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Author Topic: Where to get 28 mm near-future/post-apoc civilian style cars (2017 list)?  (Read 5720 times)

Offline pahvivalmiste

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I've been looking for some civilian/close-enough cars to use in 28mm post-apocalytic & scifi gaming lately. My interest is (28mm) models, so no diecasts or 1:48 scale models here. I do not know if appropriate, but I'd like to share a list of manufacturers I've been compiling. It might be of use to someone who's interested in the subject.

The problem in finding good resin/plastic stuff seems to be that there is not much available (in terms of civilian vehicles), size/scale varies and there's a lot of duplication (several SUV's, Vans and Technicals/pickups from different manufacturers). Some firms have also quit producing certain models or quit altogether (e.g. there seems to have been 1:56 sedan available from Studio Miniatures). Some things are just out of stock...

The list is arranged by (approximate) scale:

Scale 28mm/32mm/uncertain (usually near 1:50)

Ainsty Castings – some modern stuff (Van, Pickup) and some sci-fi
Car Park, Spy-fi - http://www.ainsty-castings.co.uk/

Antenocitis Workshop – Infinity Vehicles, some others


Baggage Train
Acropolis Future City, Sci-fi - http://the-baggagetrain.com/

Black Cat Bases – Small truck

Blue Moon (Old Glory) - 20's or 30's cars

CNC Miniature Scenery - MDF Truck, Buggy etc.  


Games Workshop

Mad Robot

Mantic Games - plastic stuff
Scenery set with wrecks + this truck - http://www.manticgames.com/mantic-shop/mars-attacks/support/product/flatbed-truck.html

Micro Art (Wolsung)
http://shop.microartstudio.com/rsam-cou ... -1387.html
http://shop.microartstudio.com/zitrone- ... -1521.html

Mirliton – old Grenadier Future Warrior Vehicles


Puppet's war (Truck, APC's)

Ramshackle Games

Scotia Grendel – VOID VASA Desert Buggies, various military vehicles, resin hover car etc.
VOID Vasa, Sci-fi vehicles, Kryomek - http://www.scotiagrendel.com/Products/

Studio Miniatures – School Bus


Urban Construct - Pickup (and APC)

Zinge Industries – Modular Buggy

Scale 1:48

Page did not open

Pig Iron - Humwee etc.

Sloppy Jalopy WW I and Inter-war

Scale 1:50

Crooked Dice (Van, Rover, Exterminator Car)

Empress Miniatures (Technical, military)

4D Modelshop has 1:50 styrene Mercedes Architectural model...

Scale 1:56

Apocalypse Island (Akula) – some civilian vehicles

Company B - various

Copplestone (North Star) – 1:55 – various arctic vehicles, WW I tanks

Grekwood Miniatures

Sloppy Jalopy – Van

Stan Johansen - Interceptor & Pickup

Scale 25mm/28mm


Others (APC’s or something military)

Anvil Industry


Clear Horizon Miniatures

Hasslefree Fire Wasp



Secret Weapon Miniatures

Warlord Games (Antares, Bolt Action)

West Wind (1/60)

Unavailable (Sold Out):

Evil Bear Wargames - SUV
Spectre Miniatures – SUV etc.

Unavailable (other reasons)

Some Antenociti's stuff
Some Fenris stuff
Grenadier Future Warrior stuff
Old Crow (hiatus?)
Pardulon Models
Force of Arms

EDITS: Links and additions, thanks for contributors!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2017, 11:43:17 AM by pahvivalmiste »

Offline zemjw

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Good list there, quite a few I haven't seen before :)

Is there any reason you're not using diecast or 1:48? I've found that the scale on the diecast box seldom reflects the actual size of the model. I have some quoted as 1:48 that are a perfect fit for 28mm, and some 1:56 that are way too small ???

There's a range of trucks by Motorzone that's worth looking at. The same range goes by a bunch of different names, but Motorzone is the one I bought.

