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Author Topic: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign  (Read 103952 times)

Offline LtMarks

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #840 on: December 16, 2023, 06:42:02 PM »
lets send Colonel Banks a case of Gordons Extra Dry   haha

Offline CPT Shanks

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #841 on: January 16, 2024, 06:01:09 PM »
Lt Marks I couldn't agree more.
 GHQ Rawalpindi:
Given a lack of activity in the Peshawar district it is recommended that forces be shifted to where they are needed in the Lower Kunar and Black Mountain regions. Stiff resistance from from the belligerents there and require greater concentration of Raj forces to pacify them.
Where are the great battles of the Mad Guru and Umra Khan. Why have their tales sat idle while the great Mulehead and Ghul Akbar carry the day against the Britishers and their lackey? Why does it require months between battles when not using TMWWBK? And multiple posts when they are finally presented?
We would all be better for fighting battles with the one true rule and posting them regularly. And what has happened to the once fine Pesh Tribune? Why have there been no further issues? Has Winky met his fate in some Peshawar back alley,  been shipped off to the eastern frontier, or simply returned home to old blighty with some tropical malady, addicted to chasing the dragon and G&Ts
It is high time the aforementioned scoundrels set aside their antiquated ways and embrace the TMWWBK. Unless of course they don't want faster, more cinematic gaming and wish to continue to trudge along with bloated, ponderous armies, unable to play regularly due to lack of space, or players, or time required to run such overwrought productions.
"welcome to the world of cascading failure"

Offline Mad Guru

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #842 on: January 29, 2024, 10:45:49 PM »
To Lt. Marks... Capt. SHANKS... Rhingyll AKA the Czar's Flunky... and last but not least evil, Giorgio AKA Mulehead, el Osprey's Amir and Defender of its Global Empire... together with all and sundry various other Malefactors of the Frontier:

You are like the Wind and I -- together with my friends and allies the Brilliantly Intoxicated Sgt. Guinness and Umra the Annointed of the Just -- are like the Lion.  You and your unholy text "The Men Who Would Be King" form the tempest.  The sand stings my eyes and the ground is parched as your flatuous wind blows from place to place, from one historical period to the next, without proper care or respect, doing your utmost worst to knock righteous and appropriate rules into the dustbin of hobby history.  I roar in defiance but you do not hear.  But between us there is a difference.  I, like the lion, must remain in my place. While you like the wind will never know yours.

--Mansur Khan, Malik of the Yusufzais, Lord of Swat and its tributaries, Conqueror of Dir, Champion of Brom,
Defender of The Sword And The Flame
« Last Edit: January 29, 2024, 10:49:48 PM by Mad Guru »
"We shall see what wisdom lies beneath my madness!"

Offline CPT Shanks

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #843 on: January 29, 2024, 11:54:39 PM »
It was with great anticipation that I opened the epic account of battles on the northwest frontier. What tales of derring do might the Mad Guru have posted? What record of men with stiff upper lip facing off against overwhelming odds? Of a cunning foe ready to do battle against a technically advanced invader. Even of treachery and deciept in the bazaar... espionage, revenge, blood feuds!
Only to find the bloviations of a madman. You may be the Lion, but in the end the wind will lay bare your bones, glaring white, an offense to the land until even they are consumed by time. 

Offline Umra Khan

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #844 on: January 31, 2024, 10:59:00 AM »
To Lt. Marks... Capt. SHANKS... Rhingyll AKA the Czar's Flunky... and last but not least evil, Giorgio AKA Mulehead, el Osprey's Amir and Defender of its Global Empire... together with all and sundry various other Malefactors of the Frontier:

You are like the Wind and I -- together with my friends and allies the Brilliantly Intoxicated Sgt. Guinness and Umra the Annointed of the Just -- are like the Lion.  You and your unholy text "The Men Who Would Be King" form the tempest.  The sand stings my eyes and the ground is parched as your flatuous wind blows from place to place, from one historical period to the next, without proper care or respect, doing your utmost worst to knock righteous and appropriate rules into the dustbin of hobby history.  I roar in defiance but you do not hear.  But between us there is a difference.  I, like the lion, must remain in my place. While you like the wind will never know yours.

--Mansur Khan, Malik of the Yusufzais, Lord of Swat and its tributaries, Conqueror of Dir, Champion of Brom,
Defender of The Sword And The Flame

 :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* TWO HOURS OF APPLAUSE !!!

Offline giorgio

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #845 on: January 31, 2024, 11:04:23 AM »
It was with great anticipation that I opened the epic account of battles on the northwest frontier. What tales of derring do might the Mad Guru have posted? What record of men with stiff upper lip facing off against overwhelming odds? Of a cunning foe ready to do battle against a technically advanced invader. Even of treachery and deciept in the bazaar... espionage, revenge, blood feuds!
Only to find the bloviations of a madman. You may be the Lion, but in the end the wind will lay bare your bones, glaring white, an offense to the land until even they are consumed by time.

