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Author Topic: Blood Compass - solo narrative skirmish campaign Part 4  (Read 2873 times)

Offline Spinal Tap

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Blood Compass - solo narrative skirmish campaign Part 4
« on: February 25, 2024, 12:39:04 PM »
As some may recall I embarked on putting together a Gothic Horror/VSF style game by a friend who was really keen to play but not to build terrain or collect/put together miniatures.

Consequently, as he seemed so keen, I put a fair bit of effort into getting it all sorted and we played our first game.

That was also our last, as a lot of personal problems swamped him all at once, and I put the terrain and figures away.

I've been wanting to resurrect the project but this time as a solo project, heavy on narrative - my favourite way to play if I'm honest.

Although there are VSF elements the main story will features Fae creatures, Vampires and Werewolves etc. so I think it sits best here.

The initial story line is loosely based on Graham Harrison's (Sunjester on LAF) excellent Sellswords and Spellslingers supplement, Night of the Assassins and also uses the SS and SS rules with minor mods.

The World of 1895

The coronation of Queen Victoria in 1837 precipitated great unrest in Albion and led, in 1845, to the Second Civil War, a most vicious campaign pitting the Glorious Albion Empire against the Free North.

The Free North held that the wealth of the nation was created in the North and squandered by the South, an assertion which held some truth; in addition, whilst Albion sought to dominate or destroy the creatures of the Fae, the more liberal North wished for greater co-operation with the otherworldly beings who were amenable to such treaties.

Following 2 brutal years an uneasy truce was made, signed on the 11h July 1847 at Warwick Castle, and the truth of Albion as two states in uneasy alliance was realised.

Victoria’s government continued to rule and expand her empire from Llyndon whilst a Lord Protector and New Model Army controlled the Northern half of the island.

It’s Parliament and political power was based in the Scottish capital, Din Eidyn, it’s merchants in Liuerpul and it’s scientific community at Jorvik.

The war had accelerated scientific and military capabilities and led to both sides making vast advances along with and the revelation of non-human societies that had lived hidden among them for millennia.

The visionaries of history claimed that the skies would become full of airships; electric and steam powered vehicles would traverse the land and sea; Werewolves, Vampires and other unearthly beings would become commonplace; the Moon and near planets would come within reach; and lost civilisations be found in the unexplored corners of the globe.

Although great possibilities now existed the balances of power around the globe had been disturbed.
Rival nations would instigate their own advances in science and military capabilities, diverse multinational criminal organisations would flourish and not all creatures of the darkness would as benevolent as the first to make truces and treaties.

The year is now 1895 and all this has come to pass.

Jorvik Academy of Natural and Unnatural Sciences

The purpose of the Academy, founded in 1867 by the most renowned scientific mind of the era, Marek Adamis, was to apply a rigorous scientific approach to the study and understanding of both natural and unnatural phenomena.

Although it’s original purpose remains it is now also charged with the protection of the people of the Free North and her allies from wherever potential ham may arise.

Comprising of over 200 individuals, predominantly made up of academics, ex-soldiers, reformed criminals and law enforcement personnel, it has departments dedicated to all the sciences.

For example, one building has departments responsible for Exotic Weapons,  Moon Exploration and Undersea Transportation.

Another comprises of a force of Occult Specialists sharing offices with the Lost Worlds Department.

The Academy is staffed primarily by humans with their numbers bolstered by the supernatural, automatons and, occasionally, ethereal beings of unknown origin.

All are dedicated to the protection of citizens and the advancement of science, be it natural or otherwise.

Fittingly, the acronym for the Academy is JANUS, the name of the two head Roman God, bearing both human and Fae features and looking all ways.

God-Janus-1 by markndebs, on Flickr

The 'O' Department

The ‘O’ Department deals with all matters related to the Occult, be it Vampires, Witches, Werewolves or the Undead.

It is led by the eminent Vampirologist, Professor Bernard Ampleforth; a founding member of the department, Professor Ampleforth is one of the Worlds leading authorities on Vampires and, despite his age, is a skilled Vampire hunter.

