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Author Topic: Fallout: Heading East  (Read 211753 times)

Offline SerialMoM

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Re: Fallout, Heading East
« Reply #165 on: February 14, 2014, 07:10:34 PM »
Yeah there are some nice additions since my last visit.

I will happily come back.
Please help me with my Fallout rules, picture heavy!!

Offline Wyrmalla

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Re: Fallout, Heading East
« Reply #166 on: February 19, 2014, 08:38:07 PM »
@ Messyart
^^ ...I just wanna moterboat some Centaur bewbs sir! Um ..but ah... a few other FEV related mutants would actually be nice to see from you. The well known creatures from Fallout 3 would probably sell better though.

@ WulframMors
There's plenty of other manufacturers of tribal minis, I just used the Perry set because ...well I don't I'll be needed 40 tribals from one specific group. ;)

@ SerialMoM
Come back? Oh, did you remember to have your hand stamped the last time? Tickets cost one kidney each (two for a family pass).

Sorry for any lack of updates. I've been out of the country and otherwise dealing with coursework, so ah, nae model painting.

Terrain update I suppose. The lovely Red Racer is our model for today showing off scale. ...Hmn, I need more women with fire axes.

Barrel fires or whatever they're called. They've been unpainted for over a year now. =(

A little grouping of chairs about a campfire. In Fallout 2 there's a similar scene in Klamath's Trapper Town that I felt like emulating a little. Hmn, maybe because every time I play that game I go there and rob the guys that're standing nearby.

Loose piping (intended to have been a bundle used in construction that's been knocked over). Difficult terrain for fighters to scramble over. I suppose that with all the shacks some construction materials could add a bit more depth to the setting.

Barricades based off of the ramshackle sets found in game. I'm intending to create a few groups of different types of fences, three man height (corrugated, mesh and ramshackle) and three waste level (corrugated-ie motorway barriers-, probably chicken coop mesh style and ramshackle).

These go along with a few other pieces that I posted ages ago here. That rear one read's "Aret!" (which I misspelled. What a tool), which means stop in French. Name that reference! Oh, there's a lovely picture of kid's balloons on the rear side too. =P

A shack. Just a little one mind. I've left off any graffiti so that any boards don't look over saturated with it. Its just bits of randomly cut plasticard with various textures and balsa wood rods (plus the odd bit of Hanomag).

I've came across this truck that I've let fall by the wayside. Looks like something Russian to me. Is it fine as it is, or should I make it faction specific (ie raiders). I'm thinking that using it as a generic goods/troop carrier is its best use, with perhaps optional removable stowage. There's a canopy for the rear somewhere too.

I have some market stalls sitting that need finished. After those its the ramshackle fencing and a pair of cars/barricades, then whatever else perks my interest. Besides those the models that I plan to use for NCR Special Forces were waiting for me once I arrived home a few days ago and are sitting on my desk in preparation for a bit of green stuff at the moment. That's left me with both them and NCR Veteran Troopers to paint, which I'm pondering which to prioritise (heh, which isn't a problem, because I really want some of those gas masked mooks ...wait they're both wearing gas masks ^^). My desk's gotten a little cramped in of late with WIPs. =/

And er... the closing image. I tidied my painting table*! Seriously. That's the after pic.
*Formerly the computer/painting table till that thing melted.

 Toodle pip.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 08:42:53 PM by Wyrmalla »

Offline emperorpenguin

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Re: Fallout, Heading East
« Reply #167 on: February 20, 2014, 10:44:18 AM »
Love the scenery, especially the campfire, what a brilliant idea!

"Arret" is on the Survivalist's rifle, love that weapon!
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Offline Wyrmalla

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Re: Fallout, Heading East
« Reply #168 on: February 22, 2014, 05:17:59 PM »
Tonight, more terrain. Goody. =)

Market tables. The one which are single tables are from Ainsty Casting, whilst the others are just made from bits of plasticard and balsa wood. These go along with the market stalls which I made earlier. When I first put all these together  (I've had them for almost a year) it was because of Shadowrun Return's street markets which provided plenty of inspiration. I'd like to make a bus turned thrift store at some point like the
from that game (I have another in use as a house amongst the shacks too).

*Taken as separate pics because the lighting was being an arse to me. =P

And a WIP that I've been wanting to do to go along with that bus wall that I made earlier, and a host of other vehicles turned township defences. These are based off of the barricades that were found in the earlier games and Tactics. Yes, they're not 50's cars, but they were dirt cheap to buy... I'll probably go for a half dozen of these along with the other vehicles to create enough for a small town (with another optional wall set with a firing step to stand behind it).

...That and the other ones I've made'll take a lick of paint along with the next batch of terrain that I work on maybe.

