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Author Topic: Venus - a VSF campaign setting  (Read 35717 times)

Offline Dewbakuk

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Re: Venus - a VSF campaign setting
« Reply #45 on: September 01, 2009, 10:49:11 AM »
The joy of a mercenary force is you can put it anywhere you like.
So many projects..... so little time.......

Offline gamer Mac

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Re: Venus - a VSF campaign setting
« Reply #46 on: September 01, 2009, 11:14:35 AM »
I have just been reading Space 1889 rules and setting and I have noticed that they rule out using liftwood on Venus, as it decays in the atmosphere. This is a background point I was not aware of.  :'(
I was thinking about running VSF games on Venus as I have some Lizardmen and some Kroot to use as natives but the no liftwood puts the “kybosh” on me using my Aeronef as part of the games.  >:(
Does everybody go along with this background or do they use other ones. If they use others ones, what are they? Are they published or just home grown ???
I have been planning a VSF RPG game using Savage World rules based on Venus. The party were going to be the crew of my Aeronef. I was going to explain the liftwood problem by someone discovering a substance that would prevent the decay of the liftwood thus allowing the Aeronef to operate for a couple of months before the decayed liftwood needed to be replaced.  :D What do you think?
Are you intending Aeronefs to be part of this campaign setting or is everybody using other means of aerial transport?

Offline OSHIROmodels

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Re: Venus - a VSF campaign setting
« Reply #47 on: September 01, 2009, 11:17:22 AM »
I was going to explain the liftwood problem by someone discovering a substance that would prevent the decay of the liftwood thus allowing the Aeronef to operate for a couple of months before the decayed liftwood needed to be replaced.  :D What do you think?

Varnish  ???  ;)  lol





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Offline gamer Mac

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Re: Venus - a VSF campaign setting
« Reply #48 on: September 01, 2009, 11:34:49 AM »
Varnish  ???  ;)  lol


lol lol lol
I had though of that :D
But they are even more difficult than that, they say it is something to do with the magnetic field that causes the decay in the liftwood :'(

Offline Fuzzywuzzieswiflasers

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Re: Venus - a VSF campaign setting
« Reply #49 on: September 01, 2009, 11:35:39 AM »
there are several different "anti gravity" phenomenon used in VSF.

Liftwood, zeelium, cavoritic lift engines, r matter, negative gravity screw.  Take your pick and run with that  :D


Crikey, sir. I'm looking forward to today. Up diddly up, down diddly
down, whoops, poop, twiddly dee - decent scrap with the fiendish Red
Baron - bit of a jolly old crash landing behind enemy lines - capture,
torture, escape, and then back home in time for tea and medals.
Blackadder 4

Offline Dewbakuk

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Re: Venus - a VSF campaign setting
« Reply #50 on: September 01, 2009, 12:35:44 PM »
Or just ignore the piece on liftwood not working on Venus  :o   :D

We most certainly do have Aeronefs on Venus. Flyers are the most common means of transport if you read the initial background posts. Steam tanks etc, while used, are largely restricted to the mesas and certain routes through the lower jungles. Vast areas of the lower surface are swamp lands and heavy vehicles bog down very quickly, assuming they are able to make their way between the iron hard trees in the first place.

The Parrotman airships use a particular swamp gas that they gather and refine. This is used for lift and in some ships also for propulsion. Although clearly, using too much for propulsion isn't a good plan. It's fine for short journeys or for short bursts but a long journey isn't practicle that way so most also carry sails. Gas propulsion is almost always used in battle however.

Some human trading vessels have also adopted this process as it is cheaper to use and much easier to maintain on Venus than the standard Aeronef. Aeronefs are still in wide use however, particularly amongst the military.

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Re: Venus - a VSF campaign setting
« Reply #51 on: September 01, 2009, 12:45:10 PM »
Good :D :D :D

Offline OSHIROmodels

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Re: Venus - a VSF campaign setting
« Reply #52 on: September 01, 2009, 01:37:19 PM »
lol lol lol
I had though of that :D
But they are even more difficult than that, they say it is something to do with the magnetic field that causes the decay in the liftwood :'(

How about an electromagnet (or some such) in a prominant place on said nef, that would look cool and 'could' be used as some sort of protective field against ramming  ???

The possiblities are endless.

I quite like the idea of the liftwood not being able to work for whatever reason, it brings a whole new angle on things  :D



Offline Dewbakuk

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Re: Venus - a VSF campaign setting
« Reply #53 on: September 02, 2009, 01:19:46 PM »
Another update. Just put the finishing touches to it.

Excerpts from the journal of Sir Solomon Wandsworth of the British Explorers Society, found after his disappearance in the deep Venusian jungle.