P3300074 by markndebs, on Flickr

The Professor is aided by a much younger, but particularly talented, man, Elijah Gilbert-Barrow, who is reported to have great knowledge, and hatred, of the occult.

Elijah’s entire family were slaughtered by Werewolves while he was away fighting in the service of the Lord Protector.

He has dedicated his life since to the eradication of the most evil packs with the hope that, one day, he’ll find those responsible.

There is an uneasy truce between Elijah and the next member of the group; Jesse Moonwalker.

P3200080 by markndebs, on Flickr

Jesse is a Werewolf from across the Great Ocean. He had been turned at a young age and consequently shunned by his family and community, eventually being sold to a circus, run by a cadre of Vampires, to become a major attraction at full moon fighting all manner of beasts.

The circus obtained a rare herb, Banefold, which allowed them to force Jesse to remain in werewolf form forever and fight every night; eventually resulting in the loss of an arm in a particularly violent confrontation with a Were-bear.

On one summers evening in 1890 Professor Ampleforth and his colleagues waited for the show to end then destroyed the Vampire circus folk. Most of the ‘acts’ were released or relocated, but Jesse was so violent that the team wanted to destroy him out of hand.

Ampleforth would not hear it and marched into Jesse’s cage, started to give first aid and speak with the wolf-man.

This simple act of kindness created an unbreakable bond between the two, Jesse travelled with the Professor to Jorvik and was provided with a powered mechanical arm.

He now joins the Professor on all his excursions and is a common, if frightening, sight to the residents of Jorvik.

P4040012 by markndebs, on Flickr

Dr James Wilson qualified as a medical practitioner almost 20 years ago and spent his early years of practice tending the ills of Burgh’s elites.

One day he simply did not turn up at his surgery, the next it was for sale and the following week Dr Wilson was tending to the poor in the docks; sometimes for a pittance but often for free.

His works with the poor attracted significant accolade but very little in the way of finance.

Consequently the good doctor was nearly as poor as his patients.

He saw his first Vampire a few years after moving to the docks, an old female who had travelled from Latvos on an old steamer.

He had been called to tend to multiple wounds to sailors and, on arrival, found not only wounded but 4 dead sailors. As he practiced his calling, for so he considered it, the Vampire attacked.

Fortunately an old sword, souvenir of travels to foreign climbs for one sailor, was at hand and James felled it with one blow, severing the creatures head from it’s body.

As the threat from Vampires grew so did the need for brave men of medicine to work alongside Vampire hunters, providing healing during the heat of battle. James was subsequently recruited to JANUS and eventually found himself joining Ampleforth.

He still carries the bent old sword with him along with a battered service pistol. Besides these he owns one suit, one waistcoat, one cloak, one hat and one pair of shoes, all have seen better days.

Anything more he considers frivolity and all he earns goes to support his, and others, good works.

P4100002 by markndebs, on Flickr

The next member of this group is the eccentric millionaire landowner, Tobias McGrath, who has a passion for hunting; Vampires being his latest obsession.

His presence within this team is as a result of his abilities with a rifle and the large donations he makes to JANUS annually.

A bonus for the team is that he is not at all arrogant and is, in fact, a thoroughly likable chap.

Jesse has gruffly warned Tobias to not even think about moving onto Werewolves. This warning is delivered with a smile, but there is some steel behind the joviality.

P4120001 by markndebs, on Flickr

The newest member of Professor Ampleforth’s Vampire Eradication Group is Jim Sugden, a farmer’s son from the Old Shire, who has been working as a gardener at the Academy for just less than 2 years.

A few weeks previous Jim, while sharpening a scythe, heard the screams of a group of young ladies; gallantly he rushed to their aid, finding them accosted by a pair of ‘Turned’ Vampires.

With little hesitation he engaged the fiends and severed their heads with the scythe.

Suitably impressed by his bravery, Ampleforth offered him a role in the team which Jim gratefully accepted.

