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Author Topic: France modern "section de combat" (i.e french version of a platoon) w.i.p  (Read 28261 times)

Offline sundayhero

  • Scatterbrained Genius
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In this topic, I'll show you the work in progress of the building, customizing and painting of a french platoon counterpart, called "section de combat". The metal minis are 20mm scale, for now from Elhiem (miniatures) and Sandsmodels (vehicles, crews).

I'm not a military specialist or historian in any way, just a minis gaming enthusiast discovering historical gaming, so maybe some mistakes will appear in organization, gear, etc...So any help on accuracy will be appreciated.

The organization is the following :

one "groupe de commandement" (=command group) :

1 officer (lieutenant) with FAMAS rifle (5.56cal french bullpup combat weapon)
1 NCO (AFN-1 MG, 7.62cal)
1 radio operator (FAMAS)
2 "tireurs de précision" (=marksmen), one with HK417, one with FRF2 rifle (both 7.62 cal).

one "groupe d'appui" (= support group) :

1 group leader (with radio and famas)
2 missile launchers (ERYX, MILAN, LRAC, not sure what would be more accurate...I'm currently making searching) crews (+famas)
(the minis are from US troops support crew...I didn't find metal french support minis so I will convert them once I'll be sure of the heavy weapon choice).

3 "groupes de combat" (=squads)

Each "groupe de combat" is composed of 7 soldiers :  1 squad leader and 2 teams, called "equipe 300m" and "equipe 600m".

Equipe 300m :

1 team leader (famas)
1 AT4 gunner (+famas)
1 soldier with famas

Equipe 600m :

1 team leader (famas + m203 grenade launcher)
1 FN minimi gunner (=m249 mg)
1 soldier with famas

4 équipages d'engins blindés (=APC drivers and gunners, 8 soldiers) in 4 APCs

The most common current french version of APC is the "VAB" (véhicule de l'avant blindé). Sometimes, AMX 10-P (APC with more firepower) is also deployed. The new one replacing the AMX is the VBCI. Both AMX10P and VBCI minis were not available for now.

That's one of the freedoms I took, I just didn't want to build 4 similar APCs, so I have only 3 VABs (2 purely for troops carrier, one with .50 cal firepower) for now + 2 light armored vehicles called VBL ("véhicule blindé léger"), one with .50 armored turret, one with 7.62 MG. When it will be available, I'll buy a VBCI to complete the platoon.

I'm also buildind a special forces unit attached to COS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_military_special_forces_units#France).

I choosed to build a first circle (Elite) Spec ops unit.

Not sure what regiment I'll do for now, but I already bought 2 "tireurs d'élite" sniper teams (sniper + spotter) with .50 weapon (PGM Hecate 2) and ghillie suit (the minis are "generic" special forces minis...But all elite spec ops units looks similar enough for miniature gaming) But I'll make a diferent topic for that (and for my insurgents force too).

In the pics order is :

command group
support group
combat group 1
combat group 2
combat group 3
Spec Ops sniper teams

edit : and for people who doesn't know how 20mm scale is, here a last pic comparing diferent scales from diferent companies (from left to right, Kallistra 10mm, Demonworld 15mm, Elhiem 20mm, SandsModels 20mm, Wargames factory 28mm)

« Last Edit: November 21, 2013, 12:58:21 AM by sundayhero »

Offline Doudou

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Re: France modern "section de combat" (i.e french version of a platoon) w.i.p
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2013, 04:02:20 AM »
good, excepte of the m203 grenade launcher which isn't still used in the Army but just used for commando. Army still uses the rifle grenade and the LGI (individual grenade launcher) for team 600m

Equipe 600m :
1 team leader (famas)
1 FN minimi gunner (=m249 mg)
1 soldier with famas + LGI

Offline sundayhero

  • Scatterbrained Genius
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Re: France modern "section de combat" (i.e french version of a platoon) w.i.p
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2013, 11:08:40 AM »
Thank for the explanation. The pic with FELIN gear shows that it still used today, you're right.

Since one of the regular soldiers minis is equiped with a m203, I'll use it as LGI operator  ;)  Not realistic, but easier to play. But I should give the grenade launcher to the soldier, not the fireteam leader, right ?

