grain sacks and mealie bags, block that south entrance, keep 'em moving! Do you understand?"

Osrim Charz was in his element now that something needed doing. Even the ominous bat-like shadow that had suddenly darkened the sky above them hadn't bothered him. Some of the lads were even whistling.

"He don't want much does he 513?" muttered one of the younger sappers, nodding in his commander's direction.

His older and wiser companion shook his head,

"That he doesn't, 376, that he doesn't. Neither will those Orcs when they get here - apart from a good buffet to the 'ead"

One of the nearby Elves pricked up his ears and with a thinly disguised look of disgust turned to address the busy engineers,

"I say, along with elementary manners, don't you Dwarfs even have names? I thought you... people held great stock in what some dried up ancestor did centuries ago."

513 paused in his work and looked up at the Elf before turning back to 376,

"Just goes to show these high falutin folk with all their airs and graces don't know much, eh. Anyone can see we're a veteran unit - we'd be Longbeards soon if we didn't mind getting our hands mucky in such a manner as this."

The grizzled, old Dwarf again met the Elf's indignant glare with a steely gaze of his own,

"Were we to use our own names we'd be there all bleedin' day laddie, citing battle honours and titles gained in combat, . 513 is how many engagements I've seen - how many you done?"

All of a sudden the Elf archer seemed to have developed an almost obsessive interest in the state of his bow string...


Still reeling from the shock of the sight of a large number of Orcs massing in the hills on the far bank of the river, Brommedir's Bows and Osrim's Engineers soon sped into action.

Osrim and half his engineers rushed to the main entrance to the village and began building a defensive wall. Over by the makeshift Hospital, the remaining sappers began construction of a second line of defense.


Brommedir, along with five of his bowmen, bravely commandeered the 1st floor of the Inn, turfing out the malingerers (or wounded as the Druid Snart liked to call them).


The rest of his contingent joined their standard bearer in manning the West wall. Gripping their bows tightly, eyes scanning the horizon for movement, they prepared to spread out to form an effective firing line.


In the midst of all this hustle and bustle, the Druid, Snart was busy too,

"He breaketh the bow and snappeth the spear in sunder! He breaketh the bow and snappeth the spear in sunder!"

Cursing and muttering under his breath, the old drunk proceeded to shepherd his walking wounded out of the hospital. Bertolac, an injured soldier, and Fernbreth, a half blinded Elf, struggled under the load of a stretcher and its occupant.


The reason for the Druid's apparent madness soon became clear - with a great screech, preceded by an altogether far more obscene noise, F'yar and his wyvern descended from the sky in a tumult of beating leathery wings and dung!


Landing by the main entrance to the compound, F'yar looked on in satisfaction as Elves and Dwarfs scurried for covered.


Osrim's party beat a hasty retreat from the breastworks they had erected at the village's entrance, taking shelter in the shadow of the hospital.


Back in the centre of the village, the finishing touches were being put to the redoubt the rest of the sappers were preparing outside the hospital - despite Snart's rantings and ravings. Slightly hampered by the Dwarf's fortifications, the Druid oversaw another unconcious casualty stretchered out of the building.


Having been nudged frantically by his subaltern, Brommedir became aware of the commotion outside and looked on with distaste. Retreating in full view of the rest of the contingent was hardly going to inspire the men to acts of valor. He barked out orders and as one, his detachment put through the windows they were stationed by and took aim.


A hail of arrows sped from the hospital eliciting an indignant squawk from the wyvern. All six archers found their target, although those that had aimed at the beast saw their arrows clatter harmlessly to the ground. F'yar was not so lucky and let out a furious bellow at the arrow protruding from his leg.

Stung by this attack and suddenly realising his vulnerability in landing in front of a regiment of Elf archers, F'yar kicked and goaded his mount somewhat ignominiously back into the air. From this vantage point he wheeled aroud, seeking revenge.


Their defences prepared, the engineers outside the hospital retired inside - they had little to add in a fight with the monster that prowled the sky above them. Cleaning and checking their weapons and armour, they grimly waited for the inevitable Orc assault.

Osrim selected five of his best warriors and led them back to the village entrance - it would be unwise to leave it unguarded and hopefully the wyvern would be more concerned with eating those fool Elves who were doing their best to goad the beast with their arrows.


Still raving and occasionally waving his fist at the serried ranks of Elves on the West wall, Snart led his sorry looking party limping over towards the carts that made up part of the village's defences. The Elf bowmen shook their heads in bemusement at the madman's antics - he seemd to be leading his equally irrational patients in the direction the Orcs were approaching!


"Will you besmirch yourself and kill your brother? Ye shall not kill, so says the Law. You believe in the Law, dont you? Go to the others. Go to the others..."

One of the older Elves had had enough of the Druid's rantings, although conscious of the man's standing as a healer within the Grand League, couched his threat in genteel terms,

"Druid, be quiet now, will you? Theres a good gentleman. You'll upset the..."

His admonition ended in the beating of great wings and a terrible gurgle, as F'yars cruelly barbed lance tip burst through the unwitting Elf's chest. The Orc King had wheeled around and brought the wyvern into a long low swoop along the Elf line with eyes burning and a terrible cry on his lips. The next Elf in line had not the time to dive for cover as F'yar's attack raked across the wall. The burly Orc now struggled with the weight of two bodies, transfixed on the end of his spear. That is until the wyvern reached around, slobbering horribly...


Taken aback by the speed of the attack the Elves could do naught to fight back save duck behind their parapet, notch another arrow to their bowstrings and wait to redress the balance.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Coming soon this Summer...
Post by: DeafNala on July 26, 2012, 02:20:17 PM
Now if they could form a choir...Dwarves of Harleck(sp) or some such thing.
GREAT REPORT/PHOTOS! Struggling with the early morning fog in my head & with much moving of lips, I thoroughly enjoyed the Zulu style report...the photos are inspiring. Breaking the Epic Battle into exciting installments is a stroke of genius...prevents writer's cramp also. WONDERFULLY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Coming soon this Summer...
Post by: Mason on July 26, 2012, 03:36:56 PM
 lol lol lol

Zulu has been on a couple of times in the last couple of weeks and I can never resisit watching at least a few minutes each time I pass by.
Plenty more great lines to come, methinks.

Great stuff, Thatsants!

I have been waiting for this final episode for some time, and the first installment certainly lives up to expectations.

Eagerly awaiting part 2..... ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Coming soon this Summer...
Post by: Thantsants on July 26, 2012, 05:26:41 PM
Thanks chaps!

Deafnala - you've got me thinking now along the lines of puns for Harleck - sure there's a good one somewhere...

I've got some of the other iconic lines from the film in mind but if there are any other requests?  :D

Splitting the whole thing into parts also helps me with the bewildering number of photographs that need editing and inserting in the right order, somewhere near the relevant part of the text!  o_o

Mason - what? I must have missed it! Ah well, lost count of the number of times I've seen it but like you I always like to dip in a toe if its on.  Glad you're enjoying the show.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Coming soon this Summer...
Post by: Thantsants on July 30, 2012, 09:52:00 PM
OK, time for the next thrilling instalment - about halfway now!