June 7th

I have to admit to feeling a certain amount of unease now we have entered the jungle proper. The trader I am travelling with tells me that it is only 2 days travel from the mesa to the nearest Lizardman village, however we will be travelling for over a week. Apparently no one has successfully traded with the closer village and many lives have been lost trying.

I have descended into the jungle many times while learning more about this savage planet. It is a dangerous but beautiful place, ripe with the promise of adventure and excitement. This time is different, I seem to be noticing the danger more than the beauty, perhaps the prospect of meeting the lizardmen concerns me more than I expected.

June 9th

Three days into the jungle. It seems much longer. The breathing devices we have to use periodically are horrendous contraptions! I will freely admit that when I breathe through one my lungs seem hugely relieved. It is obvious how necessary they are, I doubt my lungs could cope with the thick air for longer than a day without relief, but the heat and the smell! The jungle air is hot and humid, so putting a thick leather mask over ones face is not a pleasant experience. Not to mention the scarcity of the devices, meaning each one is shared by several people…..

I can content myself with the knowledge that I have now travelled further from a Mesa than the majority of mankind on this planet. Only the occasional adventurer and the few traders, such as those I travel with, who trade with the Lizardmen have any cause to journey further than a day.

June 10th

I saw my first Lizardman today! He, I assume it was a he, how would one tell? He was perched on a rock watching the trade column as we passed beneath. No clothing at all and no obvious weapon. There was a rather heated discussion amongst the traders over whether to shoot him or not. Some were of the opinion that he could be from the village we are travelling to, others pointed out there could be others watching that we couldn’t see. Those who wanted him shot, pointed out that the hostile village was much closer than the trade village, therefore he’s more likely to be a scout for a raiding party. All argument was made moot when he scampered into the jungle however.

I’m not sure where my own feelings lie. I’d rather not antagonise the natives, but by the same token I don’t want to be attacked by them. I’d also like to examine one close up and I doubt a live one will be obliging. Tomorrow promises to be tense.

June 11th

We lost six porters today and one of the traders is injured. Evidently, the traders worried about a raid were correct and the scout should have been shot yesterday. We were attacked by a small group, perhaps ten lizardmen in all, who came out of the forest suddenly. Three porters were lost in the initial assault as a flurry of darts flew out of the canopy. Apparently the darts are coated in a poison as the porters were dead within minutes. Then the lizardmen showed themselves and came charging from amongst the trees. They are indeed savage creatures, they stand a little shorter than a man due to their hunched posture, and are wiry rather than broad of the shoulder. Damned strong though! One of them leapt on me before I was prepared, but was pulled away quickly by a quick witted trader. Unfortunately the trader has lost the use of his left arm currently as the lizardman tore into it with it’s rows of teeth. It’s amazing what you notice in the heat of the moment but the thing definitely had multiple rows of teeth. While the trader had the creature distracted, I pulled out my old Webley and put a hole through the things head.

This was clearly not the first time this party had been attacked in this way as they all reacted far quicker than I did. Rifles and pistols were drawn from where they had clearly been close to hand and gun fire made short work of the enemy. I saw three killed before they reached us, which with mine makes four confirmed kills. Once they got amongst us we lost another three porters to their bladed clubs and spears.

Then suddenly, they ran. They were gone. The porters grabbed the packs, the traders grabbed everything they could and the whole party started a fast march/jog through the trees. No-one talked, no-one would answer my questions for almost two hours. Then we stopped, I believe the only reason we did so was to make use of the breathing masks, but it did give me a chance to find out what was happening.

The traders had used a “musk gland” taken from a Parrotman scavenger-hound. They use the gland to mark territory with small amounts of musk. Apparently dispensing the entire gland is like sending up a signal flare to all the creatures in the area. If a wild hound pack is nearby it will come to enforce it’s territory, however it is also likely to bring in other large carnivores. Nobody sensible stays in the area.

June 12th

I spoke to a porter today who went back to where we were attacked. One of the porters killed was a friend and he went to collect something to give to the mans family. He didn’t get close. Hearing a crunching noise near the place, the porter climbed onto a ridge to look from above. He claims to have seen what he calls an Alpha-hound as big as a rhino! I’m sure the fear of the moment has caused him to describe the creature as bigger than it actually was. Once the story has been around the campfires a few times I expect it will be the size of an elephant.

June 13th

The flora of this planet is every bit as deadly as the fauna. We had to make a detour today past a large area of carnivorous plants. I’m glad to be travelling with seasoned travellers, as I would have never noticed the plants on my own. I asked what the plants were like and one of the men threw a hunk of raw meat far into the area. Tendrils from several plants lashed out and attempted to grab the meat, but all were beaten to the prize by a maw opening directly beneath it in what appeared to be a patch of moss.

I must be more careful in selecting places to relieve myself in future.