Next up I'll be working on these. Here's a WIP of two NCR Special Forces soldiers and a test paint scheme for a combat armoured NCR Veteran Infantryman. Infantry are so much more enjoying to paint than damn terrain (which probably explain why I have an excess of them and barely any terrain finished ...other than that big pile in the corner. Bah!).

Offline Wyrmalla

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Re: Fallout, Heading East
« Reply #169 on: February 23, 2014, 07:48:18 PM »
A pair of irregular units not found in the games now. NCR Veteran Troopers; a step up from the average trooper, with more experience and better gear and NCR Special Forces; a block ops unit that deals with the Republic's dirty work. Just something to add a bit more depth to the faction's armed forces (and hopefully not pants on head dumb in terms of fluff).

New Californian Republic
NCR Officer (The Assault Group)

An Assault Group SAS soldier (only available with orders over £30. ...I picked him up for £1 secondhand) with a headswap with a Maxi-Mini zombie head and greenstuff beret. Not many ghouls enter the military (to reference Chris Avellone, "if you're going to live forever, who'd want to get shot at in the small wars of these new nations?"), but I guess that those that do are capable enough to climb up the ranks fast (well mostly. There's plenty of ex office workers turned ghouls out there). I just didn't like this model's original head and had a zombie one to hand. =P

Woo, that the first beret on an NCR officer I've made. For some reason I keep forgetting that they wear them.

Veteran Troopers(West Wind Secrets of the Third Reich American Infantry)

Equipped with post-war combat armour (inferior to the pre-war version, but a step up from the leather armour that the regular troopers wear), gas masks and high calibre rifles. These troops represent those few that've survived since the initial pacification of the Mojave back in 2270, and been favoured enough to enter this specialist unit.

Of course most soldiers that have served that long would probably have taken their paychecks and gone off homesteading, but I guess there's enough out there in Hsu's position not to be noticed enough for promotion either should they stay. Mind that my games are set during the NCR's campaign across the river, before they'd been bled dry and lost their best soldiers at the Divide, so the NCR may still have had the resources to create such units.

They're West Wind Americans without any conversion work. I've kept a few of those gas masks for use with raiders in future to recreate a piece of Fallout 3's concept art (which along with a load of riot shields I picked up and night sticks'll give me some cool looking blitzer types). Visually I think they fit in decent enough with the regular troopers. Their counterparts in the Legion would be the guys with the Tommy guns.

NCR Special Forces (Empress Miniatures Modern USMC)

A black unit in operation under the NCR. These guys carry out the Republic's dirty work, and those assignments that aren't suppose to enter into the public eye. Universally they're issued with equipment above and beyond what the average troopers (though the Rangers, in a less uniform fashion, still have better gear available to them).

Canonically questionable (I base them from the Boulder Dome mod, which overall couldn't care less for the fluff), but I suppose possible. They serve a role similar to the Rangers, though they're actions are dictated by their handlers, rather than them deciding things based on their own intuition. Like in that mod I'm thinking that these guys aren't nice people, or at least they just think that whatever they're tasked to do is for the good of the NCR, in spite of any moral repercussions.

I didn't alter the base models much. The only real additions were the occasional pauldron and knee pad (to accommodate scrambling in rough terrain/kneeling). I swapped out the heads for either zombie ones, for the inclusion of Ghouls (who would have loads of experience, and perhaps respect the ethics of the unit given how the pre/post war world operated) or stuck on a gas mask. They all have greenstuff hoods too to protect them from sandstorms ...and well just to make them look bit more shady. ;)

Both of the above units give me more options for scenarios involving the NCR other than just using the regular troopers, or Rangers (who don't really have the numbers for proper battles). Meh, I just like creating the models. Perhaps at some point I could run a campaign involving the various units in specific settings (Specialists/Cavalry- remember I had NCR Cavalry?- sabotaging enemy supplies, with the Veterans holding the line against an enemy assault and the regulars off ...regularing. ...). Hmn, I think I need some vehicles to carry these guys in now... Ah, future updates for the NCR (for fanboys of them who care? ...Ok for myself) will include the aforementioned Cavalry, perhaps a few more Heavy Infantrymen, and more of the Special Forces and Vets (I just couldn't be bothered painting the rest of them).

After this lot? Hmn, I'd like to finish some more terrain. I have some Wasteland Settler types basecoated, but some more terrain pieces would probably serve more use. I've sketched down some ideas for faction specific terrain, which I think would be great for boards, though beyond sticking together the bits of signage I think that that may be left till I've finished off my existing pile of crap. Meh, we'll see what happens.

Offline max

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Re: Fallout: Heading East - NCR Specialists
« Reply #170 on: February 24, 2014, 10:43:53 AM »
Liking the Special Force guys. Sort of Rangers turned bad ^^

Offline Constable Bertrand

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Re: Fallout: Heading East - NCR Specialists
« Reply #171 on: February 25, 2014, 06:03:18 AM »
I need some gas masks. How do you do yours? They look like a square of GS, pushed, with some styrene rod stuck in. What else am I missing Wyrmalla?

