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Author Topic: Blood on the Sands **NEW** Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears...  (Read 197626 times)

Offline Eithriall

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Ok, thx for the answers and we will use the QRS for the start of the campaign.
I will add our questions to the match reports of the campaign.

As suggested earlier, earning more fame for an auctoratio should be fine (+1 at the end of the fight).

For the pics, I just don't remember how to...  o_o
"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.”Robert E. Howard, The Tower of The Elephant, 1933

Offline Furt

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Looking forward to your campaign report.

For the pics, I just don't remember how to...  o_o

I don't think you can just link directly to google drive. They need to be hosted somewhere first.
“A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him.”


Offline Eithriall

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Problem solved with the pics. Thx Furt....
Done the first Munus of the first year of our 2 Lanistae campaign with my daughter, report is coming soon.

Offline Furt

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Problem solved with the pics. Thx Furt....

Excellent! much better.

Done the first Munus of the first year of our 2 Lanistae campaign with my daughter, report is coming soon.

Great - love to hear your thoughts and see your results.

The campaign part of the rules has already had an overhaul in the next version, which should be out soon.

Offline Eithriall

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Campaign Report

Ludi of Franck and Julia

Year I / Munus I : Arena with a merciful crowd

Game I : Hades vs Tacitus
After the morning venationes, an impatient crowd is waiting for the gladiators to arrive. The first fight of the day pits two Provocatores against each other: Tacitus, a fiery young Parthian prisoner of war (Traits: Fierce and son of Fortuna) and Hades, an auctoratus from the equestrian order eager to prove his worth on the arena sand (Traits: Agile and Adored). The crowd roars with pleasure as he enters the burning sand.
Neither competitor seems impressed by the other one (despite the trait of Tacitus) or by the stakes and both calmly make their way to the center of the arena.

Provocatores fighting

Round 1
Tacitus is the first to start the hostilities. He attacks several times ineffectively his opponent who takes the opportunity to provoke him, but Tacitus keeps his cool.
Hades, violently mistreated, doesn't have the possibility to retaliate, but he manages to play with the crowd in order to mitigate his displeasure of not having seen him attack.

Round 2
Tacitus goes up to the contact and tries a circling attack that tires his opponent. He then slides down his left flank and tries to aim at a specific spot but his blow is easily parried by Hades.
The two fighters then take a moment to breathe, then Hades rushes on his opponent. His speed surprises Tacitus who is wounded in the belly. Fortunately, the wound seems superficial. The public roars with pleasure and encourages the auctoratus. This one wants to force his advantage and advances to place a heavy strike. But it is without counting on the technique of Tacitus. The Parthian POW succeeds in a superb defense. Hades got tired for nothing.

Round 3
Hades tries to regain the ascendancy and slides on the side of Tacitus, but he defends himself well. Two new attacks are again countered by the Parthian shield but Tacitus approaches dangerously the wall of the arena.
Tacitus, seeing that his opponent is getting tired, tries to place a relentless attack, but fails. He then decides to provoke him and succeeds in destabilizing him with some insulting words (1 temporaly forfeited die).

Round 4
Tacitus takes control of the fight and tries to put his opponent out of breath a little more, but fails again.
Hades feels his strength leaving him quickly, after a short breath, he fails twice to hit his opponent who defends very well today.

Round 5
Tacitus moves to the left side of his opponent to get around him and hits him on the side without success. He then tries to tire his opponent by pressing him (relentless attack) and succeeds in hitting his left arm. Hades suffers a flesh wound and additional fatigue.
Tacitus is now unleashed, he strings together attacks, one is parried and the other hits the helmet of Hades, without success.
Hades is badly beaten, but to the general surprise, he makes a superb move and wounds Tacitus in the head despite the helmet. Benefiting from two favor tokens, he then plays with the crowd and wins their fervor.

Round 6
Tacitus seems to have lost his ascendancy while Hades is tired (one die forfeited) and, again, the Parthian is not far from the arena wall.
Hades the auctoratus, moves, attacks, moves again and attacks again despite the fatigue, but Tacitus holds on. He defends wonderfully. Taking advantage of a brief resumption of breathing by Hades, the Parthian connects a circling attack and a driven attack. The latter hits is bull's eye and inflicts a terrible wound to the stomach of the Roman Provocator (slow kill), forcing him to give up immediately.

Some shouts of despair came down from the stands, Hades was clearly the public's favorite but the crowd applauds both fighters for the good show they delivered.
The crowd, particularly merciful today and satisfied with this fair game, let Hades leave the arena and try to heal his nasty wound.