My other usual haunts are poundland, B&M, Wilkinsons, The Works, as well as Tesco and other supermarkets. I picked up an ambulance in Poundland at the weekend that will do for SF games. It's rounded and somewhat styilised, so not suitable for post apoc, but ideal for SF.

Movie tie-ins are worth checking out as well. There was a range of vehicles produced for Disney's Planes that work well (albeit they require work to remove smiling faces etc). Some of the Disney Cars vehicles are also suitable.

Siku are worth checking out, although they are one whose box scale doesn't always represent the model scale - which is weird, given that they take their stuff seriously.

For kits, Airfix do a bunch of 1:48 Helmand vehicles, including a Warrior, Jackal and Coyote. Tamiya does an HMMV in 1:48

For motorbikes, some of the Matchbox kits are suitable. I grab any when I find them. Warlord Games has a biker set with a couple of motorbikes in it.

Offline pahvivalmiste

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Is there any reason you're not using diecast or 1:48? I've found that the scale on the diecast box seldom reflects the actual size of the model. I have some quoted as 1:48 that are a perfect fit for 28mm, and some 1:56 that are way too small ???

Thanks for the info about diecast cars and 1:48 kits!

My main reason for going with resin is my sense of aesthetics and my terrain project: resin cars work better with those (and miniatures) than diecast or scale models IMO... I've also realized that I've used 1:50 or 1:48 cars as terrain pieces, which leads to 1:56 being on the small side. This is a bit of a shame, as the selection for modern civilian stuff seems to be better in the latter (1:56) scale. It might also look better all thing considered.

There's also the problem with scale inconsistencies you described. Some things work, some don't, and I do not want to figure it out the hard way. In Finland, where I live, the brands you described are mostly not available. There's some SIKU, but I'd have to buy most things from Germany/UK/Ebay anyway. It takes time... and I may as well go with the Miniature manufacturer's stuff as the postage costs makes it competitive with toys.

Anyways... I bought a Tamiya 1:48 truck for my terrain, but it seemed too big for the figures. The resin stuff from Ainsty and Crooked Dice, OTOH, looked relatively reasonable. I also have two Disney CARS, but they're not really appealing (the other could work, but it does not fit with other stuff etc.). Now I've bought some stuff from both 1:48(1:50) and 1:56 realm and I'm still pondering which I end up using.

In the miniatures field I'm aware that, In addition to Warlord, Reaper has a bike. Some old Future Warrior bikes are good, as well as some Grendel VOID bikes. Eureka has bicycle and some Australian Special Forces bikes etc. But I'm not that much into bikes at the moment :)

Offline mrgrigson

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I would suggest PuppetsWar for their Pegasus Tactical Vehicle that also includes a trailer option. You could make a decent land train with it.



Offline pahvivalmiste

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I would suggest PuppetsWar for their Pegasus Tactical Vehicle that also includes a trailer option.

Thanks! I think I've seen that one... I'll put it to the first message.

Offline Stepman3

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I've found "Jada" diecast toy cars work rather well for the most part. They are listed as 1/64 scale but look good next to NONHEROIC scale 25-28mm figure like Crooked Dice and Hassle Free. I've had some good luck with Matchbox vehicles as well. Not the cars or trucks but things like the Police Cushman and tractor. Also found a nice little Volkswagen Rabbit and Bug. My thing is to carry a figure with me when I know I'm on the prowl for cars...I tend to try to stick with 1/50, 1/48 and like I said 1/64 for some. 1/43rd is way to big IMO...   

Offline nedius

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This list would be even more helpful if there were links to good candidates.

For example, Mantic - I had a look and couldn't find any post apoc style vehicles. Not sure what you saw!

Offline Vampifan

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This list would be even more helpful if there were links to good candidates.

For example, Mantic - I had a look and couldn't find any post apoc style vehicles. Not sure what you saw!

Probably this from The Walking Dead -

Offline horridperson

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Each their own but I prefer diecasts for a few reasons.