"Careful! Pot that chap somebody! Good fellow, good fellow!"

Brommedir winced as another of his bowmen was skewered by the rampaging Orc King. He narrowed his eyes and glowered at the ever growing Orc column gathering by the bridge that Chardz and his engineers had so diligently repaired. Nodding his exquisitely plumed head in the Orcs' direction, Brommedir turned on his adjutant.

"Aydendorn, what's wrong with them? Why don't they fight?"

Taking a deep breath, the long suffering officer shouted back,

"He's counting your bows, sir."


Aydendorn rolled his eyes at his commander's perennial deafness and leant a little closer,

"Can't you see that bloody great Wyvern circling up over the hill? He's counting your archers. Testing your fire power against its thick hide, before sending his horde against us."

Brommedir was about to launch into a diatribe against low down, dirty Orc tactics, when he was interrupted by another tirade issuing from the vicinity of the East Wall. Druid Snart, who was by now literally frothing at the mouth, was busy heaving at one of the wagons that made up part of the defences.


"Death awaits you! You have made a covenant with death and with hell you are in agreement. You're all going to die! Don't you realise? Can't you see? You're all going to die! Die... Death awaits you all! Die..."

The cart slowly toppled back onto its wheels, the crash of its landing putting an even more sudden stop to the Druid's cries. The Elves looked on in bemusement as the madman began hopping around clutching his foot, his face darkening into an even more irredescent shade of crimson than before.

"Death awaits... ooh bugger, my toe... Death, Die... By all that is holy that smarts a bit... ooh, ouch, gah!"

The archer's attention was soon drawn back to the highway, however, as the braying of horns, beating of drums and tramp of many feet began to echo down the valley.


The Kwae Karr were coming...


Osrim Chardz looked up from the great sword he had been impatiently polishing.

"Sir, the sentries report Orcs to the north east. Hundreds of them."

So that's what all that racket was. Osrim harrumphed testily into his beard; the Elves were no doubt enjoying a bit of target practice already - fine if you were into that sort of thing, but definitely not his cup of ale. All this sitting about, manning the barricade, however, was trying his patience.

"Right lads, we're not going to sit here all quiet and meek till the greenskins finally show their faces are we?"

The small group of sappers looked expectantly at their revered leader,

"What do you suggest boss?"

With a hearty grin, Osrim continued,

"Well, you hear that awful din they're making? We're not going to stand for it right. Do you think the Dwarfs can't do better than that, Oswen?

Oswen, one of the stouter members of the company, returned the grin with a wide beam of his own and replied in a voice as rich as Bugman's Stoutback Stout,

"Well, they've got a very good bass section, mind, but no top tenors, that's for sure."


And with that a mighty chorus of Dwarven voices ascended to do battle with the Orcish chant that assailed the very air,


Dwarves so hardy happily dreaming
Of honour, fame and foes a-screaming
Gird yourself with armour gleaming
Onwards to the fight

Dwarves so hardy stand ye ready
Hearts and shi-elds held so steady
Make the base Orc so to dread thee
with thy battle cry

Though the hills be swarming
The foe, his ranks are forming
Take a draught, at danger laugh
The brew your temper is a-warming
Dwarves so hardy be not tardy
Lest you miss the battle's fury
Wave your burnished axe heads 'fore ye,
Axes of the Dwarves!


Undeterred by the hail of Elven arrows and Dwarven abuse, the Orcs continued to pour across the bridge. Magyar Ironfist, still seething from the implied insult (http://teasgettingcold.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/reaving-of-linden-way.html) of being sent to deal with the puny defences at Linden Way, led the vanguard of his tribe onwards, brandishing his great spiked mace. Whether his howls and cries were directed at the defenders of Orc's Drift, or at his great and noble king, who circled above the Orcish column, was not entirely clear.


Certainly the king's personal troops, the F'yar Guard, were not feeling particularly welcome amongst the Kwae Karr, and lurked towards the back of the pack.


As the Orc advance ground inexorably towards the compound, Brommedir leaned from his vantage point at the top floor window of the hospital,

"At two hundred yards! Volley fire, present! Aim! Fire!"

At this extreme range only one Orc fell, unnoticed by the seething horde.


Back in the compound, Snart's rescue attempt was gaining momentum, despite the grievous wound to his toe. Having laid out one of their comrades on the cart, Bertolac and Fernbreth headed back towards the hospital to fetch another patient (http://teasgettingcold.blogspot.co.uk/2010/07/patients-is-virtue.html). Gymlet (http://teasgettingcold.blogspot.co.uk/2010/05/barely-walking-wounded.html) unceremoniously dropped his end of the stretcher, rubbing his back and bad leg furiously. Luckily for the unconscious occupant it was only from Dwarf height that he had been dumped. Beli (http://teasgettingcold.blogspot.co.uk/2010/04/youre-joking-im-sick-nobodys-got-any.html) fliched as his end of the stretcher was snatched from his hands by the impact. Nervously looking over his shoulder, disturbed by the noise of the Orcs' advance, he hurriedly returned to the comparative safety of the hospital.


Meanwhile Snart, seemingly without a care for his own safety, limped out beneath the volleys of Elven arrows, towards the small paddock that lay between the village and the Orc lines.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Coming soon this Summer...
Post by: Thantsants on July 30, 2012, 10:12:00 PM
F'yar came in fast and low, strafing the Elf firing line once more. The bowmen coolly stood their ground and unleashed a volley as the great beast swept down upon them. Both rider and mount were struck but the arrows failed to penetrate their targets.

Once more F'yar's lance buried its head in Elven flesh, while another struggled in vain against the Wyvern's powerful jaws.


The Kwae Karr Orcs kept on coming, a unit of archers following the armoured spearhead onto the bridge.


The bloodied but unbowed Elves let fly another volley at the Wyvern's receding back. At this close range no-one missed and this time one of their arrows found a weak point in the creature's leathery folds. A ragged cheer went up at its surprised squawk of pain.


Brommedir's detachment continued to target the Kwae Karr, bringing down another two Orcs, while Snart made it unscathed to the paddock fence.


By now the Orc archers had formed up along the river bank, although at this range they were unlikely to hit their Elf adversaries behind their mealie bag wall.


Magyar and his column surged ever onwards, unconcerned about the dead and dying left in their wake.


F'yar, snarling at the Elf bowmen who dared wound his pet, soared skywards in a great circling arc, in preparation for another pass.


With the aerial threat gone for the moment, Brommedir's bows focussed all their fire on Magyar's unit. Despite the diminished range and all the Elves finding their mark, the Orcs' innate toughness and ramshackle armour protected them from harm.


Whispering into the panicky animals' ears, Snart slowly soothed and gained mastery over them through sorcerous ways. Nuzzling up to the old druid, both draught animals were ready to do his bidding.


Back at the hospital the walking wounded staggered out with the last two bed-ridden patients and made their painful way over to the barricade.


Again Brommedir bellowed out his orders and another hail of arrows sped towards the great mass of Orc soldiery. Despite dropping almost the whole front rank of the leading column, the Orcs continued to lope unconceredly over their dead.

