As to the game I will keep this part brief, & leave it up to the players to
provide their own viewpoint.

8519 = Is that an illegal deal going down at one of the stalls?
Seers move in.
8520 = John definitely does NOT like the Seers poking their circuits into his business.
He shoots one!
This is illegal on several levels. I now shuffle the two jokers into the pack.
When the first one come out the Alarm will sound at the Regulars' Fort.
If players are still on the table when the second one appears they will
arrested & dealt with harshly.
8521 = John's two Wildlings have the trait of 'Bloodthirsty' which means they MUST
charge into combat with an 'enemy' if in move range. By firing at the Seer
John has signaled they are 'enemy'.
Two separate attacks ensue... both wildlings try to eat their Seer.

Both get nasty electric shocks.

8522 = Bob is more subtle with his trader. Quietly haggling & resting his hand on
his blaster pistol when negotiations stall. 'Coal' & Credits change hands.

Ian is even smarter, pointing out to the nearby Seers that there is a disturbance
at the other end of town. The Seers fall for it & head across the bridge towards John.
8523 = The first Joker makes an appearance!
Ian quickly make a deal for some coal & gets on his Skiff, getting away easily.
Bob decided to do likewise' & despite the young ladies outside Madam Bovery's
best attempts to entice his crew in, makes a getaway.
Meanwhile John, at the other end of town, figures, 'To hell with quiet negotiations' &
shoots the trader. Grabs what 'Coal' he can & runs for the getaway vehicle.
In the next card sign of the second joker.

Then he stalls the motor

Another draw of cards. Still no second joker, phew!
The engine roars into life.
He needs one more move to get away.
The cards are dealt for what must be the last time...
not a joker in sight.

All players got away with some coal. Not as much as they could have, but still a profitable day.
Only two shots were fired in the entire game

Both by John's team. Naughty boy.
As a result his team will have attracted the attention of police & bounty hunters.
I hope the players enjoyed the game.
I now leave it up to them to fill in & add pictures.