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Author Topic: Roswell '98: 1/72 Post Apoc (Chevy Malibu Update)  (Read 37842 times)

Offline CapnJim

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Re: Roswell '98: 1/72 Post Apoc (XR update)
« Reply #165 on: February 03, 2024, 06:32:12 PM »
Those look good!
"Remember - Incoming Fire Has the Right-of-Way"

Offline Mr. White

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Re: Roswell '98: 1/72 Post Apoc (XR update)
« Reply #166 on: February 04, 2024, 08:23:40 PM »
Yeah, I might go back and add some sort of android or two to that ninja gang, but I don't wanna get side tracked at the moment and focus on the models I already own and need to be painted. So, for now, maybe I'll just use those Battletech Mechs as is? But, regarding painted models...

“You think this is a f’n’ costume? This is a way of life.” – Suicide, Return of the Living Dead.

For this gang, I was thinking that maybe I’d have each model be unique in their own colors, but…nah. Unified gang colors make the models easier to paint. Plus, as they could be a unit in Xenos Rampant, probably Berzerk Infantry, I want them to have a unified aesthetic that’s better for gameplay.

Above are five Alan Perry sculpted Dark Future punks and a metal, old school Necromunda Goliath. I knew long ago, I wanted a “big guy” in this gang. Being a gang of punks, I looked for inspiration in 80’s arcade beat’em up titles like Double Dragon and Final Fight. The enemy gangs in those games had big guy, ogre-sized characters, Abobo and Andore respectively. Additionally, as a Necromunda gamer in the 90s this let me revisit one of those models without having to buy in on a whole gang. He seems to fit in well.

These five are a bit more modern as they’re part of the Mark Copplestone sculpted line from Northstar. This whole project started a few years ago because I wanted to get those classic Dark Future sculpts on the table, but these Copplestone models have become the standouts. I love painting these. I’ve bought a few more blisters of each type to have on hand to paint in the future. Good stuff.

A group shot of all 11 models. I’ll probably have “Goliath” back there count as a Single Model Unit. Probably juiced out of his mind on “xenooze” or something. Yellow-dyed mohawks across the gang as a tribute to Dark Future’s Maniax gang who were in paramilitary greens, but bleached blond mohawks.

“Slime Time!” The punk gang rolls out into the badlands of Roswell ’98.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2024, 01:06:59 AM by Mr. White »

Offline Mr. White

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Re: Roswell '98: 1/72 Post Apoc (XR Bandit update)
« Reply #167 on: February 09, 2024, 05:20:16 PM »

“For the good old American life: For the money, for the glory, and for the fun… mostly for the money.”

The last gang I have to paint models up for are The Bandits. I was calling them “The Rockers” or “The Smugglers” earlier, but we’ll go with The Bandits for now.

Looking for a way to unify their look as a cohesive gang, I’ve gone with “blue jeans”. Not really gang colors per se, but I think they’re the only models I’ve done in this setting in blue jeans, so let’s go with it.

Well, obviously they’re not 100% in blue jeans. But perhaps the “Canadian Tuxedo” of the leader makes up for his better half here being in leopard leotards. Also, I think this is the only gang I field at the moment that is made up entirely with Alan Perry Dark Future sculpts.

The philosophy of this gang probably skews close to the Lariat Clan in the Dark Future rulebook: Bushwacking convoys in carefully-planned ambushes, much as the gangs of the old west attacked stagecoaches and trains. When the chips are down though, they’ll toss their lot in with the side of the Roswell Defense Force rather than with The Invaders. They'll likely be fielded as Light Infantry in Xenos Rampant.

"Sonoran Stingers....Let's ride. Giddy-up!"
« Last Edit: February 09, 2024, 08:07:43 PM by Mr. White »

Offline Pattus Magnus

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Re: Roswell '98: 1/72 Post Apoc (XR Bandit update)
« Reply #168 on: February 09, 2024, 06:14:46 PM »
They look great! You have a pretty amazing collection- so many gangs, all with their own style.

Regarding the lady who isn’t wearing jeans, I would be hesitant to criticize the fashion decisions of any woman packing an RPG. If she likes the faux-leopard print tight, who am I to say, “nay”?

Offline Cat

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Re: Roswell '98: 1/72 Post Apoc (XR Bandit update)
« Reply #169 on: February 09, 2024, 07:14:02 PM »
Really nice looking set-up; and yeah, the mechs are good with it!