Brommedir turned excitedly once more to Aydendorn

"Ten! We dropped at least ten, wouldn't you say?"

The Elf officer offered a thin smile in response, muttering under his breath,

"That leaves only another 190..."


Seeing that his Orc warriors were almost in a position to begin the assault on Orc's Drift, F'yar brought his Wyvern down to land alongside them. Brandishing his bloodied lance, the King looked down expecting to see his subjects gazing back up in awe and adoration.


Instead a sea of hostile faces glared back at him, foremost of them his old rival, Magyar Ironfist. Before he knew what was happening, a hail of arrows rained down on him - from behind. Although the missiles clattered harmlessly to the floor, the damage had certainly been done. Numbed to the core, F'yar struggled to comprehend what had just happened. The treacherous dogs had turned on him!
With a scream of rage and hatred, Magyar spoke out,


"So F'yar, so-called King, skulker in the shadows and backstabber of the womanish Half Elf King, here we are. You have cast your last slur at me. Now it is my turn.

Your deeds are seen for what they are - a coward's work. You sit there, up on the back of your stinking lizard, lording it over those you deserted at Col Fields.

It is my time now. I, Magyar Ironfist, Crusher of the North, claim the throne.

Get 'im lads!!"


And with that the Kwae Karr tribe surged forward en masse, desperately slashing and hacking at the Wyvern. Taken by surprise, and already weakened by the bowfire of the Elves, the great beast stood little chance. Disemboweling one of it attackers with a swipe of its talons, the beast's dying cries were almost muffled by the other victim it had been in the process of swallowing.

Leaping atop the still writhing corpse of the Wyvern, Magyar brought down his spiked mace in a great ringing blow on F'yars helm. Dazed and blinded by the blood that now oozed down into his eyes, the beleagured king failed to strike back at the pretender.

"Now Bagrash, dammit, now!"

Magyar stepped back from the wounded F'yar and glared at his shaman, who was of course fiddling with his groin once more.

Bagrash looked up unhappily - Preparation H had also failed to salve the itching between his legs, and what was that shouting all about?

"Baaggraashhh - now or I'll have your head as well!"

The shaman suddenly remembered the plan. Pointing his finger at his erstwhile master, Bagrash muttered the words of power and there was a blinding flash...


All that was left of the once mighty King was a blackened mark where he had fallen. The shaman's sorcerous flames had done their work.

Magyar stepped forward and surveyed the sea of green faces around him.

"Look on your so-called King you dogs. Where there was once F'yar, there is now only smoke. I claim the throne unless there is any that would oppose me..."

A sudden outbreak of coughing and shuffling of feet affirmed that Magyar indeed stood unopposed.

"Right then, that's more like it.

Onwards to Orc's Drift!"

Joining Magyar's stirring words came the tramp of yet more Orcish boots - the Severed Hand Tribe had arrived...


Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: Timbor on August 01, 2012, 12:52:40 AM
Awesome once again!  Were the orcs supposed to turn on the wyvern like that?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: Thantsants on August 01, 2012, 01:24:04 AM
thanks and yep they were! I'm glad the lads who played the game went for it!

Each player gets a command sheet outlining the scenarios they take part in and forces at their disposal.

The commander's brief for the Kwae Karr Orcs includes an incitement to Magyar Ironfist (their chieftain) to do away with King F'yar after detailing a long feud between the two chieftains  -

... your own personal objective is to try to assassinate King F'yar himself. Who knows, if King F'yar should die at Orc's Drift - then perhaps King Magyar...?

There's a bit more on the background of the feud here -

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: DeafNala on August 01, 2012, 01:16:05 PM
GREAT BATTLE REPORT, COOL PHOTOS, & WONDERFUL OLD MINIS...all in all a truly cinematic experience! VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: Mason on August 01, 2012, 10:49:03 PM
Just bloody wonderful!

The Zulu references are great, they do crack me up.
Really love your Dwarves of Harlech lyrics.

Looking forward to the next installment..... ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: phreedh on August 01, 2012, 11:51:31 PM
Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to produce such quality texts to go with your great setup and photos!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: Thantsants on August 02, 2012, 12:04:50 AM
Most kind chaps - and thanks for hanging on for the finale!  ;)

Of course, as Phreedh has most observantly pointed out, I've spent the intervening months since playing this scenario carefully editing and honing the text to its current form...  :D

Mason - I think I may be running out of Zulu references so be prepared to see the remaining ones be stretched to breaking point to shoe-horn them in!

Thanks Deafnala - I did just about resist the widescreen/cinema effect on Picasa when I was editing the pics.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: Doomhippie on August 02, 2012, 09:39:19 AM
I'll never tire of reading this thread. I have fond memories of Orcsdrift and (stupid me) never realized the connection with "Zulu" until now. That might have to do with the fact that I played Orcsdrift in the 1980's but never watched Zulu until this century. So the connection wasn't that obvious to me. Anyway, I'd like to join the chorus of folks who like your story and have said so. Nice pictures and a highly entertaining text make this thread a real blast. Can't wait for more!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: Thantsants on August 03, 2012, 02:49:09 PM
Cheers matey - I can go one better than that. Having missed the original release, I was always puzzled at the illustration in the 3rd ed rulebook taken from the scenario pack and its mysterious caption, Orc's Drift. I thought it was a curious name and like you hadn't come across Zulu at the time.  ::)

Glad you're enjoying the ride - here's the next bit. We're getting there...  :D

"Oooooozzz Yooooooooo?! Ooooooooooz Yoooooo?!"


The strange, almost eerie call echoed again across the valley. Worried glances flickered up and down the painfully thin Dwarf and Elven lines.


"Well what are you waiting for? Come on! Come on!"

The strain was clearly telling on Brommedir, and Aydendorn, his adjutant, knew it.

"Stay with us, man! We need you, damn it! We need you (even if you are deaf as a bloody post...)"

Brommedir seemed to rally a little at the unexpectedly heartfelt outburst from Aydendorn,

"Those... bastards! They're taunting us!"

Now it was Aydendorn's turn to pale as he turned from his fraught commander and happened to glance out of the window. To the North was another Orc column.

"Erm, sir... you couldn't be more wrong. I think they're trying to find out who that lot are over there..."


Hagar Sheol, chieftain of the Severed Hand Tribe was in high spirits. This was a serious cause for concern for his cabal of advisers, lackeys and various hangers-on. As one they ducked and cringed as their great leader spoke,

"Yooz hidden the shiny stuff (http://teasgettingcold.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/encounter-at-ashak-rise.html)  good and proper 'den?"

Nervous looks were exchanged until one of the smaller Orcs was pushed forward,

"Erm, yez Boss... oof, ouch!"

An almighty clap on the back sent the hapless minion sprawling, while Hagar bared his teeth in a horrible parody of a wide and magnanimous grin,

"Good job, good job! Dat's wot I likes about yoo boys - yoo gets stuff done."