As as result of the manner of his first kills, and a little to do with his gruff demeanor, he has become known as The Jim Reaper; he is not particularly happy with this nickname, much to the amusement of the rest of the company.

P6190010 by markndebs, on Flickr

« Last Edit: April 29, 2024, 03:40:13 PM by Spinal Tap »

Offline Aethelflaeda was framed

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Re: Blood Compass - Solo narrative skirmish campaign
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2024, 02:32:03 PM »
Please, Sir. Can I have some more!

aka Mick the Metalsmith

Margate and New Orleans

Offline Malamute

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Re: Blood Compass - Solo narrative skirmish campaign
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2024, 03:13:25 PM »
Great fun! :)
"These creatures do not die like the bee after the first sting, but go on age after age, feeding on the blood of the living"  - Abraham Van Helsing

Offline Spinal Tap

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Re: Blood Compass - Solo narrative skirmish campaign
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2024, 04:50:09 PM »
Great fun! :)

Thank you.

Please, Sir. Can I have some more!

Oh, go on then  :)

The Winterthorns

One of the oldest Noble Vampire families in Albion, the Winterthorns are generally well regarded, obtain their blood commercially, and have had the ear of world leaders for centuries.

They are involved in a multitude of good works for the betterment of all species, and influence Vampire/Human interaction across the globe from their position on the Noble Vampire Council.

The Council stance on inter-species relations is opposed by the Holy Vampiric Order, led by Sophia Jagiellon, previous Queen of Prussia, thought to have died in 1512, but actually retired from public view as her Vampiric features became more difficult to conceal.

The Order considers all other species to be subservient and categorised as prey or pets, although they will offer a subservient vampire status to more useful individuals on occasion; these ‘turned’ are fiercely loyal and often more cruel than Nobles.

In recent years, Adrasteia Winterthorn, the youngest daughter, but also the most talented and ruthless, rebelled against her parents and left the family estate, taking her 3 siblings, Feliceia, Graven and Redford with her.

They travelled to the Holy Vampiric Order’s seat of power in Prussia to pledge their allegiance to Sophia and now do her bidding around the globe with a view to total world domination.

The Winterthorn dynasty was severely diminished by theses defections and their power has waned accordingly. However, it is rumoured that Constance, the illegitimate daughter of the Lady Winterthorn, has recently been made the sole beneficiary of the Winterthorn estates and her half-siblings disavowed.

20210612_112147 by markndebs, on Flickr

L to R : Adrasteia, Felicia, Redford and Graven.

20240226_161412 by markndebs, on Flickr

Sophia Jagiellon circa 1855

The Winterthorns are, at the insistence of Sophia Jagiellon,  working with one of her most trusted lieutenants, Luvick Siervage.

Luvick is feared across Europe, especially by Werewolves who he hunts mercilessly, and is intent on bringing his own brand of terror to the Isles of Albion, along with his manservant, Matthias Kharkov.

Matthias has served the Siervage family for over 400 years and was horribly disfigured saving Luvick from volley shot from a stake gun.

Unfortunately Matthias was in bat form when he threw himself into the line of fire and became horribly crippled as he attempted to revert to his human appearance with the stake embedded in his flesh.

Consequently he is known to most as Matthias the Twisted although it’s unclear if that is in respect of his body or his mind.

Matthias leads The Brood, a sect of fanatical assassins. Their number consists of men willing to do anything to become Vampires, along with a small cadre of those already successful.

P6190003 by markndebs, on Flickr

P6190007 by markndebs, on Flickr

20230619_121533 by markndebs, on Flickr

Legions of Evil

JANUS has long noted the increase in supernatural events across the Free North and is acutely aware that this is occurring, although to a lesser extent, worldwide.

Feral vampires wreaking havoc in small communities, killing humans and livestock alike; long dead warriors again marching to battle; spirits leaving the safety of their traditional haunting grounds to harass, and sometimes destroy, local communities.

In the sewers of the great cities, giant, diseased rats take on attributes of man as have wolves and bears in the past – but these rats have human wit to match their vermin cunning.

