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Author Topic: Cohors Cthulhu stuff August 2 '24  (Read 1594 times)

Offline eMills

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Cohors Cthulhu stuff August 2 '24
« on: December 09, 2023, 01:38:13 AM »
I have decided to start only posting if I have something physical to go along with any digital work I am doing.  Not necessarily physical versions of my digital work every time, but at least something physical.

Having said that, here is a print of an Orc Warrior that I have slapped some paint on.  I am super rusty with using the hairy sticks, so even though the sculpt needs to be reworked, I decided to use it as a practice piece.

I really like a lot of the old designs that GW did for Orcs.  I really hate the sculpts...  I also really like the new Kruleboyz from Age of Sigmar (new Orcs/Orks are pretty much hot garbage IMO), so these Orcs will be my attempt to make Orcs more in line with the Kruleboyz aesthetic, but using Oldhammer Designs.  I hope that makes sense and comes across in the work.

Super crappy blown out pictures, but I don't have time to retake right now, sorry.

I also have been printing scenery:

Most of that is bare plastic, but the grey one is primed.  I'm trying out a filler primer to hopefully minimize the lines in the FDM prints.

Here is that above Orc with some of the changes in progress:

And here is another, still very early on:

I printed out several figures from a few different Patreons too and will post pics of the paint in progress once I get a chance.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2024, 11:02:55 PM by eMills »

Offline eMills

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Re: General Fantasy Thread (December 8 '23 ~ 3D Prints)
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2024, 12:26:46 AM »
Some fantasy stuff I've started work on:

Strongheart from 80's D&D. The pommel of his sword failed to print, but the print is good enough for painting practice, so he is primed white here.

The Bounty Hunter from Darkest Dungeon put into the Mortal Realms of Age of Sigmar. Specifically as a former mortal member of the Ulfenwatch. His axe also failed to print, but the other details look pretty good so he will serve as a practice piece as well.

Cthulhu Priest from Wargames Atlantic Digital for use in Cohors Cthulhu.

Victrix Roman, again for use in Cohors Cthulhu.

Thanks all for stopping by.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2024, 03:09:33 AM by eMills »

Offline beefcake

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Re: General Fantasy Thread June 27 '24
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2024, 12:49:39 AM »
Very nice. You've done a great job on these.

Offline eMills

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Re: General Fantasy Thread June 27 '24
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2024, 01:52:01 AM »
Very nice. You've done a great job on these.
Thanks Beefcake.  I appreciate the kind words.

I've now gotten my hands on the stl files from the RPG Kisckstarter, and though they are well made, I do not prefer the video game/JRPG style that they have.  I have pledged for the miniatures game KS as well since I want to support the creation of more material for both RPG and Tactics games.

I have started work on another legionary, ordered archers in Lorica Hamata and Celts/Gauls Armored Warriors and Dacians from Victrix to get me going on the rest of my Romans and their enemies.

Also, from reading the Tactics KS updates, it seems you can make and level up your own characters, which is a big plus to me.  Knowing that, I started work on my first character, whom I will refer to in my internet translated latin as Nigrum Leo, or The Black Lion.  He is definitely inspired by Conan, since his banner as King of Aquilonia was a black lion on a red field, if I remember correctly.  [Edit: Looks like I was wrong, golden lion on black field.  Ah well, I'm sticking with mine.] Also, I have always thought of the Aquilonians as resembling Imperial Romans in their arms and equipment.

So, without further waffling, here is the finished 3D sculpt:

I still want the figures that I sculpt to be fantasy Romans, but much more grounded in reality and the plausible.  This will replace Marius in the Tactics campaign, so he is a Centurion with Gladius and Scutum.  I have never seen any historical Roman armor on the arms or legs that was scale and not plates.  The various decorations and such are similar to historical stuff but still fantastic.

I was also inspired to make an Altar of Mormo, based on the statue Ceres searching for Proserpina

Very early WIP.

I'm hoping to get a test print of the Lion tonight.  I will update when I have more to show.  Thanks for stopping by.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2024, 02:01:17 AM by eMills »

Offline eMills

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Re: Cohors Cthulhu stuff July 7 '24
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2024, 10:31:26 PM »
Quick photo of the paint in progress for the Lion and the first three Legionaries:

Not the best, but it shows the size of my sculpt compared to the Victrix figures.  I am not going to produce any better than tabletop quality anytime soon, so I am decently happy with their progress.  I am painting another copy of my sculpt because I broke that one...

Also started painting a Dimensional Shambler from the Cthulhu: Death May Die game to stand in for a Chosen of Mormo.

Just playing around with washes and dry brushing at this point.

Sorry for the somewhat crappy pictures.  I think I need to find a grey cloth to serve as the background for my light box.  The black looks decent, but the white always ends up blown out like these.

Thanks everyone for stopping by.

Offline eMills

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Re: Cohors Cthulhu stuff July 10 '24
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2024, 11:02:38 PM »
Slightly better updated picture of the Legionaries:

Start of the paint on an Auxiliary archer:

I am waiting on some basing materials so that I can finish their bases.  I also need to get some decals made for their shields.

I stripped the Dimensional Shambler because I wasn't happy with where it was headed.  New pics once there is something to show.  Also, started over (again) on my figure since I dropped something on my desk and broke a bunch of figures, including the second copy of my sculpt. lol


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