This should be the last update for a while, since I don't have any more re-based Doctor Who minis sitting around waiting for their picture to be taken. We'll start out with some Dalek Troopers. I've modified the figures slightly. I cut off the silly dalek eye stalk on their helmets and drilled out the ends of their guns. I had to take off the eye stalks for two reasons. Without that distinctive element I can use these guys in other science fiction games. Also, those eye stalks just look dumb. That's saying a lot coming from a guy who loves old school Doctor Who. The guns were modified so they look a little more like weapons and less like cooking implements. Anyway, here they are...
Here is a Slyther. It's a nasty creature from Skaro that the Daleks keep as guard dogs. Only seen in The Dalek Invasion of Earth. I wish I had a few more, cause I think they're cute.

Then there's Omega and one of his Gel Guards from the Three Doctors.

Next we have a pair of Robots of Death. I love this story, but man was it a pain to paint these guys. Considering how difficult it was to paint them I should have taken a better picture.

And here are some more robots. There's a White Robot from The Mind Robber, and there's a servo Robot from The Wheel in Space. Actually these are best known to me as those weird entries in the Doctor Who Technical Manual that I never thought I'd ever see. I got the Tech manual decades before I ever got to see the episodes they were featured in, which made those stories that much more exciting.
Finally we have another companion, Harry Sullivan. Poor Harry. He didn't even get a good miniature when the time came.

I hope to have some more miniatures to post soon, but I'm not promising anything just now. We'll see what happens.