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All measurements are in "Base Widths" so there is no defined "scale" and sure work with any size units or basing you wish. As long as you can tell if they are in Open Order or Phalanx it can work. The leader as point of measuring/LOS maybe a bit of an issue with single base units, but collaborative players can easily work around that. by using the right corner instead, or the center most figure on a base.
Yes, there is a warband option. Besides phalanx infantry there are various training/levels of non-phalanx infantry too.
I am just summarizing this for Czech readers. I have experience both with Dux Bellorum, Chosen Man and Rampants as well, but I do wonder how the Base Width measurement works for Single Based Models. Are you assuming the unit/base width according to total sum of bases in unit. Lets say that 10x28mm models on 25 mm base forming falanx is 125mm wide?Thanks and Cheers Dalibor.
My editor says the book is being printed now.