I like the market stalls. Going find a 1/48 aircraft carrier to convert into rivet city?


Offline Wyrmalla

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Re: Fallout: Heading East - NCR Specialists
« Reply #172 on: February 25, 2014, 11:00:47 AM »
@ max

I was thinking more the type of guys that didn't make the grade to be accepted as rangers, or even thought of trying. Two different branches of the NCR military. The Rangers act independantly for the most part from the miliaty hierarchy, whilst that lot's under the thumb of their handlers (whoever they may be. I doubt that the regular army's pulling their strings). But yes, not the nicest of guys, or at least the lot you call up to sort out messy situations.

In the mod they were killing civilians, and pretty much everyone that got in their way to stop the New Plague from escaping Boulder. Not noble perhaps, but they didn't want an epidemic hitting the NCR. That's based on Van Buren where it was the main character that was walking about spreading the New Plague (a virus that wiped out a large portion of the American population to the point that F.E.V. had to be created to cure it), as they were hunted down by a giant robot.

@Constable Bertrand

Yeah, they're just either a ball of greenstuff or greenstuff over a loose head. Depress a bit in the cheeks first and about the edges of the forehead. Stick in two bits of rod for the eyes and a slightly longer one for the filter(s). I'm just being lazy doing it that way though. For better results the eyes should be greenstuff as well (a circular piece with a depression in the middle to represent the lens), as should the filters have a raised cross shape in the middle.

That or just buy a set from Maxi Minis, Secret Weapon or Statureque. =P

I was looking out for 1/48th scale bombers actually. But the largest that was being offered in my local model shops were 1/56th (and those were running at the £80 plus mark). ...A plastic tube will probably do for those instead...

Offline Constable Bertrand

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Re: Fallout: Heading East - NCR Specialists
« Reply #173 on: February 25, 2014, 11:12:10 AM »
Cheers for the tips!

Yeah 1/48 gets expensive very quickly, that's even if you find it, or 1/32 or 1/56 big stuff doesn't really exist in that scale. I scoured the big hobby shop in the capital city and didn't find much in 1/48 but fighter planes and jeeps/tanks.

Offline Wyrmalla

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Re: Fallout: Heading East - NCR Specialists
« Reply #174 on: February 25, 2014, 11:32:13 AM »
The best option for that kind of scale I find is kid's toys. I mean old metal ones, or the newer plastics that you can pick up at car boot sales (I'm hesitant to think how much they cost new). For the past two years there's been a participation game at a show I attend here in Scotland involving a 1/50th scale Dakota (it was for a scenario based off of the closing scene from The Wild Geese). It weighed a ton, but I was told it was just a toy that was bought second hand. One of my model shops does carry some larger planes in that scale (as in three at the most), but they're far too detailed for anything I'll ever need. The planes and ground vehicles I'm buying tend to be set at around to £10-20 market, though unless they're actually going to be a gaming piece (as opposed to terrain) or something that I'll go out of my way to have, I don't usually spend more than £5 on a sourcing pieces for terrain (the Mustangs pictured boxed earlier in this thread didn't cost more than £2 each at the most).

Offline Messyart

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Re: Fallout: Heading East - NCR Specialists
« Reply #175 on: February 25, 2014, 06:02:19 PM »
I should turn an A-10 I brought ages ago into a nice wreck!

Lovely figures though, and the gasmasks look pretty cool considering how simple they are!
If you'd like an apocalyptic monster in 28mm, throw me a PM and I'll think it over.

Offline Wyrmalla

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Re: Fallout: Heading East - NCR Specialists
« Reply #176 on: February 26, 2014, 01:15:46 AM »

A wreck? Oh no, turn that thing into a bar...somehow. To refer to S.T.A.L.K.E.R., "There's something about Stalkers. Wherever we end up you'll be sure to find a drinking hole springing up soon after. Be it built inside the belly of a freighter or the bombed out insides of an old Hind". ...So ah, stick it on some poles and hand some tarpaulin from its wings or something.

Tae the update.

I picked up a load of junk second hand tonight (most of the stuff that I bought from the same guy the last two times is sitting unpainted still FYI). This was amongst it all. ...And well its being posted tonight as it was already painted. However, that's not to say I didn't repaint it. I gave the whole thing a wash, including yellowing up the teeth. The original model was also brown as well. Really the only bit that I didn't touch was those rosey red lips.