The wilderness is now filled with all manner of strange creatures, rising up against mankind, and displaying a daring not seen before, moving and attacking in the open, often during daylight hours.

Meanwhile, the Were-beasts, excepting the city rats, have retreated to the most remote corners of the globe, keen to not become involved in the forthcoming war.

The Noble Vampire Council, which remains aligned to both the Free North and the Glorious Albion Empire, has called a gathering of themselves and the world nations; this is an extremely rare occurrence, last happening over 150 years ago, and they must have a matter of some great import to discuss.

The Gathering

The Noble Vampire Council reports that Sophia Jagiellon, Queen of the Holy Vampiric Order, has identified The Free North as the perfect initial conquest in her bid for global domination.

She has instructed the errant Winterthorns and their allies to act as generals, marshalling the forces of the occult to subjugate the fledgling nations population and, eventually, overthrow it’s legal government.

Sophia has returned to Castle Jagiellon to feast and rest in preparation for assuming the throne once the country is taken.

Legend says that the Castle exists in a parallel realm and can only be found with the aid of a Blood Compass, a necromantic device that has been bathed in the blood of 13 good men.

Prior Secundus of the Order of Monks at Odersfelt Abbey reported that the Order was currently seeking the location of such a device and would make the location known to JANUS once discovered.

It was agreed that JANUS and the Monks would endeavour to locate and recover the hellish device, travel to the Castle, and defeat the Vampire Queen.

Representatives of the Fae, the remaining members of the Noble Vampiric Order and nations of the world will assist where able.

So the search, and the war, begins.

Blood Compass by markndebs, on Flickr

Offline Malamute

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Re: Blood Compass - Solo narrative skirmish campaign
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2024, 05:11:52 PM »
Excellent story, very entertaining so far. :)

Offline Captain Darling

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Re: Blood Compass - Solo narrative skirmish campaign
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2024, 08:54:15 PM »
Good work on both your figures and background…
"There's nothing cushy about life in the Women's Auxiliary Balloon Corps!"


Offline Ragnar

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Re: Blood Compass - Solo narrative skirmish campaign
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2024, 12:01:14 AM »
Great fun! :)

Indeed!  Looking forward to seeing more.
Gods, monsters and men,
Will die together in the end.

Offline Spinal Tap

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Re: Blood Compass - Solo narrative skirmish campaign
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2024, 07:18:11 AM »
Odersfelt Abbey

Odersfelt Abbey sits close to the border between the towns of Odersfelt and Mirefield, built on an ancient Celtic site of religious importance.

The Abbey was built in the 12th Century by William De Lyons following the expansion of Benedictine Monasteries of the Bursfelde Congregation, named after it’s first site, Bursfelde Abbey.

Bursfelde Abbey, located in Lower Saxony, Germany, was not a typical Abbey, and it’s works were not only religious in nature.

The Bursfelde Order, on the instructions of Pope Urban the Second, was formed and charged with improving the human relationship with the Fae world; of which the Catholic Church had always been aware but publicly denied.

Monks of the Order were trained in the supernatural and combat, in order to address concerns which might affect human life and civilisation. They abandon their names when ordained and are, henceforth, referred to by numbers concurrent with their rank.

Over the next 100 years the Order spread to all the European Nations including Albion, with Odersfelt to the North and Ealing to the South; both enjoying significant additions and alterations over the years.

Their involvement in protecting the realm allowed them to survive the excesses of Henry the Eighth and his Dissolution; not even such an entitled Monarch as Henry would risk that, at least once he was made aware of the dangers of the Fae.

The Abbey at Odersfelt sits close to Kirklyes Priory and, since the late 18th Century, the Prioress and her nuns have worked alongside their male counterparts in their tasks.

The current Prioress, Ann of Broadleigh, is a fierce and dedicated woman; well able to seek out and destroy evil with her sword and dagger or influence their actions with argument.