Victory for Tacitus (Lanista : Franck).

Tacitus : fame 4
+1 fame for entering the match
+2 fame for winning the match
+1 fame if you ended the match with two favour tokens (removed of the sheet before the picture).

Hades : fame 2
+1 fame for entering the match
+1 fame if you ended the match with two favour tokens

Injury : Vitals not healed - start the next game with a wound at the affected location

Year I / Munus I : Arena with a merciful crowd

Game II : Mordax vs Armipotens
After a few fights from other Ludi, it's time for the second pair of fighters of the Lanistae Franck and Julia to face each other.

This time, the fight is between another big Parthian prisoner of war named Armipotens (means « belligerent ») (traits : large and Son of Nemesis) using the Hoplomachus armatura and a huge german "mountain" prisoner of war named Mordax (traits : strong and large) fighting as a Murmillo.
If the two fighters are nervous, because the public is now unleashed, they do not show it and they challenge each other without trembling.

Round 1
The massive German POW, aware that his strength can quickly put an end to the fight (rolls on wound table +4 = +1 Brute class trait, +1 Strong trait + 2 Large trait!!!), rushes directly at his opponent and attacks him with ardor (Impetus attack). His attempt fails, well blocked by the spear of the Hoplomachus. His next attack is, again, easily parried by Armipotens.
The Parthian knows how dangerous the German is, so he prefers to use his reach and avoid contact (extended lunge). But Mordax is an iron fortress. He parries the blow and his equipment allows him to take the next blow without flinching.

Round 2
Armipotens keeps the initiative and turns around his opponent looking for an opening, he suddenly places a powerful attack that explodes the right arm of the Murmillo! The public exlaims as the German drops his sword under the power of the impact (slow kill + disfavour token).
The Hoplomachus presses his opponent (flank attack), he knows that he can finish the fight, but by miracle, the German parries the blow with his shield. A driven attack then forces him to back off. He breathes with difficulty and is no longer able to attack as his lead arm gushes blood, the crowd whistles at him as he catches his breath (one more disfavour token). But we don't know how, he managed to provoke the Parthian (1 forfeited die).

Round 3
Somewhat stubborn and aware that he hasn't proved anything yet, the German doesn't even think of giving up and rushes on his sword. Although hampered by the Parthian, the Murmillo managed to recover his weapon and place an attack parried by his opponent.
Armipotens uses another extended lunge special attack, forcing Mordax to parry, then move around and tries another attack that tires his opponent after having provoked him.
Mordax wavers, but that's nothing compared to what awaits him because the Hoplomachus manages an unstoppable attack (double 6 rolled) that inflicts a new wound on the lead arm of the Murmillo. His arm is now disabled and he must appeal to the crowd while he bleeds…

Because of his poor match, the public is not kind to him and scolds for his death.
Appeal roll : dice 7+1(merciful crowd)-2(disfavour tokens) = 6
Mordax is put to death.

(fast!) Victory for Armipotens (Lanista : Julia).

Armipotens : Fame 4
+1 fame for entering the match
+2 fame for winning the match
+1 fame if you ended the match with two favour tokens

Question : does a slow kill benefit +1 fame (is this considered a kill wound) ?

Thoughts : The atmosphere of the Bots I knew is still there, because the game really tries to take into account the historical and cultural dimension of the gladiature.
I like the changes that have been made to the previous version. The disappearance of skills and the defense system with dice and parry tokens are good things.
The artworks are great and the overall design of the different sheets really nice. We didn't have any problems understanding the game because the rules are pretty straightforward and well written but we need to play more amaturae and different traits. We haven't played enough to test the balance of the whole system yet, but we've had a lot of fun and, once we understand the rules, the games move pretty quickly.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2022, 07:29:40 PM by Eithriall »

Offline Furt

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Wonderful reports Franck!  :-*

I know how much time detailing the combats round by round takes - thanks so much for doing that.

These desperate combats are what I sought when writing Blood on the Sands and it sound like yours have delivered in spades!

It also appears that you have managed the rules with little to no problems which is very comforting to hear.

In my play testing we found, like yours, that the duels involving paired provocatore can be longer events. It sounded like a tense fight. But who is the Hermes fellow that appears in turn 6? A suppositicius?!?!  ;)

I'm glad to see the giant German, who should have taken the hoplomachus' head clean off, was defeated. If he could only have managed a strike and not dropped his gladius it would have been a much different bout. The only thing I could see possibly wrong here is I believe the hoplomachus was using the Step Inside? The Step Inside attack is used against an opponent with a long weapon (spear, trident).

A slow kill is not considered a kill wound for the +1 fame.

