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Author Topic: Michka's Doctor Who project (Robots and other goodies added 5/2/13)  (Read 5743 times)

Offline Michka

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I've been painting Doctor Who miniatures for decades. For some reason I haven't ooked at them for the past two year. Now oddly enough I got a wild hair and had to start painting them again. (Must be something I watched on TV recently.) I'll start out with a quick shot of the Three Doctors. Hartnell and Troughton are re-paints and touch ups of older paint jobs. Pertwee was a start-from-scratch, so the painting is smoother. (At least it looks that way to me.)

I also took a couple shots of Doctors with a Companion, staring with the Second Doctor and Victoria.

Here is a shot of Pertwee with Jo Grant. Jo took twice as long to re-paint as it did to paint it the first time. This figure was the one I was most proud of fifteen years ago.

Next, the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith. Both of these were painted within the last two years, so they were just re-based.  

And here is the Tenth Doctor. This is my wife's favorite Doctor. I had to paint him three times because she never thought it looked right. Lord help me if I ever paint a John Simm miniature.

Now I don't have any examples of my work from back in the stone age. I striped those FASA Doctors years ago. I do have an example of the work I was doing about fifteen years ago though. I fact I have Harlequin Cybermen from four different periods. This first batch in all their green based glory. (You can tell how old the paint jobs are by what I was doing with my bases at the time.


Then there was my 'black with bits of tan sand' phase.

At one point I tried to make all my miniatures look like they had integral bases attached to their feet. These two are the last Cybermen not to be converted to the new style.

And finally we have the newest bases. Since I've been using this basing method for a couple years now I might just stick with it. Many of these guys were re-bases and maybe even touched up a bit. (I know it's hard to tell with Cybermen, but there is a difference in painting techniques.

and with finish off with some Yeti.

The Harlequin sculpts haven't aged well. Actually they were never that good, but they still have a lot of charm. I have lots more to show off, but I had to start somewhere. I'm keeping the Daleks for the next posting.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2013, 05:24:16 PM by Michka »

Offline Commander Vyper

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Re: Michka's Doctor Who project (lots of photos)
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2013, 10:46:19 PM »
Love those yeti.   :-*
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Offline grant

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Re: Michka's Doctor Who project (lots of photos)
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2013, 04:01:20 AM »
Tom Baker is by far and away my favourite doctor, and the sculpt is just not him!

Great painting, though! The Dr. Hugh looks especially nice!
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Offline CyberAlien312

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Re: Michka's Doctor Who project (lots of photos)
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2013, 03:01:13 PM »
I like all of them, you surely made them look good!  :)
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Offline No Such Agency

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Re: Michka's Doctor Who project (lots of photos)
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2013, 04:06:44 PM »
Love those yeti.   :-*
Me too!  For some reason they seem like almost the best paint jobs there.  So menacing and dramatic!  I like that you gave them different coloration too.  Overall a nice bunch, #1 is probably the best of the Doctors even if I am biased towards #4 :)

Offline Michka

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Re: Michka's Doctor Who project (lots of photos)
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2013, 07:26:54 PM »
Thank you for the kind comments. I was planning to take these photos sooner, but a flooded basement took all my spare time away this week. As promised, Daleks.

A little closer look at a regular Dalek and a Special Weapons Dalek. I never liked the covered-in-oil look of the SW Dalek from 'Remembrance', so I went for a clean standard grey and black Dalek look. The grey and black 'Genisis" style were always my favorite.   

And I have only one 'Genesis' Blown Up Dalek.

Here we have a selection of three Sontaran warriors.

Then there is a pair of Dominators. I have only one Quark to go with these guys and he isn't painted yet. I bent the guys up slightly just to change the poses a bit. One of them is missing a hand due to a bad casting, but I think it looks kinda menacing.

Here are a pair of Krotons. One regular and one with a weapon.

Here are a pair of villains from "The Talons of Weng Chiang", Li H'sen Chang and Magnus Greel. I really need to finish Mr. Sin to complete this group.

And finally, there's the Fendahleen. I really don't know if I should use the base from the first shot or leave it off a base. The Dominator is there for scale reference. I should have used the Fourth Doctor, but he's in the basement and I don't feel like splashing around anymore today.

Please let me know what you think. There are still more to come.

Offline jp1885

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Re: Michka's Doctor Who project (more pictures)
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2013, 09:21:05 PM »
Some great paintjobs there - I especially like the eyes on the Yeti!

Offline grant

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Re: Michka's Doctor Who project (more pictures)
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2013, 01:03:58 AM »
Really dig the Dominators!

Offline Talysman

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Re: Michka's Doctor Who project (more pictures)
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2013, 08:12:39 PM »
All very nicely done :)

Offline twrchtrwyth

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Re: Michka's Doctor Who project (more pictures)
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2013, 04:09:03 PM »
Excellent stuff.
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Offline Michka

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Re: Michka's Doctor Who project (more pictures)
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2013, 05:28:27 PM »
It's that time again. More pictures.

We start off with my newest UNIT troops. These were painted recently, and are the reason for this latest Doctor Who painting jag. These are not the greatest sculpts by any means, but I have a long history with them.

Now here is a shot of all the UNIT troops I still have from my very first batch of Harlequin Doctor Whos. I was planning to assemble an entire proxy Imperial Guard army with nothing but UNIT. The collection was about twice this size. The troops with the Plasmaguns and Meltaguns are old 40k Stormtroopers, as is one of the Sargents. I couldn't find the UNIT land rover that Harlequin put out and I couldn't find the mortars that when with the army. I know they're downstairs somewhere. Note the older green bases. That was my basing style for everything back in the day.

Next we have a pair of companions, Leela and Zoe.


Here is Bok. He was so hard to paint. (I promise you, there are more then two colors in there.)

Here are a whole bunch of Ice Warriors. I have both styles of Ice Lord, claw hands and fingers.

And finally we have Alpha Centauri. Everyone's favorite hermaphroditic hexapod. Alpha Centauri was in the first Doctor Who story my wife ever saw. This was back in collage. David Tennent made the show much more palatable for her. Much, much more palatable.     

Offline CyberAlien312

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Re: Michka's Doctor Who project (more pictures)
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2013, 07:57:29 PM »
Your miniatures are just a joy to behold. The paint jobs are very nice!

Offline Elk101

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Re: Michka's Doctor Who project (more pictures)
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2013, 08:13:17 PM »
The sculpts are probably very appropriate for the ropey costumes of the TV show, but your paint jobs are excellent. I've rarely seen these figures look so good.

Offline Chairface

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Re: Michka's Doctor Who project (more pictures)
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2013, 02:29:12 AM »

Offline Giger

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Re: Michka's Doctor Who project (more pictures)
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2013, 12:14:25 PM »
A great set of miniatures, keep them coming :)


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