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Author Topic: Five Leagues from the Borderlands - The Gentlemen of Much-Piddling  (Read 33189 times)

Offline ced1106

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Re: Five Leagues from the Borderlands - The Gentlemen of Much-Piddling
« Reply #105 on: May 11, 2023, 07:36:17 AM »
Looks terrific!

Going to face the Dust Doggies with one of the parties soon enough. Need to paint up a shield and some other things!

Crimson Scales with Wildspire Miniatures thread on Reaper!

Offline Mad Lord Snapcase

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Re: Five Leagues from the Borderlands - The Gentlemen of Much-Piddling
« Reply #106 on: May 11, 2023, 12:53:59 PM »
Looks terrific!

Going to face the Dust Doggies with one of the parties soon enough. Need to paint up a shield and some other things!

Many thanks, ced1106, take care with those hounds, they can be tricksy!

Offline Mad Lord Snapcase

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Re: Five Leagues from the Borderlands - The Gentlemen of Much-Piddling
« Reply #107 on: May 11, 2023, 01:09:03 PM »
The first part of the Monster Lair scenario needs a scout, whose task it is, to find the monster. In our case, a two-headed ogre, named Beebleprod. The Compagnye elected Hugh Pugh for this dangerous mission. Hugh climbed over the wall of the pigsty and out into the moorland behind the inne.

Hugh, with his goldfish-like attention span, wanders off, something catching his eye. It appears to be some rather giant footprints in a muddy puddle.

Turning in the direction of the prints, Hugh sees a rocky outcrop and bimbles over for a look-see.

As he rounds the corner of the outcrop, he is startled to see the awakening form of a two-headed ogre! Hugh has disturbed his afternoon nap and the ogre is not at all happy.

Frozen to the spot with terror, Hugh can only watch as the ogre lumbers towards him. He does manage to make an ejaculation; “F**k me, it’s a two-headed ogre!”, he screams.

By sheer luck, the rest of the Compagnye hear Hugh’s plaintive cries and come scrambling over the wall of the pigsty. Lew is looking particularly concerned, as his twin brother sounds to be in a bit of bother.

Hugh comes to his senses and has it away, on his toes. At least he can outrun the ogre. With a great roar, Beebleprod the Ogre raises his spiked club threateningly and pursues Hugh at the best speed he can make.

The Compagnye align themselves ready for battle. Following Bara’s master plan, the idea is to use ranged weapons to bring down the monster. Tiffany readies a spell.

There is a sound of panic from the nearby inne as the locals, seeing the ogre, decide that a strategic withdrawal at this point, is their best option. Accordingly, a mad dash is made away from the frightening events, about to unfold.

Tiffany casts her ‘Mark’ spell, so that the Compagnye can see the ogre clearly, even at this distance. Thorvald moves to get in range with his sling, takes aim but with the movement and the ogre being half-hidden behind another rocky outcrop, his stone goes wide of the mark. Bara and Ilsa both draw and aim with their bows. Unfortunately, although the spell is making their aim easier, the outcrop covering the ogre causes them to both miss. Bara starts to mumble about his ‘moist string’.

Tiffany ensures that her spell is still effective. As the ogre lumbers into the open, Lew runs forward to cover his brother, Hugh. This also puts him in range with his sling. He tries a shot, hits but the stone merely glances off the ogre’s helmet. Thorvald also unleashes a stone from his sling and hits Beebleprod, square on the chin (the ogre can take three wounds and this is the first of them). Ilsa and Bara also loose arrows from their bows. Both are hits, but again, they just bounce off, this ogre is tough!

Angered now, beyond belief, the ogre clumps towards the Pugh twins. Tiffany again reinforces her ‘Mark’ spell. Lew has to choose between a hasty exit, or getting another shot off before the ogre is upon him and his brother. Brave Lew chooses to stand and lets fly with all his might. The range is short and with a wild cheer, the Compagnye see Lew’s stone fly straight and true, through Beebleprod’s visor and directly into one of his four eyes (another wound and the ogre can only take one more). Thorvald tries another shot with his sling, but misses. Bara and Ilsa again loose arrows towards the ogre. Both are hits, but again, would you believe it, both arrows fail to penetrate the toughness of the ogre’s flesh.

Once again, Tiffany manages to reinforce her spell and Beebleprod is still marked for ranged weapons. Ilsa, Bara and Thorvald all take aim and loose their missiles. The Compagnye watches in disbelief as all three hit the ogre’s body, but again fail to penetrate the flesh. What is it going to take to down this monster? With one mighty swing of his club, the ogre attacks Hugh and connects with his head. Hugh drops to the ground, hors de combat. Lew, with a cry of rage, seeing his brother downed, lets fly again with his sling. The stone bounces harmlessly off the ogre’s belly.