Odersfelt Abbey by markndebs, on Flickr

Odersfelt Abbey 1796 Image by Darkmoon Art offered free to use for non commercial purposes

P3060074 by markndebs, on Flickr

P3060076 by markndebs, on Flickr

P3060077 by markndebs, on Flickr

Offline Sunjester

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Re: Blood Compass - Solo narrative skirmish campaign
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2024, 07:28:27 AM »
Brilliant!!! A fantastic collection of figures, I am really looking forward to seeing how this project develops.

Offline Spinal Tap

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Re: Blood Compass - Solo narrative skirmish campaign
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2024, 07:40:24 AM »
Brilliant!!! A fantastic collection of figures, I am really looking forward to seeing how this project develops.

The starting point for these is your book, Night of the Assassins.

I have a number of other stories I want to play out in this world, some of which will involve Sellswords rules but others may use Frostgrave, Fistful of Lead and The Silver Bayonet whilst keeping many of the same characters.

Set the first table last night and intend to play scenario 1 tomorrow.

Offline Spinal Tap

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Re: Blood Compass - Solo narrative skirmish campaign
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2024, 05:01:07 PM »
Snenario 1 - Knives on the Road

Within weeks Ampleforth receives a message from Abbot Primus that the monks have located a man who claims to know the whereabouts of a Blood Compass, and, by good fortune, he is to be found in Jorvik.

The Abbot is to travel to Jorvik to meet with Ampleforth and they, with their retinues, can travel to meet the man; they agree to meet at the White Horse Tavern just outside Micklegate.

Ampleforth is sitting enjoying a whisky with his small team when a monk runs into the bar to say that the Abbot has been waylaid and the monks are under attack a short way outside the city by the race course.

The members of the Department hurry along the road towards the sounds of screams and gunfire.

Rushing through the trees, they pause to take in the scene before them. On the  road ahead of them a coach has been halted by rocks laying across the road and is tipped on it’s side. Bodies of monks lay around the coach, and a lone monk in brown habits opens the coach door to help a robed figure climb out, before falling dead as a crossbow bolts hits him.

Another bolt hits the Abbot but explodes into shrapnel; he’s obviously using one of the newfangled
Tesla Body Shields.

All around Assassins move towards the Abbot whilst others flank those attempting his rescue.

The party, consisting of Ampleforth, Gilbert-Barrow, Jesse, McGrath and Dr Wilson, move to the aid of the Abbot.

20240226_134435 by markndebs, on Flickr

20240226_134536 by markndebs, on Flickr

20240226_135223 by markndebs, on Flickr

20240226_134240 by markndebs, on Flickr

20240226_134344 by markndebs, on Flickr

1. Elijah Gilbert Barrow prepares to advance towards the Abbot as every assassin on the field move towards their quarry (monster frenzy); with both Assassin Marksmen firing at the Abbot but missing.

The party are already in trouble as two groups of Assassin Thugs close in on them in a pincer movement.

Elijah arms one of his hand bombs (Flask of Fire in the original rules) and tosses it at one of the hordes, killing two but leaving one unscathed.

The Professor advances along the road as another Assassin Rogue appears to the North and the Assassin Leader, Matthias the Twisted to the West.

Tobias gets 4 activations which could be put to good use for the team against the nearby horde but he is a Glory Hound (negative trait) and sets off the kill Matthias despite the calls from his colleagues.

He gets closer to the vampire, takes careful aim, and misses.

As another Rogue and Thug appear in the North Dr Wilson uses his pistol to kill the remaining Easterly Thug, whilst Jesse unloads his shotgun at the Westerly horde. He misses, reloads and misses again!!

20240228_135206 by markndebs, on Flickr

20240228_135721 by markndebs, on Flickr

20240228_140935 by markndebs, on Flickr

2. The Abbot Primus continues his slow but steady advance towards his rescuers as the horde advance, one attacking Elijah as the other two move to the Werewolf. Two of the Thugs are killed but one manages to inflict a wound on Jesse.

Elijah moves to support the Professor as he’s sure Jesse can handle one little Thug, however, as it starts to rain the tussle continues and Jesse takes another wound.