The campaign game has had some changes and I am almost ready to release ver1.4. I have given the auctoratus back their +1 fame, but only if they win their match. As well, should they gain the rudis they will be more likely to leave the arena.

Again thanks Franck, a great report and I look forward to more.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2022, 11:13:58 PM by Furt »

Offline Muzfish4

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I'll echo Furt's sentiments - great match reports which make compelling reading.

Looking forward to v1.4.

Offline Eithriall

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But who is the Hermes fellow that appears in turn 6? A suppositicius?!?!  ;)

The only thing I could see possibly wrong here is I believe the hoplomachus was using the Step Inside? The Step Inside attack is used against an opponent with a long weapon (spear, trident).

A slow kill is not considered a kill wound for the +1 fame.

I have given the auctoratus back their +1 fame, but only if they win their match. As well, should they gain the rudis they will be more likely to leave the arena.

Hermes! LOL  lol

For the step inside, I think I've made a mistake with the +2 modifier, should be a flank attack (Hoplomachus special).

Rolling the characters I was sure Mordax would be a killing machine....An agile Hoplomachus proves me wrong! Such a surprise.

Ok for the answers about the kill wound and the fame of an auctoratus.
Corrections made in the report.

Next Munus is annouced with a Secutor/Retiarus  and an Thraex/Hoplomachus fights.

Offline Furt

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For the step inside, I think I've made a mistake with the +2 modifier, should be a flank attack (Hoplomachus special).

Yes, makes sense.

Next Munus is annouced with a Secutor/Retiarus  and an Thraex/Hoplomachus fights.

Looking forward to your thoughts on a Secutor vs Retiarius. One of the most challenging pairing to balance mechanics-wise.

Offline Eithriall

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Campaign Report

Ludi of Franck and Julia

Year I / Munus II : Arena with barbed posts (but figured by miniature paint bottles)  :D

Game I : Flamma vs Funestus

The afternoon is already well advanced and the previous fights have heated up the crowd. Here comes the Hoplomachus Flamma, a ferocious convicted criminal from Numidia (Traits: Fierce and Son of Mars) and his opponent, Funestus, a strong plebeian volunteer fighting as a Thracian (Traits : Strong and Resilient). Neither of them seems particularly impressed as they both take their places in the middles of four impressive barbed posts.

Round 1
Funestus immediately takes the initiative but cannot find an opening in his opponent's guard. He circles around him, but is unable to place an attack. So he is content to provoke the hoplomachus (1 forfeited die) and to stay at a distance (1 disfavour token).
Flamma tries to pursue his opponent, but he is not as fast. He is not able to attack either (1 disfavour token).

Round 2
The Hoplomachus steps forward and places a magnificent special attack (double 6 on an Extended Lunge) and wounds the Thraex in the lead leg (flesh wound). The audience exults and Flamma erases the disfavour he won earlier.
He then takes the opportunity to play with the crowd, but he hasn't done enough for them to give him more.
Funestus, now pissed off by the wound, moves and tries a Hook around special attack. He hits the helmet of his opponent who is breathless (1 more fatigue for Flamma).

Round 3
The Hoplomachus keeps the initiative and rushes at his opponent who parries the attack. He moves to attempt a circling attack, but Funestus blocks it with his shield. Enraged, Funestus tries again a specialty of his armatura (Hook around) and inflicts a flesh wound to the rear leg of his opponent.
As the audience applauds and Flamma steps back, then he follows up with a move and a terrible attack that hits Flamma's torso inflicting a slow kill.
The Hoplomachus gasps painfully and tries to preserve himself (respite and recovers his forfeited die), then places an extended lunge which is easily defended by Funestus.

Round 4
Funestus wants to finish the fight, but he takes the time to breathe while his opponent bleeds, then rushes back to him (despite the fatigue). Flamma manages to parry the attack but gets carried away by a new provocation (1 forfeited die).
The Hoplomachus has difficulty to link the attacks. He looks for his breath and does not dare to approach Funestus. He places a new attack at distance (Extended lunge) easily defended by the Thraex.

Round 5
The Plebeian Auctoratus takes the time to breathe before rushing once again on Flamma. This last parries the blow and succeeds in not cracking during a new provocation of the Auctoratus.
Flamma moves around and attacks without success. Really tired and feeling his forces abandon him, he throws himself on Funestus but fails to touch him. A last extended lunge also fails. The Numidian thinking his end is near, prefers to admit his defeat and try his luck in front of the crowd.

Unfortunately, the public does not seem to consider that he has done enough and does not grant him life (Appeal to the crowd roll : 2d6-1=5).
Flamma is put to death.