June 15th

The ground has become distinctly more swamp like over the last couple of days. This confirms what I have been told by the Navy Aeronef survey teams, that as you get further from the raised land around the mesas, the land gets wetter.

Tomorrow we arrive at the village. I hope interactions with these lizardmen go better than the last….

June 16th

We are here.

I’m not sure what I expected from the village, but I can happily say there are no bodies strung up on ropes, nor carefully cooking over an open fire. No huts made from bones and I have yet to see a sacrificial alter. I’m sure the papers back home will be very disappointed.

The village is in fact rather attractive, in an odd swampy kind of way. It brings to mind the bayou area of Louisiana in America, which I had cause to visit a few years ago. The village is built on the edge of a large expanse of water, in many cases; it is in fact built over the water. The buildings themselves are simple rectangles made from branches and reeds, raised on stilts above the soft ground.

Raised dwellings do seem to be the ‘norm’ on this planet.

We were led through the village to a large platform that is built partially over water and is remarkably clear of the clutter found amongst the rest of the dwellings. It was obvious immediately that this was their equivalent to a ‘town square’ although it may also serve in other functions. At the end over the water was a raised section with a stone throne atop it. The throne had simple carvings on it and a hole at the back for a Lizardman tail to fit through. I hadn’t considered it before, but our human chairs would probably be very difficult for a Lizardman to sit in. Should I ever have to entertain Lizardmen, I’ll have to make sure to get stools. These ruminations about seating occurred later however, along with spotting the carvings on the throne. At the time my attention was drawn entirely to the large crest around the throne. I have heard many stories about dinosaur like creatures dwelling amongst the Jungles although I have yet to see them. The crest surrounding the throne however was proof that they existed and while I am no expert, I would submit that this particular crest is from a creature rather like a Triceratops. It makes for a very splendid seat.

At this point, a group of Lizardmen warriors pulled themselves out of the water and made there way towards us, as I immediately suspected, the largest was the village Chief, who sat down in his thrown. We were then joined by an older Lizardman who wore an amazing cloak made from bird feathers (I wouldn’t be surprised to find many of them came from Parrotmen). This lizardman led a group who started laying out trade goods such as food and simple crafts. Amongst these items however were other, more interesting items. I spotted the distinct glisten of gold and there appeared to be uncut gem stones as well. Obviously this was why the journey was worth while for the traders.

The Lizardman with the cloak (I suspect he’s a shaman, yet another similarity to the Parrotmen, not that I would mention it to either species) appeared to be handling the negotiations with a series of hisses and clicks that I found incomprehensible, until I realised that the negotiations were being done just as vocally by the traders in English. It turns out neither side can speak the others language, however a simple sign language has developed that can handle the exchanges. I expect the vocal part is just to convey emphasis. I myself traded for an item of interest, it cost me my cologne which I will no doubt miss on our return journey, however I had to have it. The item in question is a small stone statuette that is very finely carved and of a style totally different to anything I have seen done by Lizardman or Parrotman, most intriguing.

June 17th

Apparently the trade negotiations are likely to take a couple of days. I have been taking an interest in the surroundings as I’m here to see the Lizardmen in their natural environment.
We have been given a hut to stay in while here. It’s nice enough I suppose but there is precious little in the way of comfort. There are reed pallets to sleep on, which is better than the floor, but that’s it. Water is available by leaning over the edge of the hut ‘s platform, but I haven’t seen any toilet facilities so I am keeping to my water skins currently.

The Lizardmen appear to be carnivorous, I certainly haven’t seen them eat anything other than meat and fish. Groups of hunters leave in the morning and return in the afternoon with a variety of prey, they don’t seem too picky. Vegeatable matter is collected and used for making things, in fact I saw a villager scraping out the insides of a vegetable that looked like a squash. They seemed to be making a bowl, however the flesh of the vegetable was dropped into the water.

I have decided, watching the Lizardmen, that they don’t go out hunting Parrotmen or Humans and roasting them over a fire as has been stated by some of the more ‘sensational’ newspapers back home. However, I suspect they would have no problem doing so. If a man was caught alone by one of the hunting groups I suspect they may well end up on the menu. A chilling thought.

June 19th

We have left the village and started the return journey. The traders seem very pleased with the exchange.

June 21st

Everyone seems nervous. One of the porters went missing last night and one I mentioned in a previous entry is talking about the Alpha-hound again. I’m starting to think the Alpha-hound is Venus’s answer to the bogeyman.

