The saga continues, with Jim Hale now working on a set of Dux Britanniarum for the Burgundian-French wars, and I've decided to concentrate on the 100 years wars.
Follow the arlequin's work here my part, i've done a draft career paths for English and French where (like in the 'grail quest' book series by Bernard Cornwell) a band of English have taken a lightly defended castle and are planning to dominate the area for England. The French, either the lord's unfavoured son or commander of the militia, has the to gather a band of merry men and oust them!
Here they are, for those who don't like going on links to blogs (on my blog they're in a nice table, hard to :
English career path:
Reside in your castle and dominate the immediate area
You may retain up to 2 elite Groups
You must pay your men with a share of the plunder or they will abandon you
A beggar’s bowl
If you reward you men and bribe the local political leaders you will be seen as the real power in the area
A knight’s purse
Reside in your castle, you now have some support. You must still pay your men
A beggar’s bowl
You may retain up to 2 elite Groups
You may conquer land from the French, taking their rents and paying you men with them.
You may persuade the locals to name you their Lord (marrying a local lady, offering them safety…). You may only do so after victory in a Battle
A squire’s tribute
Reside in your castle, you are now the lord of the surrounding area
You may retain up to 3 elite Groups
A priest will join you if you give a donation to his church
A beggar’s bowl
A herald will join you, giving you +1 to any speech
A beggar’s bowl
You may increase farm production at you castle and towns
A knight’s purse each
You may send a messenger with suitable gifts to your patron, who will reward you with promotion
A duke’s purse
Reside in your castle, you are now the lord of the surrounding estates
You may retain up to 3 elite Groups
You may strength you castle walls
An earl’s riches
You may strength the walls of 1 town in each estate
A squire’s tribute each
You may build fortified manors in each estate
A squire’s tribute each
You may establish a spy in the enemy camp
An earl’s riches
French career path:
Militia officer
Reside in your house, you are an officer in the local militia
You may retain up to 1 elite Group
A priest may join you if you provide him assistance
You may gain promotion if you donate money to your lord
A squire’s tribute
Militia captain
You are the local militia leader with some local power
You may retain up to 1 elite Group
You must build outposts on the borders of your lord’s estates
A beggar’s bowl each
You may gain promotion with a donation to you lord
A squire’s tribute
Local political leader
You are the captain of the militia and have some power in the estates
You may retain up to 2 elite Groups
A herald will join you, giving you +1 to any speech
A beggar’s bowl
You may increase food production at the castle and the towns
A knight’s purse each
You may build one fortified manor for you forces
A squire’s tribute
You may be promoted to you Lord’s Commander if you show you support
A prince’s chest
You may buy the support of the middle classes to claim you lord’s position should he suffer an accident. If you win your next battle, you lord dies and you become lord, rolling for regicide. If you lose, you lose support and nothing happens
An earl’s riches
Reside in your castle, you are the lord of the area
You may retain up to 3 elite Groups
You may build an abbey, and a bishop/monk will join you in 12 months
An earl’s riches
You may strengthen you castle walls
An earl’s riches
You may strength the walls of 1 town in each province
A squire’s tribute each
You may build fortified manors in each estate
A squire’s tribute each
You may call upon local lord’s to launch an offensive against the English
A knight’s purse
You may establish a spy in the enemy camp
An earl’s riches
Reside in your castle, you are the lord of the area
You may retain up to 4 elite Groups
You may strengthen you castle walls
An earl’s riches
You may strength the walls of 1 town in each province
A squire’s tribute each
You may build fortified manors in each estate
A squire’s tribute each
You may call upon local lord’s to launch an offensive against the English
A duke’s purse
You may establish a spy in the enemy camp
An earl’s riches
You may acquire you lord’s support to replace him should he die naturally.
A squire’s tribute
Actual post here: should you wish, play if you like this period!