The others nodded and thanked their boss as meekly as possible, so as not to provoke another terrifying display of bonhomie. As luck would have it, Hagar's mood was not to remain as sunny as it was for long.

"Ooooooozzz Yoooooooo! Oooooooooozzzz Yoooooo?!"

As the ululating cry reached the ears of the Severed Hand, Hagar's grin curled into a snarl.

"Bloody Kwae Karrs - shud mind their own bloody business. Anyone can see 'oo we are. 'An dat reminds me - I got a bone or two to pick with dat prat on his fly'in worm. Could 'ave done with him on the other side of dat bridge to give us an 'and crumpin' dem stunties..."

One of his braver flunkies tapped him on the shoulder, duly ducked and gestured to the ruckus that was developing around the distant figure of F'yar and his wyvern,

"I think, Boss, that dere's only going to be 'is bones left, the way that lot are going on."

Hagar's grin returned, much to the chagrin of his little court,

"Well this day jus gets better an' better. No more King tellin' us wot to do. A load of stunties and poncy gits wanting a good bashin' - might even be time after to make some of dem nice and screechy later. Thens we gets to go 'ome wiv plenty of food, not forgetting our lovely loot and all!"


The Elf firing line once more opened up, but presented now with two large targets, they unwisely split their fire. A smattering of arrows fell on the Kwae Karr and Severed Hand columns, but again the the Orcs were literally saved by their tough skins.


The Druid Snart began making his way back to his wounded charges with his two new animal friends in tow, pausing only to shake his fist alternately at the equally incredulous Elves and Orcs.


Back over by the hospital, the more able patients had dragged their insensible comrades to the nearest cart in readiness for the Druid's return.


Hagar Sheol brandished his great battle axe at the defenders of Orc's Drift and his drummer sounded the advance. The main unit of warriors made straight for the barricade and the Elf archers who had dared target them.


Meanwhile, Grashak Kra bounded over the hedge with his hounds in a flanking maneuver, closely followed by the archers.


Glancing surreptitiously back down the road they had marched along, was the now unemployed F'yar Guard. So far the Kwae Karr's had left them alone and the sudden demise of their Overlord hadn't come as an absolute surprise - such was the way of Orcish society. Still, marching at the back of the mob who had just slaughtered the Orc who's face was plastered all over your shield wasn't a good way of getting ahead in life - or so Cole Scuttul thought,

"Don't like this. Don't like this at all..."

"Quit yer moaning - yer want to get us all slotted?"

Chim Neepees had had enough of Scuttul's whining and besides, that kind of talk could get an Orc killed.

"Anyway, we got to get us noticed by the new boss, woss 'e called, Magyar Ironfist - the Iron Guard sounds a bit better than the F'yar Guard  don't yer think?"

Indukt Shuneater suddenly piped up at the mention of their newly proposed name,

"Yer - dem things can get awful 'ot..."

The others looked at each other with the usual mix of incomprehension and derision - and kept marching.


The Kwae Karr archers began forming up along the river bank and prepared fire arrows.  Instinctively the F'yar Guard ducked as Bagrash gave vent to another fireball spell. This time directed at the hospital in Orc's Drift.


The magic missile soared overhead and shattered into a mass of sparks and dancing rivulets of flame as it engulfed the building.


Things were looking bad for the defenders of Orc's Drift and they weren't about to get better. Another cacophonous chorus of chanting assailed the air, this time from the North West. The Vile Rune Tribe had arrived.


Guthrum Mane paused and raised his misshapen snout a little higher in the air. He grunted in rudimentary pleasure as he sniffed hungrily - there was the hint of something tasty on the wind. Dwarf. Oh how he loved Dwarf - small, crunchy and quite often almost pickled from the inside out with lovely booze.

"Mmmmmmm, booze..."

Fangor Gripe instinctively lashed out at the giant with the flat of his sword.

"No booze till you done yer job, yer big lummox"

He knew what would happen if Guthrum got a whiff of the good stuff - his one ton key would find a nice warm corner somewhere and fall asleep.

The Chieftain cast his critical eye over the remnants of his once proud raiding party. They had made the Elves of  Kachas Pass (http://http://teasgettingcold.blogspot.co.uk/2012/01/battle-of-kachas-pass.html)  pay but at what cost. That F'yar had a lot to answer for - maybe he'd come to a sticky end, maybe Gripe would provide that sticky end, stick him like tht snivelling little worm, Silas Meel... Gripe roused himself from these pleasant daydreams and addressed his warriors,

"Now then lads, can yer smell 'em yet? That's right - more of them pointy eared gits down in that village. Who's for a bit more of the old cutting and poking then, eh? Besides, if yer wants to eat tonight we need to catch us some meat, and you know what ole' Guthrum here is like when he gets all famished and grumpy..."

The warriors of the Vile Rune Tribe didn't need the point elaborating further.


Dwarfs and Elves came piling out of the burning hospital, coughing and spluttering at the thick black smoke that belched out of the doorway. They quickly formed up in the redoubt the sappers had built, eyes wide and  knuckles white with anticipation.


Another great crash from the barricade made the nervous troops jump - Beli and Gymlet had succeeded in overturning the other cart. Elf and Dwarf glanced at each other waiting for the order to stop the vandalism but Brommedir seemed completely unaware of the dangerous gaps opening up in their defences.


The Druid Snart brought up the ox and harnessed it to the front of the cart - it was beginning to look like at least someone would escape with their lives!


The Elves manning the barricade let fly another volley and brought down another Orc warrior. Soon it would be time to cast aside the bow and meet scimitar with sword.


The great horde surged forward on all fronts, the Severed Hand racing for the road to be first into battle.


Grashak Kra and the archers continued their flanking move, slipping in the heavy wet clay of the ploughed field.


To their right the Vile Rune Tribe shambled forwards, whooping and thrashing the air with their spears.


A great whooshing noise, as of a swarm of angry bees, signalled the first answering volley of the Kwae Karr archers. Their flaming arrows arced over the teeming masses of Orc warriors to land amid the smoldering rafters of the hospital. Another gout of flame from Bagrash further fanned the flames licking up from the stricken building.


The Dwarf sappers, seeing that the Brommedir was unwilling or possibly even unaware of the holes in their outer defences, took action. Leaping over the redoubt wall they began furiously digging ditches to further frustrate the impending Orc assault.


Heaving the dead weight of Lars Breth (http://teasgettingcold.blogspot.co.uk/2010/07/patients-is-virtue.html) into the waiting cart, Bertolac and Fernbreth wiped the sweat from their brow. They were nearly home and dry and only suffering slight pangs of guilt at leaving their brothers-in-arms behind. Well someone had to warn the city guard in Palesandre...


Their eyes stinging and weeping from the billows of acrid smoke pouring from the raging inferno that was now the hospital, the Elf archers again only stopped a single Orc in its headlong charge towards the wall.


With an almighty howl, Magyar Ironfist and his surviving warriors beat their weapons against their shields. Now the bloody business of revenge would begin. As one they surged forward and crashed into the thin red line.


Behind them the rest of the column continued maneuvering into position. The Kwae Karr archers and Bagrash moved forwards, evil eyes alert for any exposed defenders to pick off.