Offline Mr. White

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Re: Roswell '98: 1/72 Post Apoc (XR Bandit update)
« Reply #170 on: February 10, 2024, 07:24:58 PM »
Regarding the lady who isn’t wearing jeans, I would be hesitant to criticize the fashion decisions of any woman packing an RPG. If she likes the faux-leopard print tight, who am I to say, “nay”?


Thanks for the compliment on the gangs. I kinda wanna to a reshoot of the earlier ones to match the glamour shots of the recent Ninja, Punks, and Bandits.

Offline mikedemana

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Re: Roswell '98: 1/72 Post Apoc (XR Bandit update)
« Reply #171 on: February 11, 2024, 11:02:13 PM »
The new gangs are looking great! I like how you're planning multiple gaming outlets for this painting project. That's the way to go!

Mike Demana

Offline Spinal Tap

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Re: Roswell '98: 1/72 Post Apoc (XR Bandit update)
« Reply #172 on: February 12, 2024, 07:43:50 AM »
What an outstanding collection you have.

Offline Mr. White

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Re: Roswell '98: 1/72 Post Apoc (XR Bandit update)
« Reply #173 on: February 12, 2024, 02:55:49 PM »
Thanks, all!

@Cat - Yeah, I might still repaint a mech or buy a new one to paint in red and whites like the vehicles, but for now I think I'll leave these two in greens as is for a few games. They at least match the foot models.

@mikedemana - Yeah, it's been interesting how appropriate rulesets have just been collecting as this project rolls along. Yesterday I stated up four warbands for The Doomed using these models. I think I'm actually going to end up getting a game in of that prior to XR... though I prefer XR. My son wants to try The Doomed and it's faster playing, with fewer models, so we'll give it a go.

@Spinal Tap - Thank you! I'm considering adding some Stan Johansen 20mm Road Warrior models. The sculpts aren't as crisp as the Alan Perry and Mark Copplestone models that make up the bulk of this project, but he sorta kept the lights on for post apoc models at this scale during the dark years between Dark Future and Gaslands, so I kinda wanna acknowledge that.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2024, 01:33:07 AM by Mr. White »

Offline CapnJim

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Re: Roswell '98: 1/72 Post Apoc (XR Bandit update)
« Reply #174 on: February 12, 2024, 05:47:52 PM »
Those crews look great. 

And never argue with a woman with an RPG...unless you are Marvin Boggs in the Red movie, that is... :D


Offline Mr. White

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Re: Roswell '98: 1/72 Post Apoc (XR Bandit update)
« Reply #175 on: February 15, 2024, 06:52:23 PM »
I haven't seen the move Red, but sounds like I should check it out if there's a woman packing an RPG...

Offline Darathar

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Re: Roswell '98: 1/72 Post Apoc (XR Bandit update)
« Reply #176 on: February 18, 2024, 11:01:17 AM »
Loving the latest additions very cool figures 😁👍. I keep dropping hints we need more gaslands figures from north star hope we do at some point.

Offline Mr. White

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Re: Roswell '98: 1/72 Post Apoc (XR Bandit update)
« Reply #177 on: February 19, 2024, 08:41:38 PM »
Loving the latest additions very cool figures 😁👍. I keep dropping hints we need more gaslands figures from north star hope we do at some point.

Do you have a line to Northstar or Copplestone? I'd _love_ some more figs in this scale.

Offline Darathar

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Re: Roswell '98: 1/72 Post Apoc (XR Bandit update)
« Reply #178 on: February 23, 2024, 10:41:23 AM »
No I wish I've just been asking over time on Facebook

Offline Mr. White

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Re: Roswell '98: 1/72 Post Apoc (Moar Xenos Update)
« Reply #179 on: June 27, 2024, 10:26:12 PM »

It’s been a little quiet around here due to work and other life activities, luckily I had a simple project to ease back into the saddle. Here’s 20 1:72 “not-Alien” models from Elheim. They can be used in my games of Xenos Rampant, Fistful of Lead, Zona Alfa, Gaslands, whatever. Having 20 aliens seems like they’d have their use…

I already had 10 painted, plus a “Queen”. Now, it’s a healthy hive of 30 “hornets”. Basically, a Nuln Oil Gloss wash over grey prime and these acid bleeders were done.

Zombies in my Roswell setting are animated and controlled by the Queen’s hive mind as they serve as alien larvae incubators. So, adding in 20 zombies I had painted up and this is now over 50 models. I don’t know how often I’ll need this many on a side, but I wanted something easy to paint to get these numbers up. I was originally thinking, “more zombies”, but more aliens were easier to paint. Now, I have enough Lesser Xenomorphs to test out a Xenos Rampant version of the Mr. Babbage rules from The Men Who Would Be Kings.


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