Tobias continues his obsession with Matthias but misses once more as further reinforcements appear on the Northern edge.

Dr Wilson moves to Jesse’s aid, despatching the Thug with a deft flick of his sword just as three more Thugs appear, causing further injuries to Jesse and one to the Doctor.

Ampleforth reacts quickly and manages to kill two of the horde.

20240228_142242 by markndebs, on Flickr

3. The Abbot moves again towards the end of the road as the heroes attempt to keep a safe passage open. The rain begins to slow, then stop, but the Assassin Rogues near Matthias advance again, placing themselves between the millionaire hunter and his quarry.

Jesse takes another wound from the tenacious Thug then Dr. Wilson ends the Thugs life. Appraising Jesse’s condition he suggests that the Werewolf make way to safety (only 1 HP left).

Before Jesse can move another 2 Thugs appear; he kills one but the other inflicts another wound on the Doctor (who is now also down to 1 HP).

Tobias lines up the 2 Rogues and fails to hit either – he’s hit nothing at all today.

The lone Thug strikes Dr Wilson again, putting him down. Enraged, The Professor shoots at him at point blank range and still misses.

This Thug has had a seemingly charmed existence, at least until he joins a frenzy of attacks and is killed by Jesse.

As this occurs another Thug receives a boost in morale from the number of Rogues on the table and sprints to almost catch the Abbot.

A Rogue engages Tobias in melee, Tobias manages to land a blow but it’s defected by the Rogue’s armour.

Elijah attempts to lob a bomb over Abbot Primus – it sails over and at the feet of the Thug but fails to detonate.

20240228_143835 by markndebs, on Flickr

20240228_143829 by markndebs, on Flickr

20240228_144129 by markndebs, on Flickr

4. Abbot Primus manages to reach Gilbert-Barrow as the Assassins frenzy again, allowing the Thug to engage the fleeing clergyman. Primus spins and kills the man with a single blow.

Tobias’s obsession with killing Vampires has left him in dire need and he takes two consecutive wounds from the Rogues.

Elijah moves towards the road end intending to hold and head back to aid Tobias but Ampleforth orders him to get the man to safety – Elijah and Abbot Primus leave the field.

The Professor urges Jesse to pick up the stricken Dr Wilson and get him to safety also; Jesse obliges, noting that the Doctor is merely unconscious.

Tobias attempts to disengage from the two attacking Rogues and manages to do so without further harm, then continues to make his way to the Professor.

As he reaches Ampleforth an Assassin Thug emerges from the trees behind but fails to reach the fleeing man.

20240228_144806 by markndebs, on Flickr

20240228_142650 by markndebs, on Flickr

20240228_144019 by markndebs, on Flickr

20240228_150442 by markndebs, on Flickr

5. Both Tobias and Ampleforth manage to get to safety a short while later, although it was a close run thing for the team as a whole with one member out of action and two others on 1 remaining HP.

The team find their horses at the treeline and start back towards the White Horse.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2024, 05:17:39 PM by Spinal Tap »

Offline marianas_gamer

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Re: Blood Compass - solo narrative skirmish campaign
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2024, 07:42:03 PM »
Nice AAR! A close run thing.
Got to kick at the darkness till it bleeds daylight.

Offline Burgundavia

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Re: Blood Compass - solo narrative skirmish campaign
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2024, 09:53:43 PM »
Very nice. How are you handling foes shooting?

Offline Spinal Tap

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Re: Blood Compass - solo narrative skirmish campaign
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2024, 10:12:01 PM »
Thanks chaps.

I'm essentially using the scenarios from Graham Harrisons Night of the Assassins so there's no more crossbows than in the original.

My side have guns with shorter ranges and many need a reload so they're not too overpowered.

Offline Sunjester

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Re: Blood Compass - solo narrative skirmish campaign
« Reply #14 on: February 29, 2024, 07:51:11 AM »
Wow, that was close for the first encounter! A great looking game.

I've found Sellswords works really well for Gothic Horror games, with relatively minor tweaking.

Looking forward to the next one.


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