The Severed Hand were forced to make way for the remaining Kwae Karr column as it marched past with many a jeer and catcall, headed for the main entrance to the village.


Ozrim and his Dwarf sappers began to look somewhat exposed as the main Orc thrust became apparent. The Severed hand Archers and hounds sprang forward to link up with the Vile Rune Orcs, also bearing down on the Grand League's North flank.


Eyeing the approaching Orcs suspiciously, Ozrim turned to Oswen,

"Looks like the old Tusks of the Boar trick don't it. See the fracas over there by the wall - that's just a feint. Stopped those Elves from shooting up their columns hasn't it."

Heartened by the admiring looks offered by his sappers, Ozrim went on,

"Yes, well, you see here - this mob bearing down on us. They'll be one of the boar tusks - part of the main encircling movement that characterises a typical Orc attack. I'd wager a barrel of Bugman's Best that there'll be another "tusk" working its way round our extreme right flank - hope old Broomhead has got it covered. Jolly simple, eh?"

The looks of admiration had somewhat frozen on the faces of his comrades and were slowly being replaced with the pale mask of terror. A timorous voice piped up,

"Erm, sir - wouldn't that be jolly deadly too..."

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: blacksmith on August 03, 2012, 04:22:34 PM
this is pure epic! Fantastic!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: Thantsants on August 04, 2012, 09:23:33 AM
Thanks Blacksmith - this next instalment should take us past the bloated Ben Hur style 3 hour mark!  ;)

"Sir, the Orcs have reached the East wall - our archers need reinforcing. There's more of them approaching from the North!"

Brommedir looked coolly at Aydendorn before giving his measured response,

"It is only a feint, dear boy. I anticipate the main attack to fall upon Chardz's Engineers at the North entrance. I trust he has suitably fortified his position and it is secure. We shall remain here. We have the hospital at our back and command the compound from our redoubt."

Aydendorn looked dubiously at the flames that were now hungrily devouring the hospital's roof. Ominous creaks and groans warned of the timber supports approaching their breaking point.

Brommedir went on,

"Besides, our comrades have been ordered to fallback on my signal. Our piper knows the call..."

The two Elves looked round for their regimental musician as slowly the realisation dawned...

From the East wall came a strangled and desperate whistling and just over the roar of the Orcish battle cry came a faint,

"Spit boy, spit!"


The Orc charge crashed home and yet the Elves stood firm and gave them one last volley before drawing swords. In the confusion of combat neither side managed to land a telling blow but the weight of Orc numbers forced the Elves back from the wall. Backed into a corner with the burning hospital behind them, the Elves made ready to sell their lives dearly.


The sappers had finished preparing the defensive ditches, and as no archers came streaming back from the outer wall as expected they happily hunkered down there, hefting their picks and mattocks in readiness.


Chardz had been contemplating their position. Unhappy that the mealie bag wall they had thrown up was sufficient, he ordered his sappers back to also dig ditches in front of the redoubt and the waiting Elf archers.


With the renewed strength lent to them by desperation, the Elves fought back against the Kwae Karr who had broken through. One Orc fell to their assault, the others unable to penetrate the wall of blades put up by the archers.


Much was the cursing and swearing that darkened the air above Snart. Despite having the horse and ox under his magical control, it was still a struggle to coax them around to the right direction. Eventually the small party looked as though it were ready to leave and not a moment too soon.


The perilous sounding creaks issuing from the stricken hospital began to grow and crescendo. With a great crash the entire structure folded in on itself, sending out great clouds of sparks, ash and smoke. The Kwae Karr archers, who had just peppered it with another volley of flaming arrows, whooped with joy at the destruction they had caused. Bagrash also smiled, as he rubbed his smoking finger having unleashed another fireball in the same direction.

The call was echoed by the rest of the Orc horde as it continued to lap around the walls of Orc's Drift in hungry waves.


The Vile Rune Orcs edged further forward, threatening Chardz's now unprotected outer wall.


While Grashak Kra's hounds leapt the barricade and made for the Dwarfs busily digging beyond it, closely followed by the long-legged and, by now, completely ravenous Guthrum Mane!


Magyar laid about him in a terrible rage, incensed at the Elves rebuff to his charge. One of the archers fell to his onslaught and a few of his Orc warriors got a good cuffing for their lacklustre efforts. They were over the wall, but found themselves locked in a fight to the death - even if the Elves had had somewhere to run, they weren't going to.


Bagrash looked on at his handiwork and let out a cry of exultation. The archers had some small part to play in the destruction of the hospital, but it was he, Bagrash the Scabrous, who had brought the Elves' stronghold down around their pointy little ears.

Still feeling power coursing through his very being, Bagrash stepped forward looking for his next victim. Of course there was one small bit of him that wasn't throbbing with sorcerous might. The shaman paused to reach down under his loin cloth for a good scratch.

None of his preparations had worked, and he , as educated as he was for an Orc, was running out of letters of the alphabet for each new and improved version. "H" had been the last preparation he had tried to no avail. 

Bagrash withdrew his hand and sniffed at his finger, wrinkling his nose in disgust. Then the idea struck him. He looked again at his extended finger and then over to smoking remains of the hospital. His eyes flickered back and forth between finger and charred ruins, mulling the pros and cons of his daring new plan. Finally the old Orc's gaze came to rest on his offending appendage...

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: Thantsants on August 04, 2012, 09:37:40 AM
  As blackened support beams and scorched fragments of daub rained down upon them, Elf and Dwarf alike dived for cover.


 As the dust settled, discipline reasserted itself and archer and sapper once more stood thigh to shoulder.The Dwarf's guarded the approach from the North in their trench and Brommedir split  his detachment to provide all round defence.


Snart's rescue mission entered its final phase, led by the carts departing with their broken cargoes. Following behind and trying not to notice the substantial gaps they had left in the outer defense wall were the walking wounded. Bertolac and Fernbreth limped doggedly onwards, as did Beli and Gymlet, each doing their utmost to drag along a stretcher bearing a fallen comrade.


Brommedir, perhaps thanks to his deafness, was a little less shaken than his bowmen. Surveying the scene of devastation, he caught sight of the two Hobhounds bounding over the outer wall, straight for the Dwarf sappers, now ensconced in their trench.

"Look to your front. Mark your target when it comes. Fire!"

His well-trained bowmen weren't far behind their commander and a deadly storm of arrows stopped the slavering hounds in their tracks.


Things weren't quite so rosy for the archers embroiled in the bloody struggle on the outer wall. Orc after Orc clambered over the mealie bags, slowly encircling the hard pressed Elves. One more fell to the onslaught, taking an Orc with him.


With the clash of steel and the cries of the dying ringing in their ears, Druid Snart and his party finally made good their escape.


The mob swelled, a multitude of savage faces leered out at them. Crude Orcish blades jabbed and thrust at them seemingly from all angles and one by one they succumbed. One young Elf, on the point of breaking under the strain cried out.

"He was right, the Druid was right! Why are we here? We're doo..."