By the way, is it realistic that a "sous officier" (NCO) carry a MG ? Since command teams can be used to reinforce squads (as far as I understood), I found it credible...

thanks for your help

Offline Doudou

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Re: France modern "section de combat" (i.e french version of a platoon) w.i.p
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2013, 01:13:24 PM »
But I should give the grenade launcher to the soldier, not the fireteam leader, right ?

yes, the LGI is used by a GV "Grenadier Voltigeur"

By the way, is it realistic that a "sous officier" (NCO) carry a MG ? Since command teams can be used to reinforce squads (as far as I understood), I found it credible...

to make it more explicit :

Groupe de voltige :
Group Leader FAMAS

1 T600 (trinome 600 mètres) avec :
Team leader FAMAS
Grenadier Voltigeur/LGI FAMAS
Grenadier Voltigeur FN MINIMI

1 T300 (trinome 300)
Team leader FAMAS + ABL (AT4) (Anti Blindés légers)
Grenadier Voltigeur FAMAS + ABL
Grenadier Voltigeur FAMAS

an excerpt from the manual fight inf 202 in french of course ;)

Quote from: extrait de l'inf202
Le groupe de voltige, aux ordres d’un chef de groupe, est articulé en deux trinômes commandés par un chef
d’équipe : un trinôme 300 mètres et un trinôme 600 mètres. Cette différenciation est principalement liée à la
nature de l’armement équipant ces trinômes. Cependant, la capacité de durer impose une multiqualification des
personnels permettant aux combattants et aux deux trinômes du groupe d’être interchangeables.
Indissociable, le trinôme exécute collectivement, aux ordres de son chef, les actes élémentaires du fantassin
en adaptant notamment les modes de déplacement à la nature du terrain et à la menace ennemie. Disposant
d’armes aux effets complémentaires, il applique des feux sur des objectifs désignés ou repérés, sur ordre ou à
son initiative. Posté en fin de bond ou lorsque la situation l’exige, le chef du trinôme organise l’observation de
ses personnels.
211 . LE TRINOME 300
La double dotation FAMAS/ABL de certains combattants lui procure la capacité d’engager le combat à courte
distance (200-300 m), face à des véhicules blindés (véhicules de combat d’infanterie, certains chars selon les
angles de tir), et de tirer contre des positions défensives adverses. Dans certains cas particuliers, la possibilité
de doter chaque combattant d’un ABL permettra de faire face ponctuellement à une menace particulière
212 . LE TRINOME 600
La double dotation FAMAS/LGI et l’apport d’une MINIMI au sein de ce trinôme permettent d’effectuer des tirs
antipersonnels jusqu’à une distance de 600 m.
· Le chef du trinôme commande les deux GV de son trinôme et contrôle la bonne application des consignes
concernant les distances, le respect des limites de bond et des modes de progression. Il organise la
réaction de son trinôme, en cas de prise à partie par l’ennemi. Il rend compte au chef de groupe de sa
progression pendant laquelle il se place, selon le terrain, soit entre ses deux GV (terrain découpé et couvert),
soit derrière eux, ce dernier cas restant le plus fréquent. En cas de mise hors de combat du chef de trinôme,
le grenadier-voltigeur le plus ancien le remplace.
· Le premier grenadier-voltigeur assure la sûreté immédiate et l’observation au plus près. Il recherche tout
indice de piège ou de présence ennemie.
· Le second combattant, bénéficiant de l’action du premier GV, a en charge l’observation plus lointaine et la
sûreté rapprochée.

hoping it helps you  ;)

Offline sundayhero

  • Scatterbrained Genius
  • Posts: 2452
Re: France modern "section de combat" (i.e french version of a platoon) w.i.p
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2013, 01:25:39 PM »
Thanks !

1 T300 (trinome 300)
Team leader FAMAS + ABL (AT4) (Anti Blindés légers)
Grenadier Voltigeur FAMAS + ABL
Grenadier Voltigeur FAMAS

So the trinome could have 2 AT4 ? I have to check my ruleset (OPEX) to see if I can do this in terms of rules...

Concerning the command group "sous officier adjoint", about my question on him carrying a MG, is it credible ?


Offline Doudou

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Re: France modern "section de combat" (i.e french version of a platoon) w.i.p
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2013, 02:17:07 PM »
Thanks !

So the trinome could have 2 AT4 ? I have to check my ruleset (OPEX) to see if I can do this in terms of rules...

Concerning the command group "sous officier adjoint", about my question on him carrying a MG, is it credible ?


in combat, if he had a MG, he can't give an order, it would be too busy to realize suppressive fire. sorry but not really credible.