3 hours of standing ovation!!!

Offline Umra Khan

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #846 on: January 31, 2024, 12:05:22 PM »
3 hours of standing ovation!!!

You like wasting your time...

Offline CPT Shanks

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #847 on: March 03, 2024, 03:36:26 PM »

Have all the links failed?

"Ever forward. We gave them a solid drubbing and if they wish to test their assumptions they will again be sorely disappointed."

Offline JBaumal

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #848 on: March 22, 2024, 05:25:29 PM »
           CHAMLA VALLEY

Afghanistan, NWF, Chamla Valley, Winter 1891, with the Russians having split their forces to attack the Chitral territory and the Mastuj, the Russian supply lines have been overextended and even cut in some places.
Captain Kucherov of the Susdal Line commanding a platoon of infantry and Lieutenant Novoseletsky commanding a troop of Cossacks with an attached machine gun have been tasked with a foraging mission to acquire much needed food.

7 February 1891, 05:30

Capt. Kucherov checks his map and prepares the troops to move out.  The order of march will have the Cossacks taking point, followed by the MG, with the infantry taking up the rear guard.

After a hard days march with a couple of hours of daylight left the foraging party advances to the objective, a local chieftain’s tower enclosed by a stone wall filled with a large flock of sheep. It’s a small, seemingly quiet village.

The troops deploy to advance upon the tower.  LT. Novoseletsky orders his Cossacks off the road to the their left flank to reconnoiter the rough ground in front of the vill as the infantry move off the road to their right flank.

Capt. Kucherov nods to Sgt. Smirnoff, as if giving him orders without saying a word. Instantly the Sgt. barks the command “Scouts Forward”! The scouts double time ahead of the column to reconnoiter as the infantry begin to move into open order skirmish formation advancing towards the broken ground to the right of the column looking for any threats.

Subaltern Sobieski observing the deployment of the scouts and the maneuvering of the infantry to his front unlimbers his Gatling MG and posts his crew served weapon at the rear of the column to protect their six. Johnny Pathan makes a habit of falling upon an unsuspecting rear guard. His Russian Sailors will not be caught unawares.

LT. Novoseletsky leads his Cossacks on the Russian left flank towards the rough ground in front of the vill.

Corporal Viseli walks his mount towards the rough ground, eyes peeled, his senses alert. The vill is just too quiet, there are no birds to be seen, and the sheep look distressed. Being a farmer from the Ural before he was conscripted he knows something is upsetting the sheep and stops his mount 100 meters in front of the terrain as he disengages the safety on his rifle.

On the other Russian flank:
As Infantry Sgt. Smirnoff scans the rough ground to his right he sees movement as the rocks seem to come alive. The Pathans spring from the rocks as if they were grapeshot fired from a cannon with the shrill war cry’s of Allah Akbar.

The infantry scouts did their job as they uncovered a group of tribesmen hiding in the rough ground ready to attack. The Russian infantry rolls their critical morale roll allowing them to form a close order firing line to properly defend themselves!

Corporal Viseli, one of the Cossack scouts raises his hand, dismounts, and takes a knee. LT. Novoseletsky then orders his troop to dismount, form a firing line, and prepare for action.
Just as he thought would happen, his scouts uncovered Johnny Pathan sitting in the rocks waiting for his men. Luckily his squadron practiced sound tactics and sent out scouts, otherwise his unit may have been shot up in the saddle without putting any rounds down range.

As the Cossacks dismount the Pathans rise from their hidden positions in the rough ground and open fire. An additional unit stands up from their ambush positions behind the wall of the compound. Corporal Viseli mumbles to himself, “I don’t know who’s more clueless, our officers or the sheep we desperately seek.”

Russian right flank:
The Afghans in the vill fired on the Russians who formed a close order single line formation as their fellow tribesmen charged the northern ferenghi. The Russians themselves fired defiantly at the onrushing Afghans dwindling their numbers decisively which put them at a disadvantage for the upcoming melee. Despite the high Afghan losses the tribesmen still charged home.

On the opposite flank:

The telling musketry from the hidden Pathans forced the dismounted Cossacks back with substantial casualties.
 LT. Novoseletsky orders his troopers to mount up and retreat to the cover of the small hills south of the vill.

Subaltern Sobieski seeing the Cossacks mount up and retreat orders his crew to man handle their Gorlov MG forwards in support to cover the Cossacks retreat, putting rounds into the village and into the tribesmen in the rocky ground on their left flank.

With the Cossacks retreating under the withering musketry from the vill as well as from the broken ground the Russian left flank weakens allowing the tribesmen to move to their left towards the Russian infantry who are locked in melee. The Pathans in the vill providing accurate long rage covering fire to the maneuvering element to their front.

The Russian Gorlov MG had a very difficult time hitting targets in the vill behind the stone and mud brick walls. The tribesmen on their left flank were moving quickly and safely towards them behind the protective screen of low hills and rough ground.