Bara nocks and looses another arrow, only to see it bounce off the ogre, the ricochet just missing Lew as he waits for that monstrous club to descend upon his own bonce. Surely, nothing can save him now? Ilsa concentrates all her martial arts training in Déjà Fu, imbues her arrow with all her spirit and releases her shaft. The arrow pierces an eye in the unwounded head, Beebleprod stumbles and with a great moan and a mighty crash, falls to the ground.

The silence is sudden after the tumult of the combat. Lew approaches the fallen ogre to ensure that he is, indeed, dead. Seeing that it is so, he rushes to tend to his fallen brother.

The Compagnye move forward to see if there is anything they can do for the prostrate Hugh. They leave the corpse of the downed ogre to rot in the fields.

They carry the body of Hugh Pugh back to the Mottled Earwig. Hugh is still breathing. As the heroes celebrate their triumph with more Olde Borborygmus ale, Lew tends to his brother and Hugh slowly comes round. It appears he was merely knocked out. Although his head aches like thunder, he will recover, thanks to a very thick skull.

Our second contract completed in campaign turn two. Doug’s master plan did work, but we had a lot of trouble penetrating the Toughness of an ogre, which was set at 5. We hit constantly, due to the Mark spell, we overcame the armour stat of 2, but constantly failed to throw the necessary 6 to overcome toughness. So, once again, we had a few sphincter-tightening moments, but came through virtually unscathed. Another highly enjoyable game. We are off to count our gold and prepare for next week, where we may decide to visit an unexplored location.

Another pertinent extract from the ancient annals, discovered at Snapcase Hall.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2023, 01:10:43 PM by Mad Lord Snapcase »

Offline Silent Invader

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Re: Five Leagues from the Borderlands - The Gentlemen of Much-Piddling
« Reply #108 on: May 11, 2023, 01:11:51 PM »
Absolutely brilliant  :D
My LAF Gallery is HERE
Minis (foot & mounted) finished in 2024 = 38
(2023 = 151; 2022 = 204; 2021 = 123; 2020 = ???)

Offline Mad Lord Snapcase

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Re: Five Leagues from the Borderlands - The Gentlemen of Much-Piddling
« Reply #109 on: May 11, 2023, 01:19:05 PM »
Absolutely brilliant  :D

Cheers, Steve, and what lovely scenery!   ;)   ;)

Offline Silent Invader

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Re: Five Leagues from the Borderlands - The Gentlemen of Much-Piddling
« Reply #110 on: May 11, 2023, 01:51:56 PM »
Cheers, Steve, and what lovely scenery!   ;)   ;)

The Inn looks inviting (but never trust a man who owns pigs*)

*I could quote Bricktop’s classic explanation from the movie Snatch but will refrain as it’s presently lunchtime 😁

Offline Captain Blood

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Re: Five Leagues from the Borderlands - The Gentlemen of Much-Piddling
« Reply #111 on: May 11, 2023, 01:57:06 PM »
What an adventure.

Reminds me of my bottomless diet of 1970s and 80s fantasy paperbacks  :D

Offline Doug ex-em4

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Re: Five Leagues from the Borderlands - The Gentlemen of Much-Piddling
« Reply #112 on: May 11, 2023, 02:16:19 PM »
Martin - a great report doing full justice (and then some) to our latest epic. As I said earlier, brilliant scene setting, the locals at the Mottled Earwig adding a lot of character to the proceedings. A splendid set of photos as well - I love the locals making their tactical withdrawal.

As to the game itself, once again the tech worked beautifully and I felt part of a proper game despite being 70 odd miles away. The ogre was pretty tough although naturally fell victim to the master-plan eventually. And we picked up some useful bits and bobs after - I’m sure Ilsa will be delighted with her new long bow and Bara will be an even greater archer now he has the necessary tools to make some really top-notch arrows.

And to round it off, another captivating entry in Ilsa’s diary. What a saucy little minx she is, to be sure.

So, on to the next adventure although before that, I look forward to crunching over yesterday’s game, with  a cup of lukewarm tea at the Exeter show on Saturday.


Offline Vagabond

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Re: Five Leagues from the Borderlands - The Gentlemen of Much-Piddling
« Reply #113 on: May 11, 2023, 05:04:01 PM »
Excellent verbal verbiage to be sure, I  wonder that Hugh's eggs weren't coddled like his brain is addled, fancy waking a Two Headed Ogre, what on earth possesed the man to do that.