June 22nd

Two more porters have gone missing. Their packs are still here but they just seem to vanish in the night. Now everyone seems to be talking about the Alpha-hound. I still can’t get a straight answer about what it actually is though. The description I’m given is that of a very large scavenger-hound with it’s starved-hyena like body and serrated beak. The story is that these Alpha-hounds can control scavenger-hounds and Parrotmen have ended up fighting their own hounds when confronted by them. Precisely what the relationship is no one can tell me, nor can they explain why such a vicious creature doesn’t just leap on the caravan and take as much meat as it wishes. The reply seems to be “we’ve got guns”. Obviously this Bogeyman creature is intelligent and can understand firearms. Perhaps it could join me for a game of chess too, I haven’t had a decent opponent for quite some time.

June….24th? 25th? 26th?

I’m not sure of the date anymore. The last few days have mostly consisted of finding water and staying alive. My last entry now reads as though written by another’s hand. I shall not be so flippant in future.

The Alpha-hound is real and every bit as large and vicious as rumoured. I also suspect it to be fairly intelligent. Not the intelligence of man, but certainly more so than most beasts. We were attacked the night I wrote my last entry. A pack of wild scavenger-hounds pounced from out of the jungle and while they raced about tearing at people and causing chaos, the Alpha-hound struck. It raced through the middle of our camp, smashing aside men and tents, picking it’s prey meticulously. Those it picked as prey were definitely chosen. It took down those traders who carried heavy calibre rifles and ignored or shouldered aside the others.

I witnessed all this from the ‘safety’ of a nearby tree. I had climbed it to look at what I thought was a nest, but wasn’t. I was without a gun and had been told to stay out of the way should a real fight start. Even had I ran to join battle however, it was over so quickly, I doubt I’d have got to the first body before it was finished. The survivors scattered into the trees and I did likewise.

The hounds are still here. Hiding from them is difficult but not impossible. The Alpha-hound is also still around although for what reason I do not know. Perhaps it has been stalking us since the musk-gland was released weeks ago. Maybe we offended it. Perhaps it just lives here and we were unfortunate. I know not, all I know is I have to get away from here.

I found a breathing device the day after the attack. It was lying near a dead porter in the jungle and has enabled me to survive this long. I have been gathering water from moisture laden leaves but hunger has brought me back to the camp. The hounds are of in the jungle and the area is currently clear so I am taking this opportunity to pen one last entry. I’ll place this journal at the base of a flag, weighted down with some of the trade goods. No one will ignore those and hopefully this journal will be found, even if I don’t make it back. I am gathering food and bullets and will attempt to walk back to the mesa.

I can hear hounds, it’s time to go….

Offline Malamute

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Re: Venus - a VSF campaign setting
« Reply #54 on: September 02, 2009, 03:24:42 PM »
Most excellent Dean. :)

Lord Belborough is definately looking forward to bagging one of those Alpha Hounds on his next trip to Venus  ;)
"These creatures do not die like the bee after the first sting, but go on age after age, feeding on the blood of the living"  - Abraham Van Helsing

Offline Dewbakuk

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Re: Venus - a VSF campaign setting
« Reply #55 on: September 02, 2009, 04:44:43 PM »
Well I have the bodies for two. Just need to make heads for them... Meeting two would be a bad thing however.

Offline Malamute

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Re: Venus - a VSF campaign setting
« Reply #56 on: September 02, 2009, 04:59:52 PM »
Well I have the bodies for two. Just need to make heads for them... Meeting two would be a bad thing however.
Don't worry Lord Belborough has two barrels in his Holland and Holland express rifle, one for each of them,  more sporting don't ya think?

Offline Dewbakuk

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Re: Venus - a VSF campaign setting
« Reply #57 on: September 02, 2009, 05:57:39 PM »
Jolly good.

Went for journal entries for this one as it allowed me to throw in some jungle info. Also let me throw in some setting themes like the breathing apparatus needed for extended time on the lower surface due to the atmospheric density at that level. Besides, I'm not convinced someone could study the Lizardmen well enough to write a proper document.*

What do people think? Did it read okay?

Not sure what to put up next. Time to write up the campaign proper and do a current events type coverage or is there something of the setting I've obviously missed?

I'm deliberately not writing up about settlements etc as I'll leave that up to players etc. There are a few locations that will be revealed as the campaign progresses though.

*It is rumoured that certain nefarious types have studied captured "specimens" however. Though such studies could never be entered in anthrological papers.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2009, 07:24:38 PM by Dewbakuk »

Offline OSHIROmodels

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Re: Venus - a VSF campaign setting
« Reply #58 on: September 02, 2009, 07:14:02 PM »
That read absolutely fine to me, very enjoyable. Liked the style of the journal and would like to know more  :D



Offline Malamute

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Re: Venus - a VSF campaign setting
« Reply #59 on: September 03, 2009, 08:41:23 AM »
That read absolutely fine to me, very enjoyable. Liked the style of the journal and would like to know more  :D



James, next time we organise another Venus big battle you will most certainly be there to join in. :)


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