Catching up the standard that fell from the archer's lifeless hands, the last survivor growled,

"Because we're here lad, because we're here."

Sarjen Bouwern lifted the proud banner, resplendent in scarlet and silver, and brandished it in defiance to the green throng that pressed in on all sides...


With the destruction of the Elf defenders on the East wall, Magyar Ironfist let out a great howl of triumph. The call was picked up in turn until it spread through much of the Orc horde, reaching an ear splitting climax. Then silence. Slowly a rhythmic clashing began to grow as Orc after Orc rapped weapon against shield. The remaining Elves and Dwarfs shifted uneasily in their positions as the terrible rhythm increased in speed and volume. As it reached fever pitch, there came another great cry and the green tide rushed in.


The Orcs charged on all fronts! Ozrim and his engineers felt the ground literally quake as Guthrum Mane thundered into them, closely followed by Grashak Kra, berserk with rage at the demise of his hounds. For one of the Dwarfs, the trench he had dug became his grave, smashed by the enormous glaive wielded by the giant.


The sappers at the main entrance came under increased pressure as the second unit of Kwae Karr Orcs charged in. Despite the weight of numbers against them, the Dwarfs were well protected by their trench.


Magyar's victorious Orcs pressed on through the smoldering ruins of the hospital, charging into Brommedir's small detachment. The Elves, with typical discipline, stood firm and snapped off a quick volley at their attackers. Somehow the Orcs came through it unscathed.

Behind them the Severed Hand Orcs jumped the barricade unopposed and began working their way round the melee to try and outflank the redoubt. The F'yar Guard had a similar plan, working their way round the now undefended outer wall.

As the other detachment of archers dashed over to join their comrades, one Elf fell to a well placed thrust from an Orc sword. Buoyed up by the reinforcements, the archers fought back dispatching one of the brutal creatures.


The desperate struggle between the Hill giant and Chardz' sappers ground on. Guthrum Mane's ill coordinated attacks were easy enough to dodge in the trench, yet the Dwarf's couldn't land a penetrating blow on their tough adversary. That is until Guthrum, mad with hunger and frustration, jabbed down into the ditch, skewering two unfortunate engineers.


The Severed Hand Orcs joined the fray, charging the Dwarf sappers who stood in their way. One Dwarf fell to their great axes for the loss of two Orc warriors. Sneaking slyly up behind, the F'yar Guard continued their flanking move.


Calling out encouragement to their Hill giant, the Vile Rune Orcs edged forward, waiting eagerly for a gap to appear in the defences to exploit.


The situation was desperate. The compound was rapidly filling with Orcs as they poured in over the uncontested outer walls. The defenders found themselves beset on all sides, hemmed into their central redoubt by the screaming mob. The air was rent with the clamour of battle and the cries of the wounded. Over all this came the voice of the new Orc King,

"Who dares face me, Magyar Ironfist, King Killer, Crusher of the North and Scourge of Ramalia?"

Aydendorn nudged his commander furiously, lest it be him who was mistaken for the Grand League's Champion,

"I think he means you sir!"

"Eh, what's that? Can't you see I'm a bit busy..."

Before they lost any more face in delaying answering the challenge, Aydendorn took matters into his own hands. With absolutely no thought for his own safety, he span the unsuspecting Brommedir round and bravely propelled him towards the waiting Orc.

Losing his footing as he stumbled forward, Brommedir found himself hurtling straight towards an enormous and very angry looking Chieftain. Unable to stop himself, the hapless Elf blundered straight into his adversary, silver helm connecting with Orc skull.

Not exactly expecting his challenge to be met in such a manner, Magyar staggered back in surprise. Brommedir had no problems hearing the great Orc's snarl of anger. The tumult around them seemed to fade away as they circled each other warily, looking for a chink in the other's guard...


Well almost done. I've got some family stuff on this weekend so the climactic last episode will have to wait till next week.

Don't worry though - its pure Hollywood!  :D

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: DeafNala on August 04, 2012, 12:08:58 PM
There's nothing like a good cliff hanger...unless you're the one hanging. GREAT REPORT & WONDERFUL PHOTOS...is it Monday yet?
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: tomogui on August 04, 2012, 05:18:12 PM
Sniff... I'm very much looking forward to the denouement, but I also don't want it to ever end.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: B. Basiliscus on August 04, 2012, 06:33:45 PM
Good stuff, good stuff!
This wait is going to be hell on all of us.  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: FramFramson on August 04, 2012, 10:16:00 PM
Things do not look good for our heroes!

... unless you're rooting for the orcs, that is.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: Dementation on August 04, 2012, 10:32:10 PM
Great report, can't wait for the conclusion!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: Erny on August 04, 2012, 10:43:28 PM
It may be BecauseI'm a great big nerdy geek or inspire of it but there is some genuine tension here. Edge of me seat.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: Mason on August 05, 2012, 11:13:31 AM
Absolutely wonderful, my good man.

Great to see this epic story nearing its completion.

"Oooooozzz Yooooooooo?!

Just clocked all the shield designs.
Classic, especially the Severed Hand.

Looking forward to the final installment.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: Doomhippie on August 05, 2012, 04:26:09 PM
Wonderful thread. Said it before, say it now and will say so again. And thanks for the beautiful and great storytelling!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: Vinlander on August 07, 2012, 01:27:53 PM
Thansants, I have doffed my hat to you so many times in the course of this project that I can't find it anymore!

 :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: Dr. Zombie on August 07, 2012, 01:36:08 PM
This is simply stunning!

I love it. Give me more - much more!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: Thantsants on August 07, 2012, 02:30:37 PM
Well folks this is it - the final installment. My thanks to all of you who have stuck with this project which has now been almost two and a half year's in the making! Well a few of those months were admittedly spent in inactivity for various real life reasons. All your lovely comments have been really appreciated - glad you'v enjoyed the ride.


It feels a little strange to have finished I must admit, but this is by no means the end of Orc's Drift. I hope to hook up with some fellow willing Oldhammerers at some point and I'm sure I won't have to hard a job to talk them into playing through these scenarios again, although I can't promise a write-up of these proportions I'm afraid!

Anyway, this isn't an acceptance speech so I won't gush anymore - on with the show...


Brommedir circled warily around the Orc Chieftain, sword poised in classical fencing pose, ready to turn the brute's attack. All was not well however, and his ears still rang from the impact of his helm on the creature's thick skull. Damned odd, he thought to himself, sounds like a great wagon train. He paused briefly to straighten said helm and to brush the dust off his scarlet cloak, eyes never leaving his hulking opponent. A chap ought to look smart in front of the men after all. Shouting over to his subaltern, Brommedir prepared for the fight of his life,

"Aydendorn, form a platoon. The redoubt must stand..."

Then, over the roar of battle came a call from Chardz on the Dwarven defensive line by the compound entrance,

"Broomhead, where are you? Reinforce the North wall, dammit, we are overrun!"

Torn in both directions with only a pitiful handful of archers left at his command Aydendorn despaired,

"Haven't you had enough? Both of you! My god, can't you see it's all over! Your bloody egos don't matter anymore. We're dead!"

