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Author Topic: Slow-Burn Avengers WH40K Army Project  (Read 1863 times)

Offline Hat Guy

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Slow-Burn Avengers WH40K Army Project
« on: January 17, 2013, 11:27:41 AM »
Back in the dim days when I still played GW games exclusively (ok, so I dabbled in NATO Spearhead), I had an idea for a Marvel Ultimates Daemonhunters army. Like most teenagers, however, I painted abiout five minis and moved on to the next shiny thing. A decade on, I've painted a heck of a lot of Superhero figures (see here: http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=32726.0) and there are dark murmurings about playing "40K fo Adults" at the local Club; so I decided to take a look at the Grey Knights book and see how viable the army is in the current edition...

I must say, I was pleasantly surprised. I remember when I converted my Ork army list from 3rd to 4th Ed, it almost doubled in size (this was one of the reasons I stopped playing), but for my Ultimates army, I'm looking at less than 5 more figures and 1 more vehicle. Also, because I've spent the last few years painting Superheroes, the army is not far off completion, which is always nice.

At the moment, the list looks a bit like this for 1500 points:

Inquisitor Coteaz (Nick Fury)
GK Grand Master (Captain America)
GK Paladin (Iron Man)
GK Paladin (Thor)
Eversor Assassin (Wolverine)
GK Terminator Squad (Misc Heroes)
Warrior Acolytes (SHIELD Troopers) led by Hawkeye
Warrior Acolytes (SHIELD Troopers) led by Black Widow
2 Rhinos (APCs?)
Stormraven (Quinjet)
6 Henchmen (Assorted Heroes and SHIELD agents)

I've decided to go with more of an Avengers/SHIELD/Avengers Film theme rather than Ultimates because it's more recognisable and I had more of the figures ready at hand. Hopefully, I'll have some pictures and some more details over the next few days.

First up though, any recommendations for the 2 Personnel Carriers and the Quinjet? I'd like to keep the costs reasonable, as so far the army has cost not a heck of a lot.

Offline Inso

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Re: Slow-Burn Avengers WH40K Army Project
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2013, 12:24:08 PM »
You could do worse than a Valkyrie for the Quinjet. Alternatively, there is a radio-controlled Quinjet toy that would fit the bill perfectly.

For APCs you could do worse than Ronins from Scotia Grendel's Void range.

Am I correct in saying that you are giving your GW miniatures different paint schemes to 'represent' the characters or are you plonking down the superheroes and giving them the stats of the troops you mention?

Offline Hat Guy

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Re: Slow-Burn Avengers WH40K Army Project
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2013, 01:35:45 AM »
Whilst the Valkyrie is a great model, it's a little too 40K to match with the army, also it's a bit pricey. The RC Quinjet is also great, but maybe a bit out of my price range, the only ones I could find were in the $80+ range. I'm really looking to spend no more than $50 at the moment due to budget constraints.

The Ronins aren't really to my taste, but there were plenty of other SG vehicles that would be perfect, so thanks for the link.

The army does not actually contain any GW figs. All the minis are Heroclix and Eureka; the thought process being that I can use them for other games. If I was buying GW, I'd be pretty locked into using them for just 40K, which I plan to play maybe 3-4 times a year.

Offline Hat Guy

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Re: Slow-Burn Avengers WH40K Army Project
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2013, 11:48:23 PM »
First look at the army:

Off the bat, sorry for the terrible photo, weird light here in Melbourne today. Thor and my test SHIELD Agent aren't shown.


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