Victory for Funestus (Lanista : Julia)

Funestus : fame 4
+1 fame for entering the match
+2 fame for winning the match
+1 fame for auctoratus winning the match

Year I / Munus II : Arena with barbed posts (but figured by miniature paint bottles)  :D

Game II : Durus vs Nocentianus

While the blood of the Numidian criminal is slowly drunk by the sand, here comes the Retiarius Durus, a vigorous volunteer from the Roman plebs (Traits: Resilient and Vigorous). The crowd rarely appreciates this armatura, but it hesitates to whistle the warrior who comes from its ranks.
Then it is the turn of Nocentianus to enter on the burning sand. He’s an arabian unruly slave, but is strong and cunning and these traits are is enough to unnerve the Retiarus (1 forfeited die).

Round 1
The Secutor is the quickest to react and moves before making an pursuing attack parried by Durus' trident. Another attack fails to hit the opponent. Confident in his strength, the slave manages to scare his opponent a little more (successful provocation – Durus has now 2 temporary forfeited dice).
Durus is already in trouble, he approaches the Secutor, but does not come into contact. He simply places a distance attack (extended lunge) which is parried by the scutum of Nocentianus.

Round 2
The Retiarus succeeds in destabilizing his opponent by inveighing him, then attacks him again from a distance with his trident. The Secutor's shield resists this new attack. Durus stays at a distance and catches his breath.
Nocentianus takes advantage of the moment to recover his forfeited die and places a new pursuing attack to stay in contact but Durus managed to defend himself and also to counter the next attack.

Round 3
Durus does not know which strategy to use (he has only 4 action dice). He maneuvers around his opponent and tries to place a new trident attack, but it fails.

The Secutor knows how to defend himself and feels at his advantage. He moves fast and attacks. The Retiarus makes a mistake in his defensive posture (double 1 rolled). Luckily, he only comes out breathless (+1 fatigue). Then the Arabian slave places a heavy attack which is again very badly defended (double 1 rolled again!!!). The sword hits Durus in the head inflicting him a very nasty wound (slow kill). The plebeian is forced to give up.

Again, the crowd is not very merciful and does not grant life to the plebeian who is put to death (Then, in truth, I hate it!)  :?
(Appeal to the crowd roll : 2d6-1=5).

Victory for Nocentianus (Lanista : Julia)

Funestus : fame 3
+1 fame for entering the match
+2 fame for winning the match

So, no problems raised with the rules but I had a hard time digesting my two gladiators put to death by the crowd. I also made a lot of very bad dice rolls. It will be better next time, if the Gods want it...
My daughter should soon give her thoughts on the game.

Edit : I really wanted to spare the life of the Hoplomachus. I think I was too optimistic, to abandon without favour token... And for the Retiarus, the fight was really to short to have a opinion about the armatura. I really had no luck with him. Need to try this again.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2022, 07:20:27 PM by Eithriall »

Offline Furt

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Another excellent munus and report Franck!  :)

It looks like the House of Julia is on a real winning streak. I'd like to hear the thoughts of such a successful lanista.

The Appealing to the Crowd mechanic has received an overhaul in the next update, which may have saved your gladiators. Mid range rolls, like your rolls of 5, means that the decision moves from the crowd to the Editor and you get to appeal again with a few different modifiers. As you are aware the death rates of actual gladiators were relativity low and I hope to balance that in BotS a bit better.

It is a real shame the retiarius did not get to throw his rete, as I would like to have see the results. It seems he started on the wrong foot and had a run of bad dice rolls.

Lastly it did not appear the barbed palus caused too much concern. We have found our fights have a much different feel when obstacles are introduced.

Looking forward to more from the House of Franck to come...

Offline Eithriall

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Yes, my daughter kicks ass! 8)

I know gladiatorial combats weren't that lethal. Glad to read you're going to refine the subject. I can't wait to see rules v1.4.

With the Retiarus I haven't had the time or the dice to really try something but the next Munus should see a fight between Julia's Retiarus and my Secutor. Things will probably be different.

Yes, the barbed poles had an impact. No one collided with them but we were very careful with our moves even though I didn't made that clear in the report.

Thx for your comments.

Offline Furt

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Blood on the Sands version 1.4 should have been emailed out to the current active play testers.

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions.

Offline Muzfish4

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The Eagle has landed.

Should be bale to get them onto the board in the next week or two once Winter sport winds down for the Little Fish.

In ital thoughts are that they look good.

Looking forward to reading more session reports here too.

Offline cadbren

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So it's a game to see who'll be queen bee.


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