And still the green throng swelled...


Chardz' detachment were certainly on the verge of being overrun. Beset on all sides by Kwae Karr warriors and the Hill Giant, it was all the Dwarfs could do to stay alive. Chardz leapt atop the parapet of the trench and brought his sword crashing into Guthrum's leg. The giant looked down in annoyance at the pinprick before felling Chardz' standard bearer with an irritable sweep of his blade.


The swirling combat that raged between the Elves and Kwae Karr Orcs in the redoubt ground on, neither side able to press an advantage home. Brommedir and Magyar exchanged blows, each seeking for a gap in the other's defences.

Hagar Sheol had more luck as he dived into the sappers' trench, bringing his great axe down on a hapless Dwarf's head. Howling in triumph, he beckoned forth his warriors to join the fray.


Outside the compound the archers of the Kwae Karr and Severed Hand moved up to the perimeter wall, eyes still peeled for likely targets. Bagrash came with them, ready to bend the winds of magic to his evil intent.


Also eager to taste battle, the Vile Rune Orcs pressed forward further threatening to swamp the beleagured Dwarfs.


The sappers over by the East Wall fared little better as the F'yar Guard added their weight to the struggle. The Dwarf engineers were now completely surrounded, Orc boots lining the entire length of the lip of the trench they had dug. The impact of their charge claimed the life of another Dwarf, although the plucky defenders managed to stave off Hagar Sheol's vicious attacks.


Chardz hefted his sword and bravely braced himself for another round in his seemingly mismatched duel with the Giant. Seeing a gap in Guthrum's tattered chainmail, he swung with all his might. The Giant bellowed in pain as Dwarven steel parted the tough hide and knotted sinew beneath. The dwarf was to pay for his valiant efforts, however, as blow after blow rained down from above, tearing great rents in the Mithril finery of his armour. Both opponents now eyed each other with a little more respect as they nursed their wounds.


Standing back to back with his commander, Oswen the unit's musician still sang on. Parrying blows with desperate abandon, his song didn't falter, even when an Orc blade got through, only to be turned by his armour.


The clash and clamour of the fight for the redoubt seemed to slacken slightly as the combatants began to tire. Again both sides fought doggedly on, neither Orc nor Elf willing to give an inch of ground. Amidst the weary combatants, Brommedir skipped lithely out of the way of Magyar's reach.


Bagrash stepped up to the outer wall, foul incantations issuing forth from his snarling lips. The guttural chant rose in pitch and volume, containing within it a rage and delight in the letting of blood. The shaman gestured towards his Chieftain and King sending forth the fury of battle. Magyar Ironfist and the Kwae Karr warriors around him stopped as though transfixed for a moment before a dreadful light crept into their eyes. The Orcs let out a great shout, gnashing their teeth and crashing sword against shield as they worked themselves into a terrible frenzy.


With the awful strength of berserkers the Kwae Karr again laid into the remnants of Brommedir's Bows. Two Elves were bludgeoned to the ground by the frenzied attacks; the last survivor somehow impaling his attacker as he stumbled back from the onslaught.

Brommedir found himself no longer able to stay out of reach as Magyar bore down on him. Again failing to land a single blow, the Elf commander cried out as the Orc King's cruelly spiked club crashed home, penetrating plate steel and flesh alike. Bloodied but alive, Brommedir staggered to his feet and grimly raised his guard once more.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - Now playing!
Post by: Thantsants on August 07, 2012, 02:44:10 PM
Hagar Sheol continued his rampage in the trench, hacking down another Engineer, while his warriors and the F'yar guard jabbed their weapons down at the hard pressed Dwarfs.


Chardz looked up once more at his huge adversary, narrowing his eyes at the watery sunlight that filtered through the pall of cloud that hung over the Drift. Gritting his teeth at the burning pain in his side, he began to whirl his great sword about his head, yelling a frantic war cry as he advanced.

Guthrum paused, a little consternation piercing the fog of his mind. Little 'uns weren't supposed to do this. They were supposed to run. Screaming. This one, however, kept hitting him. Hard. Indecision paralysed Guthrum as he struggled to formulate a plan. He didn't want to get hurt again and there must be easier things to eat than this angry Dwarf. But the screaming mob of Orcs behind him prevented retreat. Guthrum roared in frustration and... pain?


An almighty bellow rent the air as the massive frame of the Hill Giant swayed. Guthrum looked about in confusion, clutching at the gaping hole in his belly, before slowly crashing to the ground. Chardz paused, leaning heavily on his bloodied sword.

The furious yell of the Vile Rune roused him from his fatigue and the doughty hero prepared to receive the next charge...


"Oswen, Oswen, I can't hear you. Where's that song you were singing?"

Chardz looked round for his trusty musician, only to see the leering visage of a Kwae Karr warrior. The Orc placed a filthy boot on the prone form of Oswen and with a great heave, pulled its crude blade out of his chest...


Bagrash stalked into the compound, delighting at the destruction that lay all around. Once more he began the chant that would instill a frenzied rage in his warriors, this time directing the spell at the F'yar Guard.


Surrounded as they were, beset on all sides and tiring fast, the remaining Dwarf sappers didn't stand a chance against the enraged shock troops.


Steel shod Orc boots trod Dwarf blood into the mud as the horde pressed on.


As the last Elf archer fell, Brommedir also found himself surrounded by a ring of berserk Orcs. Using all his skill, the graceful Elf dodged attack after attack, leaving two throats spouting dark ichor. Magyar Ironfist saw his chance and once more sent the Elf commander sprawling with a mighty blow.


Chardz afforded himself a quick glance in the direction of the redoubt. He saw Brommedir locked in his desperate struggle - the only other last island of resistance in a sea of green. With a darkly humorous grin the Engineer called out to his comrade,

"Well, you've fought your first action."

Brommedir, in between parries and feints, called breathlessly back,

"Does everyone feel like this at the end?"

"How do you feel?"

 The Elf caught the Dwarf's eye across the the Orc infested compound, previous enmities now forgotten,

"I feel... sick."

Brommedir's confession softened Chardz' heart momentarily, and to disguise his emotion he gruffly shouted back,

"Well, you have to be alive to feel sick."

The slight tremble in the Dwarf's voice betrayed him and Brommedir smiled weakly,

"You asked me, I told you. There's... something else. I feel proud to have fought with you..."


With that Brommedir turned once more to his persecutors, his once shining armour tarnished with his life blood, his cloak tattered and besmirched with mud. Again his sword sang through the air and this time it was the Orc Chieftain's blood that polluted the ground. Yet he could not hold out forever and slowly the mob closed in...


Chardz faced a wall of green. Ready to sell his life dearly, the Dwarf raised his trusty sword above his head once more. He no longer felt the wound in his side. Nor did he pay any heed to the hate filled eyes, flashing teeth or Orcish cries that approached. In the last moments before storm broke around him Osrim listened to the call of his ancestors and smiled. He would go out in a blaze of glory and red ruin...