After the Chosen One wiped out their largest nest in Redding, sightings of these rare beasts (dubbed "Aliens" at the time, though since then Wanamingo has come into more common use) has sunk. By the 2270s the sight of these mutants are rare at best, with not but the occasional shriek heard at night or rumours about mercenaries disappearing around natural cave systems and abandoned bunkers. This case appears to be an older survivor of its kind. Showing clear signs of mutation, perhaps from a birth defect as with the more recent spawnings, or originating from a dose or two too many of radiation, somehow this creature's become even more horrible looking than the average. Rarer still is its albino colouring. Clearly it must have once been an alpha male of a pack back in its species hayday, but since then its become nought more than a ill spoken of horror to frighten children or to gloat about drunkenly within Republic barracks.

I'm unsure about the source of this, or even what its called (I was told its a D&D monster, beginning with an "O" I think). I just looked at it and thought "Hmn, if I painted that up in a lovely shade of purple like a particular sex toy that'd look like that thing from Fallout". Not wanting to ruin the paint job however I left on the third tentacle and leg. Should I find another though I'll hack those off.

Offline Silent Invader

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Re: Fallout: Heading East - NCR Specialists
« Reply #177 on: February 26, 2014, 02:00:55 AM »
I like that thing with the teeth   8)
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Offline Wyrmalla

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Re: Fallout: Heading East - NCR Specialists
« Reply #178 on: March 01, 2014, 07:01:19 PM »
I would've had these finished two days ago, but I've had computer's to fix (which I failed at, but can't be bothered mucking about with much more this week). Here I present a batch of homely country folk for your perusal (and err, my cataloguing- without this blog I'd forget just what everything I've made is meant to be). I'd hoped to finish off a bit of fencing too that goes with some WIP allotments, but time's been against me there. I'll see about having it up in my next terrain update.

Wasteland Militia

(Empress Miniatures Chechen Rebels)
Empress make some great models. Pitty they don't sell the weapon sprues that come with them. Their Chechen range work well as post apocalyptic survivors (though where are all the Borz!?).

( Musketeer British Militia Command)
Oddly designed models. They seem rather pulpy to find them in the historical section of my flgs. I'll have to look out for this range at the next show methinks. Yes, that is a guy riding roller skates.

(Artizan S.A.S. Long Range Desert Group)
I painted up these guys to look like ex-NCR servicemen, perhaps to infer that they're retired soldiers or deserters. Now there's a scenario...

A miss mash of homesteaders serve to defend the settlements of the wasteland. Oft ranging from from well disciplined mercenaries, to farmers who've never shot their pipe rifles at anything larger than a rad roach. In any case though they serve often as a township's only defence against ransackers and worse.

This lot works as those unaligned individuals outside of the big factions I've been putting together. I set them out as township inhabitants, but really they could work as traders, scavengers, mercenaries, or the like.

WIP Mercenary (Sergeant?)

Something I threw together after a bit of inspiration hit. I don't know whether he's unique, or there could be a couple of other guys suited up similarly to him. It'd be nice to have a squad of mercs for games (and finally someone for Red Racer to throw herself in with).I'll paint him up like the G22 from Alpha Protocol (which is an excellent game btw. It has Mass Effect's branching story system, but with spies, and written by Bioware ~ Chris Avellone fap, fap, fap. Go play it. I'll wait). Hmn... I actually have some Empress guys that look just like G22. I could stick together a squad of them for 7TV come to think of it. *off topic =P

A pair of die cast scout cars that were bought today too. Quality wise their probably not the best, but I hardly care (with an inch of rust who's going to care about the little bits and bobs?). I'm thinking one for the NCR and another as part of a caravan.

I picked up another lot of second hand stuff there. Cherry picking what to do next, I think I'll have a go at some robots. I already have a few soldier bots half painted on my desk, but along with those some Securitron type bots, a pair of soldier style ones, and little scuttery things may turn up. One of the scutters (they actually have legs, so no, they aren't the Scutters from Red Dwarf sadly) also happens to have a head which resembles a Floating Eye Bot from the original games quite a bit, which I went "squee!" at just a little. So I may try a conversion of that into one of those forgotten bots.

After those its either paint up what I still have unpainted or be silly and make more models. Hmn... I'd like to finish up my NCR Cavalry, but I'm probably better off giving one of the other factions some new recruits. Perhaps with all those robots wondering about their minders may make an appearance. I haven't painted up any Enclave Remnants haven't made much of an appearance since the first page of this thread...

Ah, updates may come a bit slower than my usual couple that I make near the end of the week. My class schedule's changed and I'm soon to be given a couple of projects to work on (with the requisite mountain of documentation to complete for each), so I'll have to judge how much time I can spent goofing on once I've given it all a look over. Anyhow, toodle pip folks. *and yeah, most of you probably have work that's a million times more involved than my silly second year college systems. ^^'

Offline Brummie Thug

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Re: Fallout: Heading East - Wasteland Militia
« Reply #179 on: March 01, 2014, 07:24:10 PM »
The townsfolk look great but that Wanamingo kicks ass pure awesome I'd forgotten about them!  :o


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