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Author Topic: Future Wars questions and Predator rule questions  (Read 11026 times)

Offline Darthvegeta800

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Future Wars questions and Predator rule questions
« on: May 01, 2010, 07:42:04 PM »
Hello I'm a newcomer.
I play WH40K (Grey Knights), War of the Ring (pure Easterlings) and have begun the slow process of gathering Dark Elves for WH:F. I'll get to that once I finished painting my Easterlings.
I paint everything and get a lot of enjoyment out of it despite being a very sub par painter but I have improved somewhat over the years.
Once long ago I played VOID 1.1 being a historian by education and a little bit a naught fascist imperialist ;) I loved the Junkers, they got me into the hobby. Regretfully the game died here. 

But that set asside...


I'm looking for a fun skirmish rulesystem. Commercial or otherwise and I wish to include Predators as my 'team'. So an ability to field powerful, tough and if possible 'cloaked' units would be nice. Of course outnumbered. My opponent is probably going to field some high tech but not power armored troops, quite possibly also from Copplestone. Think 'Colonial' Marines from the Aliens movies. I'm hoping for a game focussed on a handful of miniatures fighting it out. So not squads, platoons or the likes.
So far the best choice seems the Copplestone Minis where you get 10 different ones for 16 pounds. Heresy has a cool hunter but he's very pricey for just one.

My question now is... what rulesystem would suit them? Necromunda seems tempting but i'm sure you guys have some advice on what to pick.

And where can I find the Future Wars rules? And what are the Preds like in that game?
« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 07:47:54 PM by Darthvegeta800 »

Offline Gluteus Maximus

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Re: Future Wars questions and Predator rule questions
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2010, 07:52:34 PM »
Welcome to the LAF!   :D

I'd recommend "5150", from Two Hour Wargames:


There are stats for "not-Aliens" in there which replicate the movie version very well and by looking at what they and the various human characters can do, it would be very easy to design your own Predators. 5150 is a very easy to learn and play system that can be enjoyed equally as solo or multi-player. Would you believe most games last about 2 hours?   ;)

Offline Darthvegeta800

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Re: Future Wars questions and Predator rule questions
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2010, 08:05:42 PM »
Aah nifty... why this one over the others?
What's so good about it?

Offline rob_alderman

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Re: Future Wars questions and Predator rule questions
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2010, 08:32:03 PM »
You seem shackled to GW. Try experimenting with a few sets yourself. Try and find them cheaply on eBay, they DO pop up.

No problem with GW rules, there are just better suited ones out there. I wrote my own Post-apoc rules when I was 12 and have been tweaking it ever since. Someday it WILL see print!!!!  :D

This is meant to be quite a good set of cheap rules:

Offline Gluteus Maximus

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Re: Future Wars questions and Predator rule questions
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2010, 08:34:28 PM »
Aah nifty... why this one over the others?
What's so good about it?

Well, as I said - quick, easy to learn, great solo playability and only a couple of hours to play a game to a definite conclusion. Reasonable price too and can be used or adapted for virtually any tv/film/book universe or something you've cooked up youself, with any figures you own in most reasonable skirmish scales (say 15mm -54mm?).

Is there any more you might want from a set of rules?  lol


Offline Darthvegeta800

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Re: Future Wars questions and Predator rule questions
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2010, 08:37:28 PM »
You seem shackled to GW. Try experimenting with a few sets yourself. Try and find them cheaply on eBay, they DO pop up.

No problem with GW rules, there are just better suited ones out there. I wrote my own Post-apoc rules when I was 12 and have been tweaking it ever since. Someday it WILL see print!!!!  :D

This is meant to be quite a good set of cheap rules:

LOL GW is fine for what it does. I love the fluff/background of their games.
But I suppose the Microsoft of miniatures will naturally suffer mass attacks.
Besides... I want to find players ;)

But i'm open minded or I wouldn't be here. There are tons of rulesystems out there. The trick is finding one that's perfect for what you like/need.

I'm gonna check out the link. Sounds promising. Has anyone on the forum given the Hunter Aliens a try rulewise?

Offline rob_alderman

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Re: Future Wars questions and Predator rule questions
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2010, 09:31:18 PM »
Believe me, I have no problem with GW systems, I play them in fact! I also enjoy some of the background. I just thought you should consider other systems, which it appears you are, so that's fine.

What I would aim to look for, is something quite generic and open for your own influence. I.e. a system where you are not bound by the background material, turning fantasy into history. A gamer at one of the local clubs said that he couldn't understand why he couldn't field a unit of ratmen in an otherwise Orc and Goblin army... He suggested 'It's fantasy, therefore, I can do what I want!!!', but the ruleslawyers said 'But you have to have a specific allied contingent to use those and therefore need a blah blah blah'.

Of course, you could always adapt the rules, which is something you suggested. Yeah, by all means. Necromunda is a nice enough game system. You can shoot people in it, it works on a street level and it also works on a skirmish level. Sounds great. I am not a fan of the campaign system, so I would strip it of that.

Do try other systems though, you might find a great game in a rubbish format. Believe me, I have started a lot of games like that. Firewall 2136AD is meant to be a great game that has long been forgotten about. In fact, I'm really tempted by it myself.  :)

Offline Darthvegeta800

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Offline rob_alderman

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Re: Future Wars questions and Predator rule questions
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2010, 09:47:13 PM »
Can't say I know chap. It's quite popular though.

As is combat zone from Em4 miniatures.  :)

Offline Darthvegeta800

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Re: Future Wars questions and Predator rule questions
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2010, 09:48:41 PM »
Thanks for all the info.

Any this one?

Offline Onebigriver

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Re: Future Wars questions and Predator rule questions
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2010, 09:51:13 PM »
Savage Worlds Showdown is a free set and there are rules for predators, marines and aliens.


Waiter, my soup is giggling.

Offline Darthvegeta800

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Re: Future Wars questions and Predator rule questions
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2010, 10:00:30 PM »
Savage Worlds Showdown is a free set and there are rules for predators, marines and aliens.



I'm going to show this to my friend. I think he'll love it!

Offline dexter

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Re: Future Wars questions and Predator rule questions
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2010, 02:15:15 AM »
Flying Lead
 its fast easy  cheap and adaptable and you can build pretty much anything you like .It has a well supported yahoo group and forum

Offline General M@yhem

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Re: Future Wars questions and Predator rule questions
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2010, 05:28:00 PM »
Welcome to the LAF!   :D

I'd recommend "5150", from Two Hour Wargames:


There are stats for "not-Aliens" in there which replicate the movie version very well and by looking at what they and the various human characters can do, it would be very easy to design your own Predators. 5150 is a very easy to learn and play system that can be enjoyed equally as solo or multi-player. Would you believe most games last about 2 hours?   ;)

The Chain reaction 3.0 rules by THW are also free, so you can try before you buy.The 5150 set is based on the Chain Reaction rules

Offline Tomsche

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Re: Future Wars questions and Predator rule questions
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2010, 05:35:46 PM »
I even fielded them with Where Heroes Dare! by Iron Ivan Games.  Though it is `made` for pulp games of the 1930s era, the assortment of skills and gadgets makes it perfectly possible to make them `as seen` in the movies



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