1. Price.  $8 dollar kid toy vs. $25 gaming piece.  This is particularly important if you are looking at covering a model city block with abandoned vehicles (3:1, 6:2, 9:3) or laying out an abandoned traffic jam.  I can buy a full rig with a trailer at 1/48 for less than $20.  I shudder to think what I would pay for a resin rig.
2. Versatility.  I can carve the hell out out a diecast with my dremel and turn it into anything from a wreck to a custom vehicle.  On the table the doors could open and shut.  A resin wreck is a resin wreck.  A resin car is a resin car unless you like respirator/particle masks.
3.Scale.  Yeah, true 28mm are 1/56 but standing on a 6" lift (throwing a guesstimate number) beneath the feet of every model as a base makes them loom over more accurate scale cars and make the vehicles look weedy.  I'm really disappointed with how insignificant my Bolt Action AFVs look compared to my men (Hanomag :(, Puma looks hot no matter what :) ).
4.Availability:  My problem is the opposite of your own.  If I want resin models I'm doing mail order (likely international).  I want diecasts I raid the local truckstop.

For quantity diecast all the way but I would be happy to grab specific resin pieces to my collection.  Athenociti's has a sweet looking flying police car I would like to grab.  I'll be all over that mantic TWD set Vampifan posted;  That set looks to have a fine set and I would like to replace the counters in my starter set with 3d representations.

Offline nedius

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Probably this from The Walking Dead -

Probably, but those arent easy to find unless you know where to go on the manic website! Took me ages to find them as there doesnt seem to be a clear WD link on their main site.

Offline pahvivalmiste

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Re: Where to get 28 mm near-future/post-apoc civilian style cars (2017 list)?
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2017, 07:57:32 AM »
This list would be even more helpful if there were links to good candidates.

For example, Mantic - I had a look and couldn't find any post apoc style vehicles. Not sure what you saw!

Fair point - this was more like a reference list of manufacturers than direct access tool. The vehicles are not necessarily easy to find even with web addressess :P But I'll look for some links and upgrade the post when I have time.

Offline nedius

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Re: Where to get 28 mm near-future/post-apoc civilian style cars (2017 list)?
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2017, 11:08:40 AM »
Fair point - this was more like a reference list of manufacturers than direct access tool. The vehicles are not necessarily easy to find even with web addressess :P But I'll look for some links and upgrade the post when I have time.

Will post up any links that i find, as well.

Offline pahvivalmiste

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Re: Where to get 28 mm near-future/post-apoc civilian style cars (2017 list)?
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2017, 12:32:38 PM »
List updated with links... oh dear.

Each their own but I prefer diecasts for a few reasons.

1. Price. 
2. Versatility. 
3. Scale. 
4.Availability:  My problem is the opposite of your own.  If I want resin models I'm doing mail order (likely international).  I want diecasts I raid the local truckstop.

All good reasons :P I just have this thing that everything must be "miniatures". I fully acknowledge that a lot of resin stuff is clumsy and not even that good-looking, but miniatures is miniatures and so on. Number four is a problem for me in both cases, resin and diecast (mail order all the way), so I can suck up the postage costs. I do think that 20-30 € for single vehicle is a bit steep, but I also thought that I need only 5-7 relatively small cars for gaming. And most cars are under 20 € a piece.

Offline Gunbird

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Re: Where to get 28 mm near-future/post-apoc civilian style cars (2017 list)?
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2017, 02:29:10 PM »
Old Crow is available. Use the Waybackmachine to find his old codes and prices, and his email still works and he still takes orders, but his moviework takes priority.
Who is Gunbird? Johan van Ooij, Dutch, Mercenary Gamer, no longer mobile and happy to live life while it lasts >> http://20mmandthensome.blogspot.com/

Offline nedius

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Re: Where to get 28 mm near-future/post-apoc civilian style cars (2017 list)?
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2017, 03:27:13 PM »
List updated with links... oh dear.


Very useful!


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