Oh - I remember it was Ilsa that possesed him to do it.

Cracking write up my Lord and an cunning plan Bara.....bring on the  :oWerewolf.

Offline Elk101

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Re: Five Leagues from the Borderlands - The Gentlemen of Much-Piddling
« Reply #114 on: May 11, 2023, 05:15:15 PM »
Great write ups and what a cracking table set up!

Offline Mister Frau Blucher

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Re: Five Leagues from the Borderlands - The Gentlemen of Much-Piddling
« Reply #115 on: May 12, 2023, 02:53:32 AM »
This is such a great thread. Wonderful miniatures, tables, and storytelling. Thanks for sharing it all!

Offline Mad Lord Snapcase

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Re: Five Leagues from the Borderlands - The Gentlemen of Much-Piddling
« Reply #116 on: May 12, 2023, 01:04:32 PM »
Many thanks all, for your very kind comments and interest. We are running through the Preparation Stage of Campaign Turn 3 now, by e-mail. Currently not sure where are heading in this turn yet.

After a night at the Pink Pelican in Fiddling-cum-Nicely celebrating the demise of Bebbleprod the Two-Headed Ogre, we have acquired a new Follower. A Hopeful Youth by the name of Barney McGrew. We stumbled out of the inne the next morning, blinking into the sunshine and got the local iconographer, Otto Chriek, to produce an iconograph of our somewhat hung-over Compagnye.

Barney McGrew is second in from the left. Hugh Pugh is looking sulky after we made him wash his hair, it positively stank after the eggs in it went rotten!

Offline Doug ex-em4

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Re: Five Leagues from the Borderlands - The Gentlemen of Much-Piddling
« Reply #117 on: May 12, 2023, 04:04:51 PM »
I think young Barney is a likely looking lad and has obviously knocked about a bit because he looks older than his years. He’ll be a good addition to our happy Compagnye, I’m thinking.


Offline ced1106

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Re: Five Leagues from the Borderlands - The Gentlemen of Much-Piddling
« Reply #118 on: May 12, 2023, 06:39:21 PM »
>  Doug’s master plan did work, but we had a lot of trouble penetrating the Toughness of an ogre, which was set at 5. We hit constantly, due to the Mark spell, we overcame the armour stat of 2, but constantly failed to throw the necessary 6 to overcome toughness.

That was one difficult contract! My party's first contract was to raid a bandit camp, and now we're looking for an artifact. No ogres there!

All I see to overcome Toughness is the Fight Furiously and Bastard Sword. I have an Ogre rampaging in a Hamlet, and I'm going to let it burn! :D Hamlet's don't have a Town Watch you can join to avoid upkeep, so you have to pay upkeep when you're in a Hamlet. The party needed a second ranged weapon and a messenger stole some of our gold, earlier so we don't exactly have the funds to buy four Bastard Swords. We have a halfling, so we actually make some gold hunting game in Camp, so I'd rather them hunting and foraging than saving the (known) world...!
« Last Edit: May 12, 2023, 06:57:18 PM by ced1106 »

Offline Doug ex-em4

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Re: Five Leagues from the Borderlands - The Gentlemen of Much-Piddling
« Reply #119 on: May 14, 2023, 11:11:00 PM »
>  Doug’s master plan did work, but we had a lot of trouble penetrating the Toughness of an ogre, which was set at 5. We hit constantly, due to the Mark spell, we overcame the armour stat of 2, but constantly failed to throw the necessary 6 to overcome toughness.

That was one difficult contract! My party's first contract was to raid a bandit camp, and now we're looking for an artifact. No ogres there!

All I see to overcome Toughness is the Fight Furiously and Bastard Sword. I have an Ogre rampaging in a Hamlet, and I'm going to let it burn! :D Hamlet's don't have a Town Watch you can join to avoid upkeep, so you have to pay upkeep when you're in a Hamlet. The party needed a second ranged weapon and a messenger stole some of our gold, earlier so we don't exactly have the funds to buy four Bastard Swords. We have a halfling, so we actually make some gold hunting game in Camp, so I'd rather them hunting and foraging than saving the (known) world...!

If you’re fighting one opponent, such as an ogre, having a mystic casting "mark" on it gives a +1 to anyone shooting at it in that turn. As you’ve only got the ogre to shoot ant, you can concentrate all missile weapons against it so all shooters get the bonus. And I do recommend buying ranged weapons before bastard swords. A sling is only 2 gold and a self-bow 5.

Incidentally, you can’t use Fighting Furiously against an opponent with the Counterattack ability which the ogre does have.



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