Heaven help me, I am getting 10mm urges again. It's not like I haven't got 10 years worth of 28mm projects to complete.
But early this year I painted a quick 15mm army for AK47 and rather enjoyed it and that has sort of broken my resistance to going smaller...6mm is beyond the pale of course.
But 10mm...mmmm- there is sort of something exciting about cramming a lot of figures on a base and 10mm seems just about the proper size.
I could maybe do periods that I could not afford to do in 28mm, for instance ACW.
Pendraken seem to be the best , but what other manufacturers are out there? And how do they all compare/match up with each other?
[edit] I just found Kallistra. They call themselves 12mm. In practice are the Kallistra and Pendraken compatible?