Russian right flank:
Sgt. Smirnoff and his platoon of Susdel Line Infantry defeated the Afghan tribesmen in melee and put them to flight.

However, with the Cossack retreat, the growing numbers of casualties, and the unknown numbers of tribesmen in the surrounding hills Capt. Kucherov orders his recon force to disengage from the enemy and exit the Chamla Valley. Colonel Stolichnaya will be none too pleased with his failure! 

This game was run at the HMGS-South’s Convention Recon-23 as a demo game for new players to our beloved The Sword And The Flame rules set. We based the game on the Chamla Valley scenario from TSATF 25th Anniversary rule book and tied it into our ongoing NWF Campaign on the Lead Adventure Forum, started in June of 2021. Many games have been run from this ongoing campaign from several parts of Italy, California, Texas, Kansas, Arizona, and Florida.

Check out my blog for links to the below mfgrs.

Afghan Tribesmen / Pathans: Cast Away Arts Miniatures, Wargames Foundry Askari Miniatures, Old Glory 25's, Perry Miniatures

Russian Infantry, Guns, Crews, & Cossacks: Askari Miniatures, Naval Gun & Crew

Rough Ground: Bills Gamer Garage, Wall locally produced by Mr. Jeckel and Dr Hyde,
Tower: Colonial Steamboat Company, House: CTMM - Chris the Model Maker

Offline Mad Guru

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #849 on: March 23, 2024, 05:14:28 AM »
Brilliant work, Brother Jeff!  Engaging... enervating... and of course entertaining -- as is to be expected when a GM of your esteemed level runs a game using that most Beloved Holy of Holies: the True Text, the Terrific Tome, the Valorous Volume that Vanquishes all rivals to its Acclaimed Supremacy... The Word of Brom... THE SWORD AND THE FLAME aka:

As both Iron Maiden AND The Widow of Windsor would doubtless say:


Looks like Classic The Trooper Eddie -- who of course crossed swords with the Russkies himself -- enjoyed your post...

But Tsar Of All The Russias Eddie does not seem amused by your tale of an Imperial Russian "draw" with the opposition on the far edge of the Near Abroad...

« Last Edit: March 23, 2024, 10:35:49 PM by Mad Guru »

Offline Umra Khan

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #850 on: March 28, 2024, 09:30:36 AM »
Great post Jeff, entertaining game using the ONLY rule !!!

Offline JBaumal

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" - Save the General's daughter
« Reply #851 on: April 25, 2024, 10:18:22 PM »

Save the General's daughter - 25 February 1891, NWF Afghanistan

25 February 1891, NWF Afghanistan, General McGuinness is pushing his forces hard to reach the beleaguered garrison of Chitral Fort. The General has made many enemies as he cut his way through tribal territories. Chitrali spies in Peshawar have alerted the local mullah that the General's daughter was soon leaving Nowshera and will be accompanying a resupply column to an outpost protecting the Lowari Pass. Thus the Chitrali tribes have joined forces with Bunerwal tribesmen to set a trap for the invading infidels. General McGuinness' daughter, like many other Victorian ladies, lusted to see and experience the Frontier after hearing stories in the Officers Mess of gallant daring do and jingoistic heroics of her majesty's imperial troops. General McGuinness finally relented and let his daughter accompany the strong force marching to the Lowari Pass. On the 2nd day of the journey the force was tricked into thinking a friendly village was under attack. The troops in the overnight bivouac stood to and sent a recon force to the burning village. The Indian troops found no villagers present, alas they were attacked by hidden tribesmen in the perceived abandoned and burning village. After a fierce close quarters engagement the imperial troops forced the ambushers back, both sides suffering heavy losses. During this exchange the astute senior NCO RSM Hadji Singh sent a messenger to alert GHQ of the encounter and to send reinforcements! He then ordered the remaining troops to proceed to and garrison the small village, prepare defensive positions, and unpack the MG that had been brought with the force.

Captain Barrington Hawthorne Smyth, Queens 2nd Dragoon Guards, can you relieve the makeshift garrison and save General Horatio McGuinness' daughter Margaret Fitzpatrick McGuinness.

General McGuinness at GHQ Nowshera, NWF, Afghanistan.

« Last Edit: April 25, 2024, 10:20:07 PM by JBaumal »

Offline Mad Guru

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #852 on: April 26, 2024, 10:57:04 PM »
Very exciting, Sarge!!!

Out on the Frontier it seems... the game is afoot!

Offline giorgio

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #853 on: April 27, 2024, 07:12:37 AM »
The heroic faithful to the only true Rule pathans are ready to win another battle capturing the infidel daughters. Perhaps the mighty Mulehead will convince them to embrace the real faith and marry "voluntarily" his son Muletail lol

Offline Deedles

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Re: "Never trust anyone on the Frontier" an ...epic NWF Campaign
« Reply #854 on: April 28, 2024, 05:37:56 PM »
You like wasting your time...


One day the lead mountain will be gone.... one day



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