Offline sundayhero

  • Scatterbrained Genius
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Re: France modern "section de combat" (i.e french version of a platoon) w.i.p
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2013, 03:50:15 PM »

I've got one (!) spare french soldier radio operator, without a backpack he will make a very credible "sous off"  lol

And I'll use the MG operator for special forces. I'll probably customize his head (helmet ? Who needs an helmet?  lol)

Thanks !
« Last Edit: November 21, 2013, 03:52:00 PM by sundayhero »

Offline carlos marighela

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Re: France modern "section de combat" (i.e french version of a platoon) w.i.p
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2013, 04:45:35 PM »
I think you will find that the anti armour weapon in the groupe d'appui is the Eryx. I read somewhere that in Afghanistan, with little use for a relatively heavy anti-tank missile the Eryx some were being swapped for spare AA-52 machine guns to provide extra support. The sighting units for the Milan missiles held elsewhere in the company and battalion were being utilised for observation posts but the missile itself wasn't used.
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Offline sundayhero

  • Scatterbrained Genius
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Re: France modern "section de combat" (i.e french version of a platoon) w.i.p
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2013, 05:52:09 PM »
Thanks for the information. I should probably keep this AFN-1 mg operator to swap one of the "groupe d'appui" when needed.

Offline sundayhero

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Re: France modern "section de combat" (i.e french version of a platoon) w.i.p
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2013, 06:09:33 PM »
Here's a small update. I just finished the bases texture. It's a mix of pva glue, pumice stone, sand and cat litter. Some of the figs also recieved some 3d effect Raphael paint.

I also found some tackles boxes to keep the figs out of dust, each case containing a fireteam, or any organized group.

I did the same for the insurgents and the special forces...and the dice  lol

A sneak pic of my special forces :

I also finally ordered Force on Force for solo play. I'll probably use OPEX (french ruleset) to play with my brother who doesn't read english.

I'll start the french figures painting soon. The vehicles projects (french platoon, FS and insurgents vehicles) will probably not start before Christmas at least.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2013, 06:56:38 PM by sundayhero »

Offline Doudou

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Re: France modern "section de combat" (i.e french version of a platoon) w.i.p
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2013, 09:09:05 PM »
I'm really excited to see it finished !  :)

Offline sundayhero

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Re: France modern "section de combat" (i.e french version of a platoon) w.i.p
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2013, 10:21:37 AM »
Me too  :D

I can't wait to play also. I already painted my middle east/african table. Using my heroscape custom sets, I'll be able to represent sand dunes, afghanistan rocks, even rivers and water too.

The first pic gives a good idea of the real color of the board. Maybe a bit too yellow, but I simply recycled some old paint I had.

Offline sundayhero

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Re: France modern "section de combat" (i.e french version of a platoon) w.i.p
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2013, 11:41:03 AM »
I received my vehicles (+ crews with multi head sets, half gunner crews, a  lot of extras stowage and heavy weapons) :

On Christmas, as a gift I will receive a 4th VAB (french apc), some resin figures and a special forces carrier helicopter (all in one plastic kit set).

So finally, my "army" will contain :

2 VBLs (light armoured vehicles, one with HMG turret, one with LMG)
4 VAB (2 probably without mounted weapons, 1 with heavy HMG, 1 with LMG)
1 special forces VLRA SAS truck (french 4x4 strike special force truck)
1 special forces Peugeot P4 SAS (french 4x4 strike special force car)
1 Super Puma/Cougar special forces troop carrier (maybe with a mounted HMG, I don't know what come with the kit, it will be a surprise  lol)

The 2 special forces vehicles are IRL old vehicles, but still in function in our army. Even if some other vehicles has been used instead of them recently (panard VPS, for example), they still sturdy vehicles, and nice modelling projects (since I will "special force" them with accessories  lol).
« Last Edit: December 16, 2013, 11:48:14 AM by sundayhero »

Offline sundayhero

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Re: France modern "section de combat" (i.e french version of a platoon) w.i.p
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2014, 11:10:26 PM »
Painting has started !

Today I painted camo on 2 "groupes de combat" and a command group.

Even if I studied a lot of magazines, web pictures, etc...Finally the camo looks like US woodland more than french CE I'm afraid  lol

Anyway, it will be good enough. But I believe I can say that I don't like painting camo  ;D

On the night pics, the 3figures pic is the most accurate concerning reality, I think.

There is a lot of work remaining (skin, webbing, weapons, etc...) in fact only the camo pattern is done.

Offline Doudou

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Re: France modern "section de combat" (i.e french version of a platoon) w.i.p
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2014, 07:31:33 PM »
yeah ! really nice ;)


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