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Author Topic: Finally! 19 years after Codex(s) Chaos Space Marines & Codex Eye of Terror etc..  (Read 1204 times)

Offline Storm Wolf

  • Mad Scientist
  • Posts: 919
I finally have a large fully painted Chaos Force that I always wanted years ago.

So thanks to Wyrmalla (Fraser) and a few others on this forum, selling various items I have finally achieved this (minor) feat lol

The list is quite impressive, however most of it is newer rather than older stuff, so here goes.

Force 1 - Black Legion
Chaos Lord - Plasma pistol + power fist
Chaos Lieutenant - Plasma pistol + power weapon
5 Chaos Marines - Bolters + missile launcher
5 Chaos Marine - Bolt pistols + CCWs
3 Chaos Obliterators

Force 2 - Plague Marines
Chaos Terminator Lord - Combi-bolter + plague sword
4 Terminator Chosen - Combi-bolters, heavy flamer + power weapons
Chaos Sorceror - Bolt pistol + force weapon
Plague Dreadnought
Plague Rhino
10 Plaguebearers
3 Nurgling bases
2 off 6 x Plague marines: Various options

The Lost and the Damned (Codex Eye of Terror)
Aspiring Champion
5 Big Mutants (Big Chaos Beastmen)
16 Traitors - Autoguns
17 Traitors - Pistols + CCWs
42 Mutants (Poxwalkers)
10 Chaos Spawn

There are still a few left because i have to work out where they need to go?

So can I go back to 2002 and get some 3rd edition games in??? :o lol

Nothing beats being fashionably late

All the best and if you spot ex. models of yours in this list thank you to one and all.
Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may truly judge what is sane.

Offline Chief Lackey Rich

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  • Posts: 1494
So can I go back to 2002 and get some 3rd edition games in??? :o lol

I don't see why not, aside from the obvious issue of literal time travel to 19 years ago shattering the fabric of spacetime or somesuch.  I've played both RT and 2nd ed more recently than 8th or 9th, and enjoyed both far more than the modern stuff.  Although I will admit to leaving the strategy cards out of the 2nd ed games.  I've had quite enough Virus Outbreaks for one lifetime, thanks. 

A big part of my hate for 9th stems from those idiotic "strategic ploy" rules.  Nothing but "gotcha" moments and they contribute enormously to the edition's terrible balance issues.

Offline Storm Wolf

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  • Posts: 919

Right-ho work on my TARDIS continues apace ;)

Agreed I have tried 8th and 9th and even before that some 6th and all those special rules, exceptions and what bloody ever, just destroy any sense of a game for me.

Like you I prefer 1st and 3rd, never liked 2nd much though (all the cards etc, I think).

Time-travel gaming is the way to go, I am using my Primaris as tru-scale Marines with 3rd edition. For Rogue Trader I am using it more as it was intended, small scale skirmish with a more western and frontier feel and even as a substitute for Stargrave maybe?

Happy gaming


Offline Bearwoodman

  • Mad Scientist
  • Posts: 621
An impressive list indeed - but where are the pictures?!!

As for which rules and which edition that is of course entirely down to you and your opponent (and your choice of both rules and opponent will no doubt affect your enjoyment of the game!). 

Keep us posted and happy gaming!

Offline Diablo Jon

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  • Posts: 1283
I think the Lost and the Damned list from the eye of terror campaign was the single greatest army list ever written for 40K it was everything I ever wanted in a chaos 4Ok army traitors, mutants IG tanks the possibilities for that lists seemed endless.

Offline Storm Wolf

  • Mad Scientist
  • Posts: 919
Bearwoodman - My mini pics are not the greatest, but we shall see lol

Diablo Jon - Yeah I agree and the 3.5 Chaos Codex was the best main codex ever :-*, the modern ones are pretty bad IMHO with their endless special rules and exceptions and exceptions to those exceptions if we had an (head-exploding emoji) I would use it.

Long live old-hammer in all of it's forms ;)


Offline Major_Gilbear

  • Scatterbrained Genius
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I finally have a large fully painted Chaos Force that I always wanted years ago.

...What, you make an announcement like that and then post no pictures? You monster!  :o lol

I have to admit that looking over your list, it seemed to me like 2nd edition would be the perfect size for those warbands. I understand about the sea of card in 2E games, but actually there are three main sources of it cluttering the table:

1) Wargear cards. Honestly, these are now just wargear descriptions in the codex instead, and you just write the wargear name under your character when you buy them it. You could just do the same in 2E, and leave the cards in the box. If you're feeling up to it, you could also write all the cards onto a summarised cheat-sheet for ease during list building.

2) Vehicle datafaxes. I never much liked how vehicles worked in 2E. Yes, they were detailed rules, but they just took forever to resolve if you had anything like a unit of 5 bikes and a couple of tanks/dreads. For vehicles, I'd use one of the later systems instead (5th was quite decent), and adjust the armour values to the 2nd edition datafaxes. This also makes bikes a better prospect for marines and orks, since they are just model upgrades rather than vehicles. As you only have a Rhino and a Dread, I doubt you'll have much problem whatever you do.

3) Psychic phase. Cards for everything here, plus piles of unique effects templates. I've been tempted to bodge in a WHFB magic system from 6E-8E, and then adjust the casting values of 40k cards to suit. As the WHFB systems from 6E-8E used dice rather than cards, it does create much less clutter. Then again, you can just skip this altogether and use the psychic power rules from the core ruleset instead, which although basic doesn't have any cards anyway.

As for missions and stratagems, I don't mind those being on cards - it's only a couple per player, and it's helpful to have a reminder of the mission to hand anyway. Apart from Virus Outbreak (which we were all told to remove anyway), the strategy cards are a nice bit of oldskool random fun.

Buuuuuut.... All that said, I did like 3rd and 4th edition quite a lot as well; in particular the streamlining of the melee and vehicle rules and the removal of card clutter was a big draw! lol I also liked the mission scenarios too, as I felt these were more coherent and led to better games.

I think the Lost and the Damned list from the eye of terror campaign was the single greatest army list ever written for 40K it was everything I ever wanted in a chaos 4Ok army traitors, mutants IG tanks the possibilities for that lists seemed endless.

The 2nd edition list in the back of the Chaos codex was also reasonably good in this respect, especially if you allied in from the other lists in the same book (i.e., a few Traitor Marines, who were probably assigned to your force as overseers to ensure your force did what they were supposed to).


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