Flags fluttered gaily from the gleaming spires of Palesandre and the city bustled as it always did, as if unaware of the impending tumult that threatened to engulf it. A rider broke free of the busy streets and galloped furiously through the palace grounds, incongruous in his haste. Barely waiting for the page to take his horse, the rider hurried up the grand staircase and through the great double doors that led to the throne room.

Lord-Commander Helmsford, Prince-regent and General of the Grand League's armies looked up from his maps at the sudden entrance,

"Ah, Major Crealock, to what do we owe this unexpected and precipitous surprise? How goes the fight with the Goblin host at Ortar?"

"Excuse me, my Lord, there's something I must convey to you. I rode along the highway down to Orc's Drift. The sky above is red with fire. Your orders my Lord? Do we move to the Drift?"

Outside the city went about its business as black clouds spread from the North in a pall across the sky...

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - The Grand Finale
Post by: B. Basiliscus on August 07, 2012, 04:42:52 PM
Excellent closing to an excellent series of gameplay!
I'm really going to miss this, thanks for going through all the work to show it to us!

One thing leaves me confused, though. Did the shaman cure his 'problem', and how?
Did he burn his junk off in the blazing ruins of the hospital, or rub the ashes on it? It's an odd thing to pick out and ask about, but I feel that I must.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - The Grand Finale
Post by: tomogui on August 07, 2012, 05:18:14 PM
Thantsants, this was amazing and a very satisfying conclusion to a truly epic folly. This sort of madness is what our hobby is all about! Just inspirational stuff. Thank you very much for sharing it with us.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - The Grand Finale
Post by: blacksmith on August 07, 2012, 07:03:04 PM
Truly Homeric!
Now we demand a whole replay of Orcs Drift, this time winning the good ones!  :D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - The Grand Finale
Post by: Mason on August 07, 2012, 09:35:34 PM
 :-* :-* :-*

Bloody brilliant, Thatsants!

It has been a pleasure following this to its finish(?!?).
Wonderful storytelling matched with a wonderful collection of painted classics.
What more could we ask of you?

Except for more!

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - The Grand Finale
Post by: Funghy-Fipps on August 07, 2012, 10:31:44 PM
As I wrote on your blog watching this project progress has given me a great deal of pleasure and I have to admit to being a little sad to see it finish (and in such an epic fashion, too!). 

Thank you very much for taking the time to share it with us all. 
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - The Grand Finale
Post by: Thantsants on August 08, 2012, 12:03:00 AM
Thank you for humouring me in my folly Tomogui!  :D

One thing leaves me confused, though. Did the shaman cure his 'problem', and how?
Did he burn his junk off in the blazing ruins of the hospital, or rub the ashes on it? It's an odd thing to pick out and ask about, but I feel that I must.

Not at all - I think I meant to drop in a hint somewhere that would have shed some more light on Bagrash's little problem. Lets just say there's no danger of any little Bagrashes running around anymore! No chance of any more infection down there either as the shaman managed to cauterise the whole area...  :o

Or if you prefer the gentler version - think E.T.  ;)

Now we demand a whole replay of Orcs Drift, this time winning the good ones!

Well Blacksmith who knows what might come out of the Oldhammer Player Registry?

Mason - I do have a Goblin horde waiting to be painted and the back story of the diversionary attack on Ortar to flesh out...  ;)

But that'll have to wait until I've finished Return of the Magnificent Sven.  :D

So don't be sad Funghy - plenty more to come! (http://groupspaces.com/OldhammerPlayerRegistryUK/)
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - The Grand Finale
Post by: Mason on August 08, 2012, 12:31:09 AM

Oldhammer Player Registry?

Mason - I do have a Goblin horde waiting to be painted and the back story of the diversionary attack on Ortar to flesh out...  ;)

But that'll have to wait until I've finished Return of the Magnificent Sven.  :D

Great news!

I have been keeping an eye on Sven, too... ;)

Just joined the Oldhammer registry as well, so thanks for the linky!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift
Post by: Centaur_Seducer on August 08, 2012, 01:53:54 AM
Literally all I've got is the scenario booklet and the command sheets so I thought I'd scratchbuild some buildings (hahahah - when I get the time), scour ebay for whatever original minis I can and use proxies in the main...

 target - get it played this summer!  >:D
I just had to quote this as a reminder for myself lol

Dear Thantsants,
Your project has been a joy to follow, and albeit I rarely recall Warhammer Fantasy Battles until late 90' (I was a Sci-Fi guy after all), I do have fond memories of the local shops displaying various armies. One of them was, if I remember correct, the whole McDeath set. I met the guy years later and asked him about the miniatures. He said that his former wife threw them away when they made room for another baby...
Anyhow, I do look forward to all your coming ventures, and I must confess that you're project has been a great walk down memory lane.
So thank you!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - The Grand Finale
Post by: FramFramson on August 08, 2012, 04:47:03 AM
A hell of an adventure, from start to finish.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - The Grand Finale
Post by: DeafNala on August 08, 2012, 12:15:29 PM
There is something sad about the finales of great movies & battle reports...of course I could always go back & reread the Beasty. That aside, WONDROUSLY WELL DONE! ENCORE!
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - The Grand Finale
Post by: Thantsants on August 13, 2012, 10:54:20 PM
Literally all I've got is the scenario booklet and the command sheets so I thought I'd scratchbuild some buildings (hahahah - when I get the time), scour ebay for whatever original minis I can and use proxies in the main...

 target - get it played this summer! 
I just had to quote this as a reminder for myself

Yikes, that's going back a bit - ah the naivety of youth!  lol

Cheers Siversixx, although the story about the McDeath miniatures is very distressing!  :o

Thanks Fram and Deafnala - it is a bit sad I must admit, but at least Lustria is beckoning  >:D
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - The Grand Finale
Post by: VoodooInk on August 18, 2012, 07:30:41 PM
There is something sad about the finales of great movies & battle reports...of course I could always go back & reread the Beasty. That aside, WONDROUSLY WELL DONE! ENCORE!

I agree on all counts. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I'm sad that's it over. Well done sir! Well done indeed...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - The Grand Finale
Post by: Thantsants on August 23, 2012, 04:46:20 PM
Cheers Voodoo - I'll perhaps be able to make some time to have a go at your tasty looking OP4S rules, or play some more Havoc, which I haven't done in a while.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - The Grand Finale
Post by: dampfpanzerwagon on August 23, 2012, 05:27:36 PM

This is what wargaming should be about.  Thank you for ALL the postings.

Title: Re: Orc's Drift - The Grand Finale
Post by: thebinmann on May 05, 2022, 04:10:36 PM
Still stunning after all these years...
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - The Grand Finale
Post by: Elk101 on May 05, 2022, 06:12:22 PM
That's some threadomancy there! However, there's some great old lead (and plastic) there. Really cool to see those figures.
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - The Grand Finale
Post by: FramFramson on May 06, 2022, 06:41:27 PM
One LAF thread I doubt I'll ever forget.

Ten years though! Wow!  o_o
Title: Re: Orc's Drift - The Grand Finale
Post by: thebinmann on May 06, 2022, 08:21:20 PM
Yeah that ages